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According to reactance theory, which of the following public service messages would be LEAST likely to get people to wear seatbelts?

"It's the law—you must wear your seatbelt."

What does the research on cultures of honor suggest about the relationship between testosterone and aggression?

It shows that culture affects when and why men can be provoked to become aggressive

Which of the following does NOT reflect the motive to maintain high self-esteem?

Janetta did poorly on the first test in her psychology class. She admits that she didn't study enough and vows to study harder for the next test

Which of the following is the best example of altruistic behavior?

Jawal anonymously donates $100 to a homeless shelter

Which of the following people is most likely to agree to help clean up a park in a large city?

Jiaying, who has lived in that city her entire life

Which of the following is the best example of a self-fulfilling prophecy?

Jill thinks her daughter is not a very good reader and doesn't spend much time reading to her. As a result her daughter falls behind in reading at school

Under which of the following conditions is Khalid most likely to feel the romantic attraction toward Heather?

Khalid and Heather nearly get into a serious car accident, and both are terrified. Then Heather gives Khalid a hug and tells him that she really likes him

Which of the following is true regarding cross-cultural comparisons of advertising?

Korean ads are more likely than American ads to focus on family and concern for others

Which of the following is true?

Listening to song lyrics with prosocial lyrics makes people more helpful

What do experimental studies of media violence tend to find?

Playing violent video games has a stronger effect than watching violent shows.

Who of the following individuals is most likely to make a self-serving attribution?

Rory, a golfer in the very early stages of his career

Research indicates that which of the following candidates would be most likely to win a political election?

Rudy, whose face is usually seen by others as indicating a cold, calculating, and powerful personality

Suppose you have invited a new acquaintance over to your apartment and want to make a good impression; in other words, you want this person to like you. Which of the following should you do?

Serve the person a warm drink and hope that he or she holds it in their hands while you are talking to him or her

Which of the following is not an example of a group?

Seven commuters waiting together silently at a bus stop

All of the following are examples of an internal attribution EXCEPT for which one?

Shaggy says that the only reason for his recent van accident is that the road he was traveling on that day was wet from a recent rainfall

Tiffany finally decides she is ready to confront Whitney directly. How should she express her anger (assuming she wants to keep the friendship)?

She should explain why she feels upset and hurt, as calmly as she can, without blame and accusation

Rachel was accepted at both University A and University B. She has a hard time making up her mind because she sees pros and cons to attending either university. Which of the following is true, according to dissonance theory?

She will experience the most dissonance right after making up her mind.

How does social psychology differ from personality psychology?

Social psychology focuses on the shared processes that make people susceptible to social influence, whereas personality psychology focuses on individual differences

Which of the following is TRUE about research on free will?

Sometimes people underestimate the amount of control they have over their behavior

You are selling $30 souvenir books for a club fund-raiser. How could you use the technique of lowballing to improve your sales?

Start by selling the books at $25, but once the customer has retrieved his or her checkbook, tell him or her you made a mistake and the books are actually $5 more than you thought.

Which of the following findings regarding breakups is true?

Staying in contact and up-to-date on the new exploits of an ex-partner can have both positive and negative effects on an individual after a breakup.

When does "saying become believing"?

When you claim to have an opinion that differs from your true beliefs for no strong reason

Which of the following is the best way to increase the external validity of a study?

replicate the study with a different population of people in a different setting

Cameron and Mitchell want to convince their daughter to stop leaving her toys scattered all around the floor, so they leave her a sign by her toy box. According to reactance theory, which of the following signs would be most effective?

"Please try to remember to clean up your toys when you are done with them"

Wendy is a member of a political group on your campus and is interested in finding out how many students plan to vote in the next presidential election. According to the theory of planned behavior, which of the following attitude questions Wendy could ask would be the best predictor of whether or not a particular student will vote in the next presidential election?

"What are your attitudes about voting in the next U.S. presidential election?"

Catherine did very well on her math test. Which of the following statements should her mother tell her to increase the chances that Catherine will not give up on math if it later becomes more difficult for her?

"You really worked hard for this test, and your hard work paid off!"

Which of the following people is most likely to be able to admit a major mistake?

A prosecutor, because he or she is trained to pursue justice at all costs. A political leader, because otherwise he or she would be voted out of office. A member of a religious sect, because he or she can leave at any time.

Which of the following is least likely to pass the "mirror" test suggesting they have at least a rudimentary self-concept?

A 12-month-old human infant

Meghan lives in a single room in a college dormitory. Late one night, she hears a scream coming from just outside her dorm. She is pretty sure that the person needs help because the person yelled, "Help me! I think I broke my leg!" Meghan goes back to sleep, only to find out the next day that the person was on the ground for 45 minutes before someone helped. Which of the following best explains why Meghan didn't help?

A diffusion of responsibility

What is an implicit prejudice?

A person holds a prejudice without being aware of it.

What is a suppressed prejudice?

A person knows he or she is prejudiced but chooses not to express it in public.

When Gordon Allport said "defeated intellectually, prejudice lingers emotionally," what did he mean?

A person's explicit prejudices may decline while implicit prejudices remain.

"Sexual scripts" refer to

A set of rules governing notions of "appropriate" sexual behavior that people acquire in learning gender roles.

Mariana is a sophomore in high school who is trying out for the varsity softball team. In order to get an accurate assessment of her softball abilities, she should compare her abilities to:

A sophomore who has about the same amount of experience playing softball as Mariana has

John has consumed enough alcohol to make him legally drunk. Under which of the following conditions is he most likely to become aggressive?

A stranger bumps into him in a crowded restaurant

Which of the following describes a consequence of in-group bias?

A tendency to discriminate against members of an out-group

Which is the definition of analytic thinking?

A type of thinking in which people focus on the properties of objects without considering their surrounding context

What is one of the main problems with the IAT?

it may reflect cultural norms more than individual prejudices

People's emotional reaction to a target is referred to as the ___________ component of attitudes


Your little sister enjoys taking time out of her day to make bead necklaces. A birthday party is coming up, and you decide you want to give a necklace to each person at the party. She offers to make a necklace for each of your friends, but for added motivation you give her a dollar for each one she makes. Which of the following is most likely to happen?

After the party, your sister will enjoy making beads less than she did before because you rewarded her for something she already liked to do

Amanda's parents tell her that if she texts while driving, they will take away her car for a year. Erin's parents tell her that if she texts while driving, they will take her car away for one weekend. Both Amanda and Erin decide not to text while driving. What would dissonance theory predict?

After they go to college and are away from their parents, Amanda is more likely to text while driving than Erin is.

Which of the following is most true about cultural differences in social thinking?

Although everyone uses schemas to understand the world, the content of those schemas is influenced by the culture in which they live

Amanda is at a team picnic with her coach and fellow soccer players. Which of the following is the best example of ingratiation?

Amanda tells her coach that the quinoa salad he made was delicious, even though she thinks it tasted like dirt

Jake's professor tells Jake that if he is caught cheating on an exam, he will be expelled. Amanda's professor tells her that if she is caught cheating, she will have only to write a short paper about why cheating is wrong. If both students don't cheat, dissonance theory would predict that

Amanda will feel more honest than Jake will

Amy is walking across campus and sees someone on her hands and knees looking for a ring that slipped off of her finger. Under which of the following conditions is Amy least likely to help the person, according to the empathy-altruism hypothesis?

Amy doesn't feel empathy toward the person and doesn't think she has much to gain by helping

Which of the following psychological phenomena shows the least cultural variation?

Anger facial expressions

Which of the following is true?

As a result of learning about the social psychology of prosocial behavior, you may be more likely to help someone in need in the future

All of the following are true about attitudes except one. Which one is false?

Attitudes rarely change over time.

Which of the following is the best summary of research on automatic thinking?

Automatic thinking is vital to human survival, but it is not perfect and can produce mistaken judgments that have important consequences

Which of the following people is LEAST likely to help someone who dropped a folder of papers on her way to class?

Ben, who just played the videogame, Tetris

According to social exchange theory, which of the following people is most likely to give money to a homeless person?

Bill, who wants to impress his date by helping the homeless person

According to Batson's empathy-altruism theory, which of the following people is most likely to give money to a homeless person?

Both Jade and Bill are likely to give money

Which is the best definition of an independent view of the self?

Defining oneself in terms of one's own internal thoughts, feelings, and actions

Jennifer and Nate are walking along the street when they see a man walk out of a convenience store clutching a bag. The owner of the store runs out and shouts for the man to stop and come back. Jennifer immediately assumes that there has been a robbery, whereas Nate immediately assumes that the man forgot to get his change and that the store owner wants to give it to him. What is the best explanation for why Jennifer and Nate interpreted this event differently?

Different schemas were accessible in Jennifer and Nate's minds, perhaps because they had different recent experiences that primed different schemas

What does research find about the validity of the catharsis theory?

Disconfirmed: Expressing anger often makes people angrier.

Imagine that you are in Hong Kong reading the morning news and you notice a headline about a double murder that took place overnight. A suspect is in custody. Which of the following headlines is most likely to accompany the story?

Dispute over Gambling Debt Ends in Murder

Which of the following statements about culture and cognitive dissonance is true?

Dissonance occurs everywhere, but culture influences how people experience it.

Kristin is one of the few women in her computer science class and gets a poor grade on the first test. According to self-affirmation theory, which of the following would help her do better in the class?

Doing a values-affirmation writing exercise

Your friend Jane is interning at a law firm. When you ask her how it's going, she says, "I'm feeling good about it because I'm doing much better than the intern who started a month after me." What kind of social comparison is Jane making?

Downward social comparison

Eduardo is tempted to eat some of his roommate's cookies, even though his roommate told him not to. Under which of the following conditions would Eduardo be mostly likely to resist the temptation to eat the cookies?

Eduardo puts the cookies in a cupboard so he doesn't have to look at them.

Marquel and Eric have been friends since the beginning of the school year. According to equity theory, their friendship will suffer if

Eric is much more likely to help Marquel out when he needs it than Marquel is to help Eric.

What is an aspect of stereotype threat?

Feeling threatened by stereotypes that others hold of our group

Which of the following is true about research on leadership?

Female leaders are more likely than male leaders to be put in precarious, high-risk positions where it is difficult to succeed.

On his way back from class, Sanjeev encounters an angry mob ready to storm the dining hall to demand better food. Sanjeev likes the food as it is and wants to stop the mob. What would be the most effective solution?

Finding a friend in the group, calling out her name, and talking to her loudly in front of everyone

According to frustration-aggression theory,

Frustration increases the likelihood of aggression

Social psychology had its origins in

Gestalt psychology

Which of the following statements about gender differences in aggression is true?

Girls are more likely than boys to express aggressive feelings indirectly, as by shunning or slandering a target.

It is 10 a.m. and Jamie, an American college student, is dragging himself to his next class to turn in a paper for which he pulled an all-nighter. Through a haze of exhaustion, on the way to class he sees a student slip and fall down. How would Jamie be most likely to interpret the cause of the student's behavior?

Given what we know about Jamie's current cognitive capacity and cultural background, he will likely assume that the student fell because he or she was clumsy

A debate breaks out at the town hall meeting over whether local real estate taxes should be raised in order to pay for a new public school building. Which of the following individuals is most likely to process the persuasive information raised during this debate through the peripheral route?

Gob, who has no school-aged children of his own and owns no real estate

Which of the following is not a reason why being in a good mood tends to increase prosocial behavior?

Good moods make us pay more attention to the possible rewards for helping

Suppose a researcher found a strong positive correlation between the number of tweets people send each day and their reported happiness. Which of the following is the best conclusion he or she can draw from this finding?

Happy people are more likely to send a lot of tweets than sad people

Jim has been convicted of assault. Which of the following explanations of his behavior would a social psychologist be most interested in studying?

He grew up on a cattle ranch in the Southwest

Tarek needs to do his laundry but has been very busy. Under which of the following conditions is he most likely to his laundry in the next few days?

He says to himself, "I'll do my laundry at 7:00 P.M. tomorrow, and if my roommate says we should play video games then, I'll ask him if we can do that later."

Suppose that your friend Meghan says, "If I get less than 8 hours of sleep, I'm in a terrible mood the next day." Based on research in social psychology, what is the best conclusion about her statement?

Her statement is probably based on a causal theory that may or may not be true

On a survey, Marquel reports that he agrees with wearing a seatbelt. According to the theory of planned behavior, which of the following would be the best predictor of whether Marquel will wear a seatbelt on a given day?

His best friend, Trevor, who is always talking about how important it is to wear a seatbelt, is in the car with him.

With the redistricting of the school system, Coach Taylor's football team for the upcoming season is more diverse than usual, with kids from a wide range of backgrounds, including socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity, family status, sexual orientation, and even football experience. Research suggests which of the following conclusions regarding a diverse group such as this?

His team is likely to experience threats to group cohesion, but these challenges will probably lessen as the season goes on.

_______ aggression stems from feelings of anger and is aimed at inflicting pain, whereas ________ aggression serves as a means to some goal other than pain.

Hostile, instrumental

Which of the following is true about Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)?

IRBs review psychological studies before they are conducted to make sure they meet ethical guidelines

What does the "think-drink" effect refer to?

If you think alcohol releases your anger, it will.

__________ norms are most powerful for changing people's behaviors.


Ben is worried that he will do poorly on his psychology test. Which of the following is the best example of behavioral self-handicapping?

Instead of studying the night before, he stays up late watching movies on his computer. Right before the test, he tells his friends that he saw some great movies instead of studying.

Which of the following statements about impression management is true?

It can be a conscious or unconscious process

Benevolent sexism refers to people who think that women are naturally superior to men in kindness and nurturance. What does international research show is a consequence of this belief?

It can legitimize discrimination against women and justify relegating them to traditional roles

Which of the following is most true about narcissism?

It is characterized by excessive self-love and a lack of empathy toward others.

Suppose a certain student, Jake, falls asleep during every chemistry class. Further suppose that Jake is the only one who falls asleep in this class and he falls asleep in all of his other classes. According to Kelley's covariation theory of attribution, how will people explain his behavior?

It is due to something unusual about Jake, because his behavior is low in consensus, low in distinctiveness, and high in consistency.

A company is considering offering its employees the opportunity to do community service. Which of the following would you recommend they do, based on research in social psychology?

Make sure that people feel that doing the community service is voluntary

Which of the following is the best example of a deliberative behavior?

Making a decision regarding where you want to travel over your next vacation break

Which person is least likely help a blind person cross the street?

Marco, who is having a normal day and is in a neutral mood

Which of the following examples best illustrates how functional distance plays a role in the propinquity effect?

Marge, whose cubicle is right next to both the kitchen and the elevator, is one of the most popular people in the entire office.

Which of the following best illustrates the idea of belief perseverance?

Michael's first impression of Anne is a negative one and even though he comes to observe her in a variety of scenarios displaying a variety of skills, he remains convinced that she will never amount to very much.

Which of the following best describes an example of normative social influence?

Miranda is out to lunch with her boss and coworkers. Her boss tells a joke that makes fun of a certain ethnic group, and everyone else laughs. Miranda doesn't think the joke is funny but laughs anyway

Which of the following statements is true regarding how people tend to represent themselves in on-line dating profiles?

Misrepresentation in online profiles tends to be of both the intentional and unintentional varieties.

Which of the following statements about rape is true?

Most rapes are committed in the context of an acquaintance or ongoing relationship.

In terms of dissonance theory, what is the primary reason that "we" (our side) often dehumanizes "them," the enemy, seeing them as animals, brutes, or monsters?

Our side has treated the enemy brutally and needs to justify these actions

Which of the following statements regarding Sherif's 1936 study of perceptions of the autokinetic effect is true?

Participants conformed because they believed the other people's responses were accurate

Which of the following is a common ethical concern raised about the Milgram study?

Participants were forced to learn unpleasant things about themselves without agreeing to that ahead of time

Which of the following is true, according to social impact theory?

People conform more to others who are physically close than to others who are physically distant. People conform more if the others are important to them. People conform more to three or more people than to one or two people.

Which of the following is false?

People in communal relationships tend to keep track of who is contributing what to the relationship.

Which of the following is the best summary of research on automatic goal pursuit?

People often pursue goals that have been recently primed, without realizing that that is why they are pursuing the goal

Why are groups often homogeneous (comprised of members who are alike in age, sex, beliefs, and opinions)?

People who are already similar to each tend to be drawn to joining the same groups.

Which of the following is true about self-esteem and narcissism?

People who are optimistic (but not narcissistic) persevere more in the face of failure and set higher goals than do other people.

Which of the following is most true?

People who live in parts of the United States and Canada that were settled by Europeans more recently have more of an independent sense of self than people who live in parts of those countries that were settled earlier.

Which of the following is true?

People with high scores on tests of altruism are not that much more likely to help another person than people with low scores

In social psychology, why is construal so important?

People's behavior is affected by their interpretation of events, not only the events themselves

Which of the following statements about perceptions of physical attractiveness is true?

Perceivers tend to believe that someone who is attractive also possesses a range of other (unrelated) positive characteristics.

Rachel and Eleanor are best friends and also in the high school choir. Both of them consider themselves to be talented singers and singing is very important to them. They both try out for an important solo in the choir, which Eleanor wins. Which of the following is Rachel least likely to do, according to self-evaluation maintenance theory?

Rachel will be very happy for Eleanor and tell all their friends about her success in winning the solo.

Which of the following men is most likely to act aggressively toward someone who insults him?

Richard, who grew up in Louisiana

What is the main problem in interpreting longitudinal studies of the effects of media violence?

Teasing apart whether media violence causes aggression or whether aggressive people are drawn to media violence.

Suppose you are a parent and want your children to do well in school. Which of the following is likely to work the best?

Tell them that academic ability is something that they can cultivate and grow if they work hard

Jenny, who is Asian American, is taking a math test. Under which of these conditions is she likely to do best?

When she's made aware of her Asian identity

Which of the following statements regarding attachment style is true?

The attachment style that adults display is shaped by their partner's behavior and the type of relationship they've created as a couple

Which of the following is the best explanation for why product placement can be effective at changing attitudes?

The audience is often unaware that an effort at attitude change is occurring

Why did early attempts at desegregation fail to reduce prejudice between ethnic groups?

The classroom environments were highly competitive.

Which of the following is most likely to lead to process loss in a committee?

The committee members are good friends and have known each other for years

Briñol and Petty (2003) conducted a study in which participants tried on headphones while listening to a persuasive editorial. Half of the participants shook their head side-to-side while listening; the other half nodded up-and-down while listening. Which group of participants expressed the greatest agreement with the arguments expressed in the editorial at the end of the study?

The head-nodders who heard strong arguments in the editorial

When is attitude accessibility a particularly good predictor of behavior?

When the behavior in question is spontaneous

A researcher wants to see whether people are more likely to donate money to a charity when they receive a small gift from that charity. She sends an appeal for money from the charity to 1000 people. For half of the people (randomly chosen) the letter includes free address labels and for half it does not. The researcher than sees whether those who got the address labels donate more money. Which of the following is true about this study?

The independent variable is whether people got address labels and the dependent variable is how much money they donate

What does the Wall Street Game reveal about personality and situation?

The name of the game strongly influences how people play the game

Following are some explanations of prejudice that social psychologists investigate. Which one doesn't fit?

The need for catharsis

When thinking about other people, which of the following will we see as most CENTRAL to their self-concept?

Their morals

Katie and Madeline are dating. According to the investment model of close relationships, which of the following will influence their commitment to the relationship?

Their satisfaction with the relationship Their level of investment in the relationship The availability and quality of alternative partners

How do social psychologists formulate hypotheses and theories?

They are inspired by previous theories and research They disagree with a previous researchers' interpretations of his or her study They construct hypothesis and theories based on personal observations in everyday life

When people are attached to a "bogus pipeline" or other technological "lie detectors," how does this affect their willingness to admit their prejudices?

They are more likely to admit prejudices that they would otherwise suppress

What do social psychology and sociology have in common?

They both are concerned with group processes

What does research suggest is the most reasonable conclusion about the effects of media violence?

They have an effect but primarily on children already predisposed to aggression.

On Halloween, you decide to do an experiment. When the trick-or-treaters arrive at your house, you have them stand in a line on your front porch. You stay outside with the group and let each child enter your house individually. You tell them they can take one piece of candy from the bowl that is sitting on a table. Half of the time you put the candy bowl in front of a big mirror. The other half of the time there is no mirror present. All of the children may be tempted to take more than one piece of candy. Which children will be LEAST likely to give in to temptation?

Those in the mirror condition

Mary wants to find out whether eating sugary snacks before an exam leads to better performance on the exam. Which of the following strategies would answer her question most conclusively?

Wait for exam time in a big class, give a random half of the students M&Ms before the exam, and see whether the students who ate M&Ms perform better

Watching violence in the media and behaving aggressively are positively correlated. What does this mean?

Watching violent shows makes children more aggressive. Aggressive children are more likely to watch violent shows. Growing up in a violent environment makes children aggressive and more likely to watch violent shows

Which of the following statements is true?

Watching violent shows makes some children more likely to imitate them

Which of the following is the most accurate conclusion based on the Jones and Harris (1967) Castro essay study?

We are more likely to make an internal attribution for a CHOSEN action versus a forced action

Eleanor gets a bad grade on the first paper in her English class. To predict whether she will drop the course or stick with it, which question would a social psychologist be most likely to ask?

What is her explanation for why she got the bad grade?

Which of the following illustrates the role played by normative social influence in the obedience of Milgram's participants?

When other "teachers" (actually confederates) refused to continue with the study, participants' obedience rates declined significantly

Based on everything you've read in this chapter, what is the best conclusion about social cognition?

Whereas people are very sophisticated social thinkers who have amazing cognitive abilities, there is also plenty of room for improvement

Belief perseverance can help explain which of the following?

Why people who watch news programs that refer to climate change as a hoax remain convinced of that conclusion even in the face of scientific evidence to the contrary

Suppose you're a bartender and you have a stereotype about people with full-arm tattoos: you think they are more likely to get into fights at your bar than people without tattoos. Your perception illustrates which aspect(s) of stereotypes?

You are noticing people who confirm your stereotype and overlooking those who don't.

Imagine that you and your sister are both psychology majors and that you are very close to your sister. Suppose you learn that your sister's GPA in psychology classes is a lot higher than yours. According to self-evaluation maintenance theory, which of the following is LEAST likely to occur?

You will bask in your sister's reflected glory and congratulate her on her high GPA.

Suppose that while you are watching a film at a movie theater the words "Drink Coke" are flashed on the screen at speeds too quick for you to see consciously. According to research on subliminal perception, which of the following is true?

You will be no more likely to buy a Coke than if the subliminal messages were not flashed.

Who among the following individuals would you predict would be most likely to make an external attribution for any given behavior observed?

a Hong Kong Chinese college student who had just been shown images related to Chinese culture

A stereotype is

a cognitive summary that can be positive or negative.

Although her boyfriend treats her well, he always puts her needs first, and doesn't demand much in the way of relationship effort from her, Courtney feels unsatisfied with the relationship because a little voice in her head keeps telling her there must be an even better mate out there for her somewhere. Courtney seems to have

a high comparison level.

A prejudice is

a hostile attitude toward members of a group, based solely on their membership in that group.

____ is most likely to dive into a pond to save a drowning child, whereas _____ is most likely to do errands for an elderly neighbor every week.

a man; a woman

Fear-arousing persuasive communication is most likely to be effective when

a plan for reducing the fear is provided

you know you're eating too much junk food and that it's bad for your energy and health. Which of the following will NOT reduce your dissonance?

accepting the fact that your attitudes and behavior simply conflict.

One reason people join groups is to

accomplish objectives that are more difficult or impossible to accomplish alone

The "self-fulfilling prophecy" is the reason that many people

act in ways to make predictions of their own behavior or others' come true

The best way for an advertisement to change an affectively-based attitude is to use a __________ appeal


Brandon knows that society considers underage drinking to be wrong; he also knows, however, that on a Saturday night at his university, many of his friends will engage in this behavior. His belief that most of the public would disapprove of underage drinking is __________________, while his perception that many teenagers drink under certain circumstances is ____________________.

an injunctive norm; a descriptive norm

Elliot worries that his girlfriend doesn't really love him and he smothers her with attention. According to attachment theory, Elliot probably has a(n) ___________ attachment style, because when he was an infant, his caregivers were ___________.

anxious/ambivalent; inconsistent and overbearing

A researcher is interested in whether moods vary by the day of the week. She codes the postings on thousands of Facebook pages to see whether people express more positive comments on some days than others. Which research method has she used?

archival analysis

Research on public service ads designed to promote healthy behavior indicates that such efforts

are more effective via television than print ads when their target is young people

Research on prosocial behavior finds that religious people

are more likely to help than other people are if the person in need of shares their beliefs, but are not more likely to help strangers

The concept of attitude inoculation indicates that we are better able to resist a later attempt to change our attitudes when we are first exposed to arguments that

are weakened versions of arguments we might hear later

Tracy and Matsumoso's (2008) research on Olympic athletes indicated that the nonverbal expression of shame was

associated with losing for many athletes, but not those from highly individualistic cultures such as the United States.

the Bystander Intervention Decision Tree

assuming responsibility interpreting an event as an emergency knowing the appropriate form of assistance

Similarity in terms of which of the following dimensions has been found to predict increased attraction?

attitudes attractiveness level genetics

Suppose you wanted your friend Stephan to feel like a more assertive person. According to research on ______ , you should ask him to think of _____ times in the past when he acted in an UNassertive manner

availability heuristic; 12

Which attachment style below is best captured by the following sentiment: "I am uncomfortable being close to others and find it difficult to trust people completely. I am nervous when anyone gets close, and often my partners want me to be more intimate than I feel comfortable being."

avoidant attachment style

What do social psychology and personality psychology have in common?

both focus on the individual

Equity theory suggests that if a relationship is not equitable

both the underbenefited and the overbenfited individuals will be unsatisfied with it.

The foot-in-the-door technique

capitalizes on people's desire for self-consistency.

Adults' tendency to experience happy, nostalgia-filled feelings when they hear the music of an ice cream truck can be best explained by the relationship of attitudes to

classical conditioning

Which component of an attitude is most related to the process of examining facts and weighing the objective merits of a target?


Paige wants to buy a puppy. She does some research and decides to buy an English Springer Spaniel rather than a Great Dane because they are smaller, more active, and good with children. Which type of attitude influenced her decision?

cognitively based attitude

Whereas _____________ love is characterized by feelings of intimacy and affection, _____________ love tends to include intense longing and physiological arousal.

companionate; passionate

According to realistic conflict theory, what might be the major reason for the changing levels of prejudice and discrimination by white Americans toward the Chinese, Japanese, Irish, and Mexicans in American history?

competition for work and political status

The key to minority influence is


Suppose Juan is in a long-term, romantic relationship but chooses to flirt with someone else. He experiences dissonance because he sees himself as loving and trustworthy, and his flirtatious behavior is incongruent with that self-perception. According to dissonance theory he could reduce his dissonance by ____________, whereas according to self-affirmation theory he could reduce his dissonance by __________.

convincing himself that the flirting was harmless; thinking about how proud he is to be a pre-med student

One step that can be taken to reduce the likelihood of groupthink is

creating subgroups that meet on their own first before reconvening and sharing the content of their discussions with the group at large

Which of the following is NOT one of the six major emotional expressions examined by Ekman and his colleagues in their influential cross-cultural research on perception of emotions?


Sam has his eye on Julie and wants her to like him. According to research in social psychology, which of the following is LEAST likely to work?

emphasizing that they have complementary personalities and that opposites attract

Sam is playing a carnival game challenging him to guess which of the 20 cups is hiding the red ball. Unfortunately, he picked the cup directly to the left of the winning cup and thus did not win the stuffed donkey he wanted. According to social psychological research, he is most likely to:

engage in counterfactual thinking

When people focus attention on themselves, they

evaluate and compare their behavior to their internal standards and values

Research on the influence of mobile phone technology on social interaction indicates that

even if a phone isn't being used during a conversation, it can still pose a distraction that comes at the expense of social engagement

Individuals experiencing deindividuation

exhibit greater conformity to specific group norms

The fundamental attribution error is best defined as the tendency to

explain our own and other people's behavior entirely in terms of personality traits, thereby underestimating the power of social influence

Relational aggression refers to

expressing aggression indirectly by manipulating a relationship

A researcher conducts a study with participants who are college students. The researcher then repeats the study using the same procedures but with members of the general population (i.e., adults) as participants. The results are similar for both samples. The research has established _______________ through ________________.

external validity, replication

In Masuda and colleagues' (2008) study of cross-cultural perceptions of emotion

eye-tracking technology is used to demonstrate that American participants spend less time looking at the peripheral individuals surrounding the central figure than do Japanese participants

Which of the following strategies of social influence creates a situation similar to that experienced by Milgram's study in that it relies on requests that increase in severity in incremental fashion?


All of the following are examples of ways to resist persuasion EXCEPT

forbidding people to buy a product.

Compared to informational social influence, normative social influence

has to less to do with being accurate and more to do with fitting in

The "weapons effect" refers to the fact that

he mere presence of a gun can provoke an aggressive response.

Megan reads a research study which shows that children who see a lot of violence on television are more likely to be aggressive on the playground. Megan thinks, "This is obvious; I could have predicted that!" Megan's reaction to the study is probably an example of:

hindsight bias

A social psychologist would tend to look for explanations of a young man's violent behavior primarily in terms of:

how his peer group behaves.

A stranger approaches Emily on campus and says he is a professional photographer. He asks if she will spend 15 minutes posing for pictures next to the student union. According to social psychologists, Emily's decision will depend on which of the following?

how she construes the situation

Which of the following is true about the ethical conduct of psychological research?

if research participants are misled about a study they must be fully debriefed at the end of the study

Social psychologists often do experiments in the laboratory, instead of the field, in order to:

increase internal validity

Tom is a new student at his university. During the first week of classes, he notices a fellow student from one of his classes getting on a bus. Tom decides to follow the student and discovers that this bus takes him right to the building where his class meets. This best illustrates what kind of conformity?

informational social influence

A __________ norm involves perceptions of which behaviors society approves of; a ___________ norm involves perceptions of how people actually behave

injunctive; descriptive

One way to change someone's attitude is to get that person to give a speech arguing against his or her actual viewpoint. This strategy can lead to attitude change through cognitive dissonance as long as ___________ is/are present.

insufficient external justification for making the speech

A(n) _____________ solution is an outcome to a negotiation in which each side concedes on issues that are unimportant to it but are important to the other side.


Professor X wants to make sure his study of gifted youngsters will get published, but he's worried that his findings could have been caused by something other than the independent variable, which was a new teaching method he introduced. He is concerned with the ________________ of his experiment.

internal validity

A team of researchers wants to test the hypothesis that drinking wine makes people like jazz more. They randomly assign college students who are 21 or over to one room in which they will drink wine and listen to jazz or to another room in which they will drink water and listen to jazz. It happens that the "wine room" has a big window with nice scenery outside, while the "water room" is windowless, dark, and dingy. The most serious flaw in this experiment is that it:

is low in internal validity

Because the law has made most forms of discrimination in the United States illegal, the expression of prejudice

is more likely to be revealed in microaggressions

Under which of the following conditions would people be most likely to vote for a political candidate? They

know little about the candidate's policies but have positive feelings toward him or her

You are trying to decide whether to take a test in a lecture hall where you will be surrounded by lots of other people or in a room by yourself. Assuming that you have studied well for the test and find the material to be easy, you will perform best on the test in the ____________ because it will result in ____________.

lecture hall; social facilitation

"Hostile sexists" think women are inferior to men; "benevolent sexists" think women are superior to men. What do they have in common? Both

legitimize discrimination against women.

Serafina, an advertising executive, is trying to figure out the best way to market a product that does not evoke a strong emotional, personal response from people. Her most effective strategy would be to adopt a campaign that focuses on

logical, fact-based arguments

Your friend Amy asks you what you think of the shoes she just bought. Privately, you think they are the ugliest shoes you have ever seen, but you tell her you love them. In the past, Amy has always valued your honest opinion and doesn't care that much about the shoes, which were inexpensive. Because the external justification for your fib was __________, you will probably _________________.

low, decide you like the shoes

What is the "hypocrisy paradigm" in experimental research?

making participants aware of their own hypocrisy in not practicing what they preach

Which of the following is a basic assumption that social psychologists make?

many social problems can be studied scientifically

The _____________ suggests that the more times we encounter someone or something, the more we tend to like it.

mere exposure effect

"Naïve realism" refers to the fact that

most ppl believe they perceive things accurately

After watching his teenage brother beat up a classmate in a fistfight and walk away with the admiration of their friends, a little boy takes a swipe at another boy in the playground. He has acquired this behavior through a process of

observational learning.

Rebecca is covering her college's football game against its archrival for the school newspaper. At the game, she interviews six students from her college but decides she needs to interview only one student from the rival school to represent their view of the game. Rebecca is demonstrating

out-group homogeneity.

Asch's line-judgment research indicated that

participants demonstrated public conformity without private acceptance.

According to realistic conflict theory, prejudice and discrimination are likely to increase when

people are competing for jobs and security.

Research on personality type and leadership indicates that

people of all different personality types can become successful leaders.

Research on the effectiveness of dating websites and apps indicates that

people tend to send messages to fellow Web site users whose attractiveness and popularity levels are similar to their own.

The major finding of LaPiere's (1934) classic study on attitudes and behavior involving prejudice and hotel/restaurant owners is that

people's attitudes are not always reliable predictors of their behaviors

The physical attractiveness of the source of a persuasive communication would be best described as which of the following?

peripheral cue

Whereas individuals in Western cultures tend to think more like _______________, individuals in Eastern cultures tend to think more like _______________.

personality psychologists; social psychologists

Luke listened to a lecture in his history class that he found very confusing, but at the end of the class when the professor asked whether there was anything students didn't understand, Luke didn't raise his hand. Because no other hands were raised, Luke assumed that other students had understood the material and that he just didn't pay enough attention. In fact, many students hadn't understood the material and were in the same situation as Luke. This is an example of:

pluralistic ignorance

Suppose you're driving home from watching a scary movie about a hitchhiker who was a murderer when you see someone talking loudly with a friend. Because you saw the movie, you assume that you are witnessing an argument that will probably end in a fight. This is an example of:


For social psychologists, the likely explanation of the mass suicide at Jonestown was

processes that could ensnare almost any healthy person

Enrolling in which of the following graduate programs would be most likely to improve your statistical reasoning ability about problems in everyday life?


In Asch's line studies, participants who were alone when asked to report the length of the lines gave the correct answer 98% of the time. However, when they were with the confederates who sometimes gave an obviously wrong answer, 76% of participants gave the wrong answer at least once. This suggests that Asch's studies are an illustration of

public compliance without private acceptance

Group cohesiveness is best defined as

qualities that bind members together and promote liking between members.

Which of the following concepts relates to the ironic research finding that the stronger the warning against a certain attitude or behavior, the more people sometimes wish to exhibit it?

reactance theory

Which of the following is NOT one of the three major components of love, according to Sternberg's triangular theory of love?


Which of the following is the best summary of the function of schemas?

schemas are very useful in helping people organize information about the world, but they are problematic when they result in self-fulfilling prophecies

Which of the following is NOT a function of the self?


The basic tenet of terror management theory is that

self-esteem protects people against thoughts about their own mortality.

Your social psychology professor calls you up to the front of the classroom and asks you to answer a series of course-related questions out loud. Even though you feel the eyes of your classmates on you, you find the questions to be easy. According to the model of _____________, you should perform _____________ on these questions than you would have if you had been asked them in private, without an audience.

social facilitation; better

Societal rules regarding acceptable behavior are known as

social norms

Which of the following is true about social neuroscience?

social psychologists are increasingly interested in the connection between biological processes and social behavior

Suppose you are trying to raise money for your favorite charity and you set up a table in the lobby of a campus building. Which of the following is likely to increase the likelihood that passersby will donate money?

spray some citrus-scented cleaning solution on the table

Which of the following is a benefit of online dating?

the ability to achieve proximity with a wider range of people

Over Thanksgiving break, your parents ask you if you can think of 12 reasons why your college is better than its archrival. You find it hard to come up with so many reasons and so end up thinking, "Hmm, maybe the schools aren't all that different." Which of the following mental strategies did you probably use to reach this conclusion?

the availability heuristic

Mr. Rowe and Ms. Dabney meet on a blind date. They get along well until they get into his black convertible to go to a movie. Ms. Dabney is quiet and reserved for the rest of the evening. It turns out that her brother had recently been in a serious accident in that same type of car and seeing it brought up those unwanted emotions. Mr. Rowe assumes that Ms. Dabney has a cold and reserved personality, thereby demonstrating

the fundamental attribution error

Group cohesiveness is particularly important for a group when

the group has formed for primarily social reasons

Your best friend has joined a cult called "The Fellowship of Feeling." He had to spend a month in a set of increasingly severe hazing rituals; pay an $8,000 membership fee; and go along to watch older members find homeless people to harass and beat up. Your friend loves this group and keeps urging you to join. What principle of dissonance is likely operating on your friend?

the justification of effort

The more important it is to people to make an accurate decision,

the more likely they are to conform to informational social influence

Which of the following is NOT a way in which schemas can become accessible in people's minds?

the more negative in content a schema is, the more likely it is to be accessible

When it comes to social dilemmas,

the most beneficial course of action for an individual will, if chosen by most people, be harmful to all in the long run.

Informational social influence is most likely to occur when

the other people around are experts and the situation is ambiguous.

Which of the following is true about cross-cultural research?

the purpose of cross-cultural research is to see which social psychological findings are universal and which are culture-bound

Social psychology is the study of

the real or imagined influence of other people

Conformity always includes

the real or imagined influence of other people.

Paul Ekman and Walter Friesen traveled to New Guinea to study the meaning of various facial expressions in the primitive South Fore tribe. What major conclusion did they reach?

the six major emotional expressions appear to be universal

Ambady and colleagues were able to conclude that the thin-sliced impressions formed by their participants were based on meaningful information because

their ratings of the silent video clips corresponded strongly with the ratings that the instructors received from their actual students at the end of the semester.

The concept of social facilitation is so named because of the idea that when the presence of others is arousing

this arousal facilitates a well-learned, dominant response

A _____________ leader is one who sets clear, short-term goals and rewards people for meeting them


Jim and Pam, a married couple, are buying a house and have narrowed their choice down to two options. Jim remembers that one house had a beautiful kitchen; Pam, however, remembers that there were roaches in the broom closet. By sharing this information with each other, Pam and Jim are using ____________ to avoid ____________

transactive memory; process loss

Briana undergoes treatment for drug addiction. After she leaves the clinic, Briana is most likely to stay off drugs if the treatment at the clinic was

voluntary (she chose to undergo treatment) and a difficult ordeal.

Informational social influence occurs

when we believe that other people's reactions can help us arrive at an accurate reading of a situation.

All of the following are examples of informational social influence EXCEPT

when you get to college, you change the way you dress so that you "fit in" better—that is, so that people will like you more

The topic that would most interest a social psychologist is

whether people's decision about whether to cheat on a test is influenced by how they imagine their friends would react if they found out

Which of the following research topics about violence is one that a social psychologist might investigate?

why some situations are more likely to provoke aggression than others

Tiffany is angry at Whitney for forgetting her birthday. To defuse her anger, Tiffany should

write about her feelings privately for 20 minutes a day for a few days to get some perspective.

Consider the prisoner's dilemma. You will receive the worst possible outcome for yourself as an individual if

you are cooperative but your partner is selfish.

Based on the "Ben Franklin effect," you are most likely to increase your liking for Tony when

you lend Tony $10.

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