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C) nine, six

16. (U2C5L8:SQ3) A natural swing of the arms is ________ inches to the front and ________ inches to the rear of the body. A) six, nine B) five, nine C) nine, six D) eight, four

D) Senate

16. (U6C3L2:V10) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. The __________ is the upper house of the U.S. Congress to which two members are elected from each state by popular vote. A) judicial B) House of Representatives C) legislative D) Senate

A) Aggressive recruitment programs

16. (U6C5L5:V7) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. ____________ are conducted by business, industry, and government to make sure that when opportunities in education and employment occur, women and members of minority groups are encouraged to apply for them. A) Aggressive recruitment programs B) Regents of University of California v. Bakke (1978) C) Quotas and group entitlements D) Preferential treatment programs


17. (U1C1L3:G12) True or False: Technicians, also called specialists, are largely responsible for commanding other enlisted personnel.

D) President Harry S. Truman

17. (U2C4L4:G12) "The buck stops here" was the leadership motto of what U.S. president? A) President Richard Nixon B) President Bill Clinton C) President Gerald Ford D) President Harry S. Truman

C) verdict

17. (U6C1L5:G14) A decision rendered by a judge or jury in a court case is a ____________. A) conclusion B) closing C) verdict D) finding

C) separated powers

17. (U6C3L3:V11) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The division of powers among different branches of government" A) balance of power B) ex post facto laws C) separated powers D) bills of attainder


9. (U6C3L4:V3) Federalist A) B) C) D)

Place Cards

A name card for a formal dinner


A palate refreshener

To close the interval between files in a column to 4 inches, the command is

"Close, MARCH"

For slight changes of direction of a column, the command is?


To temporarily halt a squad in the oblique direction, in order to correct errors, the command is

"In Place, HALT"

What command would you use to cause your platoon to make a 45-degree left turn in column?



10. (U1C1L2:G6) True or False: One of the LET goals is to get Cadets to join the military service.


10. (U6C1L1:V3) Preamble A) B) C) D)


13. (U2C1L1:V2) Direction A) B) C) D) E)

D) obedient

13. (U2C2L1:V1) Choose the synonym for the word below. Discipline A) critical B) misconduct C) disorganized D) obedient


14. (U2C1L1:V3) Leadership A) B) C) D) E)


15. (U2C1L1:V4) Motivation A) B) C) D) E)


19. (U2C6L2:V2) Delegating A) B) C) D)


20. (U2C6L2:V3) Leadership Style A) B) C) D)


22. (U1C1L9:V1) Coordinating Staff A) B) C) D) E)


24. (U1C1L9:V3) Echelon A) B) C) D) E)


31. (U2C1L3:G26) True or False: Leaders have the responsibility to do the morally right thing.

B) intolerance

28. (U6C1L2:V7) Choose the antonym for the word below. patience A) capacity B) intolerance C) endure D) respect

A) Red

61. (U1C1L6:G57) The color ____________ on the U.S. flag symbolizes hardiness and valor. A) Red B) White C) Blue


7. (U2C2L4:V1) Parade Rest A) B) C)


7. (U6C3L4:V1) Agrarian A) B) C) D)


8. (U2C2L4:V2) Attention A) B) C)

B) Give practical effect to and to ensure actual fulfillment by concrete measures

8. (U2C4L8:V2) Implementation A) B) C) D)

A) Sustained 1-1 relationship which promotes human development

8. (U2C4L9:V3) Mentoring A) B) C) D) E)

Mind Map

Used to visually organize information.


A code of behavior based on rules of a polite society

Not appropriate

Ask for a doggy bag during a formal reception

Circle Map

define, list, brainstorm, relate prior knowledge, discuss

D) Perspiration

37. (U1C1L5:G35) What is the main cause of tarnish on brass belt buckles and uniform buttons? A) Baby oil B) Friction C) Air D) Perspiration

B) President

38. (U1C1L3:G33) Commissioned officers are appointed by the ____________ and confirmed by the Senate. A) Congress B) President C) Senate D) Voting populace

B) right to vote

1. (U6C2L5:F1) What was an idea included in the early state constitutions? A) free reign of the government B) right to vote C) no checks or balances D) one supreme ruler

C) 1776

1. (U6C3L1:F1) What year did the newly independent states each create their own government? A) 1774 B) 1775 C) 1776 D) 1777

A) 1787

1. (U6C3L2:F1) What year was the second U.S. Constitution written? A) 1787 B) 1788 C) 1789 D) 1776

B) law creation branch

1. (U6C3L3:F1) Which of the following is not a branch of the federal government? A) judicial branch B) law creation branch C) legislative branch D) executive branch

B) False

1. (U6C3L4:F1) All of the delegates of the Constitutional Convention supported the adoption of the Constitution. A) True B) False


(U3C8L2:Q1) You are discussing potential service learning projects with Debra, a fellow JROTC Cadet. Debra needs some work done on her car and suggests offering a free car repair clinic to students as a service learning project since several other Cadets know how to work on cars. How do you respond to Debra's suggestion? A) Remind Debra that service learning needs to address a school or community need that relates to the JROTC curriculum. Since car repair isn't part of the curriculum, it would not be an appropriate project. B) Explain to Debra that most of the other Cadets on your service learning team do not have cars, so it would not be an appropriate service learning project. C) Tell Debra that your brother would be happy to fix her car so maybe you should think of a different project. D) Explain to Debra that service learning is only supposed to involve projects that can be done in the classroom, so she should think of another idea.


(U3C8L2:Q2) Which of the following option (A-D) is NOT a good example of being prepared for a service learning project? A) Identify alternate group leaders in case there are absences. B) Ensure that you have the correct tools and supplies to complete the service. C) Assign Cadets to work on projects according to their expertise and ability. D) Post a detailed schedule for the project and remind everyone that they must meet the posted deadlines.


(U3C8L2:Q4) Which of the following options (A-D) would NOT be a rule for Executing the Service in a service learning project: A) Ensure that you understand the task or goal at hand. If you are not sure, ask an authority. B) If you are a team leader, make sure your team members are assigned to the easiest tasks. C) If a situation or problem arises that needs an authority's attention, take what actions you can and have someone contact the person in charge. D) Arrive on time and always be courteous.


. (U3C8L2:Q3) Your service learning team is developing a plan of action for a community wide recycling drive. As you plan for all of the tasks that need to be completed, you realize that there is no way that you can accomplish a recycling drive for the whole community in the time that you have for the project. What should you do? A) Revise the project goal. Instead of trying to cover the whole community, target a realistic number of neighborhoods. B) Scrap the whole plan and try to come up with a more realistic service learning project. C) Keep going and hope that you can miraculously accomplish it all once you get going. D) Revise the plan of action document from four pages to two by deleting some of the tasks.

Use a double bubble analyze the similarities and differences between cake and pie.

Use a circle map brainstorm what you already know about a new topic.

Use a tree map categorize the main ideas and supporting details of an article you are reading.

Use a flow map describe the steps of a lab procedure in chemistry.

Use a multi flow map explain why the civil war started.

Use a bridge map identify analogies between the functions of multiplication, division, addition and subtraction.

Use a brace map show how a body can be broken into organ systems and then organs.

Use a bubble map write down adjectives describing a character from a novel.

B) "We expect to develop our personal growth skills as we participate in a variety of experiences and leadership situations to help us be better citizens. That's the mission of JROTC."

1. (U1C1L1:Q1) If someone asked you about what you expect to get out of Army JROTC, which one of the following responses would you use to best inform them about the mission and purpose of JROTC? A) "We expect to learn military skills as future soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines for our armed forces. That's the purpose of JROTC." B) "We expect to develop our personal growth skills as we participate in a variety of experiences and leadership situations to help us be better citizens. That's the mission of JROTC." C) "We expect to participate in an alternative method of normal classroom learning. That's the purpose of JROTC." D) "We expect to save our future employers training dollars by learning leadership skills in JROTC. That's the mission of JROTC."

A) B, A, D, E, C

1. (U1C1L2:Q1) Arrange the following sentences in order to best explain the evolution of Army JROTC into what it is today. (A.) Captain Alden Partridge founded the American Literary, Scientific, and Military Academy, now known as Norwich University, in Norwich, Vermont in 1819. (B.) The ancient Greeks, the Romans, the Japanese, and feudal Europeans all had their own schools for military education. (C.) Army JROTC is active in more than 1,500 high schools in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Asia, Europe, and the Caribbean. (D.) Captain Partridge's idea of combining drill practice and physical conditioning, language training, mathematics, law, and military history was so successful that it quickly spread to other schools. (E.) Congress passed the National Defense Act and created ROTC and JROTC "To motivate young people to be better citizens." A) B, A, D, E, C B) B, E, A, D, C C) B, D, A, C, E D) B, E, D, A, C


1. (U1C1L3:Q1) From highest to lowest, what is the correct order of Cadet officer ranks? A) B) C) D)

B) Honor Unit with Distinction

1. (U1C1L4:Q1) While talking about awards with some other Cadets, your friend asks everyone which award they would most like to receive. While the others talked about individual awards, you were thinking about an award that would reflect your skill as a leader. Which award are you thinking about?

C) Creating new laws

1. (U6C4L1:F1) All of the following were tasks of the First Congress except for what? A) Drafting a bill of rights B) Naming the new president and vice president C) Creating new laws D) Providing money for the government

C) The first statement is TRUE; the second is FALSE.

1. (U1C1L5:Q1) Read the following statements, and select the correct answer.The Class A uniform is worn during ceremonies, social functions, formal inspections, and as required by the Army JROTC Instructor.The Class B uniform is worn at summer camp, field training, and while participating on special teams. A) Both statements are TRUE. B) Both statements are FALSE. C) The first statement is TRUE; the second is FALSE. D) The first statement is FALSE; the second is TRUE.

C) The stars each represent a specific state

1. (U1C1L6:Q1) A fellow Cadet was giving a presentation about our nation's flag. You noticed that some of his information was not accurate. Of the following sentences in his presentation, which of the following is not true about our nation's flag? A) The stripes represent the thirteen original colonies B) The garrison flag is flown on national holidays, except in stormy or windy weather when the storm flag is flown C) The stars each represent a specific state D) President Truman and Congress designated June 14th of each year as National Flag Day

C) Set a good example of sportsmanship and respect by standing at attention and facing their flag as it is raised.

1. (U1C1L7:Q1) You and another Cadet won a trip and tickets to watch an international wrestling competition. The American wrestler in the heavyweight class lost a good match to a wrestler from another country. You know they will play that country's national anthem when they raise their flag at the awards ceremony. What should you do? A) Try to leave the arena before their national anthem is played. B) Stay for their national anthem, but turn your back to their flag, and talk with your friend. C) Set a good example of sportsmanship and respect by standing at attention and facing their flag as it is raised. D) Stay seated unless it is they play "The Star-Spangled Banner."

C) 114

1. (U1C1L8:Q1) You are the Rifle Team Commander. The vice-president of the United States is going to visit your school and you have been directed to have the Rifle Team prepare to give the gun salute, if local civic leaders allow the firing of blank rounds inside the city limits. You have six Cadets on the rifle team, and you will be giving the commands. During a gun salute, all six Cadets fire at the same time. How many blank rounds should you request for your team? A) 19 B) 21 C) 114 D) 126

B) Coordinating, Personal, Special

1. (U1C1L9:Q1) At the beginning of the Staff Meeting, the Executive Officer announced, "We'll begin with updates on personnel, operations, logistics and civil affairs. Next, we'll hear from the Command Sergeant Major, and then we'll conclude with updates from the aviation and chemical officers." What is the staff order for the meeting? A) Coordinating, Special, Special B) Coordinating, Personal, Special C) Special, Coordinating, Personal D) Personal, Special, Coordinating

C) Maintain your integrity and inform the teacher of his mistake, even if it means your squad loses; gain the respect of your competitors, instructor, and eventually, your squad

1. (U2C1L3:Q1) In an Army JROTC competition, the scores are so close that one point could mean winning or losing. On the final event, a written test, you got the lowest possible grade without failing. When your instructor was reviewing the test answers, you noticed that he marked one answer correct that should have been wrong. You have an ethical dilemma, and telling him he made a mistake will cause you to fail and could cause your squad to lose. Think about the Army Values and your personal values. What should you do? What do you stand to gain? A) Remain loyal to your squad and don't say anything; your squad could win the competition B) Remain loyal to your squad by informing the teacher of his mistake after the competition is over; more loyalty from your squad mates C) Maintain your integrity and inform the teacher of his mistake, even if it means your squad loses; gain the respect of your competitors, instructor, and eventually, your squad D) Maintain your integrity and inform the teacher of his mistake; expect to be awarded extra points for your strong values

B) be, know, do

1. (U2C1L4:F1) In the Leadership Development Program, Character describes what a leader must _____________. Competence refers to what a leader must _____________. Actions are what a leader must __________. A) do, know, be B) be, know, do C) know, be, do D) be, do, know

B) Encourage the student to avoid peers that harass them.

1. (U2C1L5:F1) Which action below would not be something done during supportive communication? A) Ask questions to understand the actions and behaviors. B) Encourage the student to avoid peers that harass them. C) Practice / role play with the student while giving feedback. D) Follow up with the student to make sure the harassment stopped.

C) "Drill helps me pay more attention to detail."

1. (U2C2L1:F1) Which statement below supports the purpose of drill? A) "Drill makes me embarrassed to be a part of my unit." B) "Drill makes me think more before acting on commands." C) "Drill helps me pay more attention to detail." D) "Drills make me tired and distracted."

A) Leaders and followers must uphold the same basic values of unit loyalty, personal responsibility, and selfless service.

1. (U2C2L2:F1) Which statement is true? A) Leaders and followers must uphold the same basic values of unit loyalty, personal responsibility, and selfless service. B) It is more important for leaders to uphold the basic values of unit loyalty, personal responsibility, and selfless service to set the example. C) Only followers must uphold the basic values of unit loyalty, personal responsibility, and selfless service since leaders can do what they want.

C) Left Face

1. (U2C2L4:F1) Which command is being executed in this picture? A) Right Face B) Parade Rest C) Left Face D) About Face

B) attention

1. (U2C2L5:F1) All marching movements executed from the "halt" are initiated from the "position of _____". A) quick time B) attention C) rest D) parade rest

B) The right flank, or number one (base) position, of the squad.

1. (U2C2L6:Q1) You are a squad leader. When your squad is formed as part of a larger formation, where should your position be? A) Three steps in front of and centered on the squad. B) The right flank, or number one (base) position, of the squad. C) Three steps to the left and centered on the squad. D) The left flank, or number one (base) position, of the squad.

A) To establish a civil authority to make laws B) To establish a civil authority to appoint officers C) To divide up the new land D) Both A and B are correct

1. (U6C2L4:F1) What was the purpose of the Mayflower Compact? A) To establish a civil authority to make laws B) To establish a civil authority to appoint officers C) To divide up the new land D) Both A and B are correct

B) specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, tangible

1. (U2C3L2:F1) While always considering the capabilities of your squad, you use the SMART Goal strategy to develop squad goals. What is the correct description for SMART Goals? A) specific, measurable, attainable, relatable, task-oriented B) specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, tangible C) scheduled, measurable, assured, realistic, tangible

C) Switch "positions" and "interests"

1. (U2C4L3:Q1) Read carefully the following paragraph and select the correct option (A-D). Principled negotiation is neither soft (giving in) or hard (controlling). It is based on the criteria for fair negotiations, and focused on a win/win for all parties. Principled centered negotiations have four points: Separate the people from the problem; focus on positions, not interests; generate as many options as possible; and base results on agreed upon objectives and standards. A) Replace "objectives and standards" with "number of concessions" B) Replace "as many options as possible" with "an option that specifies your goal" C) Switch "positions" and "interests" D) Switch "giving in" and "controlling"

C) Not creating an agenda

1. (U2C4L5:F1) All of the following are considered important for a successful meeting except for what? A) Clarify purpose B) Schedule meeting C) Not creating an agenda D) Define outcomes

B) To produce mastery and independence

1. (U2C4L6:F1) What is the ultimate goal of leadership? A) To keep team members under control B) To produce mastery and independence C) Keep team members dependent on the leader D) None of the above

A) Teamwork

1. (U2C4L7:F1) The cooperative effort or action on the part of a number of people working together, especially to achieve a common goal is known as what? A) Teamwork B) Cooperate C) Followership D) Actions

D) Project management

1. (U2C4L8:F1) The process of planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling the production of a system is known as what? A) Gantt system B) PERT chart C) Implementation D) Project management

A) The Cadet should come to attention, reply "Here, Sir/Ma'am," take one 15 inch step backward, halt, face to the right (left) in marching, and exit the formation by marching to the nearest flank.

1. (U2C5L1:Q1) While in formation, the Platoon Leader calls "Cadet Private Wilson, Front and Center." What should Cadet Wilson, who is in the center of the second rank, do? A) The Cadet should come to attention, reply "Here, Sir/Ma'am," take one 15 inch step backward, halt, face to the right (left) in marching, and exit the formation by marching to the nearest flank. B) The Cadet should come to attention, turn his head and eyes toward the Platoon Leader, and wait for further instructions. C) The Cadet should come to attention, reply "Here, Sir/Ma'am," take two steps back and move around the closest flank to a position in front, and centered on, the Company Commander or First Sergeant. D) The Cadet should come to attention, reply "Here, Sir/Ma'am," and move through first squad to a position in front of the Platoon Leader.

C) your actions and behavior

1. (U2C5L2:F1) What are the main factors that will determine the morale of your team members and the degree they are willing to work as a team to accomplish your goals? A) your reputation and planning skills B) your appearance and intelligence C) your actions and behavior D) your age and actions


1. (U2C5L3:F1) True or False. Company drill provides the procedures for executing squad drill in conjunction with other squads in the same formation.


1. (U2C5L4:F1) True or False. The Color Guard is not a part of battalion drill.

B) Route Step

1. (U2C5L5:F1) Which of the following is not a stationary movement? A) Attention B) Route Step C) Facing Movements D) Saluting

A) When giving commands B) When changing positions C) Both A and B are correct

1. (U2C5L8:F1) You will want to assume the "carry saber" position under what situations? A) When giving commands B) When changing positions C) Both A and B are correct D) None of the above

D) Communication Process

1. (U2C6L4:F1) What process does this graphic represent? A) Transference Process B) Intelligence Process C) Emotional Process D) Communication Process

B) purpose

1. (U6C1L1:F1) The Preamble establishes the _____ of the Constitution. A) authors B) purpose C) conclusion D) audience

A) Action Steps

1. (U6C1L4:Q1) "The tasks needed to put a decision into effect can be assigned to fellow students or small groups. The tasks can include writing letters, conducting research, preparing and conducting presentations, and arranging meetings with influential people." The above passage illustrates part of the detailed representative group session agenda. Which part is it? A) Action Steps B) Representative Issue Discussion C) Small Group Evaluation D) Small Group Meeting

B) The goals and purpose of Chief Justice®

1. (U6C1L5:Q2) "Students are encouraged to read and learn about the U.S. Constitution, and develop their own views affecting society. They practice critical thinking skills in an organized and entertaining learning environment. Players develop research skills, public speaking skills, and citizenship skills while learning the morals and ethics contained in the U.S. Constitution." The previous paragraph describes an aspect of the Chief Justice® Game. Which is it? A) The rules of Chief Justice® B) The goals and purpose of Chief Justice® C) The duties of the jury in Chief Justice® D) The process for jury deliberations in Chief Justice®

C) natural rights

1. (U6C2L1:F1) The doctrine that assumes that human beings had rights in a "state of nature" and create government in order to protect those rights is known as what? A) civil rights B) political rights C) natural rights D) right of revolution

A) True

1. (U6C2L2:F1) Many of the buildings in Washington, D.C. are in the "classical" style, symbolizing our nation's indebtedness to the ideas of ancient Greece and Rome. A) True B) False

A) Contracts between lords and vassals

1. (U6C2L3:F1) Feudal government depends on what? A) Contracts between lords and vassals B) Keeping slaves under control C) Keeping the vassals' salaries high D) None of the above

B) False

1. (U6C4L2:F1) The provisions in the Constitution only provide for the rights of individual citizens. There are no provisions for persons holding office in the federal government. A) True B) False

D) judicial review

1. (U6C4L4:F1) The power of a court to adjudicate the constitutionality of the laws of a government or the acts of a government official is known as what? A) judicial power B) judicial decision C) judicial court D) judicial review

A) Article VI

1. (U6C4L5:F1) What Article says that the federal government is superior to state government? A) Article VI B) Article V C) Article III D) Article IV

B) False

1. (U6C5L1:F1) President Lincoln's main goal of the Civil War was to free all slaves. A) True B) False

A) the right to vote

1. (U6C5L2:F1) Which is NOT a key provision or purpose of the Fourteenth Amendment? A) the right to vote B) privileges and immunities C) due process of law D) equal protection of laws

B) nonviolent direct action

1. (U6C5L3:F1) Peaceful tactics used as a means of gaining one's civil or political ends is known as what? A) separate but equal doctrine B) nonviolent direct action C) civil disobedience D) token integration

D) suffrage

1. (U6C5L4:F1) A vote cast in deciding a disputed question or in electing a person to office is known as what? A) franchise B) referenda C) voting rights D) suffrage

D) financial background

1. (U6C5L5:F1) In recent years, the Fourteenth Amendment's equal protection clause has been expanded to include all of the following but what? A) age B) gender C) ethnic background D) financial background

C) unique

10. (U1C1L1:V4) Choose the word that best matches the definition below."Being the only one of its kind." A) Cadet B) opportunities C) unique D) JROTC

A) Rank and grade

10. (U1C1L3:G5) The two terms used by the military to classify soldiers are ___________ and __________. A) Rank and grade B) Officer and enlisted C) Male and female D) Retired and active duty

D) The principal of a school

10. (U1C1L4:G6) Who awards the Distinguished Cadet Award for Scholastic Excellence? A) The JROTC Senior Army Instructor B) The Battalion commander C) Your first or master sergeant D) The principal of a school

C) Army Combat (ACU)

10. (U1C1L5:G7) The appropriate dress for summer camp and for participation on special teams is the _____________ uniform. A) Class A B) Class B C) Army Combat (ACU) D) Military Dress Blue

D) Garrison, post, and storm

10. (U1C1L6:G6) Name the three most common types of U.S. flags. A) Small, medium, and large B) Small, regulation, and garrison C) Storm, regulation, and foul weather D) Garrison, post, and storm

A) John Philip Sousa's "The Stars and Stripes Forever"

10. (U1C1L7:G7) Name the author and title of the national march of the U.S. A) John Philip Sousa's "The Stars and Stripes Forever" B) Frances Scott Keys' "Star Spangled Banner" C) Katherine Lee Bates' "America the Beautiful" D) John Philip Sousa's "Hands Across the Sea"

B) "Reporting"

10. (U1C1L8:G6) _____________ is requesting and obtaining permission to speak to a senior officer or being notified that a senior officer wants to speak with you. A) "Requesting" B) "Reporting" C) "Chain of command" D) "Saluting"

A) Developing concepts for estimates and plans; processing and disseminating their guidance and concepts; ensuring coordination of the effort of the command; and supervising the execution of decisions.

10. (U1C1L9:G6) What are four command functions a commander should not delegate? A) Developing concepts for estimates and plans; processing and disseminating their guidance and concepts; ensuring coordination of the effort of the command; and supervising the execution of decisions. B) Developing plans; assigning personnel; disciplining personnel; writing after-action reviews. C) Developing concepts for estimates and plans; processing and disseminating their guidance and concepts; ensuring coordination of the effort of the command; and supervising and micromanaging every aspect of the implementation. D) Developing the budget; processing and disseminating their guidance and concepts; ensuring coordination of the effort of the command; and supervising the execution of decisions.

C) Authority, persuasion, example

10. (U2C1L1:G5) "Influence" is defined as the power to control or affect others by _________, _________, or __________. A) Coercion, force, discipline B) Bribery, intimidation, threats C) Authority, persuasion, example D) Position, assignment, default

A) Concerned for the expectations and assignments of the task.

10. (U2C1L2:G6) Explain what is meant by the "structural behaviors" of leadership. A) Concerned for the expectations and assignments of the task. B) Abiding by one's chain of command. C) Providing structured feedback on the performance of peers. D) To correct drill mistakes on the parade field.

A) Respect the U.S. Constitution and its laws, demonstrate strong moral character and virtue, and show faithfulness to family, friends, and peers.

10. (U2C1L3:G5) What are the three things you must do to exhibit the value of loyalty? A) Respect the U.S. Constitution and its laws, demonstrate strong moral character and virtue, and show faithfulness to family, friends, and peers. B) Recognize every human's dignity, arrive on time to events, and create a climate of fairness. C) Salute the flag, follow the chain of command, and show consideration for others. D) Put the welfare of others first, be self-introspective, and focus on community service.

A) An opinion or judgment that criticizes or condemns sternly.

10. (U2C1L4:G5) A leader conducts him or herself so that personal habits are not open to censure. Define "censure." A) An opinion or judgment that criticizes or condemns sternly. B) To tighten one's belt or one's hold on an object. C) Another word for praise or kudos. D) The act of revealing one's flaws to others to gain acceptance within a group.

C) date rape

10. (U2C1L5:V5) Choose the word that best describes the scenario below. After the prom Megan and John were alone together. Even though Megan made it clear she didn't want to have sex with John, he forced himself on her telling her she owed him for taking her to the prom. What happened to Megan in this situation? A) sexism B) sexual harassment C) date rape D) cheating

A) Drill

10. (U2C2L1:G5) A ____________ is used to move troops and equipment from one location to another in a quick and orderly manner. A) Drill B) Maneuver C) Road march D) 30-inch step


10. (U2C2L2:G5) True or False: The command "ready, aim, fire" is a two-part command that contains two preparatory commands.

B) a properly given command said in a tone that is understood by everyone.

10. (U2C2L3:V3) What is the definition of the term "command voice"? A) a part of a drill command that tells when the movement is to be carried out. B) a properly given command said in a tone that is understood by everyone. C) a series of steps followed in a regular, definite order. D) the act or process of making something ready for use or service.


10. (U2C2L4:V4) Facing: Pivoting movement executed while stationery to orient the body left, right, or opposite current position. What type of face is shown in the picture?

D) rest

10. (U2C2L5:V3) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A relaxed form of march without a set cadence to conserve troops' energy." A) double time B) halt C) quick time D) rest E) steps

A) two arms' distance between troops in rank formation

10. (U2C2L6:V5) What is the definition of the term "double interval"? A) two arms' distance between troops in rank formation B) elbow's distance between troops in rank formation C) to form up in ranks, facing forward the length of formation D) single arm's distance between troops in rank

C) interpersonal skills

10. (U2C3L1:V5) Choose the phrase that best matches the definition below. "Ability to work with and positively relate to other people." A) interceptual skills B) conceptual skills C) interpersonal skills D) technical skills

C) Self concept

10. (U2C4L1:G5) __________ is how one sees one's self and one's situation in life. A) Self denial B) Self respect C) Self concept D) Stress

B) Duty

10. (U2C4L2:G6) Leaders who fulfill obligations and carry out mission requirements exhibit the value of ___________. A) Honor B) Duty C) Integrity D) Loyalty

D) Understanding the problem, selecting strategies, and looking back and checking the answer

10. (U2C4L4:G5) The three steps in the problem-solving model of leadership are _________, __________, and _________. A) Understanding leadership principles, selecting strategies, and looking back and checking the answer B) Finding a project, selecting strategies, and looking back and checking the answer C) Researching the problem, selecting strategies, and looking back and checking the answer D) Understanding the problem, selecting strategies, and looking back and checking the answer

C) To have the charge and direction of; to oversee

10. (U2C4L6:V4) Supervising A) B) C) D) E)

B) action

10. (U2C4L7:V4) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "Behavior or conduct." A) self-reliance B) action C) constructive criticism D) self-discipline

A) Process of planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling the production system.

10. (U2C4L8:V4) Project Management A) B) C) D)

E) An oversimplified opinion, belief, or viewpoint

10. (U2C4L9:V5) Stereotypes A) B) C) D) E)

B) a space between actions

10. (U2C5L1:V4) What is the definition of the word "interval"? A) to turn in place B) a space between actions C) the right or left side of any formation as seen by a person (or element) within that formation D) the distance between Cadets in a column

B) Develop teamwork so as to instill respect, obedience, and cooperation in the platoon.

10. (U2C5L2:Q9) Which of the following statements is a responsibility of a platoon leader? A) Enforce all orders you receive from superiors without question. B) Develop teamwork so as to instill respect, obedience, and cooperation in the platoon. C) Share with your platoon sergeant complaints you may have about difficult orders. D) Develop a spirit of teamwork within the platoon.

D) arc

10. (U2C5L3:V5) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. When changing the direction of march in mass formation they continue marching in a(n) _____ until they are parallel to the new direction of march. A) mark time B) base C) line D) arc

B) drill movements executed while remaining in place

10. (U2C5L5:V3) What is the definition of the term "stationary movements"? A) visual evaluation B) drill movements executed while remaining in place C) groups of people aligned in a specific pattern D) executing a pre-defined set of movements

C) pistol belt

10. (U2C5L8:V3) What is the name of the belt designed to carry a holster, pistol, ammunition pouches and/or other field equipment? A) ammunition belt B) holster belt C) pistol belt D) equipment belt

B) Referent

10. (U2C6L1:G6) ____________ power is based on admiration and is frequently used in advertising. A) Positional B) Referent C) Coercive D) Expert

B) They seek advice from others yet still make the final decisions and are responsible for those decisions.

10. (U2C6L2:G5) What is the participating style of leadership? A) They are confident in their teams and they delegate most work to subordinates. B) They seek advice from others yet still make the final decisions and are responsible for those decisions. C) The leader praises, listens to, and mentors subordinates. D) They tell their team what to do, when to do it, how to do it. They closely supervise the team.

C) To identify, set aside, and gather required resources according to plan

10. (U2C6L3:G5) What does it mean to "allocate" resources? A) To find supplies of resources B) To gather together resources C) To identify, set aside, and gather required resources according to plan D) To list all resources that will be needed for a project

A) Self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, empathy and effective relationships

10. (U2C6L4:G5) Name the five competencies for managing emotions. A) Self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, empathy and effective relationships B) Self-enlightenment, self-discipline, self-esteem, empathy, and effective relationships C) Self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, sympathy, and effective communication skills D) None of the above


10. (U3C8L2:G6) What is an exploratory project in Service Learning? A) A student-centered discussion about a service learning project B) A teacher-planned introductory project designed to introduce students to service learning and provide them with a meaningful experience C) A student leader's evaluation concerning the merits of several projects D) A service learning project designed to explore new solutions to existing local social problems

B) patience

10. (U6C1L2:G7) The citizenship skill of knowing when to act and when to wait is called ____________. A) virtue B) patience C) honesty D) discipline

A) Small group meetings; Representative issue discussion B) Large discussion; Action steps C) Small group evaluation; Homework assignments D) All of the above

10. (U6C1L4:G6) What items are covered in a representative group session agenda? A) Small group meetings; Representative issue discussion B) Large discussion; Action steps C) Small group evaluation; Homework assignments D) All of the above

D) Chief Justice®

10. (U6C1L5:G7) The game _______________ is used to teach Cadets about the U.S. form of democratic government by asking for critical thinking on important moral and ethical issues. A) We the People B) L.E. C) Citizenship D) Chief Justice®

A) hierarchical

10. (U6C2L2:V4) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "Organized or classified according to rank, capacity, or authority" A) hierarchical B) papacy C) mixed government D) providence

C) vassal

10. (U6C2L3:V4) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. A man who received land from the lord was known as a ________ as he served his lord and was entitled to be protected by him. A) realm B) manorialism C) vassal D) common law

A) writ of assistance

10. (U6C2L4:V4) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "A document giving a governmental authority the power to search and seize property without restrictions" A) writ of assistance B) Stamp Act Congress C) Intolerable Acts D) constituents

C) As used in describing a legal system, refers to the superiority of one set of laws over another

10. (U6C2L5:V4) What is the definition of the term "higher law"? A) The inviolable power to cancel or nullify a legislative act B) Refers to those clauses in the U.S. Constitution that protect individuals from unreasonable and unfair governmental procedures C) As used in describing a legal system, refers to the superiority of one set of laws over another D) The state or condition of serving as an official delegate, agent, or spokesperson


10. (U6C3L1:V4) National Government A) B) C) D)

A) delegates

10. (U6C3L2:V4) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. People chosen to act for or represent others are known as __________. A) delegates B) Virginia Plan C) executive D) Framers

C) balance of power

10. (U6C3L3:V4) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The division of governmental powers in such a way that no one individual or group can dominate or control the exercise of power by others" A) necessary and proper clause B) bills of attainder C) balance of power D) fugitive slave clause


10. (U6C3L4:V4) Ratify A) B) C) D)

B) A district court of law and equity that hears cases under federal jurisdiction

10. (U6C4L1:V4) What is the definition of the term "federal district court"? A) Government characterized by specialization of functions, adherence to fixed rules, and hierarchy of authority B) A district court of law and equity that hears cases under federal jurisdiction C) The President's handpicked advisors, each in charge of a different government office or department D) An act to establish the Judicial Courts of the United States

C) An act of legislature that inflicts punishment on an individual or group without a judicial trial

10. (U6C4L2:V4) What is the definition of the term "bills of attainder"? A) A criminal law that makes an act a crime that was not a crime when committed, that increases the penalty for a crime after it was committed, or that changes the rules of evidence to make conviction easier B) A judicial mandate to a prison official ordering that an inmate be brought to the court so it can be determined whether or not that person is imprisoned lawfully and whether or not he should be released from custody C) An act of legislature that inflicts punishment on an individual or group without a judicial trial D) The constitutional process whereby the House of Representatives may accuse high officers of the federal government of misconduct and place them on trial in the Senate

C) precedents

10. (U6C4L4:V5) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "Legal principle, created by a court decision, which provides an example of authority for judges deciding similar issues later." A) writ of mandamus B) legal remedy C) precedents D) original jurisdiction


10. (U6C4L5:V4) Supremacy Clause A) B) C) D) E)


10. (U6C5L1:V4) Sectionalism A) B) C) D)

C) incorporation

10. (U6C5L2:V4) Choose the term that best describes the scenario below. John learned that the Fourteenth Amendment became a means by which the federal government was able to prevent state and local governments from violating individual rights. This was able to happen because most of the Bill of Rights was included in the Fourteenth Amendment. Including the Bill of Rights is also known as what? A) due process B) procedural due process C) incorporation D) double jeopardy

A) token integration

10. (U6C5L3:V4) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "A show of accommodation to the principle of racial integration by small, merely formal concessions" A) token integration B) civil disobedience C) nonviolent direct action D) National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

A) The submission of a proposed public measure or actual statue to a direct popular vote

10. (U6C5L4:V5) What is the definition of the word "referenda"? A) The submission of a proposed public measure or actual statue to a direct popular vote B) A privilege or right officially granted to a person or group by a government C) Right of citizens to vote D) A vote cast in deciding a disputed question or in electing a person to office

C) quotas and group entitlements

10. (U6C5L5:V1) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. The use of ____________ in education and employment had led to claims of unfairness from those who do not belong to groups receiving preferential treatment. A) aggressive recruitment programs B) reverse discrimination C) quotas and group entitlements D) remedial programs

C) The contingency approach of the 1960s to the present.

11. (U2C1L2:G7) What approach to leadership discerned that there is no one best way to lead? A) The confidence approach of the 1980s. B) The eclectic approach of the 1990s. C) The contingency approach of the 1960s to the present. D) The free-for-all approach of the 1950s.

D) Respect

11. (U2C1L3:G6) ___________ is recognition of the positive value a person represents to another person or organization. A) Self-control B) Loyalty C) Integrity D) Respect

C) Purpose, direction, motivation

11. (U2C1L4:G6) Name three "DO" things that a leader must provide. A) Food, water, shelter B) Listening, evaluating, encouraging C) Purpose, direction, motivation D) Supervision, encouragement, evaluation

C) motivate

11. (U1C1L1:V5) Choose the word that best matches the definition below."Provide a need or a purpose that causes a person to want to do something." A) challenges B) opportunities C) motivate D) JROTC


11. (U1C1L2:G7) True or False: One of the LET goals is to teach Cadets conflict resolution skills.

A) Rank is a title indicating a Soldier's position and responsibility, while grade is a letter/number combination denoting a Soldier's pay rate.

11. (U1C1L3:G6) Explain the difference between the military terms "ranks" and "grade." A) Rank is a title indicating a Soldier's position and responsibility, while grade is a letter/number combination denoting a Soldier's pay rate. B) Rank applies only to enlisted Soldiers, while grade applies to officers. C) Rank is from O-2 to O-6, while grade is from PFC to E-8. D) Rank has to do with a drill movement, while grade refers to LET-level.

B) To an outstanding Cadet at each installation who contributed the most to encourage and demonstrate Americanism.

11. (U1C1L4:G7) To whom is the National Sojourners Award given? A) To a Cadet who travels extensively abroad. B) To an outstanding Cadet at each installation who contributed the most to encourage and demonstrate Americanism. C) To a Cadet who demonstrates academic excellence. D) To a Cadet who demonstrates superior physical fitness.

A) With the front vertical crease of the cap centered on the forehead in a straight line with the nose and tilted slightly to the right but not touching the ear.

11. (U1C1L5:G8) How is the garrison cap positioned on the head? A) With the front vertical crease of the cap centered on the forehead in a straight line with the nose and tilted slightly to the right but not touching the ear. B) With the back vertical crease of the cap centered on the forehead in a straight line with the nose and tilted slightly to the right touching the ear. C) With the front vertical crease of the cap centered on the forehead in a straight line with the nose and tilted slightly to the left but not touching the ear. D) With the back vertical crease touching the nape of the neck tilted slightly towards the right ear.

B) The 20 feet by 38 feet garrison flag is flown at government buildings and military installations on all national holidays and for special occasions declared by the President.

11. (U1C1L6:G7) What is the size and use of a garrison flag? A) The 10 feet by 19 feet flag is used for general display. B) The 20 feet by 38 feet garrison flag is flown at government buildings and military installations on all national holidays and for special occasions declared by the President. C) The 5 feet by 9½ feet flag is used during storms and windy weather. D) The 30 feet by 60 feet flag is displayed from atop multi-story buildings.

D) The driver must stop the vehicle, step out of the vehicle, face the flag or music, stand at attention, and salute until the last note is

11. (U1C1L7:G8) What are the responsibilities of a driver who is in uniform on a military base when the driver hears the national anthem? A) The driver has no responsibilities as long as he or she remains in the car. B) The driver must pull to the side of the road, as if for a fire truck or ambulance. C) The driver must stop and stand until he or she thinks enough time has passed for the flag to be lowered. D) The driver must stop the vehicle, step out of the vehicle, face the flag or music, stand at attention, and salute until the last note is played.

D) When an officer enters the office for the first time each day.

11. (U1C1L8:G7) When is it appropriate to call a room to attention? A) When those in the room should be silent. B) When announcements are made over a public address system. C) When the battalion Cadet executive officer enters the room. D) When an officer enters the office for the first time each day.

C) To spread or disperse.

11. (U1C1L9:G7) Leaders "disseminate" information to subordinates. What does "disseminate" mean? A) To put complex ideas into simple language so they are easily understood by subordinates. B) To use informal channels such as grapevine communications to spread information. C) To spread or disperse. D) To control the flow of information.

C) Realize the need for change, have a positive attitude towards change, and follow through

11. (U2C1L1:G6) The three steps for changing negative behavior are ____________, ____________, and _____________. A) Reinforce them, ignore them, and confirm them B) See them as habits, have others point them out to you, and work on them C) Realize the need for change, have a positive attitude towards change, and follow through D) The 30-inch step, the 15-inch step, and the half step

D) forum

11. (U6C1L5:G8) A __________ is a place or opportunity for discussion and participation. A) group B) team C) unit D) forum

A) In complete or perfect agreement; at the same time.

11. (U2C2L1:G6) Define "unison" - as in, "to move in unison." A) In complete or perfect agreement; at the same time. B) A chest to hold ammunition. C) An oral order of a commander or leader. D) A signal to a subordinate to execute a drill movement.

C) "As you were"

11. (U2C2L2:G6) What is the command for revoking a preparatory command? A) "At Ease" B) "Revoke" C) "As you were" D) "Fall In"

C) a series of steps followed in a regular, definite order.

11. (U2C2L3:V4) What is the definition of the term "procedure"? A) a part of a drill command that tells when the movement is to be carried out. B) a properly given command said in a tone that is understood by everyone. C) a series of steps followed in a regular, definite order. D) the act or process of making something ready for use or service.

B) Rest

11. (U2C2L4:V5) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A position where you remain standing with your right foot in place; in certain situations, you may move or talk in this position unless otherwise directed." A) Salute B) Rest C) At Ease D) Attention

C) quick time

11. (U2C2L5:V4) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "Standard marching pace of 120 steps per minute." A) double time B) halt C) quick time D) rest E) steps

D) to form up in column

11. (U2C2L6:V6) What is the definition of the word "file"? A) to march in position B) to turn in position C) the side of the formation, either left or right D) to form up in column

B) negative self image

11. (U2C4L1:G6) Positive or negative self image A Cadet you know brags about his ability to run long distances. He is also a very private person who gets very defensive if you ask about decisions he has made. This Cadet probably has a ______________. A) positive self image B) negative self image

B) Respect

11. (U2C4L2:G7) Leaders who create a climate of fairness and are discrete when correcting or questioning others exhibit the value of ____________. A) Duty B) Respect C) Loyalty D) Honesty

B) An event that may occur but is unlikely or unintended; an unforeseen or accidental occurrence that must be planned for, such as a future emergency

11. (U2C4L4:G6) What is a "contingency?" A) An event that is most likely or most intended to occur; a planned and anticipated event B) An event that may occur but is unlikely or unintended; an unforeseen or accidental occurrence that must be planned for, such as a future emergency

E) To cause to know something, or to know how

11. (U2C4L6:V5) Teaching A) B) C) D) E)

A) followership

11. (U2C4L7:V5) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "Accepting the guidance or leadership of another; the capacity or willingness to follow a leader." A) followership B) self-reliance C) constructive criticism D) dedication

B) a formation in which people or elements are side by side or abreast of each other

11. (U2C5L1:V5) What is the definition of the word "line"? A) the arrangement of people or elements of a unit in a prescribed manner B) a formation in which people or elements are side by side or abreast of each other C) a space between actions D) to turn in place

B) fulfill

11. (U2C5L2:V1) Choose the synonym for the word below. implement A) cancel B) fulfill C) hinder D) delay

A) guide

11. (U2C5L3:V6) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. A(n) _____ is one that leads or directs another's way. A) guide B) base C) post D) arc

A) a precise stepping movement designed to facilitate the efficient movement of formations

11. (U2C5L5:V4) What is the definition of the word "marching"? A) a precise stepping movement designed to facilitate the efficient movement of formations B) drill movements executed while remaining in place C) visual evaluation D) executing a pre-defined set of movements

C) Port

11. (U2C5L8:V4) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. _____ is to carry a weapon diagonally across the body, with the muzzle (or blade) near the left shoulder. A) Saber B) Cant C) Port D) Guard


11. (U2C6L1:G7) True or False: Controlling or relinquishing power or influence are both two-way approaches to influencing.

A) When the team is competent and supports the leader's goals.

11. (U2C6L2:G6) When is the participating style of leadership most warranted? A) When the team is competent and supports the leader's goals. B) When the team is immature and needs to learn small-group dynamics. C) When the team is easily coached and manipulated into supporting the leader's goals. D) When the leadership is too busy to supervise and wants to delegate tasks.


11. (U2C6L3:G6) True or False: Leaders have direct control over the managerial actions of their teammates.

C) An awareness of one's own emotions and where they are coming from.

11. (U2C6L4:G6) What is self-awareness? A) An awareness of one's body type. B) An awareness of one's limitations. C) An awareness of one's own emotions and where they are coming from. D) An awareness of how others perceive you and the ability to change to match their perceptions.


11. (U3C8L2:G7) Learning that helps students gain practical knowledge, skills, or practice from direct observation or participation in an activity or event is called ___________. A) experiential learning B) active learning C) effective lecture method D) active listening


11. (U6C1L1:V4) Responsible Parties A) B) C) D)

C) Fairness

11. (U6C1L2:G8) ____________ is the citizenship skill that is designed to help people temper their individual desires with the needs of society as a whole. A) Selflessness B) Honesty C) Fairness D) Centeredness

A) True

11. (U6C1L4:G7) T or F: The purpose of the small group meeting, as the first agenda item for a representative group session, is to discuss the issue, obtain a majority vote on the issue, and to brief the representative on the small group's thoughts and feelings. A) True B) False

C) common good

11. (U6C2L2:V5) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The good of the community as a whole" A) classical republicanism B) representative democracy C) common good D) public and private morality

A) realm

11. (U6C2L3:V5) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. A kingdom is also known as a ________. A) realm B) charters C) due process of law D) tenets

C) Boston Tea Party

11. (U6C2L4:V5) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "In an act of rebellion against British authority, and in particular to protest British taxes on tea imported to the colonies, a band of colonists boarded ships in Boston Harbor and destroyed thousands of dollars worth of tea by throwing it overboard" A) The Laws and Liberties B) Stamp Act Congress C) Boston Tea Party D) Intolerable Acts

B) A system of government in which the legislative branch has the most power

11. (U6C2L5:V5) What is the definition of the term "legislative supremacy"? A) The inviolable power to cancel or nullify a legislative act B) A system of government in which the legislative branch has the most power C) As used in describing a legal system, refers to the superiority of one set of laws over another D) The state or condition of serving as an official delegate, agent, or spokesperson

C) Philadelphia Convention

11. (U6C3L2:V5) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. The meeting in which the Constitution of the United States was drafted is known as the ____________. A) Virginia Plan B) House of Representatives C) Philadelphia Convention D) proportional representation

A) judicial review

11. (U6C3L3:V5) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The power of the courts to declare laws and actions of the local, state, or national government invalid if the courts decide they are unconstitutional" A) judicial review B) appellate jurisdiction C) enumerated powers D) executive departments

B) A criminal law that makes an act a crime that was not a crime when committed, that increases the penalty for a crime after it was committed, or that changes the rules of evidence to make conviction easier

11. (U6C4L2:V5) What is the definition of the term "ex post facto laws"? A) A condition or requirement in a legal document B) A criminal law that makes an act a crime that was not a crime when committed, that increases the penalty for a crime after it was committed, or that changes the rules of evidence to make conviction easier C) An act of legislature that inflicts punishment on an individual or group without a judicial trial D) The constitutional process whereby the House of Representatives may accuse high officers of the federal government of misconduct and place them on trial in the Senate

A) unconstitutional

11. (U6C4L4:V6) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "Not in keeping with the basic principles or laws set forth in the Constitution of a state or country, especially the Constitution of the United States." A) unconstitutional B) legal remedy C) writ of mandamus D) precedents


11. (U6C4L5:V5) Unitary Government A) B) C) D) E)

A) due process

11. (U6C5L2:V5) Choose the term that best describes the scenario below. Jessica learned in government class that the government cannot deprive any person their rights to life, liberty, and property. What would this principle be? A) due process B) selective incorporation C) procedural due process D) selective incorporation

D) separate but equal doctrine

11. (U6C5L3:V5) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The argument, once upheld by the Supreme Court, that separate public facilities were constitutional if the facilities were of equal quality" A) Civil Rights Act of 1964 B) nonviolent direct action C) token integration D) separate but equal doctrine

C) Right of citizens to vote

11. (U6C5L4:V6) What is the definition of the term "Fifteenth Amendment"? A) The right of citizens of the U.S. to vote in any election for President or Vice President shall not be denied by the U.S. or any state by reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax B) A privilege or right officially granted to a person or group by a government C) Right of citizens to vote D) A vote cast in deciding a disputed question or in electing a person to office

A) Remedial programs

11. (U6C5L5:V2) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. ___________ are designed to help students with particular educational and economic needs gain the basic skills to succeed in school and in the job market. A) Remedial programs B) Aggressive recruitment programs C) Quotas and group entitlements D) Preferential treatment programs

D) mixed government

15. (U6C2L2:V9) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "A government composed of some of the powers of a monarchical, aristocratical, and democratical government" A) nation-state B) papacy C) hierarchical D) mixed government

A) challenges

12. (U1C1L1:V6) Choose the word that best matches the definition below."To arouse the interest of one's actions or efforts; to stimulate; the quality of requiring full use of one's abilities, energy, and resources; to demand identification from someone before they are allowed to enter or pass." A) challenges B) opportunities C) motivate D) mission

C) 1916

12. (U1C1L2:G8) JROTC was established in the year ___________ by an act of Congress. A) 1942 B) 1902 C) 1916 D) 1776

D) Enlisted Soldiers

12. (U1C1L3:G7) What category of Soldier holds the grades of E-1 through E-9? A) Retired Soldiers B) Officers C) Army Reserve Soldiers D) Enlisted Soldiers

C) Legion of Valor Bronze Cross for Achievement.

12. (U1C1L4:G8) The annual award presented to a LET 3 Cadet for achievement of scholastic excellence in military and academic subjects and development of leadership is the ____________. A) The Recruiting Ribbon. B) National Sojourners Award. C) Legion of Valor Bronze Cross for Achievement. D) President's Physical Fitness Award.

A) Grade insignias

12. (U1C1L5:G9) What insignia's do Cadet officers wear on their garrison caps? A) Grade insignias B) Unit insignias C) Sublevel insignias D) They don't wear insignias on caps.

D) The 10 feet by 19 feet flag is for general display when the garrison flag is not appropriate.

12. (U1C1L6:G8) What is the size and use of the post flag? A) The 20 feet by 38 feet flag is flown at government and military installations. B) The 5 feet by 9½ feet flag is used during storms and windy weather. C) The 30 feet by 60 feet flag is flown from atop multi-story buildings. D) The 10 feet by 19 feet flag is for general display when the garrison flag is not appropriate.

A) The driver must step out of the vehicle, face the flag or music, stand at attention, and place the right hand over the heart until the last note is played.

12. (U1C1L7:G9) What are the responsibilities of a driver who is not in uniform on a military base when the driver hears the national anthem? A) The driver must step out of the vehicle, face the flag or music, stand at attention, and place the right hand over the heart until the last note is played. B) The driver must remain in the car, face the flag or music, and sit with good posture until the music ends. C) The driver must pull to the side of the road, facing the car to the flag or music, and wait patiently for the music to end. D) The driver has no obligations and may proceed to his or her destination.


12. (U3C8L2:V1) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. An instructional strategy that promotes active learning, where problems form the focus, and learning stimulus and problem solving skills are utilized, is known as ______________. A) problem-based learning B) exploratory project C) training D) field education

D) The common spirit or feeling of pride found in members of a group and inspiring enthusiasm, devotion, and a strong regard for the honor of the group.

12. (U1C1L8:G8) Define "esprit de corps." A) The department of the military in charge of Marine units. B) A military courtesy given to people of senior rank and status. C) The honor given a flag when casing or uncasing the Colors. D) The common spirit or feeling of pride found in members of a group and inspiring enthusiasm, devotion, and a strong regard for the honor of the group.

B) Coordinating staff, special staff, and personal staff

12. (U1C1L9:G8) What are the three groups of staff officers? A) Communications staff, special staff, and personal staff B) Coordinating staff, special staff, and personal staff C) Coordinating staff, selective staff, and personal staff D) Coordinating staff, special staff, and private staff


12. (U2C1L1:V1) Behavior A) B) C) D) E)

D) Contingency

12. (U2C1L2:G8) In the ___________ model of leadership, personal styles and situational characteristics combine to determine leadership, where a proper match between styles and situations are essential. A) Comprehensive B) Cohesive C) Co-dependant D) Contingency

A) Treat all people with dignity, demonstrate consideration for others, and create a climate of fairness.

12. (U2C1L3:G7) To exhibit the value of respect, what three actions must you take? A) Treat all people with dignity, demonstrate consideration for others, and create a climate of fairness. B) Listen to others, consider every viewpoint, and act accordingly. C) Both of the above D) None of the above

A) Know the four factors of leadership and know yourself B) Know human nature and know your job C) Know your unit D) All of the above

12. (U2C1L4:G7) Name the five "KNOW" things that a leader must know. A) Know the four factors of leadership and know yourself B) Know human nature and know your job C) Know your unit D) All of the above

B) Drill

12. (U2C2L1:G7) What is the backbone of military discipline? A) Duty B) Drill C) Rank D) Maneuvers


12. (U2C2L2:G7) True or False: Supplementary commands may be preparatory commands, a part of a preparatory command, or a two-part command.


12. (U2C2L4:V6) Yes or No Is this salute being properly executed?

A) double time

12. (U2C2L5:V5) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "Fast marching pace of 180 steps per minute." A) double time B) halt C) quick time D) rest E) steps

C) elbow's distance between troops in rank formation

12. (U2C2L6:V7) What is the definition of the term "close interval"? A) two arms' distance between troops in rank formation B) single arm's distance between troops in rank C) elbow's distance between troops in rank formation D) to turn in position


12. (U2C4L1:G7) True or False: All prejudices are negative.

D) Selfless Service

12. (U2C4L2:G8) Leaders who put the welfare of their subordinates before their own and share subordinates' hardships demonstrate the value of ______________. A) Integrity B) Valor C) Hardiness D) Selfless Service

C) "The buck stops here."

12. (U2C4L4:G7) What was the leadership motto that Harry S. Truman kept on a plaque on his desk? A) "Lead, follow, or get out of the way." B) "I think, therefore I am." C) "The buck stops here." D) "Wherever you go, there you are."

C) dedication

12. (U2C4L7:V6) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "Loyalty to a cause, ideal, or system; to commit oneself to a particular course of thought or action." A) cooperate B) staff study C) dedication D) followership

A) to turn in place

12. (U2C5L1:V6) What is the definition of the word "pivot"? A) to turn in place B) a formation in which people or elements are side by side or abreast of each other C) the arrangement of people or elements of a unit in a prescribed manner D) the distance between Cadets in a column

D) double time

12. (U2C5L3:V7) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. When you march in the cadence of 180 steps or counts per minute with a 30-inch step you do _____. A) mark time B) mass formation C) guide time D) double time

A) visual evaluation

12. (U2C5L5:V5) What is the definition of the word "inspection"? A) visual evaluation B) drill movements executed while remaining in place C) groups of people aligned in a specific pattern D) executing a pre-defined set of movements

A) A

12. (U2C5L8:V5) Which image shows a saber? A) A B) B C) C

D) Defensive

12. (U2C6L1:G8) Which influence approach is demonstrated when a leader leaves the room or tunes people out so he or she can neither influence or be influenced by others? A) Negative B) Positional C) Corrective D) Defensive

B) This leader lets mature followers or team members perform delegated tasks.

12. (U2C6L2:G7) What is the delegating style of leadership? A) This leader is a micromanager who wants to control all tasks. B) This leader lets mature followers or team members perform delegated tasks. C) A delegating leader invites input from all members and puts every action to a vote. D) This leader delegates tasks and responsibility to an immature team in order to develop skills in them.

D) Management resources

12. (U2C6L3:G7) Time, money, materiel, and people are the four _________________. A) Leadership tools B) People management tools C) Prongs of successful management D) Management resources

A) The ability to control one's emotions effectively rather than ignoring them or pushing them aside

12. (U2C6L4:G7) What is self regulation? A) The ability to control one's emotions effectively rather than ignoring them or pushing them aside. B) The ability of the body to maintain a constant temperature. C) The ability to control one's intellect for effective learning. D) The ability to control one's breathing to induce a state of relaxation or meditation.

A) Respect

12. (U6C1L2:G9) ____________ is the citizenship skill that involves accepting the difference in others and respecting those differences. A) Respect B) Self-respect C) Non-discrimination D) Integrity

A) Communicate your group's feelings; Address other representatives by title B) Participate fully by speaking for your group; Use the seven citizenship skills C) Work cooperatively to reach a majority decision; Contribute ideas to other representatives and help assign small group action steps D) All of the above

12. (U6C1L4:G9) What are the responsibilities of a small group representative? A) Communicate your group's feelings; Address other representatives by title B) Participate fully by speaking for your group; Use the seven citizenship skills C) Work cooperatively to reach a majority decision; Contribute ideas to other representatives and help assign small group action steps D) All of the above

B) jury

12. (U6C1L5:G9) A ___________ is a select group of individuals chosen to listen and render a verdict in a court case. A) judge B) jury C) peer group D) unbiased group of lawyers

D) Age of Enlightenment

12. (U6C2L2:V6) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "An intellectual movement of the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries that celebrated human reason and sought to realize its potential in all areas of human endeavor" A) Middle Ages B) Renaissance C) Reformation D) Age of Enlightenment

D) common law

12. (U6C2L3:V6) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. The ___________ consists of the accumulated legal opinions of judges explaining their decisions in specific court cases. A) monarch B) rule of law C) parliamentary government D) common law

B) governor

12. (U6C2L4:V6) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The manager or administrative head of an organization, business, or institution" A) legislatures B) governor C) primogeniture D) sovereignty

D) To declare null and void; set aside

12. (U6C2L5:V6) What is the definition of the word "override"? A) The inviolable power to cancel or nullify a legislative act B) A system of government in which the legislative branch has the most power C) As used in describing a legal system, refers to the superiority of one set of laws over another D) To declare null and void; set aside

A) Ratification

12. (U6C3L2:V6) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. ______________ was the formal approval of the U.S. Constitution by the states. A) Ratification B) Senate C) Legislative D) Federal system

D) appellate jurisdiction

12. (U6C3L3:V6) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The legal authority of a court to hear appeals from a lower court" A) veto B) treason C) ex post facto laws D) appellate jurisdiction

D) A condition or requirement in a legal document

12. (U6C4L2:V6) What is the definition of the word "provision"? A) The act of counting off or naming one by one B) A judicial mandate to a prison official ordering that an inmate be brought to the court so it can be determined whether or not that person is imprisoned lawfully and whether or not he should be released from custody C) An act of legislature that inflicts punishment on an individual or group without a judicial trial D) A condition or requirement in a legal document

D) original jurisdiction

12. (U6C4L4:V7) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The legal authority of a court to be the first to hear a case." A) precedents B) commission C) judicial review D) original jurisdiction

C) procedural due process

12. (U6C5L2:V6) Choose the term that best describes the scenario below. Ryan is studying a judicial proceeding that was carried out fairly and in accordance with the established rules and principles. What is this process known as? A) selective incorporation B) incorporation C) procedural due process D) substantive due process

B) National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

12. (U6C5L3:V6) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "An interracial group founded in 1909 to advocate the rights of African Americans, primarily through legal and political action" A) civil disobedience B) National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) C) Civil Rights Act of 1964 D) nonviolent direct action

B) A privilege or right officially granted to a person or group by a government

12. (U6C5L4:V7) What is the definition of the word "franchise"? A) The submission of a proposed public measure or actual statue to a direct popular vote B) A privilege or right officially granted to a person or group by a government C) Women's suffrage rights D) A vote cast in deciding a disputed question or in electing a person to office

D) Equal Pay Act of 1963

12. (U6C5L5:V3) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. The __________ prohibited discrimination on the basis of gender in job pay. A) Education Amendment of 1972 B) Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978) C) Equal Employment Opportunities D) Equal Pay Act of 1963

B) A military courtesy of keeping people of senior rank or status to your right while walking or sitting.

13. (U1C1L8:G9) Explain the "position of honor." A) Sitting in the center of a head table at a military social function. B) A military courtesy of keeping people of senior rank or status to your right while walking or sitting. C) The position a senior ranking officer takes as the first person in a receiving line. D) Presenting oneself to a person of senior rank.

B) Coordinating staff

13. (U1C1L9:G9) ___________ officers are the principal staff assistants to the commander and each specializes in an S-1 through S-5 (or a combined) function. A) Special staff B) Coordinating staff C) Personal staff D) Principal staff

B) opportunities

13. (U1C1L1:V7) Choose the word that best matches the definition below."Favorable or advantageous circumstances or a combination of circumstances." A) challenges B) opportunities C) motivate D) unique

A) American Literary, Scientific, and Military

13. (U1C1L2:G9) The academy in Norwich, Vermont, which had the first JROTC program was the ___________ Academy. A) American Literary, Scientific, and Military B) Military C) West Point D) American Military

C) Warrant officers

13. (U1C1L3:G8) What category of Soldier holds the grades of W-1 through W-5? A) Technicians B) General officers C) Warrant officers D) Enlisted officers


13. (U1C1L4:G9) True or False: The Recruiting Ribbon is awarded to those Cadets who are recruited into the military while in high school.

D) ROTC insignia

13. (U1C1L5:G10) What insignia does an enlisted Cadet wear on the garrison cap? A) Grade insignia B) Subdued insignia C) Yellow Honor Unit with Distinction insignia D) ROTC insignia

B) The 5 feet by 9 ½ feet storm flag is flown by state and federal governments only during stormy or windy weather.

13. (U1C1L6:G9) What is the size and use of the storm flag? A) The 20 feet by 38 feet flag is flown at government and military installations. B) The 5 feet by 9 ½ feet storm flag is flown by state and federal governments only during stormy or windy weather. C) The 30 feet by 60 feet flag is flown from atop multi-story buildings. D) The 10 feet by 19 feet flag is for general display when the garrison flag is not appropriate.

C) Carrying a weapon or equipment pertaining to a weapon.

13. (U1C1L7:G10) During an indoor ceremony, Cadets do not salute a flag unless they are under arms. Define the term "under arms." A) Wearing shoulder boards or a class B uniform shirt. B) Participating in a Color guard. C) Carrying a weapon or equipment pertaining to a weapon. D) Surrounded by others who are carrying sabers.


13. (U2C1L2:G9) True or False: In the follower approach to leadership, the needs of the group members determine who will lead the group.

A) The willingness to put the welfare of others first.

13. (U2C1L3:G8) Define "selfless service." A) The willingness to put the welfare of others first. B) The willingness to listen closely to others. C) The willingness to focus on service to the military, school, or team. D) The willingness to adhere to a public code of professional values.

A) Have honorable character, be an example, resolve complex problems.

13. (U2C1L4:G8) Name the three "BE" things that a leader must be. A) Have honorable character, be an example, resolve complex problems. B) Be competent, be quick, be specific. C) Be confident, be competent, be a non-complainer. D) Be excellent, be an example, be an explainer.

B) It is normally one count or one step.

13. (U2C2L2:G8) What is the normal interval between a preparatory command and a command of execution? A) It is normally two counts or two steps. B) It is normally one count or one step. C) It is normally two counts and one step. D) There is not an interval between the two.

A) patterned arrangement of troops

13. (U2C2L6:V8) What is the definition of the word "formation"? A) patterned arrangement of troops B) a command for marching in place C) to form up line abreast D) to turn in position

A) The total of the learned behaviors of a group of people that are generally considered to be the tradition of that people and are transmitted from generation to generation

13. (U2C4L1:G11) What is a "culture?" A) The total of the learned behaviors of a group of people that are generally considered to be the tradition of that people and are transmitted from generation to generation B) A petri dish for growing germs C) An innate ability to speak a particular language D) A demographic status determined by the color of one's skin

A) Honor

13. (U2C4L2:G9) Leaders who do not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do demonstrate the value of ____________. A) Honor B) Integrity C) Responsibility D) Duty

B) Selecting an objective and deciding on how to accomplish it

13. (U2C4L4:G8) What are the two primary purposes of planning? A) Selecting a project and an objective B) Selecting an objective and deciding on how to accomplish it C) Selecting a project and deciding how to accomplish it D) Selecting an objective and deciding how to evaluate it

C) professionalism

13. (U2C4L7:V7) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "The ability to do and to take pride in doing a job well; the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize a profession or professional person." A) cultivate B) cooperate C) professionalism D) action

D) action

13. (U2C5L2:V3) Choose the synonym for the word below. plan A) inaction B) rest C) idleness D) action

B) B

13. (U2C5L8:V6) Which image shows a scabbard? A) A B) B C) C

D) Defensive

13. (U2C6L1:G9) Which influence approach is best used if there are legal, moral, or ethical considerations that prevent open discussion of an issue? A) Directing B) Participating C) Delegating D) Defensive


13. (U2C6L2:G8) True or False: Effective leaders use all three leadership styles, depending on their followers.


13. (U2C6L3:G8) True or False: Manpower, or people, is the most valuable management resource available to a leader.

A) Self-motivation

13. (U2C6L4:G8) ___________ means being energetic and ambitious and able to make plans and get things done without being directed by others. A) Self-motivation B) Motivation C) Self-esteem D) Driven


13. (U3C8L2:V2) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. In field education, you perform the service as a part of a(n)__________ program designed primarily to enhance understanding of a field of study, while providing substantial emphasis on the service. A) exploratory project B) experiential learning C) training D) field education

C) Respect

13. (U6C1L2:G10) ____________ means having acceptance of others and not necessarily love for each other. A) Fairness B) Open-heartedness C) Respect D) Loyalty

C) Cooperation; Patience; Fairness; Respect; Strength; Self-Improvement; Balance

13. (U6C1L4:G10) Name the seven citizenship skills on which the small group meetings and representative group sessions rest. A) Consideration; Judgment; Fairness; Respect; Strength; Self-Improvement; Balance B) Cooperation; Patience; Fairness; Self Respect; Respect of others; Strength; Balance C) Cooperation; Patience; Fairness; Respect; Strength; Self-Improvement; Balance D) Cooperation; Patience; Fairness; Respect; Strength; Mentoring of others; Faith

D) jury foreman

13. (U6C1L5:G10) A _____________ is a person who conducts the jury deliberation and speaks for the jury. A) judge B) leader C) follower D) jury foreman

B) capitalism

13. (U6C2L2:V7) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "An economic system in which the means of producing and distributing goods privately owned and operated for profit in a competitive market" A) nation-state B) capitalism C) providence D) secular governments

B) tenets

13. (U6C2L3:V7) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. Opinions or principles that are held as being true by a person or especially by an organization are known as ___________. A) rule of law B) tenets C) manorialism D) Magna Carta

D) Minutemen

13. (U6C2L4:V7) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "Civilian armies of the American Revolution, so called because of their readiness for battle" A) suffrage B) magistrate C) established religion D) Minutemen

A) The natural rights concept that ultimate political authority rests with the people

13. (U6C2L5:V7) What is the definition of the term "popular sovereignty"? A) The natural rights concept that ultimate political authority rests with the people B) The constitutional power of the President to refuse to sign a bill passed by Congress, thereby preventing it from becoming law C) Guarantee of varied rights D) To declare null and void; set aside

D) legislative

13. (U6C3L2:V7) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. The _____________ branch of government was given the power of taxes, trade, and control over the states. A) judicial B) Senate C) executive D) legislative

B) necessary and proper clause

13. (U6C3L3:V7) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The clause in Article I of the U.S. Constitution that gives Congress the power to make all laws that are 'necessary and proper' to carry out the powers expressly delegated to it by the Constitution" A) impeach B) necessary and proper clause C) fugitive slave cause D) balance of power

C) affirmative action

13. (U6C5L5:V4) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. Policies that seek to redress past discrimination through active measures to ensure equal opportunity are known as _____________. A) aggressive recruitment programs B) reverse discrimination C) affirmative action D) remedial programs

B) trial

15. (U6C1L5:G12) An examination of facts and laws in a court of law is called a _____________. A) legal brief B) trial C) primary legal search D) hearing


14. (U1C1L2:G10) True or False: The mission of JROTC is to train citizen soldiers for the future of the U.S.

D) Company and field grade officers

14. (U1C1L3:G9) What category of Soldier holds the grades of O-1 through O-6? A) Officers over the age of thirty. B) Master sergeants and top sergeants. C) Retirees D) Company and field grade officers

C) 8:30 or less

14. (U1C1L4:G10) To win the Physical Fitness Award, male Cadets must be able to run a mile in how many minutes? A) 10:00 or less B) 9:30 or less C) 8:30 or less D) 6:30 or less

A) On the left side of the cap one inch from the crease and centered vertically between the top braid and the cap's bottom.

14. (U1C1L5:G11) Where is the insignia positioned on the Cadet garrison cap? A) On the left side of the cap one inch from the crease and centered vertically between the top braid and the cap's bottom. B) On the right side of the cap, centered between the braid and the cap's bottom. C) On the crease and one inch from the bottom. D) The insignia is not worn on the garrison cap.

B) You should destroy it as a whole, privately, respectfully, and traditionally by burning it.

14. (U1C1L6:G10) How do you properly dispose of a flag that is old or worn? A) Buried at sea. B) You should destroy it as a whole, privately, respectfully, and traditionally by burning it. C) Bury it in an urn in a National military cemetery. D) Tear it into strips or cut it into quarters and then burn it.

D) John Philip Sousa's "The Stars and Stripes Forever."

14. (U1C1L7:G11) What is the national march of the U.S.? A) The 15-inch step B) The 30-inch step C) "Ruffles and Flourishes" D) John Philip Sousa's "The Stars and Stripes Forever."


14. (U1C1L8:G10) True or False: The position of honor dictates that those of lower rank walk, sit, or ride to the left of those with senior rank.

A) Special

14. (U1C1L9:G10) __________ staff officers assist the commander in professional, technical, and other functional areas of interest in the command. A) Special B) Temporary C) Technical D) Functional

D) To draw closer to

14. (U2C1L2:V1) What is the definition of the word "approach"? A) To move away from B) The deck off the back of a house C) To like what one does D) To draw closer to

C) Focus your priorities on service to your community or to your nation, and place the needs of the organization above personal gain.

14. (U2C1L3:G9) What two actions must you take to exhibit the value of selfless service? A) Make sure your own needs and the needs of your peers are met. B) Employ honor as your motive in all things and work towards wholesome values. C) Focus your priorities on service to your community or to your nation, and place the needs of the organization above personal gain. D) All of the above


14. (U2C1L4:G9) True or False: Once a leader masters leadership skills, his or her education on leadership is finished.

B) march

14. (U2C2L1:V2) Choose the synonym for the word below. Drill A) stationary B) march C) inaccurate D) discord

B) The rise and fall in the pitch and the tone changes of the voice.

14. (U2C2L2:G9) Define "inflection," as in "commands that are given with inflection." A) Loudness B) The rise and fall in the pitch and the tone changes of the voice. C) With an awareness of the listener. D) By a person of senior rank.

B) single arm's distance between troops in rank

14. (U2C2L6:V9) What is the definition of the term "normal interval"? A) patterned arrangement of troops B) single arm's distance between troops in rank C) elbow's distance between troops in rank formation D) two arms' distance between troops in rank formation

B) Spoken language, body language, facial expressions, and color consciousness

14. (U2C4L1:G12) What are three learned behaviors that are considered cultural in nature? A) Slang, jargon, and doublespeak B) Spoken language, body language, facial expressions, and color consciousness C) Belching, sneezing, and sweating D) Learned helplessness, eating styles, and arguing

C) Integrity

14. (U2C4L2:G10) Leaders who do what is right legally and morally, show good moral judgment and behavior, and put being right ahead of being popular are modeling the value of ___________. A) Respect B) Selfless service C) Integrity D) Honor

B) In the first step of defining the objective

14. (U2C4L4:G9) In what step of the planning process does the leader determine the tasks, conditions, and standards of the objective? A) In the second step of enacting a plan B) In the first step of defining the objective C) In the third step of evaluating a plan D) In the final step of an after-action review

D) self-discipline

14. (U2C4L7:V8) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "Training, regulating, or controlling oneself (or one's conduct, personality, performance, and so on) for the sake of personal improvement." A) teamwork B) constructive criticism C) self-reliance D) self-discipline

C) commands, positions

14. (U2C5L8:SQ1) You would want to assume the carry saber position to give ________ or to change ________. A) commands, guards B) salutes, positions C) commands, positions D) salutes, guards


14. (U2C6L1:G10) True or False: Referent power is power that relies on force or threats or creating fear as a form of control.

D) Directive or supportive

14. (U2C6L2:G9) Leadership styles in the situational leadership model are based on the leader providing either __________ or ___________ behaviors. A) Commanding or supportive B) Directive or non-supportive C) Controlling or enabling D) Directive or supportive

C) Allocate

14. (U2C6L3:G9) To ______________ is to identify, set aside, earmark, and distribute resources according to a plan. A) Budget B) Spending plan C) Allocate D) Plan

A) Empathy

14. (U2C6L4:G9) ___________ is the ability to experience the feelings of others and to share your feelings with others to improve the communication process. A) Empathy B) Sympathy C) Understanding D) Telepathy


14. (U3C8L2:V3) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. Service learning opportunities can use ____________ principles to incorporate scholastic programs with the curriculum. A) training B) field education C) problem-based learning D) exploratory project

C) Strength

14. (U6C1L2:G12) ____________ is the citizenship skill that involves the willingness of citizens to stand up for what they believe in, to denounce what is wrong, and to accept responsibility for mistakes. A) Integrity B) Loyalty C) Strength D) Respect

A) judge

14. (U6C1L5:G11) A ___________ is a high-ranking court official who supervises and gives a decision on an action or court case. A) judge B) jury C) defense lawyer D) a jury foreman

C) providence

14. (U6C2L2:V8) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The care, guardianship, and control exercised by a deity" A) representative democracy B) established religion C) providence D) capitalism

C) American Constitutionalism

14. (U6C2L3:V8) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. A government in which power is distributed and limited by a system of laws that must be obeyed by the rulers is known as ___________. A) vassal B) monarch C) American Constitutionalism D) common law

A) Stamp Act Congress

14. (U6C2L4:V8) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "A meeting in New York in 1765, of twenty-seven delegates from nine colonies, the congress was the first example of united colonial action in the developing struggle against Great Britain" A) Stamp Act Congress B) Massachusetts Body of Liberties C) Intolerable Acts D) First Continental Congress

A) The agreement among all the people in a society to give up part of their freedom to a government in return for the protection of their natural rights by that government

14. (U6C2L5:V8) What is the definition of the term "social contract"? A) The agreement among all the people in a society to give up part of their freedom to a government in return for the protection of their natural rights by that government B) The constitutional power of the President to refuse to sign a bill passed by Congress, thereby preventing it from becoming law C) The inviolable power to cancel or nullify a legislative act D) Refers to those clauses in the U.S. Constitution that protect individuals from unreasonable and unfair governmental proce

B) Framers

14. (U6C3L2:V8) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. The group of men who attended the Philadelphia Convention are known as the __________ of the Constitution. A) Senate B) Framers C) ratification D) delegates

C) impeach

14. (U6C3L3:V8) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "Charging a public official with a crime in office for which they can be removed from power" A) veto B) executive departments C) impeach D) apportioned

A) Equal Employment Opportunities

14. (U6C5L5:V5) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawed job discrimination by private employers and labor unions, thus creating _____________. A) Equal Employment Opportunities B) Equal Pay Act of 1963 C) aggressive recruitment programs D) affirmative action

B) conflict resolution

15. (U1C1L2:V1) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below.As a leader, Bob was able to settle disputes in a cohesive manner using his _____________ skills. A) leadership B) conflict resolution C) National Defense Act D) culturally diverse

C) General officers

15. (U1C1L3:G10) What category of Soldier holds the grades of O-7 through O-11? A) Warrant officers B) Only those who work in the Pentagon C) General officers D) Army personnel only

B) 10:45 or less

15. (U1C1L4:G11) To win the Physical Fitness Award, female Cadets must be able to run a mile in how many minutes? A) 6:45 or less B) 10:45 or less C) 7:30 or less D) 8:30 or less

A) lower hook

19. (U2C5L8:SQ6) The absence of a ________ on the sword is the only difference between it and the saber as far as the pertinent parts are concerned. A) lower hook B) upper hook C) grip D) mouthpiece

B) You should turn your head towards the flag and render a hand salute when you pass within six steps of the flag.

15. (U1C1L6:G11) When outdoors but not in formation, how and when do you show respect for the flag when you walk past it? A) You come to a full stop, come to attention, and render a hand salute. B) You should turn your head towards the flag and render a hand salute when you pass within six steps of the flag. C) You turn your head towards the flag and render a hand salute when ten steps from the flag, holding the hand salute until you are ten steps past the flag. D) None of the above

C) an anthem

15. (U1C1L7:G12) A song already in a culture that becomes so popular that people claim it as a symbol for themselves and their nation is known as ___________. A) a jingle B) a ballad C) an anthem D) a folksong

A) A group of persons in the military who regularly eat meals together or the place where such meals are served.

15. (U1C1L8:G11) What is a "mess" in military jargon? A) A group of persons in the military who regularly eat meals together or the place where such meals are served. B) The results of a badly executed drill maneuver. C) Presenting oneself to a person of higher rank. D) A drum and bugle salute, usually used to honor officials.

A) Signal, maintenance, logistics readiness, aviation, chemical, provost, public affairs, chaplain, and surgeon officers

15. (U1C1L9:G11) Which of the following groups are special staff personnel? A) Signal, maintenance, logistics readiness, aviation, chemical, provost, public affairs, chaplain, and surgeon officers B) Personnel officer, command sergeant major, aviation, chemical, and provost C) Operations, executive officer, and drill team captains D) Security, judge advocate general, and rifle team captains

D) Adhere to and identify with a public code of professional values and employ honor as your motive for action.

15. (U2C1L3:G10) What are the two ways of exhibiting the value of honor? A) Standing up for one's beliefs and exhibiting steadfastness. B) Overcoming obstacles to achieve a task or goal and being outspoken. C) Recognizing the dignity of all and creating a climate of fairness. D) Adhere to and identify with a public code of professional values and employ honor as your motive for action.


15. (U2C1L4:G11) In the Leadership Development Program, character describes what a leader must _____________. A) BE B) DO C) SAY D) THINKS

A) accurate

15. (U2C2L1:V3) Choose the synonym for the word below. Precision A) accurate B) explanation C) unclear D) imprecision

A) Tone, cadence, snap

15. (U2C2L2:G10) The three elements of the correct command voice are _________, __________, and _________. A) Tone, cadence, snap B) Rhyme, rhythm, snap C) Cadence, confidence, control D) Tone, timbre, loudness

C) to turn in position

15. (U2C2L6:V10) What is the definition of the word "pivot"? A) patterned arrangement of troops B) to form up line abreast C) to turn in position D) a command for marching in place

C) Culture

15. (U2C4L1:G13) Skin color is genetic while __________ is learned. A) Race B) A stereotype C) Culture D) All behavior

A) Personal Courage

15. (U2C4L2:G11) Leaders who show physical and moral bravery, take responsibility for decision and actions, and accept responsibility for mistakes show the value of ______________. A) Personal Courage B) Integrity C) Selfless Service D) Respect

D) The second step of studying the current situation

15. (U2C4L4:G10) During what step in the planning process does a leader identify barriers to success and examine time, subtasks, people, priorities, and resources? A) In the step of evaluation of the plan B) In the step of planning for contingencies C) In the first step of defining the objectives D) The second step of studying the current situation

A) beliefs

15. (U2C4L7:V9) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A personal truth; mental acceptance or conviction of particular truths of someone or something." A) beliefs B) teamwork C) cultivate D) cooperate

A) ready, guidon bearer

15. (U2C5L8:SQ2) In eyes right while marching, you only use the initial preparatory command of ________ when marching with a ________. A) ready, guidon bearer B) return, saber C) attention, sword D) return, guidon bearer

C) Directive

15. (U2C6L2:G10) In the situational leadership model, ___________ behavior is defined as how much structure, control and supervision the leader provides to the follower. A) Coercive B) Defensive C) Directive D) Supportive

B) Set priorities

15. (U2C6L3:Q5) As a leader, you use your organization skills to execute your plans. Identify the organizing factors used in the directions below. Select the correct set of organizing factors for the situation below. Steven, go to the bank and make a deposit. Then go to the office supply store and buy staples and paper. Finally, stop at the warehouse and wait for the new equipment to arrive. A) Develop a working structure B) Set priorities C) Select personnel D) Allocate resources

B) Superficial, fact, thought, feeling

15. (U2C6L4:G10) Name the four levels of communication. A) Direct, indirect, subliminal, overt B) Superficial, fact, thought, feeling C) Intuitive, sub-conscious, non-verbal, verbal D) Fact, intuition, feeling, rational


15. (U3C8L2:V4) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. ____________ is gaining practical knowledge, skills, or practice from direct observation of or participation in events in a particular activity. A) Exploratory project B) Field education C) Training D) Experiential learning

C) Self-Improvement

15. (U6C1L2:G13) ____________ is the citizenship skill that involves the desire to continually learn new skills and improve on others. A) Respect B) Loyalty C) Self-Improvement D) Duty

B) small group representative

15. (U6C1L4:V1) Choose the term that best describes the scenario below. Judy, Larry, and Ralph were elected to be representatives of a group who is concerned about the high school's parking problems. What would you call Judy, Larry, and Ralph? A) representative group session agenda B) small group representative C) representative group session


Leaving unused silverware on the table in its proper position

A) Due process of law

15. (U6C2L3:V9) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. ____________ is the protection against arbitrary deprivation of life, liberty, or property. A) Due process of law B) Realm C) Monarch D) Rule of law

C) constituents

15. (U6C2L4:V9) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The people represented by an elected official" A) indentured servant B) sovereignty C) constituents D) legislatures

B) The constitutional power of the President to refuse to sign a bill passed by Congress, thereby preventing it from becoming law

15. (U6C2L5:V9) What is the definition of the word "veto"? A) The citizens to be governed by these new constitutions possessed certain basic rights that existed prior to government and that no constitution or government could take away B) The constitutional power of the President to refuse to sign a bill passed by Congress, thereby preventing it from becoming law C) Guarantee of varied rights D) Refers to those clauses in the U.S. Constitution that protect individuals from unreasonable and unfair governmental procedures

A) Virginia Plan

15. (U6C3L2:V9) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. James Madison's ____________ traced the broad outlines of what would become the U.S. Constitution. A) Virginia Plan B) Philadelphia Convention C) House of Representatives D) equal representation

A) veto

15. (U6C3L3:V9) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The constitutional power of the president to refuse to sign a bill passed by Congress, thereby preventing it from becoming a law" A) veto B) legislative power C) bills of attainder D) fugitive slave clause

D) Education Amendment of 1972

15. (U6C5L5:V6) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. The ___________ outlawed gender discrimination in any educational program that receives federal aid. A) aggressive recruitment programs B) reverse discrimination C) quotas and group entitlements D) Education Amendment of 1972

A research paper contains an introduction, body, and conclusion.

List the three parts of a research paper?

C) It varies between schools. Generally they are worn on shoulder marks or shirt collars.

15. U1C1L5:G12) Where are grade insignias worn on both the long and short sleeved JROTC shirts? A) On the shirt pocket on the left side. B) On the shirt pocket on the right side. C) It varies between schools. Generally they are worn on shoulder marks or shirt collars. D) None of the above.

A) leadership

16. (U1C1L2:V2) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. JROTC prepares high school students for responsible ________ roles while making them aware of the benefits of citizenship. A) leadership B) conflict resolution C) National Defense Act D) culturally diverse


16. (U1C1L3:G11) True or False: Specialists are comparable in rank to corporals, but they are commonly referred to as technicians.

D) Full-time Cadets who have completed at least two full years of JROTC.

16. (U1C1L4:G12) Who is eligible for the Association of Military Colleges and Schools of the U.S. award? A) Cadets in four-year college programs. B) Cadets who have been in JROTC for one full year. C) There is no such award. D) Full-time Cadets who have completed at least two full years of JROTC.

D) On the right pocket between the top pocket seam and the top of the pocket buttonhole.

16. (U1C1L5:G13) On the male uniform, where is the nameplate placed on the uniform? A) On the left pocket over the heart. B) On top of and covering the pocket flap seam on the right pocket. C) On the left pocket between the top pocket seam and the top of the buttonhole. D) On the right pocket between the top pocket seam and the top of the pocket buttonhole.

A) The thirteen red and white stripes

16. (U1C1L6:G12) The original thirteen colonies of the U.S. are represented on the flag by _____________. A) The thirteen red and white stripes B) The color red C) The color white D) The white stars on the blue field

C) anthems

16. (U1C1L7:V1) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. National ________ are usually songs already in a culture that become so popular that the people claim them as a symbol for themselves and their nation. A) under arms B) symbol C) anthems D) national march

C) Removing the case or covering from the Colors that are attached to a staff.

16. (U1C1L8:G12) What does it mean to "uncase" the Colors? A) To display the Colors at half mast. B) To remove the Colors from a display case for use by a Color Guard. C) Removing the case or covering from the Colors that are attached to a staff. D) To check the proper protocol for placement of the Colors in relation to other flags, such as when displaying it at the United Nations.

A) Personal

16. (U1C1L9:G12) ___________ staff work under the immediate control of the commander and include such members as the command sergeant major, and at higher levels, the inspector general and staff judge advocate. A) Personal B) Special C) Immediate D) Public


16. (U2C1L1:V5) Purpose A) B) C) D) E)

A) Integrity

16. (U2C1L3:G11) The term ____________ refers to the notion of completeness, wholeness, and uniqueness and encompasses the sum total of a person's set of values. A) Integrity B) Loyalty C) Discipline D) Duty


16. (U2C1L4:G12) In the Leadership Development Program, competence refers to what a leader must _____________. A) BE B) DO C) KNOW D) SEE

C) movement

16. (U2C2L1:V4) Choose the synonym for the word below. Maneuver A) idle B) abstain C) movement D) disadvantage

A) Loudness

16. (U2C2L2:G11) What is the key factor in tone control when giving commands? A) Loudness B) Softness C) Breathing D) Shape of the mouth

A) Actions or practices carried out by members of dominant groups, or their representatives, that have a differential or harmful impact on members of subordinate groups

16. (U2C4L1:G14) What is discrimination? A) Actions or practices carried out by members of dominant groups, or their representatives, that have a differential or harmful impact on members of subordinate groups B) The act of overcoming prejudice by learning facts and applying sound reasoning practices C) Power that relies on force or threats as a form of control D) None of the above

The three types of teaching methods are lecture, conference, and demonstration.

List the three types of teaching methods.

B) Interpersonal

16. (U2C4L2:G12) Leaders who readily interact with others to coach, teach, counsel, motivate, and empower others are demonstrating _______________ skills. A) Communication B) Interpersonal C) Negotiating D) Personal Courage


16. (U2C4L4:G11) True or False: When planning, leaders should identify one solution only and should focus all resources on that one solution.

D) teamwork

16. (U2C4L7:V10) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "The cooperative effort or action on the part of a number of people working together, especially to achieve a common goal." A) self-discipline B) beliefs C) professionalism D) teamwork

D) Referent power

16. (U2C6L1:G12) Power that comes as a result of specific expertise, knowledge, or special skills is called _____________. A) Inherited power B) Positional power C) Expert power D) Referent power

D) Supportive

16. (U2C6L2:G11) In the situational leadership model, __________ behavior is defined as how much praise, listening, and facilitating the leader provides the follower. A) Functional B) Positional C) Dictatorial D) Supportive

B) Allocate resources

16. (U2C6L3:Q6) As a leader, you use your organization skills to execute your plans. Identify the organizing factors used in the directions below. Select the correct set of organizing factors for the situation below. Susan, take the Green Van, the laptop and the projector. Nelson, take the sedan, the posters, and the art supplies. I'll ride with Chet in the truck, and we'll bring the rest of the equipment. A) Develop a working structure B) Allocate resources C) Selecte personnel D) Set priorities


16. (U2C6L4:G11) True or False: Feedback is most effective when it is immediate.


16. (U3C8L2:V5) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. Your instructor should familiarize you with service learning by guiding you in a/an ____________ within the community. A) training B) exploratory project C) problem-based learning D) field education

A) A skill that involves understanding there is more than one side to every issue and having the ability to come to agreement and resolve differences by either compromising or harmonizing solutions

16. (U6C1L2:G14) Define the citizenship skill "balance." A) A skill that involves understanding there is more than one side to every issue and having the ability to come to agreement and resolve differences by either compromising or harmonizing solutions B) Compromising to please everyone but yourself C) Loyalty to one's country, government, ruler, group

A) representative group session agenda

16. (U6C1L4:V2) Choose the term that best describes the scenario below. Christie is working on a list of items to discuss during the next small group meeting. What is Christie working on? A) representative group session agenda B) small group representative C) representative group session

A) Deliberation

16. (U6C1L5:G13) ____________ is a period of time given to a jury to discuss and determine a ruling in a case. A) Deliberation B) Consideration C) Summation D) Final debate

B) established religion

16. (U6C2L2:V10) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "An official, state-sponsored religion" A) papacy B) established religion C) representative democracy D) civic virtue

C) Parliamentary government

16. (U6C2L3:V10) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. _____________ is a way of dividing legislative power to better represent the people. A) Manorialism B) Rights of Englishmen C) Parliamentary government D) American Constitutionalism

B) Boston Massacre

16. (U6C2L4:V10) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "On March 5, 1770, a mob of colonists harassed British soldiers guarding the tax collector's office in Boston; soldiers killed five Bostonians" A) Tea Act B) Boston Massacre C) Intolerable Acts D) Boston Tea Party

C) Guarantee of varied rights

16. (U6C2L5:V10) What is the definition of the term "political guarantees"? A) The natural rights concept that ultimate political authority rests with the people B) The constitutional power of the President to refuse to sign a bill passed by Congress, thereby preventing it from becoming law C) Guarantee of varied rights D) Refers to those clauses in the U.S. Constitution that protect individuals from unreasonable and unfair governmental procedures

D) executive power

16. (U6C3L3:V10) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The powers of the executive branch of the federal government" A) Electoral College B) proportional representation C) treason D) executive power

C) half step, march

2. (U2C2L5:F2) To march with a 15-inch step from the halt, the command is "_____, _____." A) half step, halt B) forward, march C) half step, march D) double time, march

D) culturally diverse

17. (U1C1L2:V3) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. The local high school has many students who are from all over the world, making the school ________. A) leadership B) conflict resolution C) National Defense Act D) culturally diverse

A) Unit

17. (U1C1L4:G13) The Merit Unit, Honor Unit, and Honor Unit with Distinction are three types of __________ awards. A) Unit B) Battalion C) Academic D) Performance

B) A line formed by the seam of the shirt aligned with the zipper flap and the edge of the belt buckle on certain JROTC uniforms.

17. (U1C1L5:G14) What is a gigline? A) A type of fishing equipment used for catching frogs or toads. B) A line formed by the seam of the shirt aligned with the zipper flap and the edge of the belt buckle on certain JROTC uniforms. C) A queue of Soldiers waiting to use a telephone. D) A line of individuals in a particular marching formation.

A) All of the below answers are correct.

17. (U1C1L6:G13) What is a synonym for "flag" that is used by JROTC personnel. A) All of the below answers are correct. B) "Colors" C) "Ensign" D) "Standard

D) national march

17. (U1C1L7:V2) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below."The Stars and Stripes Forever" is recognized as the U.S. _________. A) under arms B) symbol C) anthems D) national march

A) As "Mister" or "Miss"

17. (U1C1L8:G13) How are warrant officers addressed? A) As "Mister" or "Miss" B) As "Chief" or "Madame" C) As "Captain" D) As "Boss"

B) Executive Officer (XO)

17. (U1C1L9:G13) The ____________ is responsible for coordinating, directing, and supervising the efforts of the coordinating and special staffs. A) Company Commander B) Executive Officer (XO) C) Adjutant D) Special Projects Officer

B) Integrity

17. (U2C1L3:G12) When a person possesses a high standard of moral value and principles, shows good moral judgment, and demonstrates consistent moral behavior, the person exhibits the value of _____________. A) Selflessness B) Integrity C) Morality D) Loyalty


17. (U2C1L4:G13) In the Leadership Development Program, actions are what a leader must __________. A) BE B) SEE C) DO D) THINK

B) harmony

17. (U2C2L1:V5) Choose the synonym for the word below. Unison A) conflict B) harmony C) disagree D) discord


17. (U2C2L2:G12) True or False: Cadence is the uniform rhythm in which a movement is executed


17. (U2C4L1:G15) True or False: One way to overcome prejudice is by learning the facts and applying sound reasoning processes.

A) Conceptual

17. (U2C4L2:G13) Leaders who anticipate requirements and contingencies and improvise within the commander's intent demonstrate _____________ skills. A) Conceptual B) Cooperative C) Communications D) Complex thinking

B) cooperate

17. (U2C4L7:V11) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "To act or work with another or others." A) professionalism B) cooperate C) staff study D) beliefs

D) right, left, right

17. (U2C5L8:SQ4) In the carry saber position, the inner-blade is in a vertical position along the forward edge (tip) of the ________ shoulder. On the first count of "return, saber," the blade is in a vertical position along the ________ shoulder. While marching, carry the saber with the inner-blade in a vertical position along the ________ shoulder. A) right, right, left B) left, right, left C) left, left, right D) right, left, right

B) Referent

17. (U2C6L1:G13) ___________ power, frequently used in advertising, is based on admiration. A) Positional B) Referent C) Authoritative D) Expert

C) Directing, coaching, supporting, and delegating.

17. (U2C6L2:G12) What are the four styles of leadership in Blanchard's situational leadership model? A) Demoralizing, coaching, supporting, delegating. B) Directing, criticizing, supporting, delegating. C) Directing, coaching, supporting, and delegating. D) Directing, coaching, sustaining, and delegating.

A) the act of managing; control or direction

17. (U2C6L3:V1) What is the definition of the word "management"? A) the act of managing; control or direction B) something that absolutely must be done C) to form a mental image D) to put off or delay E) a source of help or supply

A) Is limited, includes specific behaviors, and provides suggestions.

17. (U2C6L4:G12) Name three characteristics of informative feedback. A) Is limited, includes specific behaviors, and provides suggestions. B) Describes all incorrect behaviors, lists many behaviors, and allows the subject to make a choice of which behavior to address. C) Is limited, includes specific behaviors, and demands specific actions. D) Describes all incorrect behaviors, lists many behaviors, and demands specific actions.

D) compromise or harmony

17. (U6C1L2:G15) The skill of practicing balance involves using either _____________ or _____________ to achieve an agreement that works. A) antagonism or coercion B) peer pressure or positional authority C) a weight or a scale D) compromise or harmony

C) representative group session

17. (U6C1L4:V3) Choose the term that best describes the scenario below. Six of the elected representatives of two different groups are merging together to tackle the high school's problems with potholes in the parking lot. What is this type of session called? A) representative group session agenda B) small group representative C) representative group session

A) Middle Ages

17. (U6C2L2:V11) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "A period lasting from the fifth century to the fourteenth century, during which the political, economic, and military structure was characterized by feudalism" A) Middle Ages B) Christendom C) Reformation D) Judeo-Christian

B) Rule of law

17. (U6C2L3:V11) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. __________ implies that the government authority may only be exercised in accordance with written laws. A) Vassal B) Rule of law C) Magna Carta D) Realm

D) Declaration of Independence

17. (U6C2L4:V11) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The declaration of the Congress of the Thirteen United States of America, on the 4th of July, 1776, by which they formally declared that these colonies were free and independent States, not subject to the government of Great Britain" A) Fundamental Orders of Connecticut B) First Continental Congress C) Intolerable Acts D) Declaration of Independence

D) The citizens to be governed by these new constitutions possessed certain basic rights that existed prior to government and that no constitution or government could take away

17. (U6C2L5:V11) What is the definition of the term "state declarations of rights"? A) The natural rights concept that ultimate political authority rests with the people B) The constitutional power of the President to refuse to sign a bill passed by Congress, thereby preventing it from becoming law C) Guarantee of varied rights D) The citizens to be governed by these new constitutions possessed certain basic rights that existed prior to government and that no constitution or government could take away

B) proportional representation

17. (U6C3L2:V11) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. The system of _____________ means that states with larger populations would have more representatives in the legislature than states with smaller populations. A) delegates B) proportional representation C) House of Representatives D) Senate D) Senate

C) reverse discrimination

17. (U6C5L5:V8) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. Critics of affirmative action claim that such programs violate the ideals of the civil rights movements, thus causing ____________. A) quotas and group entitlements B) preferential treatment programs C) reverse discrimination D) aggressive recruitment programs

Parietal Lobe

Mainly made up of "association areas" for perception and sensation (includes sensory cortex)

C) National Defense Act

18. (U1C1L2:V4) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below.The US Army Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (JROTC) formally came into being with the passage of the ___________ in 1916. A) leadership B) conflict resolution C) National Defense Act D) culturally diverse

D) Platoons

18. (U1C1L3:G13) A company consists of a headquarters section and at least two ______________. A) Battalions B) Teams C) Squads D) Platoons

B) Institutional and national awards

18. (U1C1L4:G14) The two main categories of individual rewards given to Cadets for superior performance are ___________ and _____________ awards. A) Unit and battalion B) Institutional and national awards C) Public and private D) Local and state


18. (U1C1L5:G15) True or False: For males, t-shirts are optional under Class A and B uniforms.

A) under arms

18. (U1C1L7:V3) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below.When you carry a weapon or the equipment pertaining to a weapon, you are considered _________. A) under arms B) symbol C) anthems D) national march

C) "Reporting" means presenting oneself to a person of senior rank.

18. (U1C1L8:G14) In military jargon, what does "reporting" mean, as in "reporting for duty"? A) Acting as the Cadet information officer. B) Adhering to an honor code by reporting those who lie, cheat, or steal. C) "Reporting" means presenting oneself to a person of senior rank. D) Rendering the hand salute.

D) Command channels and staff channels

18. (U1C1L9:G14) What are the two channels of information within a command? A) Command channels and unit channels B) Control channels and staff channels C) Staff channels and subordinate channels D) Command channels and staff channels

C) Physical courage is overcoming fears of bodily harm and doing your duty. Moral courage is overcoming fears other than bodily harm while doing what needs to be done.

18. (U2C1L3:G13) What is the difference between physical and moral courage? A) Physical courage earns you the President's Physical Fitness Award B) Moral courage is easier than physical courage because it doesn't involve bodily injury. C) Physical courage is overcoming fears of bodily harm and doing your duty. Moral courage is overcoming fears other than bodily harm while doing what needs to be done. D) None of the above


18. (U2C2L2:G13) True or False: The purpose of the inflection of the command voice at the end of the command of execution is to draw an immediate, sharp, and precise movement (or snap) to the command.

B) Impartial

18. (U2C4L1:G16) ___________ treatment of others is treatment that is absent prejudice and that treats or affects all equally. A) Biased B) Impartial C) Partial D) Unfair

D) Technical

18. (U2C4L2:G14) Leaders who develop the expertise necessary to accomplish tasks and who know the drills that support an organization's mission demonstrate ___________ skills. A) Interpersonal B) Conceptual C) Mastery D) Technical

A) influencing

18. (U2C4L4:V1) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. Leadership is the process of _____ others by providing purpose, direction, and motivation. A) influencing B) operating C) objectively D) changing

C) staff study

18. (U2C4L7:V12) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A detailed report that describes an action or event and how it can be accomplished." A) professionalism B) followership C) staff study D) beliefs

B) quick

18. (U2C5L8:SQ5) Assume the carry saber position at the preparatory command for ________ time. A) halt B) quick C) double D) step

C) power that is yielded by fear

18. (U2C6L1:V1) What is the definition of the term "coercive power"? A) when people comply with the wishes of others to get something in return B) power resulting from specific expertise, knowledge, or special skills C) power that is yielded by fear D) a type of power that is used to influence others E) power given to the person in the position within the hierarchy


18. (U2C6L2:V1) Directing A) B) C) D)

E) a source of help or supply

18. (U2C6L3:V2) What is the definition of the word "resources"? A) the act of managing; control or direction B) something that absolutely must be done C) to form a mental image D) to put off or delay E) a source of help or supply

B) Checking the reviewer's perceptions about your feedback.

18. (U2C6L4:G13) What is the final closing point to the feedback process? A) Write up an after-action report to document your feedback. B) Checking the reviewer's perceptions about your feedback. C) Check back after the receiver has finished the task to see that the receiver incorporated your feedback. D) There is no closing point; all feedback is ongoing.

C) Adhering to a value of self-improvement

18. (U6C1L2:G16) Define "perseverance." A) Sticking closely to one's peers in times of difficulty B) Having acceptance of others C) Adhering to a value of self-improvement D) Adhering to a course of action, a belief, or a purpose; steadfastness

D) classical republicanism

18. (U6C2L2:V12) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "A theory that holds the best kind of government is one that promotes the common welfare instead of the interests of one class of citizens" A) nation-state B) papacy C) providence D) classical republicanism

D) charters

18. (U6C2L3:V12) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. Written documents from a government or ruler which grants certain rights to an individual, group, organization, or the people in general are known as __________. A) burgesses B) vassal C) due process of law D) charters

B) established religion

18. (U6C2L4:V12) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "An official, state-sponsored religion" A) suffrage B) established religion C) writ of assistance D) constituents

C) the Bill of Rights

2. (U6C3L4:F2) The Anti-Federalists deserve credit for what addition to the Constitution? A) the Articles of Confederation B) the closing C) the Bill of Rights D) the creation of tax laws

B) Refers to those clauses in the U.S. Constitution that protect individuals from unreasonable and unfair governmental procedures

18. (U6C2L5:V12) What is the definition of the term "procedural guarantees of due process"? A) The citizens to be governed by these new constitutions possessed certain basic rights that existed prior to government and that no constitution or government could take away B) Refers to those clauses in the U.S. Constitution that protect individuals from unreasonable and unfair governmental procedures C) Guarantee of varied rights D) Refers to those clauses in the U.S. Constitution that protect individuals from unreasonable and unfair governmental procedures

A) executive

18. (U6C3L2:V12) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. The _________ branch of government has the power to administer national laws, appoint other executive officials, and direct all military operations. A) executive B) judicial C) legislative D) federal system

B) original jurisdiction

18. (U6C3L3:V12) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The legal authority of a court to be the first to hear a case" A) The Great Compromise B) original jurisdiction C) enumerated powers D) apportioned

A) Regents of University of California v. Bakke (1978)

18. (U6C5L5:V9) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. ________________ determined that race or ethnic background may be deemed a "plus" in a particular applicant's file, yet it does not insulate the individual from comparison with all other candidates for the available seats. A) Regents of University of California v. Bakke (1978) B) Affirmative action C) Equal Pay Act of 1963 D) Education Amendment of 1972


19. (U1C1L3:G14) True or False: Noncommissioned officers are not in supervisory positions over personnel in lower grades.

D) The National Sojourners Award

19. (U1C1L4:G15) The award given to the outstanding Cadet at each installation who contributed the most to encourage and demonstrate Americanism is ______________. A) The Daughters of the American Revolution Award B) Commendation Ribbon C) President's Physical Fitness Award D) The National Sojourners Award


19. (U1C1L5:G16) True or False: Wearing of hats out-of-doors is optional with uniforms, depending on the weather.

A) Storm

19. (U1C1L6:G15) The _____________ flag measures 10 feet by 19 feet and is used for general display. A) Storm B) Garrison C) Post D) Common

A) bombardment

19. (U1C1L7:V4) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below.Francis Scott Key, as a prisoner of war, watched the _________ of Baltimore, Maryland during the War of 1812. He wrote "The Star Spangled Banner" the next morning after seeing the American flag still standing. A) bombardment B) "The Star-Spangled Banner" C) symbol D) under arms

B) "Present, arms"

19. (U1C1L8:G15) What is the command given during a formation to execute a salute? A) "Formation, arms" B) "Present, arms" C) "Salute, arms" D) "Command, arms"

D) Command

19. (U1C1L9:G15) ___________ channels transmit all orders and instructions to subordinate units. A) Designated B) Delegated C) Control D) Command

C) Overcoming fears of bodily harm and doing your duty.

19. (U2C1L3:G14) Define physical courage. A) Overcoming fears other than of bodily harm to do your job. B) Willingness to put the safety of others before your own safety. C) Overcoming fears of bodily harm and doing your duty. D) Standing up for what you believe in and being outspoken.

C) doctrine

19. (U2C1L4:V1) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. The 11 principles of leadership have long been the foundation of military leadership _____. A) censure B) self-evaluation C) doctrine D) convictions

A) selfless

19. (U2C2L2:V1) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "Having no concern for self; unselfish." A) selfless B) cadence C) tone D) interval

C) Use "we" and "us" rather than "they", "he", or "she"

19. (U2C4L1:G17) Which two examples of inclusionary language help combat prejudice and discrimination? A) "They" and "them" B) "Those others" C) Use "we" and "us" rather than "they", "he", or "she" D) "Other people"

D) Tactical

19. (U2C4L2:G15) Leaders who combine skill with people, ideas, and things to accomplish short term missions demonstrate_____________ skills. A) Influencing B) Intrapersonal C) Special D) Tactical

D) improving

19. (U2C4L4:V2) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. Leaders work on accomplishing the mission and _____ the organization. A) operating B) cohesive C) judging D) improving

A) when people comply with the wishes of others to get something in return

19. (U2C6L1:V2) What is the definition of the term "reward power"? A) when people comply with the wishes of others to get something in return B) power resulting from specific expertise, knowledge, or special skills C) power that is yielded by fear D) a type of power that is used to influence others E) power given to the person in the position within the hierarchy

C) to form a mental image

19. (U2C6L3:V3) What is the definition of the word "visualize"? A) the act of managing; control or direction B) something that absolutely must be done C) to form a mental image D) to put off or delay E) a source of help or supply

B) communication

19. (U2C6L4:V1) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "Sharing of information." A) transference B) communication C) decodes D) emotional intelligence

A) Compromise

19. (U6C1L2:G17) ____________ is defined as give and take in a relationship so that both sides can be satisfied. A) Compromise B) Balance C) Cooperation D) Decision making

A) forum

19. (U6C1L5:V1) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A place or opportunity for open discussion and participation" A) forum B) trials C) cross examine D) law firm

B) public and private morality

19. (U6C2L2:V13) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The principles of civic virtues as expressed in Judeo-Christian teachings, as well as fundamental ideas about right and wrong that come from religion, ethics, and individual conscience" A) secular governments B) public and private morality C) capitalism D) common good

C) Magna Carta

19. (U6C2L3:V13) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. The Great Charter of freedom granted in 1215 by King John of England is known as the __________. A) monarch B) parliamentary government C) Magna Carta D) rule of law

C) Quartering Act

19. (U6C2L4:V13) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "Also known as the Mutiny Act, the law passed by Parliament that authorized colonial governors to requisition certain buildings for the use, or "quartering" of British troops" A) Seven Years War B) Sons of Liberty C) Quartering Act D) The Laws and Liberties

D) House of Representatives

19. (U6C3L2:V13) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. The ____________ are elected directly by the people of each state. A) ratification B) Framers C) proportional representation D) House of Representatives

D) The Great Compromise

19. (U6C3L3:V13) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "Adopted at the Philadelphia Convention, this plan provided for equal representation of the states in the Senate and House of Representatives according to population" A) fugitive slave clause B) Electoral College C) separated power D) The Great Compromise

D) Preferential treatment programs

19. (U6C5L5:V10) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. ____________ are designed to compensate for the effects of past discrimination against women and minorities. A) Quotas and group entitlements B) Reverse discrimination C) Aggressive recruitment programs D) Preferential treatment programs

B) The Battalion Executive Officer (XO)

2. (U1C1L9:Q2) You are a member of the Battalion Staff. Your job is to direct, coordinate and supervise the coordinating and special staffs, and to support the Commander's personal staff if needed. Who are you? A) The Battalion Commander B) The Battalion Executive Officer (XO) C) The Battalion Operations Officer D) The Battalion Logistics Officer

B) "Families can set the foundation for good citizenship, but Army JROTC helps promote it further through projects outside of the home."

2. (U1C1L1:Q2) A friend of yours tells you that citizenship can't be developed in a classroom. She believes that people learn citizenship skills from their families. Which of the following answers would you use to best demonstrate your citizenship skills, and to best explain how Army JROTC develops citizenship? A) "Army JROTC does teach citizenship skills with classroom discussions and public speaking opportunities." B) "Families can set the foundation for good citizenship, but Army JROTC helps promote it further through projects outside of the home." C) "I know what you mean, that's why we have study groups that cover a variety of academic subjects both in and out of the classroom." D) "Army JROTC teaches us how we could be good citizens by joining the Army or one of the other armed services."

B) Drill and ceremonies, first aid, and map reading

2. (U1C1L2:Q2) Teamwork is the ability to work well with others towards a common goal. It is one of the hallmarks of Army JROTC. If you were describing some of the activities you do in JROTC to develop teamwork, what would you most likely be talking about? A) Classes that teach the dangers of substance abuse B) Drill and ceremonies, first aid, and map reading C) Goal-setting and financial planning D) The importance of diet and exercise in maintaining good health

B) "Good morning, Cadet Sergeant."

2. (U1C1L3:Q2) If you met a Cadet with this rank, how should you greet him?

A) Making a commitment and showing initiative

2. (U1C1L4:Q2) Getting motivated, making a commitment, showing initiative, being responsible, and facing your fears are five steps that help you "Strive for Success." You already motivated yourself by saying that you are going to join Army JROTC to help reach your goals. Which steps did you demonstrate by signing up and becoming a JROTC Cadet? A) Making a commitment and showing initiative B) Being responsible and facing your fears C) Facing your fears and getting motivated D) Getting motivated and making a commitment

C) On the male uniform, center the nameplate horizontally on the right side with the bottom of the nameplate on the imaginary line

2. (U1C1L5:Q2) Which of the following rules for placement of awards, insignia, and decorations is not correct? A) Awards are worn in order of precedence from top to bottom and from right to left B) Brass articles like the lapel insignia, belt buckle, and cap insignia should be highly shined and free of tarnish C) On the male uniform, center the nameplate horizontally on the right side with the bottom of the nameplate on the imaginary line D) On the female uniform, the Honor Unit Star is worn one-half inch above the nameplate and centered

D) On Memorial Day, the flag is displayed at half-staff until the end of the day when it is raised to the top of the staff, then solemnly lowered

2. (U1C1L6:Q2) Which of the following situations describes an incorrect way of displaying the United States Flag? A) Flags on walls, windows, or buildings are displayed with the union to the observer's upper left B) In parades or processions with other flags, the United States flag is always carried at the far right of a row, or to the front and center a column C) In auditoriums, meeting halls, or chapels, the United States flag is displayed to the speaker's right as they face the audience D) On Memorial Day, the flag is displayed at half-staff until the end of the day when it is raised to the top of the staff, then solemnly lowered

C) When in a private vehicle on a military base, the vehicle should stop and the driver and passengers exit the vehicle and take the appropriate actions for being outside.

2. (U1C1L7:Q2) Which of the following is NOT a correct procedure for showing respect to ours and other friendly nation's national anthems? A) When outdoors and in uniform, face the flag (or the source of the music if the flag is not visible), stand at attention, and render the hand salute while the music plays. B) When outdoors and in civilian clothes, face the flag (or the source of the music if the flag is not visible), stand at attention, and place your hand over your heart. C) When in a private vehicle on a military base, the vehicle should stop and the driver and passengers exit the vehicle and take the appropriate actions for being outside. D) When indoors and under arms, stand at attention and salute while the national anthem or "To the Colors" is playing.

D) stand at attention; Colonel Jones, my name is Cadet (your name), and

2. (U1C1L8:Q2) You have been directed to go to the teacher's lounge to greet a guest speaker for career day, Lieutenant Colonel Jones, and to escort him back to the JROTC Department. Your instructor told you that he will be easy to spot because "He is 6-foot-eight, and should be in uniform." When you arrive at the teacher's lounge, you immediately spot LTC Jones but he is in civilian clothes. You should walk up to him, __________ , and say, "_________________ I am here to escort you back to the JROTC Department. Please come with me." A) render a hand salute; Lieutenant Colonel Jones, B) render a hand salute; Sir, my name is Cadet (your name), and C) stand at attention; Lieutenant Colonel Jones, D) stand at attention; Colonel Jones, my name is Cadet (your name), and


Manners is a code of behavior or courtesy based on rules of a polite society

D) Recognize your weakness in using the confrontational approach, and continue to learn by trying new approaches in both strong and weak areas.

2. (U2C1L1:Q1) You got promoted to squad leader last month. Since then, you had to counsel several of your squad members for poor performance. None of the counseling sessions seemed to resolve any of the problems. After reflecting on the counseling sessions, you realized that you just can't bring yourself to confront your squad members with their behavior. In order to become more effective in counseling squad members, you should: A) Realize that confrontation is not going to be one of your strengths, and try to improve in other areas that will compensate for it. B) Be confident that if you continue to use the same approach, your squad members will realize that your style isn't confrontational, and they will change their behavior. C) Focus on improving your confrontational approach, and work on the other areas later. D) Recognize your weakness in using the confrontational approach, and continue to learn by trying new approaches in both strong and weak areas.

A) There is no one best way to lead. A leader's style has to match the situation.

2. (U2C1L2:Q1) John and Kim work for the same company. They lead teams of workers with almost identical duties. John relates well with his worker's who believe that he genuinely cares about their well-being, but he isn't good at giving direction, and he frequently assigns unfair workloads. Kim shows that she cares about her worker's well-being by giving clear direction and assigning fair workloads. For some reason, however, her team never performs as well as John's. This seems to indicate that: A) There is no one best way to lead. A leader's style has to match the situation. B) Leaders do not have an impact on group or organization effectiveness. C) Kim's team would probably work better if she used the Laissez-faire style of leadership. D) Kim should try to be like John.

B) You respect the other platoon leader's integrity and send her platoon, but you also ask her how she would feel if you sent your platoon.

2. (U2C1L3:Q2) You are a platoon leader and acting company commander because the company commander and XO are absent. Your battalion S-3 calls you up and asks you which platoon you selected for the opportunity to participate in a prestigious drill competition. This is the first you've heard of it, but the other platoon leader tells you that the commander said that her platoon would be participating in it. Unfortunately, this platoon leader once admitted that she has a habit of taking care of her platoon at the expense of the others by choosing to perform easier tasks. You have to give the S-3 an answer now. What is your best course of action? A) You maintain loyalty to your platoon and give them the opportunity. B) You respect the other platoon leader's integrity and send her platoon, but you also ask her how she would feel if you sent your platoon. C) You tell the S-3 that your company doesn't have a platoon to participate. D) You send your platoon in order to teach the other platoon leader about integrity.

B) Accept responsibility for the missions failure yourself, but talk to your supervisor about assigning missions in the future that are more within you and your team's capabilities

2. (U2C1L4:Q1) You delegated a difficult mission to a reliable junior Cadet. Unfortunately, you didn't have time to supervise because you were completing another mission at the same time. The Cadet failed to complete the mission successfully, but appreciated the opportunity to excel. The Cadet knows that your supervisor will blame you for the failure and wants to take full responsibility. As a leader, which of the below choices would be your BEST course of action next? A) Allow the junior Cadet to take responsibility for the failed mission, and tell your supervisor that your team shouldn't have been assigned so many difficult missions at once B) Accept responsibility for the missions failure yourself, but talk to your supervisor about assigning missions in the future that are more within you and your team's capabilities C) Allow the junior Cadet to take responsibility for the failed mission, and counsel the Cadet on the responsibilities of leaders D) Accept full responsibility for the failed mission, but don't assign the junior Cadet to be in charge of any more missions without close supervision

D) You are a very mean-spirited person and I don't like you.

2. (U2C1L5:F2) Which statement below would not be an example of a positive confrontation? A) When you roll your eyes I don't think you listen to me. B) I felt you didn't value what I had to say when you did it. C) In the future I would prefer you listen to my opinion. D) You are a very mean-spirited person and I don't like you.


2. (U2C2L1:F2) True or False Drill is most beneficial to soldiers preparing for battle.

B) Explain the "snap" of command voice and movement, and then vary your cadence while your platoon practices the responses to drill commands.

2. (U2C2L2:Q1) You are a Cadet platoon leader. Your platoon is set to participate in an Army JROTC drill competition in two days. Your cadence when giving marching commands during drill training has been so consistent that your squad leaders are beginning to anticipate your commands. Recently, they started to begin moving before you gave the command of execution, and did not always start in unison. Of the choices below, what would be your best course of action for correcting the situation before the competition? A) Don't use the same cadence during the last couple days of practice so that your squad leaders won't know what to expect, and will hesitate before moving. B) Explain the "snap" of command voice and movement, and then vary your cadence while your platoon practices the responses to drill commands. C) Explain what cadence means when giving commands, and practice the rhythm of giving and reacting to drill commands. D) Explain to your platoon that during the competition you will be changing the inflection of your voice during the commands so that they will better know when to react and move.

D) Since she was a new squad leader, she was right to demonstrate her new authority to the squad.

2. (U2C2L3:Q1) Annie is a new squad leader. Her performance on the drill team helped her get promoted before some of her friends, some of whom are now in her squad. She was a little nervous on her first day of instructing drill. When one of her friends made a mistake in one of the new movements, she verbally disciplined her in front of the squad. Annie believes that she had to demonstrate her new authority, so she feels like she did the right thing. What should she have done? A) She shouldn't have disciplined one of her friends. B) She should have disciplined her subordinate in private. C) She should have made an on-the-spot correction, then continued to train her squad. D) Since she was a new squad leader, she was right to demonstrate her new authority to the squad.

D) About Face

2. (U2C2L4:F2) Which command is being executed in this picture? A) Right Face B) Parade Rest C) Left Face D) About Face

A) Look to the right and align yourself with the platoon to the right as you lift your left arm.

2. (U2C2L6:Q2) You are the first squad leader. When your platoon sergeant forms the platoon in a line, your squad is in front of the rest of the platoon. If your platoon is middle platoon of three platoons, which of the following actions should you take upon forming? A) Look to the right and align yourself with the platoon to the right as you lift your left arm. B) Look straight ahead as you lift your left arm. C) Look to the left to make sure your squad is aligned correctly. D) Stand three steps to the left and center of your squad.

D) Selfless Service

2. (U2C3L1:Q1) You are a squad leader. Your instructor told you that he was very impressed when you took time to help a team leader with a project, even though it made you have to work late to complete work that was due the next day. Which leadership value is he recognizing you for? A) Duty B) Honor C) Loyalty D) Selfless Service

B) X = Discrimination Y = Stereotyping Z = Racial Tension

2. (U2C4L1:Q1) Study the information and select the option (A-D) that indicates the type of negative behavior in a diverse society. Negative Aspects of Diversity: X. An employer shows a preference for hiring people of a specific race or nationality. Y. A man thinks that people from different cultures all behave the same. Z. A Cadet notices that some ethnic groups in her class rarely get promotions or recognition for outstanding performance, and they don't participate as much. A) X = Discrimination Y = Prejudice Z = Status; Consciousness B) X = Discrimination Y = Stereotyping Z = Racial Tension C) X = Prejudice Y = Stereotyping Z = Racial Tension D) X = Stereotyping Y = Status; Consciousness Z = Prejudice

A) X = Controlling Y = Win/Win Z = Soft

2. (U2C4L3:Q2) Study the table and select the option (A-D) that indicates the types of negotiation most likely occur. Negotiations: X. "I don't see why we should concede anything at all. Our cause is just; Our path is illuminated; and we will persevere." Y. "I want you to rank the things we, and they, have to bargain with. I know we'll have to concede some points, and I want to be able to determine what is most and least important to both of our organizations." Z. "You know, it's not that important. Even if he's wrong and we're right, losing a lot in the negotiation isn't really going to affect too much." A) X = Controlling Y = Win/Win Z = Soft B) X = Hard Y = Giving in Z = Win/Win C) X = Soft Y = Controlling Z = Principled D) X = Principled Y = Soft Z = Controlling

D) X = Gather information Y = Make a decision Z = Make a plan

2. (U2C4L4:Q1) Select the option (A-D) that best completes the seven-step problem-solving, decision-making process. The 7-step Problem-Solving, Decision-Making Process: 1. Identify the problem 2. X 3. Develop courses of action 4. Analyze and compare courses of action 5. Y 6. Z 7. Implement the plan A) X = Estimate the situation Y = Make a plan Z = Make a decision B) X = Set priorities Y = Plan contingencies Z = Analyze advantages/disadvantages C) X = Analyze advantages/disadvantages Y = Set priorities Z = Assess the results D) X = Gather information Y = Make a decision Z = Make a plan

B) Schedule a follow-up meeting

2. (U2C4L5:Q1) While planning a meeting, you first clarified the purpose of the meeting, and then defined the meeting outcomes. Which of the following outcomes should you review and probably re-write? A) A detailed plan B) Schedule a follow-up meeting C) Motivated team members D) A list of goals

B) Assuming authority

2. (U2C4L6:F2) Supervision does not include which of the following? A) Setting the example B) Assuming authority C) Resolving conflicts D) Providing feedback


2. (U2C4L7:F2) True or False One way for a team leader to gain the loyalty of their team members is to be an appreciative leader.


2. (U2C4L8:F2) True or False When using the Gantt chart, watching for overuse of your resources is not necessary.

A) Listening and Coaching

2. (U2C4L9:Q1) A debate team member told the faculty advisor that he thought he was losing the debate and was getting frustrated. The advisor told her, "You can still win, but you have to keep your cool and not get angry during arguments." What two mentoring functions is the advisor demonstrating? A) Listening and Coaching B) Listening and Educating C) Educating and Coaching D) Educating and Role Modeling

B) 1st Squad takes 2 Steps forward; 2nd Squad takes 1 Step forward; 3rd Squad stays in place; 4th Squad takes 2 Steps backwards.

2. (U2C5L1:Q2) For in-ranks inspections, platoons increase the space between squads by giving the command to Open Ranks. Select the option (A-D) that best indicates how a platoon executes "Open Ranks, MARCH." A) 1st Squad takes 1 Step forward; 2nd Squad stays in place; 3rd Squad takes 2 Steps backwards; ; 4th Squad takes 4 Steps backwards. B) 1st Squad takes 2 Steps forward; 2nd Squad takes 1 Step forward; 3rd Squad stays in place; 4th Squad takes 2 Steps backwards. C) 1st Squad takes 3 Steps forward; 2nd Squad takes 2 Steps forward; 3rd Squad takes 1 Step forward; 4th Squad stays in place. D) 1st Squad takes 4 Steps forward; 2nd Squad takes 3 Steps forward; 3rd Squad takes 2 Steps forward ; 4th Squad takes 1 Step forward.

A) Squad Leader

2. (U2C5L2:Q1) After your commander congratulated you, she said that she hopes you know the procedures for individual, squad, and platoon drill. She also suggested that you "brush up" on counseling techniques. You have just been promoted to which position? A) Squad Leader B) Platoon Sergeant C) Platoon Leader D) First Sergeant

B) "Post"

2. (U2C5L3:Q1) In formations where the company is formed by the company commander, which of the following commands is not used? A) "Attention" B) "Post" C) "Receive the Report" D) "Report"

A) The Battalion Command Sergeant Major

2. (U2C5L4:Q1) In a battalion formation, your location is in one of two places. The first is one step behind the commissioned staff. The other, used during mass formations, is one step to the rear of the color guard, centered on the Colors. Who are you? A) The Battalion Command Sergeant Major B) The Battalion S-1 C) The Battalion XO D) An Enlisted Staff Member

B) Drills

2. (U2C5L5:F2) Executing a predefined set of movements is known as what? A) Formation B) Drills C) Marching D) Movement

B) Guard

2. (U2C5L8:F2) The portion of the hilt (handle) of a saber or sword that protects the hand is known as what? A) Cant B) Guard C) Port D) Scabbard

A) Coercive power

2. (U2C6L1:Q1) One of your squad mates is mad at you because you forgot to bring part of your uniform to drill. She tells you, "If you don't get yourself together, then you will be kicked out of the squad." Her uniform meets the standard. Even though she is the same rank as you, what type of power is she trying to use? A) Coercive power B) Expert power C) Referent power D) Reward power

B) Directing, but be prepared to apply all of them.

2. (U2C6L2:Q1) You are a Cadet platoon sergeant. One of your squad leaders is excited about teaching his first drill lesson. When he asks you, "What leadership style do you think I'll have to use with my squad of new Cadets," what should you tell him? A) Coaching, but be prepared to apply all of them. B) Directing, but be prepared to apply all of them. C) Supporting, but be prepared to apply all of them. D) Delegating, but be prepared to apply all of them.

B) Controlling

2. (U2C6L3:Q1) Read carefully the following paragraph and select the option (A-D) that indicates which management principle is described. Leaders compare the tasks being performed by their team with the factors involved in accomplishing their mission. Based on the team's progress, leaders may: continue with the plan; modify the plan and continue; or stop the action and start over. Since it is the leader's responsibility to ensure that the team's objectives are met and are to standard, it is a continuous part of management. A) Coordinating B) Controlling C) Directing D) Organizing

A) Encodes and Decodes

2. (U2C6L4:Q1) In World War II, our armed forces used Native Americans from the Navajo tribe to send Top Secret messages over the radio in their native language. The Axis Powers intelligence forces did not have anyone who spoke the language of the Navajo, so they could not determine what information was contained in the messages. What parts of the communication process were these Native Americans? A) Encodes and Decodes B) Encodes and Transmit C) Message and Feedback D) Decodes and Feedback

A) "The Founders thought that government under the Articles of Confederation was a good start, but there were problems and they clearly had to make some changes."

2. (U6C1L1:Q1) While you were teaching a class on the Constitution, one of your students asked, "What did the Founders mean when they said, 'in order to form a more perfect union?'" What should you tell her? A) "The Founders thought that government under the Articles of Confederation was a good start, but there were problems and they clearly had to make some changes." B) "The Founders meant that the Articles of Confederation were a complete failure and they could do a lot better." C) "The Founders meant that a federal government would be more perfect if it didn't have so much power, and that the states power was stronger." D) "The Founders meant that they wanted to create a perfect system of government."

B) fairness

2. (U6C1L2:Q2) In the Preamble, "establishing justice" means balancing individual desires with the needs of the common good. The Supreme Court was created to maintain this balance. Though we are encouraged to grow and develop as individuals, we must also promote equality so that all people have an equal opportunity to grow as well. The above passage illustrates a particular citizenship skill. Which is it? A) cooperation B) fairness C) respect D) self-improveme

B) Express your personal opinions about the food in the cafeteria.

2. (U6C1L4:Q2) You were selected to be the small group representative for your school's representative group session. The representative group will decide on changes to recommend to the school cafeteria. As a small group representative, what should you not do at the meeting? A) Learn about issues and student opinions about the cafeteria. B) Express your personal opinions about the food in the cafeteria. C) Discuss the proposed changes with other representatives. D) Express the opinions of your small group to other representatives.

B) Switch procedure items 3 and 4.

2. (U6C1L5:Q3) You have been selected to be the Judge for a Chief Justice® Game. One team of lawyers presented you with this chart to help you follow the procedure. The BLUE Team is the proponent side, so they will start with their opening statement. Select the option (A-D) that would change the chart to comply with game rules and give both sides a fair chance to win. A) Switch procedure items 1 and 2. B) Switch procedure items 3 and 4. C) Switch procedure items 5 and 6. D) Switch lawyer A with lawyer B on one team only.

A) John Locke

2. (U6C2L1:F2) Who exerted the most influence on the thinking of the Founders during the time of the Revolution? A) John Locke B) Thomas Jefferson C) George Washington D) Ben Franklin

C) The Roman Republic

2. (U6C2L2:F2) Which society had the greatest influence on the Founders' ideas about government? A) Ancient Greece B) China C) The Roman Republic D) England

C) U.S. Constitution

2. (U6C2L3:F2) All of the following are important documents to the development of the British government, except for what? A) Magna Carta B) Petition of Rights C) U.S. Constitution D) English Bill of Rights

B) collect taxes without legislators' permission

2. (U6C2L4:F2) In early colonial government, the governors had checks and balances placed on them. What could they not do? A) appoint judges B) collect taxes without legislators' permission C) remove a judge's decision D) enforce a judge's decision

A) legislative supremacy

2. (U6C2L5:F2) A system of government in which the legislative branch has the most power is known as what? A) legislative supremacy B) popular sovereignty C) representation D) higher law

A) To control the citizens of the states

2. (U6C3L1:F2) All of the following are reasons that Americans considered creating a national government, except for what? A) To control the citizens of the states B) To manage relationships among the states C) To unite America in relations with the rest of the world D) To help manage conflict among the states

C) Framers of the Constitution

2. (U6C3L2:F2) Fifty-five delegates attended the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention. What do we call these men who attended today? A) Delegates of the states B) Representatives of the thirteen colonies C) Framers of the Constitution D) Congressmen

A) True

2. (U6C3L3:F2) Delegates from smaller population states were against proportional representation because they feared larger states would dominate the national government with more votes. A) True B) False

A) President's cabinet

2. (U6C4L1:F2) The President's handpicked advisors, who are each in charge of a different government office or department, are known as what? A) President's cabinet B) President's advisors C) Government advisors D) President's group

C) Fourteenth Amendment

2. (U6C4L2:F2) In 1833, the Supreme Court ruled that the Bill of Rights only applied to the federal government. What amendment applied the Bill of Rights to state government as well? A) Twelfth Amendment B) Thirteenth Amendment C) Fourteenth Amendment D) Fifteenth Amendment

B) The Philadelphia Convention

2. (U6C4L4:F2) Whether the Supreme Court should have the power of judicial review over the legislative and executive branches of the federal government was discussed at which convention? A) The New York Convention B) The Philadelphia Convention C) The Boston Convention D) The America Convention

D) Congress

2. (U6C4L5:F2) Most of the decisions about how much power is left to the states are made by _____. A) the Supreme Court B) the President C) the House of Representatives D) Congress

C) Civil Rights Act

2. (U6C5L1:F2) In 1875, Congress passed an act that was declared by the Supreme Court unconstitutional. This act would give the federal government the power to enforce the Fourteenth Amendment. What act was this? A) Fourteenth Amendment Act B) Rights of Citizens Act C) Civil Rights Act D) Enforcement Act

D) Gitlow v. New York

2. (U6C5L2:F2) What case caused the Supreme Court to recognize the rights of free speech and free press as among the personal rights of liberty protected by the due process clause? A) The Dred Scott case B) Fourteenth Amendment trial C) Slaughterhouse Cases D) Gitlow v. New York

B) False

2. (U6C5L3:F2) The civil rights movement is not a good example of citizens using their rights protected by the Constitution to secure other constitutional rights. A) True B) False

C) Voting Rights Act

2. (U6C5L4:F2) What act in 1965 addressed the problem of discrimination against all minorities? A) Civil Rights Act B) Minorities Act C) Voting Rights Act D) American Act

A) Rights of the individual

2. (U6C5L5:F2) Opponents of affirmative action programs that involve preferential treatment believe that these programs violate what? A) Rights of the individual B) The Bill of Rights C) Rights of the government D) Rights of schools

A) operating

20. (U2C4L4:V3) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. Another word for to work, function, conduct, or manage is _____. A) operating B) contingencies C) intuitions D) non-judgment


20. (U1C1L3:G15) True or False: Commissioned officers are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.


20. (U1C1L4:G16) True or False: To win the JROTC Physical Fitness Award, males must run a mile in 8:30 or less, and females must run a mile in 10:45 or less.


20. (U1C1L5:G17) True or False: Male Cadets are allowed to wear facial hair if it is well groomed and in good taste.

A) Storm

20. (U1C1L6:G16) The ___________ flag measures 5 feet by 9-½ feet and is flown only during high winds or stormy weather. A) Storm B) Garrison C) Post D) Ceremonial flag

C) symbol

20. (U1C1L7:V5) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below.Many people consider the national anthem of a country a _______ for themselves. A) bombardment B) "The Star-Spangled Banner" C) symbol D) under arms

D) To indicate respect for those in positions of authority.

20. (U1C1L8:G16) What is the primary purpose of a hand salute today? A) To distinguish officers from enlisted personnel. B) To reveal that you are not holding a weapon. C) To show non-military respect for their civilian positions. D) To indicate respect for those in positions of authority.


20. (U1C1L9:G16) True or False: A staff officer of a higher headquarters has no authority over the staff of a subordinate headquarters.

A) Overcoming fears other than bodily harm while doing what needs to be done.

20. (U2C1L3:G15) Define moral courage. A) Overcoming fears other than bodily harm while doing what needs to be done. B) The standards of conduct that govern group behavior. C) A person's inner strength. D) Overcoming fears of bodily harm and doing your duty.

C) recrimination

20. (U2C1L4:V2) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. Through the process of _____, leaders determine their own capabilities and limitations. A) attributes B) self-evaluation C) recrimination D) philosophy

A) supplementary command

20. (U2C2L2:V2) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "The part of a drill command that states the movement to be carried out and mentally prepares personnel for its execution." A) supplementary command B) inflection C) column D) preparatory command

C) Synergy

20. (U2C4L1:V1) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. _____ is when you and your team members cooperate together and create better results than they could get working alone. A) Discrimination B) Stereotyping C) Synergy D) Inclusionary

D) Influencing

20. (U2C4L2:G16) A leader who uses _______________ actions encourages others to express candid opinions, shares information with subordinates, and mediates peer conflicts and disagreements. A) After communication B) Tactical C) Special D) Influencing

D) straight, angle

20. (U2C5L8:SQ7) When the saber is at the order arms position, keep it ________ and not at a(n) _______ to the body. A) angled, line B) tilted, angle C) perpendicular, slant D) straight, angle

E) power given to the person in the position within the hierarchy

20. (U2C6L1:V3) What is the definition of the term "legitimate power"? A) when people comply with the wishes of others to get something in return B) power resulting from specific expertise, knowledge, or special skills C) power that is yielded by fear D) a type of power that is used to influence others E) power given to the person in the position within the hierarchy

D) to put off or delay

20. (U2C6L3:V4) What is the definition of the word "procrastinate"? A) the act of managing; control or direction B) something that absolutely must be done C) to form a mental image D) to put off or delay E) a source of help or supply

B) transference

20. (U2C6L4:V2) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "The act of moving from one place to another." A) communication B) transference C) encodes D) feedback

D) Combining the best qualities of all sides to develop a better solution

20. (U6C1L2:G18) Define "harmony" as it is used in the citizenship skill of balance. A) Loyalty to a government, a concept, or a cause B) Creating a win/win environment C) Seeing what needs to be done and doing it for the good of the whole D) Combining the best qualities of all sides to develop a better solution

C) cross examine

20. (U6C1L5:V2) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "To question the witness or opposing side" A) Chief Justice® B) jury foreman C) cross examine D) opening statements

D) secular governments

20. (U6C2L2:V14) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "A system of political power not exercised by ecclesiastical bodies or the clergy" A) providence B) established religion C) factions D) secular governments

A) monarch

20. (U6C2L3:V14) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. Parliament was originally a council of nobles created to advise the _____________, or the king. A) monarch B) realm C) vassal D) rule of law

D) suffrage

20. (U6C2L4:V14) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The right to vote" A) governor B) covenant C) constituents D) suffrage

B) apportioned

20. (U6C3L3:V14) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "The allocation of legislative seats" A) treason B) apportioned C) veto D) electors

B) something that absolutely must be done

21. (U2C6L3:V5) What is the definition of the word "mandatory"? A) the act of managing; control or direction B) something that absolutely must be done C) to form a mental image D) to put off or delay E) a source of help or supply


21. (U1C1L3:G16) True or False: A JROTC warrant officer denotes a JROTC technician.

D) It is awarded to Cadet staff officers for outstanding performance.

21. (U1C1L4:G17) To whom is the Superior Cadet Award awarded? A) It is awarded annually to the Cadet with the highest G.P.A. in each LET level. B) It is awarded annually to the most physically fit Cadet in each LET level. C) It is awarded annually to the most decorated Cadet in each LET level. D) It is awarded to Cadet staff officers for outstanding performance.

B) A wrist watch, an identification bracelet, no more than two rings, and small circular earrings that do not exceed ¼ inch in diameter

21. (U1C1L5:G18) How much jewelry is a female Cadet allowed to wear? A) An unlimited amount as long as it is in good taste B) A wrist watch, an identification bracelet, no more than two rings, and small circular earrings that do not exceed ¼ inch in diameter C) Two pieces; not including a wristwatch D) Seven pieces

A) Burning

21. (U1C1L6:G17) The traditional way of disposing of a flag that is worn or badly stained is by ______________. A) Burning B) Burial C) Burial at sea D) Tearing to bits and allowing the pieces to blow away.

B) "The Star-Spangled Banner"

21. (U1C1L7:V6) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. The national anthem for the United States is _________. A) bombardment B) "The Star-Spangled Banner" C) symbol D) under arms

A) Cannon

21. (U1C1L8:G17) A ______________ salute is used to honor civil or military officials from the U.S. or foreign countries. A) Cannon B) Gun C) Hand D) None of the above

A) By voice, by rising, or by show of hands

21. (U1C1L9:G17) What are the three regular methods of voting in meetings? A) By voice, by rising, or by show of hands B) By ballot, by consensus, by majority C) By "yea", by "nay", and by abstention D) By delegate, by individual, by party

A) Physical and moral courage

21. (U2C1L3:G16) Name the two forms of personal courage. A) Physical and moral courage B) Absolute and situational courage C) Temporary and permanent courage D) Intellectual and physical courage

A) attributes

21. (U2C1L4:V3) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. Seeking self-improvement means continually strengthening your _____. A) attributes B) doctrine C) diversified D) philosophy

C) supplementary command

21. (U2C2L2:V3) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "An oral order given by a subordinate leader that reinforces and complements a higher order to ensure proper understanding and execution of a movement." A) command of execution B) selfless C) supplementary command D) snap

A) ethnic

21. (U2C4L1:V2) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. People come from all walks of life, different geographical areas, and numerous racial and _____ backgrounds. A) ethnic B) inclusionary C) stereotype D) impartial

C) After Action Reviews

21. (U2C4L2:G17) Leaders who assess effectively use AARs to identify lessons learned. What are AARs? A) After Action Response B) Army Action Review C) After Action Reviews D) Account and Activity Review

C) cohesive

21. (U2C4L4:V4) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. The actions of a leader are crucial to developing a disciplined, _____, and effective organization. A) non-judgment B) improving C) cohesive D) divided

B) hand

21. (U2C5L8:SQ8) When not in formation, but you are wearing a saber and must execute a salute, render a ________ salute. A) arm B) hand C) head D) quick

B) power resulting from specific expertise, knowledge, or special skills

21. (U2C6L1:V4) What is the definition of the term "expert power"? A) when people comply with the wishes of others to get something in return B) power resulting from specific expertise, knowledge, or special skills C) power that is yielded by fear D) a type of power that is used to influence others E) power given to the person in the position within the hierarchy


21. (U2C6L2:V4) Participating A) B) C) D)

C) message

21. (U2C6L4:V3) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A communication transmitted between persons by written or spoken word, signals, and so on." A) decodes B) feedback C) message D) transference

B) win/win

21. (U6C1L2:G19) A solution to a problem that solves or meets all sides' needs is called a ____________ situation. A) compromise B) win/win C) arbitrary D) simple

B) trials

21. (U6C1L5:V3) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "Examinations of facts and law in a court of law" A) jury B) trials C) verdict D) judge

B) Judeo-Christian

21. (U6C2L2:V15) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "Beliefs and practices which have their historical roots in Judaism and Christianity" A) Renaissance B) Judeo-Christian C) Middle Ages D) Age of Enlightenment

D) Manorialism

21. (U6C2L3:V15) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. ___________ was a form of economic life of the Middle Ages in which most of the people were involved in agriculture and land was divided up into self- contained farms. A) Realm B) Rule of law C) Contracts D) Manorialism

B) sovereignty

21. (U6C2L4:V15) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The ultimate, supreme power in a state; in the United States, it rests with the people" A) magistrate B) sovereignty C) indentured servant D) constituents

C) bills of attainder

21. (U6C3L3:V15) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "An act of legislation that inflicts punishment on an individual or group without a judicial trial" A) judicial review B) fugitive slave clause C) bills of attainder D) equal representation


24. (U2C4L2:G20) True or False: Effective counselors talk more than they listen.

C) To the Army Instructors and to the principal.

22. (U1C1L3:G17) To whom does the Cadet Battalion Commander report? A) The First Sergeant of the command. B) Up and down his or her chain of command. C) To the Army Instructors and to the principal. D) No one. Others report to the Cadet Battalion Commander.

A) For outstanding ability and achievement.

22. (U1C1L4:G18) For what is the Daughters of the American Revolution Award given? A) For outstanding ability and achievement. B) For outstanding academic grade point average. C) For students with exemplary parent/daughter relationships. D) For Cadets with the highest scores in history in each LET level.


22. (U1C1L5:G19) True or False: The supply officer is responsible for ensuring that Cadets' uniforms are cleaned and pressed.

A) 1892

22. (U1C1L6:G18) The original Pledge of Allegiance was written in _______________. A) 1892 B) 1942 C) 1776 D) 1392

D) In ancient times, a salute indicated that you were not holding a weapon in your hand.

22. (U1C1L8:G18) Explain the history of the hand salute. A) In ancient times, a salute shielded the eyes so one could see one's opponent clearly. B) In ancient times, a salute identified the members of one's tribe. C) In ancient times, a salute was rendered only to members of the opposite sex. D) In ancient times, a salute indicated that you were not holding a weapon in your hand.

B) A principle, belief, or doctrine generally held to be true; a set of guidelines.

22. (U2C1L3:G17) The Code of Conduct contains the basic tenets for conduct of service members. Define "tenet." A) Synonymous with requirements. B) A principle, belief, or doctrine generally held to be true; a set of guidelines. C) A proven fact. D) Any book that specifies how members of a group are required to think.

D) philosophy

22. (U2C1L4:V4) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. A _____ is a discipline comprising at its core logic, aesthetics, ethics, metaphysics, and epistemology. A) censure B) doctor C) recrimination D) philosophy

A) command of execution

22. (U2C2L2:V4) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "The part of a drill command that tells when the movement is to be executed (carried out)." A) command of execution B) rhythmic C) preparatory command D) interval

D) minority

22. (U2C4L1:V3) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. Although the Army completed its desegregation in the 1950s, the assignment of whites and members of _____ groups to the same units did not ensure total equity, racial harmony, or a fully integrated Army." A) stereotype B) inclusionary C) impartial D) minority

C) After Action Reviews

22. (U2C4L2:G17) Leaders who assess effectively use AARs to identify lessons learned. What are AARs? A) After Action Response B) Army Action Review C) After Action Reviews D) Account and Activity Review

A) objectively

22. (U2C4L4:V5) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. Leaders must _____ and logically analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each course of action to make good decisions. A) objectively B) improve C) influence D) cohesive

C) right, return the saber to the carry position, left

22. (U2C5L8:SQ9) All actions taken when executing "ready, front" from eyes right while marching are performed on the ________ foot, except to ________, which occurs when the ________ foot strikes the marching surface. A) right, return the saber to the carry position, right B) left, return the saber to the carry position, right C) right, return the saber to the carry position, left D) left, return the saber to the carry position, left

D) a type of power that is used to influence others

22. (U2C6L1:V5) What is the definition of the term "referent power"? A) when people comply with the wishes of others to get something in return B) power resulting from specific expertise, knowledge, or special skills C) power that is yielded by fear D) a type of power that is used to influence others E) power given to the person in the position within the hierarchy

C) encodes

22. (U2C6L4:V4) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "Converts" A) decodes B) transmitted C) encodes D) message

C) hindrance

22. (U6C1L2:V1) Choose the antonym for the word below. cooperation A) balance B) collaborate C) hindrance

D) law firm

22. (U6C1L5:V4) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "A group of lawyers" A) opening statements B) deliberations C) cross examine D) law firm

C) papacy

22. (U6C2L2:V16) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The office or authority of the Pope, the spiritual leader of the Roman Catholic church" A) capitalism B) nation-state C) papacy D) common good

A) Seven Years War

22. (U6C2L4:V16) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "A series of dynastic and colonial wars between England and France; the American phase, fought between 1754 and 1764, is known as the French and Indian War" A) Seven Years War B) Sons of Liberty C) First Continental Congress D) Intolerable Acts

A) Electoral College

22. (U6C3L3:V16) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The group of presidential electors that casts the official votes for president after a presidential election" A) Electoral College B) treason C) impeach D) executive power

D) Platoon

23. (U1C1L3:G18) Each ____________ is composed of a headquarters section and at least two or three squads. A) Squad B) Team C) Battalion D) Platoon

C) For duty that far exceeds that expected for grade and experience of the Cadet.

23. (U1C1L4:G19) For what is the Commendation Ribbon awarded? A) For recruiting peers into JROTC B) For academic excellence in one's LET level. C) For duty that far exceeds that expected for grade and experience of the Cadet. D) For high scores in Academic Challenge Competition.


23. (U1C1L5:G20) True or False: Black tennis or casual shoes such as loafers may be substituted for black low quarter shoes or pumps with the JROTC uniforms.

A) In 1892. Congress officially recognized the pledge in 1942.

23. (U1C1L6:G19) When was the Pledge of Allegiance written? A) In 1892. Congress officially recognized the pledge in 1942. B) In 1776. Congress officially recognized the pledge that same year. C) In 1492. Congress officially recognized the pledge in 1789. D) In 1945. Congress officially recognized the pledge that same year.


23. (U1C1L8:G19) True or False: Secretaries of the Army, Air Force, and Navy, and Generals of the Army and Air Force are honored with a 21-gun salute.


23. (U1C1L9:V2) Course of Action A) B) C) D) E)

C) Moral

23. (U2C1L3:G18) ____________ courage is standing up for your values, moral principles, and convictions. A) Physical B) Absolute C) Moral D) Real

B) diversified

23. (U2C1L4:V5) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. Seek a variety of activities and _____ leadership positions that will give you experience in accepting responsibility. A) attribute B) diversified C) doctrine D) singular

B) interval

23. (U2C2L2:V5) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "The lateral space between personnel in a formation, measured from right to left with close, double, or normal spacing." A) column B) interval C) cadence D) supplementary command

C) stereotypes

23. (U2C4L1:V4) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. It is generally agreed that a racial prejudice is a negative attitude toward a racial or ethnic group that is maintained through _____. A) culture B) discrimination C) stereotypes D) synergy

A) Developmental

23. (U2C4L2:G19) _____________ counseling is subordinate-centered communication that produces a plan outlining actions that subordinates must take to meet individual and organizational goals. A) Developmental B) Subordinate C) Leadership D) Delegating

B) intuitions

23. (U2C4L4:V6) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. After a leader carefully examines all possible courses of action using all available information, they can then consider their _____ and emotions. A) influences B) intuitions C) cohesive D) contingencies

B) four

23. (U2C5L8:SQ10) On the command of "present" in "present, saber," bring the saber to a position of approximately ________ inches from your nose. A) three B) four C) five D) two

D) giving up; submitting

23. (U2C6L1:V6) What is the definition of the word "relinquishing"? A) withdrawing B) assuming power C) sharing opinion of fact D) giving up; submitting

D) transmitted

23. (U2C6L4:V5) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "Sent from one person to another." A) communication B) emotional intelligence C) encodes D) transmitted

A) self-deprecation

23. (U6C1L2:V2) Choose the antonym for the word below. self-improvement A) self-deprecation B) betterment C) self-awareness D) balance

B) jury

23. (U6C1L5:V5) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "A select group of individuals chosen to listen and render a verdict in a court case" A) forum B) jury C) verdict D) cross examine

A) representative democracy

23. (U6C2L2:V17) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The system of government in which power is held by the people and exercised indirectly through elected representatives" A) representative democracy B) capitalism C) public and private morality D) nation-state

C) Massachusetts Body of Liberties

23. (U6C2L4:V17) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "A document that described the rights of citizens and the authority of public officials" A) Boston Massacre B) Stamp Act Congress C) Massachusetts Body of Liberties D) The Laws and Liberties

C) fugitive slave clause

23. (U6C3L3:V17) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "Provided that slaves who escaped to other states must be returned to their owners" A) supremacy clause B) judicial review C) fugitive slave clause D) appellate jurisdiction

A) contingencies

24. (U2C4L4:V7) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. Good leaders include _____ in their plans that address possible unexpected situations and actions. A) contingencies B) improving C) operating D) intuitions

B) Cadet Lieutenant Colonel

24. (U1C1L3:G19) What is the rank of a JROTC Battalion Commander? A) Cadet Lieutenant B) Cadet Lieutenant Colonel C) Cadet Captain D) Cadet Major

C) Academic awards

24. (U1C1L4:G20) Which awards come first in the order of merit -military awards, athletic awards, or academic awards? A) Military awards B) Athletic awards C) Academic awards D) All have equal merit

B) The Cadet wearing the uniform inspects it first, then a peer inspects the uniform, and then the Cadet stands for a formal inspection.

24. (U1C1L5:G21) Who is responsible for inspecting the uniform prior to a formal inspection? A) The company first sergeant B) The Cadet wearing the uniform inspects it first, then a peer inspects the uniform, and then the Cadet stands for a formal inspection. C) The Executive Officer, or XO D) The Squad leader

D) It should be raised briskly and lowered ceremoniously.

24. (U1C1L6:G20) What is the proper way to raise and lower a U.S. flag? A) It should be raised ceremoniously and lowered briskly. B) It always should pause at half-mast for a brief moment. C) It should be raised and lowered in a hurry to keep it from getting dirty. D) It should be raised briskly and lowered ceremoniously.

C) A drum and bugle salute, usually used to honor military or civilian officials.

24. (U1C1L8:G20) What are "ruffles and flourishes"? A) Fringe on the edge of flags. B) A nickname given the gold braid on an officer's dress blue hat. C) A drum and bugle salute, usually used to honor military or civilian officials. D) Another name for a 21-gun salute.

A) A principle of right action binding upon members of a group that guides, controls, or regulates proper and accepted behavior.

24. (U2C1L3:G19) What is a "norm?" A) A principle of right action binding upon members of a group that guides, controls, or regulates proper and accepted behavior. B) A guy on "Cheers". C) An absolute principle that is unchanging from one environment to the next. D) Principles or standards that guide people to make decisions based on peer pressure.

C) convictions

24. (U2C1L4:V6) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. Adhere to what you think is right and have the courage to stick to your _____. A) self-evaluation B) attributes C) convictions D) censure

C) column

24. (U2C2L2:V6) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A formation in which people or elements are arranged one behind the other." A) inflection B) preparatory command C) column D) snap

D) culture

24. (U2C4L1:V5) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. A _____ is the total of the learned behaviors of a group of people that are generally considered to be the tradition of that people and are transmitted from generation to generation. A) stereotype B) minority C) synergy D) culture

A) ready, return, saber

24. (U2C5L8:SQ11) The command of execution "cut" has a preparatory command of ________ and is performed when executing "________,________." A) ready, return, saber B) saber, ready, return C) return, saber, ready D) ready, saber, return

C) sharing opinion of fact

24. (U2C6L1:V7) What is the definition of the word "developmental"? A) withdrawing B) assuming power C) sharing opinion of fact D) giving up; submitting

D) decodes

24. (U2C6L4:V6) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "Translates" A) encodes B) transmitted C) transference D) decodes

D) disregard

24. (U6C1L2:V3) Choose the antonym for the word below. respect A) fairness B) obey C) admire D) disregard

A) deliberation

24. (U6C1L5:V6) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "A period of time given to a jury to discuss and determine a ruling in a case" A) deliberation B) law firm C) verdict D) trials

A) Reformation

24. (U6C2L2:V18) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "Sixteenth-century religious movement aimed at reforming the Roman Catholic church and resulting in the establishment of Protestant churches" A) Reformation B) Christendom C) Renaissance D) Age of Enlightenment

D) primogeniture

24. (U6C2L4:V18) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The condition of being the first-born child; in law, it refers to the right of the eldest son to inherit all of his parent's estates" A) writ of assistance B) legislatures C) indentured servant D) primogeniture

A) treason

24. (U6C3L3:V18) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "In the U.S. Constitution, ______ is 'giving aid and comfort' to the enemy during wartime" A) treason B) equal representation C) ex post facto laws D) veto

B) Cadet Captain

25. (U1C1L3:G20) What is the rank of a JROTC Company Commander? A) Cadet Major B) Cadet Captain C) Cadet Lieutenant Colonel D) Cadet First Sergeant


25. (U1C1L4:G21) True or False: Military awards come in the first order of merit of the awards given in JROTC.

D) The hair must be neatly trimmed with sideburns no lower than the bottom of the ear opening.

25. (U1C1L5:G22) What is the standard for a male Cadet's hair style? A) The hairs must meet the bottom of the shirt collar. B) It must be neatly trimmed with sideburns no lower than the bottom of the ear lobe. C) Any style is acceptable as long as it is clean and well-groomed. D) The hair must be neatly trimmed with sideburns no lower than the bottom of the ear opening.


25. (U1C1L6:G21) True or False: U.S. flags may only fly from sunrise to sunset.

D) It has the ability within itself to move.

25. (U1C1L8:G21) What does it mean when a cannon is said to be "self-propelled"? A) You push it yourself into the proper position. B) It has the ability to sight itself on a target. C) It has wheels and can be moved by a tow vehicle. D) It has the ability within itself to move.


25. (U1C1L9:V4) Personal Staff A) B) C) D) E)

B) Norms

25. (U2C1L3:G20) Standards of conduct that govern the behavior of a group may be formal or informal and are commonly called __________. A) Standards B) Norms C) Laws D) Tenets

B) censure

25. (U2C1L4:V7) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. When you strongly disapprove of something someone has done you may _____him or her. A) recrimination B) censure C) convict D) diversified

D) inflection

25. (U2C2L2:V7) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "The rise and fall in the pitch and the tone changes of the voice." A) command of execution B) selfless C) tone D) inflection

B) Discrimination

25. (U2C4L1:V6) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. _____ is defined as the actions or practices carried out by members of dominant groups, or their representatives, that have a differential and harmful impact on members of subordinate groups. A) Impartial B) Discrimination C) Culture D) Inclusionary

B) Learn

25. (U2C4L2:G21) Leaders effectively ___________ when they seek self-improvement in weak areas; envision, adapt, and lead change; ask incisive questions; envision ways to improve; and take time off to grow and recreate. A) Observe B) Learn C) Serve D) Delegate

D) non-judgment

25. (U2C4L4:V8) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. While working with others consider their ideas with _____ so they feel free to share openly. A) contingencies B) intuitions C) influence D) non-judgment

A) withdrawing

25. (U2C6L1:V8) What is the definition of the word "defensive"? A) withdrawing B) assuming power C) sharing opinion of fact D) giving up; submitting

A) feedback

25. (U2C6L4:V7) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "Verifying that a message was received in the manner it was intended." A) feedback B) emotional intelligence C) message D) transmitted

B) weakness

25. (U6C1L2:V4) Choose the antonym for the word below. strength A) power B) weakness C) balance D) might

D) opening statements

25. (U6C1L5:V7) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "Statements that present the opinion of one side in the beginning of a court case" A) law firm B) jury C) judge D) opening statements

C) nation-state

25. (U6C2L2:V19) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The modern nation as the representative unit of political organization" A) mixed government B) civic virtue C) nation-state D) secular governments

B) First Continental Congress

25. (U6C2L4:V19) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The body of delegates representing the colonies that first met to protest British rule and that eventually became the government of the United States" A) Fundamental Orders to Connecticut B) First Continental Congress C) Tea Act D) The Laws and Liberties

C) legislative power

25. (U6C3L3:V19) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The power to write and enact laws" A) enumerated powers B) electors C) legislative power D) proportional representation

C) Cadet Major

26. (U1C1L3:G21) What is the rank of a JROTC Battalion Executive Officer? A) Cadet Captain B) Cadet Colonel C) Cadet Major D) Cadet General

D) Commendation

26. (U1C1L4:G22) The award given for duty that far exceeds that expected for grade and experience of a Cadet is the _______________ Ribbon. A) Appreciation B) Experience C) Recruitment D) Commendation

A) Should be styled so that it does not touch the top of the collar and so the cap can be worn easily.

26. (U1C1L5:G23) What is the standard for a female Cadet's hair style? A) Should be styled so that it does not touch the top of the collar and so the cap can be worn easily. B) There is no standard as long as it is well groomed and the cap can be worn correctly. C) It must be cut so it does not touch the top of the shirt collar. D) It must be really trimmed with sideburns no lower than the bottom of the ear opening.

D) when there is a death of a president, former president, principal official, or foreign dignitary

26. (U1C1L6:G22) Presidential proclamations contain the rules for displaying the flag at half-staff.For example, on Memorial Day, we display the flag at half-staff until noon, then raise it to the top of the staff. When do State and Federal governments also fly the flag at half-staff. A) a national emergency B) a terrorist attack C) a signal of relief D) when there is a death of a president, former president, principal official, or foreign dignitary

D) Call the room to attention

26. (U1C1L8:G22) A common courtesy when an officer enters the office or classroom for the first time of the day is to ____________. A) Stand up B) Stand and salute C) Order "post" D) Call the room to attention


26. (U1C1L9:V5) Special Staff A) B) C) D) E)


26. (U2C1L3:G21) True or False: All norms are good and have positive results.

D) recrimination

26. (U2C1L4:V8) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. Let team members know that you will accept honest errors without __________________. A) conviction B) doctrines C) philosophy D) recrimination

A) tone

26. (U2C2L2:V8) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A sound of distinct pitch, loudness, vibration, quality, and/or duration; the particular or relative pitch of a word or a phrase." A) tone B) rhythmic C) inflection D) snap

C) impartial

26. (U2C4L1:V7) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. Give fair and _____ treatment to all. A) discrimination B) synergy C) impartial D) ethnic


26. (U2C4L2:G22) True or False: Mutual respect in leader-subordinate relationships improves the chances of changing (or maintaining) behavior and achieving goals.

A) commitment

29. (U1C1L4:V1) Choose the word that best describes the scenario below.Dan really wanted to go see the new action movie on Saturday, but he had already promised to help his dad mow the lawn. A) commitment B) initiative C) decorations D) athletic award

B) emotional intelligence

26. (U2C6L4:V8) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The ability for one to monitor their emotions and use information about those emotions to guide one's thinking and actions." A) feedback B) emotional intelligence C) communication D) message

A) instability

26. (U6C1L2:V5) Choose the antonym for the word below. balance A) instability B) respect C) fairness D) patience

C) verdict

26. (U6C1L5:V8) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "The decision rendered by a judge or jury in a court case" A) judge B) trials C) verdict D) forum

D) Renaissance

26. (U6C2L2:V20) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The great revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe during the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth centuries, based on classical sources" A) Middle Ages B) Christendom C) Judeo-Christian D) Renaissance

D) Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

26. (U6C2L4:V20) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "Adopted in 1639, this series of laws is the first written constitution in North America" A) Declaration of Independence B) Tea Act C) Seven Years War D) Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

B) enumerated powers

26. (U6C3L3:V20) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "Those rights and responsibilities of the U.S. government specifically provided for and listed in the Constitution" A) executive power B) enumerated powers C) supremacy clause D) necessary and proper clause

A) Black necktie

29. (U1C1L5:G26) If a male Cadet is wearing a long-sleeved Class B uniform shirt, the Cadet must also wear a _____________. A) Black necktie B) Garrison cap C) Green necktie D) Subdued grade insignias

C) The S-2, also called the Battalion Intelligence or Security Officer.

27. (U1C1L3:G22) Who in a unit is primarily responsible for staff matters pertaining to security? A) The S-3, also called the Training Officer. B) The JROTC Senior Army Instructor. C) The S-2, also called the Battalion Intelligence or Security Officer. D) The Information Officer

D) To an outstanding Cadet who contributed the most to encourage and demonstrate Americanism.

27. (U1C1L4:G23) To whom is the National Sojourners Award given? A) The student with the highest academic average in JROTC B) The most outstanding LET 3 Cadet in an JROTC program. C) The most improved student in an JROTC program. D) To an outstanding Cadet who contributed the most to encourage and demonstrate Americanism.

B) Tidy hair, clean fingernails, and good posture.

27. (U1C1L5:G24) Name three factors that affect personal appearance. A) Height, weight, and blood pressure. B) Tidy hair, clean fingernails, and good posture. C) Age, income, and race. D) All of the above.

A) First raise the flag to the peak of the staff, then lower it to the half-staff position.

27. (U1C1L6:G23) What is the protocol for raising a flag to half mast in tribute to a deceased person? A) First raise the flag to the peak of the staff, then lower it to the half-staff position. B) Raise the flag to the midpoint of the pole and leave it there. C) Raise it immediately to half staff while those around salute it. D) Raise the flag to the peak of the staff, then lower all the way back down, then raise it up to the half-staff position.

B) The President receives a 21-gun salute, while the vice president receives a 19-gun salute.

27. (U1C1L8:G23) How are gun salutes rendered to the President and Vice President? A) The President receives a 19-gun salute, while the vice president receives a 17-gun salute. B) The President receives a 21-gun salute, while the vice president receives a 19-gun salute. C) The President receives a 21-gun salute, while the vice president receives a 17-gun salute. D) The President and the vice president both receive 21-gun salutes.

A) A person's inner strength

27. (U2C1L3:G22) Define "character." A) A person's inner strength B) Someone who is a genuine eccentric. C) Someone who blames others for things that go wrong with a team. D) Principles or standards that guide people to do the right thing.

C) cadence

27. (U2C2L2:V9) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "The uniform rhythm in which a movement is executed, or the number of steps or counts per minute at which a movement is executed." A) column B) supplementary command C) cadence D) interval

D) inclusionary

27. (U2C4L1:V8) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. Use _____ language like terms such as "we" and "us" instead of "they," "she," or "he." A) culture B) ethnic C) synergy D) inclusionary

D) Maintaining eye contact, having relaxed body posture, nodding encouragement, natural or relaxed facial expression, refraining from interrupting.

27. (U2C4L2:G24) What are the five activities of active listening? A) Concentrating by closing one's eyes, having relaxed body posture, nodding encouragement, natural or relaxed facial expression, refraining from interrupting. B) Maintaining eye contact, maintaining an attentive or rigidly respectful body posture, nodding encouragement, natural or relaxed facial expression, refraining from interrupting. C) Maintaining eye contact, interrupting to show engagement and enthusiasm on the topic, nodding encouragement, natural or relaxed facial expression, refraining from interrupting. D) Maintaining eye contact, having relaxed body posture, nodding encouragement, natural or relaxed facial expression, refraining from interrupting.

D) inequity

27. (U6C1L2:V6) Choose the antonym for the word below. fairness A) unbiased B) honesty C) strength D) inequity

A) judge

27. (U6C1L5:V9) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "A high-ranking court officer who supervises and gives a decision on an action or court case" A) judge B) jury foreman C) jury D) cross examine

B) Tea Act

27. (U6C2L4:V21) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The act by Parliament that conferred upon the East India Company, a monopoly importation of tea into the mainland colonies, thus eliminating the profits of the colonial importer and shopkeeper" A) Stamp Act Congress B) Tea Act C) Intolerable Acts D) The Laws and Liberties

D) equal representation

27. (U6C3L3:V21) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "Each state has the same number of representatives in Congress" A) impeach B) judicial review C) Electoral College D) equal representation

B) snap

28. (U2C2L2:V10) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "An immediate, sharp, precise response to a drill command." A) command of execution B) snap C) rhythmic D) tone


28. (U2C4L2:G25) True or False: A good leader can help every person in every situation.

B) To assist the Battalion Commander in the preparation, conduct, and supervision of all Cadet battalion training activities.

28. (U1C1L3:G23) What are the primary responsibilities of the Battalion S-3? A) To answer media questions. B) To assist the Battalion Commander in the preparation, conduct, and supervision of all Cadet battalion training activities. C) To track JROTC inventory of property. D) To advise the staff on the conditions of all weapons.

D) Merit Unit, Honor Unit, and Honor Unit with Distinction

28. (U1C1L4:G24) Name the three types of unit decorations in JROTC. A) Personal Unit, Merit Unit, and School Unit with Distinction B) School Unit, Personal Unit with Distinction, and Team Unit C) Team Unit, School Unit, and Merit Unit with Distinction D) Merit Unit, Honor Unit, and Honor Unit with Distinction


28. (U1C1L5:G25) True or False: Battle Dress Uniforms may be worn outside of school activities, such as during a hunting weekend or at a workplace that involves physical labor.

A) It is positioned with the union upper most and to the flag's own right (or to the observer's left).

28. (U1C1L6:G24) When displaying a flag flat against a wall either horizontally or vertically, how is it positioned? A) It is positioned with the union upper most and to the flag's own right (or to the observer's left). B) You should never display a flag flat against a wall. C) It is positioned with the union closest to the floor. D) It is positioned with the union upper most and to the flag's own left (or the observer's right).

B) A long established practice followed as a matter of course among people, oftentimes considered as an unwritten law or repeated practice.

28. (U1C1L8:V1) What is the definition of the word "customs"? A) The common spirit or feeling of pride found in the members of a group and inspiring enthusiasm, devotion, and strong regard for the honor of the group. B) A long established practice followed as a matter of course among people, oftentimes considered as an unwritten law or repeated practice. C) To have the ability within itself to move. D) To attire with a certain degree of uniformity; an appearance appropriate or peculiar to a particular time.


28. (U2C1L3:G23) True or False: People who can admit when they are wrong rather than blaming others are said to have strong character.

C) Chief Justice®

28. (U6C1L5:V10) Choose the term that best matches the description below. "The highest honor at the end of the game is to become Chief Justice®; the game will come to an end when one law firm has reached the level of Supreme Court and the Cadets are asked to confirm a Chief Justice® by secret ballot." A) cross examine B) jury foreman C) Chief Justice® D) deliberations

C) indentured servant

28. (U6C2L4:V22) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "Voluntary servants who sold their labor for a period of four to seven years in exchange for passage to America" A) suffrage B) magistrate C) indentured servant D) legislatures

B) proportional representation

28. (U6C3L3:V22) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The electoral system in which the number of representatives of a state in the House of Representatives is based on the number of people who live in that state" A) veto B) proportional representation C) treason D) executive power

B) The Battalion Public Affairs Officer, also called the Information Officer

29. (U1C1L3:G24) Whose job is it to act as the contact between the corps of cadets and all news media and student publications? A) The Battalion Ordinance Officer B) The Battalion Public Affairs Officer, also called the Information Officer C) The Battalion Supply Officer D) The Battalion Logistics Officer

C) The emblem on a flag symbolizing unity, such as the blue rectangle and stars on the U.S. flag

29. (U1C1L6:G25) What is the "union" on the U.S. flag? A) The emblem on the flag symbolizing the southern states B) The emblem on the flag symbolizing the northern states C) The emblem on a flag symbolizing unity, such as the blue rectangle and stars on the U.S. flag D) The emblem on a flag symbolizing discord in our nation's history

D) To attire with a certain degree of uniformity; an appearance appropriate or peculiar to a particular time.

29. (U1C1L8:V2) What is the definition of the word "dress"? A) Signs or forms of exchange used to greet or to show respect and recognition. B) A long established practice followed as a matter of course among people, oftentimes considered as an unwritten law or repeated practice. C) The passing down of elements of a culture (such as knowledge, beliefs, or customs) from one generation to another. D) To attire with a certain degree of uniformity; an appearance appropriate or peculiar to a particular time.

A) Assess the present strength of your values and character. B) Determine what values you want to promote. C) Seek out tasks and situations that support such character, and select a role model who demonstrates the values and character you want to develop. D) All of the above

29. (U2C1L3:G24) Name three things you can do to build strong and honorable character in yourself. A) Assess the present strength of your values and character. B) Determine what values you want to promote. C) Seek out tasks and situations that support such character, and select a role model who demonstrates the values and character you want to develop. D) All of the above

D) rhythmic

29. (U2C2L2:V11) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "Regular or orderly repetition of sounds or movements; steady; recurring with measured regularity." A) cadence B) preparatory command C) selfless D) rhythmic

D) Event-oriented and performance/professional growth

29. (U2C4L2:G26) Name the two major categories of counseling. A) Career and grief B) Grief and marriage C) Marriage and divorce D) Event-oriented and performance/professional growth

B) jury foreman

29. (U6C1L5:V11) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "A person who conducts the jury deliberation and speaks for the jury" A) law firm B) jury foreman C) trials D) opening statements

A) magistrate

29. (U6C2L4:V23) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "A lower-level judicial officer, usually elected in urban areas, who handles traffic violations, minor criminal offenses, and civil suits involving small amounts of money" A) magistrate B) minutemen C) sovereignty D) writ of assistance

D) executive power

29. (U6C3L3:V23) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The powers in the executive branch of the federal government" A) legislative power B) The Great Compromise C) balance of power D) executive power

A) Delegating

3. (U2C6L2:Q2) Read the situation below and determine which leadership style is being used. Your platoon sergeant gave you and the other squad leaders the mission to set up the platoon area as long as it was completed by the time she got back. A) Delegating B) Directing C) Participating D) Supporting

When the mustering petty officer forms the platoon he/she takes how many paces in front of the point where the center of the platoon will be?

3 paces

D) A Cadet motivates a team to accomplish a mission.

3. (U1C1L1:Q3) Leadership Theory and Application lessons teach Cadets the BE, KNOW, and DO of leadership. A friend of yours said that she understood the BE and DO parts, but wasn't sure about the KNOW. Which of the following would be a good example to illustrate what KNOW means? A) A Cadet receives an award. B) A Cadet demonstrates a performance task. C) A Cadet gets promoted to a leadership position. D) A Cadet motivates a team to accomplish a mission.

B) Conflict Resolution

3. (U1C1L2:Q3) You are the leader of a team of Cadets that successfully accomplished a number of tasks. Initially, your team consisted of new Cadets from many different backgrounds. They did not work well together and you had to constantly settle disputes. Your leadership skills helped guide them to complete the tasks and build a strong, cohesive team. Because of your team's success, you were commended by your JROTC Instructor for your specific skill in: A) Public Speaking B) Conflict Resolution C) Cultural Diversity D) Good Citizenship

3) Your Platoon Leader

3. (U1C1L3:Q3) As a new Cadet, you are being introduced to your chain of command. The person wearing this rank is most likely your ___________________. A) B) C) D)

B) Academic, military, athletic, miscellaneous

3. (U1C1L4:Q3) Institutional awards are presented by superintendents, principles, and Army instructors. They recognize achievement and participation in a variety of areas. Army JROTC categorizes some awards as having more merit than others. The order of merit for individual awards, from highest to lowest is: A) Academic, athletic, military, miscellaneous B) Academic, military, athletic, miscellaneous C) Military, academic, athletic, miscellaneous D) Military, athletic, academic, miscellaneous

B) Have the Cadet create or find a checklist with all of the parts of the uniform, conduct his own self-inspection, then bring it back to you to make sure he did it properly

3. (U1C1L5:Q3) A junior Cadet asked you to check his uniform prior to an inspection that is to occur in two days. When you inspect it, you find that the overall appearance of the uniform looks good, but there are several deficiencies that you think the Cadet should have found. Which one of the following courses of action should you take to teach the Cadet how to properly conduct a pre-inspection? A) Give the Cadet of list of the correction he needs to make, and have him come back tomorrow for another pre-inspection, then repeat it again if necessary B) Have the Cadet create or find a checklist with all of the parts of the uniform, conduct his own self-inspection, then bring it back to you to make sure he did it properly C) Make the necessary corrections to make sure the Cadet is prepared D) Tell the Cadet that he has some deficiencies and to figure out what they are and to correct them prior to the inspection

D) You inform the Cadet that the proper procedure for showing respect indoors, whether in uniform or not, is to stand at attention until the flag is six steps past him.

3. (U1C1L6:Q3) Prior to an assembly in the gym, you are watching the color guard practice posting the colors. During one of their rehearsals, you observe a new Cadet, not in uniform, stand at attention and render a hand salute as the flag passes him. As a leader who believes in giving positive feedback or making on-the-spot corrections, what do you tell him? A) You commend him for showing the flag the proper respect. B) You inform the Cadet that the proper procedure for showing respect indoors is to stand at attention and place his hand over his heart as the flag passes. C) You inform the Cadet that he should call "Attention," then "Present, Arms" as the flag approaches, then "Order, Arms" after the flag has moved 6 paces past him. D) You inform the Cadet that the proper procedure for showing respect indoors, whether in uniform or not, is to stand at attention until the flag is six steps past him.

C) Select personnel

3. (U2C6L3:Q2) As a leader, you use your organization skills to execute your plans. Identify the organizing factors used in the directions below. Select the correct set of organizing factors for the situation below. Kelly, Kent, and Tony have done this kind of work before, you will work on the King Project. Zachary and Kim, you will finish the Turner Project. A) Develop a working structure B) Determine each task C) Select personnel D) Set priorities

A) "The Stars and Stripes Forever" receives the same courtesies of respect as "The Star-Spangled Banner" and "To the Colors."

3. (U1C1L7:Q3) Which of the following is NOT true about "The Stars and Stripes Forever," our national march? A) "The Stars and Stripes Forever" receives the same courtesies of respect as "The Star-Spangled Banner" and "To the Colors." B) Just like our national anthem, our national march demonstrates the strength and power of patriotic music in the development of our national spirit. C) John Phillips Sousa wrote "The Stars and Stripes Forever" on the steamer Teutonic, although he didn't put it on paper until he got to New York. D) Like many patriotic songs, "The Stars and Stripes Forever" was an immediate hit. It is recognized as our national march in the United States Code of Federal Regulations.

A) When wearing glasses and headgear with a visor, touch the tip of your right forefinger to that point on the glasses where the temple piece of the frame meets the right edge of your right brow.

3. (U1C1L8:Q3) Assuming the hand and arm are in the correct positions, which of the following is NOT part of the correct procedure for rendering a hand salute? A) When wearing glasses and headgear with a visor, touch the tip of your right forefinger to that point on the glasses where the temple piece of the frame meets the right edge of your right brow. B) When wearing glasses and headgear without a visor (or when uncovered), touch the tip of your right forefinger to that point on the glasses where the temple piece of the frame meets the right edge of your right brow. C) When wearing headgear with a visor, place the tip of your right forefinger on the rim of the visor slightly to the right of your right eye. D) When wearing headgear without a visor (or when uncovered), touch the tip of your right forefinger to the forehead near and slightly to the right of your right eyebrow.

C) Commanders are assured that they are in control of the situation and can ignore outside influences.

3. (U1C1L9:Q3) The sequence of command in staff actions is a nine-step procedure the commanders and their staffs use to make decisions. Of the following, which is not one of the benefits of using the sequence? A) Commanders are assured that they are making a decision based on all available information. B) Staff officers are better prepared because they can anticipate the needs of each step. C) Commanders are assured that they are in control of the situation and can ignore outside influences. D) The Staff is able to plan an action before they receive a mission.

A) Tell him that since leadership is learned, that he should continue as a squad leader and learn from both his mistakes and the things he does well.

3. (U2C1L1:Q2) You are a squad leader. A fellow squad leader is feeling bad because he realized that he wasn't as strong a leader as he thought he was, and that he had some things to work on. As a squad member he always completed his missions, but he is having a hard time learning some leadership behaviors and doesn't think he should be a squad leader. For one thing, he has trouble motivating his squad to complete its assigned missions. What should you tell him to help him become a better leader? A) Tell him that since leadership is learned, that he should continue as a squad leader and learn from both his mistakes and the things he does well. B) Tell him that he should ask the platoon leader to take him out of the squad leader position until he learns more motivation techniques. C) Tell him that he should ask the platoon leader to put him in your squad so that you can teach him how to be a better leader. D) Tell him that most leaders have shortcomings and that he should just accept them and to continue to do the things he does well.

A) Traits approach and autocratic style

3. (U2C1L2:Q2) Throughout history, leaders used the same approaches and styles identified in modern studies. Kings and Queens in the middle ages ruled with absolute authority, and people believed that hereditary monarchies were the best way to govern. Which modern leadership approach and style best reflects this type of governing? A) Traits approach and autocratic style B) Behavior approach and autocratic style C) Follower approach and democratic style D) Traits approach and laissez-faire style

D) Before his dilemma occurs, talk to him about the meaning and purpose of values so that it is fresh in his mind, even if he later realizes that you knew about it ahead of time.

3. (U2C1L3:Q3) One of your friends applies the Army Values only when they benefit him. Even though your instructor regularly reinforces application of the Army Values, your friend continues to apply them only for his own needs. You also tried to talk to him, but his answer is always "I'll deal with it when I have to." You know that today he is going to have a serious ethical dilemma and will learn a hard lesson. As a loyal friend, what can you do to best help him learn meaning and purpose of values? A) Since your instructor keeps reinforcing them and you already talked to him, you have to let him learn about the purpose and meaning of values when he is faced with the dilemma. B) Tell him about the dilemma he's about to have so that he can be ready for it, even if it means he can apply the Army Values to help him avoid it. C) Even if he'll be mad at you for not telling him, let him learn the right (and hard) things about values. D) Before his dilemma occurs, talk to him about the meaning and purpose of values so that it is fresh in his mind, even if he later realizes that you knew about it ahead of time.

D) Tell your squad that you think another Cadet would learn more by being in charge of this mission and ask for a volunteer. Assign Cadet Jones to supervise, but to allow the volunteer the chance to accomplish the mission.

3. (U2C1L4:Q2) You promised your squad that Cadet Jones would be in charge of the next mission because she earned the opportunity. You notice that the next mission isn't difficult, and she wouldn't really be challenged by it. What course of action would you take in order to best develop your squad without denying Cadet Jones an opportunity? A) Don't go back on your word. Assign her to be in charge of the mission anyway. B) Tell your squad that the mission is so easy that anyone can do it, and then assign it to another Cadet. C) Tell Cadet Jones that "it just happens that way sometimes," have her complete the mission, then be fair and have her wait until her turn comes around again so that everyone else gets a chance too. D) Tell your squad that you think another Cadet would learn more by being in charge of this mission and ask for a volunteer. Assign Cadet Jones to supervise, but to allow the volunteer the chance to accomplish the mission.

D) Feedback

3. (U2C6L4:Q2) When a radio message ends with, "Wilco, Out" it means "I have received your message and will comply; this is the end of the message and you don't have to reply." What part of the communication process is "Wilco, Out" A) Message B) Encode C) Decode D) Feedback

Brain Stem

Oldest part of the brain, responsible for survival functions (e.g. breathing, heart beat, etc.); includes medulla and pons; aka "the lizard brain"

C) You go immediately to your instructor and report what you witnessed because friend or no friend, sexual harassment is wrong.

3. (U2C1L5:Q1) As you were leaving school for a dentist appointment, you witnessed a very popular Cadet, who happens to be a good friend of yours, harass another Cadet by making sexually degrading remarks. The next morning when you arrive at school, you find out from your good friend, the Cadet that made the remarks, that the victim filed a sexual harassment complaint. Your friend is complaining about it to anyone who will listen and spreading rumors about the victim. What is the best thing to do next? A) You leave an anonymous note telling your instructor what you saw, because you don't want to lose a friend, but want your friend to stop talking about the victim. B) You talk to your friend about admitting what happened and to stop talking about the victim, or that you will have to report what you witnessed to your instructor, even if it ends your friendship. C) You go immediately to your instructor and report what you witnessed because friend or no friend, sexual harassment is wrong. D) You talk to the victim about dropping the complaint because if you tell, the other Cadet will spread rumors about you, too. You also tell the victim that you will talk to your friend about not harassing anyone, including the victim, anymore.

D) Cadet Drill Instructors

3. (U2C2L1:Q1) Complete the following sentence or pictured Bridge Map with the appropriate answer. "Baron von Steuben was to the Continental Army, what are to new JROTC students and classes." A) Cadet Company Commanders B) Cadet Battalion Commanders C) Cadet Operations Officers D) Cadet Drill Instructors

B) Explain distinctiveness and how indistinct commands can cause confusion. Suggest that if she ends her commands of execution with an exclamation mark, her squad will respond correctly.

3. (U2C2L2:Q2) You are a Cadet Platoon Sergeant. Cadet Myers has recently been assigned as one of your squad leaders. As you observe Cadet Myers lead drill during leadership lab, you notice that she uses the correct commands, proper rhythm, and good voice volume to move her squad, but her commands of execution seem like questions. For example, it sounds like she says, "Forward, MARCH?" Her squad responds correctly, but occasionally they look at her as if to make sure of the command. What should you explain to her so that her commands don't sound like questions, and so that her squad members face where they should while marching? A) Explain voice control, and tell her that if she gives the commands in a louder voice, then her squad will respond better. B) Explain distinctiveness and how indistinct commands can cause confusion. Suggest that if she ends her commands of execution with an exclamation mark, her squad will respond correctly. C) Explain inflection and that if she increases the volume difference between the preparatory command and the command of execution, then her squad will react accordingly. D) Because her squad reacts correctly, don't say anything because it seems to work for her.

B) Insert "make on-the-spot corrections as necessary" after step 4) and before step 5)

3. (U2C2L3:Q2) Read the following paragraph, then select the answer that would make the paragraph most correct. The recommended steps for instructing drill are: 1) Explain and demonstrate each new drill movement; 2) have your team members practice it; 3) have your team members execute it; 4) observe each team member to make sure they execute it correctly; 5) provide individual instruction to those who need it; and 6) use appropriate discipline to correct mistakes. A) Change step 5) to read: "make on-the-spot corrections as necessary" B) Insert "make on-the-spot corrections as necessary" after step 4) and before step 5) C) Exchange steps 5) and 6) D) Remove step 6)

B) Slow to a quick-time and salute, and then continue your run.

3. (U2C2L4:Q1) Major General Winslow spoke to your JROTC class yesterday about the importance of staying physically fit. You were motivated enough to get up early this morning and go for a run. About halfway through your run you see MG Winslow who is also out for a run. What should you do when you cross paths? A) Salute as you are passing and continue your run. B) Slow to a quick-time and salute, and then continue your run. C) Say "Good morning" and continue your run. D) Stop, stand off to the side, and salute as the MG Winslow passes, then continue your run.


3. (U2C2L5:F3) True or False When at a halt, start all marching movements from the position of attention.

D) On the right foot, "Column right, march"

3. (U2C2L6:Q3) While marching in your squad, you see that the squad leader will have to change the direction of the squad column to the right by 90 degrees. Which of the following describes how the squad leader should give the command? A) On the right foot, "Right flank, march" B) On the right foot, "Column half right, march" C) On the left foot, "Column right, march" D) On the right foot, "Column right, march"

C) Mental and Emotional

3. (U2C3L1:Q2) While conducting a self assessment, you listed what you thought were your best leadership characteristics. You thought that you had good self-confidence, self-control, and that you worked well in pressure situations. Which two attributes do you think are your strongest? A) Interpersonal and Conceptual B) Emotional and Physical C) Mental and Emotional D) Physical and Mental

A) "Because each time I improve, I accomplish a goal and can re-evaluate and then re-set another goal."

3. (U2C3L2:Q2) Every three months, Cadet Pearson met his goal of improving his 2-mile run time. Cadet Stevens said, "Why don't you just set one goal of your absolute best possible time and try to reach it, instead of having to change your goal every quarter?" What should Cadet Pearson say to help Cadet Stevens better understand goal-setting? A) "Because each time I improve, I accomplish a goal and can re-evaluate and then re-set another goal." B) "Because I wouldn't ever reach that goal." C) "Because it would take me three years to reach that goal." D) "That's a good idea. I'll do it."

A) Replace "negotiation" with "education"

3. (U2C4L1:Q2) Read carefully the following paragraph and select the correct option (A-D). There are three ways that you can personally create change to help make race relations more positive. One is dialogue, which is when you present and exchange information about race relations. Another is confrontation, where you use feedback and active listening to talk about differences in a non-threatening way. The last is negotiation, where you challenge racist remarks and actions, and try to inform others of the facts. A) Replace "negotiation" with "education" B) Replace "non-threatening" with "aggressive" C) Replace "inform" with "lecture" D) Replace "challenge" with "sanction"

A) post

8. (U2C5L3:V3) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. If a platoon sergeant is to fill the _____ of a platoon leader, he takes a position six steps in front of and centered on the platoon. A) post B) base C) double time D) role

B) True: Putting yourself in your opponent's position allows you to better understand their objectives.

3. (U2C4L3:Q3) Read the following sentence and decide which option (A-D) is most correct. There are several ways to keep focused on win/win principled centered negotiations. One way is to allow yourself to be persuaded, and to stop yourself from working on your counter-arguments while someone else is talking. A) True: By understanding your opponent, you will feel better about making concessions to help them reach their objectives. B) True: Putting yourself in your opponent's position allows you to better understand their objectives. C) False: If you let yourself be persuaded, you will lose the negotiations. D) False: The purpose of negotiation is to argue your side and not make concessions.

A) X = Define the Objective Y = Study the current situation Z = Select the best course of action

3. (U2C4L4:Q2) Study the table and select the option (A-D) that best indicates the step or factor of the four-step planning process: The Four-step Planning Process: X. Determine conditions that may affect the circumstances of your mission. Determine how you will know you have accomplished your mission. Y. "I think we should plan to first gather the equipment. Next, we should organize the squad, and then we should start moving." Z. "We'll execute the third option. It's easier on our people, and it accomplishes the commander's intent better than the others." A) X = Define the Objective Y = Study the current situation Z = Select the best course of action B) X = Develop courses of action Y = Resources Z = Justify the decision C) X = Resources Y = Select the best course of action Z = Analyze the courses of action D) X = Study the current situation Y = Define the Objective Z = Manage time

B) No. He should have alternated high-energy topics with others.

3. (U2C4L5:Q2) Mike was tasked to plan a meeting to discuss the company's priority topics. He prioritized the high-energy topics and scheduled them during the first half of the meeting, then prioritized the remaining topics and summary for the second half. Did he do as good a job as possible? Why or why not? A) No. He should have started off with the low-energy topics and build up to the high-energy ones. B) No. He should have alternated high-energy topics with others. C) Yes. He put the high energy topics first, and prioritized them by importance. D) Yes. He made sure to cover all the priority topics during the meeting.


3. (U2C4L6:F3) True or False A supervisor's goal for a team is to achieve its goal through discipline, motivation, and cohesion.

B) Interpersonal skills

3. (U2C4L7:F3) It is easier to move to the performing stage if each team member is more skilled in what? A) Brainstorming B) Interpersonal skills C) Writing skills D) Reading skills

C) Keep resources focused on the task regardless of issues.

3. (U2C4L8:F3) The PERT chart cannot help a team leader do which of the following? A) Reevaluate the project while it is underway. B) Be mutually aware of the process and sub-goals. C) Keep resources focused on the task regardless of issues. D) Share in decision making about how, when, by whom activities are done.

D) Recommend, and if necessary insist, that Sarah go with her to talk with the mentoring program advisor and to seek professional help

3. (U2C4L9:Q2) Trust, respect and effective communication are needed for mentors to be successful. Rebecca promised her mentee, Sarah, that she would not tell anyone that Sarah was seriously considering suicide. What should Rebecca do? A) Attempt to handle the situation herself first. If unsuccessful, then refer Sarah to professional help. B) Maintain confidentiality and trust by honoring the promise to not tell anyone else. C) Recommend that Sarah talk to a professional counselor who is trained in suicide prevention. D) Recommend, and if necessary insist, that Sarah go with her to talk with the mentoring program advisor and to seek professional help.

C) X = Counter column, MARCH; Y = 1 step; Z = 1 step

3. (U2C5L1:Q3) Study the diagram and select the option (A-D) that best completes the procedure for executing this platoon movement. A) X = Reverse, MARCH; Y = 1 step; Z = 3 steps B) X = To the Rear, MARCH; Y = 2 steps; Z = 2 steps C) X = Counter column, MARCH; Y = 1 step; Z = 1 step D) X = Counter, COLUMN; Y = 2 steps; Z = 2 steps

C) Role Model

3. (U2C5L2:Q2) Leaders at all levels are expected to "Set the example" for their subordinates. Which part of leadership best demonstrates this behavior? A) Coach B) Counselor C) Role Model D) Teacher

A) Company in column with platoons in column

3. (U2C5L3:Q2) You are in third platoon. You are standing directly behind your squad leader, who is five steps in back of the last Cadet in second platoon. Your First Sergeant is positioned to the rear of the formation. What type of formation are you in? A) Company in column with platoons in column B) Company in column with platoons in line C) Company mass formation D) Platoon column formation

B) Battalion in line with companies in line

3. (U2C5L4:Q2) You are a Company Commander in a battalion formation. Your position is six steps in front of your company. If you are in the correct position, which of the following is not a formation you would be in? A) Battalion in column with companies in column B) Battalion in line with companies in line C) Battalion in line with companies in mass D) Battalion mass formation

D) Individual positions and stationary movement

3. (U2C5L5:F3) What are the two basic skills required in drill? A) Marching and stationary movement B) Stationary movement and formations C) Formations and individual positions D) Individual positions and stationary movement

A) When marching with a guidon bearer

3. (U2C5L8:F3) When is the only time you use the initial preparatory command "ready"? A) When marching with a guidon bearer B) When marching with 5 or more Cadets C) When marching with a saber D) Never

D) Relinquishing approach

3. (U2C6L1:Q2) Cadet Squad Leader Wilson had to work some extra hours, so she was late getting to drill practice. She rushed to practice as soon as her work time was over because she was worried that her squad wouldn't be practicing. When she got there, drill practice was halfway over, and her team leaders were effectively leading drill practice, so she went to finish some counseling paperwork. What approach did Cadet Wilson use with her power as a squad leader? A) Controlling approach B) Developmental approach C) Defensive approach D) Relinquishing approach

Integrating what you have learned in class with service activities is a key goal the service learning.

Orientation and training are necessary to prepare you and other participates for the service experience.

C) "It means that all states and all citizens should benefit from what the government can provide."

3. (U6C1L1:Q2) While discussing the Preamble to the Constitution, a friend asks you what "Promote the general welfare" means. What should you tell him? A) "It means to provide food, shelter and other assistance to the poor." B) "It means that citizens could look forward to being free instead of looking out for the interests of a monarch." C) "It means that all states and all citizens should benefit from what the government can provide." D) "It means that the government should not have laws that make justice or trade unfair."

C) Help Cadets identify and correct other citizen's ideas about government

3. (U6C1L2:Q3) You and another Cadet were teamed up to talk to potential JROTC students about the Cadet Citizenship Training Program. While you worked on creating a list of citizenship skills, your teammate made a list of the goals of the program. When you exchanged lists, you noticed one item that you didn't think was an appropriate goal. Which item would you recommend be left out? A) Help Cadets better understand the development of the U. S. system of government B) Help Cadets learn the mechanics of how government works, in the U. S., through hands-on exercises and experiences C) Help Cadets identify and correct other citizen's ideas about government D) Help Cadets develop in

C) It symbolizes the fact that the representative is speaking for his group, and not for him or her self.

3. (U6C1L4:Q3) Representatives in representative group meetings address each other as "The Honorable Representative from Group ___," not by their names. Select the option (A-D) that best explains why. A) The representatives come from different small groups and don't always know each other's names. B) It is a method of making sure discussions are kept civil and respectful. C) It symbolizes the fact that the representative is speaking for his group, and not for him or her self. D) It represents the higher status of representative group members over small group members.

B) Rule #2. It is not up to you to know a lot about the issue. It is the lawyer's jobs to present their side of the issue, and for you to base your decision on their arguments and discussions with other jurors.

3. (U6C1L5:Q4) Some Cadets that you mentor created this chart to help jury members understand their duties during Chief Justice® Game deliberations. When they ask you what you think, what rule would you suggest they research and change. Why? Chief Justice® Jury Duties: 1. Volunteer for, or accept, the position as jury foreman. 2. Research the issue and form an opinion prior to the trial. 3. Make a decision based on the lawyer's arguments and discussions with other jurors. 4. Try to influence other jurors to vote with your side. A) Rule #1. It is up to you whether or not to accept the position. Some people don't feel comfortable in leadership positions. B) Rule #2. It is not up to you to know a lot about the issue. It is the lawyer's jobs to present their side of the issue, and for you to base your decision on their arguments and discussions with other jurors. C) Rule #3. You are responsible for making your own decision and making others agree with your views. D) Rule #4. It is the lawyer's job to influence the jury to come to a decision.

A) natural rights philosophy

3. (U6C2L2:F3) Which philosophy stresses the rights of life, liberty, and property to the individual? A) natural rights philosophy B) classical republicanism C) classical rights D) all of the above

A) Certain rights may not be denied by the government B) The government is based on no laws or rules C) Government should be based on a contract between the ruler and citizens D) Both A and C are correct

3. (U6C2L3:F3) What were some of the tenets of the Magna Carta? A) Certain rights may not be denied by the government B) The government is based on no laws or rules C) Government should be based on a contract between the ruler and citizens D) Both A and C are correct

A) True

3. (U6C2L4:F3) The American colonists agreed with the English on the idea that the security of life and liberty depended on the security of property. A) True B) False

C) power to veto laws

3. (U6C2L5:F3) What provisions were in the Massachusetts constitution to keep the governor independent from the legislature? A) governor's salary changes each year B) could not appoint judges C) power to veto laws D) both A and C are correct

B) False

3. (U6C3L1:F3) The Founders originally wanted a strong national government. A) True B) False

B) The Virginia Plan

3. (U6C3L2:F3) What plan was used as the basis for the Constitution? A) The Massachusetts Plan B) The Virginia Plan C) The New Jersey Plan D) The Delaware Plan

D) the president

3. (U6C3L3:F3) Who is able to appoint judges of the Supreme Court? A) Congress B) the Senate C) the people D) the president

C) It would maintain the power of state governments.

3. (U6C3L4:Q1) Anti-Federalists George Mason, Elbridge Gerry, and Mercy Otis Warren were against ratifying the Constitution. Of the following reasons, which was NOT a reason for them to oppose it? A) It did not have a Bill of Rights. B) It gave too much power to the federal government. C) It would maintain the power of state governments. D) It would not maintain a republican form of government.

B) False

3. (U6C4L1:F3) In the beginning, the Supreme Court did not play a significant role in the federal government. This is the same today. A) True B) False

D) If listed at the end, it would be easier for states to violate individual

3. (U6C4L2:Q1) James Madison wanted to insert the Bill of Rights into specific places in the Constitution. However, many others were opposed to this. Which of the following was NOT a reason for placing the Bill of Rights at the end of the Constitution? A) If inserted, they may change the Constitution enough to require it to be ratified again B) If listed at the end, it would be easier to tell which parts of the Constitution were original, and which were not C) Some members of Congress thought it was too early to start rewriting the Constitution D) If listed at the end, it would be easier for states to violate individual

C) The Laws and Liberties

30. (U6C2L4:V24) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "Code that abolished the laws of primogeniture and provided a more humane treatment of criminals" A) Massachusetts Body of Liberties B) Stamp Act Congress C) The Laws and Liberties D) Intolerable Acts

To halt the squad facing the original direction of march the command is

Platoon, HALT

D) If listed at the end, it would be easier for states to violate individual liberties

3. (U6C4L2:Q1) James Madison wanted to insert the Bill of Rights into specific places in the Constitution. However, many others were opposed to this. Which of the following was NOT a reason for placing the Bill of Rights at the end of the Constitution? A) If inserted, they may change the Constitution enough to require it to be ratified again B) If listed at the end, it would be easier to tell which parts of the Constitution were original, and which were not C) Some members of Congress thought it was too early to start rewriting the Constitution D) If listed at the end, it would be easier for states to violate individual liberties

C) Using the personal ideas and thoughts of citizens

3. (U6C4L4:F3) Which method is not used by judges to interpret laws? A) Intentions of those who wrote the Constitution B) Basic principles and values in the perspective of history C) Using the personal ideas and thoughts of citizens D) Contemporary social values in terms of today's policy needs

D) unitary government

3. (U6C4L5:Q1) You are on a committee to set up a student government. A survey of the student body showed that they didn't want to be too involved, so they want an elected student government whose rules apply to everyone, and that can grant responsibilities to lower level groups. What system of government does this reflect? A) confederation B) federal system C) monarchy D) unitary government

B) The Dred Scott Case

3. (U6C5L1:Q1) One court case decided by the Supreme Court displayed the difference in ideas between the rights of property and the natural rights of man. Although it was meant to halt the movement to a Civil War, the decision became one of the primary motivating factors for fighting. Which case was it? A) McCullough v. Maryland B) The Dred Scott Case C) The Thirteenth Amendment D) The Civil Rights Act of 1866

B) It limited the power of state governments to violate the Bill of Rights.

3. (U6C5L2:Q1) The Fourteenth Amendment is known for many things. It was not enforced at first; the Fifteenth Amendment was passed to help enforce it; and then other laws were passed to bypass it. What happened when the Supreme Court applied the protections of the Bill of Rights to the 14th Amendment's due process clause that made it possible for all citizens to enjoy the protection of all of our rights? A) It limited the power of the federal government to violate the Bill of Rights. B) It limited the power of state governments to violate the Bill of Rights. C) It increased the power of state governments to be able to make laws over the Bill of Rights. D) It enforced the Fifth Amendment's protection against self-incrimination.

C) massive resistance

3. (U6C5L3:Q1) Southern whites opposed to desegregation used a variety of tactics, legal and illegal, peaceful and violent, to keep schools segregated. Which type of protest used delays in court cases, token or very limited integration, and violent intimidation to fight desegregation and integration? A) boycott B) civil disobedience C) massive resistance D) nonviolent direct action

B) Fifteenth Amendment

3. (U6C5L4:Q1) You are an African American man living in the U.S. in 1965. You are skeptical, but in 1964, an Amendment was just added to the Constitution that prohibits poll taxes, and this year the Voting Rights Act was just passed which provides federal government oversight of voter registration. Which Amendment is finally being enforced? A) Thirteenth Amendment B) Fifteenth Amendment C) Nineteenth Amendment D) Twenty-fourth Amendment

C) She is attending a program that will help her develop some of the skills that she will need when she starts school

3. (U6C5L5:Q1) Your niece is 4-years old. She is going to start kindergarten next year. Her mother told you that she just started attending a government-sponsored remedial program. Which of the following best describes what she means? A) Your niece was selected to fill one of 10 spots saved for minorities in a daycare facility B) She was pursued by several programs who wanted to increase their enrollment of minorities C) She is attending a program that will help her develop some of the skills that she will need when she starts school D) She is attending a program that is designed exclusively for specific minorities


The _____________________ leads team discussions to identify needs and prepare service learning activities

A) Battalion Ordnance Officer

30. (U1C1L3:G25) The _____________ officer advises the S-4, battalion commander, and instructor staff on the condition of all weapons. A) Battalion Ordnance Officer B) Battalion Information Officer C) Battalion Logistics Officer D) Battalion Communications Officer

D) athletic award

30. (U1C1L4:V2) Choose the word that best describes the scenario below.Lauren was excited to go to a ceremony where she would be acknowledged for her softball skills. A) unit award B) academic award C) miscellaneous award D) athletic award

C) Garrison cap

30. (U1C1L5:G27) The headgear that is approved for wear with the Class A or B uniform is called the _____________. A) Class A cap B) Class B headgear C) Garrison cap D) Any of the above

C) Place it with the union to the left of the observer in the street.

30. (U1C1L6:G26) What is the proper way to display a U.S. flag in a window? A) Make sure the flag is outside the window in the open air. B) Place it with the union to the right of the observer in the street. C) Place it with the union to the left of the observer in the street. D) Place it with the union in the bottom left of the window as you face the window.

C) The passing down of elements of a culture (such as knowledge, beliefs, or customs) from one generation to another.

30. (U1C1L8:V3) What is the definition of the word "traditions"? A) The common spirit or feeling of pride found in the members of a group and inspiring enthusiasm, devotion, and strong regard for the honor of the group. B) A long established practice followed as a matter of course among people, oftentimes considered as an unwritten law or repeated practice. C) The passing down of elements of a culture (such as knowledge, beliefs, or customs) from one generation to another. D) To attire with a certain degree of uniformity; an appearance appropriate or peculiar to a particular time.

C) Principals or standards that guide people to do the moral or right thing.

30. (U2C1L3:G25) Define "ethics." A) Norms of behavior that control group activities. B) The nationality into which one is born. C) Principals or standards that guide people to do the moral or right thing. D) A class you take to learn appropriate business behavior.

B) Crisis counseling

30. (U2C4L2:G27) Counseling that helps a subordinate through a tragic event such as the death of a loved one is called _____________. A) Grief counseling B) Crisis counseling C) Tragedy counseling D) Emergency counseling


The _______________________ encourages team members and leads discussion after presentatioin.


The __________________________ keeps track of time and plans the schedule.

B) The Battalion Communications Officer, also called the Signal Officer

31. (U1C1L3:G26) Who is responsible for setting up and maintaining all signal or public address/projection/sound equipment issued to the Cadet battalion? A) The Battalion Information Officer B) The Battalion Communications Officer, also called the Signal Officer C) The Battalion Logistics Officer D) The Battalion Supply Officer

B) individual award

31. (U1C1L4:V3) Choose the word that best describes the scenario below.Justin was recently acknowledged by the principal of the school for his outstanding community service. A) military award B) individual award C) athletic award D) academic award

A) To the front of the uniform.

31. (U1C1L5:G28) When wearing shoulder cords, where is the ferrule positioned? A) To the front of the uniform. B) Towards the shirt collar. C) To the back of the uniform. D) Down the crease of the shirt sleeve.

A) The union is to the north

31. (U1C1L6:G27) What direction does the union of a U.S. flag point when it is hung vertically across an east-west street? A) The union is to the north B) The union is to the south C) The union is to the east D) The union is to the west

A) The common spirit or feeling of pride found in the members of a group and inspiring enthusiasm, devotion, and strong regard for the honor of the group.

31. (U1C1L8:V4) What is the definition of the word "esprit de corps"? A) The common spirit or feeling of pride found in the members of a group and inspiring enthusiasm, devotion, and strong regard for the honor of the group. B) To remove a hat or other headgear; to be bareheaded or without a cover. C) The passing down of elements of a culture (such as knowledge, beliefs, or customs) from one generation to another. D) To attire with a certain degree of uniformity; an appearance appropriate or peculiar to a particular time.

D) The act or process of conferring with another so as to arrive at a settlement or agreement on some matter.

31. (U2C4L2:G28) What is "negotiation?" A) To respond negatively; to say "no" to a proposal. B) The process of using an arbitrator to settle a dispute. C) Debating with one's self the pros and cons of a decision to come to a logical choice. D) The act or process of conferring with another so as to arrive at a settlement or agreement on some matter.

A) legislatures

31. (U6C2L4:V25) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "An officially elected or otherwise selected body of people vested with the responsibility and power to make laws for a political unit, such as a state or nation" A) legislatures B) constituents C) suffrage D) covenant

B) Not doing the moral or right thing, usually because of peer pressure or self interest.

35. (U2C1L3:G30) Define the word "unethical." A) Not claiming allegiance to any particular cultural group. B) Not doing the moral or right thing, usually because of peer pressure or self interest. C) An inability to comprehend what one reads. D) An inability to perform a sincere self-assessment.

C) The Battalion Logistics or Supply Officer, also known as the S-4

32. (U1C1L3:G27) Who is responsible for the maintenance, security, record keeping, issue, and turn-in of all U.S. government property (except ordnance) for the battalion? A) The Battalion Signal Officer B) The Battalion Information Officer C) The Battalion Logistics or Supply Officer, also known as the S-4 D) The Battalion Commander

C) decorations

32. (U1C1L4:V4) Choose the word that best describes the scenario below.Roger has several ribbons and medals on his uniform, indicating his many accomplishments in JROTC. A) commitment B) motivation C) decorations D) responsibility

D) The chevron points toward the collar.

32. (U1C1L5:G30) For enlisted Cadets, what direction does the chevron of a grade insignia point on a uniform shirt? A) The chevron points toward the sleeve. B) The chevron points toward the front pocket. C) The chevron points toward the shoulder blade. D) The chevron points toward the collar.

C) The union is positioned at the head and over the left shoulder.

32. (U1C1L6:G28) When a U.S. flag is used to drape a casket, where is the union positioned? A) The union is positioned over the feet. B) The union is positioned at the head and over the right shoulder. C) The union is positioned at the head and over the left shoulder. D) The flag is never buried with a casket because a flag should never touch the ground.

C) Signs or forms of exchange used to greet or to show respect and recognition.

32. (U1C1L8:V5) What is the definition of the word "salutes"? A) A military courtesy of usually keeping senior officers to your right while walking or sitting. B) Acts of politeness of gracious manners; the use of polite gestures or remarks. C) Signs or forms of exchange used to greet or to show respect and recognition. D) A drum and bugle salute, usually to honor military or civil officials.


32. (U2C1L3:G27) True or False: Leaders sometimes have to make a decision between two morally right values.

B) Active listening

32. (U2C4L2:F1) Mentoring and developmental counseling are important skills a leader must have to help subordinates. This skill set includes: A) Giving orders B) Active listening C) Conducting psychoanalysis D) Developing a friendship

C) Intolerable Acts

32. (U6C2L4:V26) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "Parliament replied to the Boston Tea Party with the five Coercive Acts of 1774: the colonist dubbed them the "Intolerable Acts" and were important factors contributing to the American Revolution." A) Stamp Act Congress B) Tea Act C) Intolerable Acts D) The Laws and Liberties

C) communication

35. (U2C4L2:V3) What word completes this analogy? A) counseling B) development C) communication D) flexibility

C) A team leader is responsible for the formation, appearance, training, and discipline of their team members and must be ready to assume control of the squad in the absence of the squad leader.

33. (U1C1L3:G28) What are the responsibilities of a team leader? A) A team leader is responsible for publicizing all the accomplishments of the team. B) A team leader is responsible for monitoring team spirit and team attendance at school events. C) A team leader is responsible for the formation, appearance, training, and discipline of their team members and must be ready to assume control of the squad in the absence of the squad leader. D) All of the above

A) academic award

33. (U1C1L4:V5) Choose the word that best describes the scenario below.Mary's teachers unanimously decided she should be recognized for all of her hard work in biology. What kind of award would they give Mary? A) academic award B) individual award C) unit award D) athletic award

A) To protect the clothing from damaging perspiration.

33. (U1C1L5:G31) What is the purpose of wearing white t-shirts beneath Class A and B uniform shirts? A) To protect the clothing from damaging perspiration. B) To wick moisture away from the body, thereby preventing heat injuries. C) To keep the wearer warm so as to prevent hypothermia. D) To make the uniform look tidy and fit better.

A) To have the ability within itself to move.

33. (U1C1L8:V6) What is the definition of the word "self-propelled"? A) To have the ability within itself to move. B) Acts of politeness of gracious manners; the use of polite gestures or remarks. C) Signs or forms of exchange used to greet or to show respect and recognition. D) A drum and bugle salute, usually to honor military or civil officials.

D) An argument presenting two or more equally conclusive alternatives against an opponent.

33. (U2C1L3:G28) Define "dilemma." A) A two-part debate approach used in public speaking. B) A type of hair coloring. C) A technique used for consensus building. D) An argument presenting two or more equally conclusive alternatives against an opponent.

A) evaluation

33. (U2C4L2:V1) What word completes this analogy? A) evaluation B) development C) flexibility D) support

B) Sons of Liberty

33. (U6C2L4:V27) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "An organization of radicals created in 1765 in the American colonies to express colonial opposition to the Stamp Act" A) Tea Act B) Sons of Liberty C) Intolerable Acts D) Boston Tea Party

A) Company

37. (U1C1L3:G32) A _____________ consists of a headquarters section and at least two platoons. A) Company B) Team C) Battalion D) Brigade


33. U1C1L6:G29. True or False: On special occasions, a U.S. flag may be buried with a casket.

D) All of the above

34. (U1C1L3:G29) Name the duties and responsibilities of a team member. A) Properly wear the uniform. B) Take care of equipment. C) Be on time for official formations. D) All of the above

B) unit award

34. (U1C1L4:V6) Choose the word that best describes the scenario below.Jerry was very excited about today. His unit was to be recognized for their hard work. What kind of award was Jerry's unit receiving? A) miscellaneous award B) unit award C) motivation D) responsibility


34. (U1C1L5:G32) True or False: Fad hair styles are allowed on Cadets as long as they don't interfere with proper wearing of the garrison cap.

D) A drum and bugle salute, usually to honor military or civil officials.

34. (U1C1L8:V7) What is the definition of the word "ruffles and flourishes"? A) To have the ability within itself to move. B) Acts of politeness of gracious manners; the use of polite gestures or remarks. C) Presenting oneself to a senior. D) A drum and bugle salute, usually to honor military or civil officials.

D) Using force or threats to control how someone acts or thinks.

34. (U2C1L3:G29) Some leaders think that coercion is necessary to motivate followers. Define "coercion." A) Cooperation that results in an equitable solution. B) Using positional authority to get one's way. C) A motivation technique that involves giving physical or monetary rewards. D) Using force or threats to control how someone acts or thinks.

D) support

34. (U2C4L2:V2) What word completes this analogy? A) evaluation B) development C) flexibility D) support

B) Acts of politeness of gracious manners; the use of polite gestures or remarks.

35. (U1C1L8:V8) What is the definition of the word "courtesies"? A) To have the ability within itself to move. B) Acts of politeness of gracious manners; the use of polite gestures or remarks. C) A group of persons, usually in the military, who regularly eat meals together; the place where such meals are served. D) Removing the case from the Colors that are attached to a staff.

B) At the peak of the staff, unless at the United Nations or at a religious service at sea

34. U1C1L6:G30. When flying more than one flag on a single halyard, where is the U.S. flag placed? A) To the left of all other flags B) At the peak of the staff, unless at the United Nations or at a religious service at sea C) To the right of all other flags, unless at the United Nations or at a religious service at sea D) At midstaff but at the same height as all other flags

D) Unity of command, span of control, and chain of command

35. (U1C1L3:G30) Name the three elements in the Pyramid of Authority. A) Positional authority, expert authority, peer authority. B) Authority of expertise, authority of association, positional authority. C) Unity of command, span of control, and chain of custody. D) Unity of command, span of control, and chain of command

C) responsibility

35. (U1C1L4:V7) Choose the word that best describes the scenario below.Sandy split some soda on the floor at lunch when no one was looking. Instead of leaving the mess, she cleaned it up. By doing this, what was Sandy taking for her actions? A) unit award B) individual award C) responsibility D) athletic award

A) Daily showers, teeth brushing, a rested appearance, clean hands and nails, a tidy uniform, etc

35. (U1C1L5:G33) Name three elements of good grooming. A) Daily showers, teeth brushing, a rested appearance, clean hands and nails, a tidy uniform, etc B) Table manners, using proper salutations with others, and writing proper thank-you notes C) Painting one's nails, standing up straight, and setting a proper table D) Weekly showers, teeth brushing, a tidy uniform, a rested appearance, and clean hands and nails

D) The commander orders "attention" and "present, arms" when the Colors are within six steps of the unit.

35. U1C1L6:G31. What are the orders a commander calls to a formation of Cadets when Colors are about to pass by? A) "Attention" and "To the flag" B) "Attention" and "Face the Colors" C) "To the flag" and "Present, Arms" D) The commander orders "attention" and "present, arms" when the Colors are within six steps of the unit.

B) Span of control

36. (U1C1L3:G31) The number of immediate subordinates, one commander, or leader can effectively control, supervise, or direct describes the leader's ______________. A) Unity of command B) Span of control C) Chain of command D) Pyramid of authority

D) military award

36. (U1C1L4:V8) Choose the word that best describes the scenario below.Robin is to receive the Personal Appearance Ribbon today. What type of award is this? A) commitment B) motivation C) decorations D) military award

A) Gigline

36. (U1C1L5:G34) The line formed by the seam of the shirt aligned with the zipper flap and the edge of the belt buckle on certain JROTC uniforms is known as the ______________. A) Gigline B) Trouser line C) Shirt alignment D) Straight gig

A) initiative

37. (U1C1L4:V9) Choose the word that best describes the scenario below.David has a goal of being able to run two miles. He has a training plan and is going to start today. What is David showing? A) initiative B) athletic award C) motivation D) miscellaneous award

D) A group of persons, usually in the military, who regularly eat meals together; the place where such meals are served.

36. (U1C1L8:V9) What is the definition of the word "mess"? A) Removing the case from the Colors that are attached to a staff. B) A military courtesy of usually keeping senior officers to your right while walking or sitting. C) Presenting oneself to a senior. D) A group of persons, usually in the military, who regularly eat meals together; the place where such meals are served.

A) Extreme narrowness of viewpoint.

36. (U2C1L3:G31) Define "tunnel vision." A) Extreme narrowness of viewpoint. B) A medical condition characterized by a detached retina. C) A condition that requires eyeglasses. D) Synonym to being nearsighted.

C) communication

36. (U2C4L2:V4) What word completes this analogy? A) communication B) evaluation C) communication D) support


36. U1C1L6:G32. True or False: The traditional way of disposing of a U.S. flag is by burial at sea.

To the left

The head of the dessert spoon faces in what direction in a formal place setting

A) Removing the case from the Colors that are attached to a staff.

37. (U1C1L8:V10) What is the definition of the word "uncasing"? A) Removing the case from the Colors that are attached to a staff. B) A military courtesy of usually keeping senior officers to your right while walking or sitting. C) Presenting oneself to a senior. D) A group of persons, usually in the military, who regularly eat meals together; the place where such meals are served.

B) The showing of special favor.

37. (U2C1L3:G32) Define "favoritism." A) The bringing of treats to social events. B) The showing of special favor. C) Talking to others about yourself to gain friends. D) Influencing people by giving false praise.

D) counseling

37. (U2C4L2:V5) What word completes this analogy? A) evaluation B) development C) purpose D) counseling

B) The commander orders "order, arms" once the Colors are six steps past the unit.

37. U1C1L6:G33. When the Colors are past a unit in formation, what command does a commander give to end a hand salute, and when is the command given? A) The commander orders "restore, arms" when the Colors are six steps past the unit. B) The commander orders "order, arms" once the Colors are six steps past the unit. C) The commander orders "order, arms" when the Colors are twelve steps past the unit. D) The commander orders "side, arms" when the Colors are six steps past the unit.

C) miscellaneous award

38. (U1C1L4:V10) Choose the word that best describes the scenario below.Sophie recently received an award for recruiting three friends to the JROTC program. What kind of award did she receive? A) academic award B) individual award C) miscellaneous award D) military award

A) On the left shirt pocket or left pocket area.

38. (U1C1L5:G36) Individual awards for academic, athletic, and military excellence are worn where on the uniform? A) On the left shirt pocket or left pocket area. B) On the left sleeve, one inch above the hem, and centered. C) On the right shirt pocket or pocket area. D) On the left collar, just above the rank insignias.

C) Presenting oneself to a senior.

38. (U1C1L8:V11) What is the definition of the word "reporting"? A) Removing the case from the Colors that are attached to a staff. B) To remove a hat or other headgear; to be bareheaded or without a cover. C) Presenting oneself to a senior. D) A group of persons, usually in the military, who regularly eat meals together; the place where such meals are served.

A) Be a good role model; develop followers ethically; lead in such a way that you avoid putting teammates into ethical dilemmas.

38. (U2C1L3:G33) Name the three ethical responsibilities of a leader that promote a healthy environment. A) Be a good role model; develop followers ethically; lead in such a way that you avoid putting teammates into ethical dilemmas. B) Clean up after others; don't smoke, and recycle when possible. C) Wear the uniform correctly; be on time; perform community service. D) Question all orders; use authority to accomplish a task; refrain from giving criticism.

B) purpose

38. (U2C4L2:V6) What word completes this analogy? A) evaluation B) purpose C) communication D) support

D) Hope, purity, and innocence

38. U1C1L6:G34. What does the color white on the U.S. flag symbolize? A) Seven of the original 13 colonies B) Hardiness and valor C) Reverence for God, loyalty, justice D) Hope, purity, and innocence

A) S-2

39. (U1C1L3:G34) The Battalion Intelligence or Security Officer, also called the _________, is responsible for staff matters pertaining to security. A) S-2 B) S-5 C) S-1 D) S-3

B) motivation

39. (U1C1L4:V11) Choose the word that best describes the scenario below.Debbie's parents told her if she received an "A" on her math test, they would buy Debbie the new tennis racket she had been wanting. She plans to study very hard during the week before the test. With the promise of a new tennis racket, what are Debbie's parents providing her? A) commitment B) motivation C) decorations D) initiative


39. (U1C1L5:G37) True or False: When wearing individual awards, it is appropriate to wear the ribbon and the medal for the same award at the same time.

B) A military courtesy of usually keeping senior officers to your right while walking or sitting.

39. (U1C1L8:V12) What is the definition of the word "position of honor"? A) Signs or forms of exchange used to greet or to show respect and recognition. B) A military courtesy of usually keeping senior officers to your right while walking or sitting. C) Presenting oneself to a senior. D) A group of persons, usually in the military, who regularly eat meals together; the place where such meals are served.

A) Talking to others about yourself so as to realize that your problems are no different from theirs.

39. (U2C1L3:G34) Define "self-disclosure." A) Talking to others about yourself so as to realize that your problems are no different from theirs. B) Taking one's clothes off in the privacy of one's room. C) Sharing secrets with others to gain friendships. D) Securing an area before you leave it.

B) development

39. (U2C4L2:V7) What word completes this analogy? A) evaluation B) development C) flexibility D) support

D) Call your squad to attention, but only you salute the Major.

4. (U2C2L4:Q2) You are practicing drill with your squad one afternoon. You put your squad at "rest" and are discussing suggestions for improving one of the movements in squad drill. Just then, a Major from your local National Guard unit walks by your squad. What should you do? A) Call the squad to attention and order them to "present, ARMS." B) Salute the Major as you continue your discussion. C) Continue to do what you were doing. D) Call your squad to attention, but only you salute the Major.

C) Hardiness and valor

39. U1C1L6:G35. What does the color red on the U.S. flag symbolize? A) It represents six of the original 13 colonies B) The blood that was shed at Valley Forge C) Hardiness and valor D) Hope, purity, and innocence

The colors Cadet Comradeship Cadet Cordiality Lowering of the Colors

4 Primary elements of a formal setting

B) the people

4. (U6C2L4:F4) Who does sovereignty rest with in the United States? A) the president B) the people C) Congress D) the Supreme Court

B) freedom of religious practice

4. (U6C2L5:F4) What differences are there between the U.S. Bill of Rights and the state declarations? A) popular sovereignty B) freedom of religious practice C) abolishing quartering of troops in civilian homes D) all of the above

A) Candor means fairness, openness, and frankness.

4. (U1C1L1:Q4) The JROTC Instructor asked your friend what he knew about Army JROTC. He replied that he had heard both good and bad things about it. He also said that he thought it would be a good place to learn leadership, but that he was sure he wasn't going to like some of the challenges. The instructor smiled because she liked his answer, then she thanked your friend for his candor. Your friend didn't know what that meant, so the instructor asked you if you knew. What should you say? A) Candor means fairness, openness, and frankness. B) Candor means obligation, devotion, and duty. C) Candor means poise, certainty, and self-belief. D) Candor is integrity, moral fiber, and disposition.

C) Cadets will prepare for careers in the military services.

4. (U1C1L2:Q4) For a class assignment, you and the other Cadets were told to write down what you thought were the goals of JROTC on a 3X5 card. After everyone had written down 4-5 goals, you were told to exchange 3X5 cards with other Cadets. The instructor asked if anyone if they thought any of the goals were wrong. On the card you now have, which of the following goals would you recommend not using as a goal for JROTC? A) Cadets will achieve positive self-esteem and the ability to work effectively in a culturally diverse society. B) Cadets will develop the ability to think logically and communicate effectively. C) Cadets will prepare for careers in the military services. D) Cadets will acquire knowledge about the dangers of substance abuse, and mental management, including goal setting and positive self-talk.

D) Executive Officer (XO)

4. (U1C1L3:Q4) Your job is to make sure the Battalion Commander's guidance is understood and acted on by the Company Commanders and the Battalion Staff. You also manage the staff so that all of the different staff sections coordinate and work with each other to advise the Commander, plan projects and activities, perform administrative duties, maintain security, and issue property. What is your position in the Battalion? A) Adjutant (S-1) B) Battalion Coordinating Staff Officer C) Battalion Command Sergeant Major D) Executive Officer (XO)

B) Counsel the Cadet on being responsible and living up to obligations

4. (U1C1L4:Q4) You are a Cadet's supervisor. You assigned your Cadet to prepare and present a briefing about the structure of the Army JROTC Battalion to incoming freshmen. The Cadet immediately prepared a complete and effective presentation of the material, and gave an excellent briefing to you during rehearsal. After the rehearsal, the Cadet asked if someone else could give the presentation to the new freshmen. He said that he did not feel comfortable speaking in front of large groups. What should your course of action be? A) Assign someone good at public speaking to give the briefing B) Counsel the Cadet on being responsible and living up to obligations C) Counsel the Cadet on facing fears and developing a healthy self-esteem D) Tell the Cadet to complete the task that was assigned

D) Inform the chain of command that the inspection will be delayed for 5 minutes while you shave

4. (U1C1L5:Q4) You are the battalion commander of an Army JROTC battalion, and you will be conducting a uniform inspection of your battalion today. You are confident that your uniform is correct because you have won several competitions involving wear of the uniform and your Battalion Sergeant Major conducted a pre-inspection for you. However, you woke up late after studying all night and didn't have time to shave before you went to school. Although good grooming is important, this is a uniform inspection after all, and the inspection begins in five minutes. Which of the following courses of action should you take? A) Conduct the inspection, but inspect only uniforms, not personal appearance and grooming B) Cancel the inspection because you are not ready for it C) Delegate the conduct of the inspection to your Battalion Sergeant Major D) Inform the chain of command that the inspection will be delayed for 5 minutes while you shave

D) Storm Flag

4. (U1C1L6:Q4) You are in charge of your unit's color guard. You will be raising the flag in front the local National Guard Armory on President's Day, a national holiday. It is raining very hard when you get to the armory, and the wind is gusting up to 35 miles per hour. Your assistant asks which flag you want to raise. Which flag should you select? A) Ensign Flag B) Garrison Flag C) Post Flag D) Storm Flag

B) Songs of gladness, praise, devotion, or patriotism

4. (U1C1L7:G1) Define the term "anthems." A) A refrain or chorus for a well-known song B) Songs of gladness, praise, devotion, or patriotism C) Songs written specifically to record a historical event D) A folksong that captures the culture of a people

B) These things are evaluated because they best represent the teamwork, esprit de corps, and respect the Cadets have in their unit

4. (U1C1L8:Q4) Army JROTC Units compete for the following decorations: Merit Unit, Honor Unit, and Honor Unit with Distinction. The decorations are awarded based on the results of a formal inspection, and on standards of training and discipline during the school year. During the formal inspection, instead of skill competitions in land navigation and first aid, units are evaluated on drill and ceremonies, wear of the uniform, saluting, and displays of respect. Choose the answer that best describes why these skills are evaluated. A) These things are evaluated because they are easier to grade which makes it easier to identify the better units B) These things are evaluated because they best represent the teamwork, esprit de corps, and respect the Cadets have in their unit C) These things are evaluated because they take less time than competitions and inspectors can inspect more units in less time D) These things are evaluated because it takes the better part of a school year to learn them and they want to make sure everyone is performing them properly

A) Step 5. = A; Step 7. = D; Step 9. = C

4. (U1C1L9:Q4) Study the table and select the option (A-D) that completes the Sequence of Command and Staff Actions in the correct order. Sequence of Command Step 1. Mission Step 2. Information Available Step 3. Planning Guidance Step 4. Staff Estimates Step 5. Step 6. Preparation of Plans or Orders Step 7. Step 8. Publication of Plans or Orders Step 9. Staff Actions: A. Commander's Estimate and Decision B. Begin next sequence C. Command and Staff Supervision D. Approval E. Issue Missions A) Step 5. = A; Step 7. = D; Step 9. = C B) Step 5. = B; Step 7. = A; Step 9. = E C) Step 5. = D; Step 7. = E; Step 9. = C D) Step 5. = E; Step 7. = B; Step 9. = A

D) Maryland

4. (U6C3L1:F4) What was the last state to ratify the Articles of Confederation? A) New York B) Delaware C) Maine D) Maryland

A) He didn't realize that leaders have to apply a variety of approaches to leadership situations. B) He didn't realize that leadership traits aren't the same as leadership behaviors. C) Both A and B.

4. (U2C1L1:Q3) Your new squad leader tells you that he has always been successful at whatever he did. He said, "Even though I've never been in a leadership position, I know that I will be a great squad leader because I was "born to lead." After a short time as squad leader, he finds out he was wrong. He's realizing that being a leader requires a lot of hard work, and that his preferred leadership style doesn't always work. What did he not realize until he was in a leadership position? A) He didn't realize that leaders have to apply a variety of approaches to leadership situations. B) He didn't realize that leadership traits aren't the same as leadership behaviors. C) Both A and B. D) Neither A, nor B.

B) Follower Approach - the person chosen is most likely to be able to balance the needs of the group with the situation.

4. (U2C1L2:Q3) We elect a President every four years. The responsibility for a President's success or failure lies with the President, the federal government, AND the voters because of the approach we use to choose a President. Which approach is most similar to the way we choose a President? A) Contingency Approach - the person chosen has the proper style to fit the situation. B) Follower Approach - the person chosen is most likely to be able to balance the needs of the group with the situation. C) Situational Approach - the person is chosen because they best fit a specific situation. D) Trait Approach - the person chosen either does or does not possess the required leadership traits.

D) Solve ethical dilemmas as they occur by evaluating the situation and applying all of the values.

4. (U2C1L3:Q4) While developing your own personal code of ethics, you find that a couple of your personal values sometimes conflict with each other, and with the Army Values. You strongly believe in each personal and Army value. What should you do when they conflict? A) Prioritize all of the values, but always put the more senior Army Values first. B) Continue to re-write your own personal code until the values don't conflict. C) Solve ethical dilemmas by applying your personal values first, then the Army Values if needed. D) Solve ethical dilemmas as they occur by evaluating the situation and applying all of the values.

D) In private, talk to the platoon sergeant about the situation, and propose a plan to make task assignments more equitable in the future.

4. (U2C1L4:Q3) Your platoon sergeant always seems to assign the unpleasant tasks to your squad. At summer leadership camp, your squad got assigned to clean the latrines. At the end of leadership labs, your squad usually is tasked to clean up, and it seems like your squad is always left to finish cleaning the weapons at the end of marksmanship training. Your team leaders have pointed out that some squad members are starting to grumble about it, even though they reassured them that things will even out in the end. Now that you think about it, they're right. What's the best thing you can do for your squad? A) Tell your squad that you will refuse to have them do any more tasks like that until the other squads do some first. B) Talk to the platoon sergeant and other squad leaders about the favoritism happening in the platoon. C) Tell your squad that you don't think the platoon sergeant would do that either on purpose or by mistake, and tell them to "drive on." D) In private, talk to the platoon sergeant about the situation, and propose a plan to make task assignments more equitable in the future.

A) You forgot that remarks could offend one person, even if they are acceptable to someone else.

4. (U2C1L5:Q2) You are a female squad leader. You thought you just complimented another squad leader on his uniform and appearance by saying, "If I wasn't dating my boyfriend, I think I would ask you out." He replied, "Since we just went through sexual harassment training yesterday, are you sure you meant to say that?" You realize that he is trying to reinforce something from yesterday's training. What part of your sexual harassment training did you forget? A) You forgot that remarks could offend one person, even if they are acceptable to someone else. B) You forgot that males perpetrate sexual harassment more than females in high schools. C) You forgot that complimenting others on their appearance can make you a target for sexual harassment complaints. D) You forgot to avoid situations that present clear dangers, like complimenting others on their appearance.

A) Esprit de Corps

4. (U2C2L1:Q2) A football coach was being interviewed about his training methods. He said that he uses tough practices, on-the-spot corrections, positive feedback, and enforcement of team values to accomplish his primary training goal, which is to make his players proud to be on the same team. The coach's primary goal for training illustrates a particular purpose and objective of drill. Which is it? A) Esprit de Corps B) Teamwork C) Self-confidence D) Discipline

C) Help your squad leader out when you can, and demonstrate your proficiency when given the opportunity.

4. (U2C2L2:Q3) You were a squad leader in your JROTC class at your old school. You transferred and there are not squad leader positions in your new school, but you were assigned to a squad. During drill in leadership lab, you notice that you are a lot better at giving drill commands than your squad leader. What's the most appropriate thing to do? A) Tell your platoon leader that you should be squad leader because you can lead drill better than your current squad leader. B) When you get a chance, show your platoon leader and squad members that you are better at leading drill so that they want you to be the squad leader. C) Help your squad leader out when you can, and demonstrate your proficiency when given the opportunity. D) Ask your platoon leader to make you squad leader so that you can teach your current squad leader how to lead drill.

C) Good idea; the short practice session will help you spot incorrect movements by your squad members, and it may save you time later because you won't have to correct mistakes that you missed.

4. (U2C2L3:Q3) You and your fellow squad leaders can't find a time during the week when you can help each other prepare for drill, so you use the first five minutes of leadership lab to observe each other executing drill movements so you better know what to look for during drill practice. Is this a good or bad idea? Why? Select the best answer below. A) Bad idea; Drill periods are short, so you should spend all of that time teaching. B) Bad idea; it makes you look like you aren't prepared for leadership lab. C) Good idea; the short practice session will help you spot incorrect movements by your squad members, and it may save you time later because you won't have to correct mistakes that you missed. D) Good idea; it gives you additional time to figure out appropriate discipline for incorrect movements by your squad members.

A) "Half step, march"

4. (U2C2L5:Q1) You are leading your platoon in a parade. All of the parade participants are lining up in a field near the beginning of a parade route. When it is your platoon's time to enter the parade, you start marching them towards the start point. Your platoon looks very professional, but you see that you have to cross some uneven ground, and you think it may hurt your formation. What command or commands could you give to help them stay together? A) "Half step, march" B) "Platoon, Attention" C) "Double time, march" D) "Platoon, halt" and "Fall in" near the parade start point.

C) A boxed X

4. (U2C2L6:Q4) You are a team leader, but your squad leader is in a meeting with the platoon sergeant so you are teaching squad drill. Your squad is having difficulty grasping the marching movements to "Form a column of twos, and reforming," so you decide to draw a diagram to help. How should you indicate your position on the diagram? A) A circled X B) A circled slash C) A boxed X D) A boxed slash

C) Interpersonal skills

4. (U2C3L1:Q3) Some senior Cadets gave you feedback about your leadership skills. They said that you always had great ideas, you were great at problem-solving, and that you always got the job done, even though a lot of times you do things on your own instead of letting your subordinates take charge and do them. What skills do you need to improve? A) Conceptual skills B) Influencing skills C) Interpersonal skills D) Technical skills

C) That the plan lacks a motivation element

4. (U2C3L2:Q3) Brian is a squad leader. He set a physical fitness goal for the squad to average 80% on the physical fitness test. He made a step-by-step plan to prepare the squad, and will check off each step as they perform it. What did Brian most likely NOT think of while he was making his plan? A) That it may have too many steps B) That the goal is unattainable C) That the plan lacks a motivation element D) That there isn't a way to monitor progress

D) Provide minorities with added incentives to succeed.

4. (U2C4L1:Q3) As a leader, you are responsible for race relations in your unit. You have to address discrimination and prejudice before they become problems. Of the following strategies, which one is not a good idea for creating a climate of acceptance and fairness in your unit? A) Give fair and impartial treatment to all. B) Know everything that you can about your subordinates values and attitudes. C) Take immediate action when notice warning signs about unrest. D) Provide minorities with added incentives to succeed.

B) You wrote down everything the subordinate said as she said it.

4. (U2C4L2:Q4) You are going to conduct a performance counseling session with one of your junior Cadets. You have set up a time and informed the Cadet, and you believe you are prepared. You reminded yourself to practice good active listening techniques, but in the middle of the counseling session, you realized you weren't listening actively. Which of the following did you most likely find yourself doing? A) You let your subordinate do most of the talking. B) You wrote down everything the subordinate said as she said it. C) You were relaxed and comfortable and put your subordinate at ease. D) You kept your facial expressions natural and relaxed.

A) People, Interests, Options, and Criteria

4. (U2C4L3:G2) What are the four basic points of principle-centered negotiations? A) People, Interests, Options, and Criteria B) Principles, Initiative, Options, and Criteria C) Privacy, Intent, Opinions, and Criteria D) People, Interests, Options, and Considerations

C) Implement contingency plans that you included in your original plan.

4. (U2C4L4:Q3) Some unexpected situations occurred while you were implementing your plan. What would be the best way to handle these? A) Re-analyze the chosen course of action and make a new plan. B) Re-start the problem-solving process by identifying the new problem. C) Implement contingency plans that you included in your original plan. D) Continue with the plan until it has been completely implemented, and then evaluate the situation.

D) Make the concluding decision about what to do for the project.

4. (U2C4L5:Q3) You are facilitating a meeting about what to do for an end-of-the-year school project. Before the meeting, you are surprised when several of the participants tell you they want you to do something during the meeting. Which of the following is not supposed to be a facilitator responsibility? A) Bring discussions to a close with summary statements. B) Intervene if there are sidebars or too many discussions going on at once. C) Keep a record of decisions made and potential agenda items for future meetings. D) Make the concluding decision about what to do for the project.

B) Drop it and move on to the next facing or marching movement.

4. (U2C4L6:Q1) Even after five practice sessions, some freshmen Cadets in your squad still can't do an about face. After making a correction, they still had to practice for another 15 minutes before they stopped making mistakes. What should you do about these mistakes in the future? A) At future practices, remind them of their mistakes to keep them focused. B) Drop it and move on to the next facing or marching movement. C) Make a note of the mistakes for future reference, if a reminder is needed. D) Pay extra attention when they face about and remind them of this incident if they make more mistakes.

A) Storming; Talk about each member's role in the squad.

4. (U2C4L7:Q1) In your new squad, Cadets Chase and Stanton are emerging as informal leaders, and you think they could be team leaders. However, they both want to be in charge in your absence. Competition between them is causing tension in the squad. What group development stage is your squad going through, and what should you do? A) Storming; Talk about each member's role in the squad. B) Norming; Talk about each member's role in the squad. C) Storming; Step back and let the group lead the way when performing tasks. D) Norming; Step back and let the group lead the way when performing tasks.

B) Purpose

4. (U2C4L8:F4) The four stage model for project management includes all of the following except for what? A) Definition B) Purpose C) Implementation D) Follow-up stages

D) Did you think about who is going to pick up the slack while they find a replacement for you?

4. (U2C4L9:Q3) Kerry told his mentor that he wasn't going to go to work anymore, and he wasn't going to tell his boss that he quit. The mentor paused for a second and thought of several possible responses. Which one would most likely be helpful in getting the mentor's point across without hurting communication between the two? A) You're going to regret quitting that job. B) You should go tell your boss so he can get a replacement for you. C) That's kind of an immature way of doing it, and people are depending on you. D) Did you think about who is going to pick up the slack while they find a replacement for you?

C) Platoon, HALT. Column of twos from the right, MARCH.

4. (U2C5L1:Q4) You were marching your platoon to the parade field to participate in a ceremony. When you got there, a display was set up at the entrance and it was only wide enough for two of your four squads to march through. What command should you give to most efficiently get your platoon through the display and onto the parade field? A) Platoon, HALT. File from the right, MARCH. B) Mark-time, MARCH. Counter-column, MARCH. C) Platoon, HALT. Column of twos from the right, MARCH. D) Mark-time, MARCH. Column of twos from the right, MARCH.

D) Follow-up/Evaluate

4. (U2C5L2:Q3) Cadet Meyer was assigned as a squad leader. He knew the squad had some discipline problems before he became squad leader, so he developed a plan before he became squad leader and immediately put it into action. Of the four steps leaders use to ensure a smooth and successful beginning, which one is he executing as he watches how his new squad reacts? A) Observe/Assess B) Plan C) Implement D) Follow-up/Evaluate

B) "Half step, march"

4. (U2C5L3:Q3) You are marching in the lead platoon in a company column with platoons in column formation. The Commander orders "close on leading platoon." What should you expect to hear next? A) "Forward, march" B) "Half step, march" C) "Mark time, march" D) "Stand fast"

D) The Guidon Bearer

4. (U2C5L4:Q3) Your First Sergeant formed the company, and then was commanded to "post" by the Company Commander. The Platoon Leaders then opened ranks and aligned the company. The Commander then began the inspection by inspecting you first. Who are you? A) The Company First Sergeant B) The First Platoon Leader C) The First Squad Leader in the lead platoon D) The Guidon Bearer

C) Column right, march

4. (U2C5L5:Q1) You are a squad leader. You are drilling your squad in movements that begin with the right foot from the halt position. Which one do you NOT want to call? A) About, face B) Close interval, march C) Column right, march D) Right step, march

C) Legitimate power

4. (U2C6L1:Q3) The rank system in the armed forces is a rigid hierarchy that allows for obedience to orders. Which source of power does this system most closely reflect? A) Coercive power B) Reward power C) Legitimate power D) Expert power

B) Level 2 - Low to moderate

4. (U2C6L2:Q3) During drill practice, the squad leader could tell that Cadet Ripley was getting bored doing the same drill movements over and over. The Squad Leader stopped the formation and ordered Cadet Ripley "front and center." He then told Cadet Ripley to take over and march the squad while the squad leader supervises and coaches him. Cadet Ripley replied, "But I've only done this once before." What is Cadet Ripley's developmental level? A) Level 1 - Low B) Level 2 - Low to moderate C) Level 3 - Moderate to high D) Level 4 - High

A) Planning

4. (U2C6L3:Q3) Read the following paragraph and indicate which management principle (A-D) is described. Sergeant Fox tried to visualize, examine, consider, realize, and reflect on the factors involved to accomplish his mission. He knew he would have a lot of work to do before anything actually got accomplished. He had to define the squad's objective; study the situation; list and examine possible courses of action; and select the course of action that would accomplish his objective. A) Planning B) Organizing C) Coordinating D) Controlling

D) Self-regulation

4. (U2C6L4:Q3) George was standing in line at the Toy Store after buying his niece a birthday present. A real pushy person cut in to the front of the line. Though he could feel his anger growing, George took a deep breath; then he told himself that he wasn't in a hurry, and if an adult cuts in line, then that person probably has some serious maturity issues. He didn't say anything. Which emotion management skill is George applying? A) Empathy B) Self-awareness C) Self-motivation D) Self-regulation

D) And secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity

4. (U6C1L1:Q3) While giving a presentation about the Preamble to some elementary school students, one of them asks if the Rights in the Constitution will apply to them when they are older. Which section of the Preamble will you tell him guarantees it? A) Do establish justice B) We the people of the United States C) Promote the general welfare D) And secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity

A) citizenship skills

4. (U6C1L2:G1) Cooperation, patience, fairness, respect, strength, self-improvement, and balance are the seven ____________. A) citizenship skills B) We the People skills C) Chief Justice skills D) listening skills

D) The decision made by consensus or majority vote is then sent to small groups for approval.

4. (U6C1L4:Q4) You were selected to be the representative group member from your small group. At your first meeting, the group chairperson read some procedures that she thought the group should adopt. Of the following, which procedure should you recommend the group not adopt? A) Representatives will exchange ideas and research with each other. B) Each representative presents the views of their small group when it is their turn. C) Representatives may assign action steps to their small groups. D) The decision made by consensus or majority vote is then sent to small groups for approval.

D) The decision made by consensus or majority vote is then sent to small groups for approval.

4. (U6C1L4:Q4) You were selected to be the representative group member from your small group. At your first meeting, the group chairperson read some procedures that she thought the group should adopt. Of the following, which procedure should you recommend the group not adopt? A) Representatives will exchange ideas and research with each other. B) Each representative presents the views of their small group when it is their turn. C) Representatives may assign action steps to their small groups. D) The decision made by consensus or majority vote is then sent to small groups for approval.

C) A place or opportunity for open discussion and participation.

4. (U6C1L5:G1) According to the educational game Chief Justice®, what is a forum? A) The entryway to a building. B) An opportunity for formal, timed debates. C) A place or opportunity for open discussion and participation. D) A place for private deliberations.

D) hierarchical

4. (U6C2L2:F4) When something is organized or classified to rank, capacity, or authority, what is it called? A) secular B) democracy C) morality D) hierarchical

A) 1678

4. (U6C2L3:F4) In what year was the Habeas Corpus Act created? A) 1678 B) 1679 C) 1670 D) 1671

A) Laws passed by Congress could be rejected by the states

4. (U6C3L2:F4) All of the following were parts of the New Jersey Plan, except for what? A) Laws passed by Congress could be rejected by the states B) The national government could collect taxes from the states C) Congress could regulate trade between states and other nations D) Laws created by Congress could not be rejected by the states

B) Larger states would have more electors than smaller states

4. (U6C3L3:F4) Which of the following is not a part of the Electoral College plan? A) Every four years a president would be selected B) Larger states would have more electors than smaller states C) Each state would select members of the Electoral College D) The person who received the highest elector majority vote would become president

C) natural rights philosophy

4. (U6C3L4:Q2) The "social contract" idea to ratify the Constitution by presenting it to state ratification conventions with representatives chosen by the people, comes from an idea of John Locke's where the people governed consented to the creation of the government, and would obey its decisions. What philosophy of his is the basis for this idea? A) civic virtue philosophy B) majority vote philosophy C) natural rights philosophy D) philosophy of representative government

C) District Court

4. (U6C4L1:Q1) A man in Virginia sold some cattle to a man in Maryland. The man in Maryland didn't pay for them, so the Virginian started a lawsuit through his local court system. Under the Judiciary Act of 1789, what type of court should he have tried to use? A) Circuit Court B) Circuit Courts of Appeals C) District Court D) Supreme Court

B) Because they thought it ruined their chances to rewrite the Constitution

4. (U6C4L2:Q2) During the Constitution's ratification process, the Anti-Federalists demanded that a document be drafted in order to protect individual's rights. However, when the Bill of Rights was finally ratified, many were disappointed. Why? A) Because they thought it would change the Constitution so much that it would have to be ratified again B) Because they thought it ruined their chances to rewrite the Constitution C) Because they thought that it didn't protect enough individual rights D) Because they wanted it to apply only to the federal government

A) Using the literal meaning of the words of the Constitution

4. (U6C4L4:Q1) Laws covering copyright protection were established early in our history, but the World Wide Web, which did not exist until about 20 years ago, has created reasons to review these laws. If you were a Supreme Court Justice, which one of the following methods would most likely NOT work well for a judicial review of copyright laws? A) Using the literal meaning of the words of the Constitution B) Using the intentions of those who wrote the Constitution C) Using basic principles and values in the perspective of history D) Using contemporary social values in terms of today's policy needs

A) confederation

4. (U6C4L5:Q2) Your sister is in the student government at college. However, she is very frustrated with the system because most of the power and responsibility is held by lower-level groups who didn't delegate enough power to the central group to be able to coordinate anything between the groups. What type of government system is it? A) confederation B) federal system C) monarchy D) unitary government

D) Black Codes

4. (U6C5L1:Q2) After the Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves, laws were passed by some southern states to show that they intended to treat recently freed African Americans fairly. Of the following rarely enforced laws, which stated that freed African Americans could marry, travel, own property, and work for pay? A) Grandfather Clause B) Poll Tax C) Literary Tests D) Black Codes

C) No. His due process rights would be protected against double jeopardy.

4. (U6C5L2:Q2) While eating lunch in a restaurant, you overheard someone say he was charged with burglary. He said that all charges were dropped because the police found the stolen items in the garage, which was not an area listed on the warrant. Since he obviously stole the items, could he be tried for the crime again? Why or why not? A) Yes. The police could re-search as long as they protected the right of procedural due process. B) Yes. He could still be charged, have another trial, and still be convicted. C) No. His due process rights would be protected against double jeopardy. D) No. His due process rights would be protected by substantive due process.

D) Plessy v. Ferguson led to Jim Crow

4. (U6C5L3:Q2) In the fight for civil rights, several Supreme Court decisions and laws led to a reaction and the creation of other laws and legislation. Of the choices below, which two best illustrate the cause and effect that restricted the civil rights of African Americans? A) Brown v. The Board of Education led to Jim Crow B) Brown v. The Board of Education led to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 C) Civil Rights Act of 1964 led to Plessy v. Ferguson D) Plessy v. Ferguson led to Jim Crow

D) Women

4. (U6C5L4:Q3) You belong to the largest group of people ever denied the right to vote in our country. The wording of the Fifteenth Amendment specifically denied your group the right to vote. Finally, in 1920, the Nineteenth Amendment granted all in your group the right to vote. To which group do you belong? A) African American men B) Native Americans C) White men without property D) Women

D) Quotas and entitlements; they can keep other qualified students from enrolling

4. (U6C5L5:Q2) A college wanted its enrollment to reflect the ethnic makeup of its community. They didn't want to be unfair to anyone who may want to enroll. They asked you what things they could do to help them reach that goal. Of the following choices, which one would you NOT recommend? Why? A) Aggressive recruitment programs; they focus only on recruiting minorities B) Preferential treatment programs; they require minorities to enroll in educational institutions that have set aside positions for them C) Remedial programs; they provide an unfair advantage by tutoring minorities D) Quotas and entitlements; they can keep other qualified students from enrolling

The purpose of Closing Ranks in a platoon is to decrease the distance between open ranks to what distance?

40 in.

When forming a platoon, the other squad leaders take up positions behind the leader of the first squad at a distance of

40 in.

C) S-3, also called the Battalion Operations and Training officer

40. (U1C1L3:G35) The person responsible for the preparation, conduct, and supervision of all Cadet battalion training activities is the _____________. A) S-5, also called the Special Projects Officer. B) S-4, also called the Logistics Officer C) S-3, also called the Battalion Operations and Training officer D) S-1, also called the Adjutant

A) When you have four or more ribbons

40. (U1C1L5:G38) When is it appropriate to start a second row of individual award ribbons on a uniform shirt? A) When you have four or more ribbons B) When the row goes from center buttons to the side seam C) When you have at least six ribbons D) When your number of ribbons can be evenly divided for balance

D) To remove a hat or other headgear; to be bareheaded or without a cover.

40. (U1C1L8:V13) What is the definition of the word "uncovered"? A) Presenting oneself to a senior. B) A military courtesy of usually keeping senior officers to your right while walking or sitting. C) A group of persons, usually in the military, who regularly eat meals together; the place where such meals are served. D) To remove a hat or other headgear; to be bareheaded or without a cover.

A) Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage

40. (U2C1L3:G35) The acronym "LDRSHIP" stands for what? A) Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage B) Leadership, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Perseverance C) Loyalty, Diligence, Regard, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage D) Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personality

D) The color of heaven for reverence for God, loyalty, vigilance, perseverance, and justice.

40. U1C1L6:G36. What does the color blue on the U.S. flag symbolize? A) The oceans that surround the U.S. B) Hope, purity, and innocence. C) Hope, purity, and innocence. D) The color of heaven for reverence for God, loyalty, vigilance, perseverance, and justice.

B) Battalion Public Affairs Officer, also called the Information Officer

41. (U1C1L3:G36) The contact person between the corps of cadets and all news media and student publications is the ____________. A) Senior Army Instructor B) Battalion Public Affairs Officer, also called the Information Officer C) Battalion Executive Officer, also called the X-O D) Special Projects Officer, also called the S-5

C) In order according to importance

41. (U1C1L5:G39) Ribbons are worn on the uniform in order of precedence. Define "precedence." A) In order according to the date they were received B) In order according to how much you value them C) In order according to importance D) In order according to their sentimental value

C) norm

41. (U2C1L3:G36) A ___________ is a principle of right action binding upon members of a group that guides, controls, or regulates proper and acceptable behavior. A) guideline B) law C) norm D) mandate

A) Garrison, post, and storm flags

41. U1C1L6:G37. Name the three types of commonly displayed flags. A) Garrison, post, and storm flags B) Large, medium, and small C) Fair weather, foul weather, and garrison D) Garrison, post, and inclement

D) All of the above

42. (U1C1L3:G37) Name three Battalion Special Staff positions. A) The Battalion Communications (or Signal) Officer B) The Battalion Ordinance Officer C) The Battalion Public Affairs (or Information) Officer D) All of the above

A) A decorative metal cap attached to the end of a shoulder cord to prevent fraying

42. (U1C1L5:G40) What is a ferrule on a uniform? A) A decorative metal cap attached to the end of a shoulder cord to prevent fraying B) An animal symbol often found on unit badges C) Another name for the brass belt buckle D) The device on the back of nameplates and ribbons into which the sharp end of a pin goes

B) Loyalty

42. (U2C1L3:G37) ___________ establishes the correct order of your obligations and commitments. A) Judgment B) Loyalty C) Discernment D) None of the above

D) selfless service

45. (U2C1L3:V2) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A willingness to put the welfare of others first; to sacrifice, if need be, even to the point of giving up one's own life, in service to the nation." A) bribery B) favoritism C) tenets D) selfless service


42. U1C1L6:G38. True or False: Each star on the U.S. flag has a particular state assigned to it.

D) Battalion Command Sergeant Major

43. (U1C1L3:G38) Another name for the Battalion Personnel Staff Officer is the _____________. A) Battalion Ordinance Officer B) Signal Officer C) Special Projects Officer D) Battalion Command Sergeant Major

D) One-fourth of an inch above the top seam of the right pocket

43. (U1C1L5:G41) Where are honor unit stars worn on a uniform? A) One-fourth of an inch above the top seam of the left pocket B) One-fourth of an inch above the rank insignia on the shirt collar C) Above and centered on the row of ribbons D) One-fourth of an inch above the top seam of the right pocket

D) Values of the Army

43. (U2C1L3:F1) What do the words below represent? Loyalty - Duty - Respect - Selfless Service - Honor - Integrity - Personal Courage A) Values of a good student B) Values of a good Cadet C) Values of a good person D) Values of the Army

B) I feel that my time isn't respected when you don't show up.

5. (U2C4L9:Q4) Jenny missed three meetings with her mentor without notifying her. She expected the type of response that she gets at home when she showed up to the next meeting, but she was surprised that her mentor didn't blame her. What do you think her mentor said? A) I can't believe that you stood me up. B) I feel that my time isn't respected when you don't show up. C) You aren't a dependable person, and you can't be counted on. D) You promised to show up, and you didn't.

A) 1959

43. U1C1L6:G39. In what year was the current 50-star U.S. flag adopted? A) 1959 B) 1945 C) 1960 D) 1917

B) The Battalion Ordnance Officer

44. (U1C1L3:G39) What Battalion Officer advises the staff on the condition of all weapons? A) The Battalion Special Projects Officer B) The Battalion Ordnance Officer C) The Battalion Personnel Staff Officer D) The Battalion Communications Officer


44. (U1C1L5:G42) True or False: An honor unit star is always worn by itself and unadorned.

A) beliefs

44. (U2C1L3:V1) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A personal truth; mental acceptance or conviction of particular truths of someone or something." A) beliefs B) dilemma C) norms D) ethics


44. U1C1L6:G40. True or False: The flag that General George Washington stood under in 1776 when he took command of the Continental Army had on it the 13 Union stars in a circle.

A) Setting up and maintaining all signal or public address, projection, and sound equipment issued to the Cadet battalion.

45. (U1C1L3:G40) What are the duties of the Battalion Communications Officer, also called the Signal Officer? A) Setting up and maintaining all signal or public address, projection, and sound equipment issued to the Cadet battalion. B) Tracking, issuing, and maintenance on all weapons. C) Speaking with the public media and serving as liaison between the media and school personnel. D) Keeping track of all U.S. property (except ordinance) for a battalion.

A) Ferrule

45. (U1C1L5:G43) A decorative metal cap attached to the end of a shoulder cord to prevent it from fraying is called a ____________. A) Ferrule B) Stay C) Blousing garter D) Fray cap


5. (U2C5L1:G1) True or False: Platoons and squads execute the following drills in the same way: Inclining around, marching to the flanks, and changing intervals in lines.

B) On both raising and lowering the flag, it must first be raised to its peak position.

45. U1C1L6:G41. When raising and lowering the U.S. flag to half-staff, what is the process? A) The flag should be raised to only half-staff and all other flags should be below it. B) On both raising and lowering the flag, it must first be raised to its peak position. C) Either the U.S. Congress or the President can order the flag to half-staff. D) When the flag is flown at half-staff, it is a sign the nation is in mourning.

A) Keeping track of all U.S. government property (except ordnance) for the battalion.

46. (U1C1L3:G41) What is the role of the Battalion Logistics or Supply Officer, also called the S-4? A) Keeping track of all U.S. government property (except ordnance) for the battalion. B) Keeping track of all ordnance for the battalion. C) Setting up and maintaining public address, projection, and sound equipment for a battalion. D) To serve as the contact person between the corps of cadets and all news media and student publications.

A) Precedence

46. (U1C1L5:G44) Ribbons are worn on the uniform in order according to importance, also called ___________. A) Precedence B) Rank C) Preference D) File

C) norms

46. (U2C1L3:V3) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A principle of right action binding upon members of a group and serving to guide, control, or regulate proper and acceptable behavior; a pattern or trait taken to be typical in the behavior of a social group." A) coercion B) values C) norms D) prejudices

B) To the North on an east-west street, or to the East on a north-south street

46. U1C1L6:G42. When displaying a U.S. Flag by suspending it over a street, where is the union located? A) To the left of the stripes B) To the North on an east-west street, or to the East on a north-south street C) To the right of the stripes D) To the South on an east-west street, or to the West on a north-south street

D) The team leaders

47. (U1C1L3:G42) Who is responsible for the formation, appearance, training, and discipline of their team members? A) The Battalion XO B) The platoon leaders C) The squad leaders D) The team leaders


47. (U1C1L5:G45) True or False: It is appropriate to start a second row of ribbons on a uniform shirt when you have six or more individual award ribbons

D) dilemma

47. (U2C1L3:V4) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "An argument presenting two or more equally conclusive alternatives against an opponent." A) beliefs B) unethical C) tunnel vision D) dilemma

C) A platoon leader (or Cadet 2nd Lieutenant)

52. (U1C1L3:G47) Who is directly responsible for a platoon of Cadets? A) The command or sergeant major B) The executive officer (or XO) C) A platoon leader (or Cadet 2nd Lieutenant) D) The battalion adjutant

C) The union should be at the head and over the left shoulder.

47. U1C1L6:G43. What is the appropriate placement of a U.S. flag over a casket? A) The union should be at the head over the right shoulder. B) The union should be placed to the right of the audience. C) The union should be at the head and over the left shoulder. D) The stripes should be placed along the length of the casket.


48. (U1C1L3:G43) True or False: Two duties of a team leader are to set the example at all times and to know the number, names and personal information on all assigned personnel.


48. (U1C1L5:G46) True or False: It is inappropriate to wear the ribbon and the medal for the same award at the same time.

B) tenets

48. (U2C1L3:V5) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A principle, belief, or doctrine generally held to be true." A) ethics B) tenets C) norms D) prejudices

C) Good grooming

52. (U1C1L5:G50) Cleanliness that includes showering, teeth brushing, clean hands and nails, and a tidy uniform are all elements of ______________. A) A code of conduct B) Healthiness C) Good grooming D) Etiquette


48. U1C1L6:G44. True or False: Flags used during funerals may be allowed to touch the ground.

B) The company executive officer (or XO)

49. (U1C1L3:G44) Who is the company commander's primary assistant? A) The Senior Army Instructor B) The company executive officer (or XO) C) The Squad leader D) The battalion command sergeant major

B) Individual awards for academic, athletic, or military excellence

49. (U1C1L5:G47) What awards are worn on the left shirt pocket or left pocket area of the uniform? A) Unit awards for Cadet academic and athletic performance B) Individual awards for academic, athletic, or military excellence C) All awards a Cadet is authorized to wear D) Only individual competitive awards

A) prejudice

49. (U2C1L3:V6) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "An adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge." A) prejudice B) selfless service C) unethical D) tunnel vision

B) coercion

52. (U2C1L3:V9) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "The act, process, or power of forcing someone to act or think in a given manner, such as by using force or threats as a form of control." A) bribery B) coercion C) values D) unethical

C) From separate flagstaffs or poles of the same height and size.

49. U1C1L6:G45. When displaying the flags of two or more nations, how are they hung? A) With the U.S. flag on top. B) With the U.S. flag below the guest nation's flag. C) From separate flagstaffs or poles of the same height and size. D) With the U.S. flag on the right.

D) To motivate young people to be better citizens.

5. (U1C1L1:G1) What is the mission of Army JROTC? A) To train young men and women in Army tactics. B) To help students graduate from high school. C) To increase enlistment in the Armed Forces. D) To motivate young people to be better citizens.

B) 1916

5. (U1C1L2:G1) When was JROTC established by Congress? A) 1961 B) 1916 C) 1776 D) 1830

B) S-1 (Adjutant); S-3 (Operations)

5. (U1C1L3:Q5) You have just been appointed as the new Commander of your JROTC Company. During your assumption of command, you found that your company's personnel records and training schedules are a mess. You know that your battalion has the correct records and schedules, so you request copies of them from your Battalion ______ and ______. A) S-1 (Adjutant); S-2 (Information & Security) B) S-1 (Adjutant); S-3 (Operations) C) S-2 (Information & Security); S-3 (Operations) D) S-3 (Operations); S-4 (Logistics)

C) Merit Unit, Honor Unit, and Honor Unit with Distinction

5. (U1C1L4:G1) Name the three types of unit decorations. A) Physical fitness awards, participation awards, and time-in-grade awards B) Squad, team, and platoon unit decorations C) Merit Unit, Honor Unit, and Honor Unit with Distinction D) None of the above

C) Class A Uniform

5. (U1C1L5:G1) What uniform is generally worn during ceremonies, social functions, and formal inspections? A) Class B Uniform B) ACU Uniform C) Class A Uniform D) None. Civilian clothes are worn for these events.

D) 1777

5. (U1C1L6:G1) In what year did the Continental Congress establish the first stars and stripes flag? A) 1776 B) 1845 C) 1902 D) 1777

A) Francis Scott Key wrote it in 1814.

5. (U1C1L7:G2) Who wrote "The Star Spangled Banner?" A) Francis Scott Key wrote it in 1814. B) Martha Washington wrote it in 1777. C) George Washington wrote it in 1789. D) Mary Todd Lincoln wrote it in 1861.

A) To honor civil or military officials from the U.S. or foreign countries.

5. (U1C1L8:G1) What is the purpose of a cannon salute? A) To honor civil or military officials from the U.S. or foreign countries. B) To memorialize a military official upon his or her death. C) To alert drivers that a funeral cavalcade will soon be moving. D) To honor non-commissioned and petty officers.

C) Special

5. (U1C1L9:G1) The Battalion XO directs, coordinates, and supervises the efforts of the coordinating and ____________ staffs. A) Distaff B) Controlling C) Special D) Subordinate

1. Challenges you to develop new skills 2. address a real and important need another group is not addressing. 3. Has a positive effect on others.

What are three characteristic of a meaning service learning project?

C) Give some direction, especially if it matters how a task is completed, but delegate some of the decision making to your subordinates.

5. (U2C1L1:Q4) You are a new squad leader. You always watched the examples of your two previous squad leaders. You liked the first squad leader's way of always giving very specific directions. The other never gave directions, and always complained "I wouldn't have done it that way" when you finished. Their squads completed their assigned tasks, but they never seemed motivated to do anything. After they left the squad, both squad leaders got promoted to platoon sergeant. How do you think you should you give direction? A) Always give specific directions like the first squad leader. B) Since the squad always completed the tasks and both squad leaders got promoted, either method would work well. C) Give some direction, especially if it matters how a task is completed, but delegate some of the decision making to your subordinates. D) Develop your subordinates by just assigning the tasks like the second squad leader, but don't complain about how it was done.

D) Traits

5. (U2C1L2:G1) The theory that leaders were born was prominent from the 1800's to the 1940's and was called the _____________ approach. A) Hatching B) Leadership C) Succession D) Traits

A) Selfless Service - your squad members are becoming more competitive with each other, and are placing their own needs before those of the squad.

5. (U2C1L3:Q5) A transfer student was assigned to your squad. When you asked him about his previous JROTC unit, he told you that there was a lot of competition between units and individuals. At first, you were impressed with the new Cadet. However, after a couple of weeks you noticed that he was causing a breakdown in teamwork, and an increase in competition between your squad members. You have enough time before leadership lab to talk to your squad about one of the Army Values. Which one should you choose to correct this situation? Why? A) Selfless Service - your squad members are becoming more competitive with each other, and are placing their own needs before those of the squad. B) Honor - your squad members aren't adhering to a code of ethics or values. C) Personal Courage - your squad members aren't facing fears, danger or adversity. D) Respect - squad members aren't treating each other as they should.

B) Since the competition requires all of the squads to move in unison, he needs to keep training them as a team, even if it means performing less difficult tasks.

5. (U2C1L4:Q4) You are a squad leader, and your platoon is going to participate in a drill and ceremonies competition at the end of the month. You approach your platoon leader about making drill training more complex because your squad is much more proficient than the other squads. For leadership development reasons, he asks you to apply the 11 principles of leadership and to make the decision for him. Which of the following best describes what your answer should be? A) Since you are seeking responsibility, he should let you train your squad train separately. B) Since the competition requires all of the squads to move in unison, he needs to keep training them as a team, even if it means performing less difficult tasks. C) Since you and your squad are technically and tactically proficient, then he should allow your squad to train separately on more difficult tasks. D) Since he already explained the task and you said that you understood it, then you will continue to do what you were told.

A) You were helping someone avoid a situation where they were vulnerable to sexual assault.

5. (U2C1L5:Q3) At a party, you notice an old girlfriend passed out on a chair, and you insist on taking her to her house. Your current girlfriend says that she will break up with you if you do, but you do it anyway. Next week in school, your old girlfriend is also mad at you because her parents found out she had been drinking, and grounded her for a month. Which of the following answers represents the primary reason for your actions? A) You were helping someone avoid a situation where they were vulnerable to sexual assault. B) You needed a good reason to break up with your current girlfriend. C) You don't agree with teenage drinking, and you wanted to get your drunken friend in trouble so she stops. D) You think you will get in trouble if something unfortunate happens to your old girlfriend.

A) They realize the purpose and objectives of drill.

5. (U2C2L1:Q3) During training, some soldiers always complained about doing battle drills over and over again, even after they did them right. They also didn't think they had a very good squad leader. In combat, the same soldiers reflected on what they did during a firefight. They all realized that several times they reacted to a dangerous situation without thinking in order to accomplish their mission. What should they now realize about their training? A) They realize the purpose and objectives of drill. B) They realized the necessity of personal pride. C) They realize the self-confidence they now have. D) They realize the importance of building strong esprit de corps.

D) Tell him that commands need only to be loud enough for his unit to hear and if he practices proper voice control, then his sore throat may go away.

5. (U2C2L2:Q4) Cadet Richards always seems to complain about having a sore throat. During drill practice, you can hear him lead his squad from all the way across the parade field. He enunciates well and his inflection is correct, but sometimes his voice is so loud, that your squad reacts to his commands. What should you tell him about his command voice? A) Tell him that you are impressed with the volume and projection of his voice, and that he is loud enough to lead a battalion. B) Commend him that people can always identify his squad when they perform drill and ceremonies because his sore throat makes his voice scratchy and distinct. C) Don't tell him anything because he'll figure out that he's too loud when he loses his voice. D) Tell him that commands need only to be loud enough for his unit to hear and if he practices proper voice control, then his sore throat may go away.

C) Centered in front of the team so team members can see and follow the leader's example

5. (U2C2L3:G1) Where should a drill leader position him or herself to teach a team a new drill movement? A) Behind the team so members can hear commands. B) Beside the team so the leader can monitor the team. C) Centered in front of the team so team members can see and follow the leader's example D) Within the ranks on the front row so the leaders can both participate and lead the members.

D) "Rest"

5. (U2C2L4:Q3) Your platoon is marching in a parade. While waiting for the parade to begin, you find out that it will be starting 30 minutes late. Your platoon is at the position of attention, but because of the wait, you want them to relax and talk for a while. Which command do you give them? A) "Parade, Rest" B) "Parade, Rest" and "At ease" C) "Parade, Rest," and "Rest" D) "Rest"

Leadership Skills Problem Solving Critical Thinking Communication Skills - Both written and oral Teamwork Skills

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A) Halt the formation and start again from the position of attention.

5. (U2C2L5:Q2) When you call cadence while leading your platoon in drill, you keep the beat, or rhythm, by starting each stanza on your left foot. However, today you find that you are doing it on your right foot, but your squad members are correct and starting on their left. What is the most appropriate thing to do in order to synchronize the entire formation? A) Halt the formation and start again from the position of attention. B) Give the command to "change step, march" so that the rest of your platoon is in step with you. C) Just keep marching and keeping the rhythm on your right foot. D) Change step on your own.


5. (U2C2L6:F1) True or False It is critical to master the techniques of forming a squad and your related responsibilities to be a sharp drill squad.

B) Decision making, developing, and executing

5. (U2C3L1:Q4) During a counseling session, you told your team leader that she always showed good judgment, took care of subordinates, mentored junior leaders, and met mission standards. What strong leadership dimensions are you recognizing? A) Communicating, assessing, and building B) Decision making, developing, and executing C) Motivating, planning, and learning

B) Identify the tasks, prioritize, establish conditions, and write them down.

5. (U2C3L2:Q4) While always considering the capabilities of your squad, you use the same strategy to develop squad goals. What is the correct order of that strategy? A) Establish conditions, identify the tasks, prioritize, and write them down. B) Identify the tasks, prioritize, establish conditions, and write them down. C) Prioritize, establish conditions, identify the tasks, and write them down.

C) X = Perception Y = Feelings Z = Development

5. (U2C4L1:Q4) Your self-image and self-concept lets you know how you feel about yourself, and it helps you understand how you are perceived by others. As a leader, a strong self-image/concept will help you relate to others. Self-concept is the picture you have of yourself through your own thoughts, development, perceptions, and feelings. Study the table and select the option (A-D) that correctly identifies the factors of self-image and self-concept. Self Concept and Self Image: X. The interpretation and the amount of "emotional charge" attributed to past events and present situations. Y. The positive or negative, good or bad, indifference or intensity, of emotions or interpretation of oneself. Z. The way you feel about yourself, which has a direct relationship to your upbringing; it includes values and attributes. A) X = Development Y = Perception Z = Thoughts B) X = Feelings Y = Thoughts Z = Development C) X = Perception Y = Feelings Z = Development D) X = Thoughts Y = Development Z = Perception

C) Listening with your eyes and ears and focusing completely on the communicator's eyes, facial expressions, and gestures.

5. (U2C4L2:G1) Define "active listening." A) Having good hygiene to remove ear-wax buildup so that you are better able to listen to others when they speak. B) Interrupting other speakers to show your engagement in a topic of discussion. C) Listening with your eyes and ears and focusing completely on the communicator's eyes, facial expressions, and gestures. D) Listening closely while you are walking or moving.

B) Problem

5. (U2C4L3:G3) When negotiating, it is important to separate the people from the ____________. A) Group B) Problem C) Anger D) Power

B) True: Subordinates are more likely to support a decision if they took part in developing it.

5. (U2C4L4:Q4) Read the following paragraph and decide which option (A-D) is most correct. Leaders should involve their subordinates in researching problems, gathering information, and developing and analyzing different courses of action. This technique will pay off in increased interest, higher morale, and better efficiency by team members. A) True: When subordinates do the work, leaders have more time to focus on team-building and other morale-building events. B) True: Subordinates are more likely to support a decision if they took part in developing it. C) False: Since you can only choose one plan, some of your subordinates are going to feel left out. D) False: This technique only works when subordinates have authority to make the decision.

A) Intervene with question "are we ready to move on?"

5. (U2C4L5:Q4) You are facilitating a meeting that has six priority topics. At one point during the third topic, the discussion stopped and there was silence. What should you do? A) Intervene with question "are we ready to move on?" B) Move on to the next topic and come back to the current one if necessary. C) Ask a dominator what he or she thinks to get the discussion re-started. D) Ask what decision was made.

D) There is a lack of coordination between the squad leaders and platoon leaders.

5. (U2C4L6:Q2) You are a company commander. Your first sergeant told you that she thinks that one of your platoon leaders over supervises his squad leaders, and that it is hurting the platoon leadership. As you observe the platoon leader during training, which of the following signs would not be an indicator of over supervision? A) Responsibility is not delegated to squad leaders. B) The squad leaders resent the platoon leader. C) The squad leaders and platoon leader don't trust each other. D) There is a lack of coordination between the squad leaders and platoon leaders.

A) Forming

5. (U2C4L7:Q2) A group of friends all joined JROTC together. They all knew each other because they all went to elementary and middle school together. They were all put into the same squad, and their new squad leader told them that she would choose team leaders in a couple of weeks. What group development stage is this squad most likely starting in? A) Forming B) Storming C) Norming D) Performing

D) The time estimated for steps; the estimates could possibly overlap.

5. (U2C4L8:Q1) You reviewed a Gantt chart created by one of your platoon leaders. The chart showed the four stages of project management, the activities in sequence, and that the time estimated for steps didn't overlap. It also included a plan for monitoring resources. What should you have the platoon leader review to make sure? Why? A) The plan for resources; this isn't necessary when a Gantt chart is used. B) The stages of project management; there are five stages. C) The sequence of activities; sequence is not necessary if all activities are listed. D) The time estimated for steps; the estimates could possibly overlap.

A) "Right" and to the right.

6. (U2C2L4:Q4) You arrived a couple minutes late to drill practice. When you walked in, you heard your team leader give the command of execution "Face." The squad responded by raising their left heels and right toes and turned 90 degrees. What was the preparatory command, and which way did they turn? A) "Right" and to the right. B) "Left" and to the left. C) "About" and to the rear.

B) Observe the squad's performance.

5. (U2C5L2:Q4) You just got promoted to squad leader for a squad in another platoon. It was a surprise because the previous squad leader got demoted that morning for poor performance. You don't know any of your new squad members. What's the first thing you should do as you take over the squad? A) Make a plan. B) Observe the squad's performance. C) Find out why the previous squad leader got demoted. D) Evaluate the previous squad leader's plan before you implement yours.

D) 16

5. (U2C5L3:Q4) Your company has four platoons with four squads each. Your Company Commander just ordered "Company mass left, march." When the formation is complete, how many squad leaders will be in line with each other? A) 1 B) 2 C) 4 D) 16

D) in motion towards a destination

5. (U2C5L4:V1) What is the definition of the term "en route"? A) to ease the accomplishment of a task B) related, belonging, or assigned C) one that leads or directs another's way D) in motion towards a destination

B) Company in column with platoons in line

5. (U2C5L5:Q2) You are one of four platoon leaders in a company formation. Your platoon is directly behind the company commander and guidon bearer. Your squad leaders are to your right rear and are marching one behind the other. What type of formation is it? A) Company in column with platoons in column B) Company in column with platoons in line C) Company in line with platoons in line D) Company mass formation

D) Marching at double time

5. (U2C5L8:Q1) When in charge of a formation, the leader assumes the carry saber position and performs other actions from that position. Which of the following is NOT performed at the carry saber position? A) When addressing another officer, if the saber is drawn B) Giving commands C) Changing positions D) Marching at double time

C) Coercive

5. (U2C6L1:G1) __________ power is power that relies on force or threats or creating fear as a form of control. A) Cooperative B) Positional C) Coercive D) Authoritative

D) Volunteer

5. (U2C6L3:Q4) Though it may be in written or spoken form, leaders manage their people by directing them. A leader who needs someone to do something that he cannot require them to do is actually asking them for assistance. Which type of directing is this? A) Demand B) Request C) Suggestion D) Volunteer

D) Provide feedback immediate after a message has been sent; an action has been completed; or when feedback is primarily negative

5. (U2C6L4:Q4) Providing effective feedback, both positive and constructive, is a key part of the communication process. Which of the following is not an effective method of providing effective feedback? A) Ask permission: "May I talk to you about something I observed in your performance?" B) Focus on specific behaviors: "You seemed to be anxious at the start of the exam." C) Get feedback from more than one source to validate the feedback. D) Provide feedback immediate after a message has been sent; an action has been completed; or when feedback is primarily negative.

C) It replaced the Articles of Confederation.

5. (U6C1L1:Q4) Which of the following is not considered to be true about the Preamble? A) It was primarily written by Gouverneur Morris. B) It contains the hopes and dreams of the delegates to the Constitutional convention. C) It replaced the Articles of Confederation. D) It holds the people, as citizens of the U. S., responsible for attaining the goals of the Constitution.

C) Cooperation

5. (U6C1L2:G2) ____________ is the citizenship skill that involves the art of working together in a group toward a common goal. A) Patience B) Balance C) Cooperation D) Fairness

D) an all-class process

5. (U6C1L4:G1) The representative group session is also called _____________. A) an all-day process B) a congressional process C) a sample group process D) an all-class process

C) A select group of individuals chosen to listen and render a verdict in a court case.

5. (U6C1L5:G2) According to the educational game Chief Justice®, what is a jury? A) A room in which public debate occurs. B) A person who speaks for a group of judges. C) A select group of individuals chosen to listen and render a verdict in a court case. D) A period of time when a group discusses and rules on a case.

B) False

5. (U6C2L2:F5) The American Founders did not belong to the Age of Enlightenment. A) True B) False

A) Both government and governed must obey the law B) Government is based on a contract between the ruled and the rulers C) Both A and B are correct

5. (U6C2L3:F5) What ideas from the English Bill of Rights were used in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights? A) Both government and governed must obey the law B) Government is based on a contract between the ruled and the rulers C) Both A and B are correct D) None of the above

B) False

5. (U6C2L4:F5) In early colonial America, women kept their legal identity after marriage. A) True B) False

B) state declaration of rights

5. (U6C2L5:F5) The declaration that the colonists to be governed by the new state constitutions possessed certain basic rights that existed prior to government and that no constitution or government could take away was known as what? A) political guarantees B) state declaration of rights C) procedural guarantees of due process D) natural rights

A) Shays' Rebellion

5. (U6C3L1:F5) What event convinced the people to strengthen the national government? A) Shays' Rebellion B) The Revolutionary War C) The Battle of Monmouth D) The creation of factions

A) True

5. (U6C3L2:F5) The New Jersey plan continued the system of government that was established by the Articles of Confederation. A) True B) False

A) Deciding conflicts between state governments

5. (U6C3L3:F5) Which of the following is a power of the Judicial branch? A) Deciding conflicts between state governments B) Removing the president from office C) Appointing members of the Senate D) Able to pass new laws

C) Assume control of the platoon in the absence of the platoon leader.

7. (U2C5L2:Q6) Which of the following statements is a responsibility of a platoon sergeant? A) Conduct inspections of the platoon at formations. B) Keep the company commander appraised of the status of the platoon at all times. C) Assume control of the platoon in the absence of the platoon leader. D) All of the above.

B) the judicial branch

5. (U6C3L4:Q3) One of the ways to balance the proposed government under the new Constitution was to specify the interests of each branch and section of government. One section or branch was responsible for protecting the people's fundamental interests, and thus was only responsible to the Constitution itself. Which branch or section is it? A) the executive branch B) the judicial branch C) the legislative branch - House of Representatives D) the legislative branch - the Senate

B) The Bill of Rights

5. (U6C4L1:Q2) During its first session, Congress had a number of tasks to complete. Since many people were still suspicious of the new government, it was crucial to show that the Federalists would keep their promises. What document did James Madison draft that did not limit the power of the federal government, yet was a compromise with Anti-Federalists? A) Article II B) The Bill of Rights C) The Constitution D) The Judicial Act of 1789

B) The amendment concerning the enumeration of rights

5. (U6C4L2:Q3) There were many disagreements over the Bill of Rights. Even the Anti-Federalists were disappointed when it was ratified. One of the strongest arguments was that it didn't include all possible rights. James Madison attempted to clarify this point in one of the amendments. Which amendment addresses this "disagreement?" A) The amendment concerning the rights of conscience B) The amendment concerning the enumeration of rights C) The amendment concerning freedom to bear arms D) The amendment concerning the right to assemble peaceably

D) Using contemporary social values in terms of today's policy needs

5. (U6C4L4:Q2) Some dress codes for students are meant to discourage gang-related violence. When the Constitution was written, gang violence basically did not exist. If a lawsuit against school uniforms made it to the Supreme Court for judicial review, what method would most likely be used for a judicial review of this modern-day issue? A) Using the literal meaning of the words of the Constitution B) Using the intentions of those who wrote the Constitution C) Using basic principles and values in the perspective of history D) Using contemporary social values in terms of today's policy needs

B) federal system

5. (U6C4L5:Q3) The World Wide Web created an entirely different way to conduct business. If the power to regulate it in a country was not given to the central government OR its individual states and each wasn't sure if it had the power to do so, what system of government does this country most likely have? A) confederation B) federal system C) monarchy D) unitary government

A) The effects of the Thirteenth Amendment

5. (U6C5L1:Q3) Northern factory and business owners saw freed slaves as a cheap source of labor. Many northern workers thought freed slaves would compete for their jobs, so they wanted them to stay in the south and west. Previous slaveholders wanted to be paid for the loss of their cheap labor. All of these are effects of which Civil War era law? A) The effects of the Thirteenth Amendment B) The effects of the Fourteenth Amendment C) The effects of the Fifteenth Amendment D) The effects of the Civil Rights Act of 1866

B) substantive due process

5. (U6C5L2:Q3) In some totalitarian countries, governments watch very closely who its citizens associate with, who their friends are, and in some cases, who they choose to date and marry. They also have laws that prohibit citizens from associating with certain ethnic and religious groups. Which type of protection do these citizens not enjoy? A) procedural due process B) substantive due process C) double jeopardy D) elective incorporation

D) nonviolent direct action

5. (U6C5L3:Q3) You are a civil rights activist in the 1960s. To protest the separate but equal doctrine in schools, you and your fellow activists blocked the entrance to a segregated school, were arrested, and were charged with trespassing. After you paid a fine, you said that you were respecting the Constitution by violating unjust laws. What tactic did you use to protest school segregation? A) boycott B) civil disobedience C) massive resistance D) nonviolent direct action

C) Was only recently granted the right to vote

5. (U6C5L4:Q4) You are given the assignment of informing your JROTC class about the historical reasons why U.S. citizens vote or don't vote. You made a list of each, but as you review it, you notice that one is in the wrong column. Of the following reasons, which one doesn't fit in the same column as the others? A) Lack of understanding of public affairs B) Declining influence of political parties C) Was only recently granted the right to vote D) The belief that "my vote doesn't count"

D) He was qualified for the job, but the position was left unfilled because he was not a member of a specific minority group

5. (U6C5L5:Q3) You were asked to write a scenario about a victim of reverse discrimination. Which of the following would best describe that type of situation? A) He applied for, and got the job that was held by a qualified minority who was hired by another company B) He met the job requirements and was awarded a position that had been set aside for, but not filled by, a member of a minority C) He passed a remedial program, but he still didn't meet enrollment requirements D) He was qualified for the job, but the position was left unfilled because he was not a member of a specific minority group

D) The company executive officer (or XO)

50. (U1C1L3:G45) Who assumes command in the absence of the company commander? A) The battalion command sergeant major B) The platoon leader C) The Special Projects Officer (or S-5) D) The company executive officer (or XO)

C) Perspiration

50. (U1C1L5:G48) The main cause of tarnish on brass belt buckles and uniform buttons is ____________. A) Oxidation B) Respiration C) Perspiration D) Recreation

C) bribery

50. (U2C1L3:V7) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "The act of giving or offering to, or accepting money, property, or a favor from someone in a position of trust to persuade or influence that person to act dishonestly." A) favoritism B) tenets C) bribery D) coercion

C) mass formation

7. (U2C5L3:V2) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. When in a line or a _____, the right platoon serves as the base. A) post B) mark time C) mass formation D) arc


______________________________ is one who takes notes for the team and organizes information

C) The U.S. flag is on the far right of the row of marching persons or in the front and center position if it is in a line of flags.

50. U1C1L6:G46. Where is the U.S. flag carried when in procession with other flags? A) The U.S. flag should be on the right of the audience. B) The U.S. flag should stand higher than other flags. C) The U.S. flag is on the far right of the row of marching persons or in the front and center position if it is in a line of flags. D) The U.S. flag should be carried in front of, not in line with, other flags.

A) The battalion command sergeant major

51. (U1C1L3:G46) What is the principal Cadet enlisted assistant to the battalion commander? A) The battalion command sergeant major B) The platoon leader C) The battalion adjutant (or S-1) D) The Cadet XO

D) The alignment of the edge of the uniform shirt, the belt buckle, and the flap of the zipper on trousers.

51. (U1C1L5:G49) What is a gigline? A) A method for catching frogs. B) The alignment of one's hands with the seam of the uniform trousers. C) How straight one stands while at attention. D) The alignment of the edge of the uniform shirt, the belt buckle, and the flap of the zipper on trousers.

D) tunnel vision

51. (U2C1L3:V8) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "Extreme narrowness of viewpoint." A) beliefs B) selfless service C) dilemma D) tunnel vision

A) Place it with the union to the left of the observer in the street.

51. U1C1L6:G47. How do you position a flag for display in a window? A) Place it with the union to the left of the observer in the street. B) The U.S. flag should be placed with the union up. C) Place it with the union to the right of the observer in the street D) Place it with the stripes to the left of the observers.


________________________________ is on who facilitates; one who leads team discussions.

B) 20 feet by 38 feet

52. U1C1L6:G48. What is the size of a garrison flag? A) 10 feet by 26 feet B) 20 feet by 38 feet C) 5 feet by 9 feet D) 18 feet by 32 feet

A) To plan and coordinate special projects as outlined by the Cadet battalion commander, the Cadet battalion XO, or the instructor staff.

53. (U1C1L3:G48) What is the role of the S-5? A) To plan and coordinate special projects as outlined by the Cadet battalion commander, the Cadet battalion XO, or the instructor staff. B) To train the operations and training officer. C) To keep the battalion logistics officer informed. D) To maintain weapons.


53. (U1C1L5:G51) True or False: Male Cadets are prohibited from wearing facial hair with the uniform.

C) ethics

53. (U2C1L3:V10) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "Rules, principles, or standards that guide individuals or groups to do the moral or right thing in accordance with accepted principles of right and wrong." A) beliefs B) norms C) ethics D) coercion

B) related, belonging, or assigned

7. (U2C5L4:V3) What is the definition of the word "respective"? A) to ease the accomplishment of a task B) related, belonging, or assigned C) one that leads or directs another's way D) in motion towards a destination


__________________________________ one who represents the team voice and reports the team findings

D) 10 feet by 19 feet

53. U1C1L6:G49. What is the size of a post flag? A) 5 feet by 11 feet B) 7 feet by 13 feet C) 20 feet by 32 feet D) 10 feet by 19 feet

D) The battalion adjutant (or S-1), who is usually a Cadet captain or major

54. (U1C1L3:G49) Who is the administrative assistant to the battalion commander? A) The battalion Operations or Training Officer (or S-3) B) The battalion Special Projects Officer (or S-5) C) The battalion Ordinance Officer D) The battalion adjutant (or S-1), who is usually a Cadet captain or major


54. (U1C1L5:G52) True or False: The JROTC instructor is responsible for making all decision on appropriateness of fad hair styles worn with the uniform.

B) favoritism

54. (U2C1L3:V11) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "The showing of special favor." A) beliefs B) favoritism C) ethics D) dilemma

D) executing a pre-defined set of movements

8. (U2C5L5:V1) What is the definition of the word "drill"? A) a precise stepping movement designed to facilitate the efficient movement of formations B) drill movements executed while remaining in place C) groups of people aligned in a specific pattern D) executing a pre-defined set of movements

A) 5 feet by 9 ½ feet

54. U1C1L6:G50. What is the size of a storm flag? A) 5 feet by 9 ½ feet B) 7 feet by 11 feet C) 20 feet by 39 feet D) 11 feet by 17 feet

C) S-3

55. (U1C1L3:G50) The Battalion Operations and Training Officer is also known as the __________. A) S-1 B) S-4 C) S-3 D) S-5

D) align

55. (U1C1L5:V1) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "The arrangement of several elements on the same line." A) nap B) precedence C) bisecting D) align

D) values

55. (U2C1L3:V12) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A principle, standard, or quality considered worthwhile or desirable in a person or group; an ideal." A) favoritism B) prejudices C) tunnel vision D) values

A) A quality or characteristic that belongs to a person; a distinctive personal feature.

6. (U2C1L4:G1) Define "attributes." A) A quality or characteristic that belongs to a person; a distinctive personal feature. B) A feature distinctive to a particular race of people. C) An attitude that demonstrates confidence and ability. D) A group characteristic that sets the group apart from other groups.

B) Burning

55. U1C1L6:G51. The traditional method of destroying an old or worn flag is by _____________. A) Burial B) Burning C) Disposal at sea D) None of the above

B) The Battalion Operations and Training Officer (S-3)

56. (U1C1L3:G51) Whose job is it to prepare weekly training schedules? A) The company executive officer (or XO) B) The Battalion Operations and Training Officer (S-3) C) The Special Projects Officer (S-5) D) The Battalion Command Sergeant Major


56. (U1C1L5:V2) Choose the image showing an "Army Combat Uniform (ACU)."

B) unethical

56. (U2C1L3:V13) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "Not doing the moral or right thing (normally a result of pressures or temptations from self-interest, peers, subordinates, or seniors); to violate established rules or standards of conduct." A) bribery B) unethical C) selfless service D) values

C) cant

8. (U2C5L8:V1) What word completes this analogy? A) guard B) belt C) cant D) pant

D) Storm

56. U1C1L6:G52. The flag that is flown during high winds or bad weather is the __________ flag. A) Garrison B) Standard C) Post D) Storm

D) The Battalion Commander

57. (U1C1L3:G52) Who is responsible for all the battalion does or fails to do? A) The Executive Officer B) The Senior Army Instructor C) The Command Sergeant Major D) The Battalion Commander

C) bisecting

57. (U1C1L5:V3) Choose the word that best matches the definition below."To cut or divide into two equal parts. A) nap B) precedence C) bisecting D) align

C) sexual harassment

6. (U2C1L5:V1) Choose the word that best describes the scenario below. Suzy was afraid to go to her locker each day because a group of boys would gather around her making sexually offensive remarks. Sometimes they pinned her to her locker and made unwanted sexual advances. What is Suzy unfortunately experiencing? A) pornography B) sexism C) sexual harassment D) date rape

B) Post

57. U1C1L6:G53. The flag that is used for general display purposes is the _____________ flag. A) Garrison B) Post C) Storm D) None of the above


58. (U1C1L3:G53) True or False: A company commander is expected to be an expert in drill.


58. (U1C1L5:V4) Choose the image showing a "Class A Uniform."

D) Garrison

58. U1C1L6:G54. The flag that is flown on special occasions is the __________. A) Special B) Storm C) Post D) Garrison

D) Corporal

59. (U1C1L3:G54) Personnel designated as specialists are comparable to the non-commissioned officer rank of ____________. A) Private B) Warrant officers C) Sergeants D) Corporal


59. (U1C1L5:V5) Choose the image showing a "Class B Uniform."

D) Lexington, Massachusetts

6. (U2C2L1:G1) Where was the "shot heard around the world" fired? A) Fort Sumter, South Carolina B) West Point, New York C) Annapolis, Maryland D) Lexington, Massachusetts

A) Drill Command

6. (U2C2L2:G1) An oral order of a commander or a leader is called a ____________. A) Drill Command B) Command of Execution C) Preparatory Command D) Command of Movement

B) Garrison

59. U1C1L6:G55. "Colors," "ensign," and "standard" are synonyms for ___________. A) Banners B) Garrison C) Uniforms D) Rank

When the platoon is formed in line at normal interval, where is the platoon commander positioned?

6 paces in front of and centered on the platoon

D) All of the above

6. (U1C1L1:G2) In your LET texts, what will Leadership Theory and Application teach you? A) How to influence others while you are leading them. B) How to be a leader. C) What you do while you are leading. D) All of the above

D) The National Defense Act of 1916

6. (U1C1L2:G2) Name the congressional act that launched the JROTC program. A) The Civil Rights Act B) The No Child Left Behind Act C) The National Fitness Act D) The National Defense Act of 1916

A) True

6. (U1C1L3:G1) True or False: In the pyramid of authority in JROTC, from the top to the bottom of the pyramid is a chain of command.

C) Unit awards and individual awards

6. (U1C1L4:G2) What are two kinds of awards given to Cadets? A) Team and squad awards B) Personal awards and public awards C) Unit awards and individual awards D) Physical Fitness Awards and Academic Achievement Awards

C) Class B uniforms

6. (U1C1L5:G2) What uniform is worn during all occasions except field training and formal social occasions? A) Class A uniforms B) The ACU C) Class B uniforms D) Any of the above

C) Betsy Ross

6. (U1C1L6:G2) Who is credited with sewing the first U.S. flag? A) George Washington B) Mary Todd Lincoln C) Betsy Ross D) Martha Washington

B) In 1931; 117 years after it was written

6. (U1C1L7:G3) In what year did Congress declare "The Star Spangled Banner" the national anthem of the U.S.? A) In 1820; at the conclusion of the War of 1812 B) In 1931; 117 years after it was written C) In 1812; the year it was written D) In 1901; almost a century after it was written


6. (U1C1L8:G2) True or False: The President and Vice President receive a 21-gun salute as a matter of courtesy.


6. (U1C1L9:G2) True or False: Battalions are the highest level at which the U.S. Army authorizes a staff.

C) Guiding others to accomplish a mission.

6. (U2C1L1:G1) Define "leadership." A) Bossing around one's peers. B) Obeying your Army instructor's commands. C) Guiding others to accomplish a mission. D) Controlling others through intimidation.

C) Intelligence, dependability, and humor.

6. (U2C1L2:G2) Name three traits common to those in leadership positions that were discovered through research from the 1800s to the 1940s. A) Health, longevity, tenacity. B) Education level, marital status, and race. C) Intelligence, dependability, and humor. D) Income, height, and listening skills

C) Values

6. (U2C1L3:G1) ____________ are ideas about the worth or importance of things, concepts, and people. A) Loyalties B) Duties C) Values D) Obligations


6. (U2C2L3:G2) True or False: During drill, it is preferable to wait for a private moment to correct individuals who are not performing the drill correctly.

C) Preparatory command step; Intermediate step; Command of execution step; Additional step; Execution of movement.

6. (U2C2L5:Q3) When you are instructing new Cadets on drill commands, inn what order should you explain the five-step marching process? A) Preparatory command step; Command of execution step; Additional step; Intermediate step; Execution of movement. B) Preparatory command step; Additional step; Command of execution step; Intermediate step; Execution of movement. C) Preparatory command step; Intermediate step; Command of execution step; Additional step; Execution of movement. D) Preparatory command step; Intermediate step; Execution of movement; Additional step; Command of execution step.

D) to form up in ranks, facing forward the length of formation

6. (U2C2L6:V1) What is the definition of the word "line"? A) to form up in column B) to form up in files, facing forward the width of the formation C) to form up line abreast D) to form up in ranks, facing forward the length of formation

B) conceptual skills

6. (U2C3L1:V1) Choose the phrase that best matches the definition below. "Capacity for sound judgment, problem-solving, critical/creative thinking, and moral reasoning." A) interceptual skills B) conceptual skills C) interpersonal skills D) technical skills

C) purpose-less

6. (U2C3L2:V1) Choose the antonym for the word below. goals A) intentions B) objectives C) purpose-less D) direction

A) When you and your team members cooperate together and achieve better results than you could get working individually

6. (U2C4L1:G1) What is "synergy"? A) When you and your team members cooperate together and achieve better results than you could get working individually B) Conspiring together for negative or sinful purposes C) The effect of working by yourself to your fullest potential D) A neuron spike that regulates transmission of stimuli to the brain

C) Maintain an open body position, maintain eye contact, repeat back and clarify what has been said, check out the meaning of what you have heard, and ask many questions.

6. (U2C4L2:G2) What are the five techniques that help improve listening skills? A) Sitting up straight, breathing deeply, leaning forward, nodding, and interrupting. B) Crossing your arms, looking at the floor, saying nothing, asking nothing, yawning, and being patient. C) Maintain an open body position, maintain eye contact, repeat back and clarify what has been said, check out the meaning of what you have heard, and ask many questions. D) Respecting others, maintaining equality, inventing confidences, sharing stories about yourself, and speaking softly.

D) Produce a wise agreement, be efficient, and improve or at least not damage the relationship.

6. (U2C4L3:F1) What are the three criteria for fair negotiations? A) Produce a clear win for one side, be efficient, and improve or at least not damage the relationship. B) Produce a wise agreement, be effective and fair, and improve or at least not damage the relationship. C) Produce a wise agreement, be efficient, and preserve order among fighting parties. D) Produce a wise agreement, be efficient, and improve or at least not damage the relationship.

A) Obstacle

6. (U2C4L4:G1) Someone or something that stands in the way of achieving a task or goal is called an ____________. A) Obstacle B) Obstinate blocker C) Enemy D) Antagonist

C) attendees

6. (U2C4L5:V1) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. Essential _____ are those with relevant information or expertise. A) agenda B) conclude C) attendees D) facilitate

C) Evaluating

6. (U2C4L6:Q3) Captain Reese spent most of the day observing training, conducting on-the-spot inspections, and asking subordinates about the specifics of their jobs. Then he called the Battalion Commander and asked what she thought of the company's performance. What element of supervision is Captain Reese performing? A) Achieving desired results B) Correcting C) Evaluating D) Instilling discipline

B) Interpersonal skills

6. (U2C4L7:Q3) Second squad had a difficult time moving from the forming stage to the storming stage in group development. All other squads have moved from the storming stage to the norming stage, but second squad isn't even close. What can the squad leader help to develop so that they can make an easier transition between stages? A) Initiative B) Interpersonal skills C) Respect D) Self-reliance

A) Planning

6. (U2C4L8:Q2) You finally were selected to be a project manager. Your project is to organize a parade for Memorial Day. What stage of project management are you in when you talk to last year's project manager about points of contact in the city's traffic division? A) Planning B) Implementation C) Follow-up D) Definition

D) A mental leaning; partiality, prejudice, bent

6. (U2C4L9:V1) Bias A) B) C) D) E)

B) Changing direction, marching to the flank, forming a file and reforming, and forming a column of twos and reforming

6. (U2C5L1:G2) Name the four basic movements in marching the platoon. A) Forward marching, columns, flanks, and rear marches B) Changing direction, marching to the flank, forming a file and reforming, and forming a column of twos and reforming C) Forming flanks, forming files, forming a column of twos, and reforming D) Changing direction in quick time, mark time, double time, and halt

C) Know all Cadet regulations and ensure that members of the platoon also know and follow them.

6. (U2C5L2:Q5) Which of the following statements is a responsibility of a platoon leader? A) Keep the company executive officer apprised of the status of the platoon at all times. B) Organize and maintain an effective chain of command and use it to accomplish tasks; work mainly through the platoon sergeant and team leaders. C) Know all Cadet regulations and ensure that members of the platoon also know and follow them. D) All of the above.

B) base

6. (U2C5L3:V1) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. The platoon leaders command the movement in sequence beginning with the _____ platoon. A) arc B) base C) guide D) post

A) to ease the accomplishment of a task

6. (U2C5L4:V2) What is the definition of the word "facilitate"? A) to ease the accomplishment of a task B) related, belonging, or assigned C) one that leads or directs another's way D) in motion towards a destination


___________________________________ is a thought, idea, or opinion formed or a remark made as a result of mediation; consideration of some subject matter, idea or purpose.

B) Platoon is drilling as a separate unit and is in a line formation

6. (U2C5L5:Q3) You are a platoon sergeant. You are participating in drill practice. Your platoon leader is six steps in front, centered on the platoon, in front of the whole formation, and your position is one step to the rear of the last rank. How are drills being conducted? A) Platoon is drilling as a separate unit and is in a column formation B) Platoon is drilling as a separate unit and is in a line formation C) Platoon is drilling as part of a larger unit and is in a column formation D) Platoon is drilling as part of a larger unit and is in a line formation

B) There should be an intermediate step before the command "right" with no other action performed.

6. (U2C5L8:Q2) While performing eyes right in a parade, the saber bearer moved to count one position of present arms. What should happen the next time the right foot strikes the marching surface? A) The saber bearer should command "right" and turn his head to the right while assuming the carry position, and the members of the formation should turn their heads to the right. B) There should be an intermediate step before the command "right" with no other action performed. C) The saber bearer should command "right" and simultaneously go to count two of present arms while the members of the formation turn their heads to the right. D) There should be an intermediate step before the command "right," but the saber bearer should execute count two of present arms.

C) Reward

6. (U2C6L1:G2) ___________ power is power that relies on giving people something of value in return for cooperation. A) Coercive B) Positional C) Reward D) Authority

B) Directing, Participating, Delegating

6. (U2C6L2:G1) What are the three leadership styles? A) Positioned, Referent, Authoritative B) Directing, Participating, Delegating C) Passive, Moderate, Aggressive D) Dictatorial, Sharing, Servant leadership

B) Time, money, material, people

6. (U2C6L3:G1) Name four management resources. A) Superiors, subordinates, affiliates, acquaintances B) Time, money, material, people C) Time, money, material, underlings D) Time, money, management skills, people


6. (U2C6L4:G1) True or False: Feedback to subordinates is most effective when it is immediate.


6. (U3C8L2:G2) A teacher-planned introductory project designed to introduce students to service learning and provide them with a meaningful experience is also called a(n) ___________ project. A) introductory B) initiation C) exploratory D) explanatory

D) An introductory statement that explains the purpose or intention of a document

6. (U6C1L1:G1) What is a Preamble? A) A summary at the end of a paragraph or article B) An index at the end of a text C) Another name for a Table of Contents D) An introductory statement that explains the purpose or intention of a document

D) respect

6. (U6C1L2:G3) Accepting the difference in others and respecting those differences is the citizenship skill of ____________. A) culture B) cooperation C) balance D) respect

C) a town hall forum

6. (U6C1L4:G2) When all small groups merge into a larger assembly or class to discuss an all-class or all-school position or an issue, it is called _____________. A) a pep rally B) an all-school meeting C) a town hall forum D) a representative group session

D) a representative group session

6. (U6C1L4:G2) When all small groups merge into a larger assembly or class to discuss an all-class or all-school position or an issue, it is called _____________. A) a pep rally B) an all-school meeting C) a town hall forum D) a representative group session

B) A person who conducts the jury deliberation and speaks for the jury.

6. (U6C1L5:G3) What is the job of the jury foreman in the educational game Chief Justice®? A) To escort the jury into and out of the courtroom. B) A person who conducts the jury deliberation and speaks for the jury. C) To deliberate both sides of the case before the judge. D) To deliver an introductory statement to the court.

C) civic virtue

6. (U6C2L2:F6) You are very active in your community and your local government by volunteering and attending council meetings. What are you practicing? A) classical republicanism B) common good C) civic virtue D) capitalism

B) due process of law

6. (U6C2L3:F6) Protection against arbitrary deprivation of life, liberty, or property is known as what? A) rights of Englishmen B) due process of law C) tenets D) manorialism

A) trial by jury B) freedom of speech C) protection from military rule D) all of the above

6. (U6C2L4:F6) What ideas that were abused by the British government convinced the colonists to seek independence? A) trial by jury B) freedom of speech C) protection from military rule D) all of the above

D) Articles of Confederation

6. (U6C2L5:F6) What document was the first attempt by the colonists to establish a government? A) U.S. Constitution B) Bill of Rights C) Virginia Constitution D) Articles of Confederation

B) European governments recognized America's independence

6. (U6C3L1:F6) The Revolutionary War was considered an accomplishment under the government created by the Articles of Confederation. What is the best reason for this? A) A large army was created B) European governments recognized America's independence C) Slavery was abolished D) Taxes were abolished

D) What powers the national government should have

6. (U6C3L2:F6) What was one of the issues not resolved by the Philadelphia Convention? A) How to select a state governor B) Which branch would have the most power C) How to select Supreme Court judges D) What powers the national government should have

B) False

6. (U6C3L3:F6) The Framers never listed the powers of the branches of government specifically. They wanted each branch to be as loosely governed as possible. A) True B) False

A) the Bill of Rights did not and could not contain all the possible rights of a citizen

6. (U6C3L4:Q4) The Federalists compromised with the Anti-Federalists and agreed to a Bill of Rights. However, the Federalists required a compromise by the Anti-Federalists about a statement that ___________. A) the Bill of Rights did not and could not contain all the possible rights of a citizen B) the Bill of Rights could be suspended during times of war or national emergency C) the Bill of Rights was to be ratified at the same time and with the Constitution D) states could develop their own Bill of Rights if the citizens of that state approved it

D) State Department

6. (U6C4L1:Q3) The Executive Branch was first created with three departments to carry out the business of the President. In addition to three secretaries that led these departments, another position was created that today is a member of the president's cabinet. Which department was responsible for registering patents and copyrights? A) Attorney General's Office B) War Department C) Treasury Department D) State Department

C) Second Amendment; the right to keep and bear arms

6. (U6C4L2:Q4) While the Bill of Rights was being developed, one amendment had very little opposition. James Madison said that it meant that people would not have to fear the new federal government, and that citizens had an advantage "over the people of almost any nation." What amendment is it, and what did it guarantee? A) First Amendment; the right to free speech and freedom of assembly B) Ninth Amendment; protection of all rights, even if they weren't enumerated in the Bill of Rights C) Second Amendment; the right to keep and bear arms D) Thirteen Amendment; that all men were created equal

B) legal remedy

6. (U6C4L4:V1) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "Correcting a dispute or problem by a legal means." A) precedents B) legal remedy C) writ of mandamus D) commission

B) federal system

6. (U6C4L5:Q4) In McCullough v. Maryland, the State of Maryland tried to tax a federal bank. However, the supremacy clause in the Constitution was used to declare the tax unconstitutional. If the tax was imposed prior to 1789, what system of government in place may have resulted in the central government paying the tax? A) confederation B) federal system C) monarchy D) unitary government

A) slavery

6. (U6C5L1:Q4) Prior to the Civil War, Americans in the northeast favored tariffs on goods that they produced, but southerners opposed them because they would hurt the cotton industry. The federal government may have been able to find a compromise solution, but another issue complicated the situation because neither side would compromise on it. Which issue was it? A) slavery B) secession C) sectionalism D) perpetual union

C) procedural due process

6. (U6C5L2:Q4) You overheard another student tell how scared he was when he went to court for a vandalism charge, and that he never wanted to do that again. He said that he did it, but the charge was dismissed by the judge because the arresting officer did not conduct a search properly. What protected him from being tried and found guilty? A) double jeopardy B) elective incorporation C) procedural due process D) substantive due process

B) The Civil Rights Act of 1964

6. (U6C5L3:Q4) While reviewing the history of constitutional authority, you saw that one law that protected our rights was based on an article that gave Congress the power to regulate interstate commerce. This law still protects access to hotels, theaters, and restaurants, and outlawed segregation and job discrimination. Which law is it? A) The Civil Rights Act of 1875 B) The Civil Rights Act of 1964 C) The Fourteenth Amendment D) The Fifteenth Amendment

D) A vote cast in deciding a disputed question or in electing a person to office

6. (U6C5L4:V1) What is the definition of the word "suffrage"? A) The right of citizens of the U.S. to vote in any election for President or Vice President shall not be denied by the U.S. or any state by reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax B) An amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1971, lowering the voting age to 18 C) Women's suffrage rights D) A vote cast in deciding a disputed question or in electing a person to office

B) It should not apply to a specific situation, but address injustices in society at large.

6. (U6C5L5:Q4) Affirmative action programs are frequently controversial. The Supreme Court has developed several guidelines to use when ruling on these programs. Of the following, which characteristic of an affirmative action program would the Supreme Court justices probably want to change? A) It should be temporary and help to remedy past discrimination. B) It should not apply to a specific situation, but address injustices in society at large. C) It should minimize negative effects or consequences for non-minority individuals. D) It should only include quotas in situations of serious previous discrimination.

C) "Right, face"

7. (U2C5L5:Q4) You misunderstood your platoon sergeant's instructions to form in a column formation. You are now in a line formation. If direction was unimportant, which of the following commands would be the easiest, quickest way to change a line formation to a column formation? A) "Fall out. In a column formation, fall in" B) "Column right, march" C) "Right, face" D) "Right turn, march"

A) Non-commissioned officers

60. (U1C1L3:G55)______________ are those personnel who have advanced above the first three entry level positions and are in a supervisory position over personnel in lower grades. A) Non-commissioned officers B) Officers C) Enlisted personnel D) Warrant officers

D) insignia consisting of stripes meeting at an angle to indicate (enlisted) grade or rank

60. (U1C1L5:V6) What is the definition of the word "chevron"? A) a decorative metal cap attached to the end of a shoulder cord to prevent fraying B) line formed by the seam of the shirt aligned with the zipper flap and edge of the belt buckle C) a soft, fuzzy finish or cloth formed by short fibers raised on the surface D) insignia consisting of stripes meeting at an angle to indicate (enlisted) grade or rank

C) Blue

60. (U1C1L6:G56) The color ________ on the U.S. flag represents reverence for God, loyalty, vigilance, perseverance, and justice. A) Red B) White C) Blue

C) For maintenance, security, record keeping, issue, and turn in of all U.S. government property (except ordnance).

61. (U1C1L3:G56) The S-4, also called the Battalion Logistics or Supply Officer, is responsible for what in a battalion? A) For advising the staff on the condition of all weapons. B) For all communications between the command and outside media entities. C) For maintenance, security, record keeping, issue, and turn in of all U.S. government property (except ordnance). D) For all staff matters pertaining to security.

A) a decorative metal cap attached to the end of a shoulder cord to prevent fraying

61. (U1C1L5:V7) What is the definition of the word "ferrule"? A) a decorative metal cap attached to the end of a shoulder cord to prevent fraying B) line formed by the seam of the shirt aligned with the zipper flap and edge of the belt buckle C) a soft, fuzzy finish or cloth formed by short fibers raised on the surface D) insignia consisting of stripes meeting at an angle to indicate grade or rank

A) Signal Officer

62. (U1C1L3:G57) A Battalion Communications Officer is also called a ____________. A) Signal Officer B) Ordnance Officer C) Logistics Officer D) Executive Officer

A) fitted

62. (U1C1L5:V8) Choose the word that best matches the definition below."To adapt to the proper size or shape." A) fitted B) sized C) hemmed D) align

B) White

62. (U1C1L6:G58) The color __________ on the U.S. Flag symbolizes hope, purity, and innocence. A) Red B) White C) Blue

D) At port arms

7. (U2C5L8:Q3) You haven't had much time to train one of your platoon leaders in using the saber and scabbard in drill. You hope you taught him everything, but as he leads the platoon at a double time pace, you can see that you forgot one thing. What position is the platoon leader NOT carrying his saber? A) Sheathed in the scabbard B) At carry arms C) At order arms D) At port arms


7. (U6C4L5:V1) Confederation A) B) C) D) E)


7. (U6C5L1:V1) Emancipation A) B) C) D)

B) Ordnance

63. (U1C1L3:G58) The Battalion _____________ officer is responsible for advising the S-4, battalion commander, and instructor staff on the condition of all weapons. A) Signal B) Ordnance C) Special Projects D) Executive

B) formal inspection

63. (U1C1L5:V9) Choose the word that best describes the scenario below.This day occurs on a set schedule and the Cadets anticipate it with pride. They wear their Class A uniforms and wait for the official examination of their JROTC unit. A) garrison inspection B) formal inspection C) pre-inspection D) prom

D) selective incorporation

7. (U6C5L2:V1) Choose the term that best describes the scenario below. David is learning about a doctrine of constitutional law that guarantees the rights named in the first eight amendments in the U.S. Constitution. What doctrine is David learning? A) due process B) procedural due process C) double jeopardy D) selective incorporation

C) A rope or tackle used for hoisting or lowering, as for flags or sails.

63. U1C1L6:G59. What is a halyard? A) Shoulder board to which rank is attached B) Minority vote on a law in Congress. C) A rope or tackle used for hoisting or lowering, as for flags or sails. D) A small yard for animals held on boats.


64. (U1C1L3:G59) Another name for the Battalion Command Sergeant Major is _____________. A) CSM B) S-1 C) Logistics officer D) Training officer


64. (U1C1L5:V10) Choose the uniform where you would not wear a garrison gap.


64. U1C1L6:G60. True or False: When a flag is properly folded, only the blue field with stars will be visible.

A) The S-2

65. (U1C1L3:G60) Which officer in a Battalion assists the battalion commander and the instructor staff in matters pertaining to unit security? A) The S-2 B) The S-3 C) The S-4 D) The S-5

B) line formed by the seam of the shirt aligned with the zipper flap and edge of the belt buckle

65. (U1C1L5:V11) What is the definition of the word "gigline"? A) a decorative metal cap attached to the end of a shoulder cord to prevent fraying B) line formed by the seam of the shirt aligned with the zipper flap and edge of the belt buckle C) a soft, fuzzy finish or cloth formed by short fibers raised on the surface D) insignia consisting of stripes meeting at an angle to indicate grade or rank

B) nonviolent direct action

7. (U6C5L3:V1) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "Peaceful tactics used as a means of gaining one's civil or political ends" A) token integration B) nonviolent direct action C) civil disobedience D) separate but equal doctrine

A) Always at the peak of the staff

65. U1C1L6:G61. When flying a pennant or another flag on the same halyard as the national flag, where is the national flag located? A) Always at the peak of the staff B) Always in the middle of all other flags C) Other flags should never be flown with the U.S. flag D) None of the above

B) The Senate

66. (U1C1L3:G61) Commissioned officers in the U.S. military are appointed by the President and confirmed by __________. A) The Congress B) The Senate C) Their representatives D) Their company commanders

D) hemmed

66. (U1C1L5:V12) Choose the word that best matches the definition below."To fold back and stitch down the edge of a garment." A) fitted B) sized C) bisected D) hemmed

D) The Continental Congress

66. U1C1L6:G62. Who in 1777 established the first stars and stripes flag of the U.S.? A) The first settlers of Plymouth Rock B) The Founding Fathers C) Betsy Ross D) The Continental Congress

A) The number of immediate subordinates, one commander, or leader can effectively control, supervise, or direct.

67. (U1C1L3:G62) What is "span of control?" A) The number of immediate subordinates, one commander, or leader can effectively control, supervise, or direct. B) The vertical chain of command in an organization. C) The lateral coordination span within a military unit. D) The number of subordinates a leader is directly and indirectly responsible for.

C) Insignia

67. (U1C1L5:V13) Choose the word that completes the title of this image in the red box. A) Chevron B) Shoulder Marks C) Insignia D) Giglines

C) Colors

67. (U1C1L6:V1) What is another word for the U.S. national flag? A) Union B) pennant C) Colors D) halyard

C) The Pyramid of Authority

68. (U1C1L3:G63) The unity of command, the span of control, and the chain of command are the three elements of ___________. A) Leadership B) Positional Authority C) The Pyramid of Authority D) Command Voice

C) a soft, fuzzy finish or cloth formed by short fibers raised on the surface

68. (U1C1L5:V14) What is the definition of the word "nap"? A) a decorative metal cap attached to the end of a shoulder cord to prevent fraying B) line formed by the seam of the shirt aligned with the zipper flap and edge of the belt buckle C) a soft, fuzzy finish or cloth formed by short fibers raised on the surface D) insignia consisting of stripes meeting at an angle to indicate grade or rank

B) ensign

68. (U1C1L6:V2) What type of flag is described below? a flag that is displayed or flown from an aircraft, ship, or boat as the symbol of nationality A) standard B) ensign C) garrison flag D) post flag E) storm flag

B) Corporal

69. (U1C1L3:G64) Specialists are comparable in rank to the noncommissioned officer rank of _____________. A) Warrant officer B) Corporal C) Sergeant Major D) All noncommissioned officers

B) dull

69. (U1C1L5:V15) Choose the antonym for the word below. nonsubdued A) bright B) dull C) shiny D) polished

C) garrison flag

69. (U1C1L6:V3) What type of flag is described below? type of flag flown on holidays and important occasions; 20 feet x 38 feet A) standard B) ensign C) garrison flag D) post flag E) storm flag


7. (U1C1L1:V1) Choose the word that best matches the definition below."A program that teaches high school students the values of good citizenship while giving them an introduction to the US Army." A) Cadet B) mission C) challenges D) JROTC

D) Norwich, Vermont

7. (U1C1L2:G3) Where in the U.S. was the first JROTC program established as the American Literary, Scientific, and Military Academy? A) Connecticut B) Virginia C) Sacramento, California D) Norwich, Vermont

B) The succession of leaders through which authority passes down the ranks.

7. (U1C1L3:G2) Define "chain of command." A) Number of immediate subordinates under one's control. B) The succession of leaders through which authority passes down the ranks. C) The pyramid of authority. D) The rank or grade held by a Cadet JROTC member.

A) Above the right shirt pocket.

7. (U1C1L4:G3) Where is the Merit Unit insignia worn on a class A or B uniform? A) Above the right shirt pocket. B) Centered over the left shirt button pocket. C) On the shoulder board above the rank designators. D) None of the above


7. (U1C1L5:G3) True or False: A black neck tie is optional with the long-sleeved shirt of the Class B uniform.

A) The thirteen stripes represent the original thirteen colonies

7. (U1C1L6:G3) What do the stripes on the U.S. flag represent? A) The thirteen stripes represent the original thirteen colonies B) The blood lost in the Civil War C) The thirteen original signers of the Constitution D) The first thirteen states to join the Confederacy

D) the distance between Cadets in a column

7. (U2C5L1:V1) What is the definition of the word "cover"? A) the arrangement of people or elements of a unit in a prescribed manner B) a formation in which people or elements are side by side or abreast of each other C) the right or left side of any formation as seen by a person (or element) within that formation D) the distance between Cadets in a column

D) You face the flag or music, stand at attention, and render the hand salute from the first note to the last.

7. (U1C1L7:G4) What actions do you take if you are outdoors in uniform and you hear the national anthem? A) Stand at ease facing the flag or music and render the hand salute from the first note to the last. B) Face the flag, stand at attention, but do not salute from a distance. C) March in quick time toward the flag while saluting from the first note to the last. D) You face the flag or music, stand at attention, and render the hand salute from the first note to the last.


7. (U1C1L8:G3) True or False: You must render the salute to all commissioned and warrant officers as well as non-commissioned and petty officers.

B) An echelon

7. (U1C1L9:G3) ____________ is a group of individuals at a particular level or grade in an organization. A) A rank B) An echelon C) A file D) A strata

D) Purpose

7. (U2C1L1:G2) In leadership, __________ gives others a reason for why they should do something. A) Inspiration B) Direction C) Values D) Purpose

B) Behavior

7. (U2C1L2:G3) From the 1940s to the 1970s, Kurt Lavin's research into leadership was called a ___________ approach. A) Scattershot B) Behavior C) Eclectic D) Adaptive

A) Loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage

7. (U2C1L3:G2) Name the seven individual values of LDRSHIP. A) Loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage B) Luck, disciples, reward, self-declaring, humility, interest, and perseverance C) Love, direction, retention, service, humbleness, involvement, and patience D) None of the above

A) Know yourself and seek self-improvement. Be technically proficient. Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions. B) Make sound and timely decisions. Set the example. Know your personnel and look out for their welfare. Keep followers informed. C) Develop responsibility in your followers. Ensure each task is understood, supervised, and accomplished. Build a team. Employ your team in accordance with its capabilities. D) All of the above

7. (U2C1L4:G2) Name three of the eleven principles of leadership. A) Know yourself and seek self-improvement. Be technically proficient. Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions. B) Make sound and timely decisions. Set the example. Know your personnel and look out for their welfare. Keep followers informed. C) Develop responsibility in your followers. Ensure each task is understood, supervised, and accomplished. Build a team. Employ your team in accordance with its capabilities. D) All of the above

A) vulnerable

7. (U2C1L5:V2) Choose the word that best describes the scenario below. Mark was constantly teased by his classmates for being overweight and made to feel alone and not liked. He finds it difficult to make friends because he feels so easily hurt and weak. Mark is experiencing feelings of being what? A) vulnerable B) a perpetrator C) sexually harassed D) date raped

C) Baron Friedrich von Steuben

7. (U2C2L1:G2) Who was the Prussian officer who wrote drill movements for General George Washington's army at Valley Forge? A) Heimlich B) Hitler C) Baron Friedrich von Steuben D) Trotsky

B) Two parts: the preparatory command and the command of execution.

7. (U2C2L2:G2) How many parts do most drill commands have? A) Three parts: the left foot step, the right foot step, and the execution. B) Two parts: the preparatory command and the command of execution. C) One part: the command of execution. D) One part: the preparatory command.


7. (U2C2L3:G3) True or False: Mistakes in drill should be corrected immediately on the field.

B) "Close interval, march," "Right step, march," and "About, face."

7. (U2C2L5:Q4) A new cadet in your squad asks you the following question: "From the halt (position of attention), which steps begin by moving the right foot?" Which of the following is most correct? A) "Right, face," "Right step, march," and "Rear, march." B) "Close interval, march," "Right step, march," and "About, face." C) "About, face," "Left step, march," and "Route step, march." D) "Half step, march," "Right step, march," and "Double time, march."

A) assessing

7. (U2C3L1:V2) Choose the phrase that best matches the definition below. "To pass judgment or assign value." A) assessing B) executing C) personal D) technicality

B) last

7. (U2C3L2:V2) Choose the antonym for the word below. priority A) precedence B) last C) importance D) urgent

C) Minority

7. (U2C4L1:G2) A ___________ is a racial, religious, or ethnic group different from the dominant group. A) Majority B) Caucus C) Minority D) Citizen Action Group

D) The strength to stand up for one's beliefs.

7. (U2C4L2:G3) Define "Personal Courage." A) Standing up for one's peers when they are in trouble. B) The ability to withstand public criticism. C) Steadfastness, or adhering to a particular course of action. D) The strength to stand up for one's beliefs.


7. (U2C4L3:G4) True or False: For successful negotiations, absolute statements like "this is the only way to do it" should be used to convince others to compromise.

A) Intuition

7. (U2C4L4:G2) _____________ is instinctive knowledge or perception without conscious reasoning or reference to a rational process; a sharp insight. A) Intuition B) Insight C) Enlightenment D) Perceptual reasoning

D) facilitate

7. (U2C4L5:V2) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. A meeting leader is responsible to _____ participant involvement. A) agenda B) conclude C) attendees D) facilitate

A) To make or set right

7. (U2C4L6:V1) Correction A) B) C) D) E)

B) cultivate

7. (U2C4L7:V1) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "To foster the growth of." A) action B) cultivate C) followership D) cooperate

C) Standard format for displaying a schedule graphically

7. (U2C4L8:V1) Gantt Chart A) B) C) D)

B) One who receives advice, officially or professionally

7. (U2C4L9:V2) Mentee A) B) C) D) E)

C) The power a person receives as a result of his or her position in the formal hierarchy of an organizatio

7. (U2C6L1:G3) What is legitimate power? A) The right a person has to citizenship based on birth parent citizenship. B) A pattern of behaviors used to influence others. C) The power a person receives as a result of his or her position in the formal hierarchy of an organization. D) The power a person receives as a result of his or her natural leadership abilities; it is seldom found in formal hierarchy of an organization.

B) The pattern of behaviors one uses to influence others

7. (U2C6L2:G2) What is a leadership style? A) The way in which you control or relinquish power B) The pattern of behaviors one uses to influence others C) The two-way approach to influencing others D) A method for teaching followership skills

D) People (or manpower)

7. (U2C6L3:G2) What is the most important resource available to a leader? A) Time B) Money C) Material D) People (or manpower)

B) Communication

7. (U2C6L4:G2) ___________ is defined as the transference of understanding of a meaning. A) Listening B) Communication C) Talking D) Debate


7. (U3C8L2:G3) What is experiential learning? A) Learning that helps students gain practical knowledge, skills, or practice from direct observation or participation in an activity or event B) Any education technique that is "bizarre" or other than mainstream C) Learning that helps students gain abstract thinking skills D) Direct observation or participation in an activity or event that is meant to reform poor social skills in a student

D) Preamble

7. (U6C1L1:G2) An introductory statement that explains the purpose or intention of a document is a _____________. A) Prologue B) Afterwards C) Appendices D) Preamble

B) Cooperation, Patience, Fairness, Respect, Strength, Self Improvement, and Balance

7. (U6C1L2:G4) Name the seven citizenship skills. A) Patriotism, Dedication, Selflessness, Self-Respect, Humor, Endurance, and Goal-Setting B) Cooperation, Patience, Fairness, Respect, Strength, Self Improvement, and Balance C) Courage, Perseverance, Initiative, Harmony, Compromise, Allegiance, and Morality D) Representation, Democracy, Belief, Freedom, Dominance, Welfare, and Patriotism

A) True

7. (U6C1L4:G3) T or F: In a representative group session, each small group elects representatives of that small group. A) True B) False

B) A period of time given to a jury to discuss and determine a ruling in a case.

7. (U6C1L5:G4) What is a "deliberation" in the game Chief Justice®? A) The incarceration of a prisoner or guilty party. B) A period of time given to a jury to discuss and determine a ruling in a case. C) A period of time given to lawyers to argue their points in a case. D) The time a judge spends deciding on a punishment for a guilty party.

B) Christendom

7. (U6C2L2:V1) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The Christian world, or Christians in general, considered as a single society" A) Middle Ages B) Christendom C) Judeo-Christian D) Renaissance

B) contracts

7. (U6C2L3:V1) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. Feudal government depended on a series of agreements or __________ between lords and vassals. A) monarch B) contracts C) vassal D) rule of law

D) Mayflower Compact

7. (U6C2L4:V1) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "An agreement signed in 1620 by all adult males aboard the ship Mayflower, before landing in Plymouth, to form a body of politic governed by majority rule" A) constituents B) governor C) Tea Act D) Mayflower Compact

D) The state or condition of serving as an official delegate, agent, or spokesperson

7. (U6C2L5:V1) What is the definition of the word "representation"? A) The inviolable power to cancel or nullify a legislative act B) A system of government in which the legislative branch has the most power C) As used in describing a legal system, refers to the superiority of one set of laws over another D) The state or condition of serving as an official delegate, agent, or spokesperson


7. (U6C3L1:V1) Factions A) B) C) D)

D) equal representation

7. (U6C3L2:V1) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. When there is equal voting power for each state, it is known as ____________. A) legislative B) Senate C) Framers D) equal representation

D) ex post facto laws

7. (U6C3L3:V1) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "A criminal law that makes an act a crime that was not a crime when committed, that increases the penalty for a crime after it was committed, or that changes the rules of evidence to make conviction easier" A) legislative power B) impeach C) treason D) ex post facto laws

C) The President's handpicked advisors, each in charge of a different government office or department

7. (U6C4L1:V1) What is the definition of the term "president's cabinet"? A) Government characterized by specialization of functions, adherence to fixed rules, and hierarchy of authority B) A district court of law and equity that hears cases under federal jurisdiction C) The President's handpicked advisors, each in charge of a different government office or department D) An act to establish the Judicial Courts of the United States

B) A judicial mandate to a prison official ordering that an inmate be brought to the court so it can be determined whether or not that person is imprisoned lawfully and whether or not he should be released from custody

7. (U6C4L2:V1) What is the definition of the term "habeas corpus"? A) The act of counting off or naming one by one B) A judicial mandate to a prison official ordering that an inmate be brought to the court so it can be determined whether or not that person is imprisoned lawfully and whether or not he should be released from custody C) An act of legislature that inflicts punishment on an individual or group without a judicial trial D) The constitutional process whereby the House of Representatives may accuse high officers of the federal government of misconduct and place them on trial in the Senate

D) commission

7. (U6C4L4:V2) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "An authority or request given to another to carry out some act or duty. In particular, a formal written authority given to one party to act in place of another." A) unconstitutional B) judicial review C) original jurisdiction D) commission

B) An amendment to the U.S. Constitution lowering the voting age to 18

7. (U6C5L4:V2) What is the definition of the term "Twenty-sixth Amendment"? A) A privilege or right officially granted to a person or group by a government B) An amendment to the U.S. Constitution lowering the voting age to 18 C) A vote cast in deciding a disputed question or in electing a person to office D) The submission of a proposed public measure or actual statue to a direct popular vote

The movement Open Ranks increases the distance between ranks how many inches to accommodate the movements of an inspection party or to stack arms?

70 in.

B) The S-5

70. (U1C1L3:G65) Special projects officers are also known as _____________. A) The S-4 B) The S-5 C) The S-3 D) The S-1

A) precedence

70. (U1C1L5:V16) Choose the words that best complete the sentence below. Wear your ribbons in order of _____ from top to bottom and from your right to left in one or more rows. A) precedence B) alignment C) gigline D) size

D) show respect for a deceased person

70. (U1C1L6:V4) Why would you fly a flag at "half-staff?" A) you never fly a flag at half-staff B) during bad weather to warn others C) during national holidays D) show respect for a deceased person

B) Battalion Command Sergeant Major

71. (U1C1L3:G66) Which member of the battalion staff is the principal Cadet enlisted assistant to the battalion commander? A) Platoon Sergeant B) Battalion Command Sergeant Major C) The S-1 D) The S-3

C) pre-inspection

71. (U1C1L5:V17) Choose the word that best describes the scenario below.You're looking forward to the big day and want to make sure your unit shines. Your instructor gives you a chance to make sure everything is in its proper place on your uniform and looks sharp. A) garrison inspection B) formal inspection C) pre-inspection D) prom

D) halyard

71. (U1C1L6:V5) What is a rope or tackle used for hoisting or lowering a flag? A) staff B) pennant C) ensign D) halyard

D) All of the above

72. (U1C1L3:G67) Name two responsibilities of a team leader. A) Set the example at all times; know your personnel B) Assist team members with activities. C) Inspect team members for preparedness. D) All of the above

A) Shoulder marks, insignia

72. (U1C1L5:V18) Choose the words that best complete the sentence below._____ are a pair of broad pieces of stiffened cloth worn on uniforms to display the _____ of grade. A) Shoulder marks, insignia B) Ranks, precedence C) Shoulder boards, chevron D) Ferrules, insignia

B) pennant

72. (U1C1L6:V6) What is a long, narrow flag tapering to a point or a swallowtail at the end? A) staff B) pennant C) ensign D) halyard

A) The Squad Leader

73. (U1C1L3:G68) Whose responsibility is it to form up the squad correctly? A) The Squad Leader B) The Company Commander C) The Platoon Sergeant D) The Battalion X-O

A) sized

73. (U1C1L5:V19) Choose the word that best matches the definition below."The physical dimensions, proportions, magnitude, or extent of an object." A) sized B) hemmed C) fitted D) tarnish

D) post flag

73. (U1C1L6:V7) What type of flag is described below? type of flag used for everyday occasions; 10 feet by 19 feet A) standard B) ensign C) garrison flag D) post flag E) storm flag

C) The Platoon Sergeant

74. (U1C1L3:G69) Whose job is it to be completely informed of all platoon matters in order to assume control of the platoon in the absence of the platoon leader? A) The Platoon Leader B) A Specialist with the longest time in grade C) The Platoon Sergeant D) The Company Commander

A) tarnish

74. (U1C1L5:V20) What word completes this analogy? A) tarnish B) divide C) align D) shining

A) staff

74. (U1C1L6:V8) What is another word for flagpole? A) staff B) Colors C) ensign D) halyard


75. (U1C1L3:G70) True or False: A Platoon leader must enforce all orders from superiors whether or not the platoon leader agrees with them.

A) standard

75. (U1C1L6:V9) Which term is interchangeable with "the Colors," and was formerly used for flags of mounted, motorized, and mechanized organizations? A) standard B) ensign C) garrison flag D) post flag E) storm flag

C) the right or left side of any formation as seen by a person (or element) within that formation

8. (U2C5L1:V2) What is the definition of the word "flank"? A) the arrangement of people or elements of a unit in a prescribed manner B) a formation in which people or elements are side by side or abreast of each other C) the right or left side of any formation as seen by a person (or element) within that formation D) the distance between Cadets in a column


75. True or False The Question is not, "Are you smart?", "In what ways are you smart?"

C) The Platoon Leader

76. (U1C1L3:G71) Who in a platoon is responsible for resolving all leadership, training, and discipline problems at the platoon level? A) The Platoon Sergeant B) The Squad Leader C) The Platoon Leader D) The Company Commander

E) storm flag

76. (U1C1L6:V10) What type of flag is described below? type of flag flown in bad weather; 5 feet by 9 1/2 feet A) standard B) ensign C) garrison flag D) post flag E) storm flag


76. True or False Research proves that knowing how you learn best can make a significant impact on your performance and achievement.

D) Unity of Command

77. (U1C1L3:G72) The principle that in every effective military unit there must be only one commander who has authority and responsibility for all that unit does or fails to do is called ______________. A) Span of Responsibility B) Span of Control C) Chain of Command D) Unity of Command

A) Union

77. (U1C1L6:V11) What is the emblem on a flag symbolizing unity, such as the blue rectangle and stars on the U.S. flag? A) Union B) pennant C) Colors D) halyard

A) Span of control

78. (U1C1L3:G73) The number of immediate subordinates one leader can effectively control, supervise, or direct is known as______________. A) Span of control B) Span of consideration C) Unity of command D) Chain of command

A) The yellow five-pointed star is worn above the right pocket of the class A or B uniform.

8. (U1C1L4:G4) What color is the Honor Unit with Distinction insignia and where is it worn? A) The yellow five-pointed star is worn above the right pocket of the class A or B uniform. B) The blue six-pointed star is worn above the right pocket. C) The red triangle is worn above the left pocket of class A or B uniforms. D) The yellow five-pointed star is worn on the shoulder boards of a uniform.

A) Unity of command, Span of control, Chain of command

79. (U1C1L3:G74) Name the three levels of authority in the pyramid of authority. A) Unity of command, Span of control, Chain of command B) Enlisted, Warrant, and Officer ranks C) Basic, Intermediate, and Top D) Subordinates, Self, and Supervisors


8. (U1C1L5:G4) True or False: A black necktie is optional with the Class B short-sleeved shirt.

A) Be thoroughly familiar with individual and squad drill.

8. (U2C5L2:Q7) Which of the following statements are resonsibilities of a team leader? A) Be thoroughly familiar with individual and squad drill. B) Submit absentee reports to the platoon sergeant or platoon leader. C) Inspect team members during formations and class assemblies to ensure they know what is required of them. D) Organize and maintain an effective chain of command.

B) mission

8. (U1C1L1:V2) Choose the word that best matches the definition below."A specific job given to a person or group of persons to accomplish." A) Cadet B) mission C) unique D) JROTC

B) High School

8. (U1C1L2:G4) One of the goals of the JROTC curriculum is to encourage students to graduate from _____________. A) College B) High School C) Basic Training D) Two-Year Colleges

D) It ensures that all members are working together as a team to accomplish their individual tasks and those of the unit.

8. (U1C1L3:G3) What is the purpose of using the chain of command? A) To prevent lawsuits against enlisted personnel. B) To limit the number of individuals in one's span of control. C) To ensure the unity of a command. D) It ensures that all members are working together as a team to accomplish their individual tasks and those of the unit.

B) Training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character

8. (U2C4L6:V2) Discipline A) B) C) D) E)

A) constructive criticism

8. (U2C4L7:V2) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A comment that is meant to improve or help." A) constructive criticism B) dedication C) cultivate D) action

D) White represents hope, purity, and innocence; Red represents hardiness and valor; Blue represents reverence to God, loyalty, vigilance, perseverance, and justice

8. (U1C1L6:G4) What do the colors on the U.S. flag represent? A) White represents Northern States; Red represents Southern states; Blue represents the Union B) Blue represents hope, purity, and innocence; White represents hardiness and valor; Red represents reverence to God, loyalty, vigilance, perseverance, and justice C) White represents death; Red represents rebellion; Blue represents clear skies of freedom D) White represents hope, purity, and innocence; Red represents hardiness and valor; Blue represents reverence to God, loyalty, vigilance, perseverance, and justice


8. (U1C1L7:G5) True or False: If you are indoors and you hear the national anthem, you face the flag, stand at attention, and salute.


8. (U1C1L8:G4) True or False: You should not render a salute on buses or trains, in stores or theaters, while indoors, or while both parties are in civilian clothes.

C) Command

8. (U1C1L9:G4) ___________ is the authority that a commander lawfully exercises over subordinates by virtue of rank or assignment. A) Rank B) Grade C) Command D) Superiority

B) Direction

8. (U2C1L1:G3) In leadership, __________ gives others the knowledge to complete a task. A) Authority B) Direction C) Motivation D) Purpose

B) Relationship and structure.

8. (U2C1L2:G4) As a result of studies at Ohio State on leadership, two primary leadership behaviors were identified. What are they? A) Humor and honesty B) Relationship and structure. C) Provider and relationship D) Structure and stature

A) Duty

8. (U2C1L3:G3) ____________ is the sum total of all laws, rules, etc. that make up your organizational, civic, and moral obligations. A) Duty B) Honor C) Country D) Loyalty

B) Leaders must concentrate on what they are, what they know, and what they do.

8. (U2C1L4:G3) Explain the BE, KNOW, DO attributes of leadership. A) Be efficient, know everything, and do what you can. B) Leaders must concentrate on what they are, what they know, and what they do. C) Be your best, know your team, and do what you can to guide the team to success. D) Leaders must be, know, and do the Army's Code of Conduct.

D) perpetrator

8. (U2C1L5:V3) Choose the word that best describes the scenario below. JR always seems to be the one creating issues after school. He blocks certain females from going past him and sometimes corners them in a sexual way. One time someone caught JR spying on girls in the locker room. JR is the _____ in this situation. A) victim B) sexist C) vulnerable one D) perpetrator

D) A movement in military tactics (or in drill) normally to secure an advantage.

8. (U2C2L1:G3) What is a maneuver? A) A type of military tactic used exclusively while retreating. B) A type of fertilizer. C) A 30-inch drill step. D) A movement in military tactics (or in drill) normally to secure an advantage.

D) To convey the movement that the leader wants the subordinate to perform and to mentally prepare the subordinate for its execution

8. (U2C2L2:G3) What is the purpose of a preparatory command? A) To help the commander with his or her tone, cadence, and snap. B) To alert a platoon of impending disaster. C) To allow a subordinate to coach a leader on the next appropriate step. D) To convey the movement that the leader wants the subordinate to perform and to mentally prepare the subordinate for its execution.

A) a part of a drill command that tells when the movement is to be carried out.

8. (U2C2L3:V1) What is the definition of the term "command of execution"? A) a part of a drill command that tells when the movement is to be carried out. B) a properly given command said in a tone that is understood by everyone. C) a series of steps followed in a regular, definite order. D) the act or process of making something ready for use or service.

E) steps

8. (U2C2L5:V1) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A prescribed distance from one heel to the other heel of a marching soldier." A) double time B) halt C) quick time D) rest E) steps

A) to form up line abreast

8. (U2C2L6:V3) What is the definition of the word "column"? A) to form up line abreast B) to form up in ranks, facing forward the length of formation C) the side of the formation, either left or right D) to form up in files, facing forward the width of the formation

D) technical skills

8. (U2C3L1:V3) Choose the phrase that best matches the definition below. "Understanding and ability needed to perform assigned tasks." A) interceptual skills B) conceptual skills C) interpersonal skills D) technical skills

D) abstract

8. (U2C3L2:V3) Choose the antonym for the word below. tangible A) factual B) discernible C) obvious D) abstract


8. (U2C4L1:G3) True or False: Values affect daily interactions of individuals, and a good leader must understand his or her own values in order to understand others.

B) Conceptual skills (skills with ideas); Interpersonal skills (skills with people); and Technical skills (job skills).

8. (U2C4L2:G4) What are the three areas of skills a leader must know? A) Skills with people, technical job skills, and computer skills. B) Conceptual skills (skills with ideas); Interpersonal skills (skills with people); and Technical skills (job skills). C) Conceptual skills, interpersonal skills, and business management skills. D) Communication skills, technical skills, skills in drill and ceremony.

B) Principled negotiation

8. (U2C4L3:V1) ___________ is focused on a win/win for all parties. If a win/win is not possible at the time, you can agree to have a win/win or no deal. A) Negotiation B) Principled negotiation C) Soft negotiation D) Hard negotiation


8. (U2C4L4:G3) True or False: "Influence" as it is used in leadership means getting people to do what you want them to do; the means or method to achieving two ends - operating and improving.

B) conclude

8. (U2C4L5:V3) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. After the agenda is completed it is time to ______ the meeting. A) agenda B) conclude C) attendees D) facilitate

A) They tell their team what to do, how to do it, and when and where to get it done. These leaders do not get ideas from others, and they supervise the team closely.

8. (U2C6L2:G3) Explain the directing style of leadership. A) They tell their team what to do, how to do it, and when and where to get it done. These leaders do not get ideas from others, and they supervise the team closely. B) They seek advice from others yet still make a final decision. C) They delegate tasks to mature followers. D) They use all three leadership styles depending on their audience.

C) Preparation and execution

8. (U2C6L3:G3) The five management principles are divided into two stages:__________ and __________. A) Preparation and implementation B) Organization and execution C) Preparation and execution D) Organization and implementation

B) Transference

8. (U2C6L4:G3) Communication has two parts: ____________ and understanding. A) Sending B) Transference C) Comprehension D) Dissention


8. (U3C8L2:G4) ____________ is an instructional strategy that promotes active learning where problems form the focus and learning stimulus and problem-solving skills are used. A) Problem-based learning B) Experiential learning C) Experimental learning D) Field education learning


8. (U6C1L1:V1) Beneficiaries A) B) C) D)

B) One of the seven citizenship skills that involves the art of working together in a group toward a common goal

8. (U6C1L2:G5) Define "cooperation." A) One of the seven citizenship skills that involves the art of self-revelation B) One of the seven citizenship skills that involves the art of working together in a group toward a common goal C) A citizenship skill that includes an open body position and direct eye contact D) Playing well with others

C) representative group session

8. (U6C1L4:G4) The ____________ of You the People mirrors the current representative process of our local, state, and federal governments. A) town hall forum B) pep assembly C) representative group session D) small group session

C) A decision rendered by a judge or jury

8. (U6C1L5:G5) What is a verdict in a court case? A) A conclusion drawn by spectators B) A summation by a lawyer in a court case C) A decision rendered by a judge or jury D) None of the above

C) nation-state

8. (U6C2L2:V2) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "A group that seeks to promote its own special interests at the expense of the common good" A) representative democracy B) mixed government C) nation-state D) factions

D) burgesses

8. (U6C2L3:V2) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. Wealthy merchants and craftsmen who represented the cities and towns of England were known as ___________. A) tenets B) parliamentary government C) manorialism D) burgesses

B) Committees of Correspondence

8. (U6C2L4:V2) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "Formed to publicize colonial opposition and coordinate resistance throughout the colonies" A) Minutemen B) Committees of Correspondence C) suffrage D) legislatures

B) The first state declaration of rights, which serve as a model for other states declarations of rights and the Bill of Rights

8. (U6C2L5:V2) What is the definition of the term "Virginia Declaration of Rights"? A) The citizens to be governed by these new constitutions possessed certain basic rights that existed prior to government and that no government could take away B) The first state declaration of rights, which serve as a model for other states declarations of rights and the Bill of Rights C) As used in describing a legal system, refers to the superiority of one set of laws over another D) The state or condition of serving as an official delegate, agent, or spokesperson


8. (U6C3L1:V2) Loyalists A) B) C) D)

B) judicial

8. (U6C3L2:V2) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. The ____________ branch of government has the power to decide over cases involving treaties, trade among the states, or with other nations, and the collection of taxes. A) Senate B) judicial C) legislative D) executive

B) electors

8. (U6C3L3:V2) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "A group of persons selected by each state party to vote for that party's candidates for president and vice president if the party's candidates win the popular vote in the general election in that state" A) appellate jurisdiction B) electors C) The Great Compromise D) veto


8. (U6C3L4:V2) Anti-Federalist A) B) C) D)

A) Government characterized by specialization of functions, adherence to fixed rules, and hierarchy of authority

8. (U6C4L1:V2) What is the definition of the word "bureaucracy"? A) Government characterized by specialization of functions, adherence to fixed rules, and hierarchy of authority B) A district court of law and equity that hears cases under federal jurisdiction C) The President's handpicked advisors, each in charge of a different government office or department D) An act to establish the Judicial Courts of the United States

D) The constitutional process whereby the House of Representatives may accuse high officers of the federal government of misconduct and place them on trial in the Senate

8. (U6C4L2:V2) What is the definition of the word "impeachment"? A) A judicial mandate to a prison official ordering that an inmate be brought to the court so it can be determined whether or not that person is imprisoned lawfully and whether or not he should be released from custody B) A criminal law that makes an act a crime that was not a crime when committed, that increases the penalty for a crime after it was committed, or that changes the rules of evidence to make conviction easier C) An act of legislature that inflicts punishment on an individual or group without a judicial trial D) The constitutional process whereby the House of Representatives may accuse high officers of the federal government of misconduct and place them on trial in the Senate

B) writ of mandamus

8. (U6C4L4:V3) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "It is a command issuing in the name of the sovereign authority from a superior court having jurisdiction, and is directed to some person, corporation, or interior court, within the jurisdiction of such superior court, requiring them to do some particular thing therein specified, which appertains to their office and duty, and which the superior court has previously determined, or at least supposes to be consonant to right and justice." A) precedents B) writ of mandamus C) unconstitutional D) original jurisdiction


8. (U6C4L5:V2) Federal System A) B) C) D) E)


8. (U6C5L1:V2) Perpetual Union A) B) C) D)

B) double jeopardy

8. (U6C5L2:V2) Choose the term that best describes the scenario below. Katie is studying a court case that mentions a man accused of murder who was found not guilty and the prosecutors attempted to try the man again. What are the prosecutors attempting? A) due process B) double jeopardy C) incorporation D) substantive due process

D) civil disobedience

8. (U6C5L3:V2) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The refusal to obey a law, usually on the grounds that it is morally unjust, or to protest a government policy. Civil disobedience is a form of nonviolent resistance and is aimed at arousing public opinion against law or policy" A) National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) B) token integration C) Civil Rights Act of 1964 D) civil disobedience

A) The right of citizens of the U.S. to vote in any election for President or Vice President shall not be denied by the U.S. or any state by reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax

8. (U6C5L4:V3) What is the definition of the term "Twenty-fourth Amendment"? A) The right of citizens of the U.S. to vote in any election for President or Vice President shall not be denied by the U.S. or any state by reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax B) An amendment to the U.S. Constitution lowering the voting age to 18 C) The submission of a proposed public measure or actual statue to a direct popular vote D) A vote cast in deciding a disputed question or in electing a person to office


8. U2C6L1:G4) True or False: Legitimate power often can use both coercive and reward power.

D) specialist

80. (U1C1L3:V1) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "People who devote themselves to a particular occupation or field of study; the enlisted rank in the Army corresponding to a corporal." A) platoons B) company C) battalion D) specialist E) enlisted

B) company

81. (U1C1L3:V2) Choose the word that best matches the definition below."A subdivision of a military regiment or battalion that constitutes the lowest administrative unit. It is usually under the command of a captain and is made up of at least two platoons." A) platoons B) company C) battalion D) specialist E) enlisted


A supply of food and drink served as a meal


______________________________________ The act or process of orienting or being oriented, for example, being oriented on the first day of college.

E) enlisted

82. (U1C1L3:V3) Choose the word that best matches the definition below."Relating to or constituting the part of the military force below officers." A) platoons B) company C) battalion D) specialist E) enlisted

A) squad

85. (U1C1L3:V6) Choose the word that best matches the definition below."The smallest units in the Army organization composed of a varying number of personal, depending on the type of element, and led by a noncommissioned officer." A) squad B) team C) succession D) subordinate

A) platoon

83. (U1C1L3:V4) Choose the word that best matches the definition below."Subdivisions of a company-size military unit normally consisting of two or more squads or sections; the leader is usually a second lieutenant." A) platoon B) company C) battalion D) specialist E) enlisted

C) battalion

84. (U1C1L3:V5) Choose the word that best matches the definition below."A military unit made up of two or more companies or batteries and a headquarters that is commanded by a lieutenant colonel, is the smallest unit to have staff, and is administratively self-sufficient." A) platoon B) company C) battalion D) specialist E) enlisted

D) subordinate

86. (U1C1L3:V7) Choose the word that best matches the definition below."A person lower in rank or grade." A) squad B) team C) succession D) subordinate

B) team

88. (U1C1L3:V9) Choose the word that best matches the definition below."A group of people approximating one-half of a squad and normally led by a junior noncommissioned officer." A) squad B) team C) succession D) subordinate

C) succession

87. (U1C1L3:V8) Choose the word that best matches the definition below."The order of persons next in line for an office or rank that is held by another." A) squad B) team C) succession D) subordinate

A) Cadet

9. (U1C1L1:V3) Choose the word that best matches the definition below."A high school student enrolled in the leadership and citizenship activities through JROTC." A) Cadet B) mission C) unique D) motivate


9. (U1C1L2:G5) True or False: One of the LET goals for Cadets is to get Cadets to graduate from high school.

A) The number of immediate subordinates, one commander, or leader can effectively control, supervise, or direct.

9. (U1C1L3:G4) Define "span of control." A) The number of immediate subordinates, one commander, or leader can effectively control, supervise, or direct. B) Synonymous with chain of command. C) The duties of the S-2, who is responsible for staff matters pertaining to security. D) The number of supervisors one answers to in any given day.

A) Institutional and national awards

9. (U1C1L4:G5) What are the two main categories of individual awards given to Cadets for superior performance? A) Institutional and national awards B) Personal recognition and public recognition awards C) Merit unit awards and scholastic excellence awards D) Team and squad awards


9. (U1C1L5:G5) True or False: A black belt with a brass buckle must be worn with a Class A uniform even though the belt does not show.

A) The flag

9. (U1C1L6:G5) The terms "colors," "standard," and "ensign" are all synonyms for ______________. A) The flag B) An officer's rank C) Enlisted ranks D) Patriotic bunting


9. (U1C1L7:G6) True or False: On a military installation, all drivers must stop when the national anthem is played.

A) supremacy clause

9. (U6C3L3:V3) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "Article VI, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution, laws passed by Congress, and treaties of the United States 'shall be the supreme law of the land' binding on the states" A) supremacy clause B) apportioned C) Electoral College D) original jurisdiction

D) All of the above.

9. (U1C1L8:G5) Name three instances under which you must salute. A) When you are in uniform and you hear the national anthem; when the colors pass you; during official greetings. B) During official greetings; during reveille and retreat; during the rendering of honors. C) When first uncasing or later when casing the colors; when pledging allegiance outdoors and in uniform; when reporting. D) All of the above.


9. (U1C1L9:G5) True or False: Commanders can delegate authority and responsibilities to their subordinates.

A) Motivation

9. (U2C1L1:G4) _____________ means giving others the will to do what they are capable of doing. A) Motivation B) Influence C) Leadership D) Discipline

B) Treating team members as equal and looking out for the well-being of others.

9. (U2C1L2:G5) Explain what is meant by "relationship behaviors" in leadership. A) Concerning oneself with goal setting and making work assignments. B) Treating team members as equal and looking out for the well-being of others. C) Communicating expectations, establishing work schedules, and sharing work. D) The degree to which your communication style is indirect.

D) Carry out the requirements of your job, meet professional standards, and fulfill your legal, civic, and moral obligations.

9. (U2C1L3:G4) What are the three things you must do to exhibit the value of duty? A) Show up early to events, stay busy during activities, leave only after the boss is gone. B) Respect the constitution, report law breakers, be faithful to your team. C) See dignity in all people, listen well, perform at your potential. D) Carry out the requirements of your job, meet professional standards, and fulfill your legal, civic, and moral obligations.

B) A retaliatory accusation.

9. (U2C1L4:G4) A good leader accepts honest errors from teammates without recrimination. Define "recrimination." A) Considering teammates to be criminals. B) A retaliatory accusation. C) The state of not being bothered by incompetence. D) The act of re-teaching material until a team understands it.

B) sexism

9. (U2C1L5:V4) Choose the word that best describes the scenario below. During our after school club Matt always says degrading things to the women in the club. He does not feel they should be given leadership positions and should answer to the needs of the men instead. What behavior is Matt displaying? A) vulnerability B) sexism C) sexual harassment D) perpetrator

C) Baron Friedrich von Steuben

9. (U2C2L1:G4) Who wrote the first field manual for military drills, commonly called the "Blue Book?" A) Kelley B) Baron von Rothschild C) Baron Friedrich von Steuben D) General George Washington

A) It signals when the subordinate is to execute a drill movement.

9. (U2C2L2:G4) What is the purpose of the command of execution? A) It signals when the subordinate is to execute a drill movement. B) It signals the shooting of volleys of a 21-gun salute. C) It allows Cadets to know who is commanding a squad or platoon. D) It revokes the preparatory command.

D) the act or process of making something ready for use or service.

9. (U2C2L3:V2) What is the definition of the term "preparation"? A) a part of a drill command that tells when the movement is to be carried out. B) a properly given command said in a tone that is understood by everyone. C) a series of steps followed in a regular, definite order. D) the act or process of making something ready for use or service.

B) At Ease

9. (U2C2L4:V3) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "Command to relax the body while remaining silent in place and not assuming any particular position." A) Attention B) At Ease C) Parade Rest D) Rest

B) halt

9. (U2C2L5:V2) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A command to bring a moving formation to a standstill." A) double time B) halt C) quick time D) rest E) steps

A) the side of the formation, either left or right

9. (U2C2L6:V4) What is the definition of the word "rank"? A) the side of the formation, either left or right B) to form up line abreast C) two arms' distance between troops in rank formation D) to form up in column

B) executing

9. (U2C3L1:V4) Choose the phrase that best matches the definition below. "To carry out or put into effect; to do what is required." A) assessing B) executing C) personal D) technicality


9. (U2C4L1:G4) True or False: The most important single factor affecting people's communication with others is their self-concept - how they see themselves and their situations.

A) Loyalty

9. (U2C4L2:G5) Leaders who are faithful to the Constitution, the Army, and the organization and who work within the system without manipulating it for personal gain exhibit the value of ______________. A) Loyalty B) Duty C) Responsibility D) Honor

B) Principled negotiation

9. (U2C4L3:V2) Negotiation is an attempt to ______________. A) solve an argument B) stop a fight B) Principled negotiation D) to pick a winner

A) Seven-step problem solving model B) The decision-making process model C) QBOL Stepping Stone Four D) All of the above

9. (U2C4L4:G4) Which of the following is an approach to problem-solving and decision making? A) Seven-step problem solving model B) The decision-making process model C) QBOL Stepping Stone Four D) All of the above

A) agenda

9. (U2C4L5:V4) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. Each meeting must have an _____ listing the items to be discussed. A) agenda B) conclude C) attendees D) facilitate

D) Something that incities or has a tendency to incite to determination and action

9. (U2C4L6:V3) Motivation A) B) C) D) E)

D) self-reliance

9. (U2C4L7:V3) Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "The ability to make your own decisions confidently and independently." A) self-discipline B) dedication C) staff study D) self-reliance

D) A network diagram with a graphical illustration of the project activities

9. (U2C4L8:V3) PERT Chart A) B) C) D)

C) Involving a combination of social and economic factors

9. (U2C4L9:V4) Socioeconomic A) B) C) D) E)

A) the arrangement of people or elements of a unit in a prescribed manner

9. (U2C5L1:V3) What is the definition of the word "formation"? A) the arrangement of people or elements of a unit in a prescribed manner B) a formation in which people or elements are side by side or abreast of each other C) the right or left side of any formation as seen by a person (or element) within that formation D) the distance between Cadets in a column

A) Develop responsibility and leadership in team leaders.

9. (U2C5L2:Q8) Which of the following statements is a responsibility of a squad leader? A) Develop responsibility and leadership in team leaders. B) Develop a spirit of teamwork within the platoon. C) Form the platoon when prescribed by the platoon leader. D) None of the above.

B) mark time

9. (U2C5L3:V4) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. When Cadets march in place the drill command is _____. A) guide B) mark time C) double time D) mass formation

C) groups of people aligned in a specific pattern

9. (U2C5L5:V2) What is the definition of the word "formations"? A) visual evaluation B) drill movements executed while remaining in place C) groups of people aligned in a specific pattern D) executing a pre-defined set of movements


9. (U2C5L8:V2) Which letter in this image labels the guard? A) A B) B C) C D) D

C) Power that comes as a result of specific expertise, knowledge, or special skills. Such advice comes from experts in the field.

9. (U2C6L1:G5) Explain the concept of "expert power." A) Deferring decisions to someone who considers him or herself an expert. B) Power that comes from novices in a field. C) Power that comes as a result of specific expertise, knowledge, or special skills. Such advice comes from experts in the field. D) None of the above.

C) When time is short, when the leader is an expert, when the team lacks experience, and when the team needs direction.

9. (U2C6L2:G4) When is a directing leadership style most appropriate to use? A) When the team has depth in experts and experience. B) When time is ample, the leader is new, and the team lacks experience. C) When time is short, when the leader is an expert, when the team lacks experience, and when the team needs direction. D) When the team is competent and supports the leader's goals.

C) Meditating to relieve stress before undertaking a mission

9. (U2C6L3:G4) What technique below would NOT be a visualizing technique used when planning a mission? A) Rehearsing all the steps to see how a mission will turn out B) Trying to see in one's imagination how to accomplish a mission C) Meditating to relieve stress before undertaking a mission D) Trying to picture in one's mind the successful completion of a mission, to include every detail leading up to one's conclusion

D) A person aware that emotions are part of his or her reactions.

9. (U2C6L4:G4) What do we mean when we say a person has a high degree of "emotional intelligence?" A) That person is academically very smart. B) That person is highly driven by his or her emotions. C) A person who suffers from manic depression. D) A person aware that emotions are part of his or her reactions.


9. (U3C8L2:G5) In service learning, what is meant by the term, "field education"? A) To study out-of-doors or in a non-traditional location away from school B) Performing service and training to enhance understanding of the natural world C) Performing service and training to enhance understanding within a field of study D) To study the environment and the natural world


9. (U6C1L1:V2) Goals A) B) C) D)

D) Patience

9. (U6C1L2:G6) ___________ is the citizenship skill in which one learns the proper timing for acting on an idea or decision. A) Action B) Virtue C) Fairness D) Patience

C) Ask Cadets to volunteer; Rate each candidate on a representative rating sheet after an interview or debate process; Hold an election wherein the candidate with the most votes from the group members wins the representative position

9. (U6C1L4:G5) What is the process for selecting an effective small group representative? A) Appoint one B) Have a class vote on one C) Ask Cadets to volunteer; Rate each candidate on a representative rating sheet after an interview or debate process; Hold an election wherein the candidate with the most votes from the group members wins the representative position D) All of the above

A) To have one's law firm reach the level of the Supreme Court and be the one Cadet voted Chief Justice® by other Cadets

9. (U6C1L5:G6) What is the highest honor at the end of the education game Chief Justice®? A) To have one's law firm reach the level of the Supreme Court and be the one Cadet voted Chief Justice® by other Cadets B) To be found innocent of charges C) To be voted President of the U.S. by other Cadets D) None of the above

C) civic virtue

9. (U6C2L2:V3) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The dedication of citizens to the common good, even at the cost of their individual interests" A) secular governments B) established religion C) civic virtue D) capitalism

A) rights of Englishmen

9. (U6C2L3:V3) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. The basic rights that all subjects of the English monarch were understood to have is known as the _____________. A) rights of Englishmen B) common law C) due process of law D) Magna Carta

C) covenant

9. (U6C2L4:V3) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "A binding agreement made by two or more persons or parties" A) sovereignty B) magistrate C) covenant D) indentured servant

A) The inviolable power to cancel or nullify a legislative act

9. (U6C2L5:V3) What is the definition of the term "absolute veto"? A) The inviolable power to cancel or nullify a legislative act B) A system of government in which the legislative branch has the most power C) To declare null and void; set aside D) The first state declaration of rights, which serve as a model for other states declarations of rights and the Bill of Rights


9. (U6C3L1:V3) Majority Rule A) B) C) D)

C) federal system

9. (U6C3L2:V3) Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. The existence of two governments, national and state, each given a certain amount of authority, is what we now call a ____________. A) legislative B) Senate C) federal system D) ratification

D) An act to establish the Judicial Courts of the United States

9. (U6C4L1:V3) What is the definition of the term "Judiciary Act of 1789"? A) Government characterized by specialization of functions, adherence to fixed rules, and hierarchy of authority B) A district court of law and equity that hears cases under federal jurisdiction C) The President's handpicked advisors, each in charge of a different government office or department D) An act to establish the Judicial Courts of the United States

A) The act of counting off or naming one by one

9. (U6C4L2:V3) What is the definition of the word "enumeration"? A) The act of counting off or naming one by one B) A condition or requirement in a legal document C) An act of legislature that inflicts punishment on an individual or group without a judicial trial D) The constitutional process whereby the House of Representatives may accuse high officers of the federal government of misconduct and place them on trial in the Senate

A) judicial review

9. (U6C4L4:V4) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The power of a court to adjudicate the constitutionality of the laws of a government or the act of a government official." A) judicial review B) legal remedy C) unconstitutional D) precedents


9. (U6C4L5:V3) Sovereignty A) B) C) D) E)


9. (U6C5L1:V3) Secession A) B) C) D)

A) substantive due process

9. (U6C5L2:V3) Choose the term that best describes the scenario below. Lauren recently heard about a law that was overturned due to it not being related to a legitimate government interest. What is the process called that prevented the law from being passed? A) substantive due process B) selective incorporation C) incorporation D) due process

C) Civil Rights Act of 1964

9. (U6C5L3:V3) Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "An act of Congress designed to protect the rights of individuals to fair treatment by private persons, groups, organizations, businesses, and government" A) separate but equal doctrine B) token integration C) Civil Rights Act of 1964 D) National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

C) Women's suffrage rights

9. (U6C5L4:V4) What is the definition of the term "Nineteenth Amendment"? A) The submission of a proposed public measure or actual statue to a direct popular vote B) An amendment to the U.S. Constitution lowering the voting age to 18 C) Women's suffrage rights D) Right of citizens to vote


A code of precedence in rank and status


A formal military dinner for military members only

Receiving Line

A group of people, including the host and honored guests, who individually welcome guests attending a function

Dining Out

A military dinner in which non-military guests are invited

Community Service

_________________________________________ ______________________ is any form of service provided for the community or common good.


At a reception, the gentleman always proceeds the ladies in the receiving line

3. (U2C6L5:Q2) Privates Rawlings and Rice always seem to be the reasons for their squad not completing its missions. The other squad members have tried several times to get them to perform their best, but they just don't seem interested. Their squad leader has tried the "carrot" and other positive approaches to motivate them, but now feels she has to use the "stick" in the form of counseling. Prior to the next squad task, what should she do? A) Threaten them with negative consequences if they don't perform as they should. B) Be certain that the task, mission, and standard are clearly communicated. C) Remind the entire squad that rewards are earned. D) Talk to the other squad members about using positive peer pressure

B) Be certain that the task, mission, and standard are clearly communicated.

12. (U2C6L5:G9) Another name for a "power down" approach to authority is ______________. A) To hide one's leadership approach to better work with others B) To not use one's positional authority to accomplish a task C) Delegating D) Micromanaging

C) Delegating

2. (U2C6L5:Q1) Read carefully the following paragraph and select the option (A-D) that indicates which Principle of Motivation is described. Sergeant Jones knew that his team leaders would find their tasks to be extremely difficult. However, he also knew that they trusted him to help them develop their leadership and management skills. He wouldn't do the tasks for them, but he would be there to provide hints and mentor them when necessary, and he would always do his best to communicate his belief in them. A) Have subordinates participate in the planning of upcoming events. B) Use positive peer pressure to work for you, the leader, and the unit. C) Give subordinates tough problems, and challenge them to wrestle with them. D) Set the example in all things.

C) Give subordinates tough problems, and challenge them to wrestle with them

19. (U2C6L5:G16) Another name for delegating authority is the ____________ approach. A) Shared leadership B) Power up C) Power down D) Power to the people

C) Power down

15. (U2C6L5:G12) Name tangible rewards that can be presented to subordinates to reward jobs that are well done. A) Praise, a compliment B) A pat on the back, positive feedback C) Ribbons, medals, plaques, free-time, special privileges, etc. D) Public recognition, a word of thanks

C) Ribbons, medals, plaques, free-time, special privileges, etc.

7. (U2C6L5:G4) What is "morale?" A) The point or purpose of a lesson or learning objective B) The values that motivate you to do a good job C) The mental, emotional and spiritual state of an individual; how a person feels D) The biological or physical state of a person

C) The mental, emotional and spiritual state of an individual; how a person feels

4. (U2C6L5:Q3) A Cadet in your squad, Private Adams, got a medal for completing a task. You had a harder task, but you didn't get one. You asked your squad leader, "Why not?" He told you: "Even though his performance is usually not good, I gave Private Adams a medal because he did a great job on this task. I know it was an easier task that you did, but you already have a bunch of medals, and he didn't have any. I did tell you "Great job!" when you were finished, and I meant that. However, Private Adams needed something special to make him feel like he is an important part of this squad and to give him some hope for the future." Did your squad leader do the right thing? Why or why not? Select the answer (A-D) that is most correct. A) No. Private Adams prior performance was not good, so he should not have given him a medal. B) No. He should also have given a medal to both of them. C) Yes. He was trying to improve Private Adams' performance, and by rewarding him with a medal for doing a great job, he also is showing Private Adams the benefits of good performance. D) Yes. Everyone deserves medals for doing a good job.

C) Yes. He was trying to improve Private Adams' performance, and by rewarding him with a medal for doing a great job, he also is showing Private Adams the benefits of good performance.

C) Evaluating

Captain Reese spent most of the day observing training, conducting on-the-spot inspections, and asking subordinates about the specifics of their jobs. Then he called the Battalion Commander and asked what she thought of the company's performance. What element of supervision is Captain Reese performing? A) Achieving desired results B) Correcting C) Evaluating D) Instilling discipline


Cause and effect.

A) recognize

Choose the synonym for the word below. observe A) recognize B) ignore C) disregard D) overlook



Brain Stem

Connection to spinal cord. Filters information flow between peripheral nervous system and the rest of the brain.

Temporal Lobe

Contains areas important to hearing and understanding speech.

Occipital Lobe

Contains areas important to vision.


Contains cerebrospinal fluid, which cushions the brain in spinal fluid (and also circulates nutrients, removes waste)

Parietal Lobe

Contains the area where bodily sensations occur, such as touch and pain.


Control of finely coordinated movements. Coordination center, voluntary movement and balance.


Controls body temperature (the body's thermostat), circadian rhythms, and thirst and hunger.

Medulla Oblongata

Controls vital reflexes. Regulation of breathing, heart rate and blood pressure.

D) Non-Directive

Counselor: "So what you're saying is that your goal is to be a better Soldier and to help make the squad stronger." Counseled Soldier: "Yes, Sir." Counselor: "What is your plan of action to reach that goal? Counseled Soldier: "I'm going to try to improve my land navigation and marksmanship skills, and I'm going to try to relate to my squad mates better." Counselor: "It sounds like your plan supports that goal. Tell me what you plan to do to improve yourself in other areas, outside of combat skills." A) Referral B) Directive C) Crisis D) Non-Directive

1. (U2C6L5:F1) Of these choices, which motivates you to do something the most? A) To satisfy your own needs B) The opportunity to win a reward C) A friend or group's desire D) A worthy cause

D) A worthy cause

13. (U2C6L5:G10) Name a factor that creates assurance among subordinates that good performance will be rewarded. A) Check and evaluate the performance. B) Use consistent rewards to improve performance. C) Understand that task completion is often its own reward. D) All of the above

D) All of the above

6. (U2C6L5:G3) If a leader must counsel subordinates for negative behaviors, when and where should that counseling take place? A) Counseling should take place instantly and in public so the subordinate will learn the lesson immediately. B) Wait a week and then council the subordinate in private. C) Counseling should take place as soon as possible and in a small-group sitting. D) It should take place as quickly as possible after an infraction, and it should take place in private to prevent public humiliation.

D) It should take place as quickly as possible after an infraction, and it should take place in private to prevent public humiliation.

18. (U2C6L5:G15) __________ is the mental, emotional, and spiritual state of an individual or group of individuals. A) Group think B) Team spirit C) Espirit d'corps D) Morale

D) Morale

14. (U2C6L5:G11) Give examples of intangible rewards that can be given to subordinates for jobs well done. A) Money, food, or release time from drill. B) Ribbons, certificates of achievement, public notice of their performance. C) Rewards should not be given because they show preferential treatment. D) Praise, a compliment, a pat on the back, positive feedback, etc.

D) Praise, a compliment, a pat on the back, positive feedback, etc.

What command is given when the guide raises his/her left arm to obtain proper interval during alignment of the platoon?


Concept web.

Depicts relationships between concepts. Also used to organize and structure knowledge.

What is the purpose of the movement "Count OFF" in a platoon?

Designate relative positions in ranks of each member of the platoon


Dining in has its roots in Europe and may extend all the way back to the roman practice of holding great banquets to celebrate their victories


Eloquence is far more important than sincerity

11. (U2C6L5:G8) True or False: Statistics that prove the effectiveness of the unit should always be used to evaluate units and to motivate subordinates.



Fight or flight, emotional center, anger or fear

When forming the platoon for physical drill, what is the command given by the platoon commander in order to designate odd and even ranks?

From Front to Rear, Count, OFF"


Gentleman: Nice slacks and a sport shirt LAdies: SUndress or nice pants/blouse is appropriate


Gentleman: Sports Coat and a tie Ladies: Dress or pants suit is appropriate


Gentleman: Suit, tuxedo, equivalent uniform Ladies: Short or long evening gown

To teach the platoon to march to the oblique, the leader aligns the unit facing

Half right (left)

Temporal Lobe



Helps to form memories ("hippo never forgets")

Sequence(Bridging snapshots).

Helps to order actions chronologically.

Venn diagram

Helps to see similarities and differences among things.


Higher level breain functions; thoughts, emotions, memory, reasoning, language, and processing of sensory information.

Limbic System

Hippocampus, Amygdala, Pituitary Gland, Hypothalamus; involved in emotion

Standing up

How are toasts made


How do you feel about doing an exploratory project with your teacher? A) Ready to go - This is a great opportunity to learn about service learning with the help of my teacher. B) Hesitant but willing- I'm not so sure I will like service learning but I am willing to give it a try. C) Not too excited - Service learning really isn't my thing and I wish we didn't have to do it.

1. Using a learning log throughout the experience to record thoughts, feelings, knowledge, and process will help you organize what you have learned. 2. Within your teams, share what you have learned by discussing your answers to open ended questions before, during and after each service experience. 3. Reflective questions should encourage observation, analysis, and integration.

How do you use a "learning log"?

1. 2.

How does service learning relate to the JROTC program.


How many salad forks in a formal setting


Information processing, outer layer of brain.


Introductions at a formal reception, may often include a receiving line


Is this OK to do on your project: Yes or No Can you divide the project components among three teams 4 or 5 cadets each. Learning should be a active and social experience that is meaningful to you and those involved


It is appropriate to ask for a doggy bag during a formal occasion

C) Switch "Advising" and "Recommending"

Leaders use several techniques to counsel subordinates to improve their performance. Suggesting alternatives allows the subordinate to choose one of several courses of action. Advising lets the leader suggest a course of action, but the subordinate makes the final decision. Recommending tells the subordinate the best course of action, and is the strongest form of influence not involving a command. A) Replace "recommending" with "commanding" B) Replace "Suggesting alternatives to "persuading" C) Switch "Advising" and "Recommending" D) Switch "Suggesting Alternatives" with "Advising"

D) overcome or fix a problem

Mitigate is to _______________________

How are changes in platoon formation to be executed in a platoon unless specified that the platoon be at close interval?

Normal interval and distance between files and ranks

Lobes of the cerebrum

Occipital, Temporal, Parietal, Frontal


Of or relating to an army or military life

Not Proper

Proper/Not Proper to drain the glass at the completion of each toast


R>S>V>P comes from the Latin expression "Repondez s'il vous plait" which means " please reply"


Relays information from the senses and transmits the information to the cerebral cortex.

Sunshine wheel.

Represents the main idea and the thoughts attached to it.


Responsible for coordination and movement (relays messages between cerebrum and cerebellum); involved in sleep, dreams, and attention.

Frontal Lobe

Responsible for planning, personality, judgement, voluntary movement (motor cortex)

Frontal Lobe

Responsible for problem-solving, reasoning, and motor skills.

How are squads numbered in a platoon?

Right to left in column and from front to rear in line

When in formation, the platoon normally forms in line with the squad leaders on the _______ of their squads and the guide on the _______ of the first squad leader.

Right, Right


Rudely Brief or Abrupt


STand up when the lady you seated leaves the table

Not Proper

Seasoning your food before trying it

Spinal Cord

Sends signals between brain and rest of body


Slender pointed parts of a fork

1. Brainstorm a list of community service activities in your team. 2. Highlight activities which you think people need help doing.

So how do you get started in Service Learning?


Stiffly or artificially dignified or formal

B) Assuming authority

Supervision does not include which of the following? A) Setting the example B) Assuming authority C) Resolving conflicts D) Providing feedback


Thankyou notes should be written within 15-20 Days

Pituitary gland

The "master" endocrine gland, responsible for growth.


The ___________________ represents the team voice and reports team findings.


The ___________________ takes notes for the team and organizes information

Cordiality Comradeship Espirit de corps

The intent of the dining in is to promote what


The sense of taste

Right of the dinner Knife

The soup spoon is placed where in a formal setting

Corpus Callosum

Thick band that connects left and right hemispheres of the brain.

What is the purpose of Files and Reform movements?

To diminish the front of the platoon in column

Not Proper

To raise an empty glass to make a toast

What is the purpose of the movement MARCHING IN THE OBLIQUE?

To shift the line of march to the right or left for a short distance and resume marching in the original direction.


To take exclusive ownership or cocntrol

10. (U2C6L5:G7) True or False: People cannot focus on their jobs if they are occupied with personal concerns, so good leaders alleviate the causes of personal concern.


16. (U2C6L5:G13) True or False: Delegating the planning of events to subordinates is a motivation technique of leadership


17. (U2C6L5:G14) True or False: In order for leaders to motivate followers, leaders must satisfy personal needs of subordinates as well as their work-related goals.


5. (U2C6L5:G2) True or False: Rewarding team members who support unit tasks by giving them ribbons, medals, or certificates is effective because doing so satisfies social needs and serves as a motivator.


8. (U2C6L5:G5) True or False: Leaders should give their teams tough problems and let the team wrestle with the problem


9. (U2C6L5:G6) True or False: Allowing subordinates to help plan future events is one technique of motivating them.



True or False You have probably notice that people who find the most satisfaction in life are those actively engaged in doing something to make the world a better place fore everyone. They seem happy because they are making a difference.


Unaccompanied by someone of the opposite sex


Used to list the outcomes of a topic. For example, pros and cons.

Learning log

Using a _____________________________ _______________ will help you record thoughts, feelings, knowledge and processes and helps you organize what you have learned.

Occipital Lobe

Visual Perception

A) Motivation

Vocab: Something that incities or has a tendency to incite to determination and action A) Motivation B) Teaching C) Supervising D) Correction E) Discipline

B) Teaching

Vocab: To cause to know something, or to know how A) Motivation B) Teaching C) Supervising D) Correction E) Discipline

C) Supervising

Vocab: To have the charge and direction of; to oversee A) Motivation B) Teaching C) Supervising D) Correction E) Discipline

D) Correction

Vocab: To make or set right A) Motivation B) Teaching C) Supervising D) Correction E) Discipline

E) Discipline

Vocab: Training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character A) Motivation B) Teaching C) Supervising D) Correction E) Discipline

1. Has a positive impact on a student's employ-ability upon graduation 2. Employers consistently confess to giving more weight to a resume that includes the applicant's experience in Service Learning 3. Research shows that students who are engaged in learning outside the classroom out-perform their peers academically 4. Students who have been involved in Service Learning are more successful than their peers in finding satisfying careers after graduation.

What advantages are some Service learning?

1. learning logs and essays. 2. team and class discussions. 3. performances 4. graphic organizers 5. public presentations

What are some of the types of "Structured Reflection"?

Learns more; earns better grades; attends school regularly; behaves better; becomes more civic minded; gains appreciation of others; sees the school-life connection; has higher self-esteem; learns life skills for after graduation.

What are the benefits for students who participate in service learning?

Three characteristics of effective writing are, it must be simple, readable, and understandable.

What are the three characteristic of effective writing?

The two parts of an oral drill command are the preparatory and command of execution.

What are the two parts of an oral drill commands?

1. Speak with others involved in the service, you have selected to see what they would expect of you. 2. Orient yourself with the service goals, those you will be helping, other organizations or people you may need to contact, and so on. In other words, learn what you need to know before starting the service experience and plan for all potential circumstances.

What else should you do to help in the first part of the planning phase?

This steps requires in-class lessons, followed by selecting a service project that relates to the curriculum and meets academic standards.

What is Integrating what you have learned in class with service activities is a key goal the service learning?

1. It is your responsibility to initiate and plan service activities to correspond to the lesson material. 2. You can either work on committees on one project or small teams on separate projects.

What is meaningful service?

1. Taking time to observe or analyze, and integrate action with learning, is an important part of the learning process. 2. A strong reflection helps you develop skills and extend learning from the service experience.

What is structured reflection?

Teamwork is working together to complete assigned tasks on time and with good results.

What is teamwork?

Community service is just out to help someone without any thought of what you are doing. Equals Service Learning (we will discuss this in detail later.) 1. Orientation and training 2. meaningful service 3. structured reflection

What is the difference between community service and Service learning?

It will require you to determined what you will need to know before the activity and to train yourself according.

What is the first part of the planning phase?

1. To record reflections. 2. To record experiences 3. To record observations 4. To record goals etc.

What is the purpose of a learning log?

B) To produce mastery and independence

What is the ultimate goal of leadership? A) To keep team members under control B) To produce mastery and independence C) Keep team members dependent on the leader D) None of the above


When eating soup, the motion of the spoon should be away from you when filling it

Place it on the saucer

Where do you place a used spoon in a formal place setting

Upper portion of the bread plate

Where is the butter knife positioned in a formal place setting

Left of the salad fork

Where is the napkin located in a formal place setting

Upper right of the dinner plate

Where is the water goblet placed in a formal setting

Equals Service Learning 1. Orientation and training 2. meaningful service 3. structured reflection

Which of the following options (A-D) illustrate the correct sequence of activities in service learning?

There are many problems and people in need. Service Learning experiences can become the starting point for reaching out - doing something good for those around you and making the world a better place.

Why is Service Learning so important?

A) X = Referral Y = Reception and Integration Z = Adverse Separation

X. "Before this becomes a problem again, I want you to attend a budgeting class at the local community center." Y. "Your squad leader is Sergeant Timlin. She will inform you of your duties. We like to work hard here and spend as much time as possible with our families." Z. "Since you have engaged in serious misconduct on several occasions, the Commander and First Sergeant need to counsel you on the possibility of you being kicked out of the unit." A) X = Referral Y = Reception and Integration Z = Adverse Separation B) X = Professional growth Y = Reception and Integration Z = Crisis C) X = Referral Y = Promotion Z = Performance D) X = Crisis Y = Performance Z = Promotion

D) There is a lack of coordination between the squad leaders and platoon leaders.

You are a company commander. Your first sergeant told you that she thinks that one of your platoon leaders over supervises his squad leaders, and that it is hurting the platoon leadership. As you observe the platoon leader during training, which of the following signs would not be an indicator of over supervision? A) Responsibility is not delegated to squad leaders. B) The squad leaders resent the platoon leader. C) The squad leaders and platoon leader don't trust each other. D) There is a lack of coordination between the squad leaders and platoon leaders.


_____________________ ties the serve to your curriculum course objectives and the larger concept of civic responsibilities.

Service Learning

__________________________ _________________________________ an environment where one can learn and develop by actively participating in organized service experiences within one's own community.


___________________________ one who encourages team members and leads discussions after presentation and team discussion.


______________________________ is one who keeps track of the time and plans the schedule.


allows you to compare appearances, auditory expressions, and tactile characteristics of an element.


answer respectfully when addressed

Ranking Ladder

can represent priority or precedence, such as steps in a process, a hierarchy, position of components, relative importance of each data point, or status of individuals.

Multi-flow Map

causes and effects, consequences, predict, motives, why, results, outcomes, benefits

Tree Map

classify, sort, group, categorize, types, kinds, taxonomy

Double Bubble

compare and contrast, similarities and differences, distinguish, differentiate

Bubble Map

describe using adjectives, use vivid language

Bridge Map

identify common relationship, guess the rule, interpret symbols, analogies, similes, metaphors

Double T-Chart

is a three column chart that has three specific labels such as, "Before, During, After" or "Look, Sound, Feel" or "What, So What, Now What" or "High, Medium, Low" or any other concept that includes three distinct elements.

Analogy/smile chart

is used to illustrate the thinking and organizing process that involves comparing one thing to another thing that initially seems unrelated.

On the command of FALL IN, the guide posts himself/herself so that the first rank will be three paces from and centered on the platoon

mustering petty officer

Brace Map

parts of, take apart, show structure, physical component

Pie Chart

represents a percentage or actual num- ber of data points.

Flow Map

sequence, put in order, recount, retell, cycles, patterns, processes, problem solving


tool is helpful to identify relationships and component pieces of an issue or data point.

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