ADV 319 - Chapter 5 (Full)

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a person's realistic appraisal of his or her qualities

Actual self

The ________ ________ conducted a large-scale study of the gay market and found the market can be further segmented into five categories: the super gays, the habitaters, the gay mainstream, the party people, and the closeted segment.

Asterix Group

evidence of some achievement consumer's display either in the physical world or on social platforms.


_____ ________ refers to a person's feelings about his body.

Body cathexis

may serve such functions as separating group members from nonmembers, marking the individual's status or rank within a social organization or within a gender category (ex: homosexual), or even providing a sense of security or good luck.

Body decoration or mutilation

_____ ________ refers to a consumer's subjective evaluation of his physical self; as with a person's overall self-concept, this image is not necessarily accurate

Body image

Where a person derives his or her identity in large measure from a social group.

Collective self

(extended self); (3) it is common for consumers to describe themselves in terms of the neighborhood or town from which they come; for farm families or other residents with close ties to a community, this sense of belonging is particularly important.

Community Level

_________ leads to loyalty and purchase satisfaction - at least until the relationships shifts.


________ well-known Campaign for Real Beauty that features women with imperfect bodies in their underwear may help; unilever initiated the campaign after its research showed that many women didn't believe its products worked because the women shown using them were so unrealistic.


Many _________ cultures stress the collective self.


(extended self); (2) this includes a consumer's residence and the furnishings in it; we can think of the house as a symbolic body for the family, and the place where we live often is a central aspect of who we are.

Family Level

________ physical features: attractive faces, good health and youth, balance/symmetry, feminine curves/hourglass body shape, and "strong" male features


The _____ ________ is at least as large as the Asian American population.

GLBT market

these roles are shaped through social norms, cultural norms, religious norms, etc

Gender roles

feelings about "who we are"

Global self esteem

(extended self); (4) we regard our attachments to certain social groups as a part of the extended self; a consumer also may feel that landmarks, monuments, or sports teams are a part of the extended self.

Group Level

______ self-esteem is a positive evaluation of the self; ____ self-esteem is a negative evaluation of the self.

High; low

a person's conception of how he or she would like to be

Ideal self

a promotional strategy whereby consumers alter some aspects of their selves to advertise for a branded product.

Identity marketing

________-___________ messages that marketers use can improve purchase likelihoods.


_______-________ messages can backfire and reduce purchase of likelihood.


This process is very apparent when people exaggerate their positive qualities on their Facebook pages or on dating sites.

Impression management

__________ ______________ means that we work to "manage" what others think of us; how we manage the balance between ideal and actual self.

Impression management

(extended self); (1) the saying "You are what you wear" reflects the belief that one's things are a part of one's identity.

Individual Level

_________ of self-concept include how one responds to life, decision making, beliefs, attitudes, opinions, etc.


____ self-monitors are generally oblivious to how others see them and hence march to their own different drum.


(1) Successes build efficacy and failures undermine it; multiple easy successes leads to easily discouraged failure; a resilient sense of efficacy requires experience in overcoming obstacles

Mastery Experiences

____-_________ cultures tend to focus on an interdependent self where we define our identities largely by our relationships with others.


__________ for some genetic features are genetic rather than cultural - like large eyes, high cheekbones, and a narrow jaw.


A person's judgment about being able to perform a particular activity; it is the "I can" or "I cannot" belief


Refers to the positivity of a person's self-concept


Contains roles, personality, physical characteristics, skills and abilities, occupation(s) and hobbies


how you perceive yourself and how you think that others perceive you.


_____-_______ __________ models suggest that we choose products when their attributes match some aspect of the self.

Self-image congruence

______-_________ is being attuned to how they present themselves in social environments; those on the ______ end of this study other people, are self-conscious, focus on appearance, and can adapt to differing social situations.

Self-monitoring; high

these type of products take on masculine or feminine attributes; unlike maleness and femaleness, masculinity and feminity are not biological characteristics.

Sex-typed products

traits/characteristics that we stereotypically associate with one gender or the other.

Sex-typed traits

feelings about "what we do"; dependent on the situation; fluctuates with circumstance, roles, and events

Situational Self-esteem

(3) difficult to instill high personal efficacy by this alone; unrealistic boosts are quickly disconfirmed by disappointing results; building efficacy means more than positive appraisals; need to structure situations that bring success and avoid situations where they are likely to fail often; offers encouragement, resources, and a forum for sharing innovative ideas.

Social Persuasion

(4) these also affects people's judgments of efficacy; positive ______ and ________ enhances perceived self-efficacy; negative diminishes it

Stress and Mood

_________ _____-__________ theory suggests that people who have an incomplete self-definition tend to complete this identity when they acquire and display symbols they associate with that role.

Symbolic self-completion

is older and traditional; they tend to live in rural areas and relate best to companies which reach them through traditional media.

The Closeted segment

they tend to be conservative.

The Gay Mainstream

are older and in a stable relationship.

The Habitaters

are young, live in big cities, and are the least educated.

The Party People

are highly educated and earn high incomes.

The Super Gays

(2) Provided by social models; the greater the assumed similarity, the more persuasive are the model's successes and failures.

Vicarious experience

The appearance and personality a person takes on as an avatar in a computer-mediated environment.

Virtual Identity

_______ role identities (freely chosen, freely forfeited); ________ role identities (e.g., gender, racial, ethnic)

achieved; ascribed

Many consumers try to bolster their self-esteem as they accumulate evidence of their ___________; in a results-oriented and competitive society, we continue to find ways to trumpet our success.


Many societies expect males to pursue _______ goals, which stress self-assertion and mastery; however, they teach females to value _________ goals, such as affiliation and the fostering of harmonious relationships.

agentic; communal

When we use objects to maintain our self-concept, we tend to become _________ to those objects; EX: someone who drives a Mini Cooper may rely upon the image of Mini to relay information about his or her own identity (as a fun, distinctive, stylish person).


On these computer-mediated environments (CMEs), people assume visual identities, or ________, that range from realistic versions of themselves to tricked-out versions with exaggerated physical characteristics or winged dragons or superheroes.


The word ________ refers to the emotional significance of some object or idea; we know that some parts of the body are more central to self-concept than are others.


We choose some products because we think they are ________ with our actual self, while we buy others to help us ______ an ideal standard.

consistent; reach

Consumer's feelings about themselves shape their __________ __________, particularly as they strive to fulfill their society's expectations about how a male or female should look and act.

consumption practices

We describe attributes of self-concept along with dimensions as _______ (facial attractiveness versus mental aptitude), _______ (self-esteem), intensity and stability over time, and ________ (the degree to which one's self-assessments corresponds to reality).

content; positivity; accuracy

The more the person relies upon the possession as a way of ________ and __________ his or her identity, the more attached the person will be to the possession.

defining and supporting

The ________ _____________ on consumer behavior views people as actors who play different roles; we play many different roles, and each has its own script, props, and costumes.

dramaturgical perspective

Many of the props and settings consumers use to define their social roles become parts of their selves; those external objects that we consider a part of us constitute the ________ ____.

extended self

A _______ or daydream is a self-induced shift in consciousness, which is sometimes a way to compensate for a lack of external stimulation or to escape from problems in the real world; it might be a way to compensate for a lack of external stimulation or to escape from problems in the real world.


Most people experience a discrepancy between their real and ideal selves, but for some consumers this gap is especially large; these people are especially good targets for marketing communications that employ _______ ________.

fantasy appeals

Some companies that sell exclusively to one gender may decide to test the waters with the other sex when they promote _______-________ products (a traditionally sex-typed item adapted to the opposite gender)


An _____ ___ ________ is a particular model, or exemplar, or appearance; these both men and women may include physical features (big/small breasts, bulging muscle or not) as well as clothing styles, cosmetics, hairstyles, skin ton (pale versus tan) and body type (petite athletic, voluptuous, etc.

ideal of beauty

Sociologists call the process of imagining others' reactions "taking the role of the other," or the ________-_______ ______.

looking-glass self

NeuroFocus's guidelines for ________ ___ ________ include: (1) be authentic, (2) focus on cooperative, reciprocal, collaborative conversations, (3) keep messaging exploratory, not flatly declarative, (4) provide plenty of information, and (5) acknowledge that she's integrating many goals with every shopping experience and purchase

marketing to women

because what others see includes a person's clothing, jewelry, furniture, car, and so on, it stands to reason that these products also help to create the _________ ______.

perceived self

The _________ ______ helps shape self-concept, which implies that people see themselves as they imagine others see them.

reflected self

Kleine and Kleine's 5 stages of ____-_______ ____________: (1) Role-Identity pre-socialization (hmm.. that looks interesting..); (2) Discovery (Should I do this?); (3) Construction (How will I do this?); (4) Maintenance (This is me); and (5) Disposition (Is this still me?)

role-identity development

Consumers may attach themselves to products to maintain ____-______; EX: Carrie Bradshaw is attached to shoes in Sex and the City


Often thought of as a mental model of the self; similar to the perception maps and schemas; researchers try to map these mental models to locate: the most relevant, stable, and accurate content.


The _____-________ summarizes the beliefs a person holds about his own attributes and how he evaluates the self on these qualities.


Researchers say that those who score high in _____-__________ are more interested in clothing and use more cosmetics.


awareness of self


Beliefs of _____-__________ can be developed by 4 main sources of influence: (1) Mastery, (2) Vicarious experience, (3) Social persuasion, (4) Stress


We tend to pattern our behavior on the perceived expectations of others, as a form of _____-_________ ___________; when we act the way we assume others expect us to act, we often confirm these perceptions.

self-fulfilling prophecy

_____-________ is impacted by personal and social norms.


People often conform to their culture's expectations about how those of their gender should act, dress, or speak; we refer to these sets of expectations as ____ ______.

sex roles

Thor's Hammer vodka brand comes in a short, squat bottle and it is described as "bold, broad, and solid - this is a man's vodka."; Dell computers called Della <- these are examples of what?

sex-typed products

Researchers make a distinction between ____-______ people, who are stereotypically masculine or feminine, and _________ people, whose orientation isn't as clearly defined.

sex-typed; androgynous

Ads can encourage and facilitate _____ _________, which might highlight discrepancies between the ideal and actual self.

social comparison

Exposure to ads can trigger a process of _______ ___________, in which the person tries to evaluate his/her appearance by comparing it to the people depicted in these artificial images.

social comparison

Marketing __________ many of our gender roles; EX: the Bratz line of dolls licenses its name to a cosmetics line targeted to girls ages 6 to 9.


The sociological tradition of _________ ___________ stresses that relationships with other people play a large part in forming the self; we assign meaning to any situation or object when we interpret the symbols in this environment.

symbolic interactionism

We buy many products, from cars to cologne, because we want to highlight or hide some aspect of ____ ______.

the self

The _____ ____ is where respondents struggle with retaining an authentic culture while still enjoying Western freedom.

torn self

An ad may transport us to an unfamiliar, exciting situation; things we purchase may permit us to "____ ___" interesting or provocative roles.

try on

The _______ tends to subscribe to an independent understanding of the self, which emphasizes the inherent separateness of each individual.


According to Nielsen and NeuroFocus, _______ brains have more distributed functions, especially for language and memory and they rely more heavily on brain areas that contain ______ _______, which enable a person to feel what they see another person is feeling.

women's; mirror neurons

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