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* Everyone can tell Jackie is Rose's daughter. She's the ______ image of her mother. * A. spitting B. hailing C. drizzling D.boiling


*"The performance must have been terrible." " .................., I enjoyed every minute."* A. On the contrary B. In the contrary C. On contrary D. By contrary


*"What do you usually do to relax?" "Well, after ________ and the tensions in the office it's quite relaxing to watch the fish peacefully swimming in the pond."* A. a hard day's work B. a hard work day C. hard day's work D. a day's hard work


*A book interesting for one person can be neutral or even dull for another.* A. Tastes for the same book may differ from one person to another. B. Just because I enjoy a book, it doesn't mean that everyone will. C. Some people find those books which most readers enjoy very boring. D. It is inpossible to write a book that everyone will find interesting.


*A good friend is............will stand by you when you are in trouble* A. the one who B. a person that C. people who D. who


*A great .............................. of bees settled on our apple tree during a storm.* A. swarm B. crowd C. flock D. buzz


*A large area in the east of London was formerly a major port on the river, but in recent times this Docklands area has been______* A. revitalized B. revamped C. reintroduced D. redeveloped


*A quarter of all bird species in the world are known to have become extinct during the past two hundred years.* A. It has been acknowledged that one-fourth of all bird species have ceased to exist over the last two centuries. B. It is estimated that one-fourth of all bird species will become extinct within the next two centuries. C. It is known that two centuries ago the number of birds living on the earth was 25% greater than it is today. D. In 1911, Tom Higdon was fired from his post as a teacher for teaching the children of farm workers, who shouldn't have been educated.


*According to a Government spokesman, further _____ in the public sector are to be expected.* A. cutbacks B. breakdowns C. out-takes D. layouts


*At that time, our only hope of success ______ in recruiting extra help.* A. lay B. arose C. resided D. stood


*Bill managed to get to the train station himself _____ his leg was broken.* A. though B. in view of C. notwithstanding D. lest


*Don't worry about who will do it - that's just a side ______* A. issue B. question C. problem D. argument


*Editors of newspapers and magazines often go to extremes to provide their _____ with unimportant facts and statistics.* A. public B. common C. audience D. viewers


*He cannot claim that this house is his until he comes _____ age.* A. of B. from C. at D. by


*He decided to make a claim _______ damages to his car.* A. for B. on C. about D. in


*He had qualified as a doctor but later gave up the ...................... of medicine for full-time writing.* A. practice B. treatment C. procedure D. prescription\


*He managed to finish his thesis under the _____ of his tutor.* A. guidance B. help C. aid D. assistance


*He sat in a soft armchair and watched the world _____.* A. go by B. pass on C. walk along D. fly past


*He spent his entire life____________ round the world, never settling down anywhere.* A. roaming B. scattering C. scrambling D. transporting


*He was so mean that he could not bear to_____ the smallest sum of money for the charity appeal. * A. part with B. pay off C. give in D. let out


*He wrapped all his possessions up in a sheet and carried the ______ on his back. * A. rucksack B. case C. bag D. bundle


*However, to be realistic, we have to accept that there is a _______ chance that in a decade's time schools and classrooms will be book-free!* A. remote B. far C. long D. distant


*I always feel he has a ......... against me, although I don't know what wrong I've done him.* A. grudge B. grumble C. grunt D.groan


*I expect to make the journey _______ my own expense.* A. at B. with C. for D. by


*I have been planting trees all day and I'm ........ * A.worn out B. taken in C. run down D. grown up


*I have no brothers or sisters. I'm ______ child.* A. an only B. a sole C. a unique D. a single


*I think everyone should be _______ with the way office machinery works.* A. conversant B. mindful C. answerable D. attuned


*I'm afraid my speech may have ________ you as to my true aims.* A. misled B. mistaken C. misunderstood D. miscalculated


*I'm staying at Tony's house. Write to me ________ Tony Lee, 123 Main Road, New York, N.Y. * A. in care of B. in charge of C. in place of D. in terms of


*If Russia didn't have strict visa regulations, more people would be able to visit the country and see beautiful cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg.* A. Because of Russia's rigid visa regulations, fewer people are able to take a holiday in that country and observe the lovely cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. B. Russian people wish that their visa regulations were looser, so that more visitors would be able to come to the great cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. C. The charming cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg have been visited by more foreign tourist since Russia loosened its tough visa rules. D. More and more people are travelling to Russia, despite the tight visa regulations, to see the amazing cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg.


*If you ..................in arriving late, I shall have to report you to the Manager.* A. persist B. persevere C. insist D. prevail


*If you _______ money to mine, we shall have enough.* A. add B. combine C. unite D. bank


*If you want to put up a tent, you will have to look for a nice flat piece of .......................* A. ground B. soil C. earth D. floor


*It was so quiet; you could have heard a drop. * A. pin B. feather C. leaf D. sigh


*James could no longer bear the _____ surroundings of the decrepit old house.* A. oppressive B. domineering C. pressing D. overbearing


*Mary is now in hospital. She was __________by car last week.* A. knocked down C. climbed down B. bent down D. pulled down


*Most students find studying abroad for a year to be an _____ experience. I strongly recommend you try it.* A. enriching B. Endangered C. Adequate D. Indigenous


*Mr. Hill gave the new secretary a good ......... explanation of her duties. * A. overall B. booklet C. actual D. major


*OPPOSITE* Slavery was *abolished* in the US in the 19th century. A. instituted B. eradicated C. eliminated D. required


*OPPOSITE*Tony would never forget the look of intense *anguish* on the face of his parents when they heard the news of his failure in the exam. A. delight B. sadness C. misery D. surprise


*OPPOSITE*You should *put yourself on the back* for having achieved such a high score in the graduation exam. A. criticize yourself B. wear a backpack C. praise yourself D. check up your back


*Our project was successful________ its practicality.* A. in terms of B. with a view to C. regardless D. on behalf of


*People enjoy Ben's company because he's very ______.* A. likable. B. adorable. C. sympathetic. D. enchanting.


*Seeing the thief running away with the stolen bag, the old lady shouted at the top of her ______ * A. voice B. mouth C. lung D. breath


*Seem to me that his real identity will always remain a secret.* A. I don't think anyone will ever know who he actually was. B. The truth about him should never be told to anyone. C. I think that he kept his genuine identity hidden from me. D. He has kept quiet about himself and will never reveal anything to me.


*She..............several times in her chair and then at last she went to sleep.* A. nodded B. shook C. dropped D. sank


*Societies all over the world have _____ individuals whose appearances differ from the norm. Slowly, however, many groups are trying to be more inclusive.* A. marginalized B. conjured C. adhered D. suited


*TV advertising in the late afternoon tends to __________ young children.* A. target B. point C. focus D. aim


*TV, although not essential, has become a(n)_____ part of most people's lives.* A. integral B. mixed C. fractional D. superior


*That judge is feared because she takes a hard _____ in the fight against drugs.* A. line B. lane C. path D. rule


*The bus stopped at the traffic lights with a ___________ of the brakes.* A. screech B. howl C. crash D. grind


*The climate is not dry at all: in fact, they have ____ of water.* A. a redundancy B. an abundance C. a deficiency D. a mixture


*The music ________ and it was impossible to have a conversation. * A. blared out B. played off C. turned up D. set out


*The neighbours said they hadn't got a _______________ who could have broken into our garage.* A. clue B. view C. point D. hint


*The opinions of the teaching staff were divided as to whether they should change the course book or follow the old one.* A. Some members of the teaching staff were in favour of following a new course book, while others thought they should continue with the old one. B. There were difference opinions among the teaching staff about the new course book, and in the end, those who were against choosing a new one won. C. The teaching staff could not agree upon a new course book, so they decided to continue with the old one. D. There was no general agreement among the teaching staff about which they should choose as their new course book.


*The police are looking for a man of ___________ height.* A. medium B. extra C. tall D. special


*The saucepans fell onto the floor with a great _____________.* A. clatter B. rattle C. crunch D. squeak


*The storm outside is getting worse, ____ the reception on the satellite TV is rally bad.* A. and so B. because C. while D. no matter


*The woman was________ from hospital only a week after her operation.* A. discharged B. expelled C. evicted D. ejected


*The word "deeds" is closest in meaning to _________.* A. accomplishments B. ancestors C. documents D. properties


*The word "elite" is closest in meaning to _______.* A. aristocracy B. brave C. intellectual D. muscular


*There ____ no price rises till the end of the year.* A. will have been B. are to be C. are D. won't be


*There's a lot more to Willie than one would think: still waters run ____.* A. deep B. deeply C. deepness D. depth


*These extraterrestrials are alleged to have come into _____ with the ancient earthly populations ...* A. touch B. grip C. face D. sight


*They were so tired that they slept_____the excitement* A. through B. over C. in D. by


*This cloth ______ very thin.* A. feels B. touches C. holds D. handles


*Though many stories from around the world describe behavioral changes in various animals in the days and hours before an earthquake, research testing animals' ability to predict earthquakes has been ______.* A. rare B. available C. released D. undertaken


*Today, some students tend to ____ the importance of soft skills.* A. overlook B. urge C. emphasize D. carry out


*Tortillas are still prepared in rural Mexico_____ they were five hundred years ago in Aztec times.* A. much as. B. before C. after D. while


*We had a/an ____ opportunity to train with the best coach* A. unique B. once C. only D. lone


*We need someone really _____ who can organize the office and make it run smoothly.* A. efficient B. effective C. affective D. affected


*We watch the cat_______ the tree.* A. climb B. climbed C. had climbed D. was climbing


*We're still hasitating about which school our son ought to go to.* A. We haven't yet decided where we should send our son to school. B. We won't send our son to any school unless we are certain that it is the one we want. C. We are not sure whether we should let our son choose a school for himself. D. We had great difficulty deciding upon which school our son should attend.


*When John was arrested for drunken driving, he expected to lose his licence, but he was let _______ with a fine.* A. off B. through C. out D. down


*When facing problems, it is important to keep a sense of............................* A. proportion B. introspection C. relativity D. comparison


*When they are in town, they decided to pay a _______ visit to their former neighbors.* A. courtesy B. friendly C. courteous D. polite


*Whenever it rains, water _____ into my house through the roof* A. comes B. will come C. would come D. would have come


*Whether the sports club survives is a matter of complete _____ to me.* A. indifference B. disinterest C. importance D. interest


*Whole populations of Australia's natives were wiped out in order that civilization could advance.* A. To allow for the expansion of civilization, entire groups of Australia's aboriginal people were killed. B. The growth of civilization in Australia couldn't have been achieved without the ethnic cleansing of the entire continent. C. The existence of Australia's natives was the biggest obstacle in the effort to advance the modern way of life. D. If the native Australians had not been exterminated, there would be no civilization on the continent today.


*William is an authority ________ medieval tapestries* A. on B. with C. about D. in


*Written to be performed on a _______, Thornton Wilder's play Our Town depicts life in a small New England community.* A. stage bare of scenery B. stage scenery of bare C. bare of stage scenery D. scenery bare of stage


*You are under no obligation ____ to accept this offer* A. whatsoever b. eventually C. apart D. indeed


*You are under no obligation to help as assistance is purely ____________* A. voluntary B. free C. charitable D. donated


*You should concentrate ________ what the interviewer is saying and make a real effort to answer all the questions the interviewer asks.* A. on B. in C. at D. for


*_____ are unpleasant, but it will be nice when we get into the new house.* A. Removals B. Movements C. Removements D. Moves


*_______ air essential is to man, so is water to fish.* A. Like B. As C. Since D. Just


*____________ he caught his plane; he hasn't phoned to say anything went wrong. * A. Presumably B. Supposedly C. Assuming D. Granted


. *Many habitats change ________ the types of plants and animals that live there.* A. with respect to B. in respect for C. as for D. as against


A *"secondary relationship"* between a leader and the members of a group could best be characterized as A. distant. B. enthusiastic. C. unreliable. D. personal.


A. sc*a*ry B. b*a*ck C. *a*lgebra D. n*a*tional


Although they hold similar political views, their religious beliefs present a *striking contrast.* A. interesting resemblance B. minor comparison C. complete coincidence D. significant difference


Ancient people made *a clay* pottery *because* they needed *it* for *their survival.* A. a clay B. because C. it D. their survival


I bet that computer *knocked you back* several hundred A. cost you B. Wasted up to C. helped you to save D. won back for you


I'm sorry, madam. This is the *fixed* price and there is no discount. A. negotiable B. changeable C. unchanged D. discussed


Many political radicals *advocated* that women should not be discriminated on the basic of their sex. A. publicly supported B. rightly claimed C. publicly said D. openly criticized


Not until 1946 did the world chess governing body, FIDE, *assert* its control over international championship play. A. declare B. relinquish C. petition D. Decrease


Statistics *are* now *compulsory* for all students *taking* a course in *engineering*. A. are B. compulsory C. taking D. engineering


The politician promised to be *candid*, but we wondered. A. open and frank B. sweet C. discreet D. casual


The word *coined* is closest in meaning to _________. A. created B. mentioned C. understood D. discovered


The word *hailed* is closest in meaning to _________. A. welcomed B. communicated C. considered D. arranged


The word *precipitate* is closest in meaning to _________. A. bring on B. rely on C. speed up D. send forth


The word *tolerate* is closest in meaning to _________. A. endure B. replace C. compensate D. reduce


The world champion *conquered* another challenger last night. A. defeated B. destroyed C. surrounded D. attacked


They have modern *notions* about rising children. A. opinions B. rules C. standards D. plans


Unfortunately, I had to *tell off* John for his poor performance. A. criticize B. encourage C. praise D. congratulate


When he won the first prize, he realised that this was the highest *attainment* of his life. A. accomplishment B. task C. shock D. surprise


* "Frank is a curious boy." "Yes, he always asks _________"* A. to the teacher questions B. the teacher questions C. questions to the teacher D. teacher questions


* - "I have just won 3rd prize". - "..................!"* A. Big talent B. Big deal C. Big job D. Big success


*............... decoration in the restaurant provides us with good appetite.* A. Tasty B. Tasteful C. Tasteless D. Tasting


*After ..... at the display for several minutes, Mr.Taylor went back into his shop* A. admiring B. gazing C. glancing D. observing


*After the accident, there was considerable doubt __________exactly what had happened.* A. in the question of B. as to C. in the shape of D. for


*An echo is a sound heard ......... it is reflected from an object. * A. subsequently B. as if C. lest D. seeing that


*Ann's encouraging words gave me _____ to undertake the demanding task once again.* A. a point B. an incentive C. a resolution D. a target


*Best of all, a lot of clubs can arrange to get tickets for top sporting events that are hard to ________* A. order B. book C. engage D. register


*Coral reefs create underwater habitats that are essential for many specles of marine organisms, and there are also some fish who use them as a refuge from predators.* A. Many fish tend to stay in coral reefs because there they are both safe from predators and supplied with a rich food source. B. Coral reefs are very important for many kinds of marine life forms be-cause they provide a place to live as well as a place for some fish to hide from their enemies. C. Coral reefs provide a place to live for many types of sea creatures, inclub-ing predators who use them as a place to rest. D. Coral reefs are becoming scarce and this creates an important problem for the many marine animals which use them as a place to live as well as a place of protection.


*Each of the 4 types of human .........suited for a specific purpose.* A. tooth are B. teeth is C. tooth is D. teeth are


*Exhaust _____ from automobiles are one of the main causes of air pollution in big cities.* A. smokes B. fumes C. escapes D. wastes


*Get going! All the students were ____________ around, waiting until the last minute to go into the building* A. dwelling B. lingering C. staggering D. running


*Gig: "It's my birthday today". Susan: "Oh, really. Many ......... of the day!"* A. merry memories B. happy returns C. lucky stars D. golden handshakes


*He _______ malaria while he was in Africa. * A. infected B. contracted C. was caught D. gained


*He can not ________ ignorance as his excuse; he should have known what was happening in his own department.* A. insist B. plead C. refer D. defend


*He emptied the ________ of his purse on the table.* A. money B. contents C. iterms D. valuables


*Her political career is now hanging by a ________ .* A. rope B. thread C. string D. cord


*His landlady gave him a week's ________ to leave the flat. * A. threat B. notice C. advice D. caution


*I am sure they will be very .......................at your success.* A. delight B. delighted C. delighting D. delightful


*I don't like this kind of material because it _______ easily.* A. wrinkles B. creases C. bends D. folds


*I feel ________ to inform the committee that a number of members are very unhappy with the decision.* A. my duty B. it my duty C. this my duty D. that my duty


*I had to ......... the class all the answers to the test. * A. fork-feed B. spoon-feed C. knife-feed D. happily-feed


*If you come to the theatre late, you have to wait until the _________ to get in.* A. break B. interval C. refreshment D. half time


*In general, restaurants with a good view charge very high prices even if they don't serve good food.* A. The view from the restaurant is wonderful, but the food they serve isn't as good. B. Whether the food they serve is good or not, dinning at scenic restaurant is usually very expensive. C. People don't mind paying large bills at scenic restaurant, as they know they're paying for the view as well. D. If a restaurant has a good view, generally it is the view that attracts customers, not the food served there.


*In this company, there has been little ________ for the needs of part - time workers.* A. favor B. regard C. reception D. manners


*Indoor gardens are sometimes ......... as part of air conditioning or heating systems.* A. corporated B. incorporated C. uncorporated D. miscorporated


*It is a good idea to ........ with a doctor first if you've suffered from any type of injury.* A. see B. check C. control D. call


*It is always nice to have a travelling ......... when visiting places for the first time. * A. company B. companion C. compatibility D. accompaniment


*It was found that he lacked the ________ to pursue a difficult task to the very end.* A. persuasion B. commitment C. engagement D. obligation


*It's advisable to _______ any contact with potential rabis animals.* A. escape B. avoid C. prevent D. evade


*Moving to a different city can cause a lot of _____ for young children.* A. innovation B . trauma C. remainder D. multitude


*My father has been working as a ________ worker for ten years.* A. constructive B. construction C. constructing D. constructed


*No one knows how much he earns a month, but $2,500 can't be ________off the mark.* A. wide B. far C. broad D. distant


*Not even a downpour would have prevented them from going on their hike.* A. It wasn't even pouring down when they postponed their hike. B. They wouldn't have cancelled their hike even if it had rained heavily. C. They didn't even attempt to go hiking when it started to rain. D. It was only the torrential rain that stopped them from going hiking.


*OPPOSITE* Nancy *concurred* with her boss about the new direction the company was taking. A. disagreed B. agreed C. surrendered D. confessed


*OPPOSOTE*People who could be severely affected by smoking are more *prone* to heart and lung diseases. A. straight. B. unlikely. C. unable. D. impossible


*On November 5, a lot of fireworks are ........................... off in England.* A. gone B. set C. sent D. burned


*Only the _____ of the building is going to be remodeled.* A. insides B. interior C. indoors D. inner


*Passengers arriving in Paris by plane catch their first glimpse of the city as they are flying over the Eiffel Tower.* A. When people arrieve in Paris by plane, they must first fly over the Eiffel Tower. B. The Eiffel Tower provides people arriving in Paris on a plane with their first view of . C. The Eiffel Tower is the sisght which first greets visitors to Paris, but only when they arrive by plane. D. Passengers get a glimpse os the Eiffel Tower as they are flying over Paris on their way out of the airport.


*She went to London on the ______ of the moment.* A. heat B. spur C. nick D. impulse


*Six days after the last aftershock, the males returned and resumed mating, as if ______ had happened.* A. whatever B. nothing C. earthquake D. it


*Such an major operation as this has proved completely successful in very few cases.* A. In addition to this one, they have been significantly succesful in a few operations before. B. There aren't many cases tin which an important operation like this has been fully successful. C. This case is the first one in which an important operation has been successful accomplished. D. They have performed very successful operations on several occasions in cases similar to this.


*Thanks for listening to me complain about my boss. I just needed to get this_________________.* A. off my back B. off my chest C. on my head D. in my stomach


*The Louisiana Territory, an area ______ the size of France, was bought by the United States from France for $15,000,000 in 1803. * A. is four times as large as B. four times as large as C. more than four times D. than more four times


*The doctor _____ all night with the patients in the hospital.* A. sat out B. sat up C. sat in D. sat on


*The fastest runner took the ___________ just five metres before the finishingline.* A. advance B. lead C. place D. head


*The film is ______ released at the end of next year. * A. on the verge of being B. due to be C. about to be D. on the point of being


*The meeting didn't _____ until late* A. end up B. break up C. come about D. fall through


*The needs of gifted children in schools have long been _____ neglected.* A. dolefully B. woefully C. idly D. pathetically


*The newspaper did not mention the ______ of the damage caused by the fire.* A. range B. extent C. amount D. quality


*The police are ________ certain who the culprit is.* A. in some ways B. more or less C. here and there D. by and by


*The policeman looked at me __________several times and obviously disliked what he saw.* A. over and over again B. up and down C. from side to side D. in and out


*The smell was so bad that it completely ______ us off our food * A. set B. Put C.Got D. Took


*Theatrical ..... and artificial blood had been used to make the injuries look realistic* A. get-together B. make-up C. look-out D. go- between


*There is too much _______ in this world.* A. greediness B. greed C. greedy D. greedness


*These girls are heading for a _______ They get to work late and spend hours talking on the phone. * A. drop B. fall C. trip D. decrease


*They appreciate_____ this information. * A. to have B. having C. have D. have had


*They offered him a chance to stay on there for three months to see how we got _____.* A. in B. on C. at D. up


*They talked for three days before .............................. to a decision.* A. reaching B. coming C. jumping D. going


*This museum has more visitors than ________ any other in the world.* A. really B. practically C. actually D. utterly


*Today's weather will be a _______ of yesterday. * A. continuing B. continuation C. continuity D. continual


*Today, sparta is an insignificant city, ____ it was once the capital of one of the most important city-states in the greek world.* A. despite B. yet C. since D. so


*Too many factories dispose ______ their waste by pumping it into rivers and the sea. * A. out B. of C. away D. off


*Under the weather or not, Ashcroft _____ 2 mins 13.8 secs, almost a second faster than her winning time last year.* A. set B. clocked C. gained D. took


*What beautiful eyes _____!* A. does she have B. she has C. has she D. she doesn't have


*When his parents are away, his oldish brother _____ * A. knocks it off B. calls the shots C. draws the line D. is in the same boat


*When you select _____ for the display windows, be sure to include seasonal gifts and clothing.* A. merchants B. merchandise C. merchant D. merchandising


*Would you be ________ to show me the way to the Shanghai Museum?.* A. enough kind B. so kind as C. so kind D. kindly enough


*You shouldn't have criticized him in front of his friends. It was extremely .................. of you.* A. unfortunate B. insensitive C. insensible D. unconscious


*You're not supposed to park on the hard ______ except in an emergency. * A. lance B. shoulder C. leg D. Area


*[OPPOSITE]* They haven't reached agreement on the *official* songs of the 27th Sea Game. A. formal B. uncertified C. informal D. approved


*_________ stay the night if it's too difficult to get home.* A. At all costs B. By all means C. In all D. On the whole


*_______learning is a good choice for those who cannot attend class.* A. Faraway B. Distant C. Remote D. Farther


.* Two days passed during which we did not ........................ a single word.* A. changed B. exchanged C. snapped D. converted


After many year of unsuccessfully *endeavoring* to get the scholarship, Glenn finally achieved the best title in the test. A. requesting B. attempting C. offering D. desiring


All classifications of human societies and cultures are *arbitrary* A. useful B. haphazard C. insufficient D. ambiguous


I'm afraid you may find the truth somewhat ____________ A. inedible B. unpalatable C. indigestible D. unmanageable


Microscopic organisms settle to the seafloor and *accumulate* in marine mud. A. grow up B. build up C. spread out D. break apart


Most students have quite a good sense of their own ........... A. grasp B. ability C. idea D. information


Scientists warn of the *impending* extinction of many species of plants and animals. A. absolute B. approaching C. avoidable D. distant


Scientists warn of the *impending* extinction of many species of plants and animals. A. irrefutable B. imminent C. formidable D. absolute


The band's first album is *due* for release later this month. A. Late B. Expected C. Improper D. Early


The flowering pebble is a plant that looks like a stone and grows in *arid* areas. A. deserted B. damp C. dry D. barren


The word *acclaimed* is closest in meaning to A. reclaimed B. recognized C. recommended D. rectified


The word *capture* is closest in meaning to A. separate B. register C. describe D. number


The word *keep tabs on* is closest in meaning to _________. A. recognize the appearance of B. keep records of C. provide transportation for D. pay the salaries of


* The authorities ......... a massive security operation in the city.* A. held B. landed C. launched D. dampened


* _________, the reports are not good enough to be printed.* A. Out of the ordinary B. On my own C. If you ask me D. Telling the truth


*"I understand that the picnic has been postponed." "Well, the interest ________ was not very promising"* A. showing B. showed C. shown D. shows


*"You're already? The ball is only starting." - "But it's very late, so _____"* A. take care B. have a good day C. goodbye for now D. it's great fun, thanks.


*As part of the takeover agreement, the new owners have agreed to ......... the existing senior managers. * A. enquire B. contain C. retain D. absorb


*At the launch ceremony for "Month for the Poor" campaign, Deputy Prime Minister Vu Van Ninh .......... all individuals and organizations to promote solidarity with and support for the poor.* A. call at B. call off C. call on D. call for


*Barry: Were you involved in the accident? Daniel: Yes, but I wasn't to ___________ for it.* A. charge B. accuse C. blame D. apologize


*British Leyland is aiming to _______its share of UK car sales to 25% over the next two years.* A. push on B. push out C. push up D. push through


*Despite all the evidence, he wouldn't admit that he was in the _______. * A. fault B. error C. wrong D. slip


*Everyone is ________ to such benefit, regardless of age or sex.* A. prone B. susceptible C. entitled D. eligible


*For an allergic person, a bee-sting can be very serious, often resulting in a severe reaction or even death.* A. Allergies to bee-stings usually result in the death of the person stung, but sometimes they survive. B. Dees can cause exireme aiiergies in people, some of whom may even die as a result. C. A person who is allergic to bees might get very ill and can possibly die if stung. D. It's hardly possible for one who is allergic to bees to survive a sting.


*For reasons of hygiene, it's forbidden to try in the earrings in the jewellery department.* A. Customers who care for hygiene are advised tin the jewellery department not to try on any earrings. B. Earrings are considered unhygienic and so forbidden for sale in this jewellery department. C. Because it is not hygienic, customers in the jewellery department are not allowed to try on the earrings. D. Being hygienic in the jewellery department is the decision of the customer and not the management.


*From now on, you have to _________ responsibility for the sales figures.* A. get B. acquire C. assume D. accept


*Given the choice between taking a couple of heavy paperbacks on holiday or an e-book device like a Kindle, most of us, including our parents and grandparents, would unsurprisingly opt _______ the Kindle.* A. of B. on C. for D. at


*He always felt that he was living in the ......of his famous father.* B.dusk B. gloom C. shadow D. mist


*He feels that his rise in..... is well worth the loss of money* A. situation B. drift C. wonder D. wander


*He gave me his personal _______ that his draft would be ready by Friday.* A. endurance B. insurance C. assurance D. ensurance


*He tries to _______ himself with everyone by paying them compliments.* A. gratify B. please C. ingratiate D. commend


*Her article on diet ______ many people into changing their eating habits.* A. surprised B. amazed C. startled D. shocked


*Her campaign costs during the election disastrously _____ her income.* A. outlasted B. outranked C. outran D. outfitted


*His parents have always wanted Phillip to set a good _______________ to his younger brothers both at school and at home.* A. form B. model C. pattern D. guidance


*I am sorry I'm late. I was going to leave the house when something ............* A. caught on B. brought about C. came up D. held up


*I don't agree with ____ very young and pretty criminals.* A. commiting B. enforcing C. imprisoning D. offending


*I find the idea of experimenting on animals _____.* A. disagreeing B. objectionable C. distasteful D. objective


*I had to be early the next morning for school, so I ____ myself and left the party* A. refused B. apologized C. excused D. thanked


*I have English classes ________ day ; on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.* A. all other B. each other C. every other D. any other


*I have a cousin in the States but I've never seen her in the ________ * A. reality B. daylight C. flesh D. body


*I have told her that I am not going to ahead with my plans .................. she may think.* A. whether B. despite C. whatever D. however


*I love working as a _________ in England better than an interpreter here.* A. tour specialized guide B. specialized tour guide C. tour guide specialized D. guide specialized tour


*I suddenly noticed that the runway bus was hurtling _________ me!* A. over B. nearby C. towards D. without


*I'm sure he'll _______ the chance of earning some extra money! * A. fall for B. get at C. jump at D. stand for


*If Dick had John's position in the company, everybody believes he would be able to motivate the workers better.* A. Everybody who works in this company thinks that John motivates the workers well, so that is why he has a better job here than Dick. B. If Dick were able to motivate the workers better, he would be given John's present job in the company. C. It is believed that John is not as good at encouraging the company's workers as Dick would be if he had the same job. D. Everybody in the company thinks that the workers were motivated far better when Dick was doing John's present job.


*If your shoes are not waterproof and if you aren't _________ for the cold, you might look good, but feel terrible!* A. worn B. clothed C. dressed D. fitted


*In your teens, peer-group friendships may ______ from parents as the major influence on you.* A. take back B. take out C. take over D. take in


*Insects and bugs ____________.* A. make my skin march B. make my skin turn C. make my skin crawl D. make my skin walk


*It _______ these questions that are difficult.* A. are B. was C. is D. has


*It took me a long time to ______ what the aim of the game was.* A. ponder B. consider C. grasp D. reckon


*It's a small black dog and _________ to the name of 'Emily'.* A. belongs B. obeys C. answers D. responds


*Ivan: I have stacks of homework to do. Kyle: _________________ !* A. Congratulations B. Cheers C. You poor thing D. Oh bother


*Jean has a very easy-going _________ , which is why she is so popular.* A. role B. characteristic C. personality D. reputation


*John is always sympathetic __________other people's suffering.* A. for B. at C. towards D. in


*Kate spent the morning __________ along the sea-front.* A. hiking B. rambling C. strolling D. crawling


*Large ships can sail ______ the Thames ______ London and smaller ones a further 86 miles/138 kilometres.* A. to-as long as B. on- as much as C. up-as far as D. around-as soon as


*Life in Vietnam in 2050 will be very different.* A. Vietnam will be very different in 2050. B. The year 2050 will see great changes in Vietnam. C. The year 2050 will see great differences in life in Vietnam. D. People of Vietnam will make great changes for the country.


*Look what you've done ! I wouldn't like to.......................when Mum gets home.* A. be in your shoes B. be in good mood C. be at a loss for words D. be broke


*Most scientists know him well. However, very few ordinary people have heard of him. * A. He is the only scientist that is not known to the general public. B. Not only scientists but also the general public know him as a big name. C. Although he is well known to scientists, he is little known to the general public. D. Many ordinary people know him better than most scientists do.


*No one cares about the starving people _____.* A. whose aid is intended for B. whom the aid is intended C. that the aid is intended for D. for the aid is intended


*None of the exercise should ........ you any pain, but it's best to start slowly at first.* A. make B. do C. cause D. result


*Researchers were studying the breeding habits of a particular group of toads, when, suddenly, 96 percent of the males simply ______ for a five-day period.* A. walked B. jumped C. disappeared D. fought


*Rooney was ejected after committing a serious _____ in the match three days ago* A. error B. mistake C. foul D. fault


*She was asked to give a full __________ of her camera when she reported it stolen.* A. account B. detail C. description D. information


*She wears the most ______ color combinations you could ever imagine.* A. hiding B. hideout C. hideous D. hidebound


*Silence .................. the theatre as the audience awaited the opening curtain with expectation and excitement.* A. dropped out of B. fell in with C. hung over D. came between


*Son: "Why don't we buy a new car, Dad? This one is too old to go out with my friends." Dad: "_______ We don't have much money."* A. You're right. B. I have to think it up. C. It's out of the question now. D. That's a great idea.


*The chairman asked members to ______ their votes for or against the proposal.* A. bid B. offer C. cast D. throw


*The poor quality of programs does not elevate people into greater _____, but rather maintains and encourages the status quo.* A. preconception B. knowledge C. understanding D. feeling


*The professor's ____________ theory is that singing preceded speech.* A. fancied B. fond C. pet D. preferable


*The word "halted" means mostly nearly the same as ________.* A. encouraged B. started C. curtailed D. fixed


*There is a huge amount of .........associated with children's TV shows nowadays.* A. produce B. manufacturing C. merchandising D. sales


*These extraterrestrials helped them _____ numerous magnificent structures or even establish glamorous empires.* A. fabricate B. plant C. erect D. install


*This statue is a lifelike __________ of Christ Jesus.* A. presentation B. presenting C. representation D. representative


*Those campers are really __________. They have no idea how to set up a tent.* A. blue B. black C. green D. white


*Thus, _____ from the capitalistic, profit- oriented sector of American society, TV is primarily concerned with reflecting and attracting society rather than innovating and experimenting with new ideas.* A. going B. leaving C. coming D. getting


*Tryouts* for community orchestras are frequently judged by committees. A. Advertisements B. Performances C. Auditions D. Novelties


*We hire out bicycle ________.* A. by hours B. by an hour C. by the hour D. for hours.


*We need to __________ more of our waste and glass.* A. tricylce B. respectably C. respectful D. cyclone


*We've lost everything. Still, ther's no point in complaining. We'll just have to try and make___* A. no bones about it B. a splash C. the best of a bad job D. a clean sweep


*When D. H. Lawrence died, most of what was written about him was hostile; ____, today he is widely recognized as an important writer.* A. in spite of B. what is more C. all the same D. as a result


*You shouldn't live ____ your means* A. into B. without C. beyond D. on


*[OPPOSITE]* "I heard you have a part in the school play tonight."- "Yes, and I'm *on pins and needles.*" A. nervous B. angry C. calm D. happy


*____ THe Internet isn't connected, I can't find out whether there are any concerts this weekend.* A. By the time B. Order that C. So long as D. On account of


*___________ in order to save endangered species.* A. Efforts have made through different conservation B. Efforts have made with different conservation C. Different conservation efforts have been made D. They have been made different conversation efforts


Had I known how crowded it'd be, I'd never have moved to Madrid. A. Since it was so crowded in Madrid, I decided that I would never move there. B. I moved to Madrid only because I was unaware of how many people were there. C. In the end, Madrid turned out to be far more crowded than I'd thought before moving there. D. I would have had a better time living in Madrid if only there hadn't been so many people.


People are busy buying gifts, cleaning and decorating the house and cooking *traditional* foods to welcome Tet holiday now. A. favorite B. national C. customary D. important


The atmosphere of friendliness *in Andalucia (A)* is open, warm and *gives a welcome feeling (B)* to all *who (C)* have *the good (D)* fortune to visit there.


The word *encountered* is closest in meaning to _________. A. avoided B. expected C. faced D. solved


The word *intervention* is closest in meaning to _________. A. need B. device C. influence D. source


The word *tardiness* is closest in meaning to _________. A. laziness B. sickness C. late arriving D. faults


*"Did Jane pass her exam?" "Yes, but only just. It was .................... The pass mark was forty - five percent and she got forty - six".* A. a narrow escape B. a tight spot C. a clear cut D. a close thing


*"How does the washing machine work?" "________"* A. Not often B. Too much C. A little D. Like this


*"Why did Laura go to town?" "_______ for was to attend an interview." * A. What she went B. That she went C. Why she went D. She went


*- "Why did Helen drop out of business school?" - "She decided she wasn't _____ a career in business."* A. joined in B. counted on C. put aside for D. cut out for


*A fable is a short story which is generally told to teach ____ useful lesson* A. an B. the C. no article D. a


*A significant earthquake and several aftershocks ______ on the fifth day after the departure.* A. went B. formed C. left D. occurred


*After its engine failed, the small boat _________ with the current.* A. waved B. tossed C. hastened D. drifted


*Alex's friends were fond of him .................. because of his friendliness.* A. still less B. even less C. at least D. not least


*Although there are many varieties of English, people would _____ that they are all speaking the same basic language.* A. identify B. categorize C. distinguish D. recognize


*Ask David to give you a hand moving the furniture. He's as strong as________ .* A. an elephant B. a mountain C. a gorilla D. a horse


*At the scene of the disaster the Prince said some comforting words to the ..................... relatives.* A. lamenting B. waiting C. complaining D. grieving


*Be carefu lwith your work. The teacher goes over the tests with a/an ____* A. owl eye B. public eye C. fish eye D. eagle eye


*Billy: "How's the coffee here?" Bobby. "____________"* A. No, I don't think so. B. It's a little bitter, to tell the truth. C. It's a little better now that I've got a car. D. As a matter of fact, I'm not interested.


*Considering this shop is the most expensive in town, the quality of its products is of very low standard.* A. The products of this shop are considered to be very low quality, yet it is among the most expensive shops in town. B. Because of the high standara of its products, this shop is the one with the highest prices in town. C. Among the town's expensive ones, this shop is renowned for the high stardard of its product. D. One would expect higher quality products from this shop as it is more expensive than all the others in town.


*Does Mr. Ba bring his farm .......................to the local market every day?* A. product B. productivity C. production D. produce


*Don't look so worried!. You should take the leader's comment with________.* A. a teaspoon of salt B. a cup of salt C. a dose of salt D. a pinch of salt


*Everybody believes that he shouldn't have trusted the people around him so much.* A. He was so credulous that all the people around him could easily deceive him. B. He now admits that some of the people around him didn't deserve to be trusted at all. C. Nobody thinks that any of the people around him are honest enough to be trusted. D. The general opinion is that he made a mistake by having so much faith in the people around him.


*Fionna is very angry ____ her boss's decision to sack several members of staff* A. against B. by C. for D. about


*First of all, you have the opportunity not just to play your favorite sport on a _______ basis, but also to improve.* A. timely B. normal C. even D. regular


*He ____________ this city down so much that I don't know why he doesn't leave. * A. holds B. pulls C. talks D. runs


*He lost in the election because he is a weak and __________ leader.* A. undeciding B. undecided C. undecisive D. indecisive


*He wanted to know if there was anything he could do to help.* A. He asked us what he should do to assist us. B. If there were any way in which he could aid us, we'd tell him. C. He said he could have done something if he had known we needed help. D. He was wondering whether his assistance was needed at all.


*He was wearing very shabby, dirty clothes and looked very _____* A. easy-going B. down to earth C. out of shape D. down at heel


*He will do the work and then send you the _____ for it.* A. addition B. sum C. note D. bill


*However, ____ viewing of programmes designed for young children can be useful.* A. cautious B. choice C. approved D. discriminating


*I preferred the green and white shoes; ____ they're cheaper than the ones that you just showed me.* A. since B. thus C. despite D. besides


*I want you to report to me ______ progress every Friday.* A. over B. for C. about D. on


*I was kept awake for most of the night by the ......... of a mosquito in my ear.* A. screech B. groan C. moan D. whine


*I'd suggest that we avoid telling any scary stories with Janet around, since she's a bit unstable anh could get hysterical.* A. Janet has trouble keeping her emotions under control, especially when she is told frighteing stories. B. Since Janet is somewhat unbalanced, the only way to make her laugh is by telling stories, but we should avoid scary ones as they might cause her to panic. C. It is no fun to tell frighteing stories to Janet, who is not very stable mentally, because she only laughs instead of getting scared. D. Janet is somewhat mentally inbalanced and might easily become uncontrollably emotional, so let's not tell frighteing storiesin her presence.


*I'm allergic to most canned foods. That's why I always look for something fresh and ____* A. air-tight B. chemical free C. environment friendly D. hand-made


*If noone will ...................misbehaving, all pupils will be kept in after school.* A. admit off B. admit in C. own up in D. own up to


*If you are interested in applying for the vacancy, send in your ____* A. mortgage B. paperback C. notice D. résumé


*In this country, a handshake is _____ when making a business agreement. Without it, the parties involved may not trust one another.* A. stranded B. Antisocial C. Diverse D. Obligatory


*It is certain that the suspect committed the crime.* A. The suspect was certain to commit the crime. B. The suspect might have committed the crime. C. Certain commitment of the crime was that of the suspect. D. The suspect must have committed the crime.


*It is difficult to assess grass _______ opinion on the subject of the President's actions.* A. leaves B. cutting C. stems D. roots


*It's high time we got going, _______? * A. isn't it B. didn't it C. should we D. aren't we


*It's not easy to make Stanley furious, the boy is very gentle by _____________.* A. himself B. personality C. reaction D. nature


*It's obvious each of us would like to have their ____ in such an important question as the company being taken over* A. talk B. word C. claim D. say


*Italian TV has ______ a young composer to write an opera for the TV's thirtieth anniversary.* A. appointed B. ordered C. consulted D. commissioned


*Jane likes watching films, but she is not _________ keen on any kind.* A. specially B. certainly C. largely D. particularly


*Jenny is ______ of the mistakes of others. * A. cordial B. acceptable C. co-operative D. tolerant


*John tried to eat a large piece of meat too fast and began to ______. * A. gauge B. lash C. exploit D. choke


*Lasers* are *of* great value in areas such as communication, *industry*, *medicines* and scientific research. A. lasers B. of C. industry D. medicines


*Look! There's no point in trying to overturn the decision. It's all________ .* A. chops and change B. tooth and nail C. head and shoulder D. cut and dried


*Mary loves her mother more than her father.* A. Mary loves her mother more than her father does. B. Her father loves her mother but Mary loves her more. C. Her father doesn't love her mother as much as Mary. D. Mary's love for her mother is greater than for her father.


*Millions of people around Europe spend their winters planning their destinations for the following summer, and their summers ____ to foreign climes for two weeks in the sun.* A taking away B. moving away C. taking off D. jetting off


*More than two hundred police officers are ..................in the investigation.* A. absorbed B. engrossed C. specialized D. involved


*Mrs. Robinson _______ great pride in her cooking.* A. has B. finds C. gets D. takes


*Newspapers should try to ............................ printing statements that they cannot check.* A. refuse B. neglect C. deny D. avoid


*No one under 18 is allowed in the club, and you will be no exception.* A. The club is only for people over 18, so you might not be allowed in. B. If you are over 18, then it is legal for you to go into the club. C. No one in the club is under 18, but you are an expection. D. The rule that those under 18 are forbidden from entering the club is applicable to you , too.


*No whale has ever been known to attack a human except in defence;_______ stories have come down since the Biblical Jonah of men being swallowed by whale* A. consequently B. whatever C. inasmuch as D. nonetheless


*Not all historical sites that are found _____.* A. highly publicized B. of high publicity C. to be highly publicized D. are highly publicized


*OPPOSITE* The distinction between schooling and education *implied* by this remark is important. A. odd B. implicit C. obscure D. explicit


*OPPOSITE*Alaska boasts of several climates due to its *lofty* mountains, warm ocean currents, and frozen seas. A. towering B. rocky C. ageless D. low


*OPPOSITE*Certain types of bacteria that grow on decomposing plants produce a shimmering luminescence, an *eerie* light called "foxfire". A. strange B. dim C. steady D. familiar


*Other famous towns on the river ______ Oxford, Windsor 1, Henley and Greenwich* A. consist B. involve C. contain D. include


*Our firm is so successful because it is at th cutting ___ of computer technology* A. fringe B. limit C. verge D. edge


*Our plans to start our own business seem ______ to failure! * A. fated B. compelled C. designed D. doomed


*Paul has _____ a mercedes_____ a BMW, but i can't remember which - expensive German cars all look the same to me.* A. not only - but also B. neither - nor C. both - and D. either - or


*Sally: 'You look thoughtful.' David: 'I _____ about our holiday last year'* A. just think B. had just thought C. am just thinking D. was just thinking


*So far there is no vaccine ______ in sight for the common cold. * A. or curing B. having cured C. has cured D. or cure


*That vase is an antique. It __________a lot of money* A. worths B. is worthy of C. is worthed D. is worth


*The _____ reason for the lack of quality in American TV is related to both the history of TV programming development and the economics of TV.* A. adequate B. unknown C. inexplicable D. primary


*The barman began to ________ his fists in a threatening manner so I left.* A. gather B. fold C. bundle D. clench


*The construction of the modern airport is _________.* A. being processed B. working out C. in plan D. under way


*The eastern side of Turkey has many historical treasures;_____, few tourists ever go there.* A. even if B. whereas C. so that D. even so


*The new sports center ___________ for all kinds of leisure activities.* A. deals B. supplies C. furnishes D. caters


*The planes were delayed and the hotel was awful, but ________ we still had a good time.* A. on the top of all that B. on the contrary C. for all that D. by the same token


*The professor's decision to give her an F seems completely _____. I can see no justification for that.* A. partial B. preferential C. unparalleled D. arbitrary


*The street market was full of .................... selling fruit and vegetables.* A. counters B. boutiques C. tables D. stalls


*The weather forecast was for rain, but the day was fine and dry, _____ it turned out. * A. When B. though C. like D. as


*Their parents gave them permission to get married. * A. "You must get married", their parents told them. B. "You ought to get married", their parents told them. C. "I give you penuission to get married", their parents told them. D. "You may get married", their parents told them.


*There are not many interesting _________ of news in the 'Evening'. * A. parts B. articles C. loads D. items


*There is also a huge range of videos, which can reinforce and extend the pleasure a child finds in a book and are ____ valuable in helping to increase vocabulary and concentration.* A. properly B. worthily C. perfectly D. equally


*Unfortunately some really ill animals have to be ______ by our center. * A. put down B. turned over C. passed away D. taken out


*We didn't want to say ________ him in the meeting. He was too good to us.* A. to B. for C. with D. against


*We're free most of the weekend, but we've got a few bits and____________to do on Sunday morning.* A. stuff B. ends C. things D. pieces


*What began as a pleasant hike ended up being a fight for survival.* A. The fight that nearly cost them their lives was initiated during a hike in the woods. B. They started the day hiking together and finished it trying to kill one another. C. Though they had planned to spend the day walking, they ended it with a nasty fight. D. It started as an enjoyable walk in the country, but resulted in a nearly fatal situation.


*William Bonney, _______ Billy the Kid, was a famous Wild West gunman.* A. bogus B. versus C.ergo D. alias


*William is an authority ........ medieval tapestries.* A. in B. with C. about D. on


*Wise parents will have a ____attitude and take the lead from their child. * A. cheerful B. contented C. relaxed D. hopeful


*With the end of childhood, and the onset of______ , young people experience profound changes.* A. teenage B. childhood C. middle-age D. adolescence


*You can always ___ Ann to give you sound advice.* A. bank of B. bank for C. bank at D. bank on


*You can never be sure about the accuracy of TV weather reports.* A. If you want to know how the weather is going to be, you should watch TV. B. There are more accurate ways of learning how the weather will bw than watching TV. C. If I were you, I should rely on the TV weather report. D. Weather forecasts on TV are notoriously unreliable.


*You shouldn't _____ into other's people private lives.* A. prowl B. prod C. proceed D. pry


*______ after trying three times, he passed the examination.* A. Last of all B. Lastly C. Last D. At last


*_______ that she burst into tears.* A. Such was angry girl B. So angry she was C. She was angry so D. Her anger was such


.*He will be sued for _____ of contract if he does not do what he promised.* A. fracture B. crack C. rupture D. breach


According to Freud, dreams can be interpreted as the *fulfillment* of wishes A. attainment B. performance C. conclusion D. completion


OPPOSITE Ten prisoners were *released* last week after their 5-year imprisonment A. killed B. arrested C. freed D. jailed


Remember to bring letters of *recommendation* from your teachers. A. suggestion B. introduction C. advice D. reference


Some species of birds, when migrating divide *according to* their age and sex A. in keeping with B. in relation to C. in cognizance of D. in line with


The question of why prehistoric animals became extinct has not been *conclusively* answered. A. predominantly B. extensively C. especially D. decisively


The two scientists are *contemporaries*. Both of them are in their late 40s. A. familiar with each other B. equally capable C. defeated to each other D. living in the same time period


The word *outlining* is closest in meaning to _________. A. assigning B. studying C. checking D. summarizing


The word *relayed* is closest in meaning to _________. A. chosen B. known C. gathered D. sent


The word *succint* is closest in meaning to _________. A. creative B. satisfactory C. personal D. concise


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