Adolescent Psy Final ICC - Discussion

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Describe the two types of love. Identify which type of love is more common in adolescence.

The two types of love in are romantic love and affectionate love. Romantic love is also known as passionate love and involves a strong infatuation towards another person. It predominates most beginning stages of relationships. It is most common in adolescence. Affectionate love is also known as companionate love. It is when someone deeply cares for another and wants to always be near them. This categorizes more of adult love than adolescent love.

Two paragraphs required. Define two major sources of stress for adolescents and emerging adults. What can be done to address these stress factors? Defend your position with facts. Use complete sentences and proper grammar.

There are many things that can cause stress among adolescents and emerging adults. School work and family issues are two main sources of stress. Dealing with stress can be difficult at times. One strategy to relieve stress is to stop, close your eyes, and take a deep breath. Exercise and socializing can also help with stress.

Two full paragraphs required. There is no doubt that the mass media play an important role in adolescents' lives. Youth today are surrounded by the media. For example, they spend, on average, 44 hours a week with the media. Two-thirds of adolescents have a TV in their bedroom, and almost one-third have a computer. Despite all the newly developed technologies that are available, adolescents spend the most time watching TV. A major trend in the use of technology is the dramatic increase in media multi-tasking. For example, it is not unusual for adolescents to watch TV while at the same time text messaging their friends. Media multi-tasking is often engaged in at the same time as doing homework. How does this make today's teens different from past generations... give examples of both good and bad. Defend your position with facts. Use complete sentences and proper grammar. Support your views with facts.

This generation of teens uses technology an unhealthy amount. Many teens can't do anything without posting it on Snapchat or Instagram just to show others what they are up to. Social media has become a place where teens put on a front that makes their lives look perfect. This leads to many teens comparing their own lives to what they see of people on social media when in reality no one is perfect. Some teens may even become depressed when their post does not get as many likes or views as the next person. Our whole lives just become a show for others to see. There are many, many people who no longer read or show interest in history or art which are very important things to know about. With the presence of technology teens and even young children no longer spend much time focused on school work because they are "too busy" watching TV or spending time on their phones. Although, some good can come from technology. I find myself on a daily basis googling questions that I come up with. Years ago, this information would not be so readily available to us as it is today. One would have to go to an encyclopedia and maybe, read many pages before finding the answer to his question. Although the extra reading would not at all hurt us, and we could gain more knowledge, it is convenient to be able to quickly have an answer to our question. Consequently, this is where instant gratification comes in. In this day and age, we are often instantly granted anything that we want. Technology gives us the ability to have instant feedback from followers, instant uploads or downloads, instant emails or messaging, instant purchases. We no longer have to wait for anything. However, technology gives us the ability to stay in touch with friends near and far. We can interact with people who we may not ever see otherwise. Another issue with technology is parents now give their children phones and tablets to keep them quiet in restaurants or public places. Instead of watching the world around them and learning from conversations taking place, they are stuck in front of a show or a game. Research has shown that this has a high correlation with children having ADHD tendencies. Overall, I think technology can be a good thing when used in moderation. Our generation has become transformed by the media and may suffer the consequences if used excessively.

Referring to the video on eating disorders in module 11. Summarize the differences between the different types? Which is the most common? Why is there so little publicity about BED and what does this stand for? Defend your position with facts. Use complete sentences and proper grammar. Support your views with facts.

Anorexia nervosa consists of an individual eating a very small amount or no food at all for extended periods of time. They may purge or exercise to try to lose the calories. Bulimia nervosa is when individuals consume very high caloric meals. They feel guilty and try to purge themselves through laxatives or vomiting. Another type of eating disorder is EDNOS meaning eating disorder not otherwise specified. This label is used when a person's eating disorder has characteristics of anorexia and bulimia at different times. Binge eating disorder (BED) is the most common type of eating disorder, effecting 2-3% of the adult population, according to the video. It is when individuals consume massive amounts of food generally in private. They do not attempt to purge. There is little publicity about this eating disorder because many individuals binge eat in private, and in America eating large quantities of food is considered normal.

Discuss three ways in which friendships in adolescence an adulthood are the same and three ways in which they are different. Defend your position with facts.

Friendship is an important part of our development through adolescence to adulthood. Friendships in adolescence and adulthood are similar in that we, as humans, have basic social needs that are fulfilled through friendship. Individuals have a need for intimacy and seek out close and supportive friendships. Friend groups normally become smaller and more intimate through adolescence and adulthood. Adulthood friendships can be different than adolescent friendships. The need for friendship is more important in adolescence as individuals are still developing socially and cognitively. Popularity is important among adolescents and can influence the friendships one might have. In adulthood, friendships are usually with individuals of similar interests and become more integrated.

List three symptoms of major depressive disorder, and explain why adolescent females have a higher rate of depression than do adolescent males.

Individuals with major depressive disorder will experience a major depressive episode which may involve intense anxiety, mood swings, insomnia, lack of interest, and many other things. Depression is more common in women for many reasons. Women have a genetic predisposition to developing depression. They tend to think more about things which may evolve into depression. Women have more fluctuating hormones which may cause mood swings.

Compare and contrast intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Do you think teens today are more extrinsically motivated or intrinsically motivated? Why? Defend your position with facts. Use complete sentences and proper grammar.

Intrinsic motivation is based on internal factors such as self-determination, curiosity, challenge, and effort. Extrinsic motivation involves outwardly things such as rewards and punishments. I think that teens of today are motivated both extrinsically and intrinsically. Many individuals today are motivated by money to achieve their goals and get the highest paying job they can. While this is a strong motivator, individuals would not be able to accomplish these things without self-determination and motivation. I do not believe that one type of motivation is used more than the other.

Two paragraphs required. Describe two biological and two psychological consequences of obesity.

Obesity can have many consequences both biologically and psychologically. Individuals that are obese are more at risk for many health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease, just to name a few. Many individuals may become depressed, have low self-esteem, and experience bullying.

Referring to Module 12. power point and videos. What did you learn about stress that you did not already know? What are three ways in which you can reduce your own stress? What are three ways in which we can reduce stress in teens? Defend your position with facts. Use complete sentences and proper grammar. Support your views with facts

One thing I learned about stress is that it can lower your immune system. It can cause sleepless nights which can further increase stress levels and create a vicious cycle if not treated properly. Some ways teens can reduce stress is to make lists of things they need to accomplish for the day or week. This can help to not have to remember all the things one has to do but focus on the task at hand. Managing one's time can also have a positive impact on stress levels. Often teens and adults alike are scrambling to get things done at the last second. If one can become proactive and get things done earlier than needed, it is less likely they will be stressed. Another way teens can reduce stress levels is eating healthy and getting the proper nutrition needed to handle stressful situations. A few ways I can reduce my own stress is to exercise on a regular basis, do more of the things that make me happy such as reading and drawing, and being proactive with my schoolwork.

Describe the characteristics two pros and two cons of part-time work in adolescence. Be sure to discuss the hours and types of jobs at which adolescents work.

learning responsibility, learning how to work well with others; grades slipping, losing sleep

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