Aircraft Hydraulic Systems Jourmeyman self test questions

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the first number group identifies the equipment category while the letter designator identifies the TO category

What is used in the TO numbering system to identify equipment category and type?

the strut may not overcome the O-ring friction during extension on takeoff and may cause the strut to not fully extend and not trip the sensor to tell that it is fully extended

What may happen if a strut' s chamber is under-pressurized?

Part II

What section on the AFTO Form 244 will you document required service inspections?

Material management interface aka SBSS

What subsystem provides the capability to order parts for unscheduled/scheduled maintenance requirements?

DD Form 1577-2 (green tag)

What supply condition tags would you use to identify unserviceable (repairable) items?

AFTO Form 350

What tag is used to identify an item that has been removed from the aircraft?

Incompressibility, expansion and contraction and pressure transmission

What three physical qualities do all liquids have in common?


What three squadrons exist within the MXG?


What type of responsibility must an individual assume what has acquired physical possession of government property?

Illustrated Parts Breakdown (IPB)

What type of technical manual ends with a -4?

command or custodial

What types of Air Force property responsibility can any person, military or civilian, be charged with?

cost accountability

What will drive personnel to adopt a more businesslike approach to duty?

there will be weak joints which may leak or pull apart

What will happen if a flare is made too small?

an investigation is initiated to determine the cause or causes

What will happen when operational requirements have not been met?

perform and ops check and determine if it's leaking out of limits

What would you do if you found an actuator that looks like it is leaking?

50-70 in. pounds

What's the torque value of the swivel but on the schrader valve?

Entering accurate data

Your told in IMDS starts with what?


if you're working "in shop" at a regular operational base, what type of maintenance are you performing?

To ensure the symptoms no longer exist

After you correct a malfunction, why must you operate the system?

Read the write up and talk to the person who discovered the trouble

An aircraft just landed and you receive an in-flight write-up for sluggish rudder movements, what would be your first action to correct the malfunction?

read the amplified version of the operation contained in the -2 maintenance manual

Before using an abbreviated checklist, what should you do?

maintenance tasks performed off the aircraft

Define off-equipment maintenance

either black or white and orange-yellow with a black or white outline

Depending on the background color, what color are the servicing markings on the ground-handling markings?

safety wiring

During inspections, what common inspection item is often found to be installed wrong or is missing?

the pressure of fluid decreases at points where the velocity of the fluid increases

Explain Bernoulli's principle as it concerns the flow of fluids

It extends the capability of training management personnel by absorbing much of the manual administrative burden. It also allows users to forecast and schedule personnel training requirements

Explain the IMDS training management subsystem

From the upper right hand corner to the lower left hand corner of the block

How is the red diagnol entered in forms?

2. 00-20 series TO's and TO 00-25-223 series TO's

How many classes of MPTOs are there? Give examples.

only when an individual shows a qualification deficiency or when there's a change in assignment or equipment

In regards to qualification training, when are re-evaluations required?

1) observe the problem 2) develop a list of probable causes 3) isolate through elimination 4) take corrective action 5) verify the fix

List in order the five steps of the problem-solving method of troubleshooting

troubleshooting improves, more repair at base level means more money in budget, faster repair means money can be used elsewhere

List the positive factors of the DLR program

functions, relationships, and procedures

Maintenance management training cover what three aspects if maintenance management?

single and double

Name two kinds of aircraft plumbing

recurring need

On the AF Form 2005, what does demand code "R" mean?

the TO symbol which represents the mission of the aircraft was built to perform

What is meant by the term basic mission symbol?

13-digit # used to identify an item in the National Supply System

What is the NSN?

Julian system

What is the dating system used in nearly all supply transactions?

enables inspector to see the internal structure of a solid material without destroying it

What is the main benefit to the x-ray inspection?

first name initial, complete last name and employee number

What is the minimum signature in most maintenance forms?

Immediate action

What is the most serious TCTO?

To support aircraft, missile, communication-electronic, and equipment maintenance activities at worldwide locations

What is the purpose of IMDS?

To verify that no one has tampered with or accidentally activated a critical equuipment

What is the purpose of the Tamper Detection Program?

To provide data to agencies that are responsible for logistic management functions

What is the purpose of the material deficiency system?

List of Applicable Publications (LOAP)

What is the type of index TO you will use most frequently?

AFI 21-101

What AFI covers the duties and responsibilities of key leadership positions within a maintenance organization?

Cat II

What DR category is submitted when errors due to workmanship are discovered?

Air Force Material Command AFMC

What MAJCOM responsible for operating the entire Air Force supply system?

Establish Equipment Maintenance Squadron (EMS)

What action may be taken if an MXS becomes very large (in excess of 700 manning authorizations)?

capital or corpus

What are stock fund cash and inventories called when combined?

Organizational, Intermediate, and depot

What are the 3 levels of maintenance

report of survey, cash collection voucher, and statement of charges

What are the 3 ways to settle an obligation to the Air Force?

Periodic, isochronal, phased, programmed depot maintenance

What are the scheduled aircraft inspection concepts used by the Air Force?

it's global, mission accomplishments depend on specialized functions, and it contains millions of items

What are the three characteristics in determining the material management segments?

data input, info retrieval, and data reporting for use by higher headquarters

What are the three general functions of IMDS?

immediate action, urgent action, routine action

What are the three types TCTOs?

5052-0 aluminum alloy tubing is used for reduced pressure (1500 max psi) and 6061 aluminum alloy tubing is used for pressures up to 3000 psi

What are the two aluminum alloys used on today's aircraft hydraulic system and what is the pressure limit for each?

on equipment and off equipment maintenance

What are the two categories of maintenance?

turn in or transfer

What are the two ways a person can be relieved from property responsibility when pecuniary liability is not involved?

you can rupture it

What can happen if you pump too fast when servicing a hydraulic reservoir with a servicing cart?

every item in the supply system

What can logisticians, customers and commanders track with the material management system?

Emergency conditions where people may be hurt or killed or major damage or loss of the aircraft could happen

What condition would warrant a Cat I DR?

AFTO Form 350

What document is required for processing a DIFM item to and from the maintenance repair shop?

supplies, equipment, POL, munitions and clothing

What does the SBLC account for?

the aircraft or equipment is unsafe or unfit for flight or use and won't be flown or used till the unsatisfactory condition is corrected and the symbol has been cleared

What does the red X indicate?

cost category in which an item belongs

What does the third position of an ERRC code initiate?

Props, TMDE, Accessories, AGE, Fabrication, Maintenance, Armament, Munitions, and Avionics

What flights exist within MXS?

AF Form 2005

What form is used for a supply request Base supply or RCSU/SCC?

components for leakage security of mounting chafing and safety wiring

What four inspection requirements are required on most aircraft?


What inspection will be accomplishedwhen an immediate turn-around or a continuation flight is scheduled?

servicing, inspecting, maintaining, launching and recovering

What is AMXS responsible for?

a program that provides the Air Force specialty training to meet his knowledge and skills level requirements

What is UGT?

a system of financing the acquisition of inventory and holding it until required for use by various activities

What is a stock fund?

a work simplification device

What is an abbreviated technical order?

piece of equipment that's not part of a larger item i.e. hydraulic test stand and ground power unit

What is an end-item? Give 2 examples

we are to pay if equipment goes missing damaged or destroyed because of negligence

What is meant by pecuniary liability?

the aircraft is on the ground and on its landing gear

What is meant by the term "hard strut method"?

ensure you hold the body but tight with a back up wrench. If you loosen it before the pressure has been released, it may blow off and cause injury

When deflating a shock strut, what precautions must you take when you're loosening the swivel but on the air servicing valve?


When documenting discrepancies on maintenance forms, what is the date format you will use for the date discovered?

Only when the individual is being escorted by a certified two-person team

When may a non-PRP certified individual enter into a no-lone zone?

after the last flight of the day, and only after the aircraft has been released to maintenance by operations

When should a BPO inspection be accomplished?

Technical Manuals

When you need to know how to work on a weapon system, what would you use?

flight deck because all controls begin there

Where do you begin an inspection on the flight control system? Why?

A numbering specialist in the USAF Technical Order System Section

Who assigns technical order numbers?

Each organization with a mission or a function involving nuclear weapons on nuclear weapon systems

Who identifies/establishes no-lone zones?

Person in charge of the maintenance activity

Who is responsible for bench stock security?

Group Commander GP/CC

Who is responsible for establishing written procedures to review and clear repeat, recurring, and CND discrepancies?

Production Supervisor

Who is responsible for providing aircraft status updates as required?

Bench stock support section

Who is responsible for replenishing out of stock items?

Maintenance Operations Officer (MOO) Maintenance Superintendent (MX SUPT)

Who manages the SCR?

any person within the maintenance activity

Who may change a symbol if a condition is believed to be more serious than represented by the current symbol?

the responsible or accountable officer

Who prepares the cash collection voucher?

Quality Assurance (QA)

Who serves as the primary technical advisory agency in the maintenance organization, assisting maintenance supervision at all levels to resolve quality problems?

for easy recognition at a glance

Why are supply condition tags color coded?

To make important warning signals stand out more clearly

Why are symbols entered in red?

because gas expands and contracts

Why is ambient air temperature important when servicing an accumulator?

To reduce possibilities of errors, caused by someone's misinterpretation of careless entries

Why is it important to make form entries complete, correct, legible, and neat?

helps eliminate any binding that might take place between the inner and outer cylinders

Why must you rock the aircraft's wings while you're servicing the struts?

it's not updated like TOs

Why shouldn't you use the data plate information when servicing reservoirs?

blocks 1-14 & 15A

as an AFTO Form 350 tag initiator, which blocks are you required to fill out on the front side of Part I?

depot base

where is depot-level maintenance performed?

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