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Explain marine isopod example.

- Males: alphas fight; beta meets alpha and acts like female - alpha will court beta; gamma hides from alpha and tries to sneak matings - Female mimicry allows beta to coexist with alpha... Experiment: (1) strategies ARE hereditary, 1 gene with 3 alleles determines strategy (2) R.S. is equal - Exp: compared r.s. of captive males (with different strategies) in different social combinations - Wild: Collected large random sample of sponges: counted isopods to determine how often different combinations occurred naturally - Calculated average r.s. of males with different strategies r.s. of 3 types of males depends on # females and rival males living in sponge − = r.s. maintained due to frequency dependent selection (FDS) − If frequency of beta males ↑, beta males would compete and have ↓ success − Alpha and gamma males would ↑ in frequency... − Over time, frequency shifts such that r.s. is = among strategies − Interestingly: 81% alpha, 4% beta, 15% gamma males found in population

Locus Coeruleus

A small structure in the pons that emits bursts of impulses in response to meaningful events, especially those that produce emotion arousal

Alpha Waves

A steady series of brain waves at a frequency of 8 to 12 per second that are characteristic of relaxation

Reticular Formation

A structure that extends from the medulla into the forebrain Controls motor areas of the spinal cord and selectively increases arousal and attention in various forebrain areas

The Suprachiasmatic Nucleus is located where?

Above the optic chiasm and part of the hypothalamus

Pontomesncephalon releases what two excitatory neurotransmitters?

Acetylcholine and glutamate

What type of waves are present in stage one of sleep when relaxation takes place?

Alpha Waves

shortened circadian rhythm.

Alteration of the per gene in humans is associated with _______.

In a Vegetative state a person ____

Alternates between periods of sleep and moderate arousal with no awareness

Pineal Gland

An endocrine gland located just posterior to the thalamus that releases the hormone melatonin


An extended period of unconsciousness with a low level of brain activity

just over 24 hours.

Based on research, it has been determined that the human circadian rhythm appears to be _______.


Cells in the basal forebrain increase arousal and wakefulness by releasing ________.

Vegetative State

Condition in which someone has decreased brain activity and alternates between wakefulness and sleep but shows only limited responsiveness

Minimally Conscious State

Condition of decreased brain activity with occasional, brief periods of purposeful actions and limited speech comprehension

Brain Death

Condition with no sign of brain activity and no response to any stimulus

Conditional Mating Strategies

Conditional Mating Strategies are "the difference between the behavioral phenotypes are environmentally caused, not based on hereditary differences among individuals, and that males should switch to a tactic yielding higher reproductive success if the social conditions they experience made the switch the possible." Key characteristics of conditional strategy - Tactics represent 'choice' or 'decision' by individual - Decision is made relative to some aspect of individual's status - Flexibility is inherited - not specific decision - Average fitnesses of all tactics are ≠ - Chosen tactic results in higher fitness for individual ("making best of bad situation") - Chosen tactic (phenotype) is relative; switchpoint (s*) defined by environment - can include polyphenisms

Describe several costs of exaggerated traits. Incorporate studies on dung beetles and sand crickets.

Costs of exaggerated traits: - Time/energy producing ornamental parts or displays - Increased vulnerability to predators - Developmental trade-offs: eyes, testes vs. horns In Dung Beetles: eye size v. horn size; more dung mom leaves, the larger the horns In sand crickets: wings=flight, but slow reproductive rate because long-winged males can fly to female, short-winged males have to wander around to find female

Jet leg is caused by?

Crossing time zones

Distinct Mating Strategies

Distinct Mating Strategies are exceptions to the conditional strategies. Key characteristics of distinct strategies: (1) specific strategy is inherited, and (2) average fitnesses of strategies are =

Sleep is studied using what methods?

EEG and Polysomnograph

Night Terrors

Experiences of intense anxiety from which a person awakens screaming in terror More severe than a nightmare

How has female preference influenced bower building by male bowerbirds?

Female preference influences bower-building by males by: - Female startles less when visiting well-decorated bower - Less jumpy female more likely to mate with builder - Mating success correlates with bower and decoration quality - Mating success also related to how responsive male is to female crouching behavior

Basal Forebrain

Forebrain area anterior and dorsal tot the hypothalamus includes cell clusters that promote wakefulness and sleep


Hormone that influences both circadian and circannual rhythms

Suprachiasmatic Nucleus is located in the ______ and is the main control center of the ______

Hypothalamus, circadian rhythms of sleep and temperature.

Activation - Synthesis Hypothesis

Idea that a dream represents the brain's effort to make sense of spars and distorted information

Clinico - Anatomical Hypothesis

Idea that considers dreams a s a type of thinking that occurs under unusual conditions

Sleep Apnea

Impaired ability to breathe while sleeping

People report feeling the most pleasant?

In the late afternoon


Inadequate sleep

Endogenous Circannual Rhythms are?

Internal mechanisms that operate on a annual or yearly cycle.

Endogenous Circadian Rhythms are?

Internal mechanisms that operate on an approximate 24 hour cycle.

What is the purpose of the circadian rhythm?

Keeping internal workings in phase with the outside world.

Why are there different sex roles in sexual species?

Key behavioral differences evolved in response to the difference in size and number of gametes they produce, a difference that is often amplified in differences in the degree to which females and males provide parental investment for their offspring.


Loss of orexin-containing neurons in the hypothalamus may contribute to _________.

Describe bower building in bowerbirds. How has female preference influenced bower building by male bowerbirds?

Males construct a bower with elaborate decorations to attract a female. The bower gives a female the sense of security as she assesses male displays.

Minimally Conscious State is?

Marked by occasional brief periods of purposeful action and limited speech comprehension.


Neurotransmitter that increases wakefulness and arousal

Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN)

Part of the hypothalamus; provides the main control of the circadian rhythms for sleep and body temp

The Reticular Formation is part of the ____ and is responsible for ____.

Part of the midbrain that is responsible for arousal


Part of the reticular formation that contributes to cortical arousal

Endogenous Circadian Rhythm

Self-generated rhythm that lasts about a day

Endogenous Circannual Rhythm

Self-generated rhythm that lasts about a year

Provide several examples of exaggerated phenotypic traits and explain why exaggerated traits exist, incorporating sexual selection, the two components of sexual selection and fitness in your answer.

Sexual selection is defined as "the advantage which certain individuals have over others of the same sex and species, in exclusive relation to reproduction." Exaggerated traits are driven by sexual selection and includes intraspecific competition and intersexual choosiness.

____ is characterized by a moderate decrease in brain activity and decreased response to stimuli.


Melatonin can be used as a?

Sleep aide

Rapid Eye Movement (REM)

Sleep stage with rapid eye movements, high brain activity, and relaxation of the large muscles

Paradoxical Sleep

Sleep that is deep in some ways and light in others

Circadian rhythms are generated ____when there is no external cue to set it

Slightly longer than 24 hours

birds during migration

What is an example that shows a decreased need for sleep in animals?

What is an example of a circannual cycle?

bird migratory patterns

Is REM sleep light or deep sleep?

both deep sleep and light sleep

Stages 3 and 4 occurs ____

early in the sleep

Jet leg is more difficult flying ___


Body temperature is ____ 6 hrs before sleep and ____2 hours after sleep onset.

highest, lowest

Other than exaggerated traits, describe several other manifestations of sexual selection.

intrasexual competition, dominance hierarchies, sexual dimorphism, alternative reproductive strategies...

In Brain Death there is no ____

sign of brain activity or response to stimulus

After about an hour sleep onset what is the cycle sequence of sleep stages?

stage 4, 3, and 2 then REM Sleep

Define altruism via kin selection and explain how parental investment exemplifies it.


Explain key characteristics of conditional strategies including interpretation of the graph of phenotype fitness and individual status.


Locus Coeruleus is an area of the ____

Pons in the midbrain

Dreams are often associated with what stage of sleep?

REM Sleep

Slow-wave sleep (SWS)

Stages 3 and 4 of sleep, which are occupied by slow, large-amplitude brain waves

Mechanisms of the circadian rhythms are

1. Suprachiasmatic 2. Genes that produce certain proteins 3. Melatonin levels

Sleep Spindle

12 to 14 Hz brain waves in bursts that last as least half a second

People report feeling the least pleasant?

5am to 7am


A combination of EEG and eye-movement records

What is a Polysomnograph?

A combination of an EEG and eye-movement record


A condition characterized by frequent periods of sleepiness during the day

REM Behavior Disorder

A condition in which people move around vigorously during REM sleep

Jet Lag

A disruption of circadian rhythms due to crossing time zones

PGO Waves

A distinctive pattern of high-amplitude electrical potentials that occur first in the pons, then in the lateral geniculate, and then in the occipital cortex


A sharp brain wave associated with temporary inhibition of neuronal firing

In Stage 2 of sleep the K-complex is ____

A sharp wave associated with temporary inhibition of neuronal firing.

Periodic Limb Movement Disorder

A sleep disorder characterized by repeated involuntary movement of the legs and sometimes the arms

Why is there divergent selection for gamete size?

Geoffery Parker-gametes evolved b/c of favor of either male or female: 1. individuals whose gametes were good at fertilizing other gametes b/c of their relatively small size and great mobility (a number-of-offsrping strategy) 2. individuals whose relatively large gametes were good at developing after being fertilized (a parental investment strategy)

percentage of slow, low amplitude waves.

How do sleep stages 3 and 4 differ?

Describe conditional mating strategies of marine iguanas, scarab dung beetles, horseshoe crabs and scorpionflies. Incorporate frequency dependent selection into crab description.

Marine Iguanas: Smaller males have less time to produce sperm b/c larger males throw them off female when mounted. Smaller males use penile grove at tip of tail and inserts pre-ejacualte into female cloaca Scarab Dung Beetles: Larger males w/ large horns fight off other males, smaller male w/o horns and w/ larger testes sneak into burrows where female is being guarded by a big-horned beetle and attempts to inseminate the female on the sly Horseshoe Crabs: satellite mating technique. Some males patrol beach area and grasp females heading to shore to lay their eggs. Others wait and crowd couples. FDS? Scorpion Flies: Large males physically defend dead insects, medium males secrete saliva on leaves and wait for females to come and consume the nutritional gift, and small males offer nothing but grab females and force them to mate with them

Which mating system is predicted to be associated with higher levels of sexual dimorphism in body size: monogamy or polygyny? Explain.

Polygyny, because you need to compete and copulate as many times and with as many individuals as you can in order to guarantee your reproductive success; whereas, if you are monogamous, you have your mate and are guaranteed reproductive success. Therefore, there is no real need for attraction via intrasexual competition.

REM Sleep stands for?

Rapid Eye Movement Sleep

Define OSR.

Refers to the number of sexually receptive males to receptive females over a period


Researched found that during REM sleep, activity ________ in both the pons and the limbic system.

exposure of the eyes to light.

Researchers have demonstrated that the expression of the SCN genes can be changed through ________.

Zeitgeber is the stimulus that?

Resets the circadian rhythm


Social stimuli - that is, the effects of other people - are weak ______, unless they induce exercise or other vigorous activity.

Deep sleep takes place in what sleep stages?

Stage 3 and 4

non-REM (NREM) Sleep

Stages of sleep other than REM

awakens a sleeping individual.

Stimulation of the pontomesencephalon ________.


Stimulus that resets the circadian rhythm

Melatonin secretion begins?

TWO-THREE hours before bedtime

Stage 1

The EEG record for REM sleep is most similar to which other sleep stage?

Curt Richter proposed that?

The body generates its own cycle of activity and inactivity.

Outline katydid study. What was the purpose of the study?

The purpose: to prove that OSR changes over the course of a breeding season. They found that: (1) Pollen-poor kangaroo paw flowers: female in need of male spermatophore (nuptial gift), male limited by resources • OSR is female-biased; males are choosy (2) Pollen-rich grass tree flower: female limited by pollen conversion • OSR is male-biased; females are choosy - Results replicated in lab by controlling food supplies -Males provide costly investment, so males are choosy

Why are females of many species choosy?

They are choosy because they invest more in egg development and offspring, meaning: pregnancy, eggs are energetically costly, time foraging, making nest; there is a greater parental investment

People adjust to shift work better when ____

They sleep in very dark rooms during the day and work under very bright lights at night.

Link unequal gametes across genders, parental investment, and operational sex ratio.

Unequal gametes across genders are the result of parental investment. Depending who has the higher parental investment, their gamete production will be smaller, and the number of these individuals will be less than the others and changes the OPR. Usually the OPR is high male to low female ratio (male-biased) and females are choosy of partners.

Keeping the room lit when you need to stay awake

What would most likely help someone adjust to jet lag?

An extended period of unconsciousness characterized by low brain activity that remains fairly steady is called a ____


The Pontomesencephalon contributes to ____

cortical arousal

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