How does alcohol leave the body?
%5 ---> kidneys/urine %5 ---> lungs, exhaling REST GOES TO LIVER
-detoxification: withdrawing alcohol out of body -rehabilitation: new coping skills (even new friends) -counseling: what promoted them to drink -support: AA other recovering alcoholics -medical treatment: health diseases from drinking -medications: control addiction
Ethyl alcohol
-ethanol, what we drink -poisonous drug -depressant (parts of the brain that allows people to exercise judgement)
What is Isopropyl?
-rubbing alcohol (DO NOT DRINK, IT WILL KILL YOU)
How long does it take to breakdown alcohol in 1 can of beer?
1 hour
Alcohol effect stages
1.Euphoria 2.Excitement 3.Confusion 4.Stupor 5.Coma 6.Death
How many people die each year in alcohol related car crashes?
10,000 (1/3-1/2 = teens and young adults)
How does alcohol enter the body?
20% ---> stomach 80% ---> small intestine (into blood stream)
Teens who binge drink under 15 are _______ times more likely to develop alcohol dependence or abuse later in life that those who begin drinking after 21
What is BAC?
Blood alcohol content, rises in 20 mins within having a drink
Step 2 Excitement
Cerebellum: coordinates the movements of muscles, not reacting quickly, uncoordinated movements, trouble sensing
Step 1 Euphoria
Cerebral cortex depresses, slows down, self confident, shorter attention, saying the first thing that comes to mind, trouble with simple movements, dopamine: happy drug
Males and females tolerate
Step 3 Confusion
Limbic system/hippocampus (controls memory), confused, not knowing where they are or what they're doing, highly emotional (aggressive or affectionate), not feeling pain
What are some types of law that govern alcohol use in the US?
Statutory Law: these are laws that passed by State or Federal Government. Administrative laws are laws that created by executive agencies. Case law is defined by the courts.
Caffeinated Alcohol
Stimulant (Caffeine) + Depressant (Alcohol) = makes people think they're not as drunk as they really are. People think the caffeine in this will wake them up, binge drinking, stupid decisions, taken advantage of
Advertising targets _____ even though its illegal...
Examples of how they target teens
alcopops and caffeinated alcoholic beverages, animals, thrills, social situations... OMG EVERYONES HAVING SO MUCH FUN WHEN THEY'RE DRINKING
1 beer = 12 ounces white wine = 5 ounces shot = 1.5 ounces
an enzyme that breaks down alcohol in stomach
Heavy drinking
average number of drinks a person has on a daily basis over a long time raging from months to years
Step 4 Stupor
barely move, cannot respond to stimuli or stand/walk, vomit, passing out
chronic disease, a person has an uncontrollable urge to drink alcohol beyond their capacity, continue drinking regardless of the problems it causes them, drinking alone in secret/stashing, consistently blacking out
Binge drinking
consuming large quantities of alcohol in a single session
driving under influence/ driving while intoxicated (some places around the world think dwi is worse)
Complications of Alcoholism
fatigue, memory loss, dementia, cancer, accidents, domestic abuse, marital problems, school/work problems, trouble with the law
Difference between male and female
female: smaller than males, only a little bit of alcohol easily raises BAC, higher fat, less body water (due to barely any water in fat), smaller quantities of enzyme dehydrogenase, increased estrogen may intensify a womans response to alcohol, develop high BAC immediately before the first day of mentruation) males: more water, has a lot of dehydrogenase, don't have estrogen, have testosterone
Causes of Alcoholism
genes, age of first drink (15 and under are more likely to have a problem later in life), depression, stress
Why do people binge drink?
just to get drunk, stupids
Tolerance does not ______ ones BAC
lower (stays the same)
Step 5 Coma
medulla/brain stem: controls bodily functions you don't think about (breathing, heart rate, temperature) completely unconscious, shallow breathing, cold, close to dying
targeting adults?
parties, social, people having fun, young adults
What is the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 and what happens to those who violate it?
prohibits people under 21 years of age from purchasing or possessing alcohol. Violations include fines, suspension of driver's license, community service, requirement to take alcohol awareness courses and possible jail time.
Step 6 Death
stop breathing...DIE
Alcopops (Gateway drink)
sweetened alcoholic beverages, tastes like juice, sweetness hides alcohol leads to heavy drinking, has the same amount of alcohol as a regular beer.
the feeling you get after you drink the night before (need to get alcohol out of body, dehydration...pulls water out of every source of your body--->urine, dizzy, irritate lining of stomach producing acid --> puking, blood sugar drops ---> fatigue, weak, blood vessels expand ---> headaches, quality sleep suffers)
Alcohol tolerance
the more regularly you drink, the greater amount you will need to consume to get the desired effect of the alcohol
What are youth courts, and what role do they play in addressing alcohol use by teens?
they act like a court, but run by youth volunteers
What should your BAC when driving
Health risks of heavy drinking
• Cancer (breast, mouth, throat, colon, liver) • Heart Disease and Heart Attack ( Causes blood platelets to clump together increasing blood clots) • Cirrhosis (Scaring and hardening of the liver, Long term heavy drinking) • Infectious Diseases (Drinking suppresses the immune system → makes you more susceptible to illness) • Depression (Drinking and depression go hand in hand, creating a vicious cycle)
Health risks of binge drinking
• Unintentional injuries (traffic related injuries, falls, guns, drowning) • Violent acts increase • Risky sexual behavior (unprotected sex....with multiple partners, unintended pregnancy, STDS) • Miscarriage and stillbirth (birth defect --> children) • Alcohol poisoning (suppresses brain stem: loss of consciousness, coma, respiratory depression)