Alcohol edu college exam answers

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Which of the following are true about marijuana:

A. It can impair learning and memory B. It can bring upon panic attacks or anxiety C. It can become addictive D. All of the above *

If someone is showing signs of an alcohol overdose, you should:

A. Lay the person flat on his or her back * B. Get the person something to eat right away C. Both A and B D. Neither A nor B

When faced with a friend who is trying to drive under the influence:

A. Make sure a sober driver follows your friend home B. It's always safe with a BAC under .08% C. Both A and B D. Neither A nor B *

Which of the following statements is true based on recent research:

A. Many students want to drink in safer ways B. Many students don't drink at all in college C. Only a small amount of students are frequent heavy drinkers D. All of the above *

A blackout is:

A. More likely to be experienced when drinking quickly * B. More likely to be experienced by men C. Both A and B D. Neither A nor B

If someone is showing signs of an alcohol overdose, you should:

A. Not leave the person alone * B. Get the person some coffee C. Both A and B D. Neither A nor B

Which part(s) of the brain, when impaired by alcohol, play an important role in memory:

A. Nucleus accumbens B. Hypothalamus C. Hippocampus * D. All of the above

People can help prevent their BACs from rising to dangerous levels by:

A. Pacing their drinks to one or fewer per hour B. Choosing drinks with less alcohol C. Avoiding eating before and during drinking D. Both A and B *

A blackout is:

A. Passing out from drinking B. When people are unable to remember what they did while they were drinking C. Caused by an impairment of the liver D. Both A and B *

After just one or two drinks:

A. People will remain in a state of euphoria if they continue to drink B. Alcohol starts to affect the brain C. People can still drive without risk D. Both A and B *

Which of the following activities can cause your BAC to rise quickly:

A. Playing drinking games; B. Drinking shots; C. Pregaming; D. All of the above *

It's possible to drink too much and:

A. Slow heart rate and breathing B. Risk coma or death C. Choke or suffocate on vomit D. All of the above *

It's possible to drink too much and:

A. Slow heart rate and breathing; B. Risk coma or death; C. Choke or suffocate on vomit; D. All of the above *

Which of the following has primary responsibility for eliminating alcohol from the bloodstream?

A. Stomach B. Liver * C. Spleen D. Both A and C

Which of the following are potential side effects of drinking alcohol while taking medication:

A. Stomach irritation B. Liver damage C. Both A and B D. Neither A nor B

Which of the following are potential side effects of drinking alcohol while taking medication:

A. Stomach irritation B. Liver damage C. Both A and B * D. Neither A nor B

Someone who wants to pace their drinking could try:

A. Taking small sips to drink more slowly B. Alternating non-alcohol drinks and alcohol drinks C. Limiting drinking to one or fewer drinks per hour D. All of the above *

When trying to convince a friend not to drive after drinking, you should try:

A. Talking to your friend in private so he or she won't get embarrassed; B. Finding a reason for him or her to stay at the party; C. Both A and B *; D. Neither A nor B

Which of the following statement(s) are always true about alcohol:

A. The higher BAC rises, the harder it can be for people to control their actions; B. The higher BAC rises, the greater the chance of feeling tired, depressed, or nauseous; C. Alcohol has no affect on some people; D. Both A and B *

If a male and a female who weigh the same consume the same amount of alcohol:

A. The male's BAC will likely be higher B. The female's BAC will likely be higher * C. Their BAC levels would be the same D. None of the above

Each standard size drink always contains:

A. The same amount of calories B. The same amount of liquid C. The same amount of alcohol * D. Both B and C

Each standard size drink always contains:

A. The same amount of calories B. The same volume of liquid C. The same amount of alcohol * D. Both B and C

Which of the following things are generally true about alcohol advertisements:

A. They target men and women in the exact same ways B. They target our expectations and perceptions about drinking * C. They accurately depict the negative effects from drinking too much D. None of the above

Which of the following things are generally true about alcohol advertisements:

A. They target men and women in the same way; B. They target our expectations and perceptions about drinking *; C. They accurately depict the negative effects from drinking too much; D. None of the above

After people have been drinking:

A. They will have a harder time making safe decisions about not drinking and driving; B. They need to leave 1 hour to sober up before attempting to drive; C. They should have some caffeine to sober up; D. Both A and B *

"DUI" stands for:

A. drinking until inebriated B. driving under the influence * C. driving under inebriation D. driving using intoxicants

The "rate of absorption":

A. Has to do with how quickly alcohol enters the bloodstream * B. Has to do with how quickly alcohol is processed by the kidneys C. Both A and B D. Neither A nor B

Which of the following is a key factor that influences BAC?

A. Height B. Eating certain foods C. Body weight * D. All of the above

Which of the following perceptions influence why and how people drink:

A. How much we think others are drinking B. Movies and advertisements C. Family upbringing D. All of the above *

Someone who has consumed a lot of alcohol:

A. Is not capable of giving true consent; B. Is never to blame for being sexually assaulted; C. May need help getting out of a potentially dangerous situation; D. All of the above *

Which of the following can be affected by alcohol consumption?

A. Coordination B. Judgment C. Memory D. All of the above*

A person's BAC will go down if they:

A. Drink coffee B. Take a cold shower C. Vomit D. None of the above *

Which of the following decreases the chances of an alcohol overdose:

A. Eating after drinking B. Keeping one's BAC in a safer range (well below 0.04%) * C. Drinking coffee D. All of the above

Someone is more likely to start to report feeling in a "good mood" or "warm and fuzzy" at which of the following BAC ranges:

A. 0.02 - 0.04% * B. 0.05 - 0.10% C. 0.11 - 0.15% D. None of the above

It is estimated that it could take up to ( ) for your liver to get rid of the alcohol in one standard drink.

A. 10 minutes B. 20 minutes C. 1 hour D. 2 hours *

It is estimated that it could take up to ____ for your liver to get rid of the alcohol in one standard drink.

A. 10 minutes B. 20 minutes C. 1 hour D. 2 hours *

A standard drink is generally:

A. 12-ounce beer B. 2 ounces of liquor C. Both A and B * D. Neither A or B

A standard drink is generally:

A. 12-ounce beer; B. 5-ounce glass of wine; C. 1.5 ounces of liquor; D. All of the above *

Frequent heavy drinking is defined as:

A. 4 or more drinks on an occasion, 3 or more times during a two-week period for females * B. 5 or more drinks on an occasion, 3 or more times during a two-week period for males C. Both A and B D. Neither A nor B

Alcohol is:

A. A drug * B. An anti-depressant C. A hallucinogen D. All of the above

Alcohol is:

A. A drug *; B. An anti-depressant; C. A hallucinogen; D. All of the above

Which of the following is true about drinking and driving:

A. As long as someone is under the legal alcohol limit, it is safe to drive B. If under 21, it is illegal to drive with any measurable amount of alcohol in one's blood system * C. It takes at least 2 drinks before driving is impaired D. Both B and C

If you don't know how much alcohol is in a drink, you can:

A. Ask the person who poured it; B. Throw it out and make another one; C. Both A and B *; D. Neither A nor B

People can better monitor their drinks by:

A. Asking how much alcohol is in each drink; B. Never leaving a drink unattended; C. Pouring each drink themselves; D. All of the above *

Key signs of an alcohol overdose include:

A. Being in a semiconscious state B. Difficulty breathing C. Both A and B * D. Neither A nor B

Key signs of an alcohol overdose include:

A. Being in a semiconscious state B. Difficulty breathing C. Both A and B * D. Neither A or B

"BAC" stands for:

A. Body alcohol calculator B. Blood alcohol calculator C. Blood alcohol concentration * D. None of the above

To avoid a situation where someone is tempted to drive after drinking, you could:

A. Call ahead for a taxi to pick up you or your friends; B. Get a sober designated driver to drive everyone home; C. Check to see if your school has a safe ride program; D. All of the above *

Which of the following is true about energy drinks and mixers:

A. Carbonation generally slows the rate of alcohol absorption B. A sweet taste can hide the taste of alcohol C. Caffeine helps keep the person aware of how intoxicated he or she is D. All of the above *

Which of the following can be affected by alcohol consumption?

A. Coordination B. Judgment C. Memory D. All of the above *

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