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personal fable

the erroneous belief that one's thoughts, feelings, and experiences are unique is called:

future orientation

Adolescents increase their ability and tendency to consider the long-term consequences of their decisions, which is one aspect of:


Age segregation in schools is the most efficient way to educate children in societies that are:


Brown argues that adolescents can solve problems better than younger children because they can store more information in memory and because they have more effective strategies. Dr. Brown's view is most consistent with which of the following perspectives?

organizational, activational

Hormones play two very different roles in adolescence. _______ hormones program the brain to behave in certain ways, whereas _______ hormones are thought to stimulate development of the secondary sex characteristics.

plays a central role in the aggressive behavior of rejected adolescents

Hostile attributional bias:

early adikescent girls are more likely to say negative things about themselves than same-aged boys

Which of the following statements regarding sex differences in self-esteem is accurate?


Which of the following types of parenting promotes healthy emotional autonomy in adolescents?

conformity is higher during early and middle adolescence than later adolescence, especially when the behavior in question is antisocial

Which statement about conformity to peers is most true?

it is a time of positive and improving mental health for most people

Recent research on psychological well-being in emerging adulthood suggests:

communicating with the opposite sex

Research addressing difficult social situations related to adolescents' transitions into romantic relationships found _____ to be among the most frequently mentioned themes.

behavioal decision theory

Which theory helps researchers understand adolescent risk-taking?

most adolescents appear to maintain a positive supportive and mutlually respective relationship with parents

Research on the nature of parent-adolescent relationships reveals that:

more than half the members in any given school are members of cliques

Research studying adolescent friendship networks has found all of the following, except:

cultivation theory

Which theory of media's impact emphasizes the idea that media shape adolescents' interests, motives, and beliefs about the world?


The psychosocial domain concerning the development and expression of independence is called

parents and adolescents reciprocally influence each other

The text cautions against trying to determine the relationship between family characteristics and adolescent development because:

routine activity theory

The three dominant theories concerning the media's impact on adolescent development today include all but which of the following


Typically, the social redefinition of young people occurs in groups of peers who are approximately the same age, known as:

Students who drop out are typically the ones who are most harmed by doing so.

What is the paradox of dropping out of school?

more likely to be involved in cross-sex activities such as going out on dates.

When compared with their less mature peers, adolescents who are physically mature are:


When is an adolescent most likely to question his or her religious beliefs?

It is virtually impossible to predict which student will commit a lethal crime.

Which boy is most likely to commit an act of lethal violence?


Which dimension of the Five-Factor Model measures how organized someone is?

adolescents are able to see their parents as people

Which of the following behaviors is characteristic of increased emotional autonomy among adolescents?

all of the above

Which of the following characteristics of the retail and restaurant industries contributed to the rise in adolescent employment?

economic freedom

Which of the following contributed to the invention of the teenager?

school performance

Which of the following is least likely to be affected by genetic factors?

making an inference on accumulated evidence

Which of the following is not a characteristic of deductive reasoning in adolescence, as described by the text?

the way in which an individual gets educated by sexuality

"Sexual socialization" refers to:

social cognition

Adolescents develop the ability to think about social issues, a concept more generally referred to as:

ability to formulate counteaguments

Bickering and squabbling between teenagers and their parents is largely caused by:

reference group

A group against which an individual compares himself or herself is called:

take another person's perspetive

A limitation in children's ability to ____ inhibits their ability to have intimate interpersonal relationships.

identity versus identity diffusion

According to Erikson, the major crisis of adolescence is called:

what goes on beyond the classroom

According to Jacquelynne Eccles, a thorough understanding of school and its impact on adolescent development requires an examination of:

had opportunities to shift status in high school

According to Kinney's research, youngsters who were "nerds" in middle school


According to Kohlberg, reasoning that is based on rewards and punishments is called:

formal operations

According to Piaget, the period of cognitive development that is based on theoretical, abstract principles of logic is called:


According to Sullivan, the need for intimacy develops during:

their lessons are within their zone of proximal development., more experienced instuctor is present, instructor scaffolds leson plans

According to Vygotsky, adolescents learn best when:

earlier than

According to national surveys, sexual activity among adolescents is occurring ______ it has in past decades.

lower than average intelligence

According to research by Wayne Osgood and colleagues, the combination of several factors is the recipe for delinquency and other problem behaviors among adolescents. This view is called the routine activity theory, and all but which of the following are thought to be major contributing factors to this combination?


According to the Ford and Beach sexual socialization research, societies can fall into any of the following categories, except:

educators could not agree on the body of knowledge and skills that comprised what high school graduates should know and be able to do

According to the textbook, which of the following resulted from standards-based reform:

moral behavior and moral reasoning always go hand in hand

According to the textbook, which of the following statements about moral reasoning and moral behavior is not true:

deductive reasoning

All of the following are indicators of metacognition, except:

decrease in the size of their peer groups

All of the following are significant changes in peer groups that occur during adolescence, except:

the legal boundary regarding childhood and adulthood is very clear and consistent

All of the following are true regarding the legal boundary between childhood and adulthood except:

organized youth movements

All of the following led to an increase in free time for contemporary adolescents, except:

sleeper effect of divorce

Although Sarah's parents divorced seven years ago, the counselor at school attributes Sarah's poor school performance and delinquent behavior to the divorce. This counselor is probably referring to the:

acomprehensive sex education

Although sex education programs have not been particularly successful in reducing the high rates of adolescent pregnancy, there is current optimism that _____ may be effective

accepting responsibility of oneself

Among American adolescents, the most frequently mentioned criterion for being an adult is:

argues that adolescence is a period in the life cycle is mainly a social invention

Among those who study adolescence, an inventionist is one who:

sexual and/or physical relationshop

As used in the study of adolescence, the term "intimacy" refers to an emotional attachment between two people that is characterized by all of the following, except:


Based on the Five C's of positive youth development, which "C" stands for a sense of sympathy and empathy for others:

activities; intimacy

Children's friendships are based on _____, whereas adolescents' friendships are based on _____.

recreational activity

Dating among adolescents today is largely a:

remain stable, increase

During adolescence, individuals' IQ scores _____, whereas their mental abilities _____.

seen as subjective

Early in adolescence, moral guidelines are:

often expected to be more mature than they are.

Early maturing boys are:

be involved in an adult- like task at an earlier age

Elder's study of the Great Depression revealed that adolescents who experienced hardship during those years were more likely to:

in multiple dimensions

Fifteen-year-old Hermione is able to write a much more complex answer than 10-year-old Ginger to the question, "Compare the advantages and disadvantages of using simple spells for self-protection." This is because, as an adolescent, Hermione is able to think

early, late

Generalizing from the text, the children who are most likely to think of themselves as being off schedule" with respect to their physical development are girls who mature _____ and boys who mature _____."

Ron, an adolescent living in a low SES neighborhood

Generalizing from the text, who would benefit most from summer school?

warm but not excessively restraining

Generally speaking, the parenting style that is associated with the healthiest identity development is:

discontinuous transitions

In 1934, anthropologist Ruth Benedict suggested that the turmoil experienced during adolescence was caused by:

are more likely to have an apprenticeship while in high school

In contrast to adolescents in the United States, adolescents in Europe:

whether they owned property

In the 19th century, what distinguished children from adults?

they believe being emotionally involved with one's partner is the most important criterion for judging the acceptibility of sexual improvement

In their movement toward more permissive attitudes about premarital intercourse, adolescents in the United States today generally:

teaching social skills like self-expression and leadership techniques

Interventions designed to help unpopular adolescents improve their social skills have employed which of the following techniques?

Joes moods are most likely linked to his daily activities

Joe is extremely moody. His mother attributes his mood swings to being an adolescent. Based on your understanding of adolescent mood swings, what would you tell Joe's mom?

inventionist perspective

Jones argues that adolescence is primarily a social invention rather than a biological or cognitive phenomenon. Her view that the broader environment influences our conception of adolescence is most in line with the:

Larry might be low in self-esteem because he knowingly puts on a false front Larry might engage in false-self behavior because he is low in self-esteem

Larry is an adolescent who frequently engages in false-self behavior and also has low self-esteem. One explanation for these two characteristics is that:

viewed as having potential benefit

Legal decisions have tended to support adolescent autonomy when the behavior at issue is


Multidimensional thinking helps adolescents understand:

sexual socialisation

On Steve's 13th birthday, his father wants to educate him about sex, so they sit down to have a "man to man" talk about the "birds and the bees." This process is called:

parents and peers

Optimal social development during adolescence may require healthy relationships with:

secular trend

Over the past century, the onset of puberty has been coming at an earlier age. This has been referred to as the:

patterns of leisure activity

Peers usually have more influence than parents on matters of:

abstract logical reasoning

Piaget theorists believe that the use of _____ is the chief feature of adolescent thinking that differentiates it from the type of thinking employed by children.

lack of change creates a sturdy yet boring pattern

Professor Ngo is studying family transitions. According to family systems theory, he is most likely to see dramatic changes in family relationships during all of the following events, except when:

the subjective feeling of emotional immaturity

Psychologist Jeffery Arnett has suggested that 18- to 25-year-olds are caught between adolescence and adulthood in "emerging adulthood," which is characterized by all but which of the following?

sibling deidentification

Sarah is an excellent writer, but her younger sister Jane has always hated writing classes and instead has focused on developing gymnastic abilities. Sarah readily expresses disdain for gymnastics, so the girls feel that they are different enough to avoid direct competition. One explanation for this type of sibling behavior is called:


Since Mark was 5 years old, he has been helping his father maintain the family farm. Now, 30 years later, Mark owns the farm and is teaching his own son how to manage it. Based on your knowledge about the continuity of adolescence, how would you describe Mark's transition?


Sixteen-year-old Mercedes believes that the death penalty is wrong because her parents, friends, and church say so. She has never really thought about the issue, but has accepted this view as her own. What is her identity status?

psychosocial moratorium

Smith argues that adolescence is such a demanding time that adolescents need several years with as few responsibilities as possible so they can sort out their identities. His argument focuses on the idea of

componential, experiential, and contextual.

Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence proposes that to assess an individual's intellectual capabilities it is necessary to look at three distinct, but interrelated, types of intelligence:

behavioral genetics examines all of these issues

The field of behavior genetics examines all of the following, except:

budding of the breast

The first sign of puberty in girls is generally:

a combination of aggression and poor emotion regulation or poor social sjills

The main reason that reactive aggression is associated with unpopularity and greater problems with peers is that reactive aggression is characterized by:

The breakup of a romantic relauonhsip

The most common trigger of the first episode of major depression is:

adolescence is one of the healthiest periods in the life span, but nearly 1 in 15 adolescents has at least one disabling chronic disease.

The paradox of adolescent health in the United States is that:

expected to sleep in other households

The phenomenon of extrusion is the practice in which children are:

social promotion

The practice of moving students from one grade to the next regardless of their academic performance is known as what?

age grading

The process of grouping individuals within social institutions on the basis of chronological age is called:

Ben who is socially competent and Brinal who is socially incompetent

Who is most likely to have close opposite-sex friends?

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