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Stages of Self-Development

1. Preparatory (0-3) imitation 2. Play (3 - 5) pretending w/ culture 3. Game (5+) invest "own" role

result of Solomon Asch's card experiment on group conformity

33% chose to conform

. In 2014, the wealthiest 20 percent of households in the United States received _________ of the total income pie.


_____________combines elements of a market economy with elements of a command economy.

A mixed economy

____________ poverty exists when people do not have the means to secure the most basic necessities of life.


founder of sociology

Auguste Comte

____________ descent is a system of tracing descent through both the mother's and father's sides of the family.


how a person perceives and feels about his or her body.

Body consciousness

who developed primary and secondary groups

Charles cooley

__________analysis examines cultural artifacts or various forms of communication to extract thematic data and draw conclusions about social life.


"looking glass self" by


the infusion of "dominant" culture

Cultural Imperialism

_________________- are households in which an unmarried couple lives together in a committed, sexually intimate relationship and is granted some of the same rights and benefits as those accorded to married heterosexual couples.

Domestic partnerships

According to_______, deviance is rooted in societal factors such as rapid social change and lack of social integration among people.


who wrote on the relationship between suicide and sociology


​ __________ pioneered sociobiology, arguing that genetic inheritance underlies many forms of social behavior, including war and peace, envy and concern for others, and competition and cooperation.

Edward wilson

who wrote "Rules of Sociological Method"

Emile Durkheim

who coined "social facts"

Emilie Durkheim

view others by own culture standards


Harriet Martineau

First female sociologist British Translated Comte's work Wrote Society in America Advocated for racial and gender equality

what sociologist studied social darwinism

Hebert Spencer

Cooleys idea of a secondary group

Impersonal, goal-oriented relationships for a limited time.

Social psychologist __________ examined group decision making among political experts and found that major blunders in U.S. history may be attributed to pressure toward group conformity. a.Robert Merton b.Stanley Milgram c.Irving Janis d.Solomon Asch

Irving Janis

Who founded the Hull House and won a Nobel peace prize

Jane Addams

the reduction in the proficiency needed to perform a specific job that leads to a corresponding reduction in wages for that job or in the use of nonhuman technologies to perform the work.

Job deskilling

____________ refers to a social network of people based on common ancestry, marriage, or adoption.


__________ states that deviance is a socially constructed process in which social control agencies designate certain people as deviants and they, in turn, come to accept the label placed upon them and begin to act accordingly.

Labeling theory

_________are applied / "accepted" and people act accordingly


The model of the American class system based on the work of __________ is based on three elements: education, occupation of family head, and family income.

Max Weber

how do functionalists use the concept of meritocracy to explain why inequality is necessary

Meritocracy - reward hierarchy based on ability / marketplace - inherited wealth / social capital advantage is ignored - Economic deprivation can be de-motivating

who coined the term cultural capital

Pierre Bourdieu

_______-deviance refers to the initial act of rule breaking.


___________sex characteristics include the genitalia used in the reproductive process.


three categories of the labeling theory

Primary, Secondary, Tertiary Deviance

_________-crime includes burglary, motor vehicle theft, larceny-theft, and arson.


______is a socially constructed reality.


experiments used to test group conformity

Solomon Asch-card experiment stanley mailgram-obedience to authority

Informal - extremely offensive / unmentionable


Non-Material Culture is "transformed" into Material Culture through_________


"why do people commit suicide?"

The relationship between the cohesiveness / connectedness in their society

​__________ refers to the practice of assigning students to specific curriculum groups and courses on the basis of their test scores, previous grades, or other criteria. a.​Ability segregation b.​Age grading c.​Tracking d.​Intelligence grouping


____________is power that is legitimized on the basis of long-standing custom.

Traditional authority

__________is the extent to which a study or research instrument accurately measures what it is supposed to measure.


who created a laboratory of sociology and studied racial conflict

W.E.B. Du Bois

which sociologist said "economics and ideas matter"


who developed in-group and outgroup

William sumner

nonmaterial culture

abstract concepts such as language, beliefs, values, rules

a social position that a person assumes voluntarily as a result of personal choice, merit, or direct effort.

achieved status

are illness that strike suddenly and cause dramatic incapacitation and sometimes death.

acute diseases

what type of suicide: excessively integrated


example of a goal from the strain theory

american dream

what perspective believes inequality is not necessary


the belief that plants, animals, or other elements of the natural world are endowed with spirits or life forces having an effect on events in society.


what type of suicide: lack of social regulation


__________ is a process by which members of subordinate racial and ethnic groups become absorbed into the dominant culture.​


Hirschi's social bonding theory emphasizes__________________________. a.involvement in unconventional activities b.attachment to other people c.a willingness to rebel against authority d.a lack of commitment to conformity

attachment to other people

When a label of deviance is based on a person's intentional or inadvertent actions, it is considered __________. a.conformist b.behavioral c.conditional d.cultural


______________families consist of a husband and wife, and children from previous marriages, and children from the new relationship


Marx used the term __________ for those who own the means of production—the land and capital necessary for factories and mines.


the term used to name the capitalist class


an organizational model characterized by a hierarchy of authority, a clear division of labor, explicit rules and procedures, and impersonality in personnel matters.


marajuana laws would have to do with what perspective on deviance


reject "dominant" culture values


the gap between the technical developments of a society and its moral and legal institutions.

cultural lag

the process whereby a problem ceases to be defined as an illness or a disorder.


common sense knowledge


the practice of marrying outsides one's own group.


civil attention and the interaction order

front stage and back stage

Merton is a _______


identity identification with interdependence


a stated expectation


role expectation vs role performance

ideal vs real

the economic gain derived from wages, salaries, income transfers, and ownership of property.


Harlows experiment was on

monkeys and social isolation

popular, but inaccurate notion that may be used to perpetuates social action


a negative attitude based on faulty generalizations about members of specific racial, ethnic or other groups.


term for: subjective, themes


In_________ analysis, researchers use existing material and analyze data that were originally collected by others.


Result of social inter action between members

social marginality

the systematic study of "social behavior from a biological perspective."


Differential Reinforcement and Differential Association are what perspective

symbolic interactionalist

A major criticism of Spencer's theory of social Darwinism is that...

t may be used to justify racial/ethnic, gender, and class inequalities in society

the domestic work that employed women perform at home after they complete their workday on the job.

the second shift

how many interactions are possible in a group size of 3


British kings and queens historically traced their authority from God. Weber called this __________. a.​rational-legal authority b.​charismatic authority c.​traditional authority d.coercive authority

traditional authority

What term refers to those who are poor, seldom employed, and experience long term deprivation?


Organizations we join voluntarily when they can provide us with a material reward.

utilitarian formal organizations

__________ is a term used to refer to the most privileged group in this country. a. "Greedy Brits" b. "WASPs" c. "Elitist Germans" d. "Social Register"


Which of the following would be classified as a status offense? a.Dean, a freshman in college, gets into a fistfight with his roommate. b.Fifteen-year-old Ivy runs away from home. c.Chester embezzles several thousand dollars from his company. d.Katrina is caught stealing a bracelet from a jewelry store. 0.5 points

Fifteen-year-old Ivy runs away from home.

Ferdinand Tӧnnies used the term __________ for a large, urban society in which social bonds are based on impersonal and specialized relationships, with little long-term commitment to the group and little consensus on values. a.verstehen b.bourgeoisie c.Gemeinschaft d.Gesellschaft


summers idea of an outgroup

Group to which a person doesn't belong and feels a sense of hostility towards.

Opportunities and Challenges in Colleges and Universities

Growing community college enrollments Decreasing community college funding The high cost of a college education Racial diversity in college enrollment

who was the first female sociologist

Harriet Martineau

British female sociologist

Harriet martineau

who advocated for racial and gender equality

Harriet martingeu

Equalitarian pluralism describes a situation in which ethnic groups coexist in equality with one another. This pattern is also referred to as __________.​


​__________ is an economic system characterized by public ownership of the means of production, the pursuit of collective goals, and centralized decision making. a. Capitalism b. Socialism c. Authoritarianism d. Totalitarianism


________________derives from a society's social structure, which is based on the society's division of labor.

Social solidarity

what perspective on race and ethnic relations claim that intergroup contact may either intensify or reduce racial and ethnic stereotyping and prejudice

Symbolic interactionists

what perspective: explain family relationships in terms of the subjective meanings and everyday interpretations that people give their lives.

Symbolic interactionists

what perspective: modify or adapt roles to the expectations of others

Symbolic interactionists

_________refers to the knowledge, techniques, and tools that allow people to transform resources into usable forms, and the knowledge and skills required to use them after they are developed.


Which of the following people would most likely be considered deviant because of an unusual belief system? a.Terri is convinced that the government is using vaccines to intentionally make people ill. b.Adam began laughing uproariously at his father's funeral. c.Lily has over a dozen body piercings and a number of visible tattoos. d.Walter is 300 pounds overweight and has trouble getting out of bed.

Terri is convinced that the government is using vaccines to intentionally make people ill.

Problems in Elementary and Secondary Schools

Unequal funding of public schools School dropouts Racial segregation Students with disabilities School vouchers Charter schools Home schooling

The __________ is compiled by the FBI and is the major source of information on crimes reported in the United States. a.​Uniform Crime Report b.​Law Enforcement Administration Analysis c.​American Criminological Society Bulletin d.​U.S. Census Bureau Annual Report

Uniform Crime Report

producing and distributing goods and services is an example of what type of social institution?


An ___________ family is a family structure in which both partners share power and authority equally.


Marx predicted that when workers realized that capitalists were the source of their oppression, they would overthrow the capitalists and take over the government, creating a(n) __________ society.


the cultural heritage or identity of a group and is based on factors such as language or country of origin is termed


usually negative judgment using your own cultural values


sense of futility; norms - weak, conflicting, absent - rapid social change, lack of social integration

anomie (Durkheim)

A large bureaucratic organization that seeks accommodation with the larger society and also attempts to influence it is termed a(n) __________. a.ecclesia b.sect c.denomination


​Sociologist Erving Goffman's term __________ refers to the ways in which an individual shows awareness that another is present without making this person the object of particular attention. a.​selective attention b.​civil inattention c.​reserved rejection civil inattention d.​passive rudeness

civil inattention

A young woman graduates from high school with honors and attends a prestigious university, where she completes her degree; she gets a good job; she marries and starts planning for the future. This woman's behavior is an example of __________.


the process of maintaining or changing behavior to comply with the norms established by a society, subculture, or other group.


According to some critics, the standardized tests that are used to group students by ability often measure students' __________ rather than their "natural" intelligence or aptitude.​ a.​cultural toolkit b.​social wealth c.​prestige d.​cultural capital

cultural capital

Schools with more middle-class students have curricula that emphasize __________.​ a.​creative self-expression b.​critical reasoning c.​decision making and choice d.​procedures and rote memorization

decision making and choice

◦a substance that, when taken into the body, alters its functioning in some way.


marriages in which both spouses are in the labor force.

dual earner marriages

When did the scope of government influence in people's daily lives in the United States expand considerably for the first time? a.during the 1960s Vietnam War b.during World War II c.during the Great Depression in the 1930s d.during the Civil War

during the Great Depression in the 1930s

group size______ principle of least interest


three types of group sizes

dyad triad formal organization

an individual who is born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that does not correspond to typical definitions of male or female; the person's sexual differentiation is ambiguous.

intersexed person

a set of symbols that expresses ideas and enables people to think and communicate with one another.


symbols that successfully communicate ideas


Organizations we join voluntarily to pursue a common interest or gain prestige.

normative formal organization

types of formal organization

normative, coercive, utilitarian

the study of the commonsense knowledge that people use to understand the situations in which they find themselves.


With the advent of industrialization and urbanization, maintaining the __________ family pattern becomes more difficult. Increasingly, young people move from rural to urban areas in search of employment in the industrializing sector of the economy. At that time, the __________ family typically becomes the predominant family pattern in the society.​ a.​nuclear; extended b.​blended; extended c.​extended; nuclear d.​nuclear; conventional

extended; nuclear

the strategies people use to rescue their performance when they experience a potential or actual loss of face.

face saving behavior

a traditional religious doctrine that is conservative, is typically opposed to modernity and rejects "worldly pleasures" in favor of otherworldly spirituality.


In the framework presented by sociologist George Herbert Mead, when young children join T-ball teams and begin to learn to play baseball, they are entering the __________ stage of self-development.


cultural change: cultural lag

gap b/t technology app and norms/values * Examples - Illegal Music Video - Cell Phones

the aspect of socialization that contains specific messages and practices concerning the nature of being female or male in a specific group or society.

gender socialization

​ People throughout the world share the same biosphere; environmental pollution in one area may have an adverse effect on people in other places. This makes environmental problems an example of __________.

global interdependence

Marx view on sociological thinking

history is a continual conflict - class conflict; owners/workers - alienation (Dilbert cartoons) - capitalism "causes" crime (grading on a curve?)

__________ is the term for economic gain derived from wages, salaries, income transfers (government aid), and ownership of property


__________ is the term for economic gain derived from wages, salaries, income transfers (government aid), and ownership of property.​


components of a socioeconomic status

income, occupation, education

An____________ variable is presumed to be the cause of the relationship.


__________ discrimination consists of the day-to-day practices of organizations and institutions that have a harmful impact on members of subordinate groups.


consists of day to day practices of organizations and institutions (but usually carried out by individuals) that have a harmful impact on members of subordinate groups.

institutional discrimination

__________ is the belief that wages ought to reflect the worth of a job, not the gender or race of the worker.​

pay equity

The __________ is the disparity between women's and men's earnings.

pay gap

​Used sociologically, __________ most commonly refers to a negative attitude based on faulty generalizations about members of specific racial, ethnic, or other groups.


An umpire dislikes African Americans and, with deliberate intent, often makes official calls incorrectly when black players are at bat. According to sociologist Robert Merton's typology of prejudice and discrimination, this umpire is a (n) __________.

prejudiced discriminator

A ____________is a small, less specialized group in which members engage in face-to-face, emotion-based interactions over an extended period of time.

primary group

For most people, wealth is invested primarily in ____________

property that generates no income

__________ is a socially constructed concept used by many people to specify groups of people based on physical characteristics such as skin color.


the totality of our beliefs and feelings about ourselves.

self concept

​ German sociologist Georg Simmel analyzed how social interactions vary depending on the __________. He concluded that interaction patterns differed between a dyad and a triad.

size of the social group

The explanation for racism and prejudice that comes from the symbolic interactionist perspective is __________.

social learning theory

Schools help to identify the most qualified people to fill available positions in society by channeling students into programs based on their ability and academic achievement. This is the manifest function of education termed __________.​ a.​transmission of culture b.​social control c.​change and innovation d.​social placement

social placement

a playbook that the actors use to guide their verbal replies and overall performance to achieve the desired goals of the conversation or fulfill the role they are playing.

social script

hierarchical arrangement of large social groups based on their control over basic resources.

social stratification

a complex framework (web) of relationships between social positions/actors

social structure

status positions "suggest" practices that organize / limit social action

social structure

the complex framework of societal institutions and the social practices that make up a society and that organize and establish limits on people's behavior.

social structure

when individuals are "embedded" in status positions within groups / institutions

social structure

The _________________________ argue that society is the sum of the interactions of individuals and groups.

symbolic interactionist perspectives

Caste systems and slavery are both __________.

systems where status is determined at birth

In contemporary societies, the primary mechanism of external social control is __________.​ a. family b. schools c. churches d. the criminal justice system

the criminal justice system

Social inequality and poverty have both economic and structural sources. According to your text, the major cause of poverty is

the low wages paid for many jobs

a political system in which the state seeks to regulate all aspects of people's public and private lives.


In the Marxian framework, the __________ consist of those who sell their labor because they have no other way to earn a living.


Older people (over age 65) are more likely to have __________ diseases.​ a.​epidemic b.​acute c.​chronic d.​infectious


Weber view on sociological thinking

(economics and) IDEAS matter Sociology SHOULD be "value-free" Bureaucracies = "soul crushing" Bureaucracies maintain power(ful)

Types of Ethical Issues

-Subjects - Informed Consent - Risk - Benefit -Conflicts of Interest Disclosure -Full Disclosure of Research Results

According to functionalists, families serve four key functions:

1.Sexual regulation 2.Socialization 3.Economic and psychological support 4. Provision of social status

__________ involves actions or practices of dominant group members (or their representatives) that have a harmful impact on members of a subordinate group. a. Discrimination b. Prejudice c. Racism d. Stereotyping


The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) was developed by the __________. a.Bureau of Justice Statistics b.American Sociological Association c.National Security Council d.Federal Bureau of Investigation

Bureau of Justice Statistics

What term did Marx use for those who own the means of production- the land and capital necessary factories and mines?

Capitalist Class ( Bourgeoisie)

____________ refers to two people who live together, and think of themselves as a couple, without being legally married.


three early thinkers on the development of sociological thinking

Comte Spencer Durkheim

The earliest known type of division of labor between women and men is found in __________ societies.​ a. ​pastoral b. ​horticultural c. ​agrarian d. ​hunting and gathering


__________ argues that deviant behavior is learned in personal interaction with friends and family.​ a.​Strain theory b.​Differential association c.​Control theory d.​Labeling theory

Differential association

__________ provide, for a set monthly fee, total care with an emphasis on prevention to avoid costly treatment later.​ a.​Federally funded programs b.​Health maintenance organizations (HMOs) c.​Fee-for-service d.​Third-party payer programs

Health maintenance organizations (HMOs

______________is the process by which people learn political attitudes, values, and behavior.

Political socialization

______________ perspectives on religion sees religion as a rational response to human needs

Rational choice

who composed the Differential Reinforcement theory

Ron Akers

________are rewards for appropriate behavior or penalties for inappropriate behavior.


________________is the act or processes whereby an individual or group is seen as sexual in nature or persons become aware of their sexuality.


Most cross-dressers are __________.​ a. ​heterosexual men b. ​heterosexual women c. ​lesbian women d. ​gay men

a. ​heterosexual men

a political system controlled by rules who deny popular participation in government.


__________ theorists emphasize that socialization reaffirms and reproduces the class structure in the next generation rather than challenging the conditions that presently exist.


​Internal colonialism, the split-labor-market theory, and gendered racism are theories that are rooted in the __________ perspective.


modes of adaption in mertons strain theory of deviance

conformity innovation ritualism retreats rebellion

a violation of criminal law - punished by CJ system


use of force or fraud in pursuit of self-interest


__________ is a socially constructed concept used by many people to specify groups of people based on physical characteristics such as skin color. a. ​Genealogy b. ​Ethnicity c. ​Nationality d. ​Race

d. ​Race

Based on in-depth interviews and participant observation, sociologist Judith Rollins examined rituals of _______ that were often demanded by elite white women of their domestic workers, who were frequently women of color


Computers and other technologies perform a great deal of work today, reducing the need for workers with special expertise. As a result, high-paying positions have been replaced with low-paying positions. This process has been termed __________.​


what type of suicide: isolated - all social groups


Four types of suicide (Durkheim)

egoistic altruistic anomic fatalistic

the practice of marrying within one's own group.


research method: secondary analysis of _____________ _____________

existing data

what type of suicide: excessive regulation


One study found that as the economic conditions worsened in the South, whites aimed their anger toward African Americans, who then became a scapegoat. As a result, there was an increase in the lynching of African Americans. This illustrates __________ theory.


the transmission of cultural values and attitudes through implied demands found in the rules, routines, and regulations of schools.

hidden curriculum

a group to which a person belongs and with which the person feels a sense of identity.


what type of leadership is goal or task oriented


​Durkheim used the term __________ to refer to the social cohesion of preindustrial societies, in which there is minimal division of labor and people feel united by shared values and common social bonds. a.​specialized solidarity b.​collective solidarity c.​mechanical solidarity d.​organic solidarity

mechanical solidarity

◦The ___________________encompasses local physicians and hospitals as well as global health-related industries such as insurance companies and pharmaceutical and medical supply companies.

medical-industrial complex

a condition in which a person has a severe mental disorder requiring extensive treatment with medication, psychotherapy, and sometimes hospitalization.

mental illness

who composed the strain theory


categories of jobs that involve similar activities at different work sites.


​The concept of __________ refers to the social cohesion found in industrial societies, in which people perform very specialized tasks and feel united by their mutual dependence. a.​specialized solidarity b.​mechanical solidarity c.​organic solidarity d.​collective solidarity

organic solidarity

A ________ is a group of people who are linked by common interests, equal social position, and (usually) a similar age.

peer group

Which of the following is used to treat syphilis? a.penicillin b.antiretroviral therapy c.holistic medicine d.warfarin


group decisions, meditating, and protect are an example of what type of social institution?

political system

"marriage" composing of one woman with multiple men


what perspective: "consensual love" = friends with benefits


what perspective: families are permeable


The process by which individuals' feelings, thoughts, appearance, and behavior have a direct influence on agents of socialization that are attempting to influence them is called __________.

reciprocal socialization

term for: consistency over time


specific strategies or techniques for systematically conducting research.

research methods

Muslim periodic prayer while bowing toward Mecca and the Christian celebration of communion are examples of events that Geertz and others would term __________.​ a.​dogma b.​magic c.​rituals d.​secular ceremonies


Disengage from important status

role exit

William Domhoff used the term __________ to refer to a small, fixed, privileged group of people with the power to constrain the political system and serve the interests of capitalism. a. Authoritarianism b. ruling class c. plural model d. power elite

ruling class

aspects of life that are extraordinary or supernatural are considered_________


A__________ is a person or group that is incapable of offering resistance to the hostility or aggression of others.


The term __________ refers to an unsubstantiated belief or prediction resulting in behavior that makes the originally false belief come true.​ a.​fallacy of reasoning b.​learning disability c.​self-fulfilling prophecy d.​defeating perception

self-fulfilling prophecy

how many interactions are possible in a group size of 4


A _________ consists of two or more people who interact frequently and share a common identity and a feeling of interdependence.

social group

the lifelong process of social interaction through which individuals acquire a self-identity and the physical, mental, and social skills needed for survival in society.


________is a social science that closely examines the connections between people


the systematic study of human society and social interaction


what theory has to do with goals and means not being "aligned"

strain theory

A(n) __________ is the method most commonly used to study people's behavior and beliefs.


what perspective focuses on: microlevel contacts between individual

symbolic interactionist

Which type of theorist is most concerned with the influence of group size on the interaction among members?​ a. functionalists b. symbolic interactionists c. conflict theorists d. postmodern theorists

symbolic interactionists

the calculated, unlawful use of physical force or threats of violence against persons or property in order to intimidate or coerce a government, organization, or individual for the purpose of gaining some political, religious, economic, or social objective.


takes place when adults move into new settings where they must accept certain ideas or engage in specific behaviors that are appropriate to that specific setting.

tertiary socialization

Canada has a(n) __________ system in which all citizens receive medical services paid for by tax revenues. In Canada, these revenues are supplemented by insurance premiums paid by all taxpaying citizens. a.fee-for-service medical care maintenance organization c.universal health care d.managed care

universal health care

In regard to housework, some reports show that_____________________.​ a.​women's income and education level have no impact on the amount of help they get with household tasks b.​when husbands share some household responsibilities, they typically spend much less time in these activities than do their wives c.​the different tasks men and women do in the home have the same deadlines d.​domestic work is now shared equally by both husbands and wives

when husbands share some household responsibilities, they typically spend much less time in these activities than do their wives

The term pink-collar refers to_____________________________.

women workers, regardless of their type of profession or occupation

Marx described workers as alienated for a variety of reasons, including that __________.

workers are alienated from the goods they produce because they use their creativity and labor to produce them but do not own them

_________, one of the first sociologists to emphasize that religion is essential to the maintenance of society, suggested that religion is a cultural universal found in all societies because it meets basic human needs and serves important societal functions.​ a.​Talcott Parsons b.​Emile Durkheim c.​Max Weber d.​Robert Merton

​Emile Durkheim

Schools with more low-income students have curricula that emphasize __________.​ a.​creative self-expression b.​critical reasoning c.​decision making and choice d.​procedures and rote memorization

​procedures and rote memorization

According to Merton's strain theory, __________ occurs when people challenge both the approved goals and the approved means for achieving them yet advocate an alternative set of goals or means.​ a.​ritualism b.​retreatism c.​innovation d.​rebellion


In contemporary societies the government is called the __________ and is the political entity that possesses a legitimate monopoly over the use of force within its territory. a.​state b.​bureaucracy c.​autocracy d.​executive branch


From a contemporary __________ perspective, children are active and creative agents, not just passive recipients of the socialization process. From this view, children construct their own peer culture by borrowing from adult culture.

​symbolic interactionist

_________ is any system of cost containment that closely monitors and controls health care providers' decisions about medical procedures, diagnostic tests, and other services that should be provided to patients.​ a.​Managed care b.​Health maintenance organizations (HMOs) c.​Fee-for-service d.​Third-party payer programs

Managed care

_____________differ from the employment norms of the society in which they are located.

Marginal jobs

example of grading on a curve was by


which sociologist said capitalism causes crime


which sociologist studied the idea of "alienation"


who believed history is a continual conflict


who believed ideologies are embodied in religious doctrines and political values


who noticed the class conflict between owners and workers


whose model of class structure is based on the relationship to the means of production


three sociologists with differing views are

Marx, Weber, and Simmel

In the early twentieth century, drug laws were actively enforced in an effort to control immigrant workers, especially the Chinese, who were being exploited by the railroads and other industries. This example supports the perspective of __________. a.Marxist/critical theory b.illegitimate opportunity theory c.differential association theory d.Merton's strain theory

Marxist/critical theory

_________large-scale organizations that use print or electronic means (such as radio, television, film, and the Internet) to communicate with large numbers of people.

Mass media

_____________ descent is a system of tracing descent through the mother's side of the family.


Which of these sociologists applied ideal type analysis and borrowed from the field of economics to study bureaucracies? a.Karl Marx b.Irving Janis c.Solomon Asch d.Max Weber

Max Weber

-Role-Taking. - Significant and Generalized - "I' and "Me" and 3 development stages


__________ is a nationwide public health insurance program that is a jointly funded federal-state-local program established to make health care more available to the poor. a.​Social Security b.​Social Supplementary Income c.​Medicare d.​Medicaid


__________ is a nationwide public health insurance program for persons age 65 or older who are covered by Social Security or who are eligible and "buy into" the program by paying a monthly premium.​ a.​AARP b.​Medicare c.​Medicaid d.​Social Supplementary Income


​__________ result when military officers seize power from the government, as has happened in recent decades in Argentina, Chile, and Haiti. a.​Absolute monarchies b.​Military juntas c.​Direct participatory democracies d.​Dictatorships

Military juntas

_________Entrepreneurs - People / Organizations define deviance


_______are strongly held norms with moral and ethical connotations that may not be violated without serious consequences in a particular culture.


______________crimes are illegal activities committed by people in the course of their employment or financial affairs.

Occupational (white collar)

________________contributes to the pay gap, which refers to the disparity between women's and men's earnings.​

Occupational segregation

open class and closed caste systems of stratification

Open Systems - Flexible - Achieved Status-based x. Bill Clinton - Rags to Riches - 42nd U.S. President Closed System - Rigid - Ascribed Status-based x. "Korean Fisherman" on the TV series "LOST"

__________crime is a business operation that supplies illegal goods and services for profit.


___________observation is the process of collecting systematic observations while being part of the activities of the group being studied.


What is it that sets peer groups apart from schools and families as agents of socialization?

Peer groups allow children a degree of freedom from authority

According to sociologist __________, students from diverse class backgrounds come to school with different amounts of cultural capital, which refers to social assets that include values, beliefs, attitudes, and competencies in language and culture.​ a.​Pierre Bourdieu b.​Karl Marx c.​Emile Durkheim d.​Max Weber

Pierre Bourdieu

_________crimes refers to illegal or unethical acts involving the usurpation of power by government officials or illegal/unethical acts perpetrated against the government by outsiders seeking to make a political statement, undermine the government, or overthrow it.


organizations of special interest groups that solicit contributions from donors and fund campaigns to help elect candidates based on their stances on specific issues.

Political action committees

____________theorists belief that we should discuss cultures rather than a single culture.


what perspective views the family as diverse and fragmented.


How do professions differ from occupations? a.​There is no difference between professions and occupations. b.​Professions are characterized as having more self-regulation than occupations. c.​Professions are only found in the primary sector, unlike occupations, which span all sectors of employment. d.​Occupations have greater autonomy than professions.

Professions are characterized as having more self-regulation than occupations

__________ crimes include offenses such as prostitution, illegal gambling, and pornography. a. Organized b. Public order c. white-collar d. violent

Public order

____________research focuses on interpretations to analyze underlying meanings and patterns of social relationships.


__________research focuses on scientific objectivity and on data that can be measured numerically.


Weber believed that __________ authority was the only means to attain efficient, flexible, and competent regulation under a rule of law. a.​Coercive b.​Traditional c.Charismatic d.​Rational-legal


_______________ authority is power legitimized by law or written rules and regulations.


_____________poverty exists when people may be able to afford basic necessities but are still unable to maintain an average standard of living.


_____________is the extent to which a study or research instrument yields consistent results when applied to different individuals at one time or to the same individuals over time


Functionalists suggest that social institutions perform essential functions for society: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Replacing members Teaching new members Producing, distributing, and consuming goods Preserving order Providing and maintaining a sense of purpose

Reckless and Hirschi - "________" theories


Sociologists __________ suggested that, for deviance to occur, people must have access to illegitimate opportunity structures—circumstances that provide an opportunity for people to acquire through illegitimate activities what they cannot achieve through legitimate channels.​ a.​Richard Cloward and Lloyd Ohlin b.​Talcott Parsons and Robert Bales c.​Herbert Spencer and Auguste Comte d.​Carl Taylor and Anne Campbell

Richard Cloward and Lloyd Ohlin

who distinguished between manifest and latent functions

Robert K. Merton

__________ refers to the conscious fostering of the impression of a lack of commitment or attachment to a particular role. It is clear one merely goes through the motions of role performance. a.​Role conflict b.​Role strain c.​Role distancing d.​Role ambiguity

Role distancing

Education and Religion in the Future

Role of politics in education Funding cuts in education Educational competition with other countries Secularization: modernization, democratization, globalization

_______________ is the process by which charismatic authority is succeeded by a bureaucracy controlled by a rationally established authority or by a combination of traditional bureaucratic authority.

Routinization of charisma

The _____________ hypothesis suggests that language shapes the view of reality and its speakers.


____________sex characteristics include the physical traits that identify an individual's sex.


__________deviance occurs when a person who has been labeled a deviant accepts that new identity and continues the deviant behavior


the totality of our beliefs and feelings about ourselves.


Symbolic Interactionist Perspectives on Socialization

Self-concept is the totality of our beliefs and feelings about ourselves.

what sociologist formed the "dyad/triad" principle


who is the early "social network" theorist


______________ label behavior, beliefs and people as deviant

Social Control Agents

___________-holds that the probability of deviant behavior increases when a person's ties to society are weakened or broken.

Social bond theory

the study of the causes and distribution of health, disease, and impairment throughout a population.

Social epidemiology

Conflict Perspectives on Socialization

Socialization adds to "false consciousness" - a lack of awareness about how class influences all aspects of social life.

__________ are political coalitions made up of individuals or groups that share a specific interest they wish to protect or advance within the political system. a.​Power elites b.​Political action committees c.​Special interest groups d.​Classes

Special interest groups

________________refers to the division of the economy into two areas of employment: the primary sector and a secondary sector.

Split labor market

__________ interactionists argue that people create, maintain, and change culture as they go about their daily lives.


__________________- perspectives on religion focus on the meanings that people give to religion.

Symbolic interactionist

__________ are most likely to view grades, written comments on assignments, and evaluations of behavior in classes as contributing to labeling.​ a.​Postmodernists b.​Conflict theorists c.​Symbolic interactionists d.​Functionalists

Symbolic interactionists

__________ examine how microlevel contacts between people may produce either greater racial tolerance or increased levels of hostility. a. Symbolic interactionists b. Postmodern theorists c. Functionalists d. Conflict theorists

Symbolic interactionists

________are mores so strong that their violation is considered to be extremely offensive and even unmentionable.


___________deviance occurs when a person who has been labeled a deviant seeks to normalize the behavior by relabeling it as nondeviant.


Webers order of U.S. class structure

The Upper (Capitalist) Class The Upper-Middle Class The Middle Class The Working Class The Working Poor The Underclass

Social Structure defines at the Macrolevel Perspective

The framework of social structure is an orderly and fixed arrangement.

the mutual interdependence of the military establishment and private military contractors.

The military-industrial complex (the Iron Triangle)

_______________ is the subdiscipline of sociology that attempts to describe and explain patterns of family life and variations in family structure.

The sociology of family

Sociologist __________ applied labeling theory to mental health disorders and argued that mental illnesses are actually traits and behaviors that society finds immoral, deviant, or unacceptable. a.Emile Durkheim b.Erving Goffman c.Thomas Szasz d.Michel Foucault

Thomas Szasz

____ is a belief in sacred principles of thought and conduct rather than a god or gods.​ a.​Transcendent idealism b.​Animism c.​Simple supernaturalism d.​Theism

Transcendent idealism

Native Americans are the most disadvantaged racial or ethnic group in the United States in terms of income, employment, housing, nutrition, and health. True False


Recent publicity about celebrities of mixed-race heritage, such as the golfer Tiger Woods, together with the change in the way that the Census Bureau asks about race, may lead more people to identify themselves as having more than one racial heritage. True False


________are values that conflict with one another or are mutually exclusive.

Value contradictions

_______are collective ideas about what is right or wrong, good or bad, and desirable or undesirable in a particular culture.


____________crimes are those that involve a willing exchange of illegal goods or services among adults.


______crime consists of actions - murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault - involving force or the threat of force against others.


who defined the types of authority


who said "sociology should be 'value-free'"


who said bureaucracies are soul crushing and maintain power


​As a theorist, Emile Durkheim was most interest in the question:____________________. a.​Who benefits from the structure of society? b.​What is the experience of women and others with lower status in society? c.​What meanings do various symbols have for different groups of people? d.​What holds societies together?

What holds societies together?

Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis -

Words SHAPE perception

Based on British social theorist Herbert Spencer's theory, __________ is the belief that those species of animals, including human beings, that are the most adapted to their environment will survive and prosper, whereas those that are poorly adapted will eventually die out. a. ​social Darwinism b. ​social eugenics c. ​social statics and dynamics d. ​social relativism


The term __________ refers to all the ideas regarding masculine and feminine attributes that are held to be valid in a society.​ a. ​gender belief system b. ​gender identity c. ​body consciousness d. ​sexual norms


The ideal-type characteristics of bureaucratic organizations, as specified by Max Weber, include an emphasis on____________________________. ​ a.​employment based on personal reputation b.​relationships c.​a flat organizational structure d.​a division of labor

a division of labor

Emile Durkheim saw the family as a microcosm of society. He argued that, much like in society generally,____________________________.​ a.​men's domination over women existed long before private ownership of property and capitalism b.​females are socialized to be passive and males are socialized to be aggressive c.​a division of labor contributes to greater efficiency in marriages and families d.​marriage life is a shared reality created through the interaction of marital partners

a division of labor contributes to greater efficiency in marriages and families

​Research suggests that __________ of American children live in a single-parent household at any given time. a.​only a very few b.a little over ​one-fourth c.about one-third d.​more than half

a little over ​one-fourth

a wedding ring is an example of...

a material status symbol

Adoption is a legal process through which the rights and duties of parenting are transferred from a child's biological parents and/or legal parents to new legal parents. According to the text's discussion of adoption, __________.​ a.​matching adoptable children with prospective adoptive parents is a straightforward process b.​a new birth certificate is issued in most adoptions c.​more infants are available for adoption today than in the past d.​today very few U.S. parents seek to adopt children from developing nations

a new birth certificate is issued in most adoptions

Although their perspectives are very different, functionalists and conflict theorists would likely agree that___________________________.​ a.​the family is the source of emotional support b.​a person's social status, particularly ascribed status, is determined by the family c.​families socialize children to be productive members of society d.​most families are extremely dysfunctional

a person's social status, particularly ascribed status, is determined by the family

To more accurately reflect the changes in family life, the text provides a more encompassing definition of what constitutes a family. This definition is __________________________.

a relationship in which people live together with commitment, form an economic unit and care for any young, and consider their identity to be significantly attached to the group

Luis has a bad day and scores poorly on an exam. The teacher views him as lazy and unintelligent and pays only negative attention to him, if any. Luis loses interest in school and stops reading and doing homework. He ultimately fails. Symbolic interactionists would term this situation __________.​ a.​a dysfunction of the educational system b.​a self-fulfilling prophecy c.​the hidden curriculum d.​tracking or ability testing

a self-fulfilling prophecy

When Darlene takes a seat at the local diner, the server approaches the table and says, "Hi, I'm Matt. I'll be taking care of you today." This is an example of __________. a.​a social script b.​an ethnomethodological introduction c.​role conflict d.​a self-fulfilling prophecy

a social script

social mobility system of stratification

a. Intergenerational Social Mobility x. SES achievement better than parents, grandparents, etc b. Intragenerational Social Mobility x. SES achievement within your own life-span

symbolic interaction perspective on the explanation of inequality

a. Material Conditions = Culture = Worldview Perpetuates Class b. Deference = affirms un-equal status, also social capital (skills)

__________ are societies in which technology supports a service- and information-based economy. a. Postindustrial societies b. Industrial societies c. Preindustrial societies d. Agricultural societies

a. Postindustrial societies

Which of these explanations for racism is most likely to include the concept of a scapegoat? a. frustration aggression hypothesis b. authoritarian personality principle c. social learning theory d. social convergence hypothesis

a. frustration aggression hypothesis

A prejudiced judge gives harsher sentences to all African American defendants, even though he is not supported by the judicial system in his actions. According to sociologist Joe Feagin, this illustrates __________discrimination.​ a. ​isolate b. ​small-group c. ​direct institutionalized d. ​indirect institutionalized

a. isolate

Women of color are more likely than white women to be concentrated in which of these types of jobs? a. public-sector employment b. nursing and secretarial c. private-sector employment d. private corporations

a. public-sector employment

The first step in the "conventional" research model is to __________. a. select and define the problem b. ​review previous research c. ​control the variables d. ​formulate the hypothesis

a. select and define the problem

One of the characteristics of agrarian societies that contribute to gender inequality is_________________________. a. the need for legitimate heirs for private property b. public ownership of property c. women's production of domestic goods d. female control over distribution of food surplus and the kinship system

a. the need for legitimate heirs for private property

__________ states that societies develop social structures, or institutions, that persist because they play a part in helping society survive. These institutions include the family, education, government, religion, and the economy. a. ​Functionalism b. ​Conflict theory c. ​Postmodernism​ d. ​Symbolic interactionism

a. ​Functionalism

__________ examine how microlevel contacts between people may produce either greater racial tolerance or increased levels of hostility.​ a. ​Symbolic interactionists b. ​Conflict theorists c. ​Postmodern theorists d. ​Functionalists

a. ​Symbolic interactionists

Analyzing the coal industry, which theoretical perspective would most likely look at the conflict of interests between coal companies and public health? a. ​conflict b. ​developmental c. ​interactionist d. ​functionalist

a. ​conflict

The __________ states that when people from divergent groups are exposed to each other, favorable attitudes and behavior develop when certain factors are present.​ a. ​contact hypothesis b. ​social behavior thesis c. ​functionalist perspective d. ​relational hypothesis

a. ​contact hypothesis

Prior to the Civil Rights Act, Jim Crow laws in the U.S. South mandated the systematic physical and social separation of whites and African Americans in all areas of public life. This is an example of __________.​ a. ​de jure segregation b. ​de facto segregation c. ​miscegenation d. ​de faccia segregation

a. ​de jure segregation

​ In an experiment, the __________ contains the subjects who are exposed to an independent variable to study its effect on them. a. ​experimental group b. ​control group c. ​dependent group d. ​independent group

a. ​experimental group

The assignment of chores to children by parents typically results in______________________.​ a. ​girls being more often responsible for caring for younger brothers and sisters b. ​maintenance chores being assigned to girls c. ​domestic chores being assigned to boys d. ​chore assignments tending to be gender-neutral when made by mothers

a. ​girls being more often responsible for caring for younger brothers and sisters

The earliest known type of division of labor between women and men is found in __________ societies.​ a. ​hunting and gathering b. ​pastoral c. ​horticultural d. ​agrarian

a. ​hunting and gathering

In discussing peers and gender socialization, the text points out that_____________________.​ a. ​male peer groups place more pressure on boys to do "masculine" things than female peer groups place on girls to do "feminine" things b. ​today peer groups of both sexes tend not to promote gender roles c. ​female peer groups place more pressure on girls to do "feminine" things than male peer groups place on boys to do "masculine" things d. ​peer groups actually have little influence on adolescent development

a. ​male peer groups place more pressure on boys to do "masculine" things than female peer groups place on girls to do "feminine" things

The term __________ refers to the process of treating people as if they were things, not human beings. Typically, this occurs when we judge people on the basis of their physical appearance rather than on the basis of their individual qualities or actions.​ a. ​objectification b. ​mechanization c. ​rationalization d. ​reification

a. ​objectification

With __________ research, the goal is scientific objectivity, and the focus is on data that can be measured numerically. a. ​qualitative b. ​observational c. ​explanatory d. ​quantitative

a. ​qualitative

In her work, sociologist Harriet Martineau was a strong advocate for _____________. a. ​social equality and reform b. ​recognizing the forces for stability and change in society c. ​the importance of cultural relativism d. ​building a stronger middle class

a. ​social equality and reform

A __________ is a large social grouping that shares the same geographical territory and is subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations. a. ​society b. ​nation c. ​country d. ​culture

a. ​society

​ A(n) __________ is the method most commonly used to study people's behavior and beliefs. a. ​survey b. ​content analysis c. ​case study d. ​experiment

a. ​survey

A __________ is defined as a set of logically interrelated statements that attempts to describe, explain, and (occasionally) predict social events. a. ​theory b. ​law c. ​hypothesis d. ​generalization

a. ​theory

public issues affects:

affects large numbers of people ex: obesity

what refers to policies or procedures that are intended to promote equal opportunity for categories of people deemed to have been previously excluded from equality in education, employment, and other fields on the basis of characteristics such as race or ethnicity.

affirmative action

A central tenet of the 2010 health care reform bill in the United States is __________.​ a.​deregulation of medical doctors and services provided b.​a single-payer nationalized health care system c.​affordable insurance through a new insurance marketplace d.​fee-for-service payments

affordable insurance through a new insurance marketplace

prejudice and discrimination against people on the basis of age, particularly against older persons.


________are the persons, groups, or institutions that teach us what we need to know in order to participate in society: The Family The School Peer Groups Mass Media

agents of socialization

a collection of people who happen to be in the same place at the same time but share little else in common.


type of social group: Same place, same time


​Monarchies are most commonly associated with __________ societies and with __________ authority. a.​industrial; charismatic b.​postindustrial; rational-legal c.​agrarian; traditional d.​agrarian; rational-legal

agrarian; traditional

a feeling of powerlessness and estrangement


why do functionalists believe inequality is necessary

all societies- all task and positions need to be filled -some skills are more important for social survival -most important positions need most qualified people -highly rewarded positions require talent or long training -highly rewarded positions that are functionally unique

__________ is associated with early hunting and gathering societies and with many Native American societies, in which everyday life was not separated from the elements of the natural world.​ a. transcendent idealism b. simple supernaturalism c. theism d. animism


a condition in which social control becomes inefficient as a result of the loss of shared values and of a sense of purpose in society


what term did Durkheim use to associate with the downside of cultural diversity


is a social position conferred at birth or received involuntarily later in life, based on attributes over which the individual has little or no control.

ascribed status

The U.S. Census Bureau uses the term __________ to designate the many diverse groups with roots in Asia. a. Asian Americans b. Filipinos c. Southeast Asians d. Hawaiians

asian americans

components to the social bond theory

attachment, commitment, involvement, belief

An _________________ is characterized by excessive conformity, submissiveness to authority, intolerance, insecurity, a high level of superstition, and rigid, stereotypic thinking.

authoritarian personality

Which of these is the best example of the concept of cultural lag? a. ​a lack of electronic versions of older novels, biographies, and other published works b. ​a lack of clear law governing the rights of all parties involved in artificial insemination and other forms of reproductive technology c. ​the use of radar to determine and document the speed of drivers on a major highway d. ​an increase in the use of Facebook among people over age 50 to find former high school and college classmates


__________ occurs when members of subordinate racial or ethnic groups gain acceptance in everyday social interaction with members of the dominant group, but do not necessarily make close friends or intermarry.​ a. ​Cultural assimilation (acculturation) b. ​Structural assimilation (integration) c. ​Biological assimilation (amalgamation) d. Psychological assimilation

b. Structural assimilation (integration)

Switzerland has been described as a model of __________; more than six million people with French, German, and Italian cultural heritages peacefully coexist there. a. compatibility b. accommodation c. miscegenation d. segregation

b. accommodation

According to a recent study of female athletes, in order to deal with the contradictory statuses of "woman" and "athlete," women__________________________. hide their participation in sports from others a. hide their participation in sports from others b. engage in apologetic behavior after a game to soften their behavior c. avoid sports that men play d. maintain a feminine appearance and behavior while playing

b. engage in apologetic behavior after a game to soften their behavior

The text points out that a macrolevel analysis of gender examines structural features, external to the individual, that perpetuate gender inequality. These structures have been referred to as __________, meaning that gender is one of the major ways by which social life is organized in all sectors of society.​ a. ​gendered determinants b. ​gendered institutions c. ​gendered correlates d. ​gendered structures

b. gendered institutions

​__________ occurs when members of a racial or ethnic group are conquered and forcibly placed under the economic and political control of the dominant group in a particular society. a. ​Racial discrimination b. ​Internal colonialism c. ​Structural segregation d. ​Classic colonialism

b. internal colonialism

Within sports, team mascots that depict Native Americans in beads and paint, wearing headdresses, and doing the "tomahawk" chop are examples of __________.​ a. ​profiling b. ​stereotyping c. ​discrimination d. ​prejudice

b. stereotyping

The basis for Marx's theory of society is the belief that _______________. a. ​people are the products of their social environments b. ​conflict between different economic classes is necessary to produce social change c. ​society is comprised of the dual processes of social statics and social dynamics d. ​the evolution of society is based on the concept of "survival of the fittest"

b. ​conflict between different economic classes is necessary to produce social change

The text uses the term __________ for men or women who do not alter their genitalia but who live as members of the opposite sex.​ a. ​transsexual b. ​cross-dresser c. ​homosexual d. ​transgender

b. ​cross-dresser

When discriminatory behavior is routinely carried out by a number of dominant-group members and is supported by the norms of the immediate organization or community, these actions are termed __________.​ a. ​small-group discrimination b. ​direct institutionalized discrimination c. ​indirect institutionalized discrimination d. ​isolate discrimination

b. ​direct institutionalized discrimination

​ Sociologist W.E.B. Du Bois observed that a dual heritage creates conflict for people of color: an identity conflict of being black and American. Du Bois referred to this duality as __________. a. ​the double bind b. ​double-consciousness c. ​functional conflict d. ​the dual-labor market

b. ​double-consciousness

​ A __________ of education in the United States is the perpetuation of gender, racial, and class inequalities, which contributes to a waste of potential talent and benefit for society. a. ​latent function b. ​dysfunction c. ​manifest function d. ​prerequisite function

b. ​dysfunction

According to __________, human capital acquired by education and job training is the source of a person's productivity so that what a person earns is a reflection of his or her individual choices.​ a. ​symbolic interactionists b. ​functionalists c. ​conflict theorists d. ​postmodern theorists

b. ​functionalists

People throughout the world share the same biosphere; environmental pollution in one area may have an adverse effect on people in other places. This makes environmental problems an example of __________. a. ​commonsense knowledge b. ​global interdependence c. ​universal cooperation d. ​the sociological imagination

b. ​global interdependence

In the perspective of __________, gender equality is equated with equality of opportunity.​ a. ​radical feminism b. ​liberal feminism c. ​Marxist feminism d. ​postmodern feminism

b. ​liberal feminism

According to the text's discussion of peers and gender socialization,_____________________.​ a. ​peer acceptance does not appear to be as important to males and females today as it has been in the past b. ​peer groups on college campuses are organized largely around gender c. ​male bonding does not occur until after adolescence is completed d. ​during adolescence, peers are usually less effective agents of gender socialization than are adults

b. ​peer groups on college campuses are organized largely around gender

Sociologists obtain their knowledge of human behavior through __________, which is the process of systematically collecting information for the purpose of testing an existing theory or generating a new one. a. ​systematic speculation b. ​research c. ​scientific laws d. ​commonsense thinking

b. ​research

The best-documented consequence of gender-segregated work is __________.​ a. ​occupational health risks b. ​the gender pay gap c. ​the "second shift" of domestic work for women d. ​a higher rate of divorce

b. ​the gender pay gap

According to the conflict perspective on gender stratification,______________________.​ a. ​gender stratification can be explained using the human capital model b. ​the gendered division of labor within families and in the workplace results from male control of and dominance over women and resources c. ​women are naturally attracted to service positions that require less training and pay less d. ​women diminish their earning capacity when they leave the labor market to engage in childbearing and child-care activities

b. ​the gendered division of labor within families and in the workplace results from male control of and dominance over women and resources

When sexual harassment is reported to teachers, _____________________.​ a. ​the status of women in the school rises b. ​the problem is often ignored c. ​immediate disciplinary action usually follows d. ​the federal government must get involved

b. ​the problem is often ignored

Parents are involved in gender socialization through______________________.​

b. ​the purchase of children's toys that reflect the parents' gender expectation

__________are the mental acceptance or conviction that certain things are true or real.


What percentage of new marriages in the United States ends in divorce?​ a.​between 5 and 10 percent b.​between 15 and 20 percent c.​between 25 and 33 percent d.​between 40 and 50 percent

between 40 and 50 percent

what social class: own/control means of production


Most government, business, education, and religious organizations are __________ in form. a.bureaucratic b.human rights c.democratic d.grassroots


Rational-legal authority is also known as __________ authority, which is based on an organizational structure that includes a clearly defined division of labor, hierarchy of authority, formal rules, and impersonality. a.capitalistic b.democratic c.bureaucratic d.routinized


In her work, sociologist Harriet Martineau was a strong advocate for _____________. a. ​recognizing the forces for stability and change in society b. ​the importance of cultural relativism c. ​social equality and reform d. ​building a stronger middle class


In the perspective of __________, gender equality is equated with equality of opportunity.​ a. ​postmodern feminism b. ​Marxist feminism c. ​liberal feminism d. ​radical feminism


LeBron has developed the hypothesis that the stress felt by single parents increases the probability of child abuse. Stress would be considered the __________ variable and child abuse would be considered the __________ variable. a. ​control; universal b. ​universal; control c. ​independent; dependent d. ​dependent; independent


__________ states that societies develop social structures, or institutions, that persist because they play a part in helping society survive. These institutions include the family, education, government, religion, and the economy. a. ​Symbolic interactionism b. ​Postmodernism​ c. ​Functionalism d. ​Conflict theory


​ According to feminist theorists, we live in a(n) __________, a system in which men dominate women and in which things that are considered to be "male" or "masculine" are more highly valued than those considered to be "female" or "feminine." patriarchy a. ​autocracy b. ​oligarchy c. ​patriarchy d. ​matriarchy


Hijra, xanith, and berdache are all examples of a(n) __________. a. homosexual b. intersexed person c. "third sex" d. transvestite

c. "third sex"

In the United States, indigenous groups lost property, political rights, aspects of their culture, and often their lives. The effects of past __________ are reflected today in the number of Native Americans who live on government reservations. a. ​ethnic pluralism b. ​structural assimilation c. ​internal colonialism d. ​racial accommodation

c. internal colonialism

A small group of white students, without the support of other students or faculty members, defaces a professor's office with racial epithets. Joe Feagin would label the behavior of these students __________ discrimination.​ a. ​direct institutionalized b. ​isolate c. ​small-group d. ​indirect institutionalized

c. small-group

In postindustrial societies such as the United States, approximately __________ of adult women are in the labor force. a. ​25 percent b. ​50 percent c. ​60 percent d. ​33 percent

c. ​60 percent

__________ occurs when members of an ethnic group adopt dominant-group traits, such as language, dress, values, religion, and food preferences.​ a. ​Biological assimilation (amalgamation) b. ​Psychological assimilation c. ​Cultural assimilation (acculturation) d. ​Structural assimilation (integration)

c. ​Cultural assimilation (acculturation)

__________ perspectives are based on the assumption that society is a stable, orderly system composed of interrelated parts, each of which (ideally) contributes to the overall stability of the society. a. ​Developmental b. ​Conflict c. ​Functionalist d. ​Interactionist

c. ​Functionalist

​__________ is the term for the division of jobs into categories with distinct working conditions, which contributes to women having separate and unequal jobs. a. ​Gender fragmentation b. ​Genderization c. ​Labor market segmentation d. ​Sexual differentiation

c. ​Labor market segmentation

__________ occurs when members of subordinate racial or ethnic groups gain acceptance in everyday social interaction with members of the dominant group, but do not necessarily make close friends or intermarry.​ a. ​Psychological assimilation b. ​Biological assimilation (amalgamation) c. ​Structural assimilation (integration) d. ​Cultural assimilation (acculturation)

c. ​Structural assimilation (integration)

__________ typically starts in large, impersonal settings such as schools and workplaces, and only later (if at all) results in close friendships and intermarriage.​ a. ​Psychological assimilation b. ​Biological assimilation (amalgamation) c. ​Structural assimilation (integration) d. ​Cultural assimilation (acculturation)

c. ​Structural assimilation (integration)

In contemporary societies, women's child-care responsibilities have __________ on their participation in careers and professions.​ a. ​a temporary impact b. ​no impact c. ​a great impact d. ​a similar impact as for men

c. ​a great impact

A functionalist study has determined that __________ support was the most important factor in whether Air Force personnel experienced severe suicidal ideation. a. ​appraisal b. ​tangible c. ​esteem d. companionship

c. ​esteem

​ A(n) __________ is a carefully designed situation in which the researcher studies the impact of certain variables on subjects' attitudes or behavior. a. ​case study b. ​participant observation c. ​experiment d. ​correlational study

c. ​experiment

In __________ societies, a steady source of food becomes available. People grow their own food using simple hand tools, such as the digging stick and the hoe.​ a. ​pastoral b. ​agrarian c. ​horticultural d. ​industrial

c. ​horticultural

Which of these would the subject of a macrolevel analysis of gender?​ a. ​the messages a father gives his son about being a man b. ​how a mother discusses menstruation with her daughter c. ​how gender is embedded in language d. ​how two female best friends talk to each other

c. ​how gender is embedded in language

The basis for Durkheim's theory of society is the principle that _____________. a. ​conflict between different economic classes is necessary to produce social change b. ​society consists of the dual processes of social statics and social dynamics c. ​people are the products of their social environments d. ​the evolution of society is based on the concept of "survival of the fittest"

c. ​people are the products of their social environments

In __________, researchers use existing material and analyze data that were originally collected by others. a. ​manifest analysis b. ​primary analysis c. ​secondary analysis d. ​tertiary analysis

c. ​secondary analysis

Which of these would be the subject of a microlevel analysis of gender?​ a. ​the way gender is embedded in language b. ​religious doctrine that addresses gender c. ​the messages a mother or father gives to his or her child about "being a man" d. ​policies for gender roles in social institutions such as the military

c. ​the messages a mother or father gives to his or her child about "being a man"

The text cites a comprehensive study of gender bias in schools; the study suggests that girls' self-esteem is undermined in school through a number of experiences, including_____________________.​ a. ​direct rejection by instructors b. ​sexual harassment by male teachers c. ​the stereotyping and invisibility of females in science and math texts d. ​a relative surplus of attention from teachers

c. ​the stereotyping and invisibility of females in science and math texts

Some people may be genetically of one sex but have a gender identity of the other. These people are termed __________, in which the sex-related structure of the brain that defines gender identity is opposite from the physical sex organs of the person's body.​ a. ​hermaphrodite b. ​homosexual c. ​transgendered d. ​transvestite

c. ​transgendered

Authoritarian governments_______________________. a.can embrace the power of free media b.​are never monarchies c.​are usually pure dictatorships d.​can occur when military officers seize power from the government

can occur when military officers seize power from the government

according to Marx, grading on a curve is an example of


an economic system characterized by private ownership of the means of production, from which personal profits can be derived through market competition and without government intervention.


Marx's model of stratification

capitalists --own control and means of production --achieve wealth through capital workers --work for wagers --vulnerable to displacement by machines or cheap labor

a closed system of social inequality in which people's status is permanently determined at birth based on their parents' ascribed characteristics.

caste system

The least amount of interaction between members occurs in a(n) __________.​ a.​category b.​aggregate c.​social group d.​formal organization


a number of people who may never have met one another but share a similar characteristic.


type of social group: Share a "characteristic.


Over time, new educational programs are introduced to meet societal needs. Programs such as sex education, drug education, and multicultural studies have been implemented to teach students about pressing social issues. These examples illustrate the manifest function of education called __________.​ a.​transmission of culture b.​social placement tc.​socialization d.​change and innovation

change and innovation

The ideal types of authority identified by Max Weber include ___________. a.​familial authority b.​coercive authority c.​relational authority d.​charismatic authority

charismatic authority

The most commonly reported sexually transmitted disease, in terms of number of cases, listed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is __________.​ a. gonorrhea b. HIV c. chlamydia d. syphyllis


illnesses that are long term or lifelong and that develop gradually or are present from birth.

chronic diseases

a large, bureaucratically organized religious organization that tends to seek accommodation with the larger society in order to maintain some degree of control over it.


The informal relationship between religion and the state that takes the form of rituals and beliefs that create a feeling of sacredness around society or a nation is termed __________.​ a.​political religion b.​the spiritualization of politics c.​affirmational politics d.​civil religion

civil religion

the set of beliefs, rituals, and symbols that makes sacred the values of the society and places the nation in the context of the ultimate system of meaning.

civil religion

Both Karl Marx and Max Weber identified ___________ as an important determinant of social inequality and social change.


The open stratification system based on the ownership and control of resources, as well as the type of work people do, is termed __________.​


​ Sociologists use the term __________ to refer to the relative location of a person or group within the larger society, based on wealth, power, prestige, or other valued resources.


the struggle between the capitalist class and the working class.

class conflict

a type of open stratification based on the ownership and control of resources and on the type of work that people do.

class system

Associations people are forced to join. (Example: boot camps and prisons)

coercive formal organizations

Compared to quantitative research, qualitative research is more likely to _________.

collect and analyze the data simultaneously?? maybe

Durkheim suggested that religious beliefs and rituals are __________ that express or represent something important about the group itself.​ a.​collective representations b.​universal representations c.​core beliefs d.​standard practices

collective representations

Max Weber's definition of "class"

combination of components within a socioeconomic status 1. wealth 2. prestige 3. power

what perspective on deviance: Laws (and norms) are defined by those with power, and do not represent consensus of right or wrong.


Although __________ theorists acknowledge that there are many purposes of government, they also believe that government primarily works in the interests of the wealthy or politically powerful elites in society. a.​postmodern b.​functionalist c.​conflict d.​symbolic interactionist


Analyzing the coal industry, which theoretical perspective would most likely look at the conflict of interests between coal companies and public health?


Which type of theorists stress that school are agencies for perpetuating social inequality because parents with limited income are not able to provide the same education opportunities for the children as are families w/ greater financial resources?


__________ theorists believe the caste perspective views racial and ethnic inequality as a permanent feature of U.S. society.


__________ theorists believe the class perspective emphasizes the role of the capitalism class in racial exploitation.


__________ theorists do not believe that public schools reduce social inequality in society; rather, they believe that schools perpetuate class, racial/ethnic, and gender inequalities by reinforcing the privileged position of some at the expense of others.​ a. symbolic interactionist b. postmodern c. functional d. conflict


deviance, power, capitalism are associated with what perspective on deviance


what perspective believes compliance is result of self-interest, or the threat of cohesion


what perspective believes the gendered division of labor results from male control of and dominance over women and resources


what perspective focuses on: power/economic differentials between dominant and subordinate groups


what perspective incorporates "the medical industrial complex"


what perspective of the microlevel in social structure maintains a system of domination/exploitation


what perspective on deviance: Deviance and crime are a function of the capitalist economic system.


what perspective on deviance: Feminist scholars say that theories of deviance used to explain male behavior cannot be used to explain female behavior.


what perspective on deviance: The criminal justice system focuses on certain groups (such as young, single urban males).


what perspective on deviance: The criminal justice system protects those in power.


what perspective on deviance: Those in power define what is deviant and what is not.


what perspective: ◦Families = factory environment ◦ ◦Social class conflict ◦ ◦Feminist perspectives focus on patriarchy.


what perspective: People with economic and political power are able to shape and distribute the rewards, resources, privileges, and opportunities in society for their own benefit.


what perspective: Those in power use ideology to maintain their favored positions at the expense of others.


what perspective: cultural capital


what perspective: problems in health care are rooted in the capitalist system, exemplified by the medical industrial complex


what perspective: tracking


what perspective:families perpetuate unequal social class status


what perspective:families replicate gender and class inequality


what perspective:family replicates dominant / subordinate relation pattern


what perspective:women burdened by unequal childcare expectations


which perspective uses the elite model


which perspective wants a changing social structure pattern


which perspective: credentialism, the hidden curriculum, and meritocracy


​Internal colonialism, the split-labor-market theory, and gendered racism are theories that are rooted in the __________ perspective. a. ​functionalist b. ​symbolic interactionist c. ​postmodern d. ​conflict


Conflict and feminist perspectives on the family differ significantly from functionalist perspectives on the family in that___________________.

conflict and feminist theorists view the functionalist perspective as unrealistic in its emphasis on support and harmony within the family

culture sustains / controls access of the powerful

conflict of popular culture

The_______________________argue that groups in society are engaged in a continuous power struggle for control over scarce resources.

conflict perspectives

Although many factors, including intelligence, motivation, and previous achievement, are important in determining how much education a person will attain, __________ argue that access to quality education is largely determined by social class. a.symbolic interactionists b.postmodernists c.functionalists d.conflict theorists

conflict theorists

When analyzing social class, __________ are most likely to consider the degree of control that workers have over the decision-making process and their ability to plan and implement their own work.​ a. ​conflict theorists b. ​functionalist theorists c. ​symbolic interactionist theorists d. ​postmodern theorists

conflict theorists

__________ analyze power and economic differentials between the dominant groups and subordinate groups in society.​

conflict theorists

​ In a study of homelessness in American society, __________ would emphasize the struggle between social classes, especially how the policies of the wealthy protect their interests while pushing certain groups into unemployment and homelessness.

conflict theorists

​ __________ argue that the lifestyles considered deviant by political and economic elites are most likely to be defined as illegal. a. Symbolic interactionists b. functionalists c. conflict theorists d. postmodern theorists

conflict theorists

From the perspective of __________, religious ideologies serve to support the status quo and inhibit social change.​ a.​functionalism b.​postmodernism c.​conflict theory d.​symbolic interactionism

conflict theory

which theory states: Groups are in continuous power struggle for the control of scarce resources

conflict theory

Corporations with control both within and across industries are formed by a series of mergers and acquisitions across industries. These corporations are referred to as __________; they combine businesses in different commercial areas, all of which are owned by one holding company. a.​shared monopolies b.​monopolies c.​conglomerates d.​interlocking corporate directorates


​Companies such as Time Warner and Viacom have extensive holdings in radio and television stations, cable television companies, book publishing firms, and film production and distribution companies. These companies are referred to as __________. a.​shared monopolies b.​oligopolies c.​conglomerates d.​interlocking corporate directorates


Members of a country club, sorority or fraternity, or even a group of friends share values and beliefs and are aware of those whom they believe are like them. Sociologists term this awareness __________. ​ a.​outgroup construction b.​consciousness of kind c.​homogeneity d.​cultural relativism

consciousness of kind

The royal families in the United Kingdom, Sweden, Spain, and the Netherlands are present-day examples of __________. a.​limited monarchies b.​constitutional monarchies c.​total monarchies d.absolute monarchies

constitutional monarchies

Deviance / Crime is a social__________ according to symbolic interactionalists


part-time work, temporary work, or subcontracted work that offers advantages to employers but that can be detrimental to the welfare of workers.

contingent work

term for: never proving, continuous


A______ group contains subjects who are not exposed to the independent variable.


According to Kohlberg's framework of moral development, most adults are governed by concern for how they are viewed by others and whether or not they will be punished for their behavior. This is termed the __________ level of moral development.


George Herbert Mead breaks down the development of the self into three stages. Which of these is not one of them?


organizations that have legal powers, such as the ability to enter into contracts and buy and sell property, separate from their individual owners.


Criminologists use the term __________ to refer to the greater number of programs, services, facilities, and organizations responsible for the management of people accused or convicted of criminal offenses. a.​corrections b.​punishment c.​incarceration d.​penal systems


A__________ is a relationship that exists when two variables are associated more frequently than can be expected by chance.


what type of culture rejects mainstream cultural values and has less social control


Students may learn information in school that contradicts beliefs held by their parents or their religion. Debates over the content of textbooks and library books typically center on information that parents deem unacceptable for their children. This illustrates the latent function of education known as __________.​ a.​creation of a generation gap b.​matchmaking and production of social networks c.​restricting some activities d.​social placement

creation of a generation gap

the process of social selection in which class advantage and social status are linked to the possession of academic qualifications.


_____is defined via political power(ful)


a behavior that violation criminal law and is punishable with fines, jail terms, and/or other negative sanctions.


Theft, assault, and drug dealing are all violations of __________.​

criminal law

the systematic study of crime and the criminal justice system, including the police, courts, and prisons.


a male who dresses as a woman or a female who dresses as a man, but who does not alter his/her genitalia.

cross dresser

a loosely organized religious group with practices and teaching outside the dominant cultural and religious traditions of a society.


something you value you can leverage for a higher value/capita (ex:how you talk)

cultural capital

the social assets that include values, beliefs, attitudes, and competencies in language and culture.

cultural capital

using another cultural viewpoint as judgement (negative or positive)

cultural relativism

view others by other's standards

cultural relativism

___________are customs and practices that occur across all societies. Appearance Activities Social institutions Customary practices

cultural universials

the knowledge, language, values, customs, and material objects that are passed from person to person from one generation to the next in a human group or society.


A strength of the __________ on culture is its focus on the needs of society and the fact that stability is essential for society's continued survival. A shortcoming is its overemphasis on harmony and cooperation.​ a. ​symbolic interactionist perspective b. ​conflict perspective c. ​postmodern perspective d. ​functionalist perspective


Most women who made the Forbes magazine wealthiest list __________. a. are CEOs of large multinational corporations b. gained their fortunes through shrewd investments c. founded social media or technology companies d. inherited their wealth or acquired it through marriage


ccording to the __________ perspective, society is the sum of the interactions of individuals and groups. a. ​symbolic interactionist b. ​functionalist c. ​postmodern d. ​conflict


​__________ is the extent to which a study or research instrument accurately measures what it is supposed to measure. a. ​Variability b. ​Predictability c. ​Reliability d. ​Validity


The definition of races as distinct biological categories first emerged in the __________. a. early twentieth century beginning with Jim Crow laws b. eighteenth century around the time of the American Revolution c. Middle Ages d. nineteenth century, in efforts to justify slavery

d. nineteenth century, in efforts to justify slavery

According to the text, three factors are important in determining the gendered division of labor in a society, including the ________________________. a. presence of a second shift b. product being produced by society c. percentage of governance that is female d. type of subsistence base

d. type of subsistence base

The text observes that although most married women now share responsibility for the breadwinner role, many men do not accept their share of domestic responsibilities. Hochschild terms this disparity the __________.​ a. ​"knick-knack paddy-whack" b. ​"double whammy" c. ​"two-tiered job" d. ​"double day" or "second shift"

d. ​"double day" or "second shift"

​ __________ is the systematic examination of cultural artifacts or various forms of communication to extract thematic data and draw conclusions about social life. a. ​Content standardization b. ​Content reliability c. ​Content validity d. ​Content analysis

d. ​Content analysis

__________ in the United States created a gap between the nonpaid work performed by women at home and the paid work that was increasingly performed by men and unmarried girls.​ a. ​Postmodernism b. ​Agriculturalism c. ​Horticulturalism d. ​Industrialization

d. ​Industrialization

According to the contact hypothesis, contact between members of divergent or opposing groups will lead to more favorable attitudes under certain conditions. Which of these is not one of the necessary conditions?​ a. ​Members of each group are pursuing the same goal. b. ​Members of each group have equal status. c. ​Members of the different groups are required to cooperate with each other to achieve their goal. d. ​Members are severely reprimanded for negative behavior and comments.

d. ​Members are severely reprimanded for negative behavior and comments.

In which of these types of societies do women have relative equality with men?​ a. ​agrarian b. ​horticultural c. ​industrial d. ​hunting and gathering

d. ​hunting and gathering

One couple's inability to keep their marriage intact may be an example of a __________, whereas widespread divorce as a result of changes in the economy or other social factors is an example of a __________. a. ​dysfunction; psychological difficulty b. ​public issue; personal trouble c. ​psychological difficulty; private issue d. ​personal trouble; public issue

d. ​personal trouble; public issue

According to the human capital model, women as a category earn less money than men because______________________.​ a. ​men have control of and dominance over women and resources b. ​capitalists reap higher profits by paying women lower wages c. ​women are shut out of high-pay employment by the segregated labor market d. ​women diminish their earning capacity when they leave the labor market to engage in childbearing and child-care activities

d. ​women diminish their earning capacity when they leave the labor market to engage in childbearing and child-care activities

The National Health and Social Life Survey conducted by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago has replaced the Kinsey Report as the respected source of information on American sexual behavior. Which of these is not a finding of the survey reported in the text?​ a.​Persons in sustained relationships such as marriage or cohabitation found sexual activity to be the most satisfying emotionally and physically. b.​Only 2.8 percent of the men and 1.4 percent of the women in this investigation identified themselves as gay or lesbian. c.​Nine percent of the men said they had at least one homosexual encounter resulting in orgasm. d.​Overall Americans seem to be challenging what were previously considered significant dominant sexual ideologies.

d.​Overall Americans seem to be challenging what were previously considered significant dominant sexual ideologies.

When __________ behavior occurs between nonequals, it confirms the inequality of the relationship.


Corporations have been disinvesting in the United States, displacing millions of people from their jobs. Economists refer to this displacement as the __________ of America.​


a political system in which the people hold the ruling power either directly or through elected representatives.


Leaders using the __________ style of leadership may be praised for their expressive, supportive behavior toward group members, but they may also be blamed for being indecisive in times of crisis. a.​cooperative b.​laissez-faire c.​democratic d.​authoritarian


a large, organized religion characterized by accommodation to society but frequently lacking in the ability or intention to dominate society.


A_____________ variable is assumed to be caused by the independent variable.


Critics of tracking or ability grouping are often in favor of __________, wherein students are deliberately placed in mixed ability classes. a.mixed tracking b.regular classes c.untracking d.detracking


Behavior, beliefs or conditions that violate significant norms in society, or the group in which it occurs.


_____________is... NOT inherent in specific behavior or person. SOCIALLY-defined and relative to the situation.


any behavior, belief, or condition that violates significant social norms in the society or group in which it occurs.


According to functionalists, acts of civil disobedience (including lunch counter sit-ins and bus boycotts) exemplify which function of deviance? a. deviance promotes rules b. deviance promotes group unity c. deviance promotes social chaos d. deviance promotes social change

deviance promotes social change

a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major activities that a person would normally do at a given stage of life and that may result in stigmatization or discrimination against the person with the disability.


actions or practices by dominant-group members (or their representatives) that have a harmful impact on members of a subordinate group.


Social epidemiologists use the term __________ for biological, nutritional, chemical, and physical factors that cause disease.

disease agents

what refers to how the various tasks of a society are divided up and performed.

division of labor

A _______group is one that is advantaged and has superior resources and rights in a society.


​The corporate rich influence the political system by______________. a.​employing people to reduce social unrest b.​working with grassroots community groups to end voter apathy c.dominating the federal government d.​widening participation on special commissions and advisory committees

dominating the federal government

Sociologist W.E.B. Du Bois observed that a dual heritage creates conflict for people of color: an identity conflict of being black and American. Du Bois referred to this duality as __________.


impression management, face-saving, front stage and backstage are types of what

dramaturgical analysis

the study of social interaction that compares everyday life to a theatrical presentation.

dramaturgical analysis

what compares social life to a theater

dramaturgical analysis

small groups can be a ....

dyad or triad

Which of these is an example of an acute disease? a. diabetes b. dysentery or diarrhea c. lung cancer d. multiple sclerosis

dysentery or diarrhea

Some argue that U.S. education is not promoting the high-level skills in reading, writing, science, and mathematics that are needed in the workplace and the global economy. From the functionalist perspective this is considered a(n) __________. a.dysfunction b.manifest function c.latent function d.instrumental function


​ A __________ of education in the United States is the perpetuation of gender, racial, and class inequalities, which contributes to a waste of potential talent and benefit for society.


Automobiles provide transportation and independence. They also cause a great deal of air pollution and contribute to global warming. Merton would consider these negative impacts to be __________


is a religious organization that is so integrated into the dominant culture that it claims as its membership all members of a society.


Karl Marx and Max Weber were in agreement that __________ was at least one source of inequality in society.

economic inequality

Functionalist theorists recognize that the function of the family is sometimes different in preindustrial and industrial societies. In preindustrial societies, families are units for__________; in industrial societies, families provide economic security through the workplace and the larger economic system.​ a.​financial security b.​emotional support c.​economic production d.​dysfunctions

economic production

the social institution that ensures the maintenance of society through the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.


socialization and technology transfer is an example of what type of social institution?


the social institution responsible for the systematic transmission of knowledge, skills, and cultural values within a formally organized structure.


​According to psychologist Sigmund Freud, human development occurs in three states that reflect different levels of the personality. The __________ is the rational, reality-oriented component of personality that imposes restrictions on innate pleasure-seeking drives.


Today, the net worth of each U.S. household in the wealthiest 1 percent is nearly __________ times greater than the net worth of the median U.S. household.

either: 300 25 50

Some analysts refer to today's middle-aged women as the sandwich generation because they are caught between the needs of their young children and their __________.

elderly relatives

According to the __________-, power in political systems is concentrated in the hands of a small group of elites, and the masses are relatively powerless.

elite model

During the mid-1970s, advocates of __________ theory predicted that women's crime rates would increase significantly as a result of the women's liberation movement. a.​symbolic interaction b.​critical c.​functionalist d.​emancipation


_______ is based on occupation

emotional labor

In a caste system, marriage is __________, meaning that people are allowed to marry only within their own group.


A functionalist study has determined that ______ support was the most important factor in whether air force personnel experienced severe suicidal ideation


rStanley milligrams obedience to authority experiment tested

ethics of research "deception" of group conformity

what study includes: interaction - based on SHARED ASSUMPTIONS ----breaching experiments - Classic: Elevator


The identifiers Jewish Americans, Irish Americans, and Italian Americans refer to a person's __________.

ethnic group

The sociological term for a group of people distinguished by others or by themselves, primarily on the basis of cultural characteristics or national origin, is __________.​

ethnic group

a collection of people distinguished by others or by themselves, primarily on the basis of cultural or nationality characteristics


__________ refers to the tendency to regard one's own culture and group as the standard, and thus superior, whereas all other groups are seen as inferior.


________is a detailed study of the life and activities of a group of people by researchers who may live with that group over a period of years.


a carefully designed situation in which the researcher studies the impact of certain variables on subjects' attitudes or behavior.


A(n) __________ is a carefully designed situation in which the researcher studies the impact of certain variables on subjects' attitudes or behavior.


An_________ group contains the subjects who are exposed to an independent variable to study the effect on them.


what research method: control/exposure


Joaquin is a member of a group working on a project for his biology class. Whenever the group meets, there is conflict among several group members, and this is upsetting to the others. Joaquin is continuously trying to improve group harmony and reduce the conflict in the group. Joe would be considered the __________ leader of the group. a.transitional b.instrumental c.laissez-faire d.expressive


what type of leadership provides emotional support for members


An __________ family is a family unit composed of relatives in addition to parents and children who live in the same household.


fads vs fashion

fads:short term fashion:longer term fads can become fashion ?

relationships in which people live together with commitment, form an economic unit and care for any young, and consider their identity to be significantly attached to the group.


According to the text, the __________ is the most important agent of socialization in all societies.


a group of people, related by bonds of blood, marriage, or adoption, and who live together, form an economic unit, and bear and raise children.


reproduction and child care is an example of what type of social institution?


The _______________ is the family into which a person is born and in which early socialization usually takes place.

family of orientation

The _________________ is the family that a person forms by having or adopting children.

family of procreation

6 types of social institutions

family, economy, political, education, religion, medicine

Four agents of socialization

family, school, peers, mass media

In recent years, some parents have begun carrying their infant children on their backs or chests in special slings rather than in strollers or in their arms. This is an example of a(n) __________ in child rearing.


_________ are appropriate for status and role

feeling rules

the belief that women and men are equal and should be valued equally and have equal rights.


According to sociologist Diana Pearce, the ____________________ refers to the trend in which women are disproportionately represented among individuals living in poverty.

feminization of poverty

what research method: participant/observation

field work

how many interactions are possible in a group size of 6


​ According to the text, one of the most important characteristics of systems of stratification is their degree of __________.


In the United States, __________ might include using underarm deodorant and brushing one's teeth every day.


informal norms or everyday customs that may be violated without serious consequences within a particular culture.


Internment camps for Japanese Americans during World War II are an example of __________. a. genocide b. pluralism c. stereotyping d. forced migration

forced migration

Highly structured secondary group formed for the purpose of achieving specific goals

formal organization

a highly structured group formed for the purpose of completing certain tasks or achieving specific goals

formal organization

structured group setting - created to complete tasks - require many - generally - rules - procedures - status limits

formal organizations

"Women's roles as nurturers and caregivers are even more pronounced in contemporary industrialized societies. This division of family labor ensures that important societal tasks will be fulfilled. It also provides for family members." This statement is consistent with the __________perspective.​

funcitionalist perspective

job deskilling is incorporated into what perspective on social inequality


what perspective correlates assimilation with race and ethnic relations


what perspective has a general assumption of consensus agreement


what perspective incorporates the sick role


what perspective: - latent functions - hidden, unstated, unintended - restriction of activity - matchmaking and the production of social networks - creating a generation gap


what perspective: - manifest functions - open, stated, intended - socialization - transmission of culture - social control - social placement


what perspective: economic and psychological support


what perspective: socialization - small groups = high levels of interaction = best


what perspective: assignment of social status - either/or good and bad


what perspective: sexual regulation - expected of families


what perspective: - families maintain the stability of society


what perspective: Dysfunctions


what perspective: Latent functions: restricting some activities, matchmaking and production of social networks, creating a generation gap


what perspective: people who are sick are temporarily exempt from normal obligations but must want to get well and seek competent help


what perspective:- foundation of a cohesive social order and commitment to common morality.


what perspective:Manifest functions: socialization, transmission of culture, social control, social placement, change innovation


which perspective believes inequality is necessary


which perspective uses the pluralist model


which perspective wants an ordered and predictable social structure pattern


parts of social structure at the macrolevel perspective

functional perspective conflict perspective social marginality

which theory assumes overall "consensus"


which theory assumes that society is orderly and stable


which theory includes: manifest (intended) & Latent (unintended) functions


three contemporary theoretic perspectives

functionalism conflict theory symbolic interaction

culture is the "glue" - holds society together

functionalism of popular culture

Durkheim is a ______


Many see lagging test scores as a sign that problems exist in the nation's educational system. From a __________ perspective, improved teacher training and more stringent academic requirements for students are the best way to address these problems.​ a.​symbolic interactionist b.​conflict c.​postmodern d.​functionalist


This is an example of what perspective on deviance: According to Cloward and Ohlin, illegitimate opportunity structures are circumstances that provide an opportunity for people to acquire through illegitimate activities what they cannot achieve through legitimate channels.


What type of theorists view education as the " elevator " to social mobility? They see education as providing all students with opportunity and argue that students' abilities are now more important than their class, race, or gender in determining success.


what perspective focuses on: microlevel intergroup processes such as assimilation


what perspective incorporates the human capital model


what perspective views men and women as having distinct roles that are important for the survival of society


what perspective: some degree of social inequality is necessary for the smooth functioning of society (in order to fill the most important position) and thus is inevitable


primary, secondary, tertiary socialization

functionalist perspective on socialization

The______________________are based on the assumption that society is a stable, orderly system.

functionalist perspectives

the culturally and socially constructed differences between females and males found in the meanings, beliefs, and practices associated with "femininity" and "masculinity"


_________consists of showing favoritism toward one gender over the other .

gender bias

cultural universals

general cultural traits that exist in all cultures Appearance - Activities - Customs - Social Institutions * "intrinsic" or "imposed"

refers to the child's awareness of the demands and expectations of the society as a whole or the child's subculture.

generalized others

the formal organization that has the legal and political authority to regulate the relationships among members of a society and between the society and those outside its borders.


two or more people in a face to face interaction


type of social group: 2 + people, frequent interaction, interdependence


group decision that many individual member disapprove.


the process by which members of a cohesive group arrive at a decision that many individual members privately belief is unwise.


a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.


any activity intended to improve health.

health care

In addition to teaching subject content and skills, school routines and regulations train students to respect cultural values; routines and regulations also shape attitudes and values such as conformity and obedience to authority. Sociologists term this the __________. a.tracking system b.resocialization c.manifest function of education d.hidden curriculum

hidden curriculum

Through the __________, schools make working-class and poverty-level students aware that they will be expected to take orders from others, arrive at work punctually, follow bureaucratic rules, and experience high levels of boredom without complaining.​ a.​resocialization process b.​hidden curriculum c.​manifest function of education d.​tracking system

hidden curriculum

sending your kids to cotillion is an example of what type of culture

high culture

what type of culture represents the elite (rich and educated)

high culture

Which of these is an example of a utilitarian organization? a.parent-teacher organization movement organization c.prison d.high school

high school

The perspective of __________ emphasizes the importance of health-promoting behavior, a healthy lifestyle, and a healthy self-image. a.preventive medicine b.conventional medicine c.traditional medicine d.holistic medicine

holistic medicine

an approach to health care that focuses on prevention of illness and disease and is aimed at treating the whole person rather than just the part in which symptoms occur

holistic medicine

the pattern of individuals marrying those who have similar characteristics.


cultural diversity can be....

homogeneous and heterogeneous

extreme prejudice and sometimes discriminatory actions directed at gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and others who are perceived as not being heterosexual.


A factory worker is promoted to the position of foreman in the factory. She receives a small increase in pay. This person has experienced __________ mobility.


What type of mobility occurs when people experience a gain or loss in position and/or income that does not produce a change in their place in the class structure?

horizontal mobility

American society stands for equal opportunity for all." This statement exemplifies __________ culture, which refers to the values and standards that people in a society profess to hold.​


A(n) __________ is an abstract model that describes the recurring characteristics of some phenomenon (such as bureaucracy).​ a.​symbolic representation b.​ideal type c.​repetitive paradigm d.​archetype

ideal type

The symbolic interactionist approach to deviance includes all of the following except the ___________ theory. a.illegitimate opportunity b.rational choice c.control d.labeling

illegitimate opportunity

The symbolic interactionist approach to deviance includes all of the following except the ___________ theory. a.rational choice b.control c.labeling d.illegitimate opportunity

illegitimate opportunity

people's efforts to present themselves to others in ways that are most favorable to their own interests or image.

impression management

Special education classes were originally intended to provide extra educational opportunities for children with various types of disabilities. However, critics claim that these programs have amounted to racial segregation in many school districts. Using the categories created by Feagin, these policies illustrate __________ discrimination.​ a. ​isolate b. ​indirect institutionalized c. ​small-group d. ​direct institutionalized

indirect institutionalized

consists of one-on-one acts by members of a dominant-group that harm members of a subordinate group, or their property.

individual discrimination

the process by which societies are transformed from dependence on agriculture and handmade products to an emphasis on manufacturing and related industries.


Interest in the systematic study of people's behavior and ideas took hold during the nineteenth century primarily in response to __________.

industrialization and urbanization

Effects of Bureaucracy

inefficiency and rigidity, resistance to change, perpetuation of race, class, and gender inequalities

the number of deaths of infants under 1 year of age per 1,000 live births in a given year.

infant mortality rate

__________ are norms considered to be less important, are unwritten, and are commonly understood standards of behavior among people who share an identity.

informal norms

The ___________________ is composed of those aspects of participants' day-to-day activities and interactions that ignore, bypass, or do not correspond with the official rules and procedures of the bureaucracy.

informal side of a bureaucracy

The "grapevine" spreads information (with varying degrees of accuracy) much faster than do official channels of communication, which tend to be slow and unresponsive. Within a bureaucracy, the "grapevine" is an example of __________.​ a.​informal structure b.​hierarchy of authority c.​impersonality d.​rules and regulations

informal structure

A socioeconomically disadvantaged teenager decides that she must resort to crime in order to buy some clothes she wants. This teenager's behavior is an example of __________.​ a.​retreatism b.​ritualism c.​innovation d.​rebellion


Merton described how people adapt to cultural goals and the approved ways of achieving them through ___________. a.​resignation b.​deviation c.​innovation d.​competition


Organized crime is generally not associated with __________. a. insider trading b. prostitution c. drug trafficking

insider trading

A bank might consistently deny loans to people of a certain race. This would be an example of __________ discrimination. a. institutional b. marginal c. uniform d. individual


groups associated with characteristics and dynamics

instrumental and expressive groups

When Carlos's grandfather migrated to the United States, he had completed six years of schooling and was an agricultural worker in California. Carlos's father completed high school and worked for twenty years as a clerk in a large state agency. Through the efforts of his father and grandfather, Carlos was able to graduate from college and medical school, and he now has a thriving medical practice in southern California. Carlos's family exemplifies __________ mobility.​


__________ mobility is the social movement experienced by family members from one generation to the next.


four sub categories of social control

internal:internalized beliefs via socialization external: sanctioned by others formal: police, court, correction systems informal:family, friends, general public

Breanna believes that Jarrod is upset with her because she interprets his tone of voice as angry. Although Jarrod states that he is not angry, from a symbolic interactionist perspective it is Breanna's __________ of the situation that is most real or believable to her


A(n) __________ is a data-collection encounter in which a researcher asks a respondent questions and records the answers


a method of collecting data by which an interviewer asks the respondent questions and records the answers.


Sociologists emphasize that race____________________________.​

is a socially constructed reality

Sociologist Joe Feagin distinguishes four different categories of discrimination. He uses the term __________ for harmful action intentionally taken by a dominant-group member against a member of a subordinate group, with or without the support of other members of the dominant group in the same social context.​ a. isolate discrimination b. ​indirect institutionalized discrimination c. ​direct institutionalized discrimination d. small-group discrimination

isolate discrimination

why is the first traditional definition of "family" challenged

it does not reflect - single-parent households - unmarried couples - lesbian/gay couples/families - multiple-generation families

________is a "status offense" (ascribed status)

juvenile delinquency

to a violation of law or the commission of a status offense by young people.

juvenile delinquency

which sociologist studied and compared the relationships of the classes bourgeoisie and proletariat as well as alienation as a part of stratification

karl marx

cultural change: technology

knowledge - transforms materials for use *generally - knowledge is "specialized"

Sherona is really good at standardized tests and frequently scores very high. She has poor work habits and often turns in her assignments late. Teachers overlook her late assignments because they view her as a "good" student. This is an example of __________. a. tracking b. labeling d. hidden curriculum d. credentialism


__________ is the process whereby a person is identified by others as possessing a specific characteristic or exhibiting a certain pattern of behavior (such as being deviant). a.Labeling b.Stereotyping c.Stigmatizing d.Prophsizing


Symbolic interactionists are most likely to view grades, written comments on assignments, and evaluations of behavior in classes as contributing to __________.​ a.​the dysfunctions of education b.​labeling individual students c.​the smooth functioning of the classroom d.​the perpetuation of the system of social class in society

labeling individual students

The supervisor of the office has been informed that Sarah consistently extends her lunch hour by 30 minutes. He chooses to take a passive approach to this problem, hoping that it will fix itself. This particular supervisor is exhibiting which style of leadership?​ a.​cooperative b.​laissez-faire c.​democratic d.​authoritarian


what type of leaders are only minimally involved in decision making and encourage group members to make their own decisions.


__________are unintended functions that are hidden and unacknowledged by participants.

latent functions

refers to the ability to influence what goes on in a group or social system.


three types of feminist approaches for conflict perspectives on deviance

liberal radical marxist/socialist

the extent to which individuals have access to important societal resources such as food, clothing, shelter, education, and health care.

life chances

an estimate of the average lifetime of people born in a specific year.

life expectancy

A __________ is a document stating a person's wishes regarding the medical circumstances under which his or her life should be terminated. a.medical contract covenant c.personal pact will

living will

Which of these would not be considered corporate crime?​ a.​tax evasion b.​loan sharking c.​price fixing d.​copyright infringement

loan sharking

Cooley's the __________ refers to the way in which a person's sense of self is derived from the perceptions of others

looking-glass self

what class: executives: media/sports personalities

lower-upper class (2nd highest) .5%

__________ is the term for a killing carried out by a group of vigilantes seeking revenge for an actual or imagined crime by the victim.​


Media stories that focus on the lack of education or work history among the homeless and not on structural factors such as economic recession or the lack of affordable housing fail to account for the __________ of the situation. a.​macro view b.role conflict solidarity d.​role expectation

macro view

At the __________, the social structure of a society has several essential elements: social institutions, groups, statuses, roles, and norms. a.​macrolevel b.​metalevel c.​mesolevel d.​microlevel


​Families are expected to regulate the sexual activity of their members and thus ensure that reproduction takes place within specific boundaries. Incest taboos are an example of this type of regulation that takes place at the __________. a.​macrolevel b.​microlevel c.​metalevel d.​mesolevel


A __________ analysis examines whole societies, large-scale social structures, and social systems.

macrolevel analysis

any system of cost containment that closely monitors and controls health care providers' decisions about medical procedures, diagnostic tests, and other services that should be provided to patients.

managed care

Some functions of education are ___________, which are open, stated, and intended goals or consequences of activities within an organization or institution.​ a.​manifest functions b.​intrinsic functions c.​latent functions d.​extrinsic functions

manifest functions

__________are intended or recognized by participants of a social unit.

manifest functions

Workers have not overthrown capitalism as Marx predicted because __________.

many workers have experienced a rising standard of living

a legally recognized and/or socially approved arrangement between two or more individuals that carries certain rights and obligations and usually involves sexual activity.


the most important status a person occupies.

master status

__________consists of the physical or tangible creations that members of a society make, use, and share.

material culture

A ____________ family is a family structure in which authority is held by the eldest female.


Although there has been a great deal of discussion about __________, scholars have found no historical evidence to indicate that true types of this familial power and authority ever existed.​ a.​matriarchal families b.​egalitarian families c.​homogamous families d.​patriarchal families

matriarchal families

a hierarchical system of social organization in which cultural, political, and economic structures are controlled by women.


which sociologist had a multidimensional approach to social stratification

max weber

which sociologist studied wealth, power, and prestige as a part of stratification

max weber

characteristics of heterogeneous cultural diveristy

maximum diversity less agreement decrease in social control

Efficiency Predictability Emphasis on quantity over quality Control through non-human technologies


Karl Marx's term for the tools, land, factories, and money for investment that form the economic basis of a society

means of production

All of these were components of Flexner's model medical school except __________. ​ a.medical education should be focused on teaching and research b.medical colleges should be research facilities c.medical colleges should provide the best medical care d.medical education should be fulltime

medical colleges should provide the best medical care

◦the process whereby nonmedical problems become defined and treated as illnesses or disorders.


an institutionalized system for the scientific diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of illness.


sickness healing and wellness is an example of what type of social institution?


According to conflict theorists, credentialism, the hidden curriculum, and a belief in __________ ensure that the best education and job opportunities will go to members of the middle and upper classes. a. tracking b. labeling c. meritocracy d. social control


Of the two categories of people who work for wages, Weber called the white-collar workers, public officials, managers, and professionals the __________.

middle class

what class: white-collar, highly skilled blue-collar jobs

middle class (4th highest) 30%

​ A __________ is a minor crime that is typically punishable by less than one year in jail. a.​tort b.​misdemeanor c.​felony d.​civil infraction


a political system in which power resides in one person or family and is passed down from generation to generation through lines of inheritance.


a marriage between two partners, usually a woman and a man


Jeffery Dahmer was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison for this offense. He also practiced cannibalism on his victims. In this situation, the act of murder could be described as the violation of __________, while cannibalism could be described as the violation of a __________.


A __________ has specific geographic territories and borders within which a citizenry shares language and culture, as well as rights and obligations. a.​nation-state b.​commonwealth c.​city-state d.​metropolis


In terms of income, employment, housing, nutrition, and health, which of the following is the most disadvantaged racial or ethnic group in the United States?​

native americans

A _______________- residence is the custom of a married couple living in their own residence apart from both the husband's and the wife's parents.


a web of social relationship that links one person with other people and, through them, with other people they know


personal space has to do with

non verbal communication

visual cues, vocal features, and environmental factors such as space and position are examples of what

non verbal communication

__________consists of the abstract or intangible human creations of society that influence people's behavior.

nonmaterial culture

the transfer of information between persons without the use of words.

nonverbal communication

We voluntarily join __________ organizations when we want to pursue some common interest or gain personal satisfaction or prestige from being a member.


Formal (i.e. laws) and Informal (unwritten standards) Folkways - Informal - Violated without consequence Mores - Informal - Usually a strong sanction Taboos - Informal - extremely offensive / unmentionable


________are established rules or behavior or standards of conduct.


A __________ family is a family composed of one or two parents and their dependent children, all of whom live apart from other relatives.


Today, most sociologists would consider two gay men and their adopted children, sharing the same household, to be a(n) __________ family. a. extended b. nuclear c. blended d. conventional


Researchers predict that over the next few decades in the United States, ________________. a.obesity will be curable using medications b.obesity will reduce life expectancy by two to five years c.obesity will be in decline among the population d.obesity will cease to be a problem

obesity will reduce life expectancy by two to five years

In a system of rational-legal authority, the authority is invested in the __________. b.person holding the office c.political party the person in office belongs to d.administrative personnel working for the officeholder


The bureaucratic tendency toward rule by the few is termed __________.​ a.​oligarchy b.​the power elite c.​​autocracy d.​bureaucracy


an industry dominated by just a few companies.


Throughout its history in the United States, payment for medical care has been __________.​ a.​through the federal government b.​through a third-party provider c.​on a fee-for-service basis d.​taken care of by health maintenance organizations

on a fee-for-service basis

how many interactions are possible in a group size of 2


Walter Reckless suggested that many people do not resort to deviance because of __________, which may include supportive family and friends, reasonable social expectations, and supervision by others. a. outer containments b. inner containments c. informal containments d. formal containments

outer containments

a group to which a person does not belong and toward which the person may feel a sense of competitiveness or hostility.


The term __________ refers to blatant behavior and may take the form of public statements about the "inferiority" of members of a racial or ethnic group.​

overt racism

From the conflict perspective, which of these groups benefits the least from the current U.S. health care system? a.physicians b.patients c.pharmaceutical companies companies


A ____________ family is a family structure in which authority is held by the eldest male.


a hierarchical system of social organization in which cultural, political, and economic structures are controlled by men.


__________descent is a system of tracing descent through the father's side of the family.


Across cultures, __________ is the most common residential pattern.​ a.​patrilocal residence b.multilocal residence c.​matrilocal residence d.​neolocal residence

patrilocal residence

Sociologist William Corsaro states that __________ is an established set of activities or routines, artifacts, values, and concerns that children produce and share and that emerges through interaction as children "borrow" from the adult culture.

peer culture

The basis for Durkheim's theory of society is the principle that _____________.

people are the products of their social environments

In discussing primary and secondary groups, the text points out that__________________.​ a.​all secondary groups are approximately the same size b.​primary and secondary groups are equally likely to be specialized, but in different ways c.​people in a secondary group may eventually form a primary group d.​secondary and primary groups are always mutually exclusive

people in a secondary group may eventually form a primary group

Robert Michels - Iron Law of Bureaucracy

people with power, use it to increase their power

Contemporary Marxian (or conflict) theorists examine class in terms of __________.​

peoples relationship to others in the production process

The postmodern family has been described as __________, meaning capable of being diffused or invaded in such a manner that its original purpose is modified or changed.


types of sociological imagination

personal troubles and public issues

material culture

physical creations that members of a society make, use, and share

race in the 1700s

physical differences noticed, but racial divisions based more on religious differences and cultural tradition.

​Political parties create a __________, which is a formal statement of the party's political positions on various social and economic issues. a.​policy b.​platform c.​principle d.​regulation


In the United States, a great many different religious organizations that appeal to a wide variety of different people coexist together. This is termed religious __________.​ a.​fundamentalism b.​pluralism c.​gnosticism d.​ecclesiasticism


The ________________assumes that people share a consensus and that the government serves important functions that no other institution can fulfill.

pluralist model

an organization whose purpose is to gain and hold legitimate control of government.

political party

the social institution through which power is acquired and exercised by some people and groups.


__________ is very rare. When it does occur, it is typically found in societies where men greatly outnumber women because of high rates of female infanticide.​


the concurrent marriage of a person of one sex with two or more members of the opposite sex


"marriage" composing of one man and multiple women


what type of culture represents the "mass"-- working class

popular culture

During the Olympics, competition and a spirit of nationalism and patriotism encourage people to think of their own nation as "the best." This is an example of __________.

positive egocentrism

the belief that the world can best be understood through scientific inquiry (methodological and social/political).


In __________, the division of labor in paid employment is increasingly based on whether people provide or apply information or are employed in service jobs such as fast-food restaurant counter help or health care work.


According to the __________ perspective, the classical theories have been unsuccessful in explaining social life in contemporary societies that are characterized by postindustrialization, consumerism, and global communications.


what perspective: permeable / fragmented families


what perspective: private / public boundary blurs


what perspective: shared parenting = including nannies, etc.


what perspective on deviance: emphasize that the study of deviance reveals how the powerful exert control over the powerless by taking away their free will to think and act as they might choose.

postmodern perspective

what perspective: doctors gain power through observing patients to gather information, thus appearing to speak "wisely"


To many __________, groups and organizations are generally characterized by superficiality and depthlessness in social relationships. a.​conflict theorists b.​symbolic interactionists c.​functionalists d.​postmodernists


The official ____________ is based on what the federal government considers to be the minimum amount of money required for living at a subsistence level.

poverty line

According to sociologist Max Weber's system of stratification, __________ is the ability of people or groups to achieve their goals despite opposition from others.


Weber defined social class using ___________ as a major contributor.


While Marx defined class in purely economic terms, Max Weber developed a multidimensional approach to social stratification that reflects the interplay among wealth, prestige and what else?


ability to achieve goals despite opposition


the ability of persons or groups to achieve their goals despite opposition from others.


C. Wright Mills used the term __________ in referring to a small clique composed of the top corporate, political, and military officials who hold the most power in society.

power elite

​ In psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg's theory, during the __________ level, children view evil behavior as that which is likely to be punished, and good behavior as obedience and avoidance of unwanted consequences.


According to sociologist Robert Merton's typology of prejudice and discrimination, __________ hold personal prejudice but do not discriminate due to peer pressure, legal demands, or a desire for profits.​

prejudiced nondiscriminators

According to sociologist George Herbert Mead, in the __________ stage of self- development, interactions lack meaning and children largely imitate the people around them.


__________ norms state what behavior is appropriate or acceptable. For example, persons making a certain amount of money are expected to file a tax return and pay any taxes they owe.​


The dimension of Weber's system of stratification that helps determine one's class consists of the respect or regard that a person is given by others and is called __________.


respect given to a position (status) or person


A person may shoplift an item of clothing from a department store but not be apprehended or labeled as a deviant. The person may subsequently decide to forgo such behavior in the future. This example illustrates what stage of deviance?​ a. tertiary b. career c. primary d. secondary


Susan and Mary are middle-aged women who have been neighbors for twenty-five years. They talk daily about each other's grandchildren, share grocery shopping trips, and offer each other advice. They are an example of a(n) __________. a.​primary group b.​aggregate c.​secondary group d.​formal organization

primary group

what type of group: Small - general - face/face Emotion-based - Time-extended

primary group

refers to the process of learning that begins at birth and occurs in the home and family.

primary socialization

Personal troubles consists of:

private, actors and networks

The term __________ refers to the process of converting resources from state ownership to private ownership. a.monopolization b.privatization c.centralized decision making d.pursuit of collective goals


the everyday, secular, or "worldly" aspects of life.


high-status, knowledge-based occupations that have five (5) major characteristics.


Tom works on the assembly line at the local Ford automobile factory. According to Marx, Tom would be considered a member of the __________ because he does not own the means of production.


the term used to name the working class


what social class: sells their labor to earn money


​ Researchers in one study systematically analyzed the contents of the notes of suicide victims to determine recurring themes, such as feelings of despair or failure. They hoped to determine if any patterns could be found that would help in understanding why people might kill themselves. This is an example of

qualitative research

term for: objective, statistics


a category of people who have been singled out as inferior or superior, often on the basis of (perceived) real or alleged physical characteristics such as skin color, hair texture, eye shape, or other subjectively selected attributes.


race in the mid 1800

race (inaccurately) defined as distinct biological categories, with hierarchies established (white = top and black = bottom). Race-based ideology used (legally and/or violently) to suppress African-American advancement within the system, especially between mid-1800's to mid-1900's (20th century).

the aspect of socialization that contains specific messages and practices concerning the nature of one's racial or ethnic status as it relates to our identity; interpersonal relationships, and location in the social hierarchy.

racial socialization

a set of attitudes, beliefs, and practices that are used to justify the superior treatment of one racial / ethnic group and the inferior treatment of another racial or ethnic group.


The __________ argues that women's crime originates in patriarchy (male domination over females). This approach focuses on social forces that shape women's lives and experiences and shows how exploitation may trigger deviant behavior and criminal activities.​ a. marxist feminist approach b. liberal feminist approach c. radical feminist approach d. conservative feminist approach

radical feminist approach

The _______________states that deviant behavior occurs when a person weighs the costs and benefits of nonconventional or criminal behavior and determines that the benefits will outweigh the risks involved in such actions.

rational choice theory of deviance

is the process by which traditional methods of social organization, characterized by informality and spontaneity, are gradually replaced by efficiently administered formal rules and procedures.


People may claim to be law-abiding yet still engage in behaviors that are illegal. This behavior is an example of_____________ culture, which refers to the values and standards of behavior that people actually follow.​


A minister who is opposed to war conducts a nonviolent protest at a local military installation, thus committing a trespassing violation. Applying Merton's typology from strain theory, this behavior is an example of __________.​ a. retreatism b. ritualism c. innovation d. rebellion


Jocelyn is a senior at the local university and plans to attend graduate school to study sociology. During her last semester, she has been using graduate sociology student papers as standards in evaluating her own writing skills. For Jocelyn, the graduate sociology students have become her __________. a.significant others b.primary group c.outgroup d.reference group

reference group

groups that strongly influence a person's behavior and social attitudes, regardless of whether that individual is an actual member.

reference group

influences without membership

reference group

Cooley and "looking glass self"

reflected appraisals I am NOT what YOU think I am. I am NOT what I think I am. I AM what I THINK, YOU THINK, I AM.

__________ poverty exists when people may be able to afford basic necessities but are still unable to maintain an average standard of living.


Soledad develops a scale to assess job satisfaction among temporary workers. She is afraid that workers in her study will each interpret the scale items in a different way. Soledad is concerned about the __________ of her scale.


Sociologists use the term __________ for a system of sacred or supernatural beliefs, symbols, and rituals that guides human behavior, gives meaning to life, and unites believers into a community.​ a.​spirituality b.​liberation theology c.​secularization d.​religion


a social institution composed of a unified system of beliefs, symbols, and rituals - based on some sacred or supernatural realm - that guides human behavior, gives meaning to life, and unites believers into a community.


belief question is an example of what type of social institution?


Weber used the term __________ for the category of wealthy individuals who live off their investments and do not have to work. a. capitalists b. entrepreneurs c. rentiers d. bourgeoisie


In the United States, the political system is a(n) __________ in which people have a voice in the government elected representatives who serve as bridges between themselves and the government. a.representative democracy b.independent involvement democracy participatory democracy d.symbolic democracy

representative democracy

when citizens elect representatives to serve as bridges between themselves and the government.

representative democracy

All jobs place some burden on our feelings; however, the term emotional labor refers only to jobs that___________________________.

require personal contact with the public or promote a particular state of mind

the process of learning a new and different set of attitudes, values, and behaviors from those in one's background and previous experience.


Anything valued in a society, such as money, property, and education, is called __________. a. a benefit b. a resource c. the means of production d. a commodity


Social bonds / ties / integration - "__________" deviance


Education keeps students off the street and out of the full-time job market for a number of years, keeping levels of unemployment within reasonable bounds. This is an example of a latent function of education the text terms __________. a.​creation of a generation gap b.​matchmaking and production of social networks c.​restricting some activities d.​social placement

restricting some activities

Applying Merton's strain theory, skid-row alcoholics and drug addicts illustrate the concept of __________.​ a.​retreatism b.​innovation c.​ritualism d.​rebellion


a person who is better qualified being denied a position because another person received preferential treatment as a result of affirmative action.

reverse discrimination

According to Merton's strain theory, __________ occurs when people accept society's goals but adopt disapproved means for achieving them. a.​rebellion b.​innovation c.​conformity d.​ritualism


Sometimes people give up on societal goals but still adhere to the socially approved means for achieving them; Merton termed this __________. a.​retreatism b.​innovation c.​conformity d.​ritualism


a set of behavioral expectations associated with a given status.


Recent research indicates that female student -athletes have their own ways of dealing with the "female/athlete paradox," which is an example of __________. a.role conflict b.status symbol c.role strain d.role expectation

role conflict

incompatible for multiple statuses

role conflict

military women being incompatible for multiple statuses is an example of

role conflict

when incompatible role demands are placed on a person by two or more statuses held at the same time.

role conflict

​A former business manager is between jobs and takes a job at a local retail store in order to make ends meet. In that position, she frequently talks about her previous work and her plans for the future. She doesn't want people to view her as a "clerk." Her behavior is an example of __________. a.​role exiting b.​role distancing c.​role inconsistency d.​role ambiguity

role distancing

occurs when people disengage from social roles that have been central to their self-identity.

role exit

a group's or society's definition of the way that a specific role ought to be played.

role expectation

how a person actually plays the role.

role performance

Carlos is a freshman at the local college. As a student, he is feeling pressure. He wants to party like the rest of his fraternity brothers, but at the same time, he wants to maintain his 4.0 grade point average. Sociologists would say that Carlos is experiencing _________. a. role strain b. role conflict c. role distancing d. status inconsistency

role strain

Incompatible within a single status

role strain

occurs when incompatible demands are built into a single status that a person occupies

role strain

the process by which a person mentally assumes the role of another person or group in order to understand the world from the person's or group's point of view.

role taking

___________ play the behavior expectations for a status position


​The term __________ is used for people and groups that are blamed for societal problems (such as unemployment or an economic recession) over which they have no control.


A person may shoplift an item of clothing from a department store and be apprehended and labeled as a "thief," subsequently accept that label, and then go on to shoplift more in the future. This future behavior is an example of __________.​

secondary deviance

Annette, Joshua, Sandra, and Luis are college students who met for the first time in a sociology class. They study together and pool their notes. Otherwise, they see each other only occasionally when their paths cross between classes. Sociologists would term them a(n) __________. a.secondary group b.formal group c.informal group d.primary group

secondary group

a larger, more specialized group in which members engage in more-impersonal, goal-oriented relationships for a limited period of time.

secondary group

what type of group: Larger - specialized - Impersonal goal-based - time-limited

secondary group

occurs with teenagers or young adults and refers to the process of learning that takes place outside the home.

secondary socialization

a relatively small religious group that has broken away from another religious organization to renew what it views as the original version of the faith.


the process by which religious beliefs, practices, and institutions lose their significance in sectors of society and culture.


Inequalitarian pluralism describes a situation in which specific ethnic groups are set apart from the dominant group and have unequal access to power and privilege. This pattern is also referred to as __________.​ a. ​accommodation b. ​incompatibility c. ​miscegenation d. ​segregation


perceptions of your self

self identity

A _____ is a false belief or prediction that produces behavior that makes the originally false belief come true

self-fulfilling prophecy

the term for the biological / anatomical differences between females and males.


justifies subordination based on sex / gender.


the subordination of one sex, usually female, based on the assumed superiority of the other sex.


three ways to classify sexual orientation

sexual attraction sexual involvement self-identification

an individual's preference for emotional-sexual relationships with members of the different sex, the same sex, or both sexes.

sexual orientation

◦a set of patterned explanations that defines the norms and values appropriate for individuals who are sick and for those who interact with them.

sick role

​A comparison of Census Bureau data from 1970 to 2012 shows that there has been __________ in the percentage of U.S. households comprised of a married couple with their own children under eighteen years of age. a.​basically no change b.​a significant decline c.​a significant increase d.​a very minor increase

significant decline

those persons whose care, affection, and approval are especially desired and who are most important in the development of the self.

significant others

characteristics of homogeneous cultural diveristy

similar ness more agreement increase social control

In very simple preindustrial societies, religions often take the form of __________, which is the belief in impersonal supernatural forces that affect people's lives either positively or negatively. a.simple supernaturalism b.transcendent idealism c.animism d.theism

simple supernaturalism

__________ does not acknowledge specific gods or supernatural spirits but focuses​ instead on impersonal forces that may exist in people or natural objects. a. transcendent idealism b. simple supernaturalism c. theism d. animism

simple supernaturalism

an extreme form of stratification in which some people are owned or controlled by others for the purpose of economic or sexual exploitation


Weber's Multidimensional Approach to Social Stratification

slide 8 in ch 7 class notes

a group that is collectively small enough for all members to be acquainted with one another and to interact simultaneously.

small group

commonsense knowledge guides....

social behavior, maybe in error

two types of the control theory

social bonds and social integration

The _____________ is the process by which our perception of reality is largely shaped by the subjective meaning that we give an experience.

social construction of reality

types of social interaction at the microlevel perspective

social construction of reality ethnomethodology dramaturgical analysis sociology of emotions nonverbal communication

An important function of education is __________, which involves teaching students values such as discipline, respect, obedience, and punctuality.​ a.​social control b.​social placement c.​change and innovation d.​transmission of culture

social control

Systematic practices developed by social groups to encourage conformity to norms, and discourage deviance.

social control

to the systematic practices that social groups develop in order to encourage conformity to norms, rules, and laws and to discourage deviance.

social control

the belief that those species of animals best adapted to their environment survive and prosper

social darwinism (herbert spencer)

wherein a person or group is considered to have less social value than other persons or groups.

social devaluation

patterned ways of acting, thinking, and feeling that exist outside any one individual but that exert social control over each person

social facts

a collective of two or more people who interact frequently with one another, share a sense of belonging, and have a feeling of interdependence.

social group

front stage and back stage by goffman

social identity and self identity

A ____________ is a set of organized beliefs and rules that establish how a society will attempt to meet its basic social needs.

social institution

traditions and the five essential survival needs are subsets of what

social institutions

Conflict and functionalist theorists are in agreement that______________________. a.​social institutions work for the common good of all in society b.​all societies fulfill their basic needs in essentially the same ways c.​social institutions primarily serve the interests of the more powerful in a society d.​social institutions are originally organized to meet basic needs within society

social institutions are originally organized to meet basic needs within society

____________ is an interactive ongoing process of acting towards or responding to others

social interaction

the process by which people act toward or respond to other people and is the foundation for all relationships and groups in society.

social interaction

what serves as the foundation of all relationships of society

social interaction

_______ shares the culture of two distinct groups

social marginality

__________ is part insider part outsider

social marginality

which perspective wants social structure pattern with meaning

social marginality

the movement of individuals or groups from one level in a stratification system to another.

social mobility

- $ Adams - The Strength of Weak Ties - Book: Granovetter "Getting a Job" are examples of

social networks

Series of social relationships that create ties

social networks

Ability to maintain itself despite obstacles (adversity / compete)

social solidarity

what component of social structure has strong or weak bond influence

social solidarity

A kindergartner, nervous because he is about to attend his first day of school, receives advice from his older sister (who is in the sixth grade) about how to act. This is an example of __________.


a health care system in which the government owns the medical care facilities and employs the physicians.

socialized medicine

In Great Britain, the government sets health care policies, raises funds and controls the medical care budget, owns health care facilities, and directly employs physicians and other health care personnel. This is an example of a __________. a.managed care system b.fee-for-service health care system c.socialized medicine system d.universal health care system

socialized medicine system

Durkheim believed that the limits of social behavior __________. a. ​depend primarily on physical characteristics b. ​are socially based, not biologically based c. ​result mainly from cultural conflict d. ​are best understood as individual dysfunction

socially based, not biologically based

a large social grouping that shares the same geographical territory and is subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations.


a combined measure that attempts to classify individuals, families, or households in terms of factors such as income, occupation, and education to determine social location

socioeconomic status

is the ability to see the relationships between individual experiences and the larger society.

sociological imagination

the link between personal experience and social context/ "embeddedness"

sociological imagination

​ Sociologist C. Wright Mills coined the term __________ for the ability to see the relationship between individual experiences and the larger society.

sociological imagination

feeling rules and emotional labor are types of what

sociology of emotions

Citizen groups such as the American Conservative Union and the Population Connection are examples of __________. a.power elites b.political action committees c.special interest groups d.the ruling class

special interest groups

Meads definition on "I"

spontaneous, impulsive

the political entity that possesses a legitimate monopoly over the use of force within its territory to achieve its goals.


a socially defined position in a group or society characterized by certain expectations, rights, and duties.


when someone occupies a Socially Defined Position w/ Role Expectations


components of social structure

status roles groups social institutions

All roles are occupied at a given time

status set

comprises all the statuses that a person occupies at a given time.

status set

material signs that inform others of a person's specific status.

status symbols

over-generalizations about the appearance, behavior, or other characteristics of members of particular categories


The sociological term for any physical or social attribute or sign that devalues a person's social identity and disqualifies that person from full social acceptance is __________. a.​anomie b.​deviance c.​stigma d.​alienation


Merton's ________ argues that people feel strain when they are exposed to cultural goals that they are unable to obtain because they do not have access to culturally approved means of achieving those goals.

strain theory

The text argues that __________ are better able to address the problem of juvenile offenders than are military-style boot camps.​ a.​restorative principles b.​structural solutions c.​correctional alternatives d.​punitive measures

structural solutions

​Sociologist Erving Goffman noted that people consciously participate in __________, a face-saving technique in which one role player ignores the flaws in another's performance to avoid embarrassment for everyone involved. a. back stage behavior b. front stage behavior c. studied non observance d. role performance

studied non observance

an agreement in which a corporation contracts with other firms to provide specialized components, products, or services to the larger corporation.


what type of culture: mostly agreement but some variation


"culture" sets apart - consensus on values


The "I" is the __________ element of the self and represents the spontaneous and unique traits of each person.


A____________ group is one whose members because of physical or cultural characteristics are disadvantaged and subjected to unequal treatment by the dominant group and who regard themselves as objects of collective discrimination.


__________ is the term for racist behavior that may be hidden from sight and more difficult to prove.​

subtle racism

​According to psychologist Sigmund Freud, human development occurs in three states that reflect different levels of the personality. The __________ is the rational, reality-oriented component of personality that imposes restrictions on innate pleasure-seeking drives.


According to Marx, the capitalist class maintains its position at the top of the class structure by control of the society's __________, which is composed of the government, schools, churches, and other social institutions.


a poll in which the researcher gathers facts or attempts to determine the relationships among facts. ----Questionnaire ----Interview


what research method: random sampling

survey research

four types of research methods

survey, secondary analysis, field work, experiments

who composed the Differential Association theory


what perspective: - different experiences / perceptions based on gender / race / class

symbolic interaction

what perspective: - religion provides a reference group for the individual

symbolic interaction

what perspective: - status symbols, related to religion, identify a person's status.

symbolic interaction

what perspective: families produce (and reproduce) a shared reality

symbolic interaction

what perspective: interaction creates a shared reality

symbolic interaction

which theoretical perspective states: Society is the sum the interactions between individual and groups

symbolic interaction

-interaction creates - sustains - repairs social situations - "reality" - continuously re-created - negotiated via culture

symbolic interaction of popular culture

the control theory (social bonds and integration) are what perspective on deviance

symbolic interactionalist

what perspective on deviance includes primary, secondary, and tertiary deviance types

symbolic interactionalist

what perspective on deviance includes rational choice theory of deviance

symbolic interactionalist

what perspective on deviance includes the labeling theory

symbolic interactionalist

what perspective on deviance includes the social bond theory

symbolic interactionalist

what perspective on deviance uses the differential association theory

symbolic interactionalist

​ According to the __________ perspective, society is the sum of the interactions of individuals and groups.

symbolic interactionalists

Meredith studies how waiters are treated by diners at a country club in order to learn about the daily structure of inequality and how these patterns are enacted and replicated. Meredith is a __________.​

symbolic interactionist

The __________ perspective focuses on how classroom communication and educational practices affect students' self-concept and aspirations.​ a.​functionalist b.​conflict c.​postmodern d.​symbolic interactionist

symbolic interactionist

what perspective incorporates medicalization and demedicalization

symbolic interactionist

what perspective: people socially construct both "health and illness: and how both should be treated

symbolic interactionist

what perspective: perspectives on education focus on classroom communication patterns and educational practices.

symbolic interactionist

what perspective: the beliefs and actions of people reflect their class location in society

symbolic interactionist

anything that represents anything else


four components of culture

symbols, language, values, norms

term for: orderly and organized


During the nineteenth century in the United States, which of the following was not one of the ways a person could become a medical doctor? a.being an apprentice b.completing high school and attending a series of lectures c.purchasing a mail-order diploma d.taking medical licensure exams

taking medical licensure exams

how many interactions are possible in a group size of 5


​Sociologists note that women and men in the United States may have very different ideas about and perceptions of love. One of the differences is that men, more than women,______________.

tend to express their love through nonverbal actions

According to the text's discussion of civil religion, _____________________. a.there is public consensus about the importance of civil religion b.civil religion is tied to the most popular religious group in a society c.because of the separation of church and state, all civil ceremonies in the United States lack any religious quality d.the U.S. flag is a sacred object within the nation's civil religion

the U.S. flag is a sacred object within the nation's civil religion

A branch of the conflict perspective, Marxist/critical theory views deviance and crime as a result of __________.​ a.​socialization by people who have criminal backgrounds b.​labeling c.​the capitalist economic system d.​the strain between the goals of society and the means of achieving those goals

the capitalist economic system

Marx's theory had important insights into capitalist societies; for example, he recognized ________________. a. that different classes work together for the well-being of a society b. that despite economic differences, classes share values and beliefs c. the economic basis of class systems d. that values and beliefs are more important than the material wealth one holds

the economic basis of class systems

The text uses the expression "bureaucracy's other face" to refer to __________.​ a.​the formal structure of a bureaucracy b.​the informal activities within a bureaucracy c.​the organizational chart for a bureaucracy d.​bureaucracy's invisible quality

the informal activities within a bureaucracy

According to____________ power in political systems is widely dispersed throughout many competing interest groups.

the pluralist model

Karl Marx's definition of "class"

the relationship to "means of production"

a set of logically interrelated statements that attempts to describe, explain, and predict social events.


The ___________states that actions of the government substantially define racial and ethnic relations in the United States.

theory of racial formation

When a drug is taken for a specific purpose or remedial effect, this is termed __________ use. a.recreational b.standard c.chronic d.therapeutic


One of the most important characteristics of systems of stratification is their degree of flexibility. In a closed system of stratification __________.

there is little or no social mobility

compare and contrast Differential Reinforcement and Differential association

they are similar but diff assoc focuses on social processes diff rein focuses on sanctions (pos/neg)

Critics argue that __________ is the main reason for medical inflation because it gives doctors and hospitals an incentive to provide increased medical services. a.managed care b.Medicare c.third-party fee-for-service d.use of health maintenance organization

third-party fee-for-service

In a __________, patients pay premiums into a fund that in turn pays doctors and hospitals for each treatment that patient receives.​ a.​third-party provider program b.​managed care program c.​fee-for-service program d.​health maintenance organization program

third-party provider program

In regard to Stanley Milgram's study, the text points out that __________.​ a.​despite problems, many of the research subjects found the experiment interesting and agreed to participate in future research on the same topic b.​this research raises some questions concerning research ethics c.​Milgram's subjects knew about the nature of the study but agreed to participate anyway d.​Milgram's findings have never been supported by later research

this research raises some questions concerning research ethics

Which of these is the single most preventable cause of disease, disability, and death in the United States?​ a.​alcohol use b.​sun tanning and tanning booth use c.​automobile use d.​tobacco use

tobacco use

a place where people are isolated from the rest of society for a set period of time and come under the control of the officials who run the institution.

total institution

In a(n) __________ system, governments enforce conformity, deny citizens the right to assemble for political purposes, restrict access to information, and employ secret police to create an environment of fear and suspicion. a.democratic b.totalitarian c.authoritarian d.monarchical


One example of a __________ regime was the National Socialist (Nazi) party in Germany during World War II; military leaders there sought to control all aspects of national life, not just government operations. a.totalitarian b.democratic c.coalition d.monarchical


the practice of assigning students to specific curriculum groups and courses on the basis of their test scores, previous grades, or other criteria.


a set of beliefs and rules (assumed) that guide how a society will attempt to meet basic (survival) needs


Several employees at a fast-food restaurant call in sick at the last minute. The manager tries to fill in but doesn't know how to run the drive-through intercom or broiler. Applying the terms for problems that are frequent within bureaucracy, this is an example of __________.

trained incapacity

an individual whose gender identify does not match the person's assigned sex.


large corporations that are headquartered in one country but sell and produce goods and services in many countries.

transnational corporations

group______ structural power


Almost __________ of Stanley Milgram's research subjects went all the way to what could have been a deadly jolt of electricity if the shock generator had been real. a. ​three-quarters b. two-thirds c. one-half d. one quarter


In 2014, approximately __________ of employed mothers with children under age 6 worked full time.


what class: temporary, seasonal, part-time job workers for public or private assistance

underclass (lowest) 5%

In addition to unemployment, structural problems contribute to __________, where people work at jobs that do not pay a living wage and lack security.​ a. ​underemployment b. ​subemployment c. ​marginal employment d. ​minor employment


Lisa works as a nanny and is paid in cash by the family she works for. She does not declare her earnings to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). She is a part of the _______________. a.contingent economy b.underground economy c.marginal economy d.legitimate economy

underground economy

the percentage of unemployed persons in the labor force actively seeking jobs.

unemployment rate

◦a health care system in which all citizens receive medical services paid for by tax revenues.

universal health care

Based on sociologist Robert Merton's typology of prejudice and discrimination, __________ may have no personal prejudice but still engage in discriminatory behavior because of peer group pressure or economic, political, or social interests.​

unprejudiced discriminators

According to sociologist Robert Merton's typology of prejudice and discrimination, __________ are not personally prejudiced and do not discriminate against others.​

unprejudiced nondiscriminators

A combination of three factors qualifies people for the __________ class: university degrees, authority and independence on the job, and high income.


what class: professional, managerial positions

upper-middle class (3rd highest) 14%

In the model of American social classes based on Weber's theory, the __________ is made up of prominent families that have held great wealth for several generations.


what class: investments/inheritance

upper-upper class (highest) .5%

the process by which an increasing proportion of a population lives in cities rather than in rural areas.


We voluntarily join __________ organizations when they can provide us with a material reward we seek.​ a.​normative b.​coercive c.​totalitarian d.​utilitarian


________measures what you want


these are examples of: Individualism Achievement and success Activity and work Science and technology Progress and material comfort Efficiency and practicality Equality Morality and humanitarianism Freedom and liberty Ethnocentrism and group superiority


__________ provide ideals of beliefs about behavior but do not state explicitly how we should behave; __________ are established rules of behavior or standards for conduct.​


_________ can be independent or dependent


___________is a concept with measurable traits or characteristics that can vary from one person, time, situation, or society to another


what type of mobility occurs when people experience movement either up or down the class structure.

vertical mobility

Lijuan's mother is an architect, and her father is a college professor. Lijuan left home at age 16 to live with her boyfriend. When their relationship ended, Lijuan no longer communicated with her parents and did not return to high school. After working briefly at a fast-food restaurant, Lijuan resorted to asking passersby at a local shopping area for money. Lijuan's story illustrates the concept of __________.

vertical mobolity

income, assets, income-producing property


who believed religion could be the catalyst to produce social change


a state in which there is extensive government action to provide support and services to the citizens.

welfare state

The median age of an individual committing __________ is typically older than that of those committing other types of crimes. a.homicide b.disorderly conduct crime d.white-collar crime

white-collar crime

From a sociological perspective, definitions of deviance originate_______________. a.​in the specific behavior or condition b.​with the people who witness or judge the behavior c.​in legal and civil statutes or regulations d.​with the identity of the person whose behavior is in question

with the people who witness or judge the behavior

Weber called the class consisting of skilled, semiskilled, and unskilled workers the __________.

working class

what class: factory, clerical, retail jobs

working class (5th highest) 30%

Marx used the term __________ to refer to those who must sell their labor to the owners in order to earn enough money to survive.

working class (proletariat)

According to the social class model developed by sociologists Dennis Gilbert and Joseph Kahl, members of the working poor (about 20 percent of the U.S. population) live from just above to just below the poverty line. They typically hold unskilled jobs, seasonal migrant jobs in agriculture, lower-paid factory jobs, and service jobs (such as counter help at restaurants).

working poor

Social critic and journalist Barbara Ehrenreich demonstrated that people in the __________ use strategies like help from relatives and continually changing residences in order to survive.​ a. ​working class b. ​working poor c. ​underclass d. ​middle class

working poor

what class: laborers, service industry jobs

working poor (6th highest) 20%

Research shows that __________ are more likely to be perceived as members of the dangerous classes and receive stricter sentences in criminal courts.​ a.​young, married, urban males b.​young, single, rural males c.​young, married, rural males d.​young, single, urban males

young, single, urban males

Anthropologists believe that human groups have had some form of religion for some __________ years.​ a.​100,000 b.​50,000 c.​10,000 d.​25,000


__________ is a political system controlled by rulers who deny popular participation in government. a.​Democracy b.​Authoritarianism c.​Totalitarianism d.​Monarchy


_________ are responsible primarily for regulating sexual activity, socializing children, and providing affection and companionship for members.​ a.​Agricultural families b.​Hunting and gathering families c.​Contemporary families d.​Preindustrial families

​Contemporary families

_________ refers to the use of personal judgment by police officers, prosecutors, judges, and other criminal justice system officials regarding whether and how to proceed in a given situation.​ a.​Discretion b.​Reasonable suspicion c.​Probable cause d.​Optional processing


__________, one of the first sociologists to emphasize that religion is essential to the maintenance of society, suggested that religion is a cultural universal found in all societies because it meets basic human needs and serves important societal functions.​ a.​Talcott Parsons b.​Max Weber c.​Emile Durkheim d.​Robert Merton

​Emile Durkheim

__________ needs are met by opportunities of self-expression and support from family, friends, and peers.​ a.​Instrumental b.​Social c.​Expressive d.​Individual


__________ means that patients are billed separately for each service that they receive, including treatment by doctors, laboratory work, hospital visits, prescriptions, and other health-related expenses.​ a.​Health maintenance organization b.​Third-party provide rc.​Managed care d.​Fee-for-service


The __________ is widely considered the catalyst for the emergence of modern medical education.​ a.​Coleman Report b.​Ford Foundation c.​Landsteiner Report d.​Flexner Report

​Flexner Report

__________ emphasizes the way that religious beliefs and rituals work to bind people together in society.​ a.​Functionalism b.​Postmodernism c.​Conflict theory d.​Symbolic interactionism


__________ is based on the assumption that offenders who are detained in prison or are executed will be unable to commit additional crimes. a.​Deterrence b.​Incapacitation c.​Retribution d.​Rehabilitation


The famous quote stating that religion is an "opiate of the masses" comes from the work of __________.​ a.​Karl Marx b.​Max Weber c.​George Simmel d.​Emile Durkheim

​Karl Marx

__________ is the term for an institutional system concerned with the scientific diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of illness.​ a. Holistic medicine b. Medicine c. Epidemiology d. Sociology of medicine


__________ authority is held by elected or appointed government officials, but authority is invested in the office, not in the person who holds the office. a.​Coercive b.​Traditional c.Charismatic d.​Rational-legal


__________ theorists focus on the socially constructed nature of "health" and "illness" and how both should be treated.​ a.​Conflict b.​Postmodernist c.​Symbolic interactionist d.​Functionalist

​Symbolic interactionist

​__________ relies on modern technology to monitor and control people; mass propaganda and electronic surveillance are widely used to influence people's thinking and control their actions. a.​Democracy b.​Totalitarianism c.​Monarchy d.​Authoritarianism


_________ occurs when members of one group marry those of other social or ethnic groups. a. ​Biological assimilation (amalgamation) b. ​Psychological assimilation c. ​Cultural assimilation (acculturation) d. ​Structural assimilation (integration)

​a. Biological assimilation (amalgamation)

Schools for __________ are more likely to emphasize engaging in creative activities, building analytical and critical thinking skills, and applying one's own ideas to solve problems.​ a.​lower-income students b.​developmentally challenged students c.​middle-class students d.​affluent students

​affluent students

Political institutions first emerged in __________ societies as they acquired surpluses and developed greater social inequality. Elites took control of politics and used custom or traditional authority to justify their position. a.​hunting and gathering b.​industrialized c.​agrarian d.​horticultural and pastoral


A dozen inexperienced backpackers are preparing to settle in for the night when they realize that someone in the group is missing. The __________ style of leadership would be most effective in this situation.​ a.​cooperative b.​laissez-faire c.​democratic d.​authoritarian


A college president need not be effective in designing promotional brochures. A corporate executive need not be able to program the department's computer system. These examples illustrate __________ in a bureaucratic organization.​ a.​hierarchy of authority b.​impersonality c.​division of labor d.​goal displacement

​division of labor

​Most students behave differently in the classroom than they do in their own room or with friends. For most students, the classroom would be considered __________. a.​front stage b.​back stage c.​ethnomethodological d.​dramaturgical

​front stage

​One of the factors that increases the risk of divorce is________________________. a.​getting married young (before 25) b.​graduating from college c.​having a baby 7 months or more after marriage d.​earning less than $50,000 annually

​getting married young (before 25)

In regard to a third-party provider system of health care, patients________________.​ a.​have an incentive to limit their visits to doctors, but not to hospitals b.​have no incentive to limit doctor or hospital visits c.​usually seek a second opinion on recommended medical procedures d.​usually pay for their own services

​have no incentive to limit doctor or hospital visits

Children in single-parent households are at greater risk of lower standards of living primarily due to_________________________.​ a.​lack of attention from a single parent b.​lack of role models and a positive reference group c.​having fewer economic resources than two-parent households d.​lower moral standards that are held by single parents

​having fewer economic resources than two-parent households

According to the text, __________societies were among the first to practice monotheism, the belief in a single, supreme being or god who is responsible for significant events such as the creation of the world.​ a.​industrial b.​horticultural c.​agricultural d.​hunting and gathering


Conflict theory explains family problems, such as divorce and overall family instability, by pointing out_____________________________.​ a.​the diversity and fragmentation of families b.​the relationship between family troubles and changes in other social institutions, such as the economy, religion, and law c.​that definitions of the family are socially constructed and impact family life d.​how exploitation of the lower classes by the upper classes contributes to family problems

​how exploitation of the lower classes by the upper classes contributes to family problems

AIDS is caused by __________ and is among the most significant health problems that this nation and the world face today.​ a.​human immunity virus b.​acquired human virus c.​human immunodeficiency virus d.​high-level immunity virus

​human immunodeficiency virus

​Which of these is not part of the sociological definition of any group? a.​interactions are emotion-based b.​consists of two or more people c.​shares a feeling of interdependence d.​people who interact frequently

​interactions are emotion-based

A person who is on the board of a bank also sits on the board of a computer manufacturing company that borrows money from that bank. This is an example of a(n) __________. a.​professional conglomeration b.​oligopoly director c.​interlocking corporate directorate d.​shared directorate

​interlocking corporate directorate

​In addition to direct merger, competition is reduced over the long run by __________, where members of the board of directors of one corporation also sit on the board(s) of other corporations. a.​interlocking corporate directorates b.​monopolies c.​conglomerates d.​shared monopolies

​interlocking corporate directorates

According to the text, with professionalization, __________ gained control over the entire medical establishment in the United States.​ a.​licensed medical doctors b.​insurance companies c.​the American Medical Association d.​medical schools

​licensed medical doctors

Religions give moral direction and teach the principles of right and wrong. This is a way that religion fulfills the function of __________.​ a.​promoting social cohesion and a sense of belonging b.​maintaining social control and support for the government c.​relieving the individual of responsibility for decision making d.​giving meaning and purpose to life

​maintaining social control and support for the government

The term __________ refers to a social system in which status is assumed to be acquired through individual ability and effort.​ a.​credentialism b.​educational bureaucracy c.​meritocracy d.​tracking


The changing attitudes about same-sex marriage are being driven by __________.​ a.​the elderly b.​baby boomers c.​millennials d.​generation X


Someone smoking cigarettes is an example of __________ drug use.​ a.​chronic b.​recreational c.​therapeutic d.​acute


According to Merton's strain theory, __________ occurs when people abandon both the approved goals and the approved means of achieving them. a.​retreatism b.​rebellion c.​conformity d.​ritualism


​It is not always clear when the provider-dependent aspect of the parent-child relationship ends. Should it end at age 18 or 21? When a person is no longer in school? This is an example of __________. a.​role performance b.​role ambiguity c.​role expectation d.​role alienation

​role ambiguity

Marital inequality, conflict over parenting responsibilities, unclear expectations, and lack of emotional support may contribute to __________ for both men and women. a.​status inconsistency b.​role strain c.​status frustration d.​role conflict

​role strain

After conducting his research, Solomon Asch concluded that __________. a.​succumbing to group pressure is less common than many people would like to believe b.​the degree of social cohesion felt by participants is very important regarding how individuals respond to group pressure c.​the size of the group has little influence on the extent to which individuals respond to group pressure d.​when it comes to encouraging compliance, groups wield very little power over individuals

​the degree of social cohesion felt by participants is very important regarding how individuals respond to group pressure

According to the conflict perspective on gender stratification,______________________.​ a. ​women are naturally attracted to service positions that require less training and pay less b. ​women diminish their earning capacity when they leave the labor market to engage in childbearing and child-care activities c. ​the gendered division of labor within families and in the workplace results from male control of and dominance over women and resources d. ​gender stratification can be explained using the human capital model

​the gendered division of labor within families and in the workplace results from male control of and dominance over women and resources

Social epidemiologists investigate_______________.​ a.​the human host b.​the social atmosphere c.​health coefficients d.​microscopic carriers

​the human host

Weber used the term __________ authority for power that is legitimized on the basis of long-standing custom. a.​rational-legal b.​charismatic c.​coercive d.​traditional


Schools play an active part in the process of assimilation, whereby recent immigrants learn dominant values, attitudes, and behavior of society. This is an aspect of the manifest function of education referred to as __________.​ a.​social control b.​change and innovation c.​social placement d.​transmission of culture

​transmission of culture

​The idea of the home as a place of love and emotional support, separate from the stresses of work, emerged __________. a.​in the Middle Ages b.​in the twentieth century c.​during the Enlightenment in Europe d.​with industrialization

​with industrialization

parts of the conventional model in the sociological research process

- Hypothesis - stated expectation... - Variable - independent, dependent - Validity - measures what you want - Reliability - consistent over time

Mead on "roles"

- Role -TAKING (of "other) - Role - MAKING (invest in the role) - Role - PLAYING (embedded in play)

Both Institutions of Education and Religion provide:

- Socialization of Values / Beliefs / Behavior - Stability and Order through Informal Social Control - Instill knowledge - either technical or ritualistic

The sociological research process overview

- Systematic = orderly, organized - Continuous = never "prove" - Quantitative = objective, statistics - Qualitative = subjective, themes

The "iron triangle of power"

- corporations, congress, and bureaucracy

The "Military - Industrial Complex"

- permanent war economy -emerges from post WWII -increases post 9/11 - the business of war

Hirschi control theory

-Attachment - seek approval of significant others -Commitment - to conventional "lines of action" -Involvement - in "conventional" activities -Belief - in the legitimacy of values and norms

"why study sociology"

-See how behavior is "influenced" by society. - Understand (global) inter-dependence - See connection between self / society - See "new" ways of problem solving

Simmel view on sociological thinking

-early "social network" theorist -dyad--multiple interest -triad--principle of least interest

In the United States, there is a strong cultural belief that __________ should be the basis of an intimate relationship.​ a.​economic security b.​tradition c.​romantic love d.​convenience

.romantic love

Deviance is UNIVERSAL and serves what three important functions

1. Deviance clarifies rules - affirms / clarifies meaning 2. Deviance unites group - solidarity is reinforced 3. Deviance promotes change - exposes "problems"

ideal characteristics of bureaucracy

1. Division of Labor 2. Hierarchy of Authority 3. Rules and Regulations 4. Qualification-based Employment 5. Impersonality

Five Essential (survival) Needs

1. Family - reproduce (including early care) 2. Economy - produce / distribute goods / services 3. Education - teach technology and socialize 4. Polity - decision-making and protection 5. Religion - provide / maintain purpose/meaning

Four Distinct Features (of "ideal / perfect" capitalistic system)

1. Private Ownership of the Means of Production (provides control) 2. Pursuit of Personal Profit (drives system activity) 3. Competition (system check and balance) 4. Lack of Government Intervention (market "regulates" behavior)

categories of religion

1. Simple Supernaturalism (supernatural forces in daily life) 2. Animism (plants, animals, natural world) 3. Theism (mono...poly...) 4. Transcendent Idealism (sacred principals of thought, acts)

types of interaction processes

1. Social Interaction and Meaning 2. Social Construction of Reality 3. Ethnomethodology 4. Dramaturgical Analysis 5. The Sociology of Emotions 6. Nonverbal Communication

functional perspective on inequality

1. it is necessary to motivate workers 2. meritocracy-- reward hierarchy based on ability/marketplace

3 main systems of stratification

1. open (class) and closed (caste) 2. social mobility (inter/intra generational) 3. (debt)slavery

characteristics in the categorization of ethnic groups

1. unique cultural traits 2. a sense of community 3. a feeling of ethnocentrism 4. ascribed membership from birth 5. territoriality

Secularization causes:

1.A decline in religious values and institutions 2.A corresponding increase in nonreligious values or principles and greater significance given to secular institutions

Professions are high-status, knowledge-based occupations that have five major characteristics:

1.Abstract, specialized knowledge 2.Autonomy 3.Self-regulation 4.Authority 5. Altruism

Durkheim's functionalist perspectives on religion focuses on three functions:

1.Meaning and purpose 2.Social cohesion and a sense of belonging 3.Social control and support for the government

points of "the sick role"

1.People who are sick are not responsible for their condition. 2.People who assume the sick role are temporarily exempt from their normal roles and obligations. 3.People who are sick must want to get well. 4.People who are sick must seek competent help from a medical professional.

how many interactions are possible in a group size of 7


In Stanley Milgram's experiments, none of the "teachers" challenged the process before they had applied __________ volts.​ a.​450 b.​175 c.​300 d.​225


result of milligrams obedience shock experiment

65% stopped giving shocks at level 450

The text points out that a macrolevel analysis of gender examines structural features, external to the individual, that perpetuate gender inequality. These structures have been referred to as __________, meaning that gender is one of the major ways by which social life is organized in all sectors of society.​ a. ​gendered institutions b. ​gendered determinants c. ​gendered correlates d. ​gendered structures


__________ is a category of people who have been singled out as inferior or superior, often on the basis of real or alleged physical characteristics such as skin color, hair texture, eye shape, or other subjectively selected attributes. a. Race b. Ethnic group c. Culture d. Tribal group


__________ is a set of attitudes, beliefs, and practices that is used to justify the superior treatment of one racial or ethnic group and the inferior treatment of another racial or ethnic group. a. Racism b. Discrimination c. Stereotyping d. Prejudice


After a lengthy political battle, a health care reform bill was signed into law in the United States in 2010. The name of the bill is the __________. a.Obama Health Care Reform Bill b.Patient Right to Health Care Bill c.Affordable Care Act d.U.S. Health Maintenance Act

Affordable Care Act

July Fourth (Independence Day), Memorial Day, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Pledge of Allegiance would all be considered examples that correspond to __________.​ a.​American denominational politics b.​political religion in America c.​American civil religion d.​the spiritualization of politics in America

American civil religion

Childhood Adolescence Adulthood Late Adulthood and Ageism are factors of what?

Anticipatory socialization

the process by which knowledge and skills are learned for future goals.

Anticipatory socialization

asch's reasarch experiment

Asch's research assistants tried to influence participants to pick Line 1 or 3 as the match for the line in the lower card. Many went along rather than risk the opposition of the "group."

_________is the process by which members of subordinate racial and ethnic groups become absorbed into the dominant culture


who came up with "positivism"

Auguste Comte

who coined the phrase "sociology"

Auguste Comte

who is known for the "positivist" scientific inquiry

Auguste Comte

who studied social statics and dynamics

Auguste Comte

__________ is power that people accept as legitimate, not coercive.


Ethnic groups share all of the following main characteristics EXCEPT: a. territoriality b. identical genetic heritage c. a feeling of ethnocentrism d. a sense of community


In most hunting and gathering societies,___________________________. a. men dominate because they have the ability to provide all of the food necessary for survival b. relationships between women and men tend to be cooperative and relatively egalitarian c. women are subordinate economic partners with men d. women control the food surplus


In the United States, whites with Northern European ancestry (often referred to as Euro-Americans, white Anglo-Saxon Protestants, or WASPs), are considered to be a __________ group. a. multilateral b. dominant c. minority d. subordinate


Interactionists point out that when people from divergent groups are exposed to each other, favorable attitudes and behavior develop when certain factors are present. Which of the following is NOT one of these factors? a. The members of each group must cooperate with one another to achieve their goals. b. The members of each group must pursue different goals. c. The members of each group must have equal status. d. The members of each group must receive positive feedback when they interact with one another in positive, nondiscriminatory ways.


The caste perspective views racial and ethnic inequality as a permanent feature of U.S. society. The caste system was strengthened by __________ laws, which prohibited sexual intercourse or marriage between persons of different races. a. racial cleansing b. antimiscegenation c. ethnic purity d. segregation


__________ are societies in which technology supports a service- and information-based economy. a. Preindustrial societies b. Postindustrial societies c. Agricultural societies d. Industrial societies


​ A major criticism of Spencer's theory of social Darwinism is that ______________ . a. ​other biological organizations exercise more control over their environments than do humans b. ​it may be used to justify racial/ethnic, gender, and class inequalities in society c. ​it explains society in an era that is less tumultuous than that of the Industrial Revolution d. ​he plagiarized the work of Charles Darwin


​In the United States, indigenous groups lost property, political rights, aspects of their culture, and often their lives. The effects of past __________ are reflected today in the number of Native Americans who live on government reservations. a. ​structural assimilation b. ​internal colonialism c. ​ethnic pluralism d. ​racial accommodation


Class perspectives emphasize the role of the capitalist class in racial exploitation. Sociologist Oliver Cox suggested that African Americans were enslaved because: a. they allowed themselves to be dominated b. of the owed debts they were unable to pay c. they were the cheapest and best workers the owners could find for heavy labor in the mines and on plantations d. of prejudice toward black-skinned people


Since World War II, many __________ have been very successful; their median income is more than 30 percent above the national average. a. Chinese Americans b. Filipino Americans c. Japanese Americans d. Korean Americans


The "Jim Crow" laws were designed to discriminate against __________. a. Native Americans b. Latino/as c. African Americans d. Asian Americans


__________ are the largest segment (approximately two-thirds) of the Hispanic population in the United States. a. Cuban Americans b. Puerto Rican Americans c. Mexican Americans d. Brazilian Americans


__________ refers to the means by which a society gains the basic necessities of life, including food, shelter, and clothing.​ a. ​Pastoralism b. ​Division of labor c. ​Subsistence d. ​Technoeconomic base


​Indirect institutionalized discrimination occurs when__________________________. a.​under Jim Crow laws, the local library has separate reading areas for whites and people of color b. a group of young men vandalizes the car of a man they believe is gay c. ​the school system has a program for gifted and talented students in which all of the students are from high-income families d. ​a landlord refuses to rent to a person of a different race


Sociologist __________ applied the term power elite to the most powerful in society, who are those at the top of business, the executive branch of the federal government, and the military. a.C. Wright Mills b.Emile Durkheim c.Robert Merton d.Karl Marx

C. Wright Mills

Cultural _______ - affects access to social classes


__________ is an economic system characterized by private ownership of the means of production, from which personal profits can be derived through market competition and without government intervention. a.​Imperialism b.​Capitalism c.​Socialism d.​Authoritarianism


_____________ is power legitimized on the basis of a leader's exceptional personal qualities or the demonstration of extraordinary insight and accomplishment that inspire loyalty and obedience from followers.

Charismatic authority

____________ is the believe that wages ought to reflect the worth of the job, not the gender or race of the worker.

Comparable worth (or pay for equality

__________ perspectives on religion view religion as either an igniter or a retarder of social change.


__________theorists see values and norms as helping to create and sustain the privileged position of the powerful in society.


________theorists agree that social institutions meet basic needs, but suggest that they do not meet everyone's needs equally.


what type of theorists view the family as a source of inequality and conflict.


​ __________ argue that the lifestyles considered deviant by political and economic elites are most likely to be defined as illegal. a.​Symbolic interactionists b.​Conflict theorists c.​Postmodern theorists d.​Functionalists

Conflict theorists

______________crimes are illegal acts committed by corporate employees on behalf of the corporation and with its support.


Criteria for Evaluation of Good / Bad ex: core American values

Criteria for Evaluation of Good / Bad

________________ suggests that racism is so ingrained in U.S. society that it appears to be natural to many people.

Critical race theory

types of assimilation

Cultural assimilation (acculturation) Structural assimilation (integration) Biological assimilation (amalgamation) Psychological assimilation

what does means mean in relation to the strain theory

Culturally approved access not available to all

__________ is the disorientation that people feel when they encounter cultures radically different from their own and believe they cannot depend on their own taken-for-granted assumptions about life.

Culture shock

According to symbolic interactionists, children initially do not have a frame of reference from which to question the prejudices of their relatives and friends; when they are rewarded with smiles or laughs for telling derogatory jokes or making negative comments about outgroup members, children's prejudiced attitudes may be reinforced. This exemplifies: a. unprejudiced discrimination b. frustration-aggression c. the authoritarian personality d. social learning


To sociologists, a __________ is one that is advantaged and has superior resources and rights in a society. a. subordinate group b. minority group c. multilateral group d. dominant group


Which group has the highest rate of infant mortality and death by exposure and malnutrition? They also have high rates of suicide, substance abuse, and school violence. a. Hispanic Americans b. African Americans c. Asian Americans d. Native Americans


__________ discrimination consists of the day-to-day practices of organizations and institutions that have a harmful impact on members of subordinate groups. a. Uniform b. Individual c. Marginal d. Institutional


__________ is a collection of people, distinguished by others or by themselves, primarily on the basis of cultural or nationality characteristics. a. Race b. Culture c. Tribal group d. Ethnic group


the practice of rapidly discharged patients from mental hospitals into the community.


Three functions deviance serves in a functionalist perspective--

Deviance clarifies rules Deviances unite a group Deviance promotes social change

A group of protestors appeals their arrest on the grounds that police officers overstepped their authority. The case goes to court. This scenario best illustrates which of these functions of deviance?​ a.​Deviance unites a group b.​Deviance clarifies rules c.​Deviance prevents social chaos d.​Deviance promotes social change

Deviance clarifies rules.

___________states that people have a greater tendency to deviate from societal norms when they frequently associate with individuals who are more favorable toward deviance than conformity.

Differential association theory

Sociologist __________ believed that deviance is rooted in societal factors such as rapid social change and lack of social integration among people. As social integration (bonding and community involvement) decreased, deviance and crime increased.​ a.​Emile Durkheim b.​Walter Reckless c.​Edwin Sutherland d.​Robert Merton

Emile Durkheim

​According to sociologist __________, the purpose of government is to socialize people to be good citizens, to regulate the economy so that it operates effectively, and to provide necessary services for citizens. a.​Herbert Spencer b.​Emile Durkheim c.​Karl Marx d.​Robert Merton

Emile Durkheim

who coined the idea of "collective representation"

Emilie Durkheim

who coined the term sacred

Emilie durkheim

who proposed "anomie"

Emilie durkheim

Cooleys idea of a primary group

Emotion-based interaction over extended period.

Sociologist Max Weber placed categories of people who have a similar level of wealth and income in the same class. He referred to the privileged commercial class of wealthy bankers, ship owners, professionals, and merchants who possess similar financial resources as __________.


the coexistence of a variety of distinct racial and ethnic groups within one society.

Ethnic pluralism

Social Interaction: The Microlevel Perspective

Everyone interprets social interaction rituals differently.

slavery (debt slavery) system of stratification

Extreme Stratification - People "owned" by others x. modern-day "debt labor" or "contract labor" or other forms of indebtedness - functionally equivalent

_________________states that people who are frustrated in their efforts to achieve a highly desired goals will respond to a pattern of aggression toward others.

Frustration-aggression hypothesis

__________theorists see popular culture as serving a significant function in society - culture is the "glue" that holds society together.


Ferdinand Tӧnnies used the term __________ for traditional society in which social relationships are based on personal bonds of friendship and kinship and on intergenerational stability. a.bourgeoisie b.Gemeinschaft c.Gesellschaft d.verstehen


____________ is a person's perception of the self as female or male.

Gender identity

____________refers to the attitudes, behavior, and activities that are socially defined as appropriate for each sex and are learned through the socialization process.

Gender role

_________ seeks to reduce criminal activity by instilling a fear of punishment in the general public. a.Specific deterrence b.Rehabilitation c.Retribution d.General deterrence

General deterrence

Which of these sociologists first suggested that small groups have interaction patterns that do not exist in larger groups?​ a.​Georg Simmel b.​Herbert Spencer c.​Emile Durkheim d.​Max Weber

Georg Simmel

who focused on society as a web of patterns

George Simmel

who said there are over 70 cultural universals

George murdock

what sociologist Considered group size in social interactions

George simmel

summers idea of an in-group

Group to which a person belongs and feels a sense of identity.

who translated Comte's work

Harriet Martineau

who write "Society in America"

Harriet Martineau

who studied the evolutionary perspective

Hebert Spencer

__________ is an approach to health care that focuses on prevention of illness and disease and is aimed at treating the whole person—body and mind—rather than just the part or parts in which symptoms occur. a.Holistic medicine b.Preventive medicine c.Traditional medicine d.Conventional medicine

Holistic medicine

​Which of these questions best describes the interests of ethnomethodologists? a.​Who benefits from the structure of social institutions? b.​How do we know how to interact in a given situation? c.​How does a society maintain order and stability? d.​What is the economic structure of society?

How do we know how to interact in a given situation?

________is a statement of the expected relationship between two variables.


the social movement experienced by family members from one generation to the next.

INTERgenerational mobility

the social movement of individuals within their own lifetime.

INTRAgenerational mobility

​__________ are based on technology that mechanizes production. New technologies, such as cars, computers, electric lights, stereos, and cell phones, are products of these societies. a.​Industrial societies b.​Agrarian societies c.​Horticultural and pastoral societies d.​Hunting and gathering societies

Industrial societies

conflict perspective on the explanation of inequality

Inequality is not Necessary because economic fear does not motivate - Rich / Powerful support (false) ideology to maintain power - Laws / Public Policy perpetuates inequality

"_____________" is crime, is a rational response to blocked means


_______________ occurs when members of a racial or ethnic group are conquered or colonized and forcibly placed under the economic and political control of the dominant group.

Internal colonialism

Meads definition on "me"

Internalized Expectations

two sociologists with a classical perspective on stratification

Karl Marx and Max Weber

______are formal, standardized norms that have been enacted by legislatures and are enforced by formal sanctions.


deviance and power (conflict)

Laws (and norms) are defined by those with power, and do not represent consensus of right or wrong.

deviance and capitalism (conflict)

Laws (and norms) protect the power and privilege of rich and economically powerful people and corporations.

example of deviance and capitalism as a conflict perspective on deviance

Laws that restrict collective bargaining (i.e. unions)

types of feminism

Liberal feminism Radical feminism Socialist feminism Multicultural feminism

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