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Spearman's theory of general intelligence ("g") is best described as which of the below:

A general level of intelligence that underlies our separate abilities

The theory about dreaming that states that our neurons are randomly firing and some part of our mind is trying to make sense of this is called the:

Activation-synthesis theory ✅

frontal lobe is responsible for

All of these✅ Personality/consciousness Higher level cognitive processing Planning and movement

A neuron either fires or it doesn't, it cannot fire weakly or strongly. This is known as the:

All-or-none principle ✅ Action potential Synaptic strengthening Pruning

An unconditioned stimulus (UCS) is one:

An organism has a natural, untrained response to

Which of the below is the text's definition of intelligence?

Any of these<<<<<< Being able to remember information and answer questions Having enough knowledge to be independent Having abilities that enable you to adapt to your environment and behave in a goal-directed way

Our perception depends on:

Both A and B together ✅ A. Context B. Experience Neither of these

Operant conditioning impacts whether a behavior will be repeated in the future through:

Both A and B<<< Reinforcement Punishment Neither of these

The most used consciousness-altering drug in the U.S is:

Caffeine ✅

It's fun to play peek-a-boo with babies because when you put your hands in front of your face, they think you have:

Ceased to exist because they lack object permanence

Our sense of touch is a mix of four distinct skin senses. Which of the below in NOT one of those senses?

Chemical✅ Warmth Pressure Pain

Korsakoff's syndrome is a result of________

Chronic alcoholism✅

A lion's roar travels to the ear via_________ which lands on the eat drum, allowing us to hear it

Compression of air molecules ✅

Using the same example of the drug study, the group which receives the placebo (sugar pill) instead of the antidepressant, is called the:

Control group ✅ Unlucky ones Placebo group Experimental group

Which of the following represents the correct sequential order of activation of a neuron:

Dendrites -cell body-axon-terminal buttons✅ Soma - dendrites terminal buttons --axon Axon--soma-dendrites-terminal buttons Terminal buttonsaxon--soma-dendrites

The part of the neuron that receives chemical messages is the:

Dendrites✅ Axon Soma Myelin

Fill the blank: Drugs that inhibit or slow down neural activity are called_________.

Depressants ✅

Fill the blank: "Our body has needs (e.g., hunger, thirst) which create a drive that produces a behavior to satisfy that need thus producing homoeostasis". This is the definition for ______ ______(2 words) theory.

Drive reduction ✅

Fill the blank: measuring brain waves allows researchers to determine which stage of sleep a person is in. These brain waves are measured with device called a(n)

EEG. Electroencephalogram ✅

A memory that you can describe out loud is a declarative memory, also known as a(n):

Explicit memory

T/F there are two type of photoreceptors in the eye; the more numerous cones primarily sense light or shades of gray


T/F: Crystallized intelligence is defined as the ability to solve problems.


T/F: In Pavlov's experiments, the conditioned stimulus (CS) was the meat.


In the human sexual response cycle, which of the following is true about how men and women differ?

Females do not have a refractory period

William is walking across the street when a speeding car very narrowly misses hitting him. His heart races, his body sweats, and his blood pressure soars. He is having a(n) :

Fight-or-flight response✅ HPA deactivation Activation of the parasympathetic nervous system Panic attack

Light enters the eye through the pupil, passes through the lens and is focused on a part of the retina called the

Fovea ✅

People tend to organize pieces of information into an organized whole using processes such as figure/ground, grouping, continuity, etc. this was described by theorists working in the field of:

Gestalt ✅

sleep disorders described in the book include all of the following EXCEPT:

Hypersomnia ✅ Insomnia Sleep apnea Narcolepsy ( and catalepsy)

People tend to favor the members of groups to which they themselves belong. This is known as the:

Ingroup bias

Another term for our sex drive is:


When conducting an experiment, a researcher will

Manipulate an independent variable ✅ Have a PhD Work to achieve the outcome /he wants Have sufficient funding

The satisfaction of drive sends information to the brain telling it to stop the feeling of need. This system is called:

Negative feedback system✅

When you get into your car, it dings at you until you put on your seat belt. If the intention of the car company is to increase the likelihood of you putting on your seat belt, and the annoying dinging is the removal of an unpleasant stimulus, this would be an example of which of the following:

Negative reinforcement

are the basic building blocks of the nervous system.

Neurons✅ Blood cells Glial cells Gray matter blobs

Eight-year-old Vicky asked her mother for a cookie. When her mother asked Vicky what was the "magic word", Vicky said, "Please!" The next time Vicky asked for something she said "please", demonstrating that her behavior had changed through:

Operant conditioning

The Schachter-Singer Two-Factor theory of emotion can best be summarized by which of the following:

Our body perceives an external stimulus, we respond to it emotionally, but the response depends on our interpretation (cognitive appraisal) of the stimulus.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs starts with_______ needs at the bottom

Physiological ✅

The cerebellum is an important structure in the creation and storage of:

Procedural (implicit) memories

The 3 types of eating disorders described in this chapter include all of the following EXCEPT:

Pseudo-bulbar syndrome ✅ Bulimia Anorexia Binge eating disorder

REM is also known as:

Rapid eye movement ✅

Fill in the Blank: __________________ always increases the likelihood of a behavior being repeated in the future.


The inability to recall past memories is called:

Retrograde amnesia

A researcher conducting a study into the effectiveness of an antidepressant will manipulate the amount of drug given to members of her experimental groups and then test the study participants on their feelings of depression at the end of the study. Which of the following is the dependent variable?

Scores on depression tests after administration of the drug✅ Amount of antidepressant given The response of the participants in the control group receiving a placebo Initial scores on depression tests

The parietal lobe handles our:

Sense of touch and spatial relations✅ Vision Sense of balance Motor commands and cognition

Piaget proposed that children develop through a set of specific stages. The first of the stages he described is the:

Sensorimotor stage

_________ refers to the physiological state we are born with while ______________ is determined by an innate sense as well as cultural influences.

Sex; gender

Because of the brain waves observed, stage 3 sleep is also called:

Slow waves sleep✅

The brief flashing of a message on a screen, too fast for the conscious mind to register, may influence behavior because it is unconscious perceived. This type of perception is called:

Subliminal ✅

The brain structure that serves as our biological clock is the:

Suprachiasmatic nucleus ✅

Which of the following was NOT given as one of the reasons humans need to sleep?

Time away from the stress of life✅ Restoration of body tissue and promoting growth Helping increase our immune functioning Keeping the mind alert

The hippocampus helps us remember things by:

Transferring information from short-term to long-term memory

T/F: A conditioned stimulus (CS) is defined as a formerly neutral stimulus which comes to be associated with an unconditioned stimulus through learning.


T/F: A pregnant woman who drinks during pregnancy risks having a child with fetal alcohol syndrome.


T/F: Down syndrome is caused by the presence of an extra copy of the 21st chromosome.


T/F: The James-Lange theory of emotion states that our body responds physically to an emotion-triggering event and then we experience the emotion.


T/F: The memories for how to do things like ride a bike or play an instrument are called procedural memories.


T/F: The three-stages view of memory conceptualizes short-term memory as a temporary holding tank for information that has been transferred in from sensory memory.


True/False: our ancestors behaved in ways that increased their chances of survival it's likely we have inherited these behaviors. The field that would look at these behaviors in modern humans is evolutionary psychology


T/F REM sleep is called paradoxical sleep because our brain is extremely active but our body is completely shut down


T/F the Yerkes- Dodson Curve proposes that there is ab optimal level of arousal/stress that produces the best performance.


T/F: Freud Felt that dreams consist of two levels of content: the manifest content and the latent content.


The __________ sense tells things like which way is down and which direction our body is moving in all through the sensations received from our semicircular canals. It is responsible for our sense of balance

Vestibular ✅

The Young-Helmholtz Trichromatic Theory of Color states that:

We have 3 types of cones, each sensitive to either short (red), medium (green), or (blue) wavelengths of light✅

Bandura's experiments with the Bobo doll demonstrated which of the following:

We learn from observing the behaviors of others through modeling

Which of the following describes a standardized test:

a test that uses a standard set of questions, procedures, and scoring methods for all test takers

Taran grew up with a very cute Pomeranian named Dumpling. Her dog was very cuddly and loving and so when she met her friend's Pomeranian named Lester, she expected that dog to be the same as hers. She had a moment of cognitive disequilibrium when she saw that Lester was actually quite mean and snarly. Taran's schemas about Pomeranians had to under go ______________.


Fill in the Blank: When he was 27 years old, H.M. had a surgery to help improve his epileptic seizures. The surgery removed large parts of a structure called the hippocampus. The surgery reduced his epileptic seizures but also resulted in an inability to form new memories, called ___________________ amnesia.


Fill in the Blank: When we see someone trip, we may think, "What a klutz!", focusing on an internal trait. However, when WE trip, we are more likely to focus on the situation, telling ourselves we tripped because there was a crack in the sidewalk. This is an example of the "fundamental ___________ ____________" (2 words).

attribution error

Babies begin ___________ when they make _______________________ sounds.

babbling; vowel and consonant

Correlational studies can show the relationship between two or more variables, however, they cannot be used to demonstrate

causation✅ importance relevance validity

Correlational studies can show the relationship between two or more variables, however, they cannot be used to demonstrate_________

causation✅ importance relevance validity

Neurons function by sending and receiving________messages.

chemical✅ electrical mechanical mental

The memory strategy that involves combining small bits of information to form larger bits of (more meaningful) information is known as:


Authoritative parents who set rules in a democratic way tend to have children who are:

competent,, happy, and self-confident

Fill in the Blank: People tend to use mental shortcuts when making decisions. These are also known as mental strategies that allow one to make judgments and solve problems efficiently (if not always correctly). These strategies are called _________________.


The psychodynamic perspective is an approach that focuses on:

internal unconscious mental processes, motives, and desires that may explain behavior✅ observable stimuliresponses, and consequences how a person's behaviors may help them adapt to their environment how evolution and natural selection influence human behavior

Alfred Binet quantified children's intelligence in terms of their _____________, or the age that reflects a child's mental abilities in comparison to the "average" child.

mental age

A researcher who studies her subjects in their own natural habitat, like Jane Goodall studying chimpanzees, are conducting their research using:

naturalistic observation✅ an experiment participant observation none these

Dopamine is a _________responsible for all reward, learning, and movement.

neurotransmitter✅ hormone peptide Gas

As young children begin to speak, they may exhibit ______________ in their language. For instance, they may use the word "dog" to represent any animal. In other words, they tend to use one word to symbolize all manner of similar instances.


Relationships begin with ____________ and usually grow into ______________ as time passes and intimacy increases.

passionate love; companionate love

Fill in the Blank: The smallest units of sound in a language are its ___________________.


The more it rains the more umbrellas are sold. The correlation between these two variables is a____________correlation.


Fill in the Blank: Having negative beliefs or unfair attitudes towards some group is also known as __________________.


The role of the thalamus is essentially to ________and__________sensory information to the upper consciousness.

relay; filter✅ relay;emphasize delay;respond to none of these

Fill in the Blank: According to Piaget, a mental idea, concept, or thought was termed a(n) ____________.


Fill in the Blank: The tendency to have better recall for items at the beginning and end of a list (called "primacy effect" and "recency effect", respectively). This tendency is defined by the ___________-_____________ (2 words) curve.


nfant behaviors such as general activity level, general mood, and ability to adapt to changes are all part of a baby's:


Fill in the Blank: Any environmental agent that damages a developing fetus is called a(n) _______________.


Our class wants to conduct a study examining the reported levels of happiness of the students on campus. We interview random people across the campus over the course of several days. The population of interest would be and our sample would be

the entire student population; the students we spoke to ✅ the students we spoke to; the entire student population the entire student population; only the people who fit our operational definition subject to definition everyone on campus on any given day

The current theory about how humans see colors is the

A combination of both A and B✅ A. Trichromatic Theory B. Opponent- Process theory

Our description of classical conditioning included all of the following EXCEPT:

A consequence of behavior<<<< Passive Predictive Associative

Stanley Milgram conducted experiments on obedience and found that a full _______% of subjects would give lethal electric shocks all the way up to 450 volts.


Joaquin didn't have breakfast and so while sitting in his 1pm class his stomach started growling. His friend, who had had a psychology class, leaned over and said:

"If your stomach is growlin', it must be producin' ghrelin!" ✅

Jai was overjoyed that his soccer team won the finals and found himself carried along with the ebullient crowd out of the stadium and into the street. He was surprised the next morning when he remembered helping to turn over cars and light trash cans on fire. Jai had experienced:


The first of Kubler-Ross's stages of death and dying was:


Fill in the Blank: You are the only person in your household who feeds your cat and you always feed her immediately after you get home. You realize that your cat runs to the door whenever she hears your keys, however, she does not go to the door when she hears anyone else's keys. Your cat has learned what your keys sound like while ignoring the other, similar keys. This would be an example of "stimulus _________________".


When Colette moved her dog's food from the cabinet with the squeaky door to another cabinet that didn't make noise, the dog would still come running whenever she'd open the squeaky cabinet. Eventually, the dog learned that the sound of the squeaky cabinet no longer predicted the arrival of food and stopped coming into the kitchen to be fed. This behavior is known as ______________ which can be best described as:

extinction; a decrease in behavior once the conditioned stimulus is no longer paired with the unconditioned stimulus

Fill in the Blank: A child born with a set of XX sex chromosomes will typically have a physiological sex of ____________ (male/female).


An unusually detailed and seemingly accurate memory for an emotionally charged event is called a(n):

flashbulb memory

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