AGRY 255 - Exam 1 - Spring 2020

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Silt Loam is made up of what % of components:

25% air 25%water 50% solids + O.M. (~5% O.M.)

A soil particle measures 0.07mm, it is: A. Sand B. Silt C. Clay

A. Sand


Accum of Carbonates

The youngest soils in Indiana area found in which area? South central On the outwash North Central Along the river floodplains

Along the river floodplains

A soil horizon with clay accumulation is called a/an Albic horizon Argillic horizon Oxichorizon Spodic horizon

Argillic horizon

Diagnostic horizons are inherited from the parent materials A. True B. False

B. False

Which class of land in the Land Capability Class system describes a soil that has moderate limitations or may require moderate conservation practices but is still suitable for row crops such as corn and soybeans? A. I B. II C. III D. IV


All of these soil orders are found in well drained forest soils except: A. Alfisols. B. Mollisols. C. Spodosols. D. Ultisols.

B. Mollisols.

A soil particle measures 0.009mm, it is: A. Sand B. Silt C. Clay

B. Silt

All of these soil orders are found in well drained forest soils except: A. alfisols. B. mollisols. C. spodosols. D. ultisols.

B. mollisols. (prairies)

You measure the diameter of a soil particle and find that it measures 0.02mm. This particle is most likely a: A. sand particle. B. silt particle.C. clay particle. D. piece of gravel.

B. silt particle. Clay<0.002<Silt<0.05<Sand

The taxonomic class of the Eastport soil series is a Mixed, frigid Spodic Udipsamments. What is the soil order of this series? A. Inceptisol B. Spodosol C. Entisol D. Alfisol

C. Entisol

The taxonomic class of the Westport soil series is a Mixed, frigid Spodic Udipsamments. What is the soil order of this series? A. Inceptisol B. Spodosol C. Entisol D. Alfisol

C. Entisol

You are considering buying a parcel of land and notice that the color of the soil is 10 YR 3/1. The Land Capability class of this soil is likely: A. IIIe B. IIg C. IIw D. IIs

C. IIw

Which class of land in the Land Capability Class system is the last class suitable for cultivated crops, but usually cannot be considered suitable for row crops such as corn and soybeans? A. I B. II C. IV D. VII


Under the heading for each type of parent material are listed various transporting agents. Select the letter of the answer which correctly indicates the correct set of transporting agents for all parent materials. Lacustrine A. wind B. glaciers C. water D. wind Alluvium glaciers wind water water Till gravity water glaciers glaciers Colluvium water gravity gravity water Aeolian water water wind gravity

C. Water

What type of particle(s) is/are still in suspension at 2 hours?


List the 5 soil forming factors

Climate Parent Material Organisms (Biota) Relief (Topography) Time

Land Capability Subclasses: IV

Climate Limitations

____________________ describes soil particles which have formed into vertical pillars with rounded tops and high sodium, separated by miniature, but definite, vertical cracks in the B horizon. Columnar Massive Angular blocky Prismatic


Which of these soils would likely have the lowest bulk density? A. Fluaquents B. Orthods C. Argiaquerts D. Cryofolists

D. Cryofolists ?? histosol --> higher O.M. accum, lower the B.D.

Of the following, which of would you most expect to find in Central Indiana? A. Argiudox B. Hapludid C. Umbriorthel D. Dystrochrept

D. Dystrochrept not gonna be oxisol, aridisol, or gelisols

Which of the following would you least expect to find in Indiana? A. Hapludalf B. Argiudoll C. Dystrochrept D. Umbriorthel

D. Umbriorthel

Which class of land in the Land Capability Class system describes a soil that has severe limitations and would likely only be suitable for recreation, wildlife, or aesthetics is? A. II B. IV C. V D. VIII


Rank the following soil orders Alfisol, Entisol, Inceptisol, Oxisol, Ultisol, from youngest (least weathered) to the oldest (most weathered): Entisol, Inceptisol, Alfisol, Oxisol, Ultisol Entisol, Inceptisol, Alfisol, Ultisol, Oxisol Inceptisol, Alfisol, Entisol, Ultisol, Oxisol Inceptisol, Entisol, Alfisol, Oxisol, Ultisol

Entisol, Inceptisol, Alfisol, Ultisol, Oxisol

Diagnostic horizons are inherited from parent materials: [ True OR False ] (circle one) (1 point)


"Fine, loamy, mixed, mesic," Aquic Halpudalf



Great Group

Given these 4 great groups, which of these soils is most likely to have a Ck horizon? Haplaquand Haplocalcid Hapludalf Haplorthox


Cold temperatures (e.g., 35 degrees F): Increase the rate of organic matter breakdown Increase organic matter accumulation Increase drainage Decrease drainage

Increase organic matter accumulation


Into B

Complete the following (3 points, 1 point each):As you move down the soil profile, the subsoils (e.g., the B horizon) tend to contain:[ more OR less ] (circle one) organic matter than the surface soil layer (e.g., A horizon). [ more OR less ] (circle one) total pore space than the surface soil layer (e.g., A horizon). [ more OR less ] (circle one) macropores than the surface soil layer (e.g., A horizon).

Less; Less; More

Using the map of Indiana provided, write the appropriate number (1-5) for each of the areas noted in a-c. You will NOT use all choices. (3 points, 1 point each) Limestone parent material: __________ Illinoian glacial deposits: __________ Sandstone and shale: __________

Limestone parent material: ______3____ Illinoian glacial deposits: _____4_____ Sandstone and shale: ______2____

Given these 4 great groups, which of these soils is likely to have a low bulk density and is high in silicates, organic matter, iron, aluminum and other metals. Melanaquand Haploboroll Orthohaplel Petrocalcid


Assuming you have an ideal silt loam, what soil component typically makes up the largest percentage/fraction of the soil? Water Air Mineral Organic matter


The __________________ is the unmixed surface soil horizon where partially decomposed material (e.g., leaf litter) accumulates. O horizon A horizon E horizon B horizon

O horizon

Briefly describe each of the master horizon designations below. (3 points, 1⁄2 point each) O: A: E: B: C: R:

O: leaf litter A: mineral horizon E: leached minerals; loss of clay, iron, Al; forests B: accum of clay, humus, etc. C: parent material R: bedrock




Out of A & E

You are trying to determine the drainage of a soil at your home and find that the subsurface (B horizon) of the soil has a color of 10YR 1/3. (2 points total)

Oxidized; Fe3+

You are trying to determine the drainage of a soil at your home and find that the subsurface (B horizon) of the soil has a color of 10YR 4/3. (2 points total)

Oxidized; Fe3+

You are trying to determine the drainage of a soil at your home and find that the subsurface (B horizon) of the soil has a color of 10YR 4/4. (2 points, 1 point each)

Oxidized; Fe3+

"Crosby silt loam, eroded, 2-6% slope"


A soil containing predominantly ferrous iron throughout the upper 40 inches of the soil profile would be: Well drained Moderately well or somewhat poorly drained Poorly drained You can't tell without knowing the organic matter content

Poorly drained

You have a soil that has hard bedrock (e.g., sandstone) as the parent material. What is the most appropriate master horizon to describe this parent material?


Land Capability Subclasses: III

Risk of Erosion

Which soil texture has the lowest water holding (storage) capacity? Loamy sand Sand Silty clay Silt loam


"Crosby" silt loam


Classifying a soil by physical and chemical properties is an example of: Land classification Land use Soil Taxonomy Soil Catalogue

Soil Taxonomy

Land Capability Subclasses: VI

Solum - Shallowness/root-zone limitations

The oldest soils in Indiana are found in which area? Among the eskers and kames Among the till plains North Central Indiana South Central Indiana

South Central Indiana

The oldest soils in Indiana area found in which area? South central Along the river floodplains On the outwash plain North Central

South central

Complete the following sentence: The law that governs the principles used in the hydrometer method is called _________________________________________________. This law assumes that all variables are constant except ____________________________.

Stoke's Law; Particle size

"Aquic Halpudalf"




Two Indiana soils, one a residuum and one an alluvium would likely differ in which soil forming factors? Time and vegetation Climate and time Time and parent material Climate and parent material

Time and parent material

Two Indiana soils, one a residuum and one an alluvium would likely differ in which soil forming factors? Time and vegetation Time and parent material Climate and time Climate and parent material

Time and parent material

________ is the soil forming factor that causes soils to differ within the same catena. Climate Topography Parent material V egetation/biota


_________________ is the soil forming factor that causes soils to differ within the same catena. Climate Topography Parent material V egetation/biota


The Hobbit silt loam is a fine silty, mixed mesic Typic Fragiudalf. What is the subgroup? Alfisol Udalf Fragiudalf Typic Fragiudalf

Typic Fragiudalf

The Hobbit silt loam is a fine silty, mixed mesic Typic Fragiudalf. What is the suborder? Alfisol Udalf Fragiudalf Typic Fragiudalf

Typic Fragiudalf

A soil containing only ferric iron throughout the upper 40 inches of the soil profile would be: Well drained Moderately well drained Poorly drained Can't tell because the percent organic matter is not given.

Well drained; ferrous iron throughout upper 40" is mod-well or somewhat poorly drained

Land Capability Subclasses: II

Wetness, drainage, flooding

What was the name of the most recent glacial advance (glaciation) that impacted the Purdue campus (and much of Indiana)?

Wisconsin Ice Age

Using the map of Indiana provided, write the appropriate number (1-5) for each of the areas noted in a-d. You will NOT use all choices. (3 points, 1 point each) Wisconsin glacial deposits: __________ Sandstone and shale: __________ Illinoian glacial deposits: __________

Wisconsin glacial deposits: ___5_______ Sandstone and shale: ____2______ Illinoian glacial deposits: _____4____

Describe the meaning of the 2 soil classification designations (subscripts) below. (2 points) a) IIc b) IIs

a - Climate b - shallowness, stoniness

The Bilbo loam is a clayey-skeletal, smectitic, mesic Xeric Haplargid. (3 points) a) What is the subgroup? ________________________________________ b) What is the great group? ________________________________________ c) Is this one of the 2 most common soil orders in Indiana? [ yes OR no ] (circle one)

a) What is the subgroup? ________________Xeric Haplargid________________________ b) What is the great group? ____________Haplargid____________________________ c) no - Aridisol

As soils are weathered, they do all of the following except: develop more horizons become more basic (base saturation increases) accumulate more clay in the B horizon develop deeper profiles

become more basic (base saturation increases)

Heavy vehicle traffic on wet soils may cause soil texture to change. particle density to increase. formation of a fragipan. bulk density to increase and a platy structure to appear in the A horizon.

bulk density to increase and a platy structure to appear in the A horizon.

Sequence of soils derived from 4 out of the 5 soil forming factors (parent materials, climate, time, native vegetation)

catena (different topography)

A soil which will form a strong ribbon and feels gritty (but less than 50% sand) would most likely be a: loam. clay loam. sandy clay loam. sandy loam.

clay loam

Which of these are soil forming factors? water, wind, gravity climate, topography, parent material, time, and vegetation/biotic eskers, kames, moraine, and colluvial non-transported, transported, and residual

climate, topography, parent material, time, and vegetation/biotic

Heavy vehicle traffic on wet soils may cause soil: a. texture to change b. particle density to increase c. formation of a fragipan d. bulk density to increase and a platy structure to appear in the A horizon.

d. bulk density to increase and a platy structure to appear in the A horizon.

As% pore space increases, the bulk density: remains the same decreases increases fluctuates depending on moisture content


As soils are weathered, they: become more basic accumulate more clay in the C horizon accumulate more iron oxides in the E horizon develop more horizons

develop more horizons

The kind of structure that would best promote root penetration and development is: granular platy prismatic massive


Given blocky, granular, massive, and platy, in what order would you expect to find these structures in a well-drained forest soil profile (from top to bottom)? blocky, granular, massive, platy granular, blocky, platy, massive granular, platy, blocky, massive platy, granular, massive, blocky

granular, platy, blocky, massive

A somewhat poorly drained soil is one that: has no gray mottles above 30". has grey mottles that extend above 18" and color is mostly gray. has grey mottles above 18" in a mostly brown background. has gray mottles that extend above 30" but not above 18".

has grey mottles above 18" in a mostly brown background.

As% pore space decreases, the bulk density: remains the same increases decreases fluctuates depending on moisture content


The tan/brown/red color in a mineral soils is caused by the clay content. silt content. iron content. organic matter content.

iron content.

A soil which will form a weak ribbon and feels gritty (but less than 50% sand) would most likely be a: loam. clay loam. sandy clay loam. sandy loam.


In the spring and summer when it is warm and humid: organic matter breakdown increases organic matter accumulation increases weathering slows down there is no change in the breakdown or accumulation of organic matter or weathering of soils compared to cool and dry months.

organic matter breakdown increases

give one example of residuum

shale, limestone

Loess is a common parent material for Midwestern soils. The most common surface texture from loess is: silt loam silty clay loam sandy loam sandy clay loam

silt loam

You measure the diameter of a soil particle and find that it measures 0.03mm. This particle is most likely a: sand particle. silt particle. clayparticle. piece of gravel.

silt particle; Clay<0.002<Silt<0.05<Sand

which has more total pore space a: sandy loam silty clay

silty clay

Massive and single grain are structureless and most likely found in ____. the A horizon the E horizon the B horizon the C horizon

the C horizon

Elluviation and Illuviation describe


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