Advanced Search
The database provider and the specific database typically have the same name.
True *False
What is important to understand when searching using subject headings?
They can find focused information on a given topic. They are standardized tags that describe the content of an item. They are terms used to find material on the same topic. *All of the Above
When searching by author, how should you enter the author's name?
*Last name, First name First name, Last name
Most databases offer similar options for filtering, limiting, and searching, but they may not be in the same place or use exactly the same symbol or terminology.
*True False
Searching by subject headings can also be called descriptor or thesaurus searching
*True False
Searching within a specific field (ex: Title) will usually retrieve fewer results than a keyword search.
*True False
How can you find the best database to meet your research need?
Look at Databases by Subject Consult the Research Guides Ask a Librarian *All of the Above
Why is it important to choose which databases you use carefully? Different databases focus on different subjects
Some databases only contain abstracts or citations and not full text articles. Sometimes a general information database is better for an assignment than a subject specific database. *All of the Above
Which of the following is a characteristic of subject heading searching?
They work well for finding obscure or contemporary topics. *They list highly relevant results for each topic. They can generate many irrelevant results. None of the above
When would you want to search by a specific field?
When you know the author of a book When you know the title of an article When you have the citation for an article *All of the Above