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industrial farming

75% of species destruction is due to industrial farming. This figure includes pollinators, vital organisms that provide billions of dollars in economic activity for free every year. Honeybees pollinate 30% of our food, and the collapse of their populations is directly tied to chemically dependent agriculture. Insecticides? They kill insects. Indiscriminately. Including the good ones. Dr. Shiva

Pesticides use is huge

"GE [genetically engineered] crops have increased overall pesticide use by 318.4 million pounds over the first 13 years of commercial use..." Source: Bill Ganzel

Economic Issues

Because of the asynchrony of the deregulation of GM crops around the world, the unintended presence of GM crops in food and feed trade channels can cause serious trade and economic issues. One example is "LibertyLink" rice, a GM variety of rice developed by Bayer Crop Science, traces of which were found in commercial food streams even before it was deregulated for production in the United States. The economic impact on U.S. rice farmers and millers when rice exports from the United States were halted amounted to hundreds of millions of dollars Source: date: Oct 2017


David H. Freedman. a survey conducted in 1997, for example, found that 69 percent of the Austrian public saw serious risks in GM foods, compared with only 14 percent of Americans.

because of another farms choice it could lead to hurting other farmers.

Organic farmers suffering contamination can lose their organic certification and the premium they earn for their organic crop. Source farm aid

advantage of eating non gmo

Out of 3,256 people who responded to a survey emailed to members of the database of Smith's organisation, the Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT), a remarkable 85.2% said their digestive health improved


This year the US will spend $776 million on climate change.

infants have issues with gmos

"CBAN's Lucy Sharratt wrote in a 2003 paper for the Canadian Institute of Child Health entitled Genetically Engineered Food and Child Health that introducing new genes into the human diet or moving genes to new contexts can create new allergens. And children are particularly sensitive." Source:

Glyphosate has long term effects on the soil.

"Glyphosate also changes soil microbiology in ways that can reduce plant nourishment and vitality, particularly nitrogen fixation; interferes with photosynthesis; reduces water use efficiency; lowers lignin content; damages and shortens root systems; causes plants to release important sugars; and changes soil pH—all of which can negatively affect crop health." Source:

Genetically modified herbicides make super weeds.

"It also encourages the development of 'superweeds' which are resistant to glyphosate, such as the giant pig weed, which grows over 2m tall. Morning Glory is another weed which has developed resistance to glyphosate. This paper reveals how the plant has evolved a reproductive system which ensures its tolerance of glyphosate. Something not predicted by the genetic engineers." source:

Economic impacts

"The stated justification for promoting GMO's in the first Bush administration was that they would increase US exports and US domination of agriculture," writes Smith. "The opposite happened. Europe shut its doors to GM corn, soy exports shrunk, and the U.S. spent billions to prop up the prices of the GM crops no one wanted." Source Jeffery Smith 2014

GMO companies don't tell the truth

"When it comes to owning the seed for collecting royalties, they [GMO companies] say, "It's mine." But when it comes to contamination, cross-pollination, health problems, the response is "we're not liable" source Dr. Shiva

more allergens

A joint commission of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) identified two potential unintended effects of genetic modification of food sources: higher levels of allergens in a host plant that contains known allergenic properties, and new proteins created by the gene insertion that could cause allergic reactions. Source:

going off the one above

According to Dr. Shiva, 10% of the formerly fertile agricultural land in the province of Punjab in India are now just dead zones. Nothing can grow there without heavy chemical additions of fertilizer because the soils have nothing left to give. Source Scott Cooney

large spike of allergens

According to a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, food allergies jumped 50 percent between 1997 and 2011. That was one year after GMOs were introduced. Coincidence? We think not - it's time to say no GMOs. Source:Kelsey Blackwell Date: 2018

1.6 billion kilograms of glyphosate have been applied in the U.S. between 1974 and 2016.

According to an NCBI study, more than 1.6 billion kilograms of glyphosate have been applied in the U.S. between 1974 and 2016. Not to mention, glyphosate reportedly remains in soil for up to 6 months after it's been sprayed (that time frame varies depending on the type of soil and other conditions), according to the National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC). Additionally, sometimes glyphosate kills plants that negatively impact the habitats of local wildlife, which can reduce biodiversity, the NPIC added. Source Sophie Hirsh

allergy risks

According to research by the Brown University, resent genetically modified foods can pose significant allergy risks to people. It states that genetic modification often adds or mixes proteins that were not indigenous to the original animal or plant, which might cause new allergic reactions in our body. In some cases, proteins from organisms that you are allergic to might be added to organisms that you were not originally allergic to. Source The goal of ConnectUs is to publish compelling content that addresses some of the biggest issues the world faces.

health risks

According to the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM), there are no human clinical trials of GMO foods, but those done with animals indicate serious health risks linked to GMOs. These include: Infertility Immune problems Accelerated aging Faulty insulin regulations Changes to major organs and the gastrointestinal system Another concern is that because these foods are engineered to withstand herbicides, more of the toxic substances are sprayed on the plants, which ultimately increases the trace amounts of herbicides found in foods. Source, piedmont healthcare

Organic is better for bees

After examining data spanning six years for 180 hives in west central France, the researchers found that—compared with bee colonies in areas farmed conventionally—colonies living amid organic farm fields boast 37 percent more brood, 20 percent more adult bees, and 53 percent greater honey production. Source Organic & Non-GMO Report 2019 study from CNRS (French Center for Scientific Research),

Eating plants with altered genes could make its way into our DNA

Could eating plants with altered genes allow new DNA to work its way into our own? It is possible but hugely improbable. Scientists have never found genetic material that could survive a trip through the human gut and make it into cells. Besides, we are routinely exposed to—and even consume—the viruses and bacteria whose genes end up in GM foods. The bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis, for example, which produces proteins fatal to insects, is sometimes enlisted as a natural pesticide in organic farming. "We've been eating this stuff for thousands of years," Goldberg says.


Cross pollination will not only contaminate wild plants, affecting their natural genetic makeup, but will seriously compromise any organic or non GM farming system. Despite claims that GM and non-GM can co-exist, it is patently untrue. Source Garden organic

Harms animals

Dumping potent herbicides on crops does not just kill weeds, these toxins also harm birds, insects and amphibians. In fact, after exploring the impacts of genetically modified crops on biodiversity in the UK, researchers determined that their harm far outpaced any potential benefits.2018 Kelsey Blackwell

FDA don't test whether it is safe or not. Affirmative

FDA does not itself test whether genetically engineered foods are safe. The FDA has repeatedly made this clear. As Jason Dietz, a policy analyst at FDA explains about genetically engineered food: "It's the manufacturer's responsibility to insure that the product is safe."[2] Or, as FDA spokesperson Theresa Eisenman said, "it is the manufacturer's responsibility to ensure that the [GMO] food products it offers for sale are safe

More allergies

Food allergies are a growing problem in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Trusted Source, food allergies in children under 18 years of age have increased; from 3.4 percent between 1997 and 1999 to 5.1 percent between 2009 and 2011.

costs to farmers

GM HT crops have accelerated the development of glyphosate resistant weeds because they have promoted a tremendous increase in the use of glyphosate (Owen, 2009). Farmers have had to adjust to this new problem and in some cases this had added costs for farmers. Source:

cross pollination

GM crops can - and do - cross pollinate with wild and non-GM plants. Other sources of contamination are the inadvertent spread of seed by farm machinery, as well as mixing seeds during storage. Cross pollination will not only contaminate wild plants, affecting their natural genetic makeup, but will seriously compromise any organic or non GM farming system. Despite claims that GM and non-GM can co-exist, it is patently untrue. Source Garden Organic

leaves land unproductive (economics)

GMO agribusiness leaves an area after farming for many years, this topsoil erosion is so bad it may take 20 years to regenerate even in ideal conditions, until which time the land is more or less economically unproductive. Source Scott Cooney 2013

Chemicals destroy eco systems

Genetic modification of agricultural seeds isn't in the interest of the planet or its inhabitants. Genetically modified (GM) crops are associated with an increased use of chemicals, like glyphosate, that are toxic to the environment and to humans. These chemicals not only contaminate our food and water supplies, but they also compromise soil quality and are actually associated with increased disease susceptibility in crops. This ultimately leads to an increase in the use of pesticides and further disrupts ecosystems. Source Dr. Perlmutter

new allergenics

Genetic modification often adds or mixes proteins that were not native to the original plant, which might cause new allergic reactions in the human body Source:

the issues of Glyphosate

Glyphosate by itself is only mildly toxic to plants and doesn't usually destroy weeds directly. As a broad-spectrum chelator,1 it binds with nutrients, depriving plants of the minerals needed to help them defend against disease. At the same time, glyphosate can stimulate disease-creating organisms in the soil such as fusarium, which then wipe out the weakened plants. Glyphosate also remains in tact in the soil for months or years, and can even be found in the manure of chickens fed RR grains. Source: IRT


Glyphosate is an herbicide. It is applied to the leaves of plants to kill both broadleaf plants and grasses. The sodium salt form of glyphosate is used to regulate plant growth and ripen specific crops.

The use of roundup results in GMOs

Glyphosate is not made using genetic modification. Instead, crops labeled Roundup-Ready are genetically modified to withstand drenching with this weedkiller. Source Robin Mather

Glufosinate plants resist

In GMO plants the situation is worse. Glufosinate is sprayed on the crop but degradation is blocked by the transgene, which chemically modifies it slightly. This makes the plant resistant to the herbicide, but when you eat Bayers' Glufosinate-resistant GMO maize or canola, even weeks or months later, glufosinate, though slightly modified, is probably still there (Droge et al., 1992). Nevertheless, the implications of all this additional exposure of people were ignored in GMO risk assessments of Glufosinate tolerant GMO crops. Source Jonathan R. Latham PhD

lots of soil is degrading

In addition, according to Shiva, chemical agriculture has contributed to 75% of soils in the world now being considered degraded. And from a global perspective, 40% of all GHGs come from industrial agriculture. Source Scott Cooney

not good effects

In one study the weight of male hearts increased by 11%. In another study the female triglyceride levels increased. Repeat studies were not done. "Normal range" was not defined in the studies. Monsanto ignored abnormalities that were not seen in both sexes.

pre birth exposure

In one study, Bt toxin, a bacteria that produces proteins that are toxic to insects and that is inserted into GM corn, was found in 93 percent of pregnant woman and their fetuses. That means, many children today are exposed to GMOs before they're even born. Source: Kelsey Blackwell Date: 2018

more controls than test animals

In some studies there were four times as many controls as there were test animals, which could hide negative results.

do not make more money

Independent research confirms that average farmer profit does not increase with GMOs," Source Jeffery Smith

just because many believe its true...

Just because many people believe something is true doesn't mean that it actually is true for example, in the greek times everyone believed that the earth was flat but clearly the earth is round. Another example is, all scientists in the past around the Greek times believed the sun orbited around the earth and not the earth around the sun. So just because you the majority of people or scientists think something is right isn't always true. Source NASA

cross-pollination issues

Like the seeds of any plant, when the wind blows, GMO seeds travel. This natural occurrence has led to irreversible cross-pollination and the loss of organic crops. "Overall, GMO presence cost organic farmers at least $6.1 million over four years," reports Food & Water Watch. "This figure is 77 times that reported during the 2006 to 2011 timeframe. Source: Genna Reed

glyphosate has caused a decline in the population of monarch butterflies

Michigan State University researchers found that glyphosate has caused a decline in the population of monarch butterflies, according to Make Way for Monarchs. The outlet explains that in the study, researchers found that glyphosate kills off significant amounts of milkweed (a plant that butterflies in the studied regions rely on), which was likely a culprit in the monarch butterflies' decline. Source Sophie Hirsh

most studies are not for long term effects

Most of the studies available are only 90 day feeding studies of modified corn or soy to mice obtained from the companies making the GMOs. The records were obtained by court order since such information has been kept secret. The studies concentrated on liver and kidney, which are not of primary concern in GMO products.


Repeated use of a single pesticide over time leads to the development of resistance in populations of the target species. The extensive use of a limited number of pesticides facilitated by GM crops does accelerate the evolution of resistant pest populations Source:

unknown long-term effects

Scientists still don't know what the long-term effects of significant GMO consumption could be. Robert Gould, MD, a pathologist at the UC San Francisco School of Medicine, said, "the contention that GMOs pose no risks to human health can't be supported by studies that have measured a time frame that is too short to determine the effects of exposure over a lifetime." Source: Date: Feb. 26, 2015

pesticides are bad for our bodys

So many of the foods we eat everyday are sprayed again and again with pesticides before landing on our table. There are a growing number of studies that have associated certain pesticides with increased cancer risk and with diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, especially among those with high exposures. Unborn children are especially vulnerable because pesticides have also been associated with birth defects. Source Greenpeace


Some researchers believe that eating GMO foods can contribute to the development of cancer. They argue that because the disease is caused by mutations in DNA, it is dangerous to introduce new genes into the body. Source Medical News Today

large corporations are not very truthful

Testing outside Monsanto found microscopic liver changes in mice which had eaten Roundup-tolerant GMOs. Other studies showed changes in immune response to eating GMOs. (In a similar vein, industry sponsored studies never showed abnormalities to the notorious Bisphenol A. But, 90% of government funded studies showed serious problems with Bisphenol A.)

glyphosate could cause cancer

The World Health Organization actually classifies glyphosate as carcinogenic, meaning it can potentially cause cancer, according to CNN. Currently, more than 11,000 people who were exposed to large amounts of glyphosate and are now suffering from cancer or other serious conditions are in the process of suing Monsanto for not providing adequate carcinogenic warnings on Roundup packaging. The company has already been ordered to pay two plaintiffs in these cases, source Sophie Hirsh

Serious issues with current herbicides

The glyphosate concentration in the soil builds up season after season with each subsequent application. It can also accumulate for 6-8 years inside perennial plants like alfalfa. Glyphosate residues in the soil that become bound can be reactivated by the application of phosphate fertilizers or other methods. US potato growers, for example, have experienced severe losses from glyphosate that has been reactivated. Source: IRT

super weeds

These residues are far more toxic than others. That's because the weeds these herbicides are meant to kill are becoming more resistant to their use. "Between 1996 and 2008, US farmers sprayed an extra 383 million pounds of herbicide on GMOs," reports Science in Society Archive. Source: Kelsey Blackwell Date: 2018

Herbicides spike in usage

When Monsanto introduced Roundup Ready crops 1996, they boldly claimed that herbicide use would decrease as a result. It did—slightly—for three years. But over the next 10 years it grew considerably. Total herbicide use in the US jumped by 383 million pounds, or about 10%, in the 13 years after GMOs came on the scene. The primary reason for the increase is the accelerating spread of herbicide tolerant weeds. These were reported on 30,000 sites, affecting up to 11.4 million acres, up from 3,251 sites on 2.4 million acres in 2007. The cost for farmers is estimated almost $1 billion each year, or $10-20 per acre. Source: IRT

hurts plants absorption

When the soil is treated with glyphosate, as is so often the case with GM crops, it basically causes sterilization and deprives the plant of its mineral absorption ability. Source Dr. Perlmutter

Round up kill not good

While Roundup has not tested as toxic to humans and other mammals, the longer it has been on the market, the worse its effects on soil health and long-term plant fecundity appear. In addition, Roundup Ready plants may not allow necessary micronutrients to be absorbed by animals consuming them and may also play a part in the recent die-off of bees. Source Erik Kobayashi-Solomon. 2019,

feeds world lie

While the Biotech industry claims GMOs are necessary for feeding the world, the plain truth is that that is simply a bald faced lie. Source Scott Cooney

Less likely to get pregnant

Women who ate two to six daily servings of high-pesticide fruits had an 18 percent lower probability of clinical pregnancy and a 26 percent lower probability of live birth. Women who ate less than one serving a day of high-pesticide residue fruit and vegetables had better odds. Source Chhaya Nene

Not safe

a team led by Gilles-Éric Séralini, a researcher at the University of Caen Lower Normandy in France, found that rats eating a common type of GM corn contracted cancer at an alarmingly high rate. &&

nothing proved safe

medical researchers know, nothing can really be "proved safe." One can only fail to turn up significant risk after trying hard to find it—as is the case with GM crops. David H. Freedman.

autism from gmos

numerous health problems increased after GMOs were introduced in 1996 including chronic illness, food allergies, autism, reproductive disorders and more.

Increased health issues when GMOs were introduced.

the following health conditions starting after the introduction of GMOs in 1996: Chronic illness Food allergies Reproductive disorders Autism Digestive problems This includes the increase in Americans with 3-or more chronic illnesses, which leapt by 6% in just 9-years following the introduction of GMOs. Source Hotze Health & Wellness Center

Health issues increase with GMOs

we do know is that numerous health problems increased after GMOs were introduced in 1996 including chronic illness, food allergies, autism, reproductive disorders and more2018 Kelsey Blackwell/ Christina Sarich

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