Adobe Photoshop Digital Imaging Midterm

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An adjustment layer will affect all layers beneath it except in which two situations?

A selection is active when it is created, or you create a clipping mask.

Clicking the "Create a New Layer" button at the bottom of the Layers panel makes a new layer appear where?

Above the layer that is active when you clicked it

What key (in addition to the Move key) should you press and hold down while dragging selected pixels if you want to move a duplicate rather than the original?

Alt (Mac: Opt)

The Direct Selection tool can select which of the following?

An anchor point, a path segment, or an entire path

The Quick Selection tool is best when trying to select what type of areas? (Note: This is also true for the new Object Selection tool in CC2020.)

Areas with clearly defined edged

Using the "Paste" command to paste a cut or copied selection into another part of the image or into another image will paste it in what way?

As a new layer, retaining its pixels dimensions

Which group of terms all refer to the same type of images?

Bitmap, Raster, Pixel-based

What might be most helpful to do to an image in order to subtly focus more attention on the main subject?

Blur Background

The Quick Mask Mode can be used for creating or editing a selection by using which type of tool?

Brush tool

Images being prepared for process printing on a printing press should be output in which color mode?


How can you load additional groups of shape presets to the Shapes panel that are missing now but were available in previous versions of Photoshop?

Choose "Legacy Shapes and More"

Which term applies to a color fringe that occurs along the edges of image objects?

Chromatic Aberration

To commit and deselect text edits, you can click the check mark button or do what?

Click in an area outside the text layer

Which tool uses pixels from one area of an image to replace the pixels in another part of the image?

Clone Stamp tool

Pressing what on the keyboard will give you temporary use of the Move tool while another tool remains selected in the Toolbar?

Control (PC) or Command (Mac)

If you use the Move tool to move a selected area to another part of the same image when the image only has one layer, the pixels you move will replace the pixels beneath them. However, this won't happen until you do what?

Deselect the moved pixels

The order of retouch tasks may vary depending on the project, but how should you always start?

Duplicating the Image

You can fill in a selection with a color by using which command?


Which Photoshop feature lets you correct distortions, change the angle from which an object appears to be viewed, or shift the perspective of an object?

Edit>perspective warp

The focus stacking technique used in this lesson merged images for what purpose?

Extend Depth of Field

Which icon to the left of a layer name in the Layers panel indicates whether the layer is visible in the image window?

Eye Icon

T/F: Feathering effects applied to a selection become apparent immediately.


T/F: Flattening an image makes the file smaller but still leaves all your layers intact and individually editable.


T/F: If you know you're going to create a panorama when you take your shots, overlap the shots by at least 50%.


T/F: In a layer mask, any area that looks white would hide the image.


T/F: Layer styles are considered destructive edits because they can not later be edited or deleted.


T/F: Masks are destructive; when a mask is created from a selection, pixels outside the selection are permanently deleted from the image.


T/F: Photoshop's Camera Shake Reduction filter (Filter>Sharpen>Shake Reduction) provides its best results when applied to the entire image.


T/F: The Anti-aliasing option in the Options bar (smooths jagged edges of a selection by softening color transitions) can be chosen and applied to selections at any stage of the selection process.


T/F: The retouching techniques you use and how much retouching you do to an image would be the same regardless of how you'll use the image.


T/F: To use Perspective Warp, begin in Warp mode.


T/F: Vector images look like a series of small squares when scaled larger.


T/F: When sharpening a photo, the Radius value should be set higher for low-resolution photos than for high-resolution ones.


T/F: You should flatten all your finished PSD files


T/F: A 96 ppi image would be considered high resolution.

False (96 ppi is a common low-resolution size. It is necessary to have at least 200 ppi to qualify as high resolution. In fact, 300 ppi is the resolution generally required for print.)

T/F: By default, the foreground color in Photoshop is gray.

False (The default foreground color is black, and the background color is white. (NOTE: The keyboard shortcut Ctrl-D [Mac: Cmd-D]) will quickly restore those at any time.))

What are the four primary types of selections?

Geometric, Free-handed, Edge- based, Color Based

If you use an adjustment layer to make changes to your image, you can always revert to the original appearance by doing what?

Hiding or deleting the adjustment layer

If Smart Guides prevent you from making precise adjustments, how can you overcome their "snap-to-guide" influence?

Hold down the Control Key and drag

The Blending mode setting affects how the color pixels on one layer (or layer group) blend with pixels where?

In the layers underneath

When you use Perspective Warp to manipulate planes and shift angles within a single layer, which of these problems do you need to watch out for?

Irregularities caused by moving other options

As long as a layer remains a Background layer, you cannot change its position in the stacking order and it can't have a mask. Which of the following is also true?

It is always opaque

What happens to an active selection when you add an adjustment layer?

It is converted to a layer mask on the adjustment layer

When Scrubby Zoom is deselected and you use the Zoom tool to drag a rectangle (called a rectangular marquee) to enclose part of an image, what will happen to that part of the image? (NOTE: Doing this is called a marquee zoom.)

It will enlarge to proportionally fill the image window

In the Layers panel, how can you tell whether the image is selected and active on the active layer or whether the layer mask is active (assuming the layer has a layer mask)?

Look at which thumbnail has the extra black outline

When the Edit>Free Transform command is selected, what type of bounding box appears around the selected layer or portion.

One with handles and corners on each sides

What is the name of the layer setting that determines how much you can see the other layers underneath showing through the layer?


What is the name for the cross-platform font file format developed jointly by Adobe and Microsoft that offers widely expanded character sets and layout features?


What is the name for a collection of type attributes that you can quickly apply to an entire paragraph?

Paragraph Style

Anchor points, line segments, and direction lines (also known as control handles) are the elements that make up what?


Puppet Warp lets you reposition areas of an image. What do you do in Puppet Warp mode with areas where you want to ensure there is no movement?

Place Pins

What happens when the retina of the subject's eye is reflected by the flash?

Red Eye

When creating paths in Photoshop, each new working path will overwrite and replace the previous one so only one remains in the Paths panel unless you do what?

Rename a working path to save it for later use

Photoshop provides a set of tools focused on creating and refining masks, collected in a task space. What is this task space named?

Select and mask

The Tool Mode popup menu in the Options bar for the Pen tool or shape tools contains three different path-drawing modes to choose from. Which is the only mode that creates a new layer as well as a path?


To add to, or subtract from, an existing selection, you could choose the "Add to Selection" or "Subtract from Selection" button in the Options bar and then make the selection you want to add or subtract. Which keyboard shortcut keys could you use instead to temporarily give you that same functionality?

Shift to add, Alt or Option to Subtract

Content Aware works best when the background is consistent enough that Photoshop can recognize and replicate a pattern. Which settings in the Options bar define how closely the results reflect the existing image patterns?

Structure and Color

To reposition a selection marquee while creating it, what should you press (while still keeping your selection tool selected and your mouse button held down)?

The Spacebar

To use the Gradient tool to add fill to a selection, you need to select colors and choose a gradient shape (i.e., Linear, Radial) in the options bar. Then, where do you choose the specific gradient configuration you want?

The gradient Picker

What does the Tracking value for text specify?

The overall space between letters, which affects density in a line of text

What does the term resolution mean for Photoshop images?

The pixel density ratio (number of pixels per linear inch)

If you have made a selection, using the Copy command (Ctrl+C, or Cmd+C on Mac) will copy what?

The selected area on the active layer

What is the command in the Black & White adjustments panel that allows you to colorize an entire photo with a single hue?


What is the name of of the long narrow panel on the far-left side in the work are of photoshop?

Tools Panel

What does a checkerboard background in an image represent?

Transparent areas

T/F: A Warp Text style is an attribute of the type layer and can be changed later if needed.


T/F: A layer mask is attached to a specific layer and controls which parts of the layer are revealed or hidden.


T/F: Adjustment layers apply adjustments without permanently changing pixel values in the image.


T/F: An image with high resolution has more pixels and larger file size than one with the same dimensions with a low resolution.


T/F: Both the Spot Healing Brush and the Healing Brush paint with sampled pixels and match the texture, lighting, transparency, and shading of those pixels to the pixels being healed.


T/F: If the Tolerance setting for the Magic Wand tool is 17, the tool will select the color clicked on and also pixels up to 17 shades lighter and 17 shades darker.


T/F: If you apply a filter to a Smart Object, you can go back and hide or edit the effect later without altering the original image.


T/F: In Photoshop, cropped pixels can be either completely removed or nondestructively hidden.


T/F: In Photoshop, the 100% view shows an image using your display's pixels rather than the image's actual ppi value (resolution), so the image onscreen may appear a different size than its actual print dimensions.


T/F: Layer effects are automatically updated when you make changes to a layer.


T/F: Once you've made a selection, any changes you make apply only to pixels within the selection for as long as it is active.


T/F: Paths can either be open or closed.


T/F: Photoshop panels can be collapsed to panel icons in order to save space on the screen.


T/F: Photoshop's content-aware capabilities can be used to remove, move, or extend portions of an image.


T/F: Right-clicking on an area of an image will call up a context menu containing commands and options appropriate to whatever is in that area.


T/F: Selection areas are shown by moving dotted lines, sometimes referred to as marching ants.


T/F: The "Copy Merged" command creates a merged copy of all the visible layers in the selected area.


T/F: The Crop tool can be used to straighten, trim, and scale an image.


T/F: The Face-Aware Liquify options have a limited range because they're designed for subtle, believable distortions.


T/F: The arrow keys can be used to nudge either a selection border (but not the contents) or the selection border and its contents, depending on which tool is active in the Tools panel.


T/F: The direction type on a path flows depends on the order in which anchor points were added to the path.


T/F: The stacking order (order of the layers) in the Layers panel determines what is in front or behind in the viewable image.


T/F:You can apply the same effect to a selection multiple times, either with the same settings or different settings.


When Scrubby Zoom is selected, you can drag the Zoom tool across the image to zoom in and out.


When rulers are displayed (View>Rulers), you can change the unit of measure by right-clicking (Windows) or Control-clicking (Mac) a ruler.


In the Layers panel, Alt-clicking on the line between two layers will have what result?

Turn the lower layer into a clipping mask for the layer above it

Which of these is a fast and easy way to make sure layers you drag are aligned and evenly spaced?

Using Smart Guides

Which computer graphic category is most appropriate for illustrations, type and graphics (such as logos) that may be scaled to different sizes?

Vector Graphic

Which of these occurs when the edges of an image, especially the corners, are darker than the center?


Anything you draw in Photoshop will be which color?

Whatever is currently selected as foreground color

What term is most accurately used for the color that Photoshop defines as pure neutral white in an image?

White point

What does a small black triangle in the lower right corner of a tool button in the Tools panel indicate?

hidden tools

If you're working with an image that has multiple layers that you want Content Aware to take into consideration, what should you do?

select "all sample layers" in option bar

You can hide (and reopen) all panels at once--including the options bar and Tools panel--by pressing which key?


You can open or close panels by selecting the panel name in which menu?


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