Age of Exploration

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A new light, fast sailing ship. It had two new features. It was steered with a rudder, rather than a stern. It also was equipped with lateen sails, triangular sails that could be turned to catch wind from any direction. Lateen sails could even be used to sail directly into a headwind.


An economic system used from about the 1500s to the 1700s that held that a nation's power was directly related to its wealth.

Christopher Columbus

Italian sailor. His voyage was paid for by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. Columbus believed that he could sail west around the world from Spain to reach China. Columbus thought he had reached an Asian island, but it was actually the Americas. Columbus made three more voyages to the Americas, bringing back natives and exotic goods to Spain. Columbus's error wasn't realized until 1502, by Amerigo Vespucci when he sailed along the coast of South America and concluded that it was not Asia but a new land.

Francisco Pizarro

Led an expedition to Peru about 10 years after the conquest of the Aztecs. Pizarro had heard of the great wealth of Peru's Inca Empire, and hoped to gain the wealth for himself. In Peru, when Pizarro arrived, he found the Inca empire was already weak. Smallpox had recently swept through, killing many people, including the emperor. Pizarro and his Spanish army took over the Inca empire, and killed the new emperor of the Incas.

Ferdinand Magellen

Magellen was born in Portugal, but sailing for Spain. He set out in 1519 with five ships and about 250 men. Magellen was killed in the Philippines. His men sailed on, and led by Juan Sebastian, were the first people ever to circumnavigate.

What motivations drove explorers from Europe to travel the world? What were were most looking to find?

Motivations that drove explorers from Europe to travel the world were, people were in search of fame and wealth, fame and glory. Some explorers spread the faith into new lands. Some explorers were also just curious.


New piece of technology that the Europeans first learned how to use from Muslims. The astrolabe allowed navigators to calculate their location based on the position of the sun and starts in relation to the horizon.

How did the exchange affect both Europe and the Americas?

Over time, the crops, goods and foods exchanged, became part of peoples diets, and lives all over the world. These foods provided substantial nutrition and helped people live linger. Scholars estimate that a full one-third of all food crops grown around the world today are of American origin.

In what ways was the Age of exploration positive and negative?

Positive- discoveries of new lands, spread and integrated cultures all around the world. Negative- Caused wars among European Countries for land, wealth, and power. Began African Slave Trade.

Henry the Navigator

Prince Henry, son of King John I of Portugal. (aka. "Henry the Navigator".) He was not an explorer himself, he was a patron and supporter of those who wished to explore. Henry sent expeditions west to islands in the Atlantic and south to explore the western coast of Africa. As a result, the Portuguese began to settle the Azores and Madeira Islands in the Atlantic. Henry's ultimate goal was to find a water route around Africa to India. He died before the goal could be accomplished.

What products were exchanged as part of the Columbian Exchange?

Products from the Americas: Guinea pigs, llamas, turkeys, vegetables, nuts, tobacco, vanilla, rubber, potatoes..... Products from Europe, Asia, and Africa: Cattle, Chickens, donkeys, goats, rabbits, sheep, pigs...., fruits, citrus fruits, coffe, lettuce...., Diseases- Cholera, influenza, malaria, measles, smallpox.

Hernan Cortez

Spanish explorer who led an expedition to Mexico that ended with the conquest of the Aztec empire. Cortez was a conquistador. Cortez joined forces with thousands of native americans who wanted to defeat the Aztecs. Cortez was able to take over the Aztec empire, a main reason was because of the Spaniard's advanced weapons and the Europeans brought diseases with them that the natives weren't immune to, which killed many Aztecs.

How did European explorers and settlers interact with native populations?

Spanish- drafted Native Americans for labor in the mines and on the farms. The spanish also brought diseases with them that the natives weren't immune to, which killed more than 90% of the population. Portuguese- When colonists finally arrived along the Atlantic coast, they established huge farming estates similar to those in the Spanish lands. Like the Spanish, the Portuguese first used Native American labor and then African slaves to work on their farms. French- didn't enslave native americans, instead wanted to establish a good relationship with the natives, for trading. They often became allies. Dutch- Mostly interested in trade with the natives like the French. English- Established first colony at Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. Colonists viewed the natives with anger and distrust.

What were the foundations upon which the Age of Exploration was built? What new innovations make the Age Exploration possible?

The Age of Exploration was during the 1400 and 1500s, which was during the Renaissance, and a spirit of discovery and innovation had been opened in Europe. Some innovations that made the Age of exploration possible were the compass, the astrolabe and, new ships, such as the caravel.

Columbian Exchange

The cultural changes that occurred between the Native Americans and the Europeans that led to major cultural changes in both societies. Over time, the contact between the two groups led to the widespread exchange of plants, animals, and disease.

Triangular Trade

The first leg of the triangle consisted of ships carrying European goods to Africa to be exchanged for slaves.

Middle Passage

The second leg, or Middle Passage, brought Africans to the Americas to be sold as slaves. The third leg carried American products such as sugar, tobacco, and rice to Europe.

Age of Exploration

Time of the later 1400s and 1500s, when Europeans to set sail on voyages of discovery to find new lands or new routes to places already known. These voyages were so frequent that the time period was named the Age of exploration.


To sail completely around the world.

Treaty of Tordesillas

Treaty signed in 1494, drew an imaginary line through the Atlantic. Everything to the west of the line, including most of the then- undiscovered Americas, would belong to Spain. Everything to the east would be Portuguese. Of the Americas, only Brazil remained as a Portuguese colony.

Slave trade

When there was a shortage of labor in the Americas, it led to the beginning of the Atlantic slave trade. To help with the shortage of labor, millions of Africans were forced to be slaves, and taken to the Americas before the slave trade ended in the 1800s. Most of the slaves came from West Africa, others were kidnapped on slave raids organized by European traders. The captured Africans became part of a network called the triangular trade.


aka. Conqueror, a term applied to Spanish military leaders who fought against the native peoples of the Americas.

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