AI Test Study Guide Part 1

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Generate Children 1 by 1 for SMA* expand

1 child at a time to the queue

Hill Climbing search steps

1. Pick a random point in search space 2. Consider all the neighbors of the current state. 3. Choose neighbor with the best quality and move to it 4. Repeat 2-4 until all neighboring states are of lower quality 5. Return the current state as the solution state

Iterative Deepening Search

A depth limited search that gradually increases the limit. Generates states multiple times.

Path cost

A function that assigns a numeric cost to each path. Step cost is the cost of moving from a state by an action to its successor.

heuristic minimization

A number guessing how far it is to a goal and the lower the value, the more likely it is on the direct path to the goal

heuristic maximization

A number indicates how promising the node is to get to a goal state(higher means better)

Uninformed Search

Algorithms that are given no information about the problem other than its definition.

informed search

Algorithms that are given some guidance on where to look for solutions or knows if a state is more promising than another. uses problem-specific knowledge beyond the definition of the problem

Strategy is expanding shallowest unexpanded node and can be implemented using FIFO queue for frontier

Breadth first search

Depth Limited Search

Can handle infinite spaces; Provide predetermined depth limit, when limit is reached, backtrack

Random-restart hill climbing

Conducts a series of hill-climbing searches from randomly generated initial states, until a goal is found.

Recursive implementation is common with ______


What does hill climbing resemble?


Depth First Search

Expands the deepest node. Implemented using a LIFO stack. Not optimal. Linear

Uniform cost search

Expands the node n with the lowest path cost (if all step costs are equal, this is identical to a breadth-first search)

• Rational

Exploration, Learning, Autonomy

agent uses goal information to select between possible actions in current state

Goal-oriented agent

For uniform cost search, what is the optimality?


What is optimal for admissible heuristics?

If h(n) is admissible, A star using tree search is optimal

What is the problem with A Star?

It runs out of memory and you have to record all the nodes

A Star uses the same iterative deepening trick as

Iterative Deepening Search

When does hill climbing get stuck when?

Local maxima/minima, ridges, plateau

What two algorithms go along with Memory-Bounded A Star?

Memory Bounded A Star (MBA*) and Simplified MA*(SMA*)

Is hill climbing optimal?


Is GBFS complete?

No, can get stuck in loops

Completeness of DFS?

Not complete or optimal

AI Framework

Perception(real world knowledge on which the machine has to base its decisions), Reasoning(consider perceptions based on a model of the problem world), Action(output results from decisions)


Performance measure, Environment, Actuators, Sensors

4 key notions that distinguish agents from arbitrary programs

Reaction to environment, autonomy, goal-orientation, persistence

agent maintains internal state that keeps track of aspects of environment

Reflex-agent with state(model-based)

What is the strategy for BFS?

To find the shallowest goal node. However, shallowest goal node is not necessarily the optimal one if path cost is nondecreasing

A heuristic h(n) is admissible if for every node n, h(n) ≤ h*(n), where h*(n) is the true cost to reach the goal state from n


• John Searle argued that behaving intelligently was not enough, 1980

True, Chinese Room Test

Is Best Fit search informed search?


Is IDS complete?


Cost of an optimal solution to a relaxed problem is what?

admissible heuristic

Unknown Environment

agent will have to learn how it works to make decisions

Best-fit search

algorithm in which a node is selected for expansion based on evaluation function

Best fit search algorithm is

an algorithm in which a node is selected for expansion based on evaluation function f(n)

Rational agent

an entity that perceives and acts, abstractly, a function from precept histories to actions

Performance measure

an objective criterion for success of an agent's behavior and evaluates environments sequence

Recursive best first search uses the f-limit variable to keep track of the f-value of the best alternative path available from any ____ of the current node


What is an agent?

anything that can be viewed as perceiving its environment through sensors and acting upon that environment through actuators

genetic algorithm

artificial intelligence system that mimics the evolutionary, survival-of-the-fittest process to generate increasingly better solutions to a problem

What are time and complexity measured in terms of for BFS?

b-max branching factor and d-depth of the least cost solution. BFS is exponential

As the recursion unwinds, RBFS replaces the f-value of each cost along its path with a ____________, the best f-value of its children

backed up value

"Pure" hill-climbing does not support


Why is h2 better for search?

because it is guaranteed to expand less or equal to the number of nodes

RBFS replaces the f-value of each node along the path with a backed up value, which is?

best f-value of its children


boolean satisfied problem

How does uniform cost search expand the node with the lowest path cost?

by storing the frontier as a priority queue

Drawbacks of IDA*

cannot avoid revisiting states on the current path, decide the f-limit is not easy, available memory is poorly used

stochastic hill climbing

chooses at random from among uphill moves

Advantages of IDA*

complete and optimal, requires less memory than A*, and avoids the overhead to sort the fringe

What are the advantages IDS has like BFS?


A* pathfinding is widely used as

conceptual core for path-finding in video games

With Greedy Best First Search(GBFS), f(n) is what

cost from state n to goal

The probability of taking downhill move

decreases with the number of iterations, steepness of downhill move

The agent function

describes what the agent does in all circumstances

Job of AI is to

design the agent program that implements the agent function mapping precepts to actions

goal test

determines whether a given state is a goal state

Hill climbing does not require

differentiable functions

Idea of simulated annealing

escape local maxima by allowing some bad moves but gradually decrease their moves but gradually decrease their frequency

performance measure

evaluates the environment sequence

Time and space complexity for uniform cost search?


Time complexity of IDS


Breadth first search is

exponential, complete NOT optimal

Uniform cost search has

f(n) = g(n)

Greedy best first search has

f(n) = h(n)

Formula for A star search algorithm

f(n) estimate of total cost along path = g(n) known/actual cost + h(n) estimated cost

A state consists of a vector of attribute values

factored representation

If the temperature decreases slowly enough, then simulated annealing search will

find a global optimum with probability approaching one

Consistent heuristic is consistent if

for every node n' of n generated by action a

What does a simple agent do first in problem solving?

formulates a goal and problem, searches for a sequence of actions one at a time, and when complete, it formulates another goal and starts over

open list

fringe of unexpanded nodes

first-choice hill climbing

generates successors randomly until one is better than the current

Hill climbing is sometimes called

greedy local search

A best fit search that uses h to selected the next node to expand is called

greedy search

If h2(n) f >= h1(n) for all n both admissible then

h2 dominates h1

An algorithm that quickly produces a good but not necessarily optimal solution


What are admissible heuristics?

heuristics that never overestimate the cost to reach the goal(optimistic)

Simulated Annealing

if the temp is sufficiently high to ensure random state and the cooling process is slow enough to ensure thermal equilibrium, then the atoms will place themselves in a pattern that corresponds to the global energy minimum of a perfect crystal

In IDA*, where do we initialize the cutoff to?

initial node

an agent that is capable of flexible autonomous action in order to meet its design objective

intelligent agent

If h(n) is consistent, A* using GRAPH-SEARCH is optimal because

it keeps all checked nodes in memory to avoid repeated states

SMA* is optimal if the allowed memory is high enough to store the optimal solution, otherwise

it will return the best solution that fits in the allowed memory

What does greedy best first search do with the nodes?

keeps all nodes in memory

What are the advantages IDS has like DFS

limited space

Recursive beast search uses what kind of space?


Space complexity of IDS


Depth Limited Search space complexity

linear space

Space complexity of DFS

linear space

A star search algorithm is a best first search that aims at

minimizing the total cost a long a path from start to goal

Advantage of hill climbing

only ever have to store one state. Cycles must mean e decreases, which cannot happen

Disadvantages of RBFS

only linear space used because trying to use too little memory

Advantage of Bidirectional search

only needs to go half-depth

lowest path cost is


What is the implementation of best fit search?

order nodes in fringe(frontier) increasing order of estimated cost

Known enviroment

outcomes for all actions are given

Uniform cost search expands node n with the lowest ___ ___

path cost

If you cannot improve e in the hill climbing algorithm, then

perform a random restart

What kind of examination does DFS do when expanding deepest unexpanded node?


closed list

previously expanded nodes

What can a best-first search be implemented with?

priority queue best one lines up in front of queue

informed search strategy uses?

problem specific knowledge beyond the definition of the problem itself. uses problem-specific knowledge beyond the definition of the problem

Relaxed problems

problem with fewer restrictions on the actions

Genetic algorithm: Crossover decomposes two distinct solutions and then

randomly mixes their parts to form novel solutions

An agent's flexibility means three things

reactivity, pro-activeness, social ability

What is the idea of the iterative deepening A Star(IDA*)?

reduce memory requirement by applying cutoff on values of n

SMA* Algorithm optimizes A* to work with

reduced memory

transition model

returns resulting state and describes what each action does

An agent's ________________ give it access to the complete environment at each point in time


+Successor function:

set of action-state pairs

State space =

set of complete configurations

For 8 puzzle if the rules are relaxed so that a tile can be moved to any adjacent square then h2(n) give the

shortest solution

agent selects from precepts, ignoring all past precepts

simple reflex agent

4 basic types of agents

simple reflex, reflex agents with states(modl-based), goal-oriented, utility-based

Hill climbing technique

specify an evaluation function e, randomly choose a state, only choose actions which improve e

A _____ is a physical representation of physical configuration


Advantages of RBFS

still complete and optimal, don't need to set f-limit, requires less memory than A*

heuristic function for finding route-finding problems to the goal

straight-line distance

If environment is deterministic except for actions of other agents, environment is _________________


A state includes objects, each of which has its own attributes as well as relationships to other agents

structured representation

what does doing the right thing mean in terms of AI?

that which is expected to maximize results given available information

SMA * is complete if

the allowed memory is high enough to store the optimal solution

What inspired the genetic algorithm?

the biological evolution process

Hill climbing algorithms are also called gradient descent if

the evaluation function represents cost

Four categories of AI

thinking humanly, acting humanly, acting rationally, thinking rationally

2 main ingredients in AI

thought process and reasoning(thinking) and behavior and performance(acting)

What is the idea of bidirectional search?

to run concurrent searches - one forward from initial state and other backward from the goal, stopping when the two searches meet in the middle

Strategy is picking order of node expansion

tree search strategy

A heuristic is globally optimistic or admissible if the estimated cost of reaching a goal is always less than actual cost


Uniform cost search can get stuck in an infinite loop


Theroem: If h(n) is consistent, A Star using Graph Search is optimal

true because it keeps all checked nodes in memory to avoid repeated states

DFS, BFS, and greedy hill-climbing are


Memory Bounded A Star's approach is to do what?

use all available memory

Best-fit search

uses an evaluation function f(n) where each node where h(n) provides an estimate for total cost

Recursive best-first search

uses f-limit variable to keep track of best alternative path from any ancestor of the current node. Replaces f-value with best f-value of nodes children.

what does an informed search strategy do?

uses problem specific knowledge beyond the definition of the problem itself

Agent uses utility function to evaluate desirability of states that can result from each action

utility-based agent

Initial state

what the agent starts in

Genetic algorithm: mutation

• randomly perturbs a candidate solution

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