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to try to persuade someone by asking them something several times [考法] vt. to harass or annoy persistently [例] badger him into purchasing [近] bait, plague; pester, harass


damp; deterrent(detergent) 【考法1】 n. one that deadens, restrains, or depresses 【例】 Rain put a damper on our picnic plans. 【反】 ameliorator


fuse 【考法1】 vt. to make less dangerous, tense, or hostile 【例】defuse the crisis 【反】foment


racine--root; extirpate 【考法1】 vt. to pull out by the roots; uproot 【反】 plant


take something as a compliment; with our compliments 【考法1】 n./ vt. an expression of praise, admiration, or congratulation 【例】a man meriting the compliments and homage of his fellows 【近】praise, commend, eulogize, extol, laud 【反】vituperate 【派】complimentary adj. expressing or containing a compliment 【反】vituperative 【考法2】 n. formal and respectful recognition : honor 【例】Please accept these tickets with our compliments


【考法1】 adj. being in agreement or harmony; free from elements making for discord 【例】 His performance was rarely consonant with his reputation. 【近】 harmonious, compatible, congenial, consistent, congruous, correspondent; congruent; concordant 【反】 conflicting, dissonant, discrepant, inconsistent 【派】 consonance n.


【考法1】 adj. acting or done with excessive or careless speed 【例】 a cursory glance at the headline 【近】 headlong, overhasty, pell-mell, precipitate, precipitous, rash 【反】 fastidious, thorough, deliberate, unhurried, unrushed


cordial 【考法1】 adj. of foremost importance; paramount 【例】 the cardinal rule of medicine: do no harm 【近】 dominant, overbearing, overriding, paramount, preeminent, primal, supreme 【反】 minor


Byzantime 【考法1】 adj. complicated or secretive, having many parts or aspects that are usually interrelated 【例】 a bill to simplify the byzantine tax structure 【近】 convoluted, intricate, involved, labyrinthine, sophisticated, tangled 【反】 straightforward, plain, simple, uncomplicated


a mellow sound is pleasant and smooth 【考法1】 v. to sing or speak in a gentle murmuring manner 【例】 croon mellow tunes 【近】 whisper, grumble, mumble, murmur 【反】 shout, yell


a very deep space between two areas of rock or ice, especially one that is dangerous 【考法1】 n. a big difference between two people, groups, or things. 【例】 the chasm between rich and poor. 【近】 contradiction, dissent, disjunction, discord, conflict, rift, rivalry, dichotomy; gulf


abrogate [考法1] v. deny, renounce [例] abnegated the idea of freedom [近] recant, renege, repudiate, unsay, forswear (also foreswear), take back, [反] reaffirm [考法2] v. surrender, relinquish [例] abnegated her powers [近] cede, resign, step aside (from), step down (from) [反] adhere to


antic n. : A ludicrous or extravagant act or gesture; a caper [考法1] adj. characterized by clownish extravagance or absurdity [例]The clown came on with many antic gestures. [近]chucklesome, comedic, comic, droll, farcical, laughable, ludicrous, hilarious [反]humorless, unamusing, uncomic, unfunny, unhumorous grave ;serious, solemn, somber


at sb's discretion: the ability and right to decide exactly what should be done in a particular situation 【考法1】 n. the quality of being discreet; circumspection 【例】 You must show discretion in choosing your teammates. 【近】 discreetness, prudence 【反】 imprudence, indiscretion 【派】 indiscretion n. an act at variance with the accepted morality of a society 【例】 resign because of financial indiscretions 【考法2】 n. the checking of one's true feelings and impulses when dealing with others 【例】 In that job you'll be expected to show discretion and act like a professional at all times. 【近】 continence, discipline, inhibition, refrainment, restraint, self-control, self-restraint 【反】 disinhibition, incontinence, unconstraint


attach 【考法1】 vt. to separate or unfasten; disconnect 【例】 Detach the white part of the application form and keep it. 【反】 tether


badin--joker [考法] n. playful repartee, banter [例] the sophisticated badinage of the characters in plays by Oscar Wilde [近] banter, persiflage, repartee


baneful [考法1] adj. harmful or malignant in intent or effect [例] a policy with baleful effects [近] harmful, pernicious, detrimental [反] beneficent [考法2] adj. foreboding or threatening evil; expressing anger, hatred, or a wish to harm someone [例] a baleful look [近] direful, doomy, ominous, ill-boding, minatory, portentous, sinister; malignant [反] unthreatening [考法3] adj. likely to cause or capable of causing death [例] a medicine that is beneficial in small doses but baleful in large [近] deadly, fatal, lethal [反] healthy, wholesome


barefaced: having no covering over the face; having no beard 【考法1】 adj. undisguisedly bold; brazen 【例】 a barefaced lie 【近】 apparent, plain, bald, evident, manifest, obvious, perspicuous; blatant; shameless 【反】 secret, furtive, clandestine, surreptitious


bon--good; homme--man 【考法1】 n. a pleasant and affable disposition; geniality 【例】 They were relaxed and full of bonhomie 【近】 affability, amiability, geniality; comity 【派】 bonhomous adj.


boss: a raised area used as ornamentation 【考法1】 vt. to raise the surface of into bosses; especially to ornament with raised work 【例】 embossed with a design of Shanghai skyline 【近】 adorn, beautify, bedeck, blazon, ornament, garnish 【反】 flatten, efface


brass 【考法1】 adj. displaying or marked by rude boldness 【例】 brassy reporters 【近】 audacious, bold-faced, brazen, impertinent, impudent, insolent 【反】 diffident, unassertive, retiring, timid 【考法2】 adj. cheap and showy; flashy 【反】 furtive: behaving as if you want to keep something secret


bristle: n. a stiff hair 【考法1】 v. to express one's anger usually violently 【例】 bristle at the suggestion of gay marriage 【近】 bluster, fulminate, rampage, fume, storm 【反】 cower 【考法2】 v. to be copiously supplied 【例】 starting a new life in New York city bristling with possibilities 【近】 brim, overflow, swarm, teem; bulge


consecrate 【考法1】 vt. to treat (a sacred place or object) shamefully or with great disrespect 【例】 desecrate the shrine 【近】 defile, profane, violate 【反】 sanctify, revere, hallow


debili--weak 【考法1】 vt. to impair the strength of; enfeeble 【例】 The virus debilitates the body's immune system. 【近】 devitalize, enervate, enfeeble, prostrate, sap 【反】 invigorate, fortify, strengthen, beef up


deport 【考法1】 n. the removal from a country of an alien whose presence is unlawful or prejudicial 【例】 deport all illegal immigrants 【近】 banishment, displacement, expatriation, expulsion, relegation


diabolical (2)extremely unpleasant or bad: The toilets were in a diabolical state. 【考法1】 adj. evil or cruel; of, relating to, or characteristic of the devil 【例】 The police quickly mobilized to track down the diabolical serial killer. 【近】 demoniac, demonian, demonic, devilish, satanic 【反】 angelic, seraphic


disincline: To make reluctant or averse 【考法1】 n. a lack of willingness or desire to do or accept something 【例】 the increasing disinclination of farm workers' children to consider a job in farming 【近】 aversion, disfavor, disliking, disrelish, mislike, unwillingness 【反】 appetite, favor, fondness, liking, partiality, preference, relish, inclination ;willingness


disjointed performance 【考法1】 adj. being thrown out of orderly function 【例】 a disjointed society 【近】 chaotic, disorderly 【反】 orderly, regular, systematic 【考法2】 adj. not clearly or logically connected 【例】 a disjointed speech about a hodgepodge of things 【近】 disconnected, unconnected 【反】 coherent, connected


efficiency 【考法1】 n. the quality or state of being deficient: inadequate 【例】 there is a deficiency of fresh food in the diet of many of the working poor 【近】 want, dearth, deficit, famine, paucity, scantiness, scarcity; shortage 【反】 surfeit, abundance, adequacy, amplitude, opulence, sufficiency


egotistical 【考法1】 adj. being centered in or preoccupied with oneself and the gratification of one's own desires 【例】egoistic behaviors others detest 【近】egocentric, self-centered, individualistic, navel-gazing 【反】altruistic, selfless 【派】ego n. ;egoism n. ;egoist n.


epidemic; pandemic 【考法1】 adj. prevalent in or peculiar to a particular locality, region, or people 【例】 an endemic disease 【近】 aboriginal, indigenous, native, domestic 【反】 exotic, foreign, nonindigenous, nonnative


implore: to ask for something in an emotional way: beg 【考法1】 vt. to feel or express sorrow for 【例】 a statement from the bishops deploring the loss of life in the war overseas 【近】 mourn, bewail, grieve for, wail for 【反】 delight, exult in, glory in, rejoice in


looking disappointed and upset 【考法1】 adj. dispirited and depressed; dejected 【例】 be crestfallen at the failure 【近】 downcast, dispirited, low, gloomy, melancholic, sorrowful, woeful 【反】 elated, buoyant, excited, exhilarated, exultant


pall: To become insipid, boring, or wearisome [考法1] vt. to overcome with consternation, shock, or dismay [例]He felt appalled by the whole idea of marriage so we broke up. [近]dismay, terrify, intimidate, frighten, horrify, daunt, deter [反]embolden, encourage, nerve


pedagogue 【考法1】 n. a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power 【例】 that politician is just a demagogue who preys upon people's fears and prejudices 【近】 firebrand, fomenter, incendiary, instigator, kindler, provocateur


qualm; object 【考法1】 vi. to voice opposition; object 【例】 demur at the suggestion 【近】 challenge, exception, expostulation, fuss, kick, protest, remonstrance, stink; bristle 【反】 accept, accede 【考法2】 n. hesitation (as in doing or accepting) usually based on doubt of the acceptability of something offered or proposed; qualm 【例】 we accepted his offer to pay for our dinners without demur


rebus 【考法1】 n. a display of emotion or behavior that is insincere or intended to deceive 【例】 His concern was a charade. 【近】 disguise, facade, playacting, pretense, put-on, semblance 【考法2】 n. a game in which words or phrases are represented in pantomime


retain 【考法1】 v. to hold or keep in or as if in custody 【例】 detained by the police for questioning 【反】 manumit


splitting: very severe; splitting headache 【考法1】adj. distressingly loud or shrill 【例】 earsplitting noise of airplane engines 【近】 blaring, blasting, deafening, loud, piercing, plangent, resounding, roaring, stentorian, thunderous 【反】 gentle, soft


(3)Sternly obstinate; unyielding: a dour determination 【考法1】 adj. sullen, gloomy 【例】 The captain's dour look depressed us all. 【近】 morose, sulky, surly, moody 【反】 gay 【考法2】 adj. harsh and threatening in manner or appearance 【例】 His dour criticism made us regret having undertaken the job. 【近】 strict, sharp, austere, exacting, fierce, gruff, intimidating, rough, stark, stern 【反】 benign, gentle, mild, tender


(3)To put into disorder: confuse; discombobulate 【考法1】 vt. to undermine the confidence or morale of; dishearten 【例】 demoralize the staff 【近】 daunt, dishearten, dismay, dispirit, unnerve 【反】 invigorate, cheer ; bolster 【考法2】 v. to lower in character, dignity, or quality 【例】 we refused to be demoralized by our humiliating defeat 【近】 abase, corrupt, debauch, degrade, demean 【反】 elevate, ennoble, uplift


(3)be daft about something to be extremely interested in something 【考法1】 adj. Mad; crazy 【例】 The king was clearly daft, talking to trees and rocks. 【近】 bedlam, demented, deranged, lunatic, psychotic, unbalanced, unsound 【反】 balanced, sane 【考法2】 adj. silly; showing or marked by a lack of good sense or judgment 【例】 a daft plan, doomed to wretched failure and merciless ridicule 【近】 fatuous, featherheaded, nonsensical, preposterous, senseless 【反】 judicious, prudent, sagacious, sapient, wise


(4) to change the use of something such as time or money: The company should divert more resources into research 【考法1】 vt. to turn from one course or use to another: deflect 【例】 divert traffic to a side street 【近】 deflect, redirect, swing, veer, wheel; diverge 【反】 fix, set, settle 【考法2】 v. to cause (someone) to pass the time agreeably occupied 【例】 A light comedy divert the tired business executive 【近】 disport, entertain, regale, solace 【考法3】 draw the attention or mind to something else 【例】 divert one's attention || The parents tried to divert the child with a toy while the doctor was giving her a shot. 【近】 abstract, detract, call off; distract


(2) Mad; insane; deeply agitated, as from emotional conflict 【考法1】 adj. so upset and worried that you cannot think clearly; 【例】Her distraught mother had spent all night waiting by the phone. 【近】agitated, delirious, distracted, frenzied, hysterical 【反】collected, composed, recollected, self-collected, self-composed, self-possessed


(2) intended or planned 【考法1】 adj. characterized by or resulting from careful and thorough consideration 【例】 a deliberate decision || deliberate speech, thought, or movement is slow and careful 【近】 calculated, considered, reasoned, thoughtful; intentional 【反】 impetuous, haste, casual, unadvised, uncalculated, unconsidered, unstudied; precipitate


(2) making something, especially your skin, softer and smoother: 【考法1】 adj. making less intense or harsh 【例】 soothe us in our grieves with emollient words 【近】 appeasing, assuaging, mollifying, mitigating, relieving 【反】 aggravating, intensifying


(2)To beg earnestly for; implore. 【考法1】 vt. to have an intense desire for 【例】 crave alcohols and cigarettes 【近】 need, yearn, desire, pine, thirst, itch, long, yen; covet 【反】 spurn 【派】 craving n.


(2)a buffoon: someone who does silly amusing things 【考法1】 adj. amusing in an unusual way; amusingly odd or whimsically comical 【例】 a droll man with a strong dialect 【近】 antic, comic, farcical, funny, hilarious, laughable, humorous, ridiculous, ludicrous, uproarious, whimsical 【反】 lame, unamusing, uncomic, unfunny, unhumorous, unhysterical 【派】 drollness n.


(2)adj. Superficial; amateurish 【考法1】 n.A dabbler in an art or a field of knowledge 【例】 Dilettante watch the scene of bustle(), adept guard the entrance. || Many dilettante efforts could be seen at the sidewalk art show. 【近】 dabbler, amateur, nonexpert, nonprofessional, cognoscente 【反】 authority, expert, pro, professional, specialist busy and usually noisy activity


(6)Requiring great tact, ingenuity, skill, and discretion: An awkward situation arose during the peace talks [考法1] adj. lacking dexterity or skill [例] awkward with a needle and thread [近] handless, maladroit [反] adroit, deft, dexterous, proficient, skilled [考法2] adj. showing or marked by a lack of skill and tact (as in dealing with a situation) [例] Her awkward handling of the seating arrangements resulted in many hurt feelings. [近] botched, bungling, fumbled, inept, inexpert, maladroit [考法3]adj. lacking ease or grace (as of movement or expression) [例] an awkward design [近] clumsy, gauche, graceless, gawkish [反] elegant, graceful, polished, lithe, coordinated [考法4] adj. causing embarrassment [例] the awkward situation of having to listen as your host and hostess quarrel loudly in the next room [近] discomfiting, disturbing, disconcerting, embarrassing, flustering [考法5] adj. difficult to use or operate especially because of size, weight, or design [例] The manual can opener is too awkward to hold. [近] ponderous, ungainly, unhandy, unwieldy, bunglesome, cranky [反] handy


[考法1] vt. to change (something) so as to make it suitable for a new use or situation [例] acclimate oneself to a nine-to-five office job [近] adjust, accommodate, shape, suit, tailor; adapt [反] make unfamiliar with


[考法1] adj. no longer current or applicable; antiquated [例]archaic laws [近]antiquated, outdated, outmoded, prehistoric, superannuated [反]fashionable ;up-to-date, fresh, modern, new, novel [派]archaism: the use of archaic diction or style [反]modern diction


[考法1] vt. to corrupt, debase, or make impure by the addition of a foreign or inferior substance or element [例] adulterate its products with cheap additives [近] alloy, contaminate, pollute, taint, water down [反] enrich, fortify, strengthen


A heavy, usually wooden-soled shoe 【考法1】 n. something that makes movement or progress difficult 【例】impede with a clog 【近】balk, bar, block, deterrent, drag, fetter, holdback, hurdle, impediment, inhibition, interference, obstacle, obstruction, shackles, stop, stumbling block, trammel 【考法2】 v. to create difficulty for the work or activity of 【例】They always clog the courts. 【近】encumber, fetter, hinder, hold back, hold up, impede, inhibit, interfere with, obstruct, shackle, stymie, tie up, trammel 【反】aid, assist, help ;facilitate 【考法3】 v. to prevent passage through by filling with something 【例】Within a few years the pipe began to clog up. 【近】block, choke, clot, gum up, jam, obstruct, occlude, stop up, stuff 【反】clear, free, open up, unblock, unclog, unstop


A qualification or explanation 【考法1】 n. a warning that something may not be completely true, effective 【例】 She will be offered treatment, with the caveat that it may not work 【近】 warning, admonish


[考法] n. a narrative poem, often of folk origin and intended to be sung, consisting of simple stanzas and usually having a refrain [例] a haunting ballad about loneliness [近] ditty, jingle, lyric, vocal


[考法1] adj. not named or identified [例]He made an anonymous phone call to the police. [例]The donor wishes to remain anonymous. [近]incognito, innominate, unnamed, unidentified, untitled [反]dubbed, named, termed [考法2] adj. lacking individuality, distinction, or recognizability [例]the anonymous faces in the crowd


[考法] v. to lessen the amount, force, magnitude, or value of [例] an investment attenuated by inflation [近] cheapen, devalue, downgrade, reduce, write down [反] appreciate, enhance, upgrade, mark up [派] attenuation n.


[考法]n./v. good-humored, playful conversation [例]banter with someone [近]badinage, persiflage, repartee


[考法1] v. to attempt to arouse public feeling [例] agitate for better conditions [近] debate, dispute, bat (around or back and forth), hash (over or out), talk over [考法 2] v. to excite and often trouble the mind or feelings of : disturb [例] There's no need to agitate the patient about little things. [近] bother, discomfort, discompose, perturb [反] calm, compose, soothe, tranquilize


[考法1] adj. marked by keen(wanting to do something or wanting something to happen very much) interest and enthusiasm [例] avid movie fans [近] agog, ardent, eager, keen, impatient, thirsty [反] apathetic, indifferent [考法2] adj. Having an ardent desire or unbounded craving; greedy [例] She stared at the jewels with an avid glint in his eye. || avid for adventure [近] acquisitive, avaricious, covetous, greedy, rapacious [派] avidity n.


[考法1] adj. marked by restraint especially in the consumption of food or alcohol, sparring [例] an abstemious diet , abstemious meals [近] continent, temperate, self-abnegating, self-denying [反] indulgent


[考法1] adj. exactly suitable; appropriate [例]apt remark/ choice/ description [近]apropos, germane, relative, relevant, appropirate [反]extraneous, irrelevant, impertinent, irrelative ;inappropriate, improper, unseemly [考法2] adj. having a tendency : likely [例]He is apt to fly out in rage. [近]likely, inclined, tending, given [反]unlikely ;disinclined [考法3] adj. keenly intelligent and responsive [例]an apt pupil [例]He is apt at mathematics. [近]brilliant, clever, quick-witted, ready-witted, smart [反]foolish, dull, dumb, stupid, unintelligent


[考法 1] adj. unconstrained by constitutional or other provisions [例] absolute ruler [近] arbitrary, autocratic, despotic, dictatorial, monocratic, tyrannical [考法 2] adj. unqualified in extent or degree; total [例] absolute silence [近] complete, utter, deadly, downright, out-and-out [反] qualified [考法3] adj. free from imperfection free or relatively; free from mixture [例] absolute alcohol [近] plain, refined, unadulterated, unalloyed, undiluted, unmixed [反] adulterated, alloyed, diluted, impure, mixed [考法4] adj. positive, unquestionable [例] absolute proof [近] clear, deciding, decisive, definitive [反] inconclusive, indecisive, unclear


[考法 1] n. something that conduces to comfort, convenience, or enjoyment [例]the amenity of the new surroundings [近]comfort, convenience, affability [考法 2]n. the quality of being pleasant or agreeable [例]a discussion conducted in perfect amenity [近]agreeability, cordiality, harmony, accord, concord, consonance [反]discordance, inharmony


[考法1] adj. attracting and holding the attention; striking [例]an arresting spectacle [近]absorbing, engaging, engrossing, enthralling, fascinating, gripping, immersing, intriguing, riveting [反]boring, drab, tedious, monotonous, uninteresting


a bevy of: a large group of people of the same kind, especially girls or young women [考法1] n. one who aspires, as to advancement, honors, or a high position [例]a bevy of ever-smiling aspirants for the Miss America title [例]Envy can make oneself backward, self-confidence can tells him to be a aspirant. [近]seeker [反]noncandidate [考法2] adj. seeking to attain a desired position or status [例]The pilot was an aspirant astronaut.


accessory [考法1] adj. of secondary importance [例]The company hopes to boost its sales through ancillary products. [近]subordinate, subsidiary [反]main ;paramount [考法2] adj. auxiliary, supplementary [例]the need for ancillary evidence [例]Some practice in the deft use of words may well be ancillary to the study of natural science. [近]auxiliary, supplementary


adj. satisfied 【考法1】 v. to appease the desires of 【例】 One glass of beer every day could content him. 【近】 satisfy, gratify, rejoice 【反】 discontent 【考法2】 n. a major object of interest or concern (as in a discussion or artistic composition) 【例】 Although I appreciate the poem's lyrical qualities, I don't understand its content. 【近】 motive, subject, theme, topic 【考法3】 n. the idea that is conveyed or intended to be conveyed to the mind by language, symbol, or action 【例】 The speech was filled with fancy words but devoid of any real content. 【近】 intention, purport, sense, significance 【派】 contented adj.


bravo--excellent 【考法1】 adj/n. brilliant technique or style in performance 【例】 a truly bravura performance of the ballet 【近】 adroit, artful, dexterous, masterful, virtuoso 【反】 amateur, artless, unprofessional, unskillful


brevi--short 【考法1】 n. shortness of duration 【例】 the best quality a graduation speech can have is brevity 【近】 briefness, conciseness, shortness 【反】 lengthiness 【考法2】 n. the quality or state of being marked by or using only few words to convey much meaning 【例】 if brevity is the soul of wit, then that speech wasn't at all witty 【近】 conciseness, pithiness, sententiousness, terseness 【反】 diffuseness, long-windedness, prolixity, verbosity, wordiness


burla--joke 【考法1】 v. to copy or exaggerate (someone or something) in order to make fun of 【例】 burlesquing the teacher's nervous tic isn't very nice 【近】 caricature, imitate, mock, parody, spoof, travesty; deride


calumny 【考法1】 v. to utter maliciously false statements, charges, or imputations about 【近】 asperse, blacken, defame, libel, malign, smear, traduce, vilify; slander 【反】 vindicate 【派】 calumnious 【反】 flattering 【派】 calumny n. a false statement maliciously made to injure another's reputation 【反】 approbation


catena--chain, bind 【考法1】 v. to put or bring together so as to form a new and longer whole 【例】The movie actually concatenates several episodes from various books into one extended narrative. 【近】catenate, chain, couple, hook, interconnect, interlink, join, link, yoke 【反】disconnect, disjoin, disjoint, dissever, disunite, separate, unchain, uncouple, unhitch, unyoke


contend (content); contention 【考法1】 adj. likely to cause contention; argumentative 【例】 contentious contents in a movie 【近】 controversial, disputatious, polemical, scrappy; (invidious) 【考法2】 adj. exhibiting an often perverse and wearisome tendency to quarrels and disputes 【例】 The Tartars were a contentious people who terrorized much of Asia and eastern Europe during the Middle Ages. 【近】 belligerent, bellicose, combative, truculent, litigious, pugnacious 【反】 dovish, peace-loving


delicate 【考法1】 n. fineness of appearance, construction, or execution; elegance 【例】 lace of great delicacy 【近】 dainty, delectable, kickshaw, tidbit; finesse 【反】 crudity, husk, coarseness, roughness


denunciation; denunciate; denouncement 【考法1】 v. to express disapproval of 【例】 the governor has denounced the court's decision and vows(to make a serious promise to yourself or someone else) to press for a constitutional amendment 【近】 condemn, objurgate, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reprove 【反】 cite, commend, endorse 【考法2】 v. to declare to be morally wrong or evil 【例】 the church council denounced the bishop's teachings, officially declaring them to be heresy 【近】 anathematize, censure, execrate, reprehend, reprobate 【派】 denunciation n. an act of denouncing especially : a public condemnation 【反】 panegyric, accolade, eulogy


depress; depression 【考法1】 adj. feeling unhappiness 【例】 I was depressed and didn't feel much like going to the party 【近】 crestfallen, dejected, despondent, gloomy, low-spirited, wretched 【反】 blissful, buoyant, gleeful, joyous, jubilant 【考法2】 adj. kept from having the necessities of life or a healthful environment 【例】 a depressed class of people whose living conditions are abominable even by third world standards 【近】 disadvantaged, underprivileged 【反】 advantaged, privileged


descendant 【考法1】 v. to lead or extend downward 【例】 the pathway descends to the river bank 【近】 dip, fall, plunge, sink 【反】 arise, ascend, climb, mount, upsweep, upturn 【考法2】 v. to originate or come from an ancestral stock or source, to pass by inheritance 【例】 The house has descended through four generations. || A tradition descending from colonial days


despot: someone, especially a ruler, who uses power in a cruel and unfair way 【考法1】 adj. arbitrary, autocratic, monocratic, tyrannical 【例】 a despotic tyrant 【近】 authoritative, dictatorial, imperious, overbearing, peremptory, tyrannous


devote: to use all or most of your time, effort etc in order to do something or help someone. devotion: the strong love; the loyalty; the strong religious feeling. 【考法1】 adj. characterized by loyalty and devotion 【例】 a devoted fan 【近】 constant, loyal, allegiant, dedicated, devout, loyal, pious, staunch, steadfast 【反】 disloyal, faithless, perfidious, unfaithful ;recreant, traitorous, treacherous 【考法2】 adj. giving someone or something a lot of love and attention 【例】 a devoted father. 【近】 adoring, affectionate, fond, tender, tenderhearted; amorous 【反】 unloving


dissoluteness 【考法1】 adj. lacking moral restraint; indulging in sensual pleasures or vices. 【例】 lead a dissolute life 【近】 dissipated, libertine, rakish, reprobate 【反】 abstinent, abstemious, temperate, ascetic, stoic, spartan, self-denying ;pure, uncorrupt, uncorrupted


dolor: great sadness 【考法1】 adj. causing, marked by, or expressing misery or grief 【例】 He lifted a pair of sapphire(a transparent bright blue jewel), dolorous eyes. 【近】 agonized, bemoaning, bewailing, deplorable, grievous ,miserable, plaintive, rueful, sorrowful, woeful 【反】 happy, joyful, jovial, jubilant


if your mind boggles when you think of something, it is difficult for you to imagine or accept it 【考法1】 v. to hesitate because of doubt, fear, or scruples 【例】 boggle at the dilemma 【近】 hesitate, falter, waver 【考法2】 v. To botch; bungle. 【例】 She boggled her first effort to make Christmas cookies. 【近】 botch, bungle.


【考法1】adj. feeling or showing sorrow and remorse for a sin or shortcoming 【例】 too late to feel contrite 【近】 compunctious, regrettable, remorseful, apologetic, penitent, repentant, rueful 【反】 impenitent, unrepentant


(2)n. a complete lack of respect that you show for someone or something because you think they are not important or good enough 【考法1】 v. to have no respect for someone or something 【例】 disdain that man for snobbishness 【近】 contemn, disrespect, slight, sniff, snub, look down 【反】 honor, respect ;treat favorably


(3) to gradually enter something and change it: religion is creeping into the environmental debate 【考法1】 vi./n. to go very slowly 【例】 creeping through the crowd 【近】 drag, loiter, tarry 【反】 scurry, run 【考法2】 move slowly with the body close to the ground 【例】 The kitten crept silently across the floor before suddenly pouncing on the mouse. 【近】 crawl, grovel, slide, slither 【反】 swagger


(3)Having the same tastes, habits, or temperament; sympathetic 【考法1】 adj. Suited to one's needs or nature; agreeable 【例】 a couple relaxing in the congenial atmosphere of a luxury health SPA a congenial host who invited us for a feast 【近】 agreeable, amicable, compatible, unanimous, united 【反】 discordant, incompatible 【考法2】 adj. Of a pleasant disposition; friendly and sociable 【例】 a congenial host who invited us for a feast 【近】 delightful, dulcet, felicitous, palatable; pleasant, genial 【反】 unpleasant 【派】 congeniality n.


to bend low and move back because you are frightened 【考法1】 vi. to cringe in fear 【例】 The dog cowered under the table. 【近】flinch, grovel, quail, recoil, wince


[考法1] adj. dominant in position or influence; superior. [例]This idea was in the ascendant. [近]superior, dominant, sovereign [反]having no influence/ power [考法2] adj. moving upward : rising [例]The teacher told the students to write even numbers in ascendant order. [反]declining


[考法1] adj. lasting for a long time; enduring [例] an abiding love of Espanol [近] ageless, enduring, eternal, everlasting, perennial, perpetual, timeless [反] evanescent , ephemeral [派] abide vt. Everyone must abide by the law


[考法1] adj. made or done without previous thought or preparation [例] not bad for an ad-lib comedy routine [近] extemporary, impromptu, improvisational, offhanded [反] considered, planned, premeditated, rehearsed


[考法1] adv. in the air especially : in flight (as in an airplane) [例]The balloon stayed aloft for days [近]overhead [反]grounded


Goods are normally dispatched within 24 hours 【考法1】 v. to damage in reputation; disgrace. 【例】 discredit his opponents 【近】 abase, debase, degrade, demean, disgrace, dishonor, humiliate, shame, sink, smirch, take down 【反】 aggrandize ;canonize, deify ;elevate ;exalt 【考法2】 v. To refuse to believe; to think not to be true or real 【例】 I discredit the story that the old house is haunted. 【近】 negate, doubt, distrust 【反】 accept, believe, credit ;confirm, prove, validate, verify


[考法1] n. approval publicly expressed (as by clapping the hands) [例]Her appearance was greeted with applause. [近]acclamation, cheer, cheering, ovation, plaudit, rave [反]hissing, booing


[考法1] vt. To approach and speak to in an aggressive, hostile, or sexually suggestive manner [例] accosted by three gang members


[考法1] adj. containing, covered with, or thoroughly penetrated by water [例] The streets were awash from the heavy rains. [近] doused, drenched, saturated, sodden, soggy, soaked, afloat [反] dry, arid, dehydrated, drained [考法2]adj. filled, covered, or completely overrun as if by a flood [例] The program is currently awash in submissions and will not be accepting any more until next term. [近] abounding, abundant, flush, fraught, replete, swarming, teeming, thronging [反] dearth, insufficient, scant


[考法1] adj. deviating from the usual or natural type [例] This behavior might be aberrant enough to draw attention. [近] abnormal, anomalous, peculiar, singular, unwonted,uncustomary [反] normal, natural, regular, standard, typical


[考法1] adj. difficult to comprehend : recondite [例] the abstruse calculations [近] arcane, esoteric, hermetic (also hermetical), recondite [反] accessible, patent, shallow, superficial


[考法1] adj. attractive, inviting [例]The large salary made Goldman Sachs's offer more appealing to him. [近]alluring, captivating, charismatic, charming, enchanting, engaging, entrancing, luring, seductive [反]repellent, repelling, repugnant, repulsive, unalluring


[考法1] adj. based on or involving an axiom or system of axioms [例] Euclidean geometry is based on five axiomatic principles. [近] dictum, fundamental, maxim [考法2] adj. taken for granted, self-evident [例] an axiomatic truth [近] self-evident, prima facie [反] controversial [派] axiom n.


[考法1] adj. being friendly, sociable, and congenial [例]an amiable teacher not easily annoyed [近]friendly, affable, amicable, genial, easy to get along with [反]disagreeable, ill-natured, ill-tempered, unamiable, ungenial, ungracious, unpleasant


[考法1] adj. being out of the ordinary [例]He is in an anomalous position as the only part-time teacher in XDF. [近]aberrant, abnormal, atypical, phenomenal, singular, uncustomary, unwonted [反]unexceptional, unextraordinary [派]anomaly n. deviation or departure from the normal or common order, form, or rule. [考法2] adj. departing from some accepted standard of what is normal [例]an anomalous burst of anger from this usually easygoing person [反]natural ;standard


[考法1] adj. cast down in spirit, spiritless [例] a man made abject by suffering [近] spiritless [反] spirited, excited, exultant [考法2] adj. sunk to or existing in a low state or condition [例] abject poverty [考法3] adj. expressing or offered in a humble and often ingratiating spirit [例] abject flattery; an abject apology [近] base, humble, menial, servile, slavish


[考法1] adj. causing astonishment or amazement [例]The richness and variety of the undersea environment are astounding. [近]amazing, astonishing, blindsiding, dumbfounding, shocking, startling, stunning, stupefying [反]unsurprising


[考法1] adj. characterized by ease and friendliness [例] an affable manner [近] cordial, genial, hospitable, sociable, good-natured, good-tempered, well-disposed [反] irascible, testy, ill-tempered, unamiable, ungenial


[考法1] adj. characterized by friendly goodwill; amiable [例]maintain amicable relations ;an amicable divorce [近]friendly, affable, amicable, genial, easy to get along with [反]antagonistic, hostile, unfriendly


[考法1] adj. coming before in time or development [例]finish the work anterior to the schedule [例]tests anterior to the college entrance examination [近]antecedent, foregoing, former, forward, precedent, preceding, prior [反]after, ensuing, following, posterior, subsequent, succeeding


[考法1] adj. coming from another source and not inherent or innate [例] Moral considerations are adventitious to the study of art. [近] alien, extraneous, external, foreign, supervenient [反] constitutional, essential, intrinsic, inborn, inbred, innate, inherent. advent


[考法1] adj. extremely angry; furious [例]He became apoplectic about wasteful government spending. [例]The coach was so apoplectic when the player missed the free throw that he threw his clipboard onto the court. [近]choleric, enraged, furious, incensed, indignant, infuriated, irate, ireful, outraged [反]angerless, delighted, pleased


[考法1] adj. extremely old and antiquated [例]He has antediluvian notions about the role of women in the workplace. [例]an antediluvian automobile [近]aged, age-old, prehistoric, antique, aged, immemorial [反]modern, new, recent [考法2] n. a person with old-fashioned ideas [例]an antediluvian who thought a woman without talent is virtuous [近]reactionary [反]modern, trendy


[考法1] adj. fearlessly, often recklessly daring; bold [例] an audacious plan [近] bold, adventurous, brash, brassy, brazen, rash, reckless [反] cautious, circumspect, guarded, wary [考法2] adj. contemptuous of law, religion, or decorum [近] impertinent, impudent, insolent [反] timid, meek [考法3] adj. inclined or willing to take risks [例] audacious adventurers risking everything they had for a shot at glory [近] daring, emboldened, enterprising, nervy, venturesome [考法4] adj. marked by originality and verve [例] an audacious interpretation of two dramas [派] audacity n.


[考法1] adj. free from all traces of deceit or duplicity [例] This transaction was totally aboveboard, so there was no reason to question it. [反] chicanery, surreptitious, underhanded


[考法1] adj. hard to accomplish or achieve: difficult [例]a long and arduous undertaking [例]an arduous journey across miles of desert [近]grueling, laborious, taxing, onerous, burdensome [反]easy, simple, unchallenging, undemanding, facile, effortless


[考法1] adj. having a generously sufficient and typically increasing supply of material possessions [例] affluent society [近] opulent, loaded, deep-pocketed, silk-stocking, well-endowed, well-off, well-to-do [反] needy, impecunious, impoverished, indigent, penurious


[考法1] adj. having a quality of anger and determination that makes it ready to attack others [例] aggressive behavior [近] fierce, assaultive, combative, militant, confrontational, go-getting, self-assertive, truculent, pugnacious [反] even-tempered, nonbelligerent, pacific, uncombative, uncontentious [考法2] adj. marked by or uttered with forcefulness [例] an aggressive campaign to win the African-American vote [近] dynamic, energetic, full-blooded, vigorous


[考法1] adj. having a secondary, supplementary, or subordinate function. [例] accessory features such as call-waiting [近] accessory, peripheral, supplementary [反] of primarily importance, chief, main, principal [考法2] n. one associated with another in wrongdoing [例]two accessories, the driver of the getaway car and the dishonest bank teller, were charged in the robbery case [近]abettor, confederate


[考法1] adj. having no balance or symmetry [例]the asymmetrical construction [近]asymmetric, nonsymmetrical, unsymmetrical, unbalanced [反]symmetrical;balanced


[考法1] adj. having no definite form: shapeless [例]an amorphous cloud mass [近]shapeless, unformed, unshaped [考法2]adj. being without definite character or nature : unclassifiable [例]an amorphous segment of society [近]unclassifiable


[考法1] adj. having no noticeable weakness, flaw, or loophole [例] an airtight argument [考法 2] adj. impermeable to air or nearly so [例] an airtight seal


[考法1] adj. having or showing deep-seated resentment [例] the acrimonious debate between the two candidates [近] embittered, hard, rancorous, resentful, sore


[考法1] adj. having or showing life [例]The lecture was about ancient worship of animate and inanimate objects. [近]breathing, live, living [反]dead, expired, deceased, lifeless, nonliving [考法2] adj. having much high-spirited energy and movement [例]Animate dance will get the blood pumping. [近]bouncing, brisk, energetic, sprightly, vivacious [反]inactive, lackadaisical, languid, listless, leaden [考法3] v. to give spirit and support to [例]The writer's humor animates the novel. [近]brace, energize, enliven, invigorate, ginger (up), pep up, vitalize [反]damp, dampen, deaden [派]animation the quality or condition of being alive, active, spirited, or vigorous. [反]lassitude, lethargy [考法4] v. to move to action [例]a criminal animated by greed [近]goad, prod, spur, galvanize, stimulate [考法 5] v. to make or design in such a way as to create apparently spontaneous lifelike movement [例]Kongfu Panda's very realistic panda was animated by CG.


[考法1] adj. having or showing shrewdness and perspicacity [例]Astute salesmen know how to invest emotionally. [近]canny, smart, shrewd, perspicacious, clear-eyed, clear-sighted, savvy, hardheaded [反]unknowing


[考法1] adj. highly pertinent or appropriate: apt [例]to enrich his essay with some very apposite quotations from famous people [近]applicable, apropos, germane, pointed, relative, relevant [反]extraneous, irrelevant, impertinent, irrelative, pointless


[考法1] adj. immeasurably low or wretched [例] abysmal living conditions 近 bottomless 反 shallow shoal [考法2] adj. immeasurably great [例] abysmal ignorance;an abysmal cliff [近] profound [反] skin-deep, superficial


[考法1] adj. in a turned or twisted position or direction [例] Her sunglass is awry. [近] askew, aslant, lopsided, slanted [反] aligned, direct, even, straight [考法2] adj./adv. off the correct or expected course [例] Operation Redwing was initially launched by US special-operation troops in hopes of capturing or killing a Taliban leader but went awry. [近] amiss, aside, astray, erroneous [反] right, well


[考法1] adj. inclined to bold or confident assertion; aggressively self-assured. [例]You will have to make many personal judgments when being assertive. [近]assertory, self-assured, self-assertive, peremptory [反]diffident


[考法1] adj. lacking rhythm or regularity [例]arrhythmic pulse [近]irregular, disorderly [反]regular, orderly


[考法1] adj. marked by careful unremitting attention or persistent application; busy [例]tended his garden with assiduous attention [例]The project required some assiduous planning. [近]diligent, industrious, sedulous [反]idle, inactive, unbusy, unemployed, unoccupied [派]assiduity n. persistent application or diligence; unflagging effort.


[考法1] adj. marked by great plenty (as of resources) [例] a abundant land [近] ample, cornucopian, teeming, replete, abounding [反] infrequent, rare, uncommon, inadequate, scanty, scarce


[考法1] adj. marked by keen discernment or intellectual perception especially of subtle distinctions, penetrating [例] an acute thinker [近] delicate, fine, keen, perceptive, sensitive [考法 2] adj. needing immediate attention [例] acute appendicitis [近] exigent, imperative, compelling, urgent [反] mild, noncritical, nonurgent [考法3] adj. extreme in degree, or effect [例] experiencing acute distress over the misunderstanding with her best friend [近] dreadful, excruciating, profound; exquisite [反] light, moderate, soft


[考法1] adj. marked by the use of wit that is intended to cause hurt feelings [例] acerbic commentary [近] pungent, sardonic, satiric, scalding, scathing [反] sweet, saccharin [派] acerbity n.


[考法1] adj. occurring unexpectedly or by chance [例] The discovery of gold was entirely accidental. [近] incidental, fortuitous, unintended, unintentional, unpremeditated, unwitting [反] calculated, deliberate, intended, planned, premeditated [考法2] adj. not being a vital part of or belonging to something [例] Its commercial value was accidental. [近] alien, extraneous, external, adventitious [反] inherent, innate, intrinsic


[考法1] adj. open to more than one interpretation;doubtful or uncertain [例]Students have ambiguous feelings about their role in the world. [近]doubtful, equivocal, unclear, uncertain [反]distinct, pellucid, patent, blatant, explicit, lucid, perspicuous


[考法1] adj. out of line, awry [例]The picture hung askew. [例]His tie was askew. [近]crooked, cockeyed, oblique, lopsided, skewed, aslant, slanted, slanting, listing, tilted, awry [反]aligned ;straight, erect


[考法1] adj. practicing strict self-denial as a measure of personal and especially spiritual discipline [例]This is an ascetic diet of rice and beans. [近]abstemious, abstinent, self-denying [反]sumptuous, luxurious ;licentious, sybaritic, voluptuous [考法2] n. a person who renounces material comforts and leads a life of austere self-discipline, especially as an act of religious devotion. [例]We normally see an ascetic meditating in a Yogic pose. [近]stoic, spartan [反]sybarite, hedonist, voluptuary


[考法1] adj. preventing infection [例]Surgery must be in aseptic environments. [近]sterile, germfree [反]germy, unsterile ;contaminated, tainted [考法2]adj. lacking vitality [近]inactive, lackadaisical, languid, listless, spiritless [反]active, animated, energetic, energetic, vivacious [考法3] adj. lacking emotion, or warmth [例]aseptic essays ;an aseptic smile [近]affectlessness, emotionlessness, impassiveness, impassivity, insensibility, numbness, phlegm [反]emotion, feeling, sensibility


[考法1] adj. readily brought to yield, submit, or cooperate [例]a high-spirited and rebellious girl not at all amenable to persuasion. [近]compliant, docile, submissive, tractable, obedient [反]intransigent, contumacious ;intractable, recalcitrant, refractory ;uncontrollable, ungovernable, unruly


[考法1] adj. removed or distant either physically or emotionally [例]an aloof church ; stood apart with aloof dignity [近]detached, offish, unsociable, withdrawn, standoffish [反]sociable


[考法1] adj. ridiculously unreasonable, unsound, or incongruous [例] an absurd argument [近] wild, bizarre, ludicrous, insane, nonsensical, preposterous, half-baked; ridiculous [反] rational, sensible, realistic, reasonable


[考法1] adj. sharp and harsh or unpleasantly pungent in taste or odor : irritating [例] acrid smell of tobacco [考点2] adj. marked by the use of wit that is intended to cause hurt feelings [例] acrid temper [反] gentle


[考法1] adj. showing urgent desire or interest [例] Children were agog over new toys. [近] avid, ardent, enthusiastic, solicitous, voracious [反] apathetic, indifferent, uneager, unenthusiastic


[考法1] adj. situated within easy reach [例] the town accessible by rail [近] handy, reachable [反] inconvenient, unhandy, unreachable, untouchable [考法 2] adj. capable of being understood or appreciated [例] The information ought to be made more accessible. [近] apprehensible, fathomable, legible, scrutable [反] abstruse, incoherent, incomprehensible, inscrutable, insensible [考法3] adj. possible to get [例] The data is not currently accessible. [近] available, attainable, obtainable, procurable [反] unattainable, unavailable, unobtainable


[考法1] adj. something extremely pleasing to taste or smell [例]The ambrosial aroma of the roast stimulated our appetites. [近]savory, aromal, aromatic, perfumed, redolent, odorous [反]fetid, noisome, stenchy, malodorous, rancid [記]ambi(round)-rose


[考法1] adj. unshakable or insistent especially in maintaining a position or opinion, unyielding; inflexible [例] adamant about staying here [近] hardheaded, headstrong, intransigent, pertinacious, obdurate, uncompromising [反] vacillatory, incline to yield, amenable, compliant, relenting, yielding


[考法1] adj.being both relevant and opportune [例]The actor announced to reporters that he would only answer to apropos questions about the movie. [近]appliacable, apropos, germane, pointed, relative, relevant [反]extraneous, irrelevant, impertinent, irrelative, pointless [考法2] prep. having to do with [例]to make a number of telling observations apropos the current political situation [近]apropos, apropos of, as far as, as for, as regards (also as respects), as to, concerning, of, on, regarding, respecting, touching, toward (or towards)


[考法1] adj.of doubtful authenticity : spurious [例]an apocryphal story about the president's childhood [近]spurious, unauthentic, ungenuine [反]factual, true, truthful, authentic


[考法1] adv. into separate parts or pieces [例]broken asunder [例]Buildings were burst asunder. [近]piecemeal [反]in a piece ;together [考法2] adv. apart from each other in position [例]A quite conscience sleeps in thunder, but rest and guilt live far asunder. [例]Our opinions are wide as the poles asunder. [近]apart [反]together


[考法1] n. a false or misleading charge meant to harm someone's reputation [例]cast aspersions on my loyalty [近]defamation, besmirchment, calumny, calumniation, maligning, obloquy, vilification [反]glowing tribute, eulogy, extolling, laudation, praise, commendation, compliment , flattery, adulation


[考法1] n. a medication that reduces or eliminates pain [例]Aspirin is a kind of analgesic. [同]anesthetic, anodyne


[考法1] n. a person who rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power [同]rebel, insurgent [派]anarchy n. a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority [近]chaos, disarray, topsy-turviness, commotion, turmoil [反]order


[考法1] n. a person with a high level of knowledge or skill in a field [例] a leading authority on neural anatomy [近] expert, connoisseur, maestro, master, virtuoso [反] amateur; inexpert [考法2] n. lawful control over the affairs of a political unit (as a nation) [例] The sheriff had authority over the whole county. [近] administration, governance, regime, regimen [考法3] n. the power to direct the thinking or behavior of others usually indirectly [例]He speaks with a persuasive authority on matters of public health. [近] clout, credit, leverage, weight [考法4] n. the right or means to command or control others [例] By the authority vested in me, I now pronounce you married. [近] arm, command, control, dominion, reign [反] impotence, powerlessness [考法5] n. a warrant for action [例] On what authority do you make such a claim? [近] grounds, justification


[考法1] n. a short witty sentence which expresses a general truth or comment [例]When decorating, remember the familiar aphorism, "less is more." [近]adage, epigram, maxim, proverb


[考法1] n. a specialized vocabulary or set of idioms used by a particular group [例]groups communicating in their own secret argots [近]cant, jargon, shoptalk [反]standard language ;common verbalism


[考法1] n. a strong feeling that you like and understand someone or something; a habitual attraction to some activity or thing [例] always had an affinity for nurturing living things || his remarkable affinity with animals [近] bent, penchant, predilection, predisposition, proclivity, propensity [反] aversion, repugnance, antipathy [考法2] n. a close relationship between two things because of qualities or features that they share; the fact or state of having something in common [例] a study showing an affinity between obesity and socioeconomic status || the affinity between Christian and Chinese concepts of the spirit [近] association, bearing, kinship


[考法1] n. a sweet-smelling oil that heals wounds or reduce pain [例] Friendship is the finest balm in need. [反] irritant [派] balmy adj. [考法2] n. a sweet or pleasant smell [例] The balm of the restaurant's backyard garden enhances the aura of romance. [近] aroma, fragrance, incense, perfume, redolence [反] fetor, malodor, stench, stink


[考法1] n. a usually prejudiced and often spiteful or malevolent ill will, enmity [例]She felt no animus toward those who had wronged her. [近]animosity, antagonism, antipathy, hostility, rancor [反]friendliness, amity, amenity


[考法1] n. a usually short narrative of an interesting, amusing, or biographical incident [例]He told us all sorts of humorous anecdotes about his childhood. [例]He is a master raconteur with endless anecdotes.


[考法1] n. an application (as to a recognized authority) for corroboration, vindication, or decision [例]A piteous appeal for help. [例]to make an appeal to the public to donate needed blood [近]adjuration, conjuration, entreaty, petition, pleading, supplication [考法2] n. to charge with a crime : accuse [例]My lawyer said the court's decision wasn't correct and that we should file for an appeal. [近]charge, accuse, incriminate, inculpate, indict [反]absolve ;exonerate, exculpate; vindicate


[考法1] n. an excuse usually intended to avert blame or punishment (as for failure or negligence) [例] He always has a very creative alibi for undone homework. [近] defense, justification, plea, reason


[考法1] n. an expression of approval [例] won virtually every accolade that the film world has to offer [近] applause, credit, distinction [反] disapprobation, excoriation, criticism, reprobation, castigation, cutting remark, derogation, reproof. denigration, denunciation, swearword [考法 2] v. to praise or honor [近] (adulate)


[考法1] n. an expression of warm approval [例]The proposal met his approbation. [近]approval, favor [反]disapproval, disapprobation, disfavor


[考法1] n. an ideal example of a type [例]an archetype of the successful entrepreneur [近]ideal, a perfect example, quintessence [考法2] n. something belonging to an earlier time from which something else was later developed [例]The abacus is sometimes cited as the archetype of the modern digital calculator [近]antecedent, foregoer, forerunner, precursor, predecessor, prototype [考法3] n. something from which copies are made [ 例 ]"'Frankenstein' . . . 'Dracula' . . . 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' . . . the archetypes that have influenced all subsequent horror stories"(New York Times) [近]archetype, prototype


[考法1] n. an inviolable(extremely important and should be treated with respect) place of refuge and protection giving shelter to criminals and debtors/ something (as a building) that offers cover from the weather or protection from danger [例]an insane asylum [例]The embassy serves as an asylum for that country's nationals in need of help. [近]harbor, haven, refuge, sanctuary, sanctum [記]asylum


[考法1] n. appearance to the eye or mind [例]His face had a frightening aspect. [近]appearance, look, figure, presence, mien


[考法1] n. carefree, freedom from constraint [例] added spices to the stew with complete abandon [近] unconstraint, uninhibitedness, unrestraint [考法2] v. to give (oneself) over unrestrainedly [例] abandon oneself to emotion, abandon herself to a life of complete idleness [近] indulge, surrender, give up [考法3] v. to withdraw from often in the face of danger or encroachment [例] abandon the ship/homes [反] salvage [考法4] v. to put an end to (something planned or previously agreed to) [例] the bad weather forced NASA to abandon the launch [近] abort, drop, repeal, rescind, revoke, call off [反] keep, continue, maintain, carry on


[考法1] n. exceptional discernment and judgment especially in practical matters [例] the business acumen [近] keenness, shrewdness, canniness, clear-sightedness, hardheadedness [反] unable to discerning


[考法1] n. friendship; especially: friendly relations between nations [例]live in amity with his neighbors; They parted in amity. [近]friendship [反]enmity, hostility


[考法1] n. lack of feeling or emotion [例]People have shown surprising apathy toward these important social problems. [近]affectlessness, emotionlessness, impassiveness, impassivity, insensibility, numbness, phlegm [反]emotion, feeling, sensibility [考法2] n. lack of interest or concern [例]She heard the story with apathy. [例]Her poor grades are proof enough of her apathy concerning all matters academic. [近]disinterestedness, disregard, incuriosity, insouciance, nonchalance, unconcern [反]concern, interest, regard


[考法1] n. one in helpful association with another [例]enter the war as an ally of America [近]supporter, confederate, sympathizer [反]adversary, rival [考法2] v. to enter into an alliance [例]several tribes allied to fend off the invaders [反]disband


[考法1] n. one that contends with, opposes, or resists : enemy [例] political adversary [近] antagonist, foe, opponent [反] ally, amigo, friend


[考法1] n. renunciation of a religious faith [例]Some people completely abandon the faith after apostasy. [考法2] n. abandonment of a previous loyalty : defection [例]He was looked down upon for apostasy. [近]defection, perfidy, treacherousness, recreancy [反]fidelity, allegiance, loyalty, piety


[考法1] n. something (as a drug) that relieves pain [例]The dentist waited until the anesthetic took effect. [近]analgesic, anodyne [考法2] adj. lacking awareness or sensitivity [例]be anesthetic to their feelings [反]sensate


[考法1] n. something joined or added to another thing but not essentially a part of it [例] Massage therapy can be used as an adjunct along with the medication. [近] appendage, appliance, attachment, add-on [反] essential element


[考法1] n. strong enthusiasm or devotion; zeal [例]His ardor was damped. [近]avidity, zeal, fervor, fervency, fervidness, passion, passionateness, vehemence [反]apathy, torpor, impassivity, insensitivity


[考法1] n. suspicion or fear especially of future evil [例]She had a strong apprehension about her sister's health [近]dread, foreboding, misgiving, anxiousness, unease, uneasiness, worry [反]composure, equanimit;unconcern [考法2] n. seizure by legal process : arrestment [例]apprehension of the thief [近]arrest [反]discharge [考法3] n. the knowledge gained from the process of coming to know or understand something [例]a good apprehension of how computer systems work [近]understanding, comprehension [反]incomprehension


[考法1] n. temporary inactivity [例] hold the plan in abeyance [近] doldrums, quiescence, moratorium, latency, dormancy, suspension, cold storage, deep freeze [反] continuance, fulfillment


[考法1] n. the highest point or stage, as of achievement or development [例] the acme of his career [近] culmination, pinnacle, tip-top, high-water mark [反] bottom, nadir, rock bottom [考法2] n. the most perfect type or example [例] a movie that has come to be regarded as the acme of the Hollywood musical [近] apotheosis, epitome, exemplar


[考法1] n. the quality or state of being self-governing [例] The province has been granted autonomy. [近] self-governance, sovereignty [反] dependence, subjection [考法2] n. self-directing freedom and especially moral independence [例] a teacher who encourages individual autonomy [近] independence, liberty, free will [反] constraint, duress [派] autonomous adj.


[考法1] n. unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others [例]Ambition that is masked as altruism. [反]egoism [派]altruistic adj. [反]egotistic, self-centered, self-concerned, selfish


[考法1] n.overbearing pride [例]Her arrogance has earned her a lot of enemies. [近]assumption, bumptiousness, haughtiness, hauteur, imperiousness, loftiness, peremptoriness, pomposity, pompousness, presumptuousness, superciliousness [反]humility, modesty, humbleness, unassumingness


[考法1] v. To praise or admire excessively; fawn on [例] incompetent assistants who spend all their time adulating her [近] belaud, butter up, overpraise, soft-soap, [反] scorn, disdain, vituperate, disparage


[考法1] v. a firm and final rejecting or abandoning often made under oath [例] abjure one's belief [近] recant, renege, renounce, abnegate, forswear (also foreswear), repudiate [反] affirm, espouse, embrace [考法2] v. to resist the temptation of [例] abjure extravagance [近] keep (from), refrain (from), withhold (from) [反] bow to, give in to, submit to, succumb to, surrender to, yield to


[考法1] v. language that condemns or vilifies usually unjustly, intemperately, and angrily [例] He alleged that he was verbally abused by his colleagues. [近] assail, bash, castigate, excoriate, lambaste [派] abusive [考法2] v. to put to a wrong or improper use; to use excessively [例] abuse a privilege; abuse alcohol [近] misemploy, misuse


[考法1] v. relieve, lessen [例] alleviate pain/suffering [近] ease, assuage, mitigate, mollify, palliate, soothe [反] exacerbate


[考法1] v. to abolish by authoritative action, annul [例] abrogate the law/ treaty [近] disannul, invalidate, nullify, quash, rescind, roll back, strike down [反] embrace, uphold, institute [考法2] v. to treat as nonexistent [例] abrogate their responsibilities


[考法1] v. to accept, comply, or submit tacitly or passively [例] acquiesce to my own fleecing(fleece: to charge someone too much money for something, especially by tricking them) [近] assent, consent, subscribe, come round [反] resist, defy, dissent


[考法1] v. to assist or support in the achievement of a purpose [例] aid and abet [近] ferment, foment, provoke, instigate, stir (up), whip (up) [考法2] v. to actively encourage (as an activity or plan) [例] abet the thief in robbing the bank [近] aid, assist, back, support, prop (up); goad [反] stymie, frustrate, obstruct, thwart, impede, forestall , hinder


[考法1] v. to cause to move faster [例] accelerate his steps [近] balloon, escalate, snowball, mushroom, proliferate, burgeon, build up; expedite [反] retard [考法2] v. to bring about at an earlier time [例] accelerate their departure [考法3] v. to become greater in size, extent, volume, amount, or number [例] toy purchases accelerate dramatically during the Christmas season [近] accumulate, balloon, enlarge, escalate, mushroom, proliferate, snowball, roll up [反] contract, decrease, diminish, dwindle, lessen, recede, wane


[考法1] v. to cause to stick fast [例] adhere to the surface [近] cleave, cling, hew [反] detach [考法2] v. to act according to the commands of [例] adhere to the rules [近] cling to, hew to, stand by, stick to, comply with [反] defy, disobey, rebel against [考法3]v. to give steadfast support to [例] our coach adheres to the belief that we can win this game if we just have a positive attitude [近] keep to, stand by, stick to or with [反] defect from [派] adherent n. : a follower of a leader, party, or profession [反] forerunner


[考法1] v. to combine into a unified or integrated whole; unite [例]to amalgamate with an American company [近]mix, fuse, intermix, compound, meld, comingle, integrate, intermingle [反]separate, isolate


[考法1] v. to declare or make legally invalid or void [例]The marriage was annulled last month. [近]disannul, cancel, invalidate, abrogate, nullify, repeal, rescind [反]make legal;enact [考法2] v. to balance with an equal force so as to make ineffective [例]Unfortunately, his arrogant attitude annuls the many generous favors he does for people. [近]counterbalance, neutralize


[考法1] v. to depart secretly and hide oneself [例] abscond from the prison [近] flee, lam, run off, break out (of), clear out


[考法1] v. to determine the importance, size, or value of [例]We need to assess whether or not the system is working. [例]Damage to the boat was assessed at $5,000. [近]evaluate, appraise, guesstimate [考法2] v. to establish or apply as a charge or penalty [例]The utility company will assess a fee if your payment is late. [近]assess, charge, exact, fine, lay, levy, put [反]remit


[考法1] v. to devote or surrender (oneself) to something habitually or obsessively [例] be addicted to drug/ alcohol [考法2] n. a person with a strong and habitual liking for something [例] science-fiction addicts who eagerly await each new installment in the series [近] devotee, enthusiast, fanatic, maniac [反] nonfan


[考法1] v. to express approval or give consent [例] acceded to their pleas [近] acquiesce, assent, consent, subscribe, come round [反] demur, dissent [考法2] v. To arrive at or come into an office or dignity: [例] accede to the throne


[考法1] v. to give advice to [例] admonished the patient to eat more healthy foods [近] counsel [考法 2] v. to reprove gently but earnestly. [例] admonished her for littering [近] chide, reprimand, reproach, reprove, tick off [派] admonishment n.


[考法1] v. to give notice to; inform [例]apprise him of the danger that may be involved [近]inform, acquaint, make known to [反]withhold information [記]app+rise


[考法1] v. to grow or increase gradually, as by addition [例] silt accreting at the mouth of the river [近] accumulate, build up, pile (up), stack (up) [反] wear away, reduction in substance caused by erosion [派] accretion n.


[考法1] v. to hate or loathe intensely, abhor [例] We abominate jokes that make fun of people who have physical disabilities. [近] despise, detest, execrate, loathe [反] esteem, love, adore


[考法1] v. to increase rapidly [例] The use of computers has ballooned. [近] inflate, escalate, expand, burgeon, mushroom, snowball [反] decrease, taper, dwindle, diminish, recede, wane


[考法1] v. to lower in rank, office, prestige, or esteem [例] was unwilling to abase himself by pleading guilty to a crime that he did not commit [近] debauch, degrade, profane, vitiate, discredit, foul, smirch, take down [反] elevate, ennoble, uplift, aggrandize, canonize, deify, exalt


[考法1] v. to make amends, as for a sin or fault [例]Blood must atone for blood. [例]Even death cannot atone for the offence. [近]redeem


[考法1] v. to make briefer [例] abbreviate the word "building" as "bldg." [近] abridge, curtail, cut back, syncopate,truncate [反] extend, protract, elongate, lengthen, prolong


[考法1] v. to make it difficult for someone to belong to a particular group or to feel comfortable with a particular person [例] alienated most of his colleagues with his bad temper [近] disaffect, disgruntle, sour [反] unite, reunite, reconcile [考法2] v. to convey or transfer (as property or a right) usually by a specific act rather than the due course of law [例] A landowner has a right to alienate his right of ownership. [近] assign, cede, deed, make over


[考法1]adj. being exactly as appears or as claimed [例] found an authentic Native American arrowhead [近] bona fide, certified, genuine [反] bogus, counterfeit, fake, mock, phony, spurious [考法2]adj. following an original exactly [例] an authentic reconstruction of the Parthenon [近] accurate, exact, precise, right, veracious [反] corrupt, false [派] authenticity n.


[考法1] v. to persecute or exasperate with unjust, malicious, or persistent attacks [例] bait him with gibes about his humble origin [近] badger, annoy, harass, heckle [反] appease, pacify, mollify, disarm [考法2] v. to lead away from a usual or proper course by offering some pleasure or advantage [例] the investment scheme baits the greedy and the unscrupulous [近] allure, decoy, entice, seduce [考法3] n. something (as food) used in luring especially to a hook or trap [例] The squad leader has finally realized that his team was a bait. [近] allurement, snare, trap, temptation


[考法1] v. to provide with something desired, needed, or suited (as a helpful service, a loan, or lodgings) [例] This cruise ship was big enough to accommodate over 600 people. [近] fit, hold, take [考法2] v. to change (something) so as to make it suitable for a new use or situation [例] accommodated the lectern to the height of the guest speaker [近] acclimate, adjust, condition, conform, doctor, edit, shape, suit, tailor [考法3] v. to bring to a state free of conflicts, inconsistencies, or differences [例] The idea that the United States could harmoniously accommodate all was a fiction. [近] attune, conciliate, conform, coordinate, reconcile [反] disharmonize


[考法1] v. to reduce in degree or intensity [例] abate his rage/pain [近] moderate, recede, subside, remit, wane, die (away or down or out),let up, phase down, ratchet (down), taper off [反] intensify [考法2] v. to reduce in amount or value [例] abate a tax [近] de-escalate, deplete, downscale, dwindle, [反] augment, promote [考法3] v. to put an end to [例] abate a nuisance [近] abrogate, annul, invalidate, nullify, rescind, vacate


[考法1] v. to refrain from something by one's own choice [例] abstain from smoking/voting [近] forgo, keep from, refrain from, withhold (from) [反] bow to, give in to, submit to, succumb to, surrender to, yield to


[考法1] v. to renounce a throne,to relinquish (power or responsibility) formally [例] abdicate the throne/crown [近] cede, relinquish, renounce, resign, step down (from) [反] constitute, assume, usurp; accede


[考法1] v. to rub or wear away especially by friction; wear down spiritually [例] My skin was abraded. [近] chafe, excoriate, rasp, graze, scuff [反] augment


[考法1] v. to set free from an obligation or the consequences of guilt, exculpate [例] absolve somebody from blame [近] acquit, exonerate, vindicate [反] blame, criminate, incriminate


[考法1] v. to shorten in duration or extent [例] modern transportation abridges distance [近] curtail, truncate, cut back [反] extend in length, protract, amplify [考法2] v. to shorten by omission of words without sacrifice of sense [例] an abridged edition [近] abbreviate, curtail, condense, syncopate


[考法1] v. to state as a fact usually forcefully [例] was tearfully averring his innocence [近] allege, assert, avouch, avow, declare, purport, warrant [反] deny, gainsay [考法2] v. to state clearly and strongly [例] She averred that she didn't need any help choosing her own clothes. [近] affirm, insist, maintain, profess


[考法1] v. to stop someone or something from getting or achieving what they want; [例] Time after time our hopes are balked [近] circumvent, frustrate, foil, thwart; check [反]advance, forward, foster, nurture, promote [考法2] v. to not want to do or try something, because it seems difficult, unpleasant, or frightening [例] She balked at the very idea of compromise. || Many people would balk at setting up a new business during a recession [近] decline, refuse, spurn, repudiate, turn down [反] accept, approve [派] balky adj.


[考法1] v. to take possession of or make use of exclusively for oneself, often without permission [例]to appropriate private property [例]The economy has been weakened by corrupt officials who have appropriated the country's resources for their own use. [近]purloin, pirate, embezzle, peculate, usurp [考法2] adj. especially suitable or compatible: fitting [例]Red wine is a more appropriate choice with the meal. [例]I don't think jeans and a T-shirt are appropriate attire for a wedding. [近]apt, becoming, felicitous, fitting, proper, meet, suitable, apposite, apropos [反]improper, inapposite, inappropriate, inapt, unmeet, unseemly, unsuitable


[考法1] v. to touch at one end or side; lie adjacent [例] Our land abuts a wildlife preserve. [近] skirt, verge on, border on, butt on, march with


[考法1] v. to utter a meaningless confusion of words or sounds [例] Babies babble before they can talk. [近] drivel, gabble, gibber, jabber, prattle, abracadabra [反] articulate [考法2] v. to engage in casual or rambling conversation [例] The little girls babbled contentedly for the whole ride home. [近] chatter, prate


[考法1] v. to utter clearly and distinctly [例]He cannot articulate his thoughts. [例]a theory first articulated by ancient philosophers [近]enunciate [反]murmur, mumble, mutter, slur [考法2] adj. able to express oneself clearly and well [例]The television crew covering the science fair were looking for photogenic and articulate students to explain their projects on the air [近]eloquent, fluent, silver-tongued, well-spoken [反]inarticulate, ineloquent, unvocal


[考法1] vi. / n. to walk slowly or leisurely; stroll [例]Every evening, they ambled along the bank. [近]ramble, saunter, stroll, wander, dally, dawdle [反]step quickly [記]ambi(round) e.g. ambiguous, ambient


[考法1] vi. to agree to something especially after thoughtful consideration [例]The general proposed a detailed plan and the president assented. [近]accede, agree, assent, consent, subscribe, come round [反]dissent, disagree


[考法1] vi. to call attention; refer: [例] He adverted to the problem in the opening paragraph. [派] advertent; inadvertently [反] inattentive, remiss, heedless, negligent


[考法1] vi. to convey an idea indirectly [例] He also alluded to his rival's past marital troubles. [近] imply, indicate, infer, insinuate, intimate, suggest


[考法1] vi. to suspend a session indefinitely or to another time or place [例] The meeting adjourned for a week. [近] prorogate, prorogue, recess, suspend [反] convoke


[考法1] vt. to act in opposition to : counteract [例]He did not mean to antagonize you. [例]antagonize a bill [近]counteract, disagree [反]agree, concede, grant ;win over [考法2] vt. to incur or provoke the hostility of [例]His remark antagonized his friends. [近]aggravate, exasperate, gall, inflame, nettle, provoke, peeve, pique, irritate, rile, roil, chafe, grate, ruffle,vex [反]soothe, defuse, allay, conciliate, propitiate, mitigate, assuage, appease, pacify, placate, calm, settle, subdue, solace, mollify


[考法1] vt. to attract or delight as if by magic [近] entice, seduce, solicit, tempt, captivate, enchant, lead on [派] alluring [例] an alluring smile [反] unattractive [考法2] v. to lead away from a usual or proper course by offering some pleasure or advantage [例] allured by the promise of big bucks, he decided to have a go at a job on the trading floor of the stock market [近] bait, beguile, decoy, entice, seduce, lead on


[考法1] vt. to bring into line or alignment [例] align the cars with the curb [反] askew, awry, warped [考法 2] vt. to adjust to produce a proper relationship or orientation [例] align the wheels of the truck [反] improperly adjusted, irregular


[考法1] vt. to destroy the self-possession or self-confidence of ,disconcert, embarrass [例] Nothing could abash him. [近] discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, faze, fluster, nonplus, mortify [反] embolden


[考法1] vt. to disclose partially or guardedly. [例] adumbrate a plan [反] revelation [考法2] vt. to give a slight indication of beforehand [例] The strife in Bloody Kansas adumbrated the civil war that would follow. [近] forerun, harbinger, herald, prefigure [記] ad(to)-umbra(shade)


[考法1] vt. to disturb or irritate especially by repeated acts [例]Mosquitoes annoy us in the summer. [例]The sound of footsteps on the bare floor annoyed the downstairs neighbors. [近]aggravate, bother, chafe, gall, grate, irk, nettle, peeve, pique, rile, ruffle, spite, vex [反]soothe, defuse, allay, conciliate, propitiate, mitigate, assuage, appease, pacify, placate, calm, settle, subdue, solace, mollify


[考法1] vt. to enhance the power, wealth, position, or reputation of [例] exploited the situation to aggrandize himself [近] augment, boost , expand, magnify, add (to),pump up [反] relegate, disparage, efface, abase, demean


[考法1] vt. to give pain or trouble to, distress [反] gratify [派] aggrieved adj. [例] a line of aggrieved ticket-holders, demanding a refund for the cancelled play [近] discontent, disgruntled, displeased, dissatisfied, malcontent; distress


[考法1] vt. to lessen the intensity of [例]He couldn't assuage his guilt over the divorce. [反]aggravate, exacerbate [考法2] vt. to pacify or calm [例]Life contains sorrows that cannot be assuaged, and it is important to be honest in acknowledging this. [近]compose, soothe, calm, pacify, placate, appease, lighten, relieve, alleviate, assuage, allay, mitigate, moderate, conciliate, propitiate [反]aggravate, annoy, enrage, exasperate, incense, infuriate, ire, irk, irritate, madden, nettle, peeve, provoke, rile, roil, vex [考法3]vt. to put an end to by satisfying [例]assuage his thirst [例]That meal certainly assuaged my hunger. [近]satisfy, sate, satiate, quench


[考法1] vt. to like something very much [例] I adore those earrings. [近] fancy, relish, savor, delight in, rejoice in [考法2] vt. to love someone very much and feel very proud of them: [例] adored his wife [近] cherish [反] abhor, abominate, despise, detest, execrate, loathe


[考法1] vt. to make an abstract of,summarize [例] abstracted the 135-page report in three short paragraphs [近] digest, recapitulate, synopsize, sum up, boil down [反] elaborate [考法 2] vt. to draw away the attention of [例] personal problems abstracted him [近] detract, divert, call off, throw off [派] abstraction n. [反] attention


[考法1] vt. to make inactive [例]arrest the growth of the tumor [近]check, rein, curb, contain, hamper, thwart, bring to a halt [反]vitalize, activate, animate, invigorate ;prod, goad, spur, galvanize, provoke, stimulate [考法2] n/v. the stopping of a process or activity; to bring to a standstill [例]Science cannot yet arrest the process of aging. [近]cease, cessation, closure, conclusion, discontinuance, discontinuation, ending, halt, stop, termination; check, stop [反]continuance, continuation [考法3] v. to take or keep under one's control by authority of law [例]She was charged with resisting arrest. [近]apprehend [反]discharge [考法4] v. to hold the attention of as if by a spell [例]The behavior of the daredevil arrested pedestrians. [近]enchant, fascinate, bedazzle, grip, hypnotize, mesmerize


[考法1] vt. to make or become better; improve [例]to ameliorate the suffering of people who have lost their jobs [近]improve, convalesce, recuperate [反]aggravate, worsen, deteriorate [派]ameliorator n. [反]damper n.


[考法1] vt. to modify according with the changing circumstances [例] adapt to the change ; adapt the novel for the screen [近] adjust, conform, edit, accommodate, shape, suit, tailor; acclimate


[考法1] vt. to regard with extreme repugnance [例] He abhors the way people leave their trash at the picnic sites in the park. [近] abominate, despise, detest, execrate, loathe [反] greatly admire


[考法1] vt. to speak, plead, or argue in favor of; support [例] advocates traditional teaching methods [近] back, champion, endorse, patronize [反] impunge


[考法1] vt. to state or declare positively and often forcefully or aggressively [例]asserted one's innocence. [例]He asserted that there were corrupt officials in the government. [近]aver, allege, avow, avouch, insist [反]deny, gainsay


[考法1] vt. to subdue or reduce in intensity or severity, alleviate [例] allay one's fears or doubts [近] assuage, ease, mitigate, mollify, palliate, relieve, soothe [反] excite, aggravate, foment, increase the intensity of, exacerbate


dorse--back 【考法1】 vt. to express support or approval of publicly and definitely 【例】 endorse a presidential candidate 【近】 advocate, back, approve, certify, champion, sanction, support, uphold 【反】 deprecate, impugn, oppose 【派】 endorsement n.


[考法1]n. a source of harm or ruin [例] Drinking was the bane of his life. [近]affliction, curse, nemesis, scourge [反] blessing, boon, felicity, windfall [考法2 ]n. a substance that by chemical action can kill or injure a living thing [例]a plant that is believed to be the bane of the wolf [近]toxic, toxin, venom [派] baneful=baleful adj.


[考法1]n. roughness of manner or of temper [例]She responded with such asperity that we knew she was offended by the question. [近]roughness, crudity, rudeness, poignancy, harshness [反]softness, mildness [考法2] n. rigor, severity [例]He has encountered more than his share of asperities on the road to success. [近]severity, hardness, hardship, rigor


[考法1]vt. to require by authority to leave a country [例]Since the diplomatic relation between the two nations has been broken, diplomats were all banished. [近] deport, exile, expatriate, expel [反]repatriate [考法2]vt. to drive or force out [例]permanently banished the troublemakers from the youth recreational center [派]banishment n.


[考法] adj. lacking originality, freshness, or novelty; trite [例] The slogan is too banal. [近] cliché, hackneyed, stereotyped, threadbare, trite, timeworn, shopworn, stale, moth-eaten [反] novel, innovative, arresting [派] banality n.


[考法] adj. someone or something that is balky does not do what they are expected to do [例] a balky mule [近] contumacious, defiant, perverse, intractable, obstreperous, refractory, unruly, untoward, wayward. willful [反] compliant, docile, subdued, submissive, tractable


[考法] n. a piece of material attached to a caravan or building which provides shelter from the rain or sun [例] stayed under the awning outside the Starbucks during the rainstorm [近] awning, ceiling, cover, roof, tent


[考法] n. government in which a person possesses unlimited power [例] It signified the British rejection of autocracy by constituting the first formal restraining of the power of the monarch [近] absolutism, dictatorship, totalitarianism, tyranny [反] democracy [派] autocratic adj.


[考法] n. woe, sorrow [例] relieve spirit from the bale [近] misery, suffering, anguish, grief [反] joy


[考法] n./v. an emotion variously combining dread, veneration, and wonder that is inspired by authority or by the sacred or sublime [例] She gazed in awe at the great stone. [近] admiration, reverence, respect, veneration [反] irreverence, insolence, scorn, superciliousness [派] awesome adj.


[考点1] vi. to increase gradually in quantity or number [例] accumulate a fortune [近] mount, swell, garner, snowball, build up, bulk (up) [反] dissipate, diminish, dwindle, recede, wane


a backhanded remark or compliment seems to express praise or admiration but in fact is insulting [考法] adj. indirect, devious, especially sarcastic [例] a backhanded compliment [近] feigned, roundabout, sarcastic, hypocritical, two-faced, double-faced, left-handed [反] forthright ; artless, candid, genuine, honest, sincere


aggravate [考法1] n. a mass or body of units or parts somewhat loosely associated with one another [例] An empire is the aggregate of many states under one common head. [近] sum, summation, totality [反] isolated units [考法 2] v. to collect or gather into a mass or whole [例] aggregates content from many other sites [近] coalesce, join together [派] disaggregate v. [反] disperse


agon--contest; agony [考法1] v. to feel deep sadness or mental pain [例] agonizes over every decision [近] anguish, suffer


anathematize [考法1] n. a ban or curse solemnly pronounced by ecclesiastical authority and accompanied by excommunication [近]curse, execration, imprecation, malediction [反]benediction, benison, blessing


anemia(anaemia): a medical condition in which there are too few red cells in your blood [考法1] adj. lacking force, vitality, or spirit [例]an anemic economic recovery. [例]Investors are worried about the stock's anemic performance. [近]sapless, infirm, feeble, decrepit, wan, pale, pallid, effete, lethargic [反]vigorous, spirited ;forceful


apocalypse [考法1] adj. of a revelatory or prophetic nature [例]No one listened to her apocalyptic predictions. [近]prophetic, predictive, prognostic, farsighted [考法2] adj. of, relating to, or being a major turning point [例]the apocalyptic Battle of Stalingrad leading to the ultimate defeat of Nazi Germany [反]trivial, petty, minor, immaterial, inconsequential, insignificant [考法3] adj. wildly unrestrained : grandiose [例]apocalyptic tone


appreciative: feeling or showing that you enjoy something or are pleased about [考法1] adj. capable of being perceived or measured; perceptible [例]the appreciable changes in temperature [例]There doesn't seem to be any appreciable difference between this piece and that one. [近]apprehensible, perceptible, detectable, discernible, palpable, distinguishable, sensible [反]impalpable, imperceptible, inappreciable, indistinguishable, insensible, undetectable


atroc--cruel, frightful [考法1] adj. extremely wicked, brutal, or cruel [例]Murder is an atrocious crime. [近]heinous [反]benign, kind, kindhearted, benignant, good-hearted, humane, sympathetic, tenderhearted [考法2] adj. Exceptionally bad; abominable [例]The service on plane was atrocious. [近]heinous [反]satisfactory ; wonderful


august: impressive and respected [考法1]n. one who predicts future events or developments [例] The ancient Roman augurs predicted the future by reading the flight of birds. [近] forecaster, foreseer, diviner, foreteller, prophesier, visionary [考法2] v. to show signs of a favorable or successful outcome [例] This augurs well for us. [近] forebode, promise; [考法3] vt. to tell of or describe beforehand [例] The fortune-teller augured nothing but a series of calamities for me. [近] forecast, predict, presage, prognosticate, prophesy


avaricious [考法] n. excessive or insatiable desire for wealth or gain [例] The bank official's embezzlement was motivated by pure avarice. [近] acquisitiveness, avidity, covetousness, cupidity, greediness, rapacity [反] generosity, magnanimity [派] avaricious adj.


avocation [考法1] n. a dislike so strong as to cause stomach upset or queasiness [例] a natural aversion toward insects [近] distaste, horror, loathing, nausea, repugnance, repulsion, revulsion [考法2] n. something or someone that is hated [例] Clichés should be the aversion of every good writer. [近] abhorrence, abomination, antipathy, detestation, execration [反] love


avow: to make a public statement about something you believe in 【考法1】 say that you are not responsible for something, that you do not know about it, or that you are not involved with it 【例】 disavow the rumor || She disavowed the testimony that she had given earlier in the trial. 【近】 deny, repudiate, disaffirm, disclaim, disconfirm, gainsay, negate 【反】 acknowledge, avow, concede


constringe, constrict 【考法1】v. to force by imposed stricture, restriction, or limitation 【例】 Low temperature constrains the chemical reactivity. 【近】 bridle, check, confine, imprison, restrain (restrict, constrict), trammel; circumscribe; 【反】 release 【考法2】v. to cause (a person) to give in to pressure 【例】 constrained by his conscience to tell the truth 【近】 coerce, compel, oblige, sandbag 【派】 constrained adj.


bathos 【考法1】 adj. characterized by exceptional commonplaceness 【例】 a bathetic funeral scene 【近】 trite, cliché, commonplace, hackneyed, stale, stereotyped 【反】 offbeat; exceptional 【派】 bathos n. Banality; triteness pathos; pathetic


behaving in a stupid and offensive way which shows that you do not understand or care about other people's feelings 【考法1】adj. so crude and unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and sensibility 【例】 crass receptionist 【近】 coarse, crude, rude, incult, uncouth, vulgar; insensitive 【反】 civilized, polished, refined, urbane. genteel


bracing news 【考法1】 vt. to take up willingly or eagerly; to eagerly accept 【例】 embrace a social cause || embrace the opportunity to study further 【近】 accept, adopt, espouse, welcome 【反】 abjure, abrogate, renounce, spurn 【考法2】 vt. to surround or cover closely 【例】The stone walls that embrace the monastery serve to symbolize its function as a retreat from an unquiet world. 【近】 circle, encompass, envelop, wrap


bung; to fail to do something properly, because you have made stupid mistakes 【考法1】 vt. to act or work clumsily and awkwardly 【例】 bungle a job || The whole police operation was bungled || a bungled rescue attempt 【近】 boggle, bumble, fumble, mess up, screw up 【反】 bring off


bunk/bunkum: Empty talk; nonsense; 【考法1】 v. to reveal the true nature of 【例】 debunk a supposed miracle drug 【近】 uncloak, uncover, undress, unmask, show up; divulge 【反】 camouflage, cloak, disguise, mask 【考法2】 v. to prove to be false 【例】 a Web site that assiduously debunks urban legends 【近】 belie, confound, confute, discredit, falsify, rebut, refute 【反】 confirm, establish, validate, verify;


contiguous 【考法1】 adj. communicable by contact; catching 【例】 contagious diseases 【近】 infectious, pestilent, transmissible 【反】 incommunicable 【考法2】adj. exciting a similar feeling or reaction in others 【例】 The enthusiasm of the new club members was contagious. 【近】 catching, epidemic, spreading 【派】 contagiousness n.


cajolery 【考法1】 v. to urge with gentle and repeated appeals, teasing, or flattery; wheedle 【例】 cajoled her into doing his laundry for him 【近】 blandish, blarney, palaver, wheedle, soft-soap, sweet-talk; inveigle; (badger)


calibre/caliber 【考法1】 vt. to standardize (as a measuring instrument) by determining the deviation from a standard so as to ascertain the proper correction factors 【例】 calibrate the polling procedures to ensure objectivity; calibrate a thermometer 【反】 unstandardize 【考法2】 vt. to measure precisely especially: to measure against a standard


captive: kept in prison or in a place that you are not allowed to leave 【考法1】 vt. to attract and hold by charm, beauty, or excellence 【例】 I was captivated by her brilliant mind. 【近】 allure, beguile, bewitch, enchant, fascinate, magnetize 【反】 repulse


cease 【考法1】 n. the stopping of a process or activity 【例】 the cessation of the storm was a relief 【近】 check, cutoff, closure, discontinuance, expiration, halt, shutdown, termination 【反】 commencement, start continuation


censor 【考法1】 adj. highly critical. 【例】 censorious comment 【反】 eulogistic


chame--on the ground; leon--lion 【考法1】 n. a person who dexterously and expediently changes or adopts opinions 【例】 at the summer resort he acquired a reputation as a social chameleon—someone who could be whatever his hosts wanted him to be 【近】 chancer, opportunist, temporizer, timeserver, trimmer, weathercock


chauvinism; having the belief that your own sex is better or more important than the other sex, especially if you are a man 【考法1】 adj. having or showing excessive favoritism towards one's own country 【例】 At times I have also been aggressive, chauvinistic and hot-tempered. 【近】 jingoist, jingoistic, nationalistic, superpatriotic


chrom--color 【考法1】 adj. relating to colors or color 【例】the chromatic paintings of Matisse and the other Fauvists 【近】colored , colorful, motley, multicolored, multihued, varicolored, variegated, kaleidoscopic 【反】colorless, pallid, blanched ;monochromatic, monochromic, monotone, self-colored


cloy; a cloying attitude; cloying food 【考法1】 adj. excessively sweet or sentimental 【例】the cloying sentiments of so many Mother's Day cards 【近】lovey-dovey, maudlin, mawkish, saccharine, sentimental 【反】unsentimental


colt: a young male horse 【考法1】 adj. not subjected to discipline 【反】 disciplined 【考法2】 adj. Lively and playful; frisky 【例】Off camera the actor is high-spiritedly coltish, but turns serious once the camera starts rolling. 【近】antic, frisky, frolicsome, larky, spotftul 【反】earnest, serious-minded, sober


colt; coltish 【考法1】 n. a stupid person 【例】 What a dolt I have been! 【近】 idiot, fool, moron, simpleton, dullard 【反】 illuminati, intellectual ;genius 【派】 doltish adj.


commode--suit, convenient. commodious 【考法1】 v. to cause inconvenience to: trouble 【例】 The breakdown of her car didn't discommode her seriously. 【近】 disturb, trouble, incommode, put out 【反】 accommodate, assist, oblige, favor


composure 【考法1】 vt. to disturb the composure or calm of; perturb 【例】 GRE does not seem to discompose Jason; on the contrary, he looked rather relaxed. 【近】 agitate, bother, discomfort, disquiet, distemper, disconcert, disturb, perturb, upset, weird out 【反】 calm, compose, quiet, settle, soothe, tranquilize 【考法2】 v. to undo the proper order or arrangement of 【例】 The wind ruffled her hair and discomposed her carefully arranged papers. 【近】 disarrange, disarray, disorganize 【反】 arrange, array, order, organize, range


comrade; camara--room 【考法1】 n. a spirit of friendly good-fellowship 【例】 There is great camaraderie among the teammates. 【近】 brotherhood, comradeship, fellowship 【反】 enmity


concurrent: 1. existing or happening at the same time; 2. in agreement. 【考法1】 vi. to express agreement 【例】concur with an excellent opinion 【近】agree, coincide 【反】differ, disagree 【考法2】 v. to occur or exist at the same time 【例】The race to the moon, the Vietnam War, and the civil rights movement all concurred in the 1960s. 【近】coexist, synchronize, co-occur 【考法3】 v. to participate or assist in a joint effort to accomplish an end 【例】All people concurred to pass the reform legislation 【近】band together, collaborate, concert, conjoin, league, team up, unite


draconian measures/controls/penalties 【考法1】 adj. exceedingly harsh; very severe 【例】 draconian measures to control population growth 【近】 rigid, ironhanded, strict, stringent; cruel 【反】 mild, genial, lenient


contraction 【考法1】n. a binding agreement between two or more persons or parties, especially one that is written and enforceable by law 【例】 a billion-dollar contract from Department of Defense 【近】 agreement, compact, convention, treaty 【考法2】v. to reduce in size by drawing together; shrink 【例】 contract muscle 【近】 compress, condense, concentrate 【反】 expand ;inflate 【考法3】v. to become affected by a disease or disorder 【例】 contracted a severe cold that later turned into pneumonia 【近】 catch, get, sicken 【反】 heal 【派】 contractor: a person or company that agrees to do work or provide goods for another company


corrugate: To shape into folds or parallel and alternating ridges and grooves 【考法1】 adj. shaped into a series of regular folds that look like waves 【例】 corrugated paper 【近】 wrinkled, creased, folded 【反】 smooth 【派】 corrugation n.


cramp: to prevent the development of someone or something 【考法1】 n. uncomfortably small or restricted 【例】 a cramped cubbyhole in an office 【近】 confined, limited, restrained 【反】 commodious, spacious 【派】 cramp n.


crescent 【考法1】 n./v. a gradual increase in volume of a musical passage 【例】 The movement begins with a crescendo of a clarinet. 【反】 decrescendo; diminuendo 【考法2】 n. the peak of a gradual increase 【例】 complaints about stifling smog conditions reach a crescendo 【近】 apex, acme, apogee, climax, peak, pinnacle, summit, zenith; crest 【反】 nadir


crutch 【考法1】 v. to lower the body stance especially by bending the legs 【例】 crouched behind a rock and watched vigilantly 【近】 huddle, squat 【反】 arise, stand


distracted: anxious and unable to think clearly 【考法1】 draw or direct (as one's attention) to a different object 【例】 be distracted by a sudden noise 【近】 abstract, divert, detract, call off 【派】 distracted adj. 【反】 rapt 【考法2】 vt. to trouble the mind of; to make uneasy 【例】 The students are easily distracted before the exam. 【近】 agitate, bother, discomfort, discompose, dismay, disquiet, distress, perturb, upset 【反】 calm, compose, quiet, soothe, tranquilize 【考法3】 adj. insane, mad 【近】 insane, delirious, hysterical; distraught


dole--grieve 【考法1】 vi. to express sympathy or sorrow 【例】We condole with him on the death of his father. 【近】compassionate, sympathize with, yearn over; deplore 【派】condolence n. ; sympathy with another in sorrow


decorous; indecorous 【考法1】 n. appropriateness of behavior or conduct; propriety 【例】 high standards of decorum are usually required when attending the opera 【近】 form, propriety 【反】 impropriety, indecency 【派】 decorous adj. marked by propriety and good taste 【例】 decorous behavior 【反】 mangy, unseemly 【派】 indecorous 【反】 proper


defiance 【考法1】 vt. to go against the commands, prohibitions, or rules of 【例】 defy the court 【近】 mock, rebel, oppose, confront 【反】 acquiesce, obey, comply with, conform to 【反】 capitulate to, submit to, succumb to, surrender to, yield to


dejection; abject 【考法1】 vt. to lower the spirits of; dishearten 【例】 nothing dejects a TV pundit more than the reality check that nobody cares what he thinks 【近】 oppress, sadden, weigh down, bum out 【反】 brighten, buoy, lighten, rejoice, cheer up


demolish 【考法1】 n. the act or process of wrecking or destroying, especially destruction by explosives. 【例】 the demolition of dangerous buildings 【近】 annihilation, decimation, devastation, havoc, wreckage 【反】 building, construction, erection, raising


deprive; deprived 【考法1】 n. a lack or loss of the things that everyone needs, such as food, warmth, and shelter 【例】 serious sleep deprivation caused by long work hours || the privations of wartime 【近】 privation 【反】 fecundity


didac--teach, educate 【考法1】 adj. designed or intended to teach 【例】 Parents' speech to their kids often seems to be painfully didactic. 【近】 homiletic, preachy, moralistic, sententious 【反】 undidactic


discipline 【考法1】 n. one who accepts and assists in spreading the doctrines of another, follower 【例】 A circle of dedicated disciples who conscientiously wrote down everything the prophet said. 【近】 acolyte, adherent, convert, epigone, partisan, votary 【反】 leader, coryphaeus


discomfort 【考法1】 v. to put into a state of perplexity and embarrassment 【例】 He was discomfited by the awkward situation of having his ex-girlfriend meet his current one. 【近】 embarrass, abash, faze, fluster, mortify, nonplus, rattle 【考法2】 v. to prevent from achieving a goal 【例】 Constant interruptions discomfited her in her attempt to finish the speech. 【近】 balk, foil, thwart, baffle, checkmate; clog, encumber 【反】 advance, forward, foster, further, promote ;encourage


discontent; in concert 【考法1】 vt. to disturb the composure of 【例】 We were disconcerted by the unexpected changes to the program. 【近】 abash, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, mortify, rattle 【反】 calm, compose, quiet, settle, soothe, tranquilize


discountenance 【考法1】 v. to put up with (something painful or difficult) 【例】 The college administration will not countenance cheating. 【近】 abide, endure, stand, stomach, wear 【考法2】 v. to have a favorable opinion of 【例】 I don't countenance such behavior in children of any age. 【近】 accept, favor, subscribe 【反】 disapprove, frown 【考法3】 n. evenness of emotions or temper 【例】 The doctor's purposeful countenance was in stark contrast to everyone else's hysteria. 【近】 aplomb, calmness, composure, sangfroid, serenity 【反】 agitation, discomposure, perturbation


dissolution 【考法1】 v. to cause to pass into solution; to reduce (solid matter) to liquid form; melt 【例】 Sugar dissolves in the water. 【近】 liquefy, melt 【反】 coagulate, solidify, freeze 【考法2】 vt. to break into component parts; disintegrate 【近】 disintegrate, disband, break up 【反】 consolidate, unify 【考法3】 v. to cease to be visible; to cease to exist 【例】 The mist dissolved in the morning sun. 【近】 dematerialize, vanish 【反】 appear ;materialize 【考法4】 v. to put an end to by formal action 【例】 The king dissolved parliament. 【近】 terminate, abrogate, annul, cancel, disannul, invalidate, negate, null, nullify, repeal, rescind


distant 【考法1】 adj. situated away from the point of attachment or origin or a central point 【例】 the distal end of nerve 【反】 proximal


gorge--throat 【考法1】 v. to discharge by the throat and mouth; vomit 【例】 He cannot disgorge a fish bone without the doctor's assistant. || The volcano disgorged lava. 【近】 belch, disgorge, eject, eruct, expel, jet, spew, spout 【反】 swallow, ingest 【考法2】 v. To surrender (stolen goods or money, for example) unwillingly 【例】 The trustee was forced to disgorge the funds


grav--heavy [考法1] vt. to make worse, more serious, or more severe [例] Stress and lack of sleep could aggravate the situation. [近] complicate, worsen [反] alleviate, succor, console, assuage, mitigate, relieve [考法2] v. to disturb the peace of mind of (someone) especially by repeated disagreeable acts [例] it really aggravates me when I arrive 10 minutes before the stated closing time, and the store's closed already [近] annoy, bother, nettle, vex


if the wind blusters, it blows violently 【考法1】 v. to speak in a loudly arrogant or bullying manner 【例】 He was blustering alone in the meeting, which triggered wide dissatisfaction. 【近】 roar, clamor, bluster, rattle 【反】 whisper 【考法2】 n. loudly boastful or threatening speech 【近】grandiloquence, braggadocio 【考法3】 n. a state of noisy, confused activity; A violent, gusty wind 【例】 a mayor who got things done without a lot of bluster 【近】 disturbance, pandemonium, tumult, turmoil 【派】 blustering adj.


lapidary: relating to the cutting or polishing of valuable stones or jewels; lapid--stone 【考法1】 v. to bring into a condition of decay or partial ruin 【例】 The house has been dilapidated by neglect. 【近】 ruin, wreck 【反】 be in use;restore ;mend, repair ;rejuvenate, renew, renovate


liege: [考法1] n. devotion or loyalty to a person, group, or cause [例] They swore their allegiance to the USA. [近] commitment, dedication, piety, faithfulness, steadfastness [反] inconstancy, infidelity, perfidy, treachery [派] allege v. affirm, claim, assert, aver, avow


listless: feeling tired and not interested in things 【考法1】 n. a feeling of being tired, bored, and unsatisfied with your life; listlessness and dissatisfaction resulting from lack of interest 【例】 the kind of ennui that comes from having too much time on one's hands and too little will to find something productive to do 【近】 doldrums, listlessness, restlessness, tedium, weariness 【反】 keen interest, energy, enthusiasm, exuberance


occupy: if something occupies you or your time, you are busy doing it 【考法1】 vt. to occupy exclusively 【例】 He was completely engrossed in his work 【近】 absorb, engage, enthrall, fascinate, grip, immerse 【派】 engrossed adj.


old and in bad condition; (crepitate; decrepitate ) 【考法1】 adj. weakened, worn out, impaired, or broken down by old age, illness 【例】 a decrepit old man 【反】 vigorous, sturdy, sound, robust, hale


quickness and eagerness [考法1] n. promptness in response : cheerful readiness [例] accepted the invitation with alacrity [近] amenability, gameness, obligingness, willingness [反] dilatoriness, hesitance and reluctance


remonstrate 【考法1】 v. to show or make clear by using examples 【例】 the paleontologist hopes to demonstrate that dinosaurs once existed in central Peru by unearthing the fossil evidence 【近】 exemplify, instance 【反】 unable to prove 【考法2】 v. to make plain or understandable 【例】 a few striking facts should demonstrate the complex nature of our topic 【近】 clarify, construe, demystify, elucidate, explicate, illuminate 【反】 obscure 【考法3】 v. to make known (something abstract) through outward signs 【例】 the babysitter's actions during the emergency demonstrate beyond doubt her general dependability 【近】 bespeak, betray, display, evince, manifest, reveal


stain sb's name/honour/reputation 【考法1】 v. loss of honor, respect, or reputation 【近】 dishonor, belittle, denigrate, deprecate, depreciate, degrade; stain 【反】 praise, acclaim, applaud, exalt, extol, glorify, laud 【考法2】 v. to make dirty 【例】 hands distained with blood 【近】 bemire, besmirch, daub, muddy, smirch, smudge, soil, stain, sully 【反】 clean


swindle: to get money from someone by deceiving them; swindler 【考法1】 n. something that is made to look exactly like something else 【例】 He built a dupe of the original model, which is locked in a vault. 【近】 clone, duplicate, facsimile, imitation, mock, replica 【反】 archetype, original, prototype 【考法2】n. one that is easily deceived or cheated 【例】 The swindler was able to escape with all of the dupe's money. 【近】 fool, victim, gull 【反】 connoisseur 【考法3】 vt. to deceive (an unwary person) 【例】 The public is easily duped by extravagant claims in advertising. 【近】 bamboozle, beguile, cheat, cozen, delude, gull, hoax, hoodwink 【派】 dupable adj. gullible


the pieces of something that are left after it has been destroyed in an accident, explosion etc; 【考法1】 n. discarded or useless material 【例】 the unsightly debris left after mining operations had ceased 【近】 dross, dust, litter, offal, refuse, effluvium junk


to make someone feel happier or more confident 【考法1】 vt. to fill with courage or strength of purpose 【例】 the sudden improvement in his health buoyed him up 【近】 embolden, hearten, inspire, bear up, buck up; bolster; boost 【反】 daunt, discourage, dishearten, dispirit


to somebody's chagrin; be chagrined 【考法1】 n. disquietude or distress of mind caused by humiliation, disappointment, or failure 【例】 He thought for a minute, anger and chagrin mixing with the embarrassment on his face. 【反】 elation, cheerfulness, proud satisfaction, delight


【考法1】 adj. (1)darkened with smoke and grime; (2)dirty or discolored. 【例】 A dingy room is always Dickensian image of the poor. || The bed sheets were pretty dingy so we threw them in the laundry pile. 【近】 darkened, dirty, bedraggled, bemired, besmirched, dusty, mucky, muddy, nasty, smudged, soiled, sordid, stained, sullied 【反】 clean, cleanly, immaculate, spotless, stainless, unsoiled, unstained, unsullied


【考法1】 adj. affirming, promoting, or characterized by belief in equal political, economic, social, and civil rights for all people 【例】 the egalitarian principle guiding his endeavor 【近】 disinterested, impartial, unprejudiced, unbiased, objective 【反】 inequitable, discriminating, unfair 【派】 egalitarianism n.


【考法1】 adj. apathetic to pleasure or excitement as a result of excessive indulgence or enjoyment 【例】 Years of extravagance has made him totally blasé. || He's very blasé about money 【近】 indifferent, jaded, unconcerned, world-weary 【反】 zealous, fanatic; curious


【考法1】 adj. appealing forcibly to the mind or reason: convincing 【例】 Six Sigma is one of the most cogent methods for modern enterprises to control quality and optimizing process. 【近】 convincing, compelling, conclusive, telling, persuasive, satisfying 【反】 unconvincing, unpersuasive 【考法2】 adj. pertinent, relevant 【例】a cogent analysis 【近】apropos, germane, relative, relevant 【反】extraneous, irrelevant, impertinent, irrelative


【考法1】 adj. arousing or deserving of one's loathing and disgust 【例】 even within the prison population, pedophiles are regarded as particularly despicable 【近】 contemptible, detestable, dishonorable 【反】 admirable, commendable, creditable, meritorious, praiseworthy 【考法2】 adj. not following or in accordance with standards of honor and decency 【例】 the cad's despicable behavior toward women 【近】 currish, dirty, execrable, ignominious, sordid, wretched 【反】 honorable, lofty, noble, upright, venerable, virtuous


【考法1】 adj. being in agreement, harmony, or correspondence; congruous 【例】 a theory congruent with the known facts 【近】 consonant, compatible, consistent, harmonious, accordant 【反】 disagreeable ;conflicting, incompatible 【考法2】adj. coinciding exactly when superimposed 【例】These two triangles are congruent. 【近】identical, exact 【反】disparate 【派】congruity n.


【考法1】 adj. being or showing a sign of evil or calamity to come 【例】 a dire forecast of a plunge( a sudden movement down or forwards) in stock prices 【近】 baleful, direful, foreboding, ill-boding, inauspicious, menacing, minatory, portentous, sinister, threatening 【反】 propitious , unthreatening 【考法2】 adj. causing fear 【例】 a series of dire tremors that hinted at a volcanic eruption 【近】 alarming, dire, direful, dread, dreadful, fearsome, forbidding, formidable, frightening, frightful, ghastly, hair-raising, horrendous, horrible, horrifying, intimidating, redoubtable, scary, shocking, terrible, terrifying 【考法3】 adj. needing immediate attention; urgent 【例】 There is a dire need for food and medicine in the famine-stricken country. 【近】 immediate, burning, compelling, critical, crying, emergent, exigent, imperative, imperious, importunate, instant, necessitous, pressing, urgent 【反】 nonurgent, noncritical 【考法4】 adj. causing or marked by an atmosphere lacking in cheer 【例】 With stock prices steadily falling, these are dire days on the trading floor. 【近】 cheerless, chill, depressing, depressive, desolate, disconsolate, dismal, drear, dreary, funereal, glum, lugubrious, miserable, morose, saturnine, somber, sullen, sunless, wretched 【反】 bright, cheerful, cheering, cheery, festive, gay, sunshiny


【考法1】 adj. being strikingly neat and trim in style or appearance 【例】 The students all looked very dapper in their uniforms. 【近】 natty, sharp, snappy, spruce 【反】 frowsy, unkempt, slovenly, unkempt


【考法1】 adj. being without exception or qualification; absolute 【例】 a categorical denial 【近】 definite, downright, fair, utter, thorough, unalloyed, unconditional, unqualified 【反】 conditional, qualified


【考法1】 adj. boisterously or humorously indecent 【例】 a bawdy joke || bawdy house 【近】 obscene, lewd, ribald, vulgar 【反】 decent, decorous chaste, noble


【考法1】 adj. capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action : corrosive 【例】 The chemical was so caustic that it ate through the pipes. 【反】 palliating 【考法2】 adj. marked by incisive sarcasm 【例】 caustic movie reviews 【近】 acerbic, acrid, barbed, mordant, pungent, sardonic, satiric, scathing, sharp 【反】 genial, smooth, kind, innocuous


【考法1】 adj. capable of floating 【例】 a buoyant balloon 【反】 leaden 【考法2】 adj. having or showing a good mood or disposition 【例】 in a buoyant mood 【近】 blithe, chipper, eupeptic, lightsome, upbeat, winsome, effervescent 【反】 dour, gloomy, morose, saturnine, sullen


【考法1】 adj. capable of igniting and burning 【例】release a combustible gas 【近】burnable, combustive, flammable, ignitable, inflammable 【反】incombustible, nonburnable, noncombustible, nonflammable, noninflammable, unburnable ; fireproof 【考法2】 adj. easily excited 【例】a high-strung combustible temper 【近】excitable, agitable, touchy


【考法1】 adj. careful to consider all circumstances and possible consequences: prudent 【例】 The banks should have been more circumspect in their dealings. 【近】alert, careful, gingerly, guarded, heedful, prudent, cautious, chary, wary 【反】careless, incautious, unmindful, unwary;audacious, reckless


【考法1】 adj. characterized by extravagance, complexity, or flamboyance 【例】 a baroque prose 【近】 byzantine, complicated, convoluted, elaborate, fancy, intricate, knotty, labyrinthine, lavish, tangled 【反】 austere, plain, simple 【考法2】 adj. going beyond a normal or acceptable limit in degree or amount 【例】 Eventually even the movie seems bored by its baroque violence. 【近】 exorbitant, extravagant, lavish, overdue 【反】 moderate, modest, temperate


【考法1】 adj. characterized by facility and skill 【例】 He finished off the painting with a few deft strokes of the brush. 【近】 cunning, adroit, dexterous, expert, masterful, virtuoso 【反】 awkward, maladroit, ham-handed, amateur, artless, unprofessional, unskillful


【考法1】 adj. characterized by or performing acts of kindness or charity 【例】beneficent couple who are regular volunteers at an orphan 【近】 kind, altruistic, benevolent, philanthropic, benign, compassionate, sympathetic 【反】 atrocious, barbarous, truculent, vicious 【考法2】 adj. promoting or contributing to personal or social well-being 【例】 the beneficent effect of sunshine 【近】 helpful, advantageous, favorable, kindly, profitable, salutary 【反】 detrimental, harmful, noxious, toxic 【派】 beneficently adv.


【考法1】 adj. characterized by or proceeding from an intense and serious state of mind, grave 【例】 an earnest machine operator 【近】 grave, serious, solemn, staid, sober 【反】 facetious, frivolous, flip, flippant, playful


【考法1】 adj. characterized by steady, earnest, and energetic effort: painstaking 【例】 A new bride is diligent for three days. || a student who has been unceasingly diligent in pursuit of a degree in mathematics. 【近】 assiduous, industrious, sedulous, engaged, hopping, tied-up 【反】 idle, inactive, unbusy, unemployed, unoccupied


【考法1】 adj. comfortably or conveniently spacious: roomy 【例】a commodious closet 【近】spacious, roomy 【反】constricted, cramped, snug, constringed


【考法1】 adj. commanding, controlling, or prevailing over all others 【例】 the dominant culture 【近】 ascendant, leading, outweighing, paramount, prevalent, principal, supreme 【反】 subordinate 【考法2】 adj. of, relating to, or exerting ecological or genetic dominance 【反】 recessive 【派】 dominate v. ;dominance n.


【考法1】 adj. complicated; intricate 【例】 a convoluted way of describing a simple mechanism 【近】 complex, knotty, involved, sophisticated, twisted, tangled, labyrinthine 【反】 straightforward


【考法1】 adj. constituting a separate entity 【例】 a discrete variable 【近】 detached, disconnected, unattached, unconnected, separate 【反】 continuous ;attached, connected, joined, linked


【考法1】 adj. continuing despite difficulties, opposition, or discouragement;showing no signs of slackening or yielding in one's purpose 【例】 gain respect through sheer dogged determination || A madman who spent his life in dogged pursuit of power 【近】 insistent, persevering, pertinacious, tenacious, determined 【反】 easily discouraged ;yielded 【考法2】 adj. sticking to an opinion, purpose, or course of action in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasion 【例】 Your dogged adherence to a really lame(weak and difficult to believe) argument is embarrassing. 【近】 adamant, hardheaded, headstrong, inflexible, intransigent, mulish, obdurate opinionated, ossified, pertinacious, self-opinionated, self-willed stubborn, unbending, uncompromising, unrelenting, unyielding, willful 【反】 acquiescent, amenable, compliant, complying, flexible, pliable, pliant, relenting, yielding


【考法1】 adj. curved like the inner surface of a sphere 【例】a concave lens 【近】dented, depressed, dished, indented, recessed 【反】bulging, convex, protuberant


【考法1】 adj. depleted of vitality, force, or effectiveness 【例】 an effete monarchy 【近】 consumed, debilitated, decadent, degenerate, depleted, drained, exhausted, feeble 【反】 hale, sound, robust 【考法2】 adj. lacking strength of will or character 【例】 The government is too effete to take out the powerful special interests that really ruin this state. 【近】 frail, invertebrate, nerveless, spineless 【反】 backboned, firm, hard, strong, tough 【派】 effetely adv.


【考法1】 adj. deserved, appropriate 【例】condign punishment || A suspension without pay is condign punishment for breaking the company's code of business ethics 【近】due, deserved, merited, justified, warranted 【反】undeserved, undue, unmerited


【考法1】 adj. deserving of blame or censure as being wrong, evil, improper, or injurious 【例】 culpable behaviors 【近】 blameworthy, censurable, guilty, reprehensible, sinful, reproachable 【反】 inculpable, innocent 【派】 culpability n.


【考法1】 adj. deviating from conventional or accepted usage or conduct 【例】 an eccentric millionaire 【近】 strange, bizarre, erratic, idiosyncratic, odd, offbeat, outlandish, quaint, weird 【反】 ordinary, regular 【派】 eccentricity n.


【考法1】 adj. devoid of or unaffected by passion, emotion, or bias 【例】 Journalists should aim to be dispassionate observers. 【近】 disinterested, equal, equitable, evenhanded, impartial, just, nonpartisan, objective, unbiased, unprejudiced 【反】 biased, inequitable, nonobjective, one-sided, partial, partisan, prejudiced, unjust


【考法1】 adj. devoted to religion or to religious duties or exercises 【例】 a devout Buddhist 【近】 pious, religious, sainted 【反】 antireligious, impious 【考法2】 adj. firm in one's allegiance to someone or something 【例】 Devout Mavericks fans never lost faith in Nowitzki. 【近】 constant, loyal, allegiant, dedicated, devout, loyal, pious, staunch, steadfast 【反】 disloyal, faithless, perfidious, unfaithful ;recreant, traitorous, treacherous


【考法1】 adj. difficult to handle because of weight or bulk 【例】 a cumbersome piece of machinery 【近】 unhandy, ponderous, heavy, unwieldy, onerous ,thorny 【反】 light, weightless ;handy


【考法1】 adj. discontented and resentful especially against authority; rebellious 【例】 gangs of disaffected teenagers || The soldiers were disaffected toward the government. 【近】 discontented, dissatisfied, malcontent, rebellious, insubordinate, contumacious 【反】 satisfied, contented 【派】 disaffect v. to fill with discontent and unrest 【近】 dissatisfy, agitate, upset 【反】 mollify


【考法1】 adj. displaying a patronizingly superior attitude 【例】treat sb. in a condescending manner 【近】patronizing 【派】condescension n. patronizing attitude or behavior


【考法1】 adj. displaying common sense,based on sound reasoning or information 【例】The only commonsensical solution would be to divide the children into groups according to age. 【近】justified, logical, rational, reasonable, reasoned, valid, well-founded, levelheaded 【反】groundless, illogical, invalid, irrational, nonrational, nonsensical, nonvalid, unfounded, uninformed, unjustified, unreasonable, unreasoned, unsound; preposterous


【考法1】 adj. disposed to believe too readily; gullible 【例】 accused of swindling credulous investors 【近】 believing, unwary, gullible, naive, unsuspecting 【反】 disbelieving, skeptical 【派】 credulity n.


【考法1】 adj. easily angered; bad-tempered. 【例】choleric disposition || men of the choleric type take to kicking and smashing 【近】crabby, cranky, irascible, peevish, petulant, bad-tempered, hot-tempered, short-tempered, testy; cantankerous 【反】difficult to provoke, pacific, placid, calm, serene, tranquil, composed, nonchalant 【派】choler n. ready disposition to irritation : irascibility also : anger 【考法2】 adj. feeling or showing anger: angry, irate 【例】I absolutely get choleric when a salesman calls during the dinner hour. 【近】angered, apoplectic, ballistic, enraged, furious, incensed, inflamed, enflamed, infuriated, irate, ireful, outraged, rankled, riled, wrathful 【反】angerless, delighted, pleased


【考法1】 adj. easily broken, cracked, or snapped 【例】 as brittle as glass 【近】 crispy, crumbly, flaky, friable 【考法2】 adj. lacking in friendliness or warmth of feeling 【例】 a brittle apology that was anything but heartfelt 【近】 chilly, frigid, frosty, glacial, unfriendly, unsympathetic 【反】 cordial, genial, warmhearted


【考法1】 adj. easily molded or shaped, malleable 【例】 Gold is a kind of ductile metal. 【近】 malleable, moldable; plastic, pliant, pliable 【反】 inflexible 【考法2】 adj. easily led or influenced 【例】 a ductile personality 【近】 pliant, yielding, supple; impressionable, susceptible 【反】 adamant, intractable, refractory, obdurate


【考法1】 adj. easily resuming original shape after being stretched or expanded 【例】 elastic rubber band 【近】 bouncy, flexible, malleable, resilient, stretchable, supple 【反】 rigid, stiff 【考法2】 adj. capable of recovering quickly especially from depression or disappointment 【例】 owe her success to an elastic optimistic nature 【近】 adaptable, adjustable, buoyant, pliable, volatile 【反】 established, fixed, immutable 【派】 inelastic adj.


【考法1】 adj. emotionally hardened; unfeeling 【例】a callous indifference to the suffering of others 【近】affectless, uncharitable, unsparing, remorseless, indurate, ruthless 【反】sympathetic, compassionate, merciful, tender, warmhearted


【考法1】 adj. employing tact and conciliation especially in situations of stress 【例】 be very diplomatic with awkward clients 【近】 diplomatic, politic 【反】 gauche, impolitic, tactless, undiplomatic, untactful


【考法1】 adj. equal in measure or extent 【例】Five yards is commensurate with fifteen feet. 【近】equal, tantamount 【反】unequal, disparate, preponderant 【考法2】 adj. corresponding in size or degree; proportionate 【例】a job commensurate with her abilities 【近】commensurable, commensurate, proportionate 【反】disproportionate


【考法1】 adj. exhibiting eminence especially in standing above others in some quality or position 【例】 an eminent young scientist 【近】 famous, celebrated, distinguished, famed, notable, prominent, renowned 【反】 mediocre, undistinguished 【派】 eminence n.


【考法1】 adj. extremely significant or important 【例】 a crucial step in his professional career 【近】 critical, decisive, key, pivotal, vital 【反】 inconsequential, insignificant, trivial


【考法1】 adj. extremely skilled and accomplished 【例】 a consummate liar 【近】 accomplished, finished, virtuosic, versed, veteran 【反】 amateur 【考法2】 adj. complete in every detail; perfect 【例】 The difficult aria displayed her consummate skill. 【近】 flawless, impeccable, perfect 【反】 defective 【考法3】 adj. of the greatest or highest degree or quantity 【近】 maximum, paramount, supreme, top, utmost 【反】 minimal


【考法1】 adj. favouring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change 【例】 a conservative political stance 【近】 hidebound, reactionary, die-hard 【反】 radical, aggressive 【考法2】 adj. not excessively showy 【例】 dressing in conservative outfits so as to make a good impression at job interviews 【近】 muted, repressed, low-key, understated, unpretentious 【反】 flamboyant, ostentatious, splashy 【考法3】 adj. having or showing a close attentiveness to avoiding danger or trouble 【例】 He made conservative investments, and so he wasn't ruined when the market went into a free fall. 【近】 alert, heedful, cautious, circumspect, gingerly, guarded, wary, vigilant 【反】 heedless


【考法1】 adj. fit to be eaten 【例】 No chemicals in the laboratory is edible. 【近】 eatable, comestible, consumable, digestible, esculent 【反】 inedible 【派】 edibility n.


【考法1】 adj. tending to promote or assist 【例】be conducive to education 【例】The state's long-standing low tax is conducive to entrepreneurship. 【近】facilitative, useful 【反】unhelpful, useless


【考法1】 adj. foolishly adventurous or bold 【例】 that brash motorcyclist likes to show off by riding on only one wheel 【近】 audacious, brassy, daredevil, madcap, reckless, temerarious; brazen 【反】 circumspect, guarded, heedful, prudent, wary 【考法2】 adj. showing poor judgment especially in personal relationships or social situations 【例】 He was reprimanded for his brash comments to the media about the team's coaching staff. 【近】 imprudent, injudicious, tactless, undiplomatic 【反】 advisable, discreet, tactful


【考法1】 adj. free from selfish motive or interest: unbiased 【例】 a disinterested decision 【近】 equal, evenhanded, impartial, just, nonpartisan, dispassionate, objective, square, unbiased, unprejudiced 【反】 biased, inequitable, nonobjective, one-sided, partial, partisan, prejudiced, unjust 【考法2】 adj. having or showing a lack of interest or concern 【例】 The city's philistines, naturally disinterested in art, voted to cut the museum's budget. 【近】 apathetic, incurious, insouciant, nonchalant, perfunctory, unconcerned 【反】 concerned, interested


【考法1】 adj. fully informed; conscious; aware 【例】We are cognizant of the problem. 【近】aware, conscious, witting, apprehensive, sensible 【反】oblivious, unconscious, unaware, unmindful 【派】incognizance n.


【考法1】 adj. fundamentally distinct or different in kind; entirely dissimilar 【例】 This couple of seemingly disparate topics have something in common. 【近】 dissimilar, distinct, distinguishable, diverse, nonidentical, unalike 【反】 alike, identical, indistinguishable, kindred, like, parallel, same, similar


【考法1】 adj. giving rise to uncertainty; questionable or suspect as to true nature or quality 【例】 a dubious assertion 【近】 debatable, doubtful, disputable, equivocal, problematic, questionable, shaky 【反】 certain, incontestable, undeniable 【考法2】 adj. not feeling sure about the truth, wisdom, or trustworthiness of someone or something 【例】 dubious about a diet that claims I can eat all I want and still lose weight 【近】 distrustful, skeptical, suspicious, unsure 【反】 convinced, positive, sure 【考法3】 adj. slow to begin or proceed with a course of action because of doubts or uncertainty 【例】 I'm dubious about our plan to go hang gliding without having had any training. 【近】 undecided, disinclined, loath, reluctant, reticent 【反】 disposed, inclined 【派】 dubiety n.


【考法1】 adj. giving strength, vigor, or freshness 【例】 a bracing news from the frontline 【近】 invigorating, rejuvenating, reviving, stimulating 【反】 vapid 【派】 brace v.


【考法1】 adj. harmful often in a subtle or unexpected way 【例】 deleterious to health 【近】 adverse, baleful, baneful, detrimental, mischievous, nocuous, noxious, pernicious 【反】 beneficial, salutary, salubrious, wholesome, benign, harmless, innocuous


【考法1】 adj. having a feeling of superiority that shows itself in an overbearing attitude 【例】 a bumptious young man || be bumptious over one's inferiors 【近】 assumptive, haughty, imperious, overweening, peremptory, pompous, presuming, presumptuous, self-assertive, supercilious 【反】 humble, modest, unarrogant, unpretentious


【考法1】 adj. having a surface or boundary that curves or bulges outward, as the exterior of a sphere 【例】 A convex function has the property that a line joining any two points on its graph lies on or above the graph. 【近】 bulging 【反】 dent, concave


【考法1】 adj. having enormous size or strength 【例】 an elephantine meteor crate 【近】 huge, colossal, enormous, gargantuan, gigantic, massive, prodigious, tremendous 【反】 microscopic, minute, tiny , infinitesimal 【考法2】 adj. clumsy, ponderous 【例】 elephantine movements 【近】 awkward, graceless, maladroit 【反】 graceful


【考法1】 adj. having knowledge or experience of something 【例】 conversant with the accounting system 【近】 acquaint, aware, familiar, informed, versed 【反】 ignorant, unfamiliar 【派】 conversance n.


【考法1】 adj. having nothing likely to provide cheer, comfort, or interest 【例】 The day is cold, rainy, and dreary. 【近】 desolate, gloomy, sullen, dull, monotone, pedestrian, somber; dire 【反】 jocund 【考法2】 adj. causing unhappiness 【例】 decided to see a professional counselor in order to save their dreary marriage 【近】 depressing, dismal, heartbreaking, mournful, pathetic, melancholy 【反】 cheering 【派】 drearily adv.


【考法1】 adj. having or showing assurance and self-reliance 【例】Thicker and fuller hair would make a man more confident at work. 【近】assured, self-assured, self-confident 【反】diffident


【考法1】 adj. having worldwide rather than limited or provincial scope or bearing 【例】 a cosmopolitan traveler 【近】 universal, catholic, global, worldwide 【反】 insular, provincial 【派】 cosmopolitism n.


【考法1】 adj. hesitant in acting or speaking through lack of self-confidence 【例】 He is diffident to express his opinions in public. 【近】 unassured, bashful, retiring, self-effacing, withdrawn 【反】 confident, assured, self-assured, self-confident 自信的 【考法2】 adj. reserved in manner; unassertive 【例】 She was diffident about stating her opinion. 【近】 introverted 【反】 extroverted, outgoing


【考法1】 adj. impassively matter-of-fact, as in style, behavior, or expression 【例】 a deadpan comedy 【近】 catatonic, expressionless, impassive, inexpressive, stolid, vacant 【反】 demonstrative, expressive


【考法1】 adj. in a state of rest or inactivity; inoperative; in abeyance 【例】 volcanoes which have been dormant for thousand years 【近】 dead, latent, lurking, abeyant, quiescent, inert 【反】 active, busy, operating 【考法2】 adj. having biological activity suspended 【例】 The bears lay dormant in their den during the winter. 【近】 asleep, resting, napping, slumbering 【反】 awake 【派】 dormancy n.


【考法1】 n. the basic, central, or critical point or feature 【例】 the crux of the problem 【近】 core, substance, kernel, gist, pivot 【反】 trifle, triviality


【考法1】 adj. incapable of producing offspring 【例】 a poor, barren woman 【近】 fruitless, impotent, infertile, effete 【反】 prolific, fecund 【考法2】 adj. producing no results; unproductive 【例】 That line of investigation proved barren, so the police tried other avenues. 【近】 bootless, ineffective, inefficacious, unavailing, vain 【反】 effective, successful, productive, virtuous 【考法3】 adj. deficient in production of vegetation and especially crops 【例】 barren deserts and wastelands 【近】 desolate, impoverished, waste 【反】 arable, fruitful, luxuriant, verdant 【考法4】 adj. utterly lacking in something needed, wanted, or expected 【例】 Their proposal for revitalizing the downtown business district is utterly barren of practical methods. 【近】 bare, bereft, destitute, void 【反】 filled, flush, fraught, full, replete, rife


【考法1】 adj. innocent-looking usually chubby and rosy 【例】A representation of Cupid as a naked, cherubic boy usually is used as a symbol of love. 【反】fiendish, devilish


【考法1】 adj. kept or done in secret, often in order to conceal an illicit or improper purpose 【例】their clandestine love affair 【近】secret, covert, furtive, surreptitious, sneaky, stealthy, undercover, underground, underhand, underhanded 【反】open, overt, public ; aboveboard


【考法1】 adj. lacking a sense of duty; marked by a carelessly easy manner 【例】 the guards were judged derelict in their duty 【近】 disregardful, lax, neglectful, neglecting, remiss, slack; negligent 【反】 extremely careful, attentive, conscientious, nonnegligent 【考法2】 n. someone who has no money or home, lives on the streets, and is very dirty. a destitute homeless social misfit 【例】 a section of the city that seemed to be frequented mostly by derelicts 【近】 deserted, desolate, disused, forgotten, forsaken, rejected 【反】 pillar of society


【考法1】 adj. lacking in adult experience or maturity 【例】 callow young man 【近】 green, immature, inexperienced, juvenile, unfledged, unripened, puerile 【反】 adult, experienced, grown-up, mature, ripe


【考法1】 adj. lacking or showing a lack of nimbleness in using one's hands;a lack of skill and tact 【例】turn out to be a clumsy sleight of hand 【近】awkward, ham-handed, heavy-handed, maladroit, unhandy, bungling, inept, maladroit 【反】adroit, deft, dexterous, dexterous, handy 【考法2】 adj. lacking social grace and assurance;showing an inability to move in a graceful manner 【例】be clumsy on the dance floor 【近】awkward, graceless, ungainly, gauche, inelegant, rustic, ungraceful 【反】graceful, urbane, refined 【考法3】 adj. hastily or roughly constructed 【例】A clumsy mock-up of the real thing 【近】rough, unrefined 【反】refined


【考法1】 adj. lacking originality: banal 【例】 their dull, derivative debut album 【近】 secondhand 【反】 original, innovative, precursory


【考法1】 adj. lacking the least bit of courage; contemptibly fainthearted 【例】 a craven deserter 【近】 cowardly, gutless, pusillanimous, spineless 【反】 dauntless, fearless, gallant, gutsy, intrepid, stalwart, stout, stouthearted, valiant, valorous


【考法1】 adj. large in quantity; abundant 【例】 a copious harvest 【近】 plentiful, abundant, ample, gushing 【反】 sparse, dearth, scant


【考法1】 adj. left to discretion : exercised at one's own discretion 【例】 In many restaurants, discretionary tipping is being replaced by a standard service charge. 【近】 elective, voluntary 【反】 compulsory, mandatory, nonelective, nonvoluntary, obligatory, required


【考法1】 adj. loyal to a belief, organization, or group, and willing to work hard for it 【例】remain committed to one's youthful ideal 【近】loyal, faithful, allegiant 【反】disloyal 【派】noncommittal adj. giving no clear indication of attitude or feeling 【例】a noncommittal reply 【反】confirmable


【考法1】 adj. made in imitation of something else with intent to deceive 【例】 counterfeit money 【近】 forged, bogus, spurious, pseudo, feigned, artificial, phony 【反】 authentic, genuine 【考法2】 vt. to make a fraudulent replica of 【例】 counterfeit the signature 【近】 copy, forge, imitate, simulate, mimic 【考法3】 vt. to present a false appearance of 【例】 to counterfeit a happy expression while visiting a sick friend 【近】 affect, assume, fake, pretend


【考法1】 adj. marked by breaks or disunity 【例】 a disjunctive narrative sequence 【近】 discrete, separate, disconnected, disunited 【反】 combined, connected, jointed, mixed, united


【考法1】 adj. marked by brevity of expression or statement 【例】a clear and concise account of the accident || Concise Design of Spacecraft Automatic System 【近】aphoristic, compendious, curt, laconic, pithy, succinct, terse, elliptical 【反】circuitous, circumlocutory, diffuse, long-winded, prolix, verbose, windy, wordy


【考法1】 adj. marked by complexity, fullness of detail, or ornament 【例】 an elaborate manual 【近】 circumstantial, complex, complicated, intricate, knotty, minute, particular, particularized, sophisticated 【反】 sketchy, brief, compendious, summary 【考法2】 vt. to expand something in detail 【例】 The defense committee asked the PhD candidate to elaborate one critical assumption in his thesis. 【近】 develop, expand, amplify, explain 【反】 abstract, abbreviate, condense, simplify ;downplay, ignore, neglect, overlook


【考法1】 adj. marked by contemptuous boldness 【例】 a brazen disregard for the rules 【近】 bold-faced, impertinent, impudent, insolent; brassy; brash 【反】 modest, self-effacing, diffident, retiring, timid 【考法2】 v. to face or undergo with bold self-assurance 【例】 brazened out the crisis || Some people prefer to brazen a thing out rather than admit defeat. 【近】 confront, outface, defy 【反】 dodge, duck, shirk, sidestep


【考法1】 adj. marked by long duration or frequent recurrence 【例】chronic disease 【近】frequent, usual, routine 【反】sporadic ;infrequent 【考法2】 adj. being such by habit and not likely to change 【例】a chronic smoker who has quit many times 【近】inveterate


【考法1】 adj. marked by much life, movement, or activity 【例】 brisk and concise response 【近】 animated, bouncing, bustling, frisky, kinetic, sprightly, vibrant 【反】 lackadaisical, languid, leaden, dead, inactive, lifeless 【考法2】 adj. keen or sharp in speech or manner 【例】 a brisk greeting


【考法1】 adj. marked by or given to artful subtlety and deceptiveness 【例】cunning tactics 【近】artful, crafty, devious, foxy, sly, tricky, wily 【反】artless, naïve, unsophisticated 【考法2】 adj. skillful with the hands 【例】 Only the most cunning cabinetmaker could have crafted such a beautifully proportioned chest of drawers. 【近】 clever, deft, handy 【反】 heavy-handed, ham-handed 【考法3】 n. the inclination or practice of misleading others through lies or trickery 【例】 used cunning and subterfuge to work her way up the corporate ladder 【近】 artifice, deception, fraud 【反】 ingenuousness, sincerity


【考法1】 adj. marked with spots of colour, light, or shade; mottled, spotted 【例】 a dappled fawn 【近】 blotchy, mottled, specked, piebald, splotched, stippled; spotted 【反】 unspotted 【考法2】 adj. having blotches of two or more colors 【例】 a forest that was vibrant with the dappled foliage of autumn 【近】 marbled, mottled, piebald, pinto, splotched, spotted


【考法1】 adj. mercilessly harsh or cruel 【例】 insulted by barbarous language 【近】 brutal, atrocious, fiendish, heartless, savage, truculent, vicious 【反】 merciful, benevolent , humane, sympathetic 【考法2】 adj. uncivilized 【例】 some barbarous behaviors such as eating with your fingers 【近】 wild, uncultivated 【反】 civilized, decent, decorous


【考法1】 adj. moving from topic to topic without order 【例】 a long, discursive article || The speaker's discursive style made it difficult to understand his point. 【近】 desultory, digressional, excursive, meandering, rambling, wandering; digressive 【反】 keen on title, concentrated


【考法1】 adj. noisy, especially in a vulgar or offensive manner 【例】 blatant radios 【近】 boisterous, clamant, clamorous, vociferous 【反】 quiet, reticent, taciturn 【考法2】 adj. very noticeable especially for being incorrect or bad 【例】 a blatant lie || a blatant error in simple addition 【近】 conspicuous, flagrant, glaring, patent, striking, pronounced 【反】 subtle, unimpressive


【考法1】 adj. not being forthright or direct in language or action 【例】We took a circuitous route to the airport so as to avoid the massive traffic jam. 【近】indirect, circular, roundabout; (sinuous; tortuous) 【反】direct, straight, straightforward 【派】circuity n. lack of straightforwardness 【反】straightforwardness, direction 【考法2】 adj. using or containing more words than necessary to express an idea 【例】a circuitous explanation for what seems like a fairly basic concept 【近】circumlocutory, diffuse, long-winded, prolix, rambling, verbose, windy 【反】compact, concise, pithy, succinct, terse


【考法1】 adj. not easily satisfied or pleased 【例】 His mother could be demanding at times. 【近】 exacting, fastidious, finical, finicking, fussy, picky 【考法2】 adj. requiring much time, effort, or careful attention 【例】 the demanding assignment kept them working all night long 【近】 arduous, burdensome, challenging, exacting, grueling, killing, laborious, onerous, persnickety, taxing, toilsome 【反】 light, unchallenging, undemanding


【考法1】 adj. not irritating or stimulating; soothing 【例】 stick to bland diet to lose weight 【近】 mild, light, soft, soothing, tender 【反】 pungent, tangy, zesty 【考法2】 adj. dull, insipid 【例】 a bland story with naive plot 【近】 banal, sapless, insipid 【反】 riveting, enchanting 【考法3】 adj. not harsh or stern especially in nature or effect 【例】 bland food that was good for babies and invalids 【近】 balmy, benign, bland, delicate, mellow, nonabrasive 【反】 abrasive, caustic, coarse, hard, harsh, rough, scathing, stern


【考法1】 adj. not limited or specialized in application or purpose 【例】 a catholic taste in music 【近】 unlimited, unqualified, unrestricted, unspecialized, all-around (also all-round) 【反】 narrow, limited, restricted, specialized


【考法1】 adj. not openly shown, engaged in, or avowed 【例】 covert alliance 【近】 cloistered, hidden, secret, sheltered 【反】 open, overt, aboveboard 【考法2】 n. a place where a person goes to hide or to avoid others 【例】 set up a covert from which to watch wildlife without being detected 【近】 concealment, hermitage, hideaway, nest, lair


【考法1】 adj. obvious to the eye or mind, attracting attention 【例】 a conspicuous change in her appearance 【近】 apparent, clear, distinct, evident, manifest, plain, patent, noticeable 【反】 hidden, concealed 【派】 conspicuousness n.


【考法1】 adj. occurring or active during the daytime rather than at night 【例】 diurnal animals 【反】 nocturnal 【考法2】 adj. occurring, done, produced, or appearing every day 【例】 a love as constant and certain as the diurnal tides 【近】 daily, day-to-day, 【考法3】 n. a publication that appears at regular intervals 【例】 A microfilm contains a collection of diurnals. 【近】 bulletin, magazine, periodical, review, serial, journal


【考法1】 adj. of a happy lighthearted character or disposition 【例】 Everyone loved her for her blithe spirit. 【近】 bright, buoyant, gay, jocular, jocund, jovial 【反】 dour, gloomy, morose, saturnine, sulky, sullen 【考法2】 adj. having or showing freedom from worries or troubles 【例】 He has a blithe attitude about ever having to earn a living because he knows there's a trust fund in his future. 【近】 debonair, insouciant, lighthearted 【反】 careworn


【考法1】 adj. of a size, extent, or degree that elicits awe or taxes belief; immense 【例】a colossal waste of public money 【近】huge, giant, titanic, gargantuan, mammoth, tremendous, elephantine, prodigious 【反】tiny, micro, minute, miniature, minuscule, wee, infinitesimal


【考法1】 adj. of or relating to a diocese 【例】 national or diocesan authority 【反】 ecumenical


【考法1】 adj. of or relating to deliberate obscurity (as of literary or conversational style) 【例】 give an elliptical response to the inquiry 【近】 ambiguous, arcane, cryptic, enigmatic, equivocal, inscrutable, murky, nebulous, occult, opaque, vague 【反】 clear, explicit, unambiguous, unequivocal 【考法2】 adj. of, relating to, or shaped like an ellipse 【近】 oval, ovate 【反】 circular, round 【派】 ellipse n.


【考法1】 adj. of the same or equal age, antiquity, or duration 【例】Two stars thought to be coeval because they have nearly the same mass and brightness. 【近】coetaneous, coexisting, concurrent, contemporaneous, simultaneous, synchronic, synchronous 【反】asynchronous, noncontemporary, nonsimultaneous


【考法1】 adj. of, relating to, or representing the whole of a body of churches 【近】 catholic 【反】 diocesan 【考法2】 adj. worldwide or general in extent, influence, or application 【例】 an ecumenical scope 【近】 universal, cosmopolitan, global, planetary, worldwide 【反】 provincial, insular


【考法1】 adj. of, relating to, or supported by charity 【例】 an eleemosynary foundation funded by the Bill Gates 【近】 benevolent, charitable, humane, humanitarian, philanthropic 【反】 parsimonious


【考法1】 adj. planned or accomplished together 【例】The ITER project, commendable though it is, should be merely a component of a concerted effort. || A victory results from the concerted effort of the entire team. 【近】collaborative, combined, cooperative, united 【反】separate ;individual, single, sole, solitary


【考法1】 adj. pleasing to the ear; melodious; generally pleasing or agreeable 【例】 dulcet tones from harps and flutes 【近】 sweet, agreeable, delightful, euphonic, mellifluous, tuneful, winsome 【反】 cacophonous, grating


【考法1】 adj. popular, common 【例】 demotic entertainments 【反】 profound; esoteric


【考法1】 adj. ready and skilled in physical movements 【例】 a dexterous surgeon || The dexterous watchmaker was able to repair the antique watch's delicate gears and parts. 【近】 deft, handy 【反】 ham-fisted, ham-handed, handless, heavy-handed, unhandy 【考法2】 adj. mentally adroit and skillful: clever 【近】 adroit, clever, cunning 【反】 dull, foolish, silly, fatuous, unwise


【考法1】 adj. ready or disposed to comply: submissive 【例】a corrupt regime aided by a compliant television station 【近】amenable, conformable, docile, submissive, tractable 【反】balky, contumacious, disobedient, incompliant, insubordinate, intractable, noncompliant, obstreperous, rebel, rebellious, recalcitrant, refractory, unamenable, ungovernable, unruly, willful, wayward


【考法1】 adj. relating to the physical 【例】 seen with carnal eyes || carnal remains 【近】 corporal, corporeal, fleshly, material, somatic 【反】 spiritual 【考法2】 adj. worldly 【例】 a carnal mind 【近】 earthborn, mundane, temporal, terrestrial, worldly


【考法1】 adj. sharing an edge or boundary; touching 【例】 contiguous nations at war 【近】 adjacent, abutting, neighboring, juxtaposed, verging 【反】 apart, separate 【派】 contiguity


【考法1】 adj. showing kindness and gentleness 【例】 a benign coach 【近】 beneficent, gentle, kind 【反】 abrasive, caustic, coarse, hard, harsh, rough, scathing, stern 【考法2】 adj. not causing or being capable of causing injury or hurt 【例】 Don't worry; his eccentricities are entirely benign. 【近】 harmless, innocent, innocuous, inoffensive 【反】 baleful, deleterious, detrimental, harmful, injurious, pernicious 有害的


【考法1】 adj. showing the effect of grief or anxiety 【例】 a careworn face 【反】 lighthearted


【考法1】 adj. slightly or moderately wet 【例】 vegetables tended to go bad quickly in the dank cellar 【近】 damp, wettish


【考法1】 adj. strongly or fanatically determined or devoted/ someone who opposes change and refuses to accept new ideas 【例】 Some diehard smokers belied the doctors' suggestion. 【近】 conservative, hidebound, old-fashioned, reactionary, ultraconservative 【反】 liberal, nonconservative, open-minded, liberal


【考法1】 adj. stubbornly disobedient; rebellious 【例】 Contumacious insurgents refuse to talk. 【近】 balky, contumacious, defiant, insubordinate, intractable, obstreperous, rebellious, recalcitrant, refractory, restive, ungovernable, unruly, untoward, wayward, willful 【反】obedient, docile, ruly 【派】contumacy n.


【考法1】 adj. sufficiently large in size, amount, or number to merit attention 【例】 a considerable amount of fortune 【近】 extensive, substantial, large-scale 【考法2】adj. worth consideration; significant 【例】 a considerable artist 【近】 important, significant, consequential, momentous, weighty 【反】 trivial ;insubstantial, negligible, nominal, trifling


【考法1】 adj. taking, showing, or involving great care and effort 【例】 a conscientious researcher 【近】 careful, exact, heedful, meticulous, painstaking, scrupulous; punctilious 【反】 careless, remiss 【考法2】 adj. governed by or conforming to the dictates(an order, rule, or principle that you have to obey) of conscience 【例】 a conscientious police officer 【近】 conscionable, ethical, honest, moral, upright, principled, scrupulous 【反】 unscrupulous 【派】 conscience n.


【考法1】 adj. tending or intended to delay or postpone, characterized by procrastination 【例】 dilatory tactics || The homeowner is claiming that local firefighters were dilatory in responding to the call. 【近】 delaying, procrastinating, dragging, lagging, tardy 【反】 rapid, fast, fleet, precipitate, rocketing, swift hasty, hurrying, scurrying


【考法1】 adj. tending to destroy slowly by chemical action 【例】 Concentrated sulfur acid is highly corrosive. 【近】 erosive, caustic 【反】 noncorrosive 【考法2】 adj. bitingly sarcastic 【例】 corrosive satire 【近】 sarcastic, barbed, acerbic, satiric, acrid, barbed, mordant, tart 【派】 corrosion n.


【考法1】 adj. tolerant and kind in the judgment of and expectations for others 【例】 Clement judge reduced the sentence. 【近】 charitable, lenient, merciful 【反】 harsh, severe, stern, strict 【派】 clemency n. 【考法2】 adj. marked by temperatures that are neither too high nor too low 【例】 Hawaii is known for its delightfully clement climate. 【近】 mild, genial, gentle, balmy, equable 【反】 harsh, inclement, severe


【考法1】 adj. useless, unprofitable, futile 【例】 The meeting turns out to be a bootless attempt. 【近】 barren, ineffective, futile, abortive, fruitless, vain 【反】 worthy, virtuous


【考法1】 adj. using a lot of words and not explaining things clearly and directly; being at once verbose and ill-organized 【例】 a diffuse report 【近】 circuitous, circumlocutory, long-winded, prolix, verbose, windy, rambling 【反】 concise, pithy, succinct, terse, laconic 【考法2】 adj. not concentrated or localized; spread over a large area 【例】 diffuse lighting || The organization is large and diffuse 【反】 concentrated 【考法3】 v. extend, scatter 【例】 The photographer uses a screen to diffuse the light. 【近】 spread, extend, disperse, disseminate, scatter 【反】 concentrate, center, centralize, focus


【考法1】 adj. using very few words in a way that seems rude 【例】 his curt reply 【近】 abrupt, bluff, brusque, downright, unceremonious 【反】 circuitous, mealymouthed 【考法2】 adj. using few words to convey much information or meaning; terse 【例】 on a daily basis she e-mailed to her commanders curt reports on the situation 【近】 aphoristic, compendious, elliptical, laconic, pithy, sententious, succinct, terse 【反】 diffuse, long-winded, prolix, verbose


【考法1】 adj. vague or insubstantial 【例】 only a diaphanous hope of success 【近】 vague, obscure, unexplicit, insubstantial, immaterial 【反】 substantial ;clear, distinct 【考法2】 adj. of such fine texture as to be transparent or translucent 【例】 The bride wore a diaphanous veil. 【近】 transparent, translucent, transpicuous, gossamer 【反】 opaque, impermeable of light


【考法1】 adj. very cautious 【例】 chary investors who weren't burned by the dot-com bust 【近】 alert, cautious, circumspect, conservative, gingerly, guarded, heedful, wary; punctilious 【反】 rash, bold


【考法1】 adj. very happy and excited; zestfully enthusiastic 【例】 My father is a naturally ebullient personality 【近】 boiling, exuberant, effervescent, vivacious, brash 【反】 tepid, torpid 【派】 ebullience n.


【考法1】 adj./n. foolishly adventurous or bold 【例】 His daredevil stunts are sure to end in disaster someday. 【近】 audacious, brash, madcap, overbold, reckless, temerarious 【反】 circumspect, guarded, heedful, prudent, wary 【考法2】 adj. having or showing a lack of concern for the consequences of one's actions 【例】 a daredevil driver who thinks that racing on city streets is a harmless game 【近】 foolhardy, irresponsible, harum-scarum; 【反】 responsible


【考法1】 adj.loud and clear 【例】clarion call for democracy || The Internationale is a clarion call to the labouring people of the world. 【反】soft and indistinct


【考法1】 n. a basis for judgment; a standard or criterion 【例】 the canons of polite society 【近】 dogma 【考法2】 n. the authentic works of a writer 【反】 apocrypha 【派】 canonical adj. conforming to a general rule or acceptable procedure : orthodox 【反】 heterodox, nontraditional 【派】 canonize v. to treat as sacred; glorify 【近】 adore, adulate, idolize, deify, worship 【反】 abase, degrade, demean, humiliate


【考法1】 n. a biting or pointedly critical remark or comment 【例】 delivered one last barb to his ex-girlfriend as he stalked away 【近】 affront, criticism, offense, outrage, sarcasm, slight 【反】 praise, applause, compliment


【考法1】 n. a breaking of a moral or legal code 【例】 cheating on the exam was a serious breach of the military academy's honor code 【近】 malefaction, transgression, trespass, violation, wrongdoing 【考法2】 v. to fail to keep 【例】 a builder being sued by a homeowner for breaching a contract 【近】 contravene, fracture, infringe, transgress 【反】 obey, observe, comply with, conform to


【考法1】 n. a brief summary of a larger work or of a field of knowledge: abstract 【例】a compendium of information 【近】abstract, brief, overview 【派】compendious adj. concise and comprehensive 【例】his compendious knowledge of this subject 【近】concise, brief, laconic, compendiary, succinct 【考法2】 a list or collection of various items. 【例】Compendium of Materia Medica 【近】compilation, miscellany


【考法1】 n. a brief, vivid portrayal or depiction 【例】 a literary cameo 【考法2】 v. to make a brief but dramatic appearance, as in a film 【例】 She cameoed as Anne Boleyn in A Man for All Seasons.


【考法1】 n. a change to a lower state or level 【例】 the eclipse of the town from a grand seaside resort to a tacky tourist trap 【近】 decadence, degeneration, degradation, deterioration, ebb, fall 【反】 ascent, rise, upswing 【考法2】 vt. to obscure or diminish in importance, fame, or reputation 【例】 Her score eclipsed the old record. 【近】 adumbrate, obscure, overshadow 【考法3】 vt. to be greater, better, or stronger than 【例】 The brilliant young pianist now eclipsed even his own mentor in musical artistry. 【近】 beat, exceed, excel, outshine, outstrip, surpass, transcend 【反】 fall behind


【考法1】 n. a commonplace or hackneyed statement or notion 【例】 a newspaper editorial offering the timeworn bromide that people should settle their differences peacefully 【近】 banality, cliché, platitude, homily, truism, chestnut, shibboleth


【考法1】 n. a conclusion deduced by surmise or guesswork 【例】 That was only a conjecture, not a fact. 【近】 speculation, supposition, surmise, theory 【反】 fact ;axiom 【考法2】 v. to decide the size, amount, number, or distance of (something) without actual measurement 【近】 calculate, estimate, guess, gauge 【反】 prove 【考法3】 v. to form an opinion from little or no evidence 【例】 conjecture that this disease is caused by a defective gene 【近】 assume, imagine, presume, speculate, suppose


【考法1】 n. a condition or place of great disorder or confusion. 【例】 the boy's room is in such chaos that it looks as though a tornado had struck 【近】 disarrangement, dishevelment, disorder, disarray, havoc, mess, muddle, jumble, welter 【反】 order 【派】 chaotic adj. happening in a state of complete disorder and confusion 【反】 strictly structured, strictly featured


【考法1】 n. a depression in a surface made by pressure or a blow 【例】 a dent in the side of a car 【近】 cavity, depression, hollow, indenture, recess 【反】 bulge, convexity, projection, protrusion, protuberance 【考法2】 v. to make smaller in amount, volume, or extent 【例】 hopefully this vacation won't dent our bank account too much 【近】 abate, downscale, downsize, dwindle 【反】 aggrandize, amplify, augment, boost, enlarge, escalate


【考法1】 n. a doctrine or body of doctrines concerning faith or morals formally stated and authoritatively proclaimed by a church 【例】 People are beginning to question the old dogmas. || The newspaper seeks to be independent of political dogma. 【近】 credo, doctrine, gospel 【反】 heresy, heterodoxy 【派】 dogmatic characterized by an authoritative, arrogant assertion of unproved principles 【例】 a dogmatic critic 【近】 dictatorial, dictative, authoritarian, authoritative, magisterial


【考法1】 n. a drenching rain 【反】 drizzle 【考法2】 n. a great flow of water or of something that overwhelms 【例】 received a deluge of offers 【近】 inundation, overflow, spate, torrent


【考法1】 n. a false idea 【例】 This was not optimism, it was delusion. 【近】 hallucination, illusion, unreality, falsehood, misconception 【反】 truth, verity 【派】 delusive adj. false, deceptive 【反】 transparent


【考法1】 n. a feeling of self-satisfaction, coupled with an unawareness of trouble 【例】Complacency is the enemy of study. || A momentary complacency that was quickly dispelled by the shock of cold reality. 【近】conceit, pomposity, pompousness, pride, self-admiration, self-assumption, smugness, vanity 【反】anxiety ;humbleness, humility, modesty


【考法1】 n. a first public appearance 【例】 made her single debut 【反】 farewell performance


【考法1】 n. a greenhouse for growing or displaying plants 【例】 The college's conservatory is entirely devoted to cultivating and displaying orchids. 【近】 greenhouse, hothouse 【考法2】 n. a school specializing in one of the fine arts 【例】 an opera conservatory


【考法1】 n. a gross error or mistake resulting usually from stupidity, ignorance, or carelessness 【例】 That's your second blunder today. 【近】 mistake, gaffe, lapse, error 【考法2】 v. to make a stupid, usually serious error in; botch 【近】 screw up, mess up 【考法3】 v. to move unsteadily or confusedly 【例】 Without my glasses I blundered into the wrong room. 【近】 stumble, falter, limp, plod 【派】 blundering adj.


【考法1】 n. a heavy curtain of artillery fire directed in front of friendly troops to protect them 【例】 Troops are advancing under the shield of barrage. 【近】 bombardment, fusillade 【考法2】 n. an overwhelming, concentrated outpouring, as of words 【例】 The announcement was met with a barrage of criticism and protests. 【近】 salvo, hail, cannonade, shower, storm, volley 【考法3】 v. to attack with a rapid or overwhelming outpouring of many things at once 【例】 The athlete was barraged with requests for an autograph. 【近】 bomb


【考法1】 n. a heavy fall of rain 【例】 power failure due to the downpour 【近】 deluge, downfall, cloudburst, rainstorm 【反】 drizzle, sprinkle


【考法1】 n. a lack of order or sequence 【例】 The room was in disarray. 【近】 confusion, disarrangement, disorder, disorderliness, disorganization, havoc, mess, messiness, misorder, muddle, muss, shambles, jumble, welter 【反】 order, orderliness 【考法2】 v. to undo the proper order or arrangement of 【例】 Changing offices disarrayed my papers completely. 【近】 confuse, disarrange, discompose, dishevel, dislocate, disorganize, disrupt, disturb, hash, jumble, muddle, muss, rumple, scramble, upset, mess up, mix up 【反】 arrange, array, dispose, order, organize, range, regulate, straighten up


【考法1】 n. a large or massive structure 【例】 The Capitol is one of the most impressive edifices in the United States. 【近】 building, erection, palace 【反】 cottage 【考法2】 n. the arrangement of parts that gives something its basic form 【例】 The edifice of the argument is quite simple, once you get past the fancy language. 【近】 architecture, configuration, framework, skeleton, structure


【考法1】 n. a legal prohibition on commerce 【例】 a trade embargo on luxuries 【近】 ban, interdiction, proscription, sanction, veto 【反】 approval, license, permission, prescription


【考法1】 n. a line made by pressing. folding, or wrinkling 【例】 flatten the creases of the map 【近】 wrinkle, corrugation, fold, furrow 【派】 creased adj.


【考法1】 n. a line or ring of police, soldiers, or vehicles preventing people from entering an area 【例】 a cordon of police 【近】 perimeter 【考法2】 v. to form a protective or restrictive cordon around 【例】 cordoned off the area around the explosion scene 【近】 close, obstruct, block


【考法1】 n. a long angry speech or scolding 【例】 He was forced to sit through a long diatribe. 【近】 tirade, harangue, jeremiad, philippic, rant 【考法2】 n. ironic or satirical criticism 【例】 The movie reviewer wrote a diatribe of the movie describing it as having excessive sex and violence. 【近】 irony, satire 【反】 encomium, eulogy, panegyric, tribute, laudatory piece of writing


【考法1】 n. a loud continued noise 【例】 The din of the engines was deafening. || There's always a great din from the cafeteria during lunch. 【近】 blare, bluster, cacophony, chatter, clamor, discordance, racket, rattle, roar 【反】 quiet, silence, still 【考法2】 v. to say or state again 【例】 Safety lessons dinned into us over and over. 【近】 iterate, rehearse, reiterate; hammer


【考法1】 n. a man who gives exaggerated attention to personal appearance 【例】 That was a dandy of a game. 【近】 fop, gallant 【考法2】 adj. very good - often used in a slightly humorous way 【例】 that's a dandy new racing bike 【近】 awesome, fabulous, superb, sensational, splendid, unsurpassed 【反】 atrocious, awful, execrable, lousy, pathetic, wretched


【考法1】 n. a narrow passage or gorge 【例】 They climbed up the mountain through a defile. 【考法2】 v. to treat (a sacred place or object) shamefully or with great disrespect 【例】 art conservators were careful not to do anything that might defile the holy relic 【近】 profane, violate; desecrate 【考法3】 v. to make unfit for use by the addition of something harmful or undesirable 【例】 supplies of meat that had been defiled by maggots 【近】 befoul, foul, pollute, taint 【反】 decontaminate, purify


【考法1】 n. a natural accumulation (as of iron ore, coal, or gas) 【例】 rich deposits of oil and natural gas 【近】 dregs, precipitate, sediment, settlings, hoard, reserve 【反】 process of eroding 【考法2】 v. to put in an account 【例】 we quickly deposited the check in a bank account 【反】 withdraw


【考法1】 n. a natural stream of water normally smaller than and often tributary to a river 【例】 went wading in the creek 【近】 stream, branch, brook, rivulet


【考法1】 n. a noticeable imperfection 【例】 The first LCD had several blemishes on its surface, so we took it back to the store. || Cosmetics are often used to conceal facial blemishes. 【近】blotch, defect, fault, flaw, mar, spot, scar 【考法2】 v. to reduce the soundness, effectiveness, or perfection of 【例】 A scratch blemished the finish on the car. 【近】 break, disfigure, harm, hurt, impair, injure, spoil, vitiate 【反】 fix, renovate, repair, revamp 【派】 unblemished adj.


【考法1】 n. a number of things considered as a unit 【例】 a batch of cookies 【近】 array, collection, package, parcel, group 【考法2】 n. a usually small number of persons considered as a unit 【例】 Show the next batch of applicants in, please. 【近】 band, body, cluster, party


【考法1】 n. a number of things considered as a unit 【例】A clot of daisies occupied one corner of the flower bed. 【近】array, assemblage, band, block, bunch, cluster, clutch, collection, constellation, grouping, huddle, knot, lot, muster, package 【考法2】 v. to prevent passage through by filling with something 【例】Within a few years the pipe began to clot up. 【近】block, choke, clog, gum up, jam, obstruct, occlude, stop up, stuff 【反】clear, free, open up, unblock, unclog, unstop 【考法3】 v. to turn from a liquid into a substance resembling jelly 【例】Scabs form over cuts when your blood starts to clot. 【近】congeal, jell, jelly; coagulate


【考法1】 n. a paradoxical, insoluble, or difficult problem; a dilemma 【例】 a difficult conundrum even for the experts 【近】 enigma, mystery, puzzlement, riddle, secret


【考法1】 n. a person considered to be knowledgeable or uniquely skilled as a result of long experience in some field of endeavor 【例】 a doyen in the industry 【近】 authority, expert, master, maven, veteran, virtuoso 【反】 amateur, layman ;tyro, novice, neophyte, rookie, fledgling 【考法2】 n. the senior member of a group 【例】 He's the doyen of the admission committee, and his opinion has considerable weight. 【近】 elder, senior 【反】 junior; colt


【考法1】 n. a person obstinately devoted to his own opinions and prejudices 【例】 He is a bigot, or "a slave of dogma". 【近】 dogmatist, partisan 【反】 depreciator, disparager 【派】 bigoted


【考法1】 n. a person of no importance or influence 【例】The intern is a mere cipher in the company. 【近】dwarf, half-pint, insect, insignificancy, lightweight, morsel, nonentity, nothing, nullity, snippersnapper, whippersnapper, zero 【反】big shot, big wheel, bigwig, eminence, figure, personage 【考法2】 v. to determine (a value) by doing the necessary mathematical operations 【例】We were surprised by how much we had spent on the cruise after we had ciphered out the grand total. 【近】compute, work out 【考法3】 n. a method of transforming a text in order to conceal its meaning 【例】convert their messages into cipher 【近】code, secret message


【考法1】 n. a person who believes all people are motivated by selfishness. 【例】 A cynic might think that the governor visited the hospital just to gain votes. 【近】 misanthrope, naysayer, pessimist


【考法1】 n. a person who enjoys with discrimination and appreciation of subtleties and details especially in matters of culture or art 【例】 a connoisseur of wine and cigarette 【近】 aesthete, cognoscente 【考法2】 n. a person with a high level of knowledge or skill in a field 【例】 works that are highly prized by connoisseurs of art glass 【近】 adept, artist, authority, maestro, master, maven, proficient, virtuoso 【反】 amateur, inexpert, nonexpert ;tyro, neophyte


【考法1】 n. a person who habitually treats others in an overbearing or intimidating manner 【例】 they had to deal with the local bullies 【近】 bullyboy, hector, intimidator 【反】 underdog 【考法2】 adj. of the very best kind 【例】 that's a bully idea for reviving the town's retail center 【近】 awesome, fabulous, fantastic, superb, marvelous, unsurpassed, excellent


【考法1】 n. a photographic print used especially for architects' plans 【例】 a blueprint for the new library 【近】 arrangement, design, plan, scheme 【考法2】 v. to work out the details of (something) in advance 【例】 blueprinted the schedule of events for the festival right down to the last detail 【近】 arrange, budget, calculate, organize, frame, lay out


【考法1】 n. a pretense of bravery 【例】 I remembered his youthful bravado. 【考法2】 n. blustering swaggering conduct 【例】 strove to prevent our courage from turning into bravado


【考法1】 n. a process, condition, or period of deterioration or decline, a change to a lower state or level 【例】 The book condemns the decadence of modern society. 【近】 degeneracy, degeneration, degradation, deterioration, downfall, eclipse 【反】 ascent, rise, upswing


【考法1】 n. a projecting structure for supporting or giving stability to a wall or building 【近】 anchor, mainstay, pillar, reliance, standby 【考法2】 vt. to provide evidence or information for (as a claim or idea) 【例】 a mass of circumstantial(including all the details) evidence buttresses the prosecutor's case 【近】 bolster, corroborate, reinforce, substantiate, shore up 【反】 contravene, challenge


【考法1】 n. a protuberant or swollen part or place 【例】 bulging eyes 【近】 convexity, projection, protrusion, protuberance, swell 【反】 depressed region, cavity, dent, indent, recess, pit 【考法2】 n. the more favorable condition or position in a competition 【例】 somehow she got the bulge on him in the race for the statehouse 【近】 high ground, inside track, upper hand, whip hand 【反】 disadvantage, drawback, handicap, liability 【考法3】 n. a sudden, usually temporary increase in number or quantity 【例】 The baby boom created a bulge in school enrollment. 【考法4】 v. to be copiously supplied 【例】 this guidebook to San Francisco positively bulges with useful information 【近】 brim, bristle, overflow, swarm, teem


【考法1】 n. a raised platform, as in a lecture hall, for speakers or honored guests. 【例】 the speaker took his place at the front of the dais 【近】 podium, rostrum, tribune


【考法1】 n. a readiness or willingness to yield to the wishes of others 【例】 He is shown much deference by his colleagues. 【近】 acquiescence, compliancy, docility, obedience, submissiveness 【反】 contempt, defiance, disobedience, intractability, recalcitrance 【派】 deferential adj. showing or expressing deference 【反】 imperious, impudent


【考法1】 n. a real or imaginary point beyond which a person or thing cannot go 【例】 The language in the novel really is beyond the bounds of decency. 【近】 environs, limits, confines, perimeter 【反】 unrestrainedness 【考法2】 vt. to set limits or bounds to 【例】 The country is bounded by river. 【近】 limit, demarcate, delimit 【反】 enfranchise, free, liberate 【考法3】adj. fully committed to achieving a goal 【例】 I am bound and determined to write a novel before I turn 30. 【近】 resolute, determined, single-minded, bent on 【反】 faltering, hesitant, vacillating, wavering, weak-kneed 【派】 boundless adj.


【考法1】 n. a residence; a home 【例】 an alternate domicile in emergency 【近】 home, dwelling, habitation, abode, house, lodging 【考法2】 v. to establish in or provide with a domicile 【例】 The university domiciles students in a variety of buildings in and around its urban campus. 【近】 accommodate, bestow lodge, harbor, put up 【反】 banish, expel


【考法1】 n. a rude or insensitive person 【例】 acting like boor 【近】 peasant, barbarian, buffoon; churl 【反】 sentimentalist


【考法1】 n. a rude, boorish person 【例】By the 19th century, 'churl' had a new and pejorative meaning, "one inclined to uncivil or loutish behavior". 【近】boor, lout 【派】churlish adj. of, like, or befitting a churl; boorish or vulgar 【近】crude, coarse, boorish, loutish, uncultured, unpolished 【反】genteel, complaisance, courtly, polished;sophisticated 【考法2】 n. a mean grasping person who is usually stingy with money 【例】Don't bother asking a churl for donations. 【近】miser, niggard, skinflint, penny-pincher 【反】generous/ liberal/ munificent person ;waster, wastrel, spendthrift, prodigal, profligate, dissipater


【考法1】 n. a set of characters or persons 【考法2】 vt. to assign (as an actor) to a role or part 【近】 He was cast in the leading role. 【考法3】 vt. to put forth, give off, to place as if by throwing 【例】 cast doubt on their reliability 【近】 discharge, emanate, irradiate, issue, shoot, throw out, give out 【考法4】 v. to get rid of as useless or unwanted 【例】 once she became rich and didn't need them anymore, she cast off all her old friends like so much junk 【近】 ditch, dump, jettison, toss


【考法1】 n. a slow, solemn, and mournful piece of music 【例】 This funeral dirge is for the dead friend. 【近】 elegy, requiem


【考法1】 n. a song or poem expressing sorrow or lamentation 【例】 an moving elegy played at the funeral 【近】 dirge, lamentation, requiem 【反】 ode


【考法1】 n. a state of being beyond reason and self-control 【例】 an ecstasy of rage 【近】 mania, rhapsody 【反】 self-control ;composure, sangfroid 【考法2】 n. intense joy or delight 【例】 be in ecstasy over the offer from Harvard University 【近】 delight, elation, euphoria, exhilaration, rapture, transport 【反】 depression, melancholy


【考法1】 n. a state or period of inactivity, stagnation, or slump 【例】 August is a time of doldrums for many enterprises. ‖The economy is in the doldrums. 【近】 abeyance, dormancy, latency, quiescence, moratorium 【反】 continuation 【考法2】 n. a state or spell of low spirits 【例】 The team had been in the doldrums ever since losing the championship. 【近】 dejection, depression, desolation, despondence, dolefulness, gloom, melancholy, unhappiness 【反】 bliss, ecstasy, elation, exhilaration, exuberance, exultation, jubilation, rapture, felicity


【考法1】 n. a stupid or unimaginative person 【近】 moron, simpleton, idiot, fool; dolt (gull, dupe) 【反】 wit ;genius 【派】 dull adj.


【考法1】 n. a sudden copious rainfall 【例】The weatherman warned of possible cloudbursts in the afternoon. 【近】downfall, downpour; deluge


【考法1】 n. a supply stored up and often hidden away 【例】 maintain a cache of food in case of emergencies 【近】 stash, stockpile, store, deposit, hoard, reserve 【考法2】 v. to put into a hiding place 【例】 cached the fugitive slaves in their cellar until they could make their way to Canada 【近】 conceal, ensconce, secrete, squirrel away 【反】 display, exhibit


【考法1】 n. a terrible event in which there is a lot of destruction, suffering, or death 【近】 apocalypse, calamity, cataclysm, debacle, tragedy 【考法2】 n. an event which is very bad for the people involved: fiasco 【例】 the party was a catastrophe 【近】 bummer, debacle, disaster, fiasco, fizzle, washout 【反】 blockbuster, hit, smash, success, winner


【考法1】 n. a turning away from a course or standard 【例】 we'll regard this relapse as just a brief detour on your road to recovery from substance abuse 【近】 deflection, departure, deviation, divergency 【考法2】 v. to change one's course or direction 【例】 we had to detour for a few miles around the section of highway under construction 【近】 deviate, diverge, sheer, swerve, veer


【考法1】 n. a woman who makes teasing sexual or romantic overtures; a flirt 【例】 A coquette though she might appear to be at first, Violetta from Verdi's La Traviata is actually yearning for true love. 【近】 vamp, flirt 【考法2】 v. to deal with something playfully rather than seriously 【例】 interested only in coquetting with her, not marrying her 【近】 trifle, dally, flirt, mess around 【派】 coquet v. ;coquettish adj.


【考法1】 n. a work for two or more vocalists or instrumentalists 【例】 The actor performed an ensemble piece 【反】 solo


【考法1】 n. an abnormal violent and involuntary contraction of the muscles 【例】 Convulsions are usually accompanied by loss of consciousness. 【考法2】 n. a violent disturbance 【例】 a regime in convulsion 【近】 commotion, ferment, tumult, upheaval, clamor, tempest, uproar 【反】 serenity, tranquility 【派】 convulse v.


【考法1】 n. an acute mental disturbance characterized by confused thinking and disrupted attention usually accompanied by disordered speech and hallucinations 【例】 shoppers running around in a delirium the day before Christmas 【近】 agitation, distraction, hysteria, rage, rampage, uproar


【考法1】 n. an agitated disturbance 【例】The commotion was created when the nation's top rock band arrived in town. 【近】tumult, turmoil, pandemonium, hurry-scurry; chaos 【反】tranquility, calmness, quiet, serenity ;order


【考法1】 n. an agreement between parties settling what each gives or receives in a transaction 【例】 They made a bargain that one would help the other next week. 【近】 accord, compact, contract, covenant, deal, pact, settlement 【考法2】 vi. to negotiate over the terms of a purchase 【例】 bargain over the price 【近】 haggle, negotiate


【考法1】 n. an event or situation that is a complete failure; fiasco 【例】 the debacle of the 1994 elections || the debacle of the war 【近】 bummer, calamity, catastrophe, cataclysm, fiasco, fizzle, flop, washout 【反】 complete success, éclat, blockbuster


【考法1】 n. an explosion or violent detonation 【例】 blast wave of a nuclear bomb 【近】 burst, detonation, eruption, outburst 【反】 implosion 【考法2】 n. a violent gust of wind 【例】 blasts of bleak air 【近】 blow, flurry 【考法3】 n. a loud explosive sound 【例】 a sharp blast of the horn startled the other driver 【近】 bang, boom, thunderclap 【反】 murmur, whisper 【考法4】 vt. to cause to break open or into pieces by or as if by an explosive 【例】 The highway engineers will have to blast that hill in order to put a road through here. 【近】 demolish, explode, smash, blow up 【考法5】 vt. to criticize harshly and usually publicly 【例】 blasted the new governor for every little misstep 【近】 abuse, assail, belabor, castigate, lambaste, scathe, vituperate


【考法1】 n. an impulsive change of mind 【例】 an out-of-character caprice led him to take the day off from work and go to the beach 【近】 crank, fancy, vagary, vagrancy, whimsy 【考法2】 n. an inclination to change one's mind impulsively. 【例】 A hailstorm in July is a caprice of nature 【近】 freakishness, impulsiveness, whimsicalness 【反】 confirmation 【派】 capricious adj. 【反】 steadfast, resolute, constant, pertinacious


【考法1】 n. an inadequate supply 【例】 a dearth of evidence 【近】 want, deficit, insufficiency, paucity, pinch, scantiness, scarcity, undersupply 【反】 plethora, spate, copiousness, abundance, adequacy, amplitude, opulence


【考法1】 n. an indication of approval carrying great prestige 【例】 A Mercedes carries a certain cachet. 【考法2】 n. prestige 【例】 being rich...doesn't have the cachet it used to


【考法1】 n. an obstruction or rampart thrown up across a way or passage 【例】 The police put up barricades to block off the parade route. 【近】 fence, hedge, wall, barrier, obstacle, blockade, obstruction 【考法2】 v. to prevent access to by means of a barricade 【例】 streets have been barricaded by authorities 【近】 bar, check, hinder, impede, obstruct, wall off 【反】 permit


【考法1】 n. an offensive exhalation or smell 【例】 repulsive(extremely unpleasant, in a way that almost makes you feel sick) effluvia made us vomit. 【近】 malodor, stink, stench 【反】 fragrance, aroma 【考法2】 n. a by-product especially in the form of waste 【例】 With nothing but effluvia obtained, researchers decided to abandon this method. 【近】 dross, refuse, rubbish, trash, waste 【派】 effluvial adj.


【考法1】 n. an official survey of the population of a country that is carried out in order to find out how many people live there and to obtain details of such things as people's ages and jobs 【近】 tale, tally


【考法1】 n. an unfounded or false, deliberately misleading story. 【例】 it's a popular canard that the actress died under scandalous circumstances 【近】 story, whisper


【考法1】 n. anxiety arising from awareness of guilt 【例】compunction of conscience || a brutal murderer who killed without compunction 【近】anxiety, misgiving, scruple 【反】absence of misgiving


【考法1】 n. artistic, stylized, or elegant handwriting or lettering 【例】 she specializes in scrollwork with beautiful calligraphy 【近】 longhand, manuscript, penmanship, script


【考法1】 n. behavior or artifice designed to deceive or hide 【例】 the soldiers must wear protective jungle camouflage while on patrol 【近】 costume, guise, cloak, dress up 【反】 unmask


【考法1】 n. benefit, favor 【例】 The new solar battery booster is a boon for photographers. 【近】 gift, benevolence, present, windfall 【反】 misfortune, scourge 【考法2】 adj. likely to seek or enjoy the company of others 【例】 a boon companion 【近】 convivial, extroverted, gregarious, social, outgoing 【反】 reclusive


【考法1】 n. brilliant or conspicuous success 【例】 The premier of Mozart's Le Nozze di Figaro enjoyed a great éclat in 1786. 【近】 fame, renown, brilliance, triumph 【反】 debacle, fiasco


【考法1】 n. composed of or resulting from union of separate elements, ingredients, or parts 【例】mixed the chemicals together to form a new compound 【近】admixture, alloy, amalgam, amalgamation, cocktail, combination, composite, fusion, intermixture, meld, mix, conflation, synthesis 【考法2】 adj. consisting of two or more substances, ingredients, elements, or parts 【例】a compound word || "Steamboat" is a compound noun. 【近】amalgamated 【反】noncompound 【考法3】 vt. to put or bring together so as to form a new and longer whole 【例】the German language's propensity for compounding words 【近】chain, conjugate, couple, hook, interconnect, interlink, join, link, yoke 【反】disconnect, disjoin, disjoint, dissever, disunite, separate, unchain, uncouple, unhitch, unyoke 分开 【考法4】 v. to make greater in size, amount, or number 【例】We compounded our error by waiting too long to call for help. 【近】Aggrandize, amplify, augment, boost, enlarge, escalate, expand, extend, raise, swell 【反】abate, decrease, diminish, dwindle, lessen, lower, minify, reduce 【考法5】 v. to agree for a consideration not to prosecute (an offense) 【例】compound a felony


【考法1】 n. courteous behavior; politeness 【例】They greeted us with civility. 【近】politeness, courtesy, politeness, genteelness, gentility, graciousness 【反】discourteousness, discourtesy, impoliteness, incivility, rudeness, surliness, ungraciousness


【考法1】 n. deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech 【例】 accidentally reveal their duplicity 【近】 artifice, deceit, craft, cunning, fraudulence, guile 【反】 honesty, artlessness, forthrightness, guilelessness, ingenuousness, sincerity


【考法1】 n. difference of opinion; disagreement 【例】 Although we have dissension, we are friend all the same. || There is a continued dissension among historians on the exact spot of Columbus's first landing. 【近】 conflict, disaccord, discordance, discordancy, disharmony, dissent, dissidence, dissonance, disunion, disunity, division, friction, inharmony, schism, strife 【反】 accord, agreement, concord, concordance, harmony, consensus, unanimity


【考法1】 n. disposition to please or comply: affability 【例】She speaks with complaisance. || The complaisance of his girlfriend is such that she meekly goes along with everything he says. 【近】 affability, amenability, amiability, good-naturedness 【反】 obstinacy ;churlishness


【考法1】 n. divergence or disagreement, as between facts or claims 【例】 a large discrepancy between the ideal image and the reality 【近】 contrast, disagreement, disparity, dissimilarity, distance, distinction, diversity 【反】 converge concord consonant ;analogousness, community, resemblance, similarity


【考法1】 n. exaggeration by means of often ludicrous distortion of parts or characteristics 【派】 caricaturist n. 【考法2】 v. to copy or exaggerate (someone or something) in order to make fun of 【例】 caricatured the supervisor's distinctive walk 【近】 burlesque, imitate, mock, parody, spoof, travesty


【考法1】 n. extreme happiness; ecstasy 【例】 Ignorance is bliss ——The Matrix. 【近】 beatitude, joy, ecstasy, elation 【反】 grief, misery 【考法2】 n. a dwelling place of perfect happiness for the soul after death 【例】 the road to eternal bliss 【近】 heaven, paradise 【反】 hell 【派】 blissful adj.


【考法1】 n. favoritism shown to old friends without regard for their qualifications 【例】 officials practicing cronyism 【近】 favoritism


【考法1】 n. firm belief in the integrity, ability, effectiveness, or genuineness of someone or something 【例】 give credence to gossip 【近】 belief, credit, faith, trust, reliance 【反】 doubt, skepticism


【考法1】 n. fitness or suitability for performing an action or fulfilling a requirement 【例】 the convenience of living in megacity 【近】 accommodation, amenity, ease, facility 【反】 burden, millstone 【派】 convenient adj.


【考法1】 n. flagrant disregard of courtesy or propriety and an arrogant assumption of privilege 【例】 had the effrontery to insult her father 【近】 audacity, brashness, brazenness, insolence, nerve, presumption, temerity 【反】 decorum, propriety, courtesy, grace ;timidity


【考法1】 n. friendly social atmosphere :social harmony 【例】group activities promoting comity || comity of nations 【近】compatibility, concord, peace 【反】conflict, discord, dissension


【考法1】 n. general agreement on or acceptance of certain practices or attitudes 【例】 By convention, north is at the top of most maps. 【近】 custom, ritual, manner 【反】 deviation 【考法2】 n. a general agreement about basic principles or procedures 【例】 Under this circumstance convention does not comply. 【近】 treaty, agreement, compact, contract 【考法3】 n. a coming together of a number of persons for a specified purpose 【例】 attended a convention of mathematicians in California 【近】 assembly, congress, council, gathering 【派】 conventional adj.


【考法1】 n. general agreement; unanimity 【例】 The board has finally reached a consensus. 【近】 accord, assent, agreement, harmony, unanimity, unison 【反】 disagreement


【考法1】 n. grandiloquent, pompous speech or writing 【例】 "Their eloquence is all bombast", said Charles Kingsley. " 【近】 braggadocio, grandiloquence, exaggeration 【反】 understatement 【派】 bombastic adj.


【考法1】 n. immoral conduct or practices harmful or offensive to society 【例】 He was sinking into a life of utter depravity. 【近】 debauchery, iniquitousness, licentiousness, perversion, turpitude, dissoluteness 【反】 morality, virtue


【考法1】 n. lack of agreement or harmony (as between persons, things, or ideas) 【例】 No discord, no concord. 【近】 conflict, disaccord, discordance, disharmony, dissension, dissidence, dissonance, disunion, disunity, division, friction, inharmony, schism, strife 【反】 accord, agreement, concord, harmony, peace 【派】 discordant adj. disagreeable in sound; harsh or dissonant 【近】 dissonant, cacophonous, disharmonic, disharmonious 【反】 concordant, harmonious


【考法1】 n. lack of courage or resolution 【例】 cowardice in the face of danger 【近】 cravenness, dastardliness, gutlessness, poltroonery, pusillanimity, spinelessness 【反】 courage, guts, pluck , intrepidness, nerve, stoutness, valiance, valor 【派】coward n.


【考法1】 n. loud, confused, and usually inharmonious sound 【例】 the cacophony of a pet store full of animals 【近】 blare, bluster, clamor, decibel, din, discordance, racket 【反】 quiet, silence, still, stillness


【考法1】 n. one deriving directly from a precursor or prototype 【例】 They are descendants of the original English and Scottish settlers. 【反】 forbears


【考法1】 n. one that gives, donates, or presents something 【例】 donors of funds to research foundations 【近】 donator, presenter, contributor, subscriber, patron, sugar daddy 【反】 acceptor


【考法1】 n. one that is converted 【近】 proselyte 【考法2】 vt. to bring over from one belief, view, or party to another 【例】 European missionaries converted thousands to Christianity. 【近】 persuade, proselytize, bring, lead 【考法3】 vt. to alter the physical or chemical nature or properties of especially in manufacturing 【例】 convert water into ice 【近】 alter, change, transform, transfigure 【派】 converter n. ;convertible adj. ; n.


【考法1】 n. one that takes the lead or initiative 【例】 Paris is a bellwether of the fashion industry. 【近】 leader, pacemaker, pilot, trendsetter 【反】 follower, disciple, imitator


【考法1】 n. pieces of waste that remain after something has been broken up or used; debris 【例】 the detritus of war 【近】 debris, residue, wreck 【反】 valuable product


【考法1】 n. pleasing and wholesome in appearance; attractive 【例】a comely young woman 【近】attractive, cute, fair, good-looking, gorgeous, handsome, lovely, pretty, ravishing, well-favored, seemly, stunning 【反】homely, ill-favored, ugly unattractive, unbeautiful, uncomely, uncute, unhandsome, unlovely, unpleasing, unpretty


【考法1】 n. positive, active, and typically mutual hatred or ill will 【例】 an unspoken enmity between two factions 【近】 animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, feud, gall, hostility, rancor 【反】 amity, comity ;concord


【考法1】 n. power or the authority to influence other people's decisions; pull 【例】The queen may have privilege (perquisite) but she has no real political clout. 【近】power, influence, capacity, heft, leverage 【反】impuissance, impotence


【考法1】 n. promptness and efficiency in performance or transmission 【例】 do sth. with dispatch 【近】 alacrity, haste, swiftness, expedition, promptitude 【反】 leisureliness, delay, procrastination 【考法2】 v. to cause to go or be taken from one place to another 【例】 Goods are normally dispatched within 24 hours 【近】 transfer, transmit, transport, pack off 【反】 accept, receive 【考法3】 v. to deprive of life 【例】 dispatch a criminal || The man dispatched the termites with professional efficiency. 【反】 animate 【考法4】 v. to achieve a victory over 【例】 They dispatched the other team with breaking a sweat. 【近】 conquer, defeat, subdue, triumph over, prevail over 【反】 lose to


【考法1】 n. someone who is in a coma has been unconscious for a long time, usually because of a serious illness or injury 【例】The girl lay in a coma for three days after the accident. 【近】insensibility, blackout, knockout 【反】consciousness, awareness 【考法2】 n. a state of mental or physical sluggishness : torpor 【近】sluggish, torpor 【反】activity, animation ;alacrity


【考法1】 n. someone who is often annoyed or angry, especially an old person 【例】 a terrible old curmudgeon 【近】 crosspatch, fusser, griper, grouser, growler, grumbler, whiner 【反】 agreeable person


【考法1】 n. someone who pretends to have special skills or knowledge; a quack or fraud. 【例】 the famed broker turned out to be a charlatan 【近】 fake, fraud, hoaxer, mountebank, phony, pretender, quack, imposter


【考法1】 n. something hard to understand or explain 【例】 The smile on Da Vinci's masterpiece Mona Lisa has been an enigma for hundred years. 【近】 mystery, conundrum, puzzle, riddle 【派】 enigmatic adj.


【考法1】 n. something produced by a cause or necessarily following from a set of conditions 【例】 negative consequences of the war 【近】 aftermath, effect, outcome, result 【反】 source, origin, cause, antecedent 【考法2】 n. significance; importance 【例】 a mistake of no consequence 【近】 moment, magnitude, weight 【反】 triviality 【派】 consequential adj.


【考法1】 n. something that tends to coax or cajole 【例】 Our blandishment left her unmoved. 【近】 flattery, adulation


【考法1】 n. tedious, menial, or unpleasant work 【例】 get away from the drudgery of their everyday lives 【近】 labor, slavery, toil, travail, grind 【反】 sinecure ;fun, play


【考法1】 n. the act of taking away from a person 【例】 Melodramas were popular because they offered the audience a divestiture of neutrality. 【近】 deprivation, dispossession 【反】 acquisition ;endowment


【考法1】 n. the coming together of two or more things to the same point 【例】a happy confluence of beautiful weather and spectacular scenery during our vacation 【近】conjunction 【反】divergence


【考法1】 n. the concluding passage of a movement or composition 【例】A song includes prelude, loud song and coda. 【近】finale, epilogue 【反】overture, prelude


【考法1】 n. the final resolution or clarification of a dramatic or narrative plot 【例】 a surprising/ unexpected denouement


【考法1】 n. the range within which one may hear a person's unaided voice 【例】 wait until he was out of earshot 【近】 hail, hearing, sound


【考法1】 n. the state of being convinced 【例】a warrior of strong conviction 【近】assurance, certainty, certitude 【反】dubiety, incredulity; uncertainty, incertitude 【考法2】 n. state of being found or proved guilty 【例】evidence that led to the suspect's conviction 【近】sentence 【反】acquittal 【派】convict v. 【記】convince


【考法1】 n. the state or an instance of being obligated or emotionally impelled 【例】a commitment to a cause 【近】dedication, devotedness, fealty, piety, steadfastness 【考法2】 n. a strong belief in something 【近】 conviction, belief, faith 【考法3】 n. the act of revealing one's view of 【例】He made a commitment to pay the rent on time. 【反】ambivalence, equivocation


【考法1】 n. the use of unnecessarily wordy and indirect language, evasion in speech 【例】The other son of your parents' is a circumlocution for your brother. 【近】equivocation, shuffle, tergiversation 【反】pithy utters, straightforward utter , express succinctly ;direct encounter 【派】circumlocutory a. 【反】direct 【考法2】 n. the use of too many words to express an idea 【例】your papers have to be five pages long, but that's five pages of substance, not circumlocution. 【近】diffuseness, diffusion, long-windedness, prolixity, redundancy, verbalism, verboseness, verbosity, windiness, wordage, wordiness 【反】conciseness, concision, pithiness, succinctness, terseness


【考法1】 n. unintelligible or meaningless talk 【例】 My roommate talks in her sleep, but it's just drivel. 【近】 abracadabra, nonsense, prattle, gabble, prattle 【考法2】 v. to talk stupidly and carelessly 【例】 He always drivel on about his "distinguished" family. 【近】 babble, gabble, gibber, jabber


【考法1】 n. unreserved, honest, or sincere expression 【例】 the members of the rock band speak with candor about their recent squabbling 【近】 bluntness, forthrightness, frankness, unreservedness, straightforwardness 【反】 artifice, mendacity, dissembling, dissimulation, indirection


【考法1】 n. variety or multiformity 【例】 the diversity of species 【近】 diverseness, multifariousness, multiplicity, variousness , miscellaneousness 【考法2】 n. the quality or state of being different 【例】 There is no fundamental diversity between the two ideologies. 【近】 contrast, disagreement, discrepancy, disparateness, disparity, dissimilarity, dissimilitude, distinction, otherness, unlikeness 【反】 alikeness, analogy, likeness, resemblance, sameness, similarity


【考法1】 n./v. a sound uttered to show contempt, scorn, or disapproval 【例】 boo the actor off the stage 【近】 jeer, scorn 【反】 applaud


【考法1】 n./v. a structural part designed to eliminate friction or provide support or bearing 【例】 pillows that bolster the building 【近】 brace, buttress, bear, sustain, undergird, underpin, uphold, prop up 【考法2】 v. to give a boost to 【例】 news that bolsters the morale of the troops 【近】 buoy, reinforce 【反】 dampen


【考法1】 n./v. a uniting or binding force or influence 【例】 justice is the cement that holds a political community together 【近】 cord, knot, link, tie


【考法1】 n./v. something that supports or sustains 【例】 a crutch for local economy 【近】 brace, buttress, column, stay, support, underpinning, underpropping


【考法1】 n./v. the act or manner of holding 【例】Be careful that your clasp on the cat isn't too tight, or she could get hurt. 【近】clench, grapple, grasp, grip, handgrip, handhold


【考法1】 n.the quality or state of being clear: lucidity 【例】 Clarity of diction is vital for a XDF teacher. 【近】 clarity, explicitness, lucidity, lucidness, perspicuity, perspicuousness 【反】 obscureness, obscurity, unclarity 【派】 clarify v. to free of confusion 【例】 clarify his mind ;clarify a subject 【近】 purify, clear, elucidate, explain, illuminate, illustrate 【反】 obfuscate, obscure 【考法2】 n. the state or quality of being easily seen through 【例】mountain streams with water of incredible clarity 【近】clearness, limpidity, limpidness, translucence, translucency, transparency 【反】cloudiness, opacity, opaqueness, turbidity, turbidness


【考法1】 n. a harsh, disagreeable combination of sounds; discord 【例】 cognitive dissonance || Dissonance among the three partners doomed the project. 【近】 conflict, disaccord, discordance, discordancy, disharmony, dissent, dissidence, dissonance, disunion, disunity, division, friction, inharmony, schism, strife 【反】 accord, agreement, concord, concordance, harmony, consensus, unanimity


【考法1】 n. harmony or agreement of interests or feelings; accord 【例】No discord, no concord. 【近】comity, compatibility, peace 【反】conflict, discord, dissension, variance


【考法1】 n.deception by artful subterfuge or sophistry 【例】 Well-doer never does chicanery and person who is good at chicanery does not belong well-doer. || He wasn't above using chicanery to win votes. 【近】deception, artifice, legerdemain, wile, subterfuge 【反】aboveboard action ;honest dealing; forthrightness


【考法1】 vt. to come face to face with, especially with defiance or hostility 【例】 You must confront your fear in order to conquer it. 【近】 affront, brazen, encounter, face, meet 【反】 dodge, duck, parry, shirk, sidestep 【派】 confrontation n.


【考法1】 v. To throw into a state of confusion; upset, confuse 【例】 invent cool new ways to discombobulate the old order 【近】 upset, addle, baffle, bamboozle, befog, befuddle, confound, fuddle, gravel, muddle, muddy, mystify, perplex, puzzle, vex 【反】 compose, soothe, calm, pacify


【考法1】 v. beg, sponge 【例】 cadge a free cup of coffee 【反】 earn


【考法1】 v. tending to move toward one point or one another 【例】 the main streets converge on a central square 【近】 meet, focus, concentrate 【反】 diverge, deviate, digress 【派】 convergent adj. ;convergence n.


【考法1】 v. to (cause sth. to) become vague or indistinct 【例】 Sorrowful tears blurred her eyes. 【近】 shroud, becloud, befog, obscure 【反】 clear 【考法2】 v. to make (something) unclear to the understanding 【例】 An article for the layman that blurs the distinction between the two kinds of cholesterol. 【近】 obfuscate 【反】 clarify, illuminate 【派】 blurring adj.


【考法1】 v. to act together secretly to achieve a fraudulent, illegal, or deceitful purpose; conspire 【例】collude with competitors to control the price 【近】connive, conspire, contrive, intrigue, machinate, put up 【反】act independently


【考法1】 v. to adjust or settle by mutual concessions 【例】Eventually we reached a compromise on the number of hours per week that would be devoted to piano practice. 【近】accommodation, negotiation 【考法2】 v. to place in danger 【例】Officials were concerned that his statements would compromise national security. 【近】hazard, imperil, jeopardy, jeopardize, menace, peril, venture


【考法1】 v. to affect (as a plant) with blight 【近】 wither, shrivel 【反】 flourish 【考法2】 v. to impair the quality or effect of 【例】 Illness blighted his career. 【近】 damage, deteriorate, harm, impair, mar, ruin 【派】 blighted adj.


【考法1】 v. to ask for especially as a right 【例】a fragile claim to fame || After many years had passed, he suddenly appeared to claim his inheritance. 【近】call for, command, quest 【反】renounce 【考法2】 v. to state as a fact usually forcefully 【例】People claim that they have been kidnapped by aliens. 【近】allege, assert 【反】deny, gainsay 【考法3】 v. to deprive of life 【例】Cancer claims hundreds of thousands of Americans each year. 【反】animate 【考法4】 n. a legal right to participation in the advantages, profits, and responsibility of something 【例】A shareholder has a claim in the business.


【考法1】 v. to avoid (a blow, for example) by moving or shifting quickly aside 【例】 dodge a storm of bullets || He dodged the first punch but was hit by the second. 【近】 avoid, escape, shirk, malinger, goldbrick, evade, parry, sidestep, circumvent, fence, hedge, avert, elude, shun, skirt, bilk, eschew, weasel


【考法1】 v. to become smaller or less 【例】 diminish an army's strength || The sound of the train diminished as our distance from it increased. 【近】 abate, dwindle, lessen, lower, reduce, decline 【反】 aggrandize, amplify, augment, boost, enlarge, escalate, expand, increase, raise, balloon 【考法2】 v. to lessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of : belittle 【例】 diminish a rival's accomplishments 【近】 belittle, deprecate, depreciate, disparage 【反】 acclaim, applaud, exalt, extol, glorify, laud, praise


【考法1】 v. to beg for urgently or anxiously 【例】 They besought the military to act immediately. 【近】 appeal, conjure, entreat, implore, petition, plead, supplicate 【反】 demand


【考法1】 v. to blend thoroughly into a harmonious whole 【例】Ground waters originating in different beds commingle. || Fact and fiction commingle in the story. 【近】amalgamate, fuse, mix, immix, commix, compound, mingle, immingle, intermingle, intermix, merge 【反】break down, break up, separate, unmix 分开


【考法1】 v. to bring or direct toward a common center or objective : focus 【例】concentrate one's efforts 【近】center, focus, rivet 【反】deploy, dispel, disperse, dissipate 【考法2】 vt. to make less dilute 【例】prolonged boiling is required to concentrate the sap when making maple syrup 【近】condense 【反】dilute, water down 【考法3】 v. to come together in one body or place 【例】recent immigrants tend to concentrate in port cities. 【近】accumulate, amass, assemble, collect, congregate, garner 【反】dispel, disperse, dissipate, scatter, break up, disband


【考法1】 v. to bring together by or as if by summons 【例】 to convoke Parliament 【近】 assemble, convene, summon, muster 【反】 adjourn


【考法1】 v. to cause to become viscous or thickened into a coherent mass : curdle, clot 【例】The blood coagulates to stop wounds bleeding. 【近】clot, congeal, jelly 【反】melt, liquefy, fluidify, dissolve;thin 【派】coagulant n. an agent that causes a liquid to coagulate


【考法1】 v. to cause to lose courage or resolution 【例】 The excessive homework dismayed ourselves. 【近】 chill, daunt, dishearten, dispirit, frustrate, unnerve 【反】 embolden, encourage, hearten, nerve 【考法2】 v. to trouble the mind of; to make uneasy 【例】 Parents became increasingly dismayed by their son's GPA. 【近】 agitate, bother, discomfort, discompose, disquiet, distemper, distress, perturb, unsettle, upset 【反】 calm, compose, quiet, soothe, tranquilize


【考法1】 v. to cause to move or proceed at a less rapid pace 【例】 A seagull swooped down in front of her car, causing her to slam on the brakes. 【近】 decelerate, retard, slacken 【反】 accelerate, hasten, rush, speed up


【考法1】 v. to cause to turn away from a straight line 【例】 crook your finger to pull the trigger 【近】 arch, bow, crook, curve, hook, swerve 【反】 straighten, unbend, uncurl


【考法1】 v. to change from a fluid to a solid state by or as if by cold 【例】 The blood had started to congeal. 【近】 coagulate, solidify, indurate, clot 【反】 melt, liquefy 【派】 congealment n.


【考法1】 v. to change one's course or direction 【例】 The deer abruptly diverged from its intended path the moment it spied the waiting lion. 【近】 detour, deviate, diverge, sheer, swerve, turn off; divert 【考法2】 vt. to go or move in different directions from a central point 【例】 At that point the road and the railroad tracks diverge. 【近】 branch out, divide, spread 【反】 converge, join 【考法3】 v. to become or be different in character or form: differ in opinion 【例】Here his views diverged from hers 【近】 differ, disagree 【反】 conform 【考法4】 vt. to depart from a set course or norm; deviate 【近】 excurse, ramble, diverge, get off the subject


【考法1】 v. to constitute or include 【例】 a plan that encompasses multiple aims 【近】 contain, comprehend, embody, entail, involve, subsume 【反】 exclude 【考法2】 v. envelop 【例】 Berlin had already been encompassed by the Red Army and all Soviet soldiers were patiently waiting for the order to put a final nail in Nazi Germany's coffin. 【近】 circle, embrace, enclose, environ, surround; circumscribe


【考法1】 v. to criticize harshly and usually publicly 【例】 It's not wise to belabor other people's flaws when you're hardly perfect yourself. 【近】 beat, baste, batter, excoriate, lambaste, abuse, assail, vituperate, scathe; berate 【反】 applaud, extol, eulogize, endorse, acclaim 【考法2】 v. to explain or insist on excessively; to keep emphasizing a fact or idea in a way that is annoying 【例】 belabor the obvious questions 【近】 dwell on, harp on 【反】 disregard, omit, ignore, neglect, slight, slur over


【考法1】 v. to criticize harshly and usually publicly 【例】 The author castigated the prime minister as an ineffective leader. 【近】 berate, chastise, lambaste, reprimand, reproach, rebuke, vituperate, excoriate, rail (at or against) 【反】 approbate, accolade, extol 【考法2】 v. to inflict a penalty on for a fault or crime 【例】 a judge who believes in castigating criminals to the full extent of the law 【近】 chasten, chastise, correct, discipline, penalize 【反】 excuse, pardon, spare


【考法1】 v. to decorate (metal) by engraving or embossing. 【考法2】 v. to drive or force out 【例】 chase the cat out of the garden 【近】 banish, dismiss, expel, extrude, kick out, cast out


【考法1】 v. to differ in opinion 【例】 I dissent from what you said. || Anyone who dissented was encouraged to speak out while they had the chance. 【近】 differ, disagree, nonconcur 【反】 agree, assent, concur 【考法2】 n. departure from a generally accepted theory, opinion, or practice 【例】 The church reacted to any form of dissent by promptly excommunicating its proponents. 【近】 heterodoxy, nonconformity; dissident 【反】 conformity ;orthodoxy 【考法3】 n. a lack of agreement or harmony 【近】 conflict, disaccord, discordance, discordancy, disharmony, dissent, dissidence, dissonance, disunion, disunity, division, friction, inharmony, schism, strife 【反】 accord, agreement, concord, concordance, harmony, consensus, unanimity


【考法1】 v. to diminish the importance, value, or effectiveness of something 【例】 It is wrong to detract from the achievements of other people in the same field. 【近】 belittle, depreciate, derogate, disparage, dispraise, write off 【反】 extol, praise, eulogize, laud, panegyrize 【考法2】 v. to draw the attention or mind to something else 【例】 Numerous typos in the text detract the reader's attention from the novel's intricate plot. 【近】 divert, abstract, call off; deflect; distract


【考法1】 v. to examine carefully or discuss thoroughly; scrutinize: 【例】 "The evidence had been repeatedly canvassed in American courts" 【考法2】 v. to go through (a region) or go to (persons)to solicit votes or orders 【例】 canvass voters 【近】 interview, poll, solicit, survey


【考法1】 v. to express public or formal disapproval of 【例】 He was censured by the committee for his failure to report the problem. 【近】 condemn, denounce, objurgate, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reprehend, pan 【反】 commend, extol, laud, endorse


【考法1】 v. to fail to pay financial debts, the nonperformance of an assigned or expected action 【例】 default on a loan 【近】 delinquency, dereliction, misprision, nonfeasance, oversight 【反】 pay one's debt


【考法1】 v. to fill with joy or pride 【例】 The phenomenal sales record elated him. 【近】 cheer, excite, exhilarate, inspire, stimulate; elevate 【反】 depress, dishearten, sadden 【派】 elated adj. ;elation n.


【考法1】 v. to find fault unnecessarily; raise trivial objections :quibble 【例】 Let us not cavil too much. || caviling about the price of a cup of coffee 【近】 carp, fuss, niggle, nitpick, quibble


【考法1】 v. to form by assembling or combining parts 【例】 construct a new library 【近】 assemble, build, fabricate, make, produce, rear, set up 【反】 demolish, destroy, raze 【考法2】 v. to create or think of by clever use of the imagination 【例】 He managed to construct a theory that fits all the facts. 【近】 contrive, devise, excogitate, fabricate, vamp up 【派】 construction n.


【考法1】 v. to free from agitation: calm 【例】She took a deep breath and composed herself. 【近】contain, settle 【反】agitate, discompose, disquiet, disturb, perturb, upset, vex 【派】composed adj. free from agitation: calm 【反】distraught, restless 【派】composure n. a calmness or repose especially of mind, bearing, or appearance 【考法2】 v. to form the substance of : constitute 【例】composed of many ingredients 【近】constitute, comprise, make up


【考法1】 v. to free from bondage, oppression, or restraint 【例】 emancipate students from excessive assignments 【近】 discharge, enfranchise, free, liberate, loose, manumit, release 【反】 bind, shackle ;enslave, enthrall 【派】 emancipation n.


【考法1】 v. to free from error, fallacy, or misconception 【例】 disabuse sb. of the notion that... || I must disabuse you of your feelings of grandeur. 【近】 disenchant, undeceive 【反】 lead into error ;mislead


【考法1】 v. to frighten with threats or a show of force 【例】cow sb. into doing sth. 【近】intimidate, browbeat, bully, hector, awe 【反】embolden, encourage, inspirit 【派】cowed adj.


【考法1】 v. to give a glossy or brilliant surface to 【近】 glaze, varnish 【反】 efface 【考法2】 v. to adorn with a brightly colored surface 【例】 They stood on a tin dais enamelled red 【近】 adorn, beautify, bedeck, decorate, embellish, garnish, ornament 【反】 disfigure


【考法1】 v. to give an elaborate account of, often with florid language and fictitious details 【例】 embroider the story of his adventures in the army 【近】 elaborate, embellish, exaggerate, magnify, overstate, hyperbolize 【反】 downplay, de-emphasize


【考法1】 v. to give someone as much care and attention as you can, especially too much; pamper 【近】 caress, cuddle, dote, pet, mollycoddle; spoil, pamper 【反】 slight ;abuse 【派】 cosseted adj.


【考法1】 v. to give something, such as money or a favor, offered or given to a person in a position of trust to influence that person's views or conduct. 【例】 They bribed him to keep quiet about the incident. 【近】 corrupt, pay off, square


【考法1】 v. to give up all resistance; acquiesce; yield 【例】 one side finally capitulated when it became clear that they couldn't win the argument 【近】 budge, concede, relent, submit, succumb, surrender, knuckle under 【反】 resist, oppose


【考法1】 v. to grow and expand rapidly; flourish 【例】 My confidence began to burgeon. 【近】 accelerate, accumulate, balloon, boom, build up, escalate, mount, multiply, mushroom, proliferate,, roll up, snowball, wax, flourish, prosper 【反】 wane, wither, waste away, subside, subdue


【考法1】 v. to impede or hamper the function or activity of 【例】 Negotiation between the two parties were encumbered by a lack of trust 【近】 hamper, hinder, impede, obstruct, retard, stymie 【反】 promote, further ;aid, assist, facilitate, help 【考法2】 v. to place a weight or burden on 【例】 Don't encumber your pack animal so much that it can hardly move. 【近】 burden, laden, lumber, saddle 【反】 unload 卸下 【另】 decumbent 躺下,encumber 阻碍,incumbency 职责义务,procumbent 俯卧的, 匍匐,recumbent 靠着的, 斜躺的,succumb屈服


【考法1】 v. to improve by labor, care, or study 【例】 cultivate the mind 【近】 educate, instruct, illuminate, nurse 【反】 degrade, deteriorate, impair 【考法2】 v. to promote the growth of (a biological culture) 【例】 cultivate vegetables 【近】 grow, breed, produce, raise, develop, nurture 【反】 balk, frustrate, thwart 【派】 cultivation n.


【考法1】 v. to instill with boldness or courage 【例】 be emboldened by the wine 【近】 encourage, animate, cheer, hearten, strengthen 【反】 daunt, discourage, dishearten, dispirit


【考法1】 v. to keep from exceeding a desirable degree or level (as of expression) 【例】 try to bridle your criticism next time so that it is helpful and not hurtful 【近】 check, contain, curb, constrain, inhibit, regulate, restrain, tame, rein in; circumscribe


【考法1】 v. to lessen the anger or agitation of 【例】A principal trying to conciliate the parents who did not receive their tickets to the graduation ceremonies. 【近】appease, pacify, assuage, conciliate, mollify, placate, propitiate, calm (down), ease, soothe, palliate, disarm 【反】annoy, enrage, vex, nettle, rile, incense, inflame, exasperate, infuriate, discompose, disturb, perturb, upset 【考法2】 vt. to make compatible : reconcile 【例】It will be hard to conciliate the views of labor and management regarding health benefits. 【近】attune, reconcile, coordinate, accommodate 【反】discontent ;disharmonize 【派】conciliatory adj. 【反】contentious ;belligerent


【考法1】 v. to listen secretly to the private conversation of others 【例】 eavesdropping on the conversation 【近】 overhear, wiretap


【考法1】 v. to make dirty; soil 【例】 besmirched the white bed sheets with their dirty hands 【近】 foul, smirch, smudge, taint 【反】 clean, cleanse 【考法2】 v. to detract from the honor or luster of 【例】 besmirch your reputation by fabricating scandals 【近】 defile, smear, soil, stain 【反】 honor


【考法1】 v. to make jokes 【例】 a coworker who likes to chaff at others' expense, and this often results in hurt feelings 【近】 banter, gag, jape, jest, quip, wisecrack; (badinage)


【考法1】 v. to make lucid especially by explanation or analysis 【例】 elucidate an abstruse equation in quantum mechanics 【近】 clarify, clear, construe, explain, explicate, expound, illustrate 【反】 confuse, obfuscate, obscure;garble 【派】 elucidation n.


【考法1】 v. to make smooth or glossy usually by repeatedly applying surface pressure 【例】 burnish the knife 【近】 buff, polish, furbish, grind, smoothen


【考法1】 v. to make thinner or less concentrated by adding a liquid such as water/ of relatively low strength or concentration 【例】 dilute a color || a dilute acid that's safe to handle in the classroom 【近】 thin 【反】 condense, densify, concentrate, thicken 【考法2】 vt. to diminish the strength, flavor, or brilliance of by admixture 【例】 The hiring of the new CEO diluted the power of the company's president. 【近】 weaken 【反】 fortify, strengthen


【考法1】 v. to mislead by means of a petty trick or fraud; deceive 【例】 The salesman cozened the old lady into buying his goods. 【近】 bamboozle, dupe, cheat, deceive, beguile, delude, take in


【考法1】 v. to modify the manner or appearance of in order to prevent recognition 【例】 He always disguises his true feelings. 【近】 camouflage, costume, mask 【反】 unmask 【考法2】 v. to keep secret or shut off from view 【例】 That investigative reporter usually does a good job of disguising her true motives for interviewing a person. 【近】 belie, blanket, conceal, cover, curtain, occult, veil 【反】 bare, disclose, display, divulge, expose, reveal, show, uncover, unmask, unveil


【考法1】 v. to offer honor or respect to (someone) as a divine power 【例】 some ancient pagans deified such objects of nature as trees and rivers 【近】 glorify, revere, venerate 【考法2】 v. to love or admire too much 【例】 materialistic people who deify money 【近】 adore, adulate, canonize, dote 【考法3】 v. to assign a high status or value to 【例】 Valentino was virtually deified by legions of female fans. 【近】 aggrandize, canonize, dignify, ennoble, glorify, magnify 【反】 abase, degrade, demean, humble, humiliate 【派】 deification n. 【反】 debasement


【考法1】 v. to open for the first time 【例】 broach a keg of beer 【近】 break 【反】 close off 【考法2】 v. to present or bring forward for discussion 【例】 broached the topic of plans for next year's parade 【近】 moot, place, raise, bring up


【考法1】 v. to oppose something in a direct way; to refuse assent, to refuse to give in to 【例】 He was a rebel who bucked the system 【近】 defy, fight, oppose, repel, withstand; balk, resist 【反】 assent to, bow to, submit to, succumb to, surrender to, yield to 【考法2】 v. to shift possession of (something) from one person to another 【例】 buck each box to the next person in line 【近】 transfer, hand over


【考法1】 v. to pick (someone) by one's authority for a specific position or duty 【例】 he has yet to designate his successor as head of the firm 【近】 assign, commission, constitute, nominate, place 【反】 discharge, dismiss, expel, fire 【考法2】 v. to give a name to 【例】 he was designated Air Jordan by his fans 【近】 denominate, dub, entitle, label, style, term, title


【考法1】 v. to picture falsely; misrepresent 【例】 The report belied the real severity of the aftermath. 这 【近】 misrepresent, falsify 【反】 betray, reveal 【考法2】 v. to show (something) to be false or wrong 【例】 Practical experience belies this theory. 【近】 debunk, discredit, refute, shoot down 【反】 attest, confirm, validate, verify 【考法3】 v. to keep secret or shut off from view 【例】 Security Council issued false assurances that belied the true gravity of the situation. 【近】 conceal, curtain, disguise, mask 【反】 disclose, expose 【考法4】 v. to be counter to; contradict 【例】 At first glance, life at the boarding school seemed to belie all the bad things I had heard about it. 【近】 contradict, contravene 【反】 agree


【考法1】 v. to plan together secretly to commit an illegal or wrongful act or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action 【例】 A group of POWs conspired to abscond. 【近】 plot, contrive, connive, cogitate, intrigue, put up; collude 【派】 conspiracy n.


【考法1】 v. to press, bend, or crush out of shape 【例】 crumple a piece of paper 【近】 rumple, crimple, crease, fold, wrinkle 【反】 smooth 【考法2】 v. to fall down or in as a result of physical pressure 【例】 The box crumpled when I accidentally dropped a brick on it. 【近】 collapse, founder, implode, tumble, yield


【考法1】 v. to put off; postpone; defer 【例】 we agreed to defer a discussion of the issue 【近】 delay, remit, shelve, hold off, hold over, lay over, put off 【反】 exigent 【考法2】 vi. to submit to another's wishes, opinion, or governance usually through deference or respect 【例】defer to her father's wishes


【考法1】 v. to put on a false appearance 【例】 dissemble fear with a smile || He dissembled happiness at the news that his ex-girlfriend was getting married to someone else. 【近】 dissimulate, affect, assume, bluff, counterfeit, fake, sham 【反】 behave honestly


【考法1】 v. to reduce to a lower standing in one's own eyes or in others' eyes 【例】 commercialism has debased the holiday 【近】 abase, debauch, degrade, demean, demoralize, deprave, deteriorate, profane, subvert, vitiate 【反】 aggrandize, canonize, deify, elevate, exalt, ennoble


【考法1】 v. to scold mildly so as to correct or improve 【例】My wife chided me for forgetting to offer our guests some refreshments. 【近】reprove, reprimand, reproach, tick off; castigate(harshly) 【反】praise, commend


【考法1】 v. to scold or condemn vehemently and at length 【例】He berated them in public. 【近】castigate, flay, lambaste, scold, rail, upbraid, reproach, reprimand; belabor 【反】commend, compliment, praise


【考法1】 v. to speak slowly with vowels greatly prolonged 【例】 The old woman was drawling on and on. 【近】 extend, lengthen, prolong, protract, draw out 【反】 drivel, gibber; babble, gabble, jabber


【考法1】 v. to spend time idly 【例】 dawdle the day away 【近】 bum, dally, loll, loaf, lounge, hang about, kick around 【反】 hie 【考法2】 v. to move or act slowly 【例】 If you continue to dawdle, we'll be late for sure. 【近】 crawl, creep, dally, dillydally, lag, linger, loiter, tarry 【反】 bolt, hasten, course, dash, speed, scurry


【考法1】 v. to spread out, utilize, or arrange for a deliberate purpose 【例】 deploy a sales force 【反】 concentrate


【考法1】 v. to stand for, tolerate 【例】 brook no inference with his plans 【近】 abide, countenance, endure, stomach 【考法2】 n. a natural stream of water normally smaller than and often tributary to a river: creek 【例】 there are tiny fish and frogs in that brook 【近】 creek, rivulet


【考法1】 v. to swell out or expand from or as if from internal pressure 【例】 The stomachs of starving people often distend. 【近】 expand, dilate, inflate, swell 【反】 constrict, compress


【考法1】 v. to take out of the grave or tomb 【例】 The Egyptian mummy was carefully disinterred in hopes that it would yield secrets about the Old Kingdom. 【近】 unbury, unearth 【反】 bury, inter, tomb, inhume


【考法1】 v. to trade (goods or services) without the exchange of money 【例】 barter wheat for cotton 【近】 swap, trade


【考法1】 v. to turn aside especially from the main subject of attention or course of argument 【例】 digress from her prepared subject || He digressed so often that it was hard to follow what he was saying. 【近】 excurse, ramble, diverge, get off the subject 【派】 digressive adj. 【近】 discursive 【派】 digression n. the act or an instance of digressing in a discourse 【近】 aside


【考法1】 v. to unite into a whole: fuse 【例】Different units coalesced into one army 【近】associate, coalesce, combine, conjoin, connect, couple, fuse, interfuse, join, link (up), unify, unite 【反】break up, dissever, section, separate, sever, split, sunder, unlink, disband


【考法1】 v. to work or involve oneself superficially or intermittently especially in a secondary interest 【例】 dabble in arts 【反】 dedicate, specialize 【派】 dabbler n. one not deeply engaged in or concerned with something 【例】 He's not a dedicated musician, just a dabbler. 【反】 specialist


【考法1】 vi. to alter a position or attitude 【例】 Nothing would budge him. 【考法2】 v. to cease resistance (as to another's arguments, demands, or control) 【例】 despite hours of intense pressure, she refused to budge from her position 【近】 concede, relent, submit, succumb, surrender 【反】 resist


【考法1】 vi. to be in accord; agree. 【例】The revised system chords perfectly with the original goals. 【近】accord, agree, conform, consist, correspond, dovetail, fit, harmonize, jibe, rhyme, square, tally; comport; comply 【反】differ from, disagree with


【考法1】 vi. to become gradually less until little remains 【例】 His vast fortune is dwindling away. 【近】 abate, decrease, drop, diminish, reduce, shrink, taper, wane, knock down 【反】 aggrandize, balloon, burgeon, increase ;accumulate 【派】 dwindling adj.


【考法1】 vi. to bound or prance about in a sprightly manner; caper 【例】 Children are cavorting in the sand. 【近】 caper, disport, frisk, gambol, rollick, romp 【反】 trudge


【考法1】 vi. to bubble, hiss, and foam as gas escapes 【例】 effervescing with bubbles 【近】 bubble, foam, froth 【考法2】 vi. to show high spirits or animation 【例】 effervescing over the news of victory 【近】 rejoice, exult, jubilate, triumph 【反】 grieve 【派】 effervescent adj. ;effervescence n.


【考法1】 vi. to conform, submit, or adapt (as to a regulation or to another's wishes) as required or requested 【例】the devices comply with industry standards || There will be penalties against individuals who fail to comply. 【近】conform, submit, observe; chord 【反】defy, disobey, rebel against, violate, breach, transgress


【考法1】 vi. to cooperate secretly or have a secret understanding; collude 【例】They connived to take over the throne. 【近】conspire, intrigue, plot, collude, intrigue, machinate ,put up 【考法2】 v. to pretend ignorance of or fail to take action against something one ought to oppose 【例】 The guards were suspected of conniving at the prisoner's escape. 【近】 blink, disregard, overlook, wink 【反】 disapprove 【派】 conniver n.


【考法1】 vi. to create a three-dimensional representation of (something) using solid material 【例】 carved a statue out of rare marble 【近】 sculpture 【考法2】 v. to produce or bring about especially by long or repeated effort 【例】 finally carved out a niche for the sport in the school's athletic program || carve out a way through the enemy 【近】 forge, grind out, thrash out, work out, work up


【考法1】 vi. to draw shapes, lines, or patterns without really thinking about what you are doing 【例】 I often doodle when I'm on the phone. 【近】 mess around; scribble 【考法2】 vi. to spend time in aimless activity 【例】 I plan to spend the entire vacation just doodling. 【近】 dawdle, trifle


【考法1】 vi. to drink liquor freely or excessively 【例】 stay at home instead of going out and carousing with friends 【近】 binge, jamboree, revel, roister, wassail


【考法1】 vi. to fall or shrink together abruptly and completely 【例】President Bush is vowing to rebuild bridge which collapsed last year. || One ant-hole may cause the collapse of a thousand-li dyke. 【近】compact, condense, constrict, constringe, contract , implode, squeeze 【反】decompress, expand, open, outspread, outstretch 【考法2】 n. a complete depletion of energy or strength 【例】He suffered a mental collapse under the strain of studying for his bar exam. 【近】exhaustion, tiredness, lassitude, weariness 【反】refreshment, rejuvenation, revitalization 【考法3】 v./n. to be unsuccessful/ a falling short of one's goals 【例】the legal case collapsed in the face of the opposition's evidence 【近】defeat, nonachievement, nonsuccess 【反】accomplishment, achievement, success


【考法1】 vi. to give up or reduce armed forces 【例】 disarm the captured soldiers || The defeated nation was disarmed so that it would never again be a threat to international order. 【近】 demilitarize 【反】 arm, militarize, put on guard 【考法2】 vt. to lessen the anger or agitation of 【例】 Her future father-in-law was totally disarmed by her words. 【近】 appease, assuage, conciliate, gentle, mollify, placate, propitiate 【反】 anger, enrage, incense, inflame, enflame, infuriate, ire, madden, outrage 【考法3】 v. to make harmless 【例】 disarm a bomb


【考法1】 vi. to go aboard a vessel or aircraft, as at the start of a journey 【例】 With all cargos embarked, the ship weighed the anchor. 【近】 board 【反】 disembark; debark 【考法2】 vi. to make a start 【例】 embark on a world tour 【近】 begin, commence, launch, initiate, start, 【反】 conclude, end, finish, terminate


【考法1】 vi. to happen after or as a result of something 【例】 problems that ensue from food and medical shortages || a brief but embarrassing silence ensued 【反】 anterior


【考法1】 vi. to leave one's place of residence or country to live elsewhere 【例】 have to emigrate to the United States due to political persecution 【近】 migrate 【反】 immigrate ;repatriate 【派】 emigrant n. ;emigration n.


【考法1】 vi. to make often peevish criticisms or objections about matters that are minor, unimportant, or irrelevant 【例】 carped about the order of names on the wedding invitations 【近】 cavil, fuss, niggle, nitpick 【考法2】 v. to express dissatisfaction, pain, or resentment usually tiresomely 【近】 gripe, grizzle, grouch, grouse, grumble, wail 【反】 crow, delight, rejoice tiresome: making you feel annoyed or impatient


【考法1】 vi. to move suddenly and rapidly 【例】 The dog darted across the street. 【近】 flicker, flitter, flutter 【考法2】 n. an act or expression showing scorn and usually intended to hurt another's feelings 【例】 The darts flew fast and furiously when the two former lovers bumped into each other at the party. 【近】 affront, barb, offense, sarcasm, slight, slur


【考法1】 vi. to progress feebly and unsteadily 【例】 He could only dodder along after the operation. 【近】 careen, lurch, teeter, totter, waddle; blunder


【考法1】 vi. to recover health and strength gradually after sickness or weakness 【例】 the time needed to convalesce after an operation 【近】 heal, recover, recuperate, recoup, snap back 【反】 aggravate, deteriorate, intensify


【考法1】 vi. to spend time doing nothing 【例】 I kept dallying at my desk until I couldn't put off doing my work any longer. 【近】 dawdle, loll, lounge, hang around 【考法2】 v. to engage in activity for amusement 【例】 he spent his college years dallying, seemingly determined to acquire as little knowledge as possible 【近】 disport, frolic, recreate, rollick, sport 【考法3】 v. to move or act slowly 【例】 don't dally on the way to the interview 【近】 crawl, creep, dillydally, drag, lag, linger, loiter, tarry 【反】 dash, hasten, scoot, scurry


【考法1】 vi./n. a fine misty rain 【例】 The intermittent drizzle was just heavy enough to spoil all of our outdoor activities. 【近】 mist, sprinkle 【反】 deluge, downpour; downfall, cloudburst 【派】 drizzling adj.


【考法1】 vi./n. to sleep lightly or briefly 【例】 He dozed off during the lecture. 【近】 drowse, nap, wink, slumber 【反】 wake


【考法1】 vi./vt. (to cause) to divide into two branches or parts 【例】 Their visions of the company's future slowly began to bifurcate. 【近】 divide, diverge, fork 【反】 coalesce converge 汇合


【考法1】 vt. / n. to fight for, defend, or support as a champion 【例】 to champion the cause of civil rights 【近】 advocate, back, endorse, patronize, plump for 【反】 disparage, impugn, oppose


【考法1】 vt. to achieve by force or threat 【例】be coerced into agreeing || A confession was coerced from the suspect by police. 【近】force, threaten, compel 【派】coercion n. the act of persuading someone forcefully to do something that they do not want to do 【反】voluntary behavior


【考法1】 vt. to alleviate the grief, sense of loss, or trouble of; comfort 【例】 Only her children could console her when her husband died. 【近】 comfort, solace, soothe, calm 【反】 distress, torment, torture 【派】 consolation n.


【考法1】 vt. to appoint to an office, function, or dignity 【例】 He was constituted manager. 【近】 nominate, designate, authorize 【反】 discharge, dismiss ;abdicate, resign 【考法2】 v. make up, form, compose 【例】 Water constitutes the greater part of the human body. 【近】 compose, comprise, form 【派】 constitution n.


【考法1】 vt. to appropriate (as property entrusted to one's care) fraudulently to one's own use 【例】 limitations on the right of the state to embezzle private property 【近】 appropriate, peculate 【反】 confiscate 【派】 embezzlement n.


【考法1】 vt. to avoid having to comply with (something) especially through cleverness 【例】circumvent all the red tape || He found a way to circumvent the law. 【近】avoid, bypass, dodge, sidestep, skirt, get around 【反】comply with, follow, obey, observe ;confront, direct encounter


【考法1】 vt. to be the cause of (a situation, action, or state of mind) 【例】 a reinstitution of the draft would catalyze protests around the country 【近】 breed, beget, effectuate, engender, generate, prompt, spawn, yield, result in , bring (about 【反】 retard, prevent, inhibit 【派】 catalyst n. an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action 【例】 a catalyst for change of lifestyle 【反】 inhibitor


【考法1】 vt. to cause to exist or to develop 【例】 Her latest book has engendered a lot of controversy. 【近】 beget, cause, catalyze, generate, induce, invoke, produce, spawn 【考法2】 vt. to come into existence 【例】 Feelings of confidence and independence that were only just beginning to engender within her. 【近】 actualize, appear, arise, form, materialize, spring 【反】 cease ;disappear, perish ;eradicate; quash; terminate


【考法1】 vt. to cause to experience a state of self-conscious distress 【例】 bawdy jokes that embarrassed her 【近】 abash, discomfit, disconcert, faze, fluster, mortify, nonplus 【考法2】 vt. to create difficulty for the work or activity of 【例】 A lot of this paperwork is unnecessary and just embarrasses the organization. 【近】 encumber, handicap, hinder, impede, inhibit, obstruct, shackle, stymie, trammel 【反】 aid, facilitate 【派】 embarrassing adj. ;embarrassment n.


【考法1】 vt. to cause to lose flesh so as to become very thin 【例】 become emaciated by long illness 【反】 fatten 【考法2】 vt. to make feeble 【例】 His hesitation emaciated the force of his argument. 【近】 droop, flag, sag, decay, enfeeble, enervate, languish, wane, wither 【反】 invigorate 【派】 emaciation n.


【考法1】 vt. to change (as a secret message) from code into ordinary language 【例】 the agents worked into the night to decode the intercepted message from the enemy spy 【近】 break, crack, decipher, decrypt 【考法2】 v. to have a clear idea of 【例】 a convoluted thriller, the plot of which I was never able to actually decode 【近】 apprehend, perceive, recognize, seize, sense ,make out


【考法1】 vt. to confine in a restricted and often crowded area 【例】 Those restless kids were cooped up in the house on a rainy day. 【近】 box, cage, corral, encage, enclose, envelop, fence, hedge, immure, include, pen, wall 【反】 free, liberate, release


【考法1】 vt. to decrease the fullness of; to make complete use of 【例】 miners depleted the vein of copper ore after only a few months 【近】 consume, devour, drain, exhaust, draw down, play out, use up 【反】 enrich, renew, replace


【考法1】 vt. to deter (a person) from a course of action or a purpose by persuasion or exhortation 【例】 dissuade sb. from (doing) sth || Her parents tried to dissuade her from her intention to drop out of college. 【近】 deter, dissuade, inhibit 【反】 encourage ;persuade


【考法1】 vt. to dislike strongly 【例】 She despised her neighbours 【近】 abhor, abominate, detest, execrate, loathe, disregard, flout 【反】 love


【考法1】 vt. to dismiss from employment 【例】 discharge a worker/soldier 【近】 fire, dismiss 【反】 employ, engage, hire, take on, sign up or on 【考法2】 n. a freeing from an obligation or responsibility 【例】 a full discharge from responsibility for the accident 【近】 delivery, quietus, quittance 【考法3】 v. to set free (as from slavery or confinement) 【例】 discharged the prisoners upon the signing of the peace treaty 【近】 disenthrall, emancipate, enfranchise, liberate, loose, manumit, release, spring, unbind, uncage, unchain, unfetter 【反】 bind, confine, enchain, fetter


【考法1】 vt. to divest of covering; make bare 【例】 Drought has completely denuded the hills of grass. 【反】 cover


【考法1】 vt. to draw forth or bring out 【例】 The king's speech elicited lasting cheer and applause. 【近】 arouse, evoke, excite, inspire, provoke, raise 【反】 appease, placate, mollify, pacify


【考法1】 vt. to drive away; disperse. 【例】 The wind finally dissipated the smoke. 【近】 disband, dispel, disperse, scatter 【反】 accumulate, gather, amass, cluster, assemble, concentrate, congregate 【考法2】 vt. to spend or expend intemperately or wastefully: squander 【例】 dissipate too much time and effort 【近】 waste, squander, lavish 【反】 conserve 【考法3】 vi. to indulge in the intemperate pursuit of pleasure, especially : to drink to excess 【近】 indulge dissipated


【考法1】 vt. to enclose closely in or as if in a matrix 【例】 The thorn was embedded in her thumb. 【近】 entrench, fix, ingrain, root 【反】 extract ;dislodge, uproot 【派】 embedded adj.


【考法1】 vt. to endow with the rights of citizenship, especially the right to vote 【例】 Slaves in US were emancipated in 1863 but were not enfranchised until the Fifteenth Amendment went into effect in 1870. 【反】 disenfranchise, disempower 【考法2】 vt. to set free (as from slavery) 【例】 In a way, modern labor-saving appliances enfranchised people, giving them much more leisure time. 【近】 discharge, emancipate, free, liberate, manumit, rescue, unfetter 【反】 bind, confine, enfetter ;subjugate, subdue; enthrall


【考法1】 vt. to engage in a concerted refusal to have dealings with (as a person, store, or organization) usually to express disapproval or to force acceptance of certain conditions 【例】 This brand is being boycotted for damaging environment. 【近】 refuse 【反】 patronize


【考法1】 vt. to enlarge or expand in bulk or extent;to become wide 【例】 The cat dilated its eyes in the darkness. || The drug dilates the blood vessels. 【近】 expand, amplify, enlarge 【反】 contract ;narrow 【考法2】 v. to express more fully and in greater detail 【例】 He refused to dilate upon his plan for improving the economy in the event that he won the election. 【近】 amplify, develop, elaborate on, flesh out, dilate on, enlarge on 【反】 abbreviate, abridge, condense, shorten


【考法1】 vt. to establish by legal and authoritative act 【例】 Congress enacted the tax reform bill. 【近】 constitute, establish, legislate, pass, ratify, ordain, lay down 【反】 abolish, repeal, rescind, revoke 【派】 enactment n.


【考法1】 vt. to examine in order to suppress or delete anything considered objectionable 【例】 censor the news 【近】 bowdlerize, expurgate, red-pencil, clean up 【派】 censorship n.


【考法1】 vt. to examine, analyze, or criticize in minute detail 【例】 dissect some basic problems in mathematics analysis || let's dissect the plot of this thriller to see what makes it thrilling. 【近】 analyze 【考法2】 vt. to cut apart or separate (tissue), especially for anatomical study 【例】 dissect the brain of Einstein 【近】 anatomize, assay, break down


【考法1】 vt. to express scornfully one's low opinion of 【例】 denigrate one's opponents 【近】 belittle, depreciate, derogate, dismiss, disparage 【反】 honor, acclaim, applaud, exalt, extol, glorify, magnify


【考法1】 vt. to free from infection especially by destroying harmful microorganisms 【例】 disinfect with bleaching(bleach: a chemical used to make things pale or white, or to kill germs) powder 【近】 sterilize 【反】 infect, pollute, contaminate, taint


【考法1】 vt. to give a tendency to: incline 【例】 faulty diet disposes one to sickness 【派】 disposed adj. willing or likely,inclined 【例】 not feel disposed to argue with her 【近】 willing, inclined, predisposed, prone 【反】 disinclined, indisposed 【考法2】 vi. to get rid of; throw out 【派】 disposal n. the act of getting rid of something that is no longer wanted or needed 【例】 the permanent disposal of radioactive wastes 【考法3】 v. to place, distribute, or arrange especially in an orderly way 【例】 Dispose the surgical instruments in the exact order in which they would be needed. 【近】 array, arrange 【反】 disarrange, disarray, disorder, upset, mess up, muss up


【考法1】n. glowing and warmly enthusiastic praise 【例】received encomiums from literary critics 【近】accolade, applause, compliment, eulogy, laud, panegyric, salutation, tribute 【反】criticism ;abuse, invective, vituperation 【另】 comic ,comedian


【考法1】 vt. to give information to; inform or instruct 【例】 enlightened us about the thorny problem 【近】 apprise, instruct 【反】 bewilder, confuse, confound, perplex 【考法2】 vt. to provide (someone) with moral or spiritual understanding 【例】 Many people around the world have been enlightened by the teachings of Gautama Buddha. 【近】 edify, educate, illuminate, nurture 【派】 enlightening adj.


【考法1】 vt. to grant as a right or privilege 【例】She grudgingly conceded his point. 【近】acknowledge, grant, confess 【反】refuse to grant , deny 【派】concession n. the act of yielding 【反】aggression 【考法2】 v. to cease resistance (as to another's arguments, demands, or control) 【例】He conceded as soon as it became clear that he could not win. 【近】capitulate, give in, quit, submit, succumb, surrender 【反】resist


【考法1】 vt. to hold an unfavorable opinion of 【例】 deprecates TV sitcoms as childish and simpleminded 【近】 deprecate, discountenance, disesteem, disfavor, frown (on or upon) 【反】 approve, favor 【考法2】 vt. to express scornfully one's low opinion of 【例】 deprecate the comedy as the stupidest movie of the year 【近】 belittle, denigrate, dismiss, disparage, cry down; depreciate 【反】 acclaim, applaud, exalt, extol, glorify 【考法 3】 vt. play down, to make little of 【例】 She deprecated her facility for languages 【反】 vaunt


【考法1】 vt. to improve morally, intellectually, or culturally 【例】 a novel that both entertains and elevates readers 【近】 advance, boost, enhance, ennoble, raise, upgrade 【反】 abase, debase, demote, degrade 【考法2】 vt. to raise the spirits of 【例】 one of the most elevating moments in their lives 【近】 elate, enrapture, exhilarate, intoxicate, transport 【反】 depress 【派】 elevation n.


【考法1】 vt. to increase the concentration of, separate, or purify by or as if by distillation. 【例】 distill the water before pouring it in the steam iron 【近】 purify, filter, refine, fine 【派】 distillate n. a purified form; an essence 【考法2】 v. to fall or let fall in or as if in drops 【例】The basement walls distill water every time it rains heavily. 【近】distill, dribble, drop, trickle


【考法1】 vt. to intimidate by a stern manner or arrogant speech: bully 【例】 They would often browbeat the younger child until he cried. 【近】 blackjack, bulldoze, bully, cow, hector, intimidate


【考法1】 vt. to join together into one whole; unite 【例】 consolidate several small school districts 【近】 unify, combine, amalgamate; coalesce 【反】 dissolve, sunder, fragment 【考法2】 vt. to make firm or secure; strengthen 【例】 consolidate the defense line 【近】 enhance, strengthen, fortify, reinforce 【反】 abate, attenuate, undermine, weaken 【派】 consolidation n.


【考法1】 vt. to keep in a safe or sound state, especially to avoid wasteful or destructive use 【例】 conserve natural resources 【近】 husband, preserve, save 【反】 dissipate, lavish, waste, squander 【派】 conservation n.


【考法1】 vt. to lessen the courage or confidence of 【例】 She was not at all daunted by the size of the problem. 【近】 demoralize, dishearten, dismay, dispirit, frustrate, unnerve 【反】 embolden, make resolute, hearten 【派】 dauntless undaunted a. 【反】 pusillanimous, trepid, craven, easily discouraged, meek, timorous


【考法1】 vt. to limit narrowly; restrict 【例】Teammates circumscribed his enthusiasm so as not to make the losing side feel worse. 【近】cap, limit, confine, delimit, restrict 【反】exceed 【考法2】 vt. to surround by or as if by a boundary 【例】fields circumscribed by tall trees || Circumscribe a circle around a square. 【近】surround, encompass


【考法1】 vt. to lower in rank or reputation; to speak of in a slighting or disrespectful way; belittle 【例】 use the past to disparage the present || Voters don't like political advertisements in which opponents disparage one another. 【近】 belittle, denigrate, deprecate, depreciate, derogate, degrade 【反】 acclaim, applaud, exalt, extol, glorify, laud


【考法1】 vt. to lower the price or estimated value of 【例】 New cars start to depreciate as soon as they are on the road. 【近】 cheapen, depress, devalue, downgrade, mark down 【反】 appreciate, enhance, upgrade, mark up 【考法2】 vt. to lower in estimation or esteem 【例】 dared to depreciate Shakespeare, saying his works have no relevance for modern audiences 【近】 denigrate, disparage, play down, talk down; deprecate 【反】 acclaim, exalt, extol, glorify, magnify


【考法1】 vt. to make ill-humored or discontented 【例】 be disgruntled with sb 【近】 disaffect, displease, dissatisfy, disgruntle 【反】 content, gratify, please, satisfy 【考法2】 v. to cause to change from friendly or loving to unfriendly or uncaring 【近】 alien, alienate 【反】 reconcile


【考法1】 vt. to make inflexible or unchangeable 【例】 a leg that calcified 【近】 harden, obdurate, ossify 【反】 make malleable, make pliant, make more flexible


【考法1】 vt. to make known (as a confidence or secret) 【例】 refuse to divulge details of the negotiations || We tried to make him divulge the name of the winner, but he wouldn't budge. 【近】 bare, disclose, discover, expose, uncover, unmask, unveil 【反】 conceal, cover up, hide, mask, shroud, veil


【考法1】 vt. to make known openly or publicly 【例】 Their very public canoodling(if two people canoodle, they kiss and hold each other in a sexual way) has pretty much blazoned the fact that they are having an affair. 【近】 annunciate, broadcast, declare, publicize, proclaim 【反】 withhold 【考法2】 v. to make more attractive by adding something that is beautiful or becoming 【例】 The university's dormitory has been blazoned with banners celebrating graduation. 【近】 adorn, bedeck, embellish, garnish 【反】 blemish, deface, mar, spoil


【考法1】 vt. to make less in extent or duration 【例】curtail your holiday 【近】abbreviate, abridge, syncopate, truncate, cut back 【反】elongate, protract, prolong, extend, lengthen


【考法1】 vt. to make less sharp or definite 【近】 dull, deaden, hebetate, benumb, enfeeble, attenuate 【反】 whet, sharpen 【考法2】 vt. to reduce or weaken in strength or feeling 【例】 The abrupt music blunted the effect of the movie's final tragic scene. 【近】 dampen, deaden 【考法3】 adj. Abrupt and often disconcertingly frank in speech; being or characterized by direct, brief, and potentially rude speech or manner 【例】 He values honesty and is quite blunt about telling people what he doesn't like about them. 【近】 abrupt, bluff, brusque, curt, gruff 【反】 circuitous, mealy-mouthed


【考法1】 vt. to make more attractive by adding something that is beautiful or becoming 【例】 flag bedecking the balcony || bedeck with jewels 【近】 adorn, beautify, decorate, dress, embellish, emblaze; blazon 【反】 strip, blemish, deface, mar, spoil


【考法1】 vt. to make narrow or draw together 【例】 A styptic pencil stopped the bleeding by constringing the small blood vessels at the site of cut. 【近】 capsule, constrict (restrict), narrow, compress, squeeze, telescope 【反】 broaden, expand, outstretch


【考法1】 vt. to make noble 【例】 Her skill and talent ennoble her profession 【近】 aggrandize, canonize, deify, dignify, glorify, magnify 【反】 debase, abase, degrade, demean, humble, humiliate


【考法1】 vt. to mention with approbation: praise 【例】Jason commended his students' studious attitude. Jason 【近】approbate, praise, acclaim, applaud, compliment, eulogize, extol 【反】blame, criticize, reprehend, reprobate, chide, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reprove, censure, admonish, berate, deplore, execrate 【考法2】 vt. :to entrust for care or preservation 【例】I commend my fate into your hands. 【近】commit, delegate, deliver, entrust, confide, consign, hand over 【反】hold, keep, retain 【考法3】 vt. to recommend as worthy of confidence or notice 【例】I commend this book to anyone interested in learning more about American history.


【考法1】 vt. to minimize the significance of, play down 【例】 downplay the bad news 【近】 de-emphasize, disregard, ignore, overlook, neglect, understate, play down 【反】 address, emphasize, underscore


【考法1】 vt. to overlook, forgive, or disregard (an offense) without protest or censure. 【例】By his silence, he seemed to condone their behavior. 他|| He is too quick to condone his friend's faults. 【近】disregard, ignore, overlook, remit, shrug off, gloss over 【反】denounce ;exact


【考法1】 vt. to pay no attention to 【例】 disregard the advice of his executives 【近】 ignore, overlook, slight; dismiss 【反】 heed, mind, regard, attend to 【考法2】 n. lack of interest or concern 【例】 Revelers fired guns in the air with complete disregard for the possible consequences. 【近】 apathy, disinterestedness, incuriosity, nonchalance, torpor, unconcern 【反】 concern, interest, regard


【考法1】 vt. to perceive the distinguishing features of; recognize as distinct 【例】 discriminate different kinds of animals 【近】 differentiate, discern, distinguish 【反】 confuse, mistake, mix up 【考法2】 vi. to make a difference in treatment or favor on a basis other than individual merit 【例】 The new law discriminated against lower-paid workers. 【派】 discriminatory adj. marked by or showing prejudice; biased 【近】 prejudiced, biased 【反】 equitable, impartial, unbiased, impersonal, unprejudiced


【考法1】 vt. to perceive with the eyes or intellect; detect 【例】 discern the motives || too young to discern between right and wrong 【近】 behold, descry, distinguish, espy, perceive, regard, differentiate, discriminate 【反】 confuse, mix up 【派】 discerning adj. showing insight and understanding 【例】 a very discerning art critic || She has a discerning palate. 【近】 insightful, incisive 【反】 myopic, shortsighted ;undiscerning 【派】 discernible/ discernable adj. perceptible 【例】 a discernible mark 【近】 perceptible, detectable, distinguishable 【反】 indiscernible, imperceptible


【考法1】 vt. to persuade or try to persuade by pleading or flattery; cajole 【例】 coax a child to take its medicine 【近】 blandish, cajole, wheedle, palaver; inveigle


【考法1】 vt. to pour off (wine, for example) without disturbing the sediment 【例】 The bottles were uncorked and the wine was decanted an hour before the meal.


【考法1】 vt. to preserve (a food) by drying 【例】 add a cup of desiccated coconut to the mix 【近】 dehydrate, parch, scorch, sear 【反】 add water to, hydrate, drench 【派】 desiccant n. a drying agent (as calcium chloride) 【考法2】 v. to deprive of emotional or intellectual vitality 【例】 that historian's dryasdust prose desiccates what is actually an exciting period in European history 【近】 brace, castrate, dampen, deaden, devitalize, enervate 【反】 energize, enliven, invigorate, stimulate, vitalize


【考法1】 vt. to prevent or discourage from acting, as by means of fear or doubt 【例】 deterred by threats 【近】 dissuade, inhibit 【反】 spur, courage, persuade 【派】 deterrent adj/ n. 【例】 deterrent weapons ; a deterrent to theft 对 【反】 inducement, incentive


【考法1】 vt. to put on (an article of clothing) 【例】 donned a raincoat for his trip 【近】 assume, wear, put on 【反】 doff


【考法1】 vt. to put out (a light or fire) 【例】 douse a fire with water 【近】 quench, extinguish, put out 【反】 kindle, ignite, inflame 【考法2】 vt. to make wet 【例】 The heavy rains thoroughly doused the tourists. 【近】 bathe, drench, soak, sodden, sop 【反】 dehydrate, desiccate;parch, scorch, sear


【考法1】 vt. to read or interpret (ambiguous, obscure, or illegible matter). 【例】 we deciphered the hidden message to find out when we were supposed to meet 【近】 break, crack, decrypt, decode 【反】 cipher, encipher, encode, encrypt 【考法2】 v. to have a clear idea of 【例】 a convoluted thriller, the plot of which I was never able to actually decipher 【近】 apprehend, perceive, recognize, seize, sense, make out


【考法1】 vt. to reduce in size or volume as if by squeezing 【例】compress a computer file || The science textbook compresses a lot of information about human reproduction into a few short chapters. 【近】capsule, collapse, compact, condense, constrict, constringe, contract, shrink, telescope 【反】increase in volume, decompress, expand, outspread, outstretch ;balloon


【考法1】 vt. to remove water from; make anhydrous 【例】 bought a dehumidifier in order to dehydrate the damp basement 【近】 dampen, desiccate, parch, scorch, sear 【反】 hydrate, saturate with water, reconstitute 【考法2】 v. to deprive of vitality or savor 【例】 years of being trapped in a loveless marriage had dehydrated his spirit 【近】 deaden, devitalize, enervate, petrify, sap 【反】 brace, energize, enliven, invigorate, vitalize, vivify


【考法1】 vt. to revoke (a command) by a contrary order 【例】 countermand an order 【近】 annul, repeal, rescind, revoke, cancel 【反】 approve, permit, sanction 【記】 counter(reverse)-mandate(order;command)


【考法1】 vt. to set free from entanglement or difficulty 【例】 Disengage the gears when you park the car. || seek to disengage myself from the embarrassing situation 【近】 disengage, disentangle, untangle 【反】 embroil, entangle ;mesh


【考法1】 vt. to settle yourself in a place where you feel comfortable and safe 【例】 Agnes had ensconced herself in the best bedroom 【近】 install, lodge, nestle, perch, roost, settle 【反】 unsettle, dislodge, displace 【考法2】 v. To place or conceal in a secure place 【例】 ensconced the space house key in a place where no thief would think to look 【近】 bury, cache, conceal, secrete 【反】 display, exhibit


【考法1】 vt. to shut or keep in, especially to imprison 【例】The thief was confined in a prison. 【近】imprison, commit, confine, immure, incarcerate, jail 【反】discharge, free, liberate, release 【考法1】 v. to keep within limits 【例】Please confine yourself to the subject 【近】limit, circumscribe, restrict 【反】exceed


【考法1】 vt. to soil, stain, corrupt, or infect by contact or association 【例】 Bacteria contaminated the wound. 【近】 pollute, defile, taint, infect 【反】 purify, sanitize 【派】 contamination n. ;contaminant n.


【考法1】 vt. to speak of or treat with contemptuous mirth 【例】 my brothers derided our efforts, but were forced to eat their words when we won first place 【近】 gibe, jeer, mock, scout, shoot down, laugh at 【反】 praise 【派】 derision n. contemptuous or jeering laughter; ridicule 【反】 veneration


【考法1】 vt. to spread abroad; promulgate 【例】 disseminate Marxism-Leninism || The Internet allows us to disseminate information faster. 【近】 broadcast, circulate, propagate 【反】 gather, amass, garner


【考法1】 vt. to spread news of; repeat 【例】 It's been bruited that 【近】 circulate, whisper, noise about 【反】 keep secret


【考法1】 vt. to stop something bad from getting worse or continuing to happen; to arrest the motion of abruptly 【例】 a tree finally checked the skidding car (if a vehicle or a wheel on a vehicle skids, it suddenly slides sideways and you cannot control it) 【近】 arrest, stall, bridle, contain, curb, tame, bring up, draw up, hold up, pull up 【反】 propagate, goad, hasten 【考法2】 vt. to be in agreement on every point 【例】 their story of what happened checks with the report of the eyewitness 【近】 accord, cohere, conform, correspond, dovetail, fit, harmonize, jibe, tally 【反】 differ, disagree with


【考法1】 vt. to strive to equal or excel, especially through imitation 【例】 a role model worthy emulating 【近】 copy, imitate, mimic, mime 【派】 emulation n.


【考法1】 vt. to support with evidence or authority; make more certain 【例】 new evidence to corroborate the defendant's story 【近】 confirm, authenticate, justify, substantiate, validate, verify 【反】 controvert, contradict, deny 【考法2】 vt. to provide evidence or information for (as a claim or idea) 【例】 My personal experience does not corroborate your faith in the essential goodness of people . 【近】 back, bolster, buttress, reinforce, support 【派】 corroboration n.


【考法1】 vt. to surrender possession of, especially by treaty 【例】 cede the island to America 【近】 relinquish, render, yield, renounce, resign, turn in, turn over, step aside (from), give up, hand over, lay down 【反】 possess


【考法1】 vt. to surround (as a fortified place) with armed forces for the purpose of capturing or preventing commerce and communication 【例】 beleaguered the castle for months 【近】 siege, besiege, invest, blockade 【反】 retreat, withdraw 【考法2】 vt. trouble, harass, beset 【例】 We are still beleaguered by the very problem. 【近】 annoy, harass, pester, plague, tease 【反】 delight 【派】 beleaguering adj.


【考法1】 vt. to take off; remove 【例】 The blazing sun soon had the men doffing their jackets. 【近】 put off, take off 【反】 don, put on


【考法1】 vt. to take or carry from one place to another; transport 【例】 goods conveyed by sea 【近】 carry, transfer, ferry, transmit 【考法2】 v. to impart or communicate by statement, suggestion, gesture, or appearance 【例】 struggling to convey his feelings 【近】 conduct, communicate, impart, pass on 【反】 withhold


【考法1】 vt. to take to pieces also : to destroy the integrity or functioning of 【例】 dismantle a machine 【近】 break down, knock down 【反】 assemble, construct


【考法1】 vt. to talk in a persistently dull or monotonous tone 【例】 droning bees 【近】 hum, buzz, bumble 【考法2】 n. a monotonous sound like that of an insect in motion 【例】heard the drone of an helicopter overhead 【近】burr, whir 【考法3】 v. to spend time doing nothing 【例】 Instead of getting a job, he preferred to drone and live off his parents. 【近】 dally, dawdle, hang, laze, loll, lounge; doodle


【考法1】 vt. to testify to under oath or by affidavit 【例】 he was nervous when the time to depose before the jury finally arrived 【近】 attest, swear 【反】 perjure 【考法2】 v. to remove from a throne or other high position 【例】 a military junta deposed the dictator after he had bankrupted the country 【近】 defrock, deprive, oust, uncrown 【反】 crown, enthrone 【考法3】 v. to arrange something in a certain spot or position 【例】 deposed her fan and gloves on the dressing table 【近】 deposit, dispose, emplace, situate


【考法1】 vt. to throw into a state of mental uncertainty 【例】We are all confounded by his self-contradictory claims. 【近】baffle, bewilder, confuse, muddle, perplex, puzzle 【反】clarify 【考法2】 v. to fail to differentiate (a thing) from something similar or related 【例】I think you must have confounded astrology with astronomy. 【近】misidentify, mistake, mix up 【反】 discriminate, distinguish 【考法3】 v. to prove to be false 【例】 new discoveries that confounded much of what archaeologists thought they have known about the ancient Mayan civilization 【近】 belie, debunk, falsify, disprove, rebut, refute 【反】 confirm, validate, verify 【派】 confounding adj.


【考法1】 vt. to twist out of the true meaning or proportion 【例】 A painter may exaggerate or distort shapes and forms. || The coach's message was so distorted after passing through so many people that it was unintelligible. 【近】 deform, misshape, torture, falsify, misinterpret, misrepresent, pervert, twist; contort


【考法1】 vt. to twist, wrench, or bend severely out of shape 【例】 a contorted version of the truth 【近】 deform, distort, warp, misshape 【派】 contortion n.


【考法1】 vt. to unload, as from a ship or an airplane 【例】 the seasick passengers debarked as soon as the ship dropped anchor 【近】 land 【反】 embark


【考法1】 vt. to utter abruptly and impulsively 【例】 blurt out the secret 【近】 burst, bolt, ejaculate, cry out 【反】 muffle, mute


【考法1】 vt. to weaken or destroy the strength or vitality of 【例】 His constitution was enervated by lustful lifestyle. 【近】 debilitate, disable, enfeeble, fatigue, sap 【反】 fortify, strengthen ;energize, invigorate, vitalize 【考法2】vt. to deprive of emotional or intellectual vitality 【例】 A lifetime of working in dreary jobs had enervated his very soul. 【近】 dampen, deaden, petrify 【反】 brace, energize, enliven, invigorate, vitalize, vivify 【派】 enervation n.


【考法1】 vt. to wet thoroughly 【例】 The thunderstorm drenched us to the skin. 【近】 deluge, douse, soak, saturate, sodden, sop, wet 【反】 dehydrate, desiccate, dry, parch, scorch, sear


【考法1】 vt. vi. to make a careful or detailed search for information 【例】 The book delves into the latest research. 【近】 probe, investigate, inquire into, look into, dig into; plumb


【考法1】 vt./n. to seek the affections of 【例】 court the young lady by bring her flowers every day 【近】 woo, pursue, invite 【反】 spurn, snub 【派】 courteous adj.


【考法1】adj. bad-tempered 【例】 The sultry day makes us dyspeptic. 【近】 cantankerous, disagreeable, irritable, fretful, irascible, peevish, splenetic, surly 【反】 amiable, easygoing, genial, good-humored, good-natured, good-tempered 【考法2】 adj. pertaining to, subject to, or suffering from dyspepsia 【派】 dyspepsia n.


【考法1】adj. marked by inordinate desire for wealth or possessions or for another's possessions 【例】cast covetous eyes on their neighbors' fields 【近】acquisitive, avaricious, avid, rapacious, grasping 【反】easily-satiated ;unenvious 【派】covet v.


【考法1】adj. noisily turbulent 【例】 a boisterous queue in front of the pavilion || boisterous mirth. 【近】 rowdy, vociferous, blatant, clamorous, raucous, rambunctious 【反】 quiet, sedate 【派】 boisterousness n.


【考法1】adj. not spiritual 【例】 corporeal suffering 【近】 bodily, carnal, corporal, somatic, physical, fleshly 【反】 spiritual 【考法2】 adj. not immaterial or intangible 【近】 material, physical, substantial, sensible, tangible 【反】 intangible, disembodied, immaterial 【記】 corpus


【考法1】adj. secret or occult 【例】 cryptic message 【近】 covert, furtive, secret, stealthy 【反】 public, open 【考法2】 adj. having or seeming to have a hidden or ambiguous meaning 【例】 The senator made some cryptic explanations about the military operations. 【近】 ambiguous, equivocal, nebulous, obscure, unclear, vague 【反】 clear, explicit, obvious, plain 【考法3】 adj. being beyond one's powers to know, understand, or explain 【例】 puzzled by the cryptic e-mail message left on his computer 【近】 arcane, enigmatic, impenetrable, inscrutable, mystic, occult, uncanny 【反】 comprehendible, understandable


【考法1】adj. unrestrained or excessive in emotional expression 【例】 The principal delivered an effusive address at the commencement ceremony. 【近】 emotional, expansive, demonstrative, gushy, passionate 【反】 inhibited, reserved, restrained ;undemonstrative, unemotional ;numb, torpid 【派】 effusion n.


【考法1】adj.shining brilliantly; resplendent 【例】 an effulgent sunset on the Atlantic 【近】 bright, beaming, glorious, luminous, radiant, splendid 【反】 dim, murky, dull 【派】 effulgence n.


【考法1】n. a beginning; a start. 【例】There was a large turnout at the commencement of the conference, but the numbers dwindled as it progressed. 【近】birth, onset, outset, start, genesis, inception, nascence, threshold 【反】close, conclusion, end, ending 【考法2】 n. the ceremonies or the day for conferring degrees or diplomas 【例】The purpose of a commencement speaker is to dispense wisdom. 【反】matriculation


【考法1】n. an overflowing store; an abundance 【例】a cornucopia of employment opportunities 【近】 plentitude, plethora, wealth, profusion, affluence 【反】 lack, pittance, deficiency


【考法1】n. the act or ceremony of crowning a sovereign or the sovereign's consort(A husband or wife, especially the spouse of a monarch) 【例】Queen Elizabeth's coronation ceremony took place in 1953 【近】enthronement, crowning 【反】abdication 【派】coronate v.


【考法1】n. the top, as of a hill or wave 【例】 on the crest of a wave 【近】 apex, acme, apogee, climax, peak, pinnacle, summit, zenith; crescendo 【反】 bottom


【考法1】n./ adj. a hackneyed theme, characterization, or situation 【例】 Cliché is a feature of bad news. 【近】 banality, bromide, platitude, trite, bathetic, hackneyed, stereotypical 【反】 fresh, new, original, creative


【考法1】v t. to eliminate or make indistinct by or as if by wearing away a surface 【例】 efface those unpleasant memories 【近】 eradicate, erase, expunge, exterminate, extirpate, liquidate, eclipse, obliterate, wipe, root out; exorcise 【反】 blazon, decorate ;emboss 【派】 self-effacing adj.


【考法1】v. to prevent disclosure or recognition of 【例】Drunkenness reveal what soberness conceal. 【近】cache, secrete, disguise, mask, occult, ensconce 【反】display, exhibit ;bare, disclose, expose, reveal, uncover, unmask


【考法1】v. to violate, to oppose in argument: contradict 【例】 contravene the proposal with no reservation 【近】 breach, infringe, transgress, fracture, deny, contradict, gainsay, reject 【反】 uphold, support, buttress ;comply, conform, observe 【派】 contravention n.


考法1】 adj. lacking a definite plan, purpose, or pattern 【例】 a desultory search for something of interest on TV 【近】 digressive, excursive, meandering, rambling, wandering 【反】 carefully planned, strictly methodical, assiduous 【考法2】 adj. disappointing in progress, performance, or quality 【例】 a desultory wine || a desultory fifth place finish


考法1】 n. a gradual sinking and wasting away of mind or body 【例】 a continuing deterioration in relations between the two countries 【近】 decadence, degeneration, deterioration, devolution, downfall, downgrade 【反】 improvement, recovery, recuperation, rehabilitation, revitalization

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