Afras 170b midterm review (AAO textbook quizzes ch. 12-21)

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Which of the following was true of the state constitutions created in 1867 and 1868?

They granted all adult males the right to vote.

Which of the following was true of the White Citizens' Councils that were formed after the ruling in Brown v. Board of Education?

They used their economic and political power to intimidate African Americans.

What do Carter G. Woodson, Lorenzo Greene, Benjamin Quarles, and John Hope Franklin have in common?

They were all part of the first generation of professional black historians.

What impact did Henry Wallace's presidential campaign have on President Truman's policies?

Truman pressured Congress to pass liberal legislation.

Which of the following best characterizes events in the immediate aftermath of the Civil War?

White southerners lashed out in violent attacks against black people.

Which of the following played a major role in stimulating the Great Migration?

World War I

Which of the following brought victory to the participants in the Montgomery Bus Boycott?

a Supreme Court ruling

Which of the following best describes the Southern Christian Leadership Council (SCLC)?

a federation of civil rights groups, community organizations, and churches

What event sparked Constance Baker Motley's desire to go to law school?

a lecture by a NAACP lawyer

The term "black church" is shorthand for __________.

a pluralistic collection of institutions

The National Recovery Administration (NRA) __________.

accomplished little to help black workers

What sparked the race riot in Atlanta that began on September 22, 1906?

alleged assaults by black men on white women

How did W. E. B. Du Bois explain racial disparities in America?

as the result of economic and educational factors

Freedmen usually preferred __________.

black teachers

Dorie Miller gained notoriety for his __________.

bravery during the attack on Pearl Harbor

In the years between 1900 and 1923, race conflicts and riots occurred in __________.

dozens of American communities

Which of the following best describes the Port Royal Experiment?

ex-slaves working lands in South Carolina under the supervision of Union officials, reformers, and missionaries

The Tuskegee Study is best described as a/an __________.


Which of the following best characterizes President Roosevelt's response to the Depression?

experimentation tempered by political expediency

The 332nd Fighter Group __________.

flew many different kinds of planes

Unlike other black units in the military, the Tuskegee Airmen __________.

had black officers

The Great Depression was probably the result of several factors, including __________.

inequality of wealth and income

Throughout the 1930s the Communist Party __________.

intensified its support of African Americans' efforts to fight discrimination and racial injustice

Black clergymen, like their white counterparts, often stressed __________.

middle-class values

Baptist congregations were __________.

more independent and under less supervision by church hierarchy than other denominations

In the late nineteenth century, most black people were __________.

poor farmers

The Southern Homestead Act was an attempt to __________.

provide freedmen with land

Phillis Wheatley homes __________.

provided accomodations for single, black working women

Which of the following was sponsored by the Federal Arts Project?

public murals

Marcus Garvey and UNIA sought to promote __________.

racial pride

General Sherman's Special Field Order #15 __________.

reserved land abandoned by whites for former slaves

As a result of the Shelley v. Kramer Supreme Court decision, __________.

restricted residential covenants were outlawed

Between 1946 and 1955, the number of black disc jockeys __________.

rose dramatically

Reconstruction politicians concentrated on which of the following issues?

schools, medical care, prisons, civil rights, and economics

In Plessy v. Ferguson the Supreme Court ruled that __________.

segregation laws did not violate the Fourteenth Amendment

Most of the defendants in the Scottsboro case were __________.

sentenced to death

The Ku Klux Klan of the Reconstruction era is best described as a/an __________.

terrorist organization

In W. E. B. Du Bois' view, who had primary responsibility for the advancement of black people?

the black elite

Langston Hughes's Not Without Laughter centered on __________.

the black experience in Chicago

Aside from the family, what was the most important institution that African Americans controlled for themselves in the late nineteenth century?

the church

What role was assigned to the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA)?

the coordination of the bus boycott

How was Washington's 1895 Atlanta speech received by the public?

the speech was warmly received by both whites and blacks.

What distinguishes gospel from earlier black spirituals and folk music?

the use of instruments

How did the White League seek to redeem Louisiana in 1874?

through the use of political violence

Under Walter White's leadership, the NAACP __________.

took the lead in pressing the government to protect African American rights

Richard Wright's Native Son explored the impact of __________ on young black men.

urbanization and racism

Despite the Supreme Court's ruling in Smith v. Allwright, many blacks __________.

were prevented from voting in the South

The big band swing style emerged as __________.

white bands modified the work of black bandleaders

Between 1910 and 1940, __________ black people left the South.

1.75 million

During the Depression the unemployment rate for black men in northern cities reached __________.

40 to 60 percent

Which of the following was an important difference between black soldiers in World War I and black soldiers in World War II?

A higher percentage of those drafted during World War II had attended high school.

Which of the following overwhelmingly supported the Republican ticket in the election of 1932?

African Americans

Responding to the work of Richard Wright, James Baldwin argued that __________.

African Americans did not have to be shown as helpless victims of racism

Which of the following writers sought to promote positive images of black people in his or her work?

Alain Locke

Which of the following was true of the Cotton Club?

All of its customers were white.

Which of the following was true of black baseball in the first two decades of the twentieth century?

Black baseball players lacked a well-organized professional league in which to compete.

W. E. B. Du Bois was infuriated by __________.

Booker T. Washington's willingness to compromise with the white South

What do Hamburg, South Carolina, and Colfax, Louisiana, have in common?

Both are sites of African-American massacres by whites.

How did the early life of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois differ?

Du Bois was born a free person in Massachusetts

Which of the following accurately characterizes the views and attitudes of W.E.B. Du Bois?

Du Bois was impatient with white people who accepted or ignored white domination

In 1935 African-American artists and intellectuals joined with people throughout the African Diaspora to support __________ resistance to Italian aggression


What lesson had southern Democrats learned about postwar politics by the early 1870s?

Few black men would vote for the Democratic party.

In Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court ruled that a classification based solely on race violated the __________.

Fourteenth Amendment

Martin Luther King's ideology merged __________.

Gandhi's nonviolence with black Christian faith

What was President Johnson's initial stance on civil rights?

He announced his support for major civil rights legislation almost immediately.

Which of the following was true of Paul Robeson?

He befriended and supported African freedom fighters.

How did President Roosevelt respond to the ineffectiveness of the Fair Employment Practices Committee (FEPC)?

He issued an executive order that established a new committee.

Which of the following was true of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)?

It acknowledged the possible need for increased militancy and confrontation.

Which of the following was true of Father Divine's Peace Mission Movement?

It appealed to both blacks and whites.

Which of the following was true of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

It banned discrimination in places of public accommodation.

Which of the following best characterizes Women's Era magazine?

It covered topics of interest to black club women.

How did the War Department respond to calls to commission black officers to lead black troops?

It created an officer training school for blacks.

How did the NAACP respond to The Birth of a Nation?

It fought to halt the film's presentation

Why were black activists disappointed in the Civil Rights Act of 1957?

It lacked sufficient enforcement power.

Which of the following limited the effectiveness of the Freedmen's Bureau?

It lacked sufficient funds to carry out its responsibilities

Which of the following was true of the NAACP's legal strategy in the early 1950s?

It offered a direct challenge to the doctrine of "separate but equal."

Which of the following was true of the Federal Elections Bill of 1890?

It passed the House but not the Senate

Which of the following was true of the weekly newspaper Negro World?

It promoted Marcus Garvey's ideology.

How did the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) help black farmers?

It pumped large amounts of money into the agricultural sector.

Which of the following was true of the Civil Rights Act of 1875?

It was initially supposed to open all public accommodations to all people regardless of race.

Which of the following was true of the "black cabinet"?

It was led by Mary McLeod Bethune.

Which of the following was true of the Works Progress Administration (WPA)?

It was much fairer to African Americans than the first New Deal programs.

Which of the following was true of Klan activity?

It was relatively rare in places where black people were in a majority.

Which of the following was true of the 1960 Greensboro sit-in?

It was the result of careful planning.

Which of the following events triggered a surge in African-American activism in 1935?

Italy's invasion of Ethiopia

Which of the following best characterizes the Syracuse Convention?

Its participants embraced the basic tenets of the American political tradition.

Which of the following was true of the 1890 Mississippi constitutional convention?

Its purpose was to disfranchise black voters.

How did Native Americans in Oklahoma react to blacks after the war?

Many tribes actively worked against black voting rights.

Which of the following best characterizes the attitude of the U.S. military to black soldiers at the outset of World War II?

Military leaders believed that blacks were best suited to service duties and menial positions.

Which of the following was true of the black colleges and universities established across the South in the late 1860s and the 1870s?

Most provided elementary and secondary education.

The __________ Amendment gave women the right to vote.


Which of the following was true of Jackie Robinson?

Outside of baseball, he was committed to racial progress and to issues of concern to black people.

The response of the black community to Rosa Parks's arrest suggests which of the following?

Plans had long existed to protest segregation on city buses.

Most Americans blamed which of the following for the Great Depression?

President Herbert Hoover

__________ Invisible Man traces the life of a young black man from his youth in the South through his migration to New York City.

Ralph Ellison's

The Birth of a Nation purported to depict __________.


How did southern Republican state governments revise state criminal codes?

Republican state governments revised state criminal codes by eliminating corporal punishment and reducing the number of capital crimes.

Which of the following best describes southern African-American political leaders during Reconstruction?

Some were free before the war, most were literate, and few had attended college.

How did external pressures reinforce domestic efforts to change American racial policy during the Cold War?

The Soviets took advantage of the propaganda value of racial problems in the United States.

How were the racial attitudes of white military authorities reflected in military policies?

The army assigned very few black soldiers to combat roles.

Why did Eleanor Roosevelt resign from the Daughters of the American Revolution?

The organization refused to allow Marian Anderson to perform at its Constitution Hall.

What was the result of the Nashville sit-in organized by students at Fisk University?

The sit-in compelled major Nashville restaurants to desegregate.

Which of the following best explains the 1892 attack on the black-owned People's Grocery Store?

The store was an economic success.

Which of the following was true of the North in the early twentieth century?

There was less overt segregation in the North than in the South.

What was the "shotgun policy"?

A campaign of violence aimed at redeeming Mississippi.

How did the relationship between African Americans and labor unions change in the 1930s?

African Americans gained entry to a number of important national unions.

Which of the following was true of the subjects that were recruited for the Tuskegee Study?

All of them were poor black sharecroppers.

Which of the following was true of black high schools at the turn of the century?

Almost all were private schools

Which of the following was true about freedmen and education?

Almost every freed black person wanted to learn.

How did international events help give the 1935 heavyweight championship fight between Joe Louis and Primo Carnera political overtones?

At the time of the fight, Benito Mussolini was about to invade Ethiopia.

__________ was the dominant black music of the World War II decade.


Which of the following was true of lynchings in the United States in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?

Black men were usually the victims.

What impact did World War II have on black nonfarm employment?

Black nonfarm employment rose substantially.

Which of these claims did Booker T. Washington make in his famous 1895 speech in Atlanta?

Black people had genuine economic opportunities in the South.

Which of the following was one of the primary conclusions of a 1925 study by the American War College on African American soldiers?

Black soldiers were not suited for combat duty.

Which of the following was an important difference between the way W. E. B. Du Bois and Ralph Bunche approached American foreign policy?

Bunche opted to work within the system.

Why did cotton prices fall as rapidly as they did in the 1930s?

Consumer demand for cotton fell with the depressed economy.

Which of the following helps explain why a majority of African Americans voted for John F. Kennedy in the election of 1960?

During the campaign, Kennedy spoke more about civil rights than did his opponent.

Which of the following best characterizes Martin Luther King's view of the Birmingham "children's crusade"?

He believed it was necessary.

In what way did Hitler's racist views differ from those of most white racists in the United States?

He believed that Jews were to blame for his country's social and economic problems.

How did President Grant respond to the possibility of a full-scale rebellion in 1871 in South Carolina?

He declared martial law and dispatched federal forces into the region.

What role did Irving Mills play in Duke Ellington's career?

He developed a strategy for gaining national exposure and interest in Ellington's music.

Which of the following was true of President Herbert Hoover?

He did more to counteract a depression than any previous president had done.

Which of the following best characterizes W. E. B. Du Bois's attitude towards the Communist Party?

He found it very unlikely that African Americans would join the party.

Why did Democrats accept Hayes as the victor of the 1876 election?

He let them know he would bring Reconstruction to an end.

How did President Kennedy respond to the efforts of Mississippi Governor Ross Barnett to resist a court order to admit James Meredith to the University of Mississippi?

He sent federal marshals to uphold the order.

Which of the following was true of Andrew Johnson prior to his assuming the presidency?

He was the only senator from the seceded states to remain loyal to the Union.

How did Arkansas Governor Orville Faubus respond to a federal court order requiring him to let black students enter Little Rock Central High School?

He withdrew the Arkansas national guardsmen blocking their entry to the school.

What impact did World War II have on African American migration?

It accelerated the migration of African Americans from rural areas to cities.

Which of the following best characterizes the Montgomery Bus Boycott?

It was the result of years of planning and organizing.

Why did the Council of Federated Organizations (COFO) choose to invite northern white students to participate in Mississippi Freedom Summer?

Its leaders hoped that doing so would increase media attention.

Why were most delegates to the southern state constitutional conventions of 1867 and 1868 white and Republican?

Most southern voters were white, and most southern Democrats boycotted the elections.

How did the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters (BSCP) benefit from the New Deal?

New labor legislation helped the BSCP overcome the opposition of the Pullman Company.

What right did the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution guarantee?

No man could be denied the right to vote because of his race.

Which of the following was true of segregation in the South in 1885?

Segregation was practiced in many aspects of southern life.

How did the relationship between the black religious tradition and the secular lives of church members change in the 1930s and 1940s?

Several alternative religious groups emerged in response to the specific needs of black migrants to northern cities during the period.

What truth about slavery was revealed when the Civil War was over?

Slavery had not destroyed the black family.

Which of the following was true of the white southern response to black people's efforts to get an education?

Some white people went out of their way to prevent black people from learning.

Which of the following was demonstrated by the Freedom Rides?

Southern police were unwilling to protect civil rights activists from violent attacks.

How did the Creek and the Chickasaw differ in their policies towards African Americans in tribal areas after the war?

The Creeks allowed blacks to serve in both houses of their legislature but the Chickasaw did not.

What role did the Freedmen's Bureau play in providing educational opportunities to former slaves?

The Freedmen's Bureau organized hundreds of schools.

__________ was the most important aspect of religious life for most black congregations.

The church service

Which of the following was true of the 1950s from the perspective of most white Americans?

The decade was an era of unparalleled prosperity.

Which of the following best characterizes the involvement of the federal government in the black visual arts during the 1930s?

The federal government established art workshops and centers in black urban communities.

Which of the following best characterizes the efforts of Reconstruction leaders to establish public school systems in the South?

They achieved uneven results.

What do Charles W. Chesnutt, Paul Laurence Dunbar, and Henry Ossawa Tanner have in common?

They all made contributions to African-American cultural life prior to the Harlem Renaissance.

Why did many African-American leaders object to blacks participating in the 1936 Olympics?

They believed that black participation would help legitimate the Nazi myth of Aryan racial superiority.

How did the NAACP and the Urban League respond to military segregation?

They campaigned against it and lobbied the government to change military policies.

Which of the following was achieved by black politicians during Reconstruction?

They created the foundation for public education.

How did white southerners respond to President Theodore Roosevelt's decision to invite Booker T. Washington to the White House for dinner?

They denounced the invitation as a breach of racial etiquette.

Why did black men choose not to run for the most important political offices in 1868?

They did not want to further alienate angry white southerners.

What challenge did the Fifteenth Amendment pose to white southern Democratic leaders?

They had to determine how to disfranchise black voters without doing the same to many white voters.

Which of the following was true of rural black schools in the late nineteenth century?

They rarely operated for more than 30 weeks a year.

What did Julius Rosenwald, Andrew Carnegie, and William H. Baldwin have in common?

They were all prominent white supporters of Booker T. Washington.

Which of the following was true of the Tuskegee Airmen?

They were awarded numerous medals for military valor.

How effective were the Enforcement Acts of 1870 and 1871?

They were not effective because few punishments were handed out to the hundreds of Klansmen arrested.

Which of the following was true of the writers and artists of the Harlem Renaissance as a group?

They were well educated.

Which of the following was true of black urban life in the late nineteenth-century South?

Urban areas offered more economic opportunities than rural areas.

Ralph Ellison's view of the situation of black people in America echoed __________.

W. E. B. Du Bois's notion of the "twoness" of the African-American character

Why were public schools during Reconstruction invariably segregated?

White parents refused to send their children to integrated schools.

Which of the following was most likely to have served as a delegate at a black convention in 1866?

a minister who had been free before the Civil War

Many African Americans insisted that music, the arts, and literature serve both an aesthetic purpose and __________.

a political function

Which of the following would have been most likely to boycott the elections that were held in the South in 1868 to ratify the new constitutions and elect men to political office?

a white Democrat

The term "Jim Crow" originated with __________.

a white minstrel show routine

Under the leadership of A. Philip Randolph, the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters __________.

achieved little in terms of tangible gains for its members

The National Association of Colored Women (NACW) __________.

adopted the motto "Lifting as We Climb"

Booker T. Washington's commitment to __________ was the basis for his approach to "the problem of the color line."

agricultural and industrial education

Which of the following led to the lynching of Emmett Till?

an alleged breach of racial etiquette

What was the "Southern Manifesto"?

an anti-Brown declaration signed by southern members of Congress

Kenneth Billups was __________.

an arranger, composer, and music directoran arranger, composer, and music director

Which of the following was most likely to be apprehensive about freedom?

an elderly slave

The Supreme Court's 1938 decision in Gaines v. Canada forced the state of Missouri to provide black citizens __________.

an opportunity to study law in a state-supported institution

Madison Grant's The Passing of the Great Race (1916) __________.

argued that America was committing "race suicide"

The most popular spectator sports at black colleges and universities in the 1920s were __________.

baseball and football

Why did many whites believe that it was impossible for black women to be raped?

because it was believed that they invited the sexual attentions of white men

During the 1940s, Paul Robeson linked the struggles of black America with the struggles of __________.

black Africa

The black Chicago writers of the 1930s and 1940s emphasized the idea that __________.

black art had to serve the cause of black freedom

E. Franklin Frazier conducted pioneering studies of __________.

black families

Anna Julia Cooper believed that __________.

black women would play a decisive role in the fight for racial equality

How did Albany, Georgia, police chief Laurie Pritchett seek to undermine the effectiveness of civil rights protests in his city?

by avoiding direct confrontation with the federal government

How did Mississippi Congressman John E. Rankin undermine the ability of blacks to take advantage of the G.I. Bill of Rights?

by insisting that state and local veterans' administrators control the distribution of the benefits

How did Woodrow Wilson respond to Pancho Villa's March 1916 incursion into the United States?

by sending 15,000 U.S. troops into Mexico

Many young people criticized the NAACP for its focus on __________.

civil liberties

Unlike the American Federation of Labor (AFL), the Committee for Industrial Organization (CIO) __________.

committed to interracial and multiethnic organizing

Which of the following was one of the underlying causes of the 1943 Detroit race riot?

competition for housing and jobs

Bebop featured __________.

complex rhythms and harmonies

In the first half of the twentieth century, the NAACP focused its efforts on securing __________.

constitutional rights and guarantees

The Civil Rights Act of 1957 __________.

created a commission to monitor violations of black civil rights

In the decades prior to 1895, black voting in South Carolina __________.

declined sharply

In the 1930s W. E. B. Du Bois urged black Americans to __________.

develop their own economy

Which of the following was a major cause of tension between the Southern Christian Leadership Council (SCLC) and the NAACP?

differences over tactics

Which of the following was a "push" factor behind black migration in the early twentieth century?

disasters in southern agriculture

Which of the following undermined northern interest in and support for the rights of southern blacks?

economic hard times

Which of the following helps explain the emergence of the Holiness movement?

elite domination of Methodism

"The Jones Family," a 1930s comic strip, __________.

explored the trials and tribulations of a middle-class black family

The "Double V" campaign called for victory over __________.

facism abroad and racism at home

Black writers in the 1930s and 1940s __________.

felt a responsibility to examine racial identity

As slavery ended, the most urgent need for many freed people was __________.

finding family members who had been sold away from them

Social realists like Charles White, Elizabeth Catlett, and Eldzier Cortor strove to __________.

fuse propaganda and art

When World War I erupted in Europe in August 1914, most Americans __________.

had no intention or desire to participate

Which of the following was true of the Japanese in the 1930s?

hey were determined to drive European colonialists out of Asia.

Early black support for classical music emerged in St. Louis in the 1930s and 1940s __________.

in spite of the objection of some whites

When did the racial violence of the early decades of the twentieth century reach its peak?

in the immediate aftermath of World War I

Radical Republicans differed from moderate Republicans in that they were determined to __________.

include black people in the nation's political and economic system

The Dyer bill was intended to help put an end to __________.


The Civil Rights Act of 1866 __________.

made any person born in the United States a citizen

In the months following the conclusion of the Civil War, __________.

most Union troops were withdrawn from the South and demobilized

Nineteenth-century Americans of virtually every background associated economic security with __________.

owning land

The first segregation laws involved __________.

passenger trains

Most French civilians and troops __________.

praised the conduct of black soldiers

Black soldiers found it particularly difficult to accept the fact that __________.

prisoners of war were often treated better than they were

The "Freedom Rides" __________.

tested the willingness of the Justice Department to protect the rights of African Americans

Which of the following is suggested by the black codes passed by southern state legislatures in 1865 and 1866?

that white southerners had no intention of giving up their control over black labor

According to historian Barbara Diane Savage, the broadcast of the radio program Destination Freedom was made possible by which of the following?

the Great Migration

Which of the following contributed to the rise of black politicians in the 1920s and 1930s?

the Great Migration

Arna Bontemps had the same relationship to the Black Chicago Renaissance as Alain Locke had to __________.

the Harlem Renaissance

Which of the following was most important in laying the groundwork for the 1954 Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education?

the NAACP's legal program of the 1920s and 1930s

In Powell v. Alabama the Supreme Court ruled that __________.

the Scottsboro defendants had not been given adequate legal counsel

Which of the following led to the creation of the NAACP?

the Springfield riot of 1908

By 1935, __________.

the Supreme Court had invalidated major parts of the first New Deal

The Supreme Court's decision in Sweatt v. Painter helped lay the legal foundation for which of the following?

the Supreme Court ruling in Brown v. Board of Education

The killing of James Reeb prompted President Johnson to announce his support for __________.

the Voting Rights Act of 1965

Hampton Institute stressed __________.

the acquisition of practical work skills

The Scottsboro case centered on __________.

the alleged rape of two white women by African American youths

Which of the following helps explain why St. Louis grew to become the fifth largest city in the United States during the 1930s?

the arrival of a second wave of black migrants

In the years immediately following World War II, the overriding goal of the United States and its allies became __________.

the containment of communism

Which of the following was a consequence of Urban League efforts to improve employment prospects for black workers in the early decades of the twentieth century?

the creation of a Division of Negro Economics within the Department of Labor

What did Booker T. Washington see as the key to solving the "race problem" in America?

the economic progress of black people

Which of the following contributed to the demise of the Niagara Movement?

the efforts of Booker T. Washington

What disfranchisement law was pioneered by Louisiana?

the grandfather clause

In its decision in Sweatt v. Painter, the Supreme Court ruled that the University of Texas had deprived Heman Sweatt of __________.

the intangibles that were an essential part of a legal education

The Fair Play Committee focused its attention on __________.

the movie industry

On which of the following did Marcus Garvey and W. E. B. Du Bois agree?

the need to challenge colonialism in Africa

Most white southerners justified lynchings as a response to __________.

the raping of white women by black men

The experience of military service during World War II led many black soldiers __________.

to commit themselves to the fight for black equality

Why did civil rights groups decide to organize the 1963 march on Washington?

to demonstrate their support for Kennedy's civil rights legislation

What were the goals of the Ku Klux Klan?

to remove black and white Republican leaders and to take away black voting rights.

Katherine Dunham was __________.

trained in anthropology

On which of the following did Robert Kennedy urge black student leaders to focus their activism?

voting registration

Rube Foster's Negro National League __________.

was the first stable black baseball league

By the 1920s the Pullman Company, which owned and operated passenger railroad coaches, __________.

was the single largest employer of black people in the United States

Prior to the passage of segregation laws, __________.

white people sometimes tried to prevent black people from riding in first-class railroad coaches

The 1920s Klan claimed to represent __________.

white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant America

Mississippi Senator James K. Vardaman believed that __________.

whites would never allow blacks to have a meaningful political and legal role in America

Langston Hughes's poem "Red Silk Stockings" depicted __________.

young black women who were tempted by liaisons with white men

Most of the initial wave of black migrants who left the South in the early twentieth century were __________.

younger people born in the 1880s and 1890s

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