Am History EXAM 3

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According to this map, which foreign country held controlling power in the port cities in the main area where the Boxer Rebellion was centered?


Which point of view about business leaders is the artist most likely communicating?

Business leaders have too much control over the industries.

According to the chart, which city grew the most between 1880 and 1890?

Chicago, IL

Most immigrants who entered the Unites States through Angel Island were from


An underlying cause of Wolrd War I was

The web of alliances European nations created for their defense

"Rough Rider" who later became President

Theodore Roosevelt

Under the Platt Amendment, Cuba

allowed the United States to intervene in its affairs

The works of Horacio Alger promoted the idea that

anyone could become successful with hard work

cease-fire between opponents in a war


In this political cartoon, the large figures standing in the back of the room represent


inclination to favor native inhabitants as opposed to immigrants


This political cartoon references

the illegal activities of Boss Tweed in New York City

What happened to Cuba and Puerto Rico after the Spanish-American War?

Cuba became independent but the Platt Amendment tied it to the United States; Puerto Rico became a territory

Triple Entente consisted of

Great Britain, France, Russia

What does this political cartoon suggest about William Jennings Bryan?

He is a populist who is trying to overwhelm and absorb the Democratic Party

What action did President Roosevelt take in the United Mine Workers' strike in 1902?

He sent in arbitrators to resolve the dispute

How was William Jennings Bryan different from the majority of other presidential candidates of the era?

He toured the nation, doing his own campaigning

businessman and inventor who developed and mass produced automobiles

Henry Ford

American citizens and immigrants who had applied to become citizens could acquire land directly from the government through the

Homestead Act

What is Carnegie's message in the text above?

It is the responsibility of wealthy people to give back to society

What was the primary effect of the Supreme Court ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson

It legalized segregation in many parts of the country

What did the Interstate Commerce Act do?

It monitored rates charged by railroads

Based on this map, which island was likely least affected by the naval blockade put in place by the United States?


worldwide organization aimed at ensuring security and peace

League of Nations

How did the Haymaker Riot hurt the labor movement?

Many Americans came to believe that union members were violent anarchists

According to the map, which of the following states had the largest percentage of immigrants in 1890


How did the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act affect Chinese immigrants?

The act banned any new Chinese laborers from entering the Unites states

How did the physical geography of Panama affect the decision to build a canal there?

The location and width of the region meant a canal would greatly decrease travel time between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

What was the primary effect of Native Americans being confined to reservations?

Their nomadic way of life was increasingly restricted

What was one key requirement that applicants had to meet to recieve land under the Homestead Act?

They had to farm on the land for five years in a row

How did business leaders in the late nineteenth century utilize vertical integration?

They maintained control of production and distribution of their products

What was one advantage of urbanization for poor workers who migrated to cities in the late nineteenth century?

They were better able to provide their children with educational opportunities

According to Steffens and Wetmore, what best describes the often positive stories visitors are told about St. Louis before they come to the city?

Those stories are misleading

President known for his "dollar diplomacy"

William Howard Taft

ran as the Democratic and Populist Party nominee in the presidential election of 1896

William Jennings Bryan

"He kept us out of the war" 2was the 1916 campaign slogan for


Which leader led the American delegation to negotiate the Treaty of Versailles at the end of World War I?

Woodrow Wilson

in the ____________, Germany proposed an alliance with Mexico

Zimmerman note

The Sixteenth Amendment provided for

a federal income tax

Based on this question, what did Wilson want to achieve with the end of the war?

a lasting peace in Europe

What idea did Warren G. Harding campaign successfully on in the presidential election of 1920?

a return to "normalcy"

Woodrow Wilson won the presidential election of 1912, partly due to

a split in the Republican vote

society in which people of different nationalities assimilate to form one culture

"Melting pot"

The Great Migration refers to the movement of which group of Americans?

African Americans

What did W.E.B Du Bois believe about African Americans and racial relations in the United States

African Americans should immediately demand equal treatment under the law

What opinion does Washington express about the equal rights movement for African Americans?

African Americans will receive equal treatment when they have earned it

Folsom would be most likely to call John D. Rockefeller a

captain of industry

association of producers of a good or service that prices and stocks in order to monopolize the market


a crop grown for sale

cash crop

Process in which employers negotiate with labor unions about hours, wages, and other working conditions

collective bargaining

communities in which residents rely upon one company for jobs, housing, and buying goods

company town

People concerned with the care and protection of the environment


Based on the map, which neutral country shares a border with Two Central Power nations?


This political cartoon makes the suggestion that

Taft did not continue Roosevelt's policies

According to the information in this map, where was cattle ranching most important as an industry?


The book most responsible for the Meat Inspection Act of 1906 was

The Jungle

Which overall theme can best be inferred from this speech

The Nez Percé were hopelessly outnumbered and worn sown

the practice of maing high-risk investments in hopes of a huge return

buying on margin

What opinion does this quote imply?

farmers are unfairly exploited by buisnessmen

system of consolidating many firms in the same business

horizontal integration

policy under which stronger nations attempt to create empires by dominating weaker nations


This Political cartoon suggests that during President McKinley term in office, the United States was becoming increasingly


Citizens can propose new laws through this process


In 1872, Susan B. Anthony was arrested and late convicted for

insisting on voting

During the __________, cowboys herded cattle from distant ranges to railroad centers

long drive

President Roosevelt threatened to us the United States Navy to

maintain stability in neighboring countries

What solution did the Populists propose to solve the problem of crop prices not meeting their cost of production?

minting silver coinage to increase inflation

The men standing on the dock facing the man coming onshore represent


John Wanamaker changed consumer culture by

offering free delivery to rural areas

official rights given by the government to an inventor for the exclusive right to develop, use, and sell an invention for a set period of time


Voters can remove public officials from the officials from the office before the next election through the __________ procedure


The destruction caused by the hurricane that ravanged Galveston, TX in 1900 resulted in what kind of reform?

reforms in local government

The Interstate Commerce Act was passed to

regulate railroad rates and practices

payment from one nation to another for economic injury suffered during a war


One way the government sought to change Native Americans was by

requiring them to farm individual plots

Expansionists, such as Fredrick Jackson Turner, argued that a quest for empire would

restore the country's pioneer spirit

According to this chart, between the years 1870 and 1900 the number of women as a percentage of the entire workforce

rose slightly

On which institutions did the progressive leader John Dewey have the largest impact?


The Bessemer Process was crucial in the development of


Most settlement houses of the late 1800s offered poor city dwellers

social services

system or theory under which the means of production are publicly controlled and regulated rather than owned by individuals


The house in this image, typical of those built by homesteaders adapting to their physical environment on the Great Plains, were made from


Homesteaders called _______ staked land claims in Indian Territory before noon on April 22, 1889


in the 1890s, immigration patterns shifted dramatically, with most immigrants now coming from

southern and eastern Europe's countires

third-class accommodations on a steamship


According to this quotation, Mexican Americans

suffered discrimination in many industries

The Zimmerman note proposed

that in case of war, Mexico join with Germany against the US

All pf the following were causes of the Spanish-American War EXCEPT

the Boxer Rebellion

Which two acts from the eraly twentieth century shown in the table were most closely related to one another?

the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act

The first action of the Spanish-American War took place in

the Philippines

As a result of the peace treaty with Spain, the United States gained

the Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico

Which event marked the beginning of World War I in Europe?

the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand

What innovation in the automobile industry does this photo best illustrate?

the assembly line

These women have gathered to promote

the banning of alcohol sale and production

This excerpt from the Progressive Party platform concerns which issue?

the relationship between government and industry

In the nineteenth century, tenements such as this were examples of

the social issues affecting urbanization

Based on the congressional elections of 1894, in which region of the country did Populism seem to have the most support

the southeast

At which stage of the fighting did the United States enter World War I?

three years into the war

Why did industrialists support American expansion overseas?

to find markets to consume American surplus crops and commodities

What was the goal of the War Industries Board during World War I?

to regulate industries related to the war effort

What was the reason for the passage of the American Indian Citizenship Act of 1924?

to reward Native Americans for military service

What was the purpose of the convoy system?

to transport troops safely across the Atlantic

Due to the success of his mass production methods, Henry Ford was able to give his workders

two days off from work each week

This political cartoon implies that the American "captain of industry" are


In this report, Samuel Gompers is explaining the need for


During the early 1900s, the National Association for Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was an example of how African Americans

used the court system to fight discrimination

system of consolidating firms involved in all steip of a product's manufacture

vertical integration

According to this graph, which crop lost the greatest amount of value per bushel between 1866 and 1896?


What is Alfred T. Mahan best known for today?

transforming the United States into a naval power

In Europe, World War I was a defensive rather than offensive war mainly due to the use of


President Wilson's program for peace came to be known as this

Fourteen Points

From which country did the rate of emigration to the Unites States drop between the 1870s and 1880s


led the Unites States cavalry at the Battle of Little Bighorn

George Armstrong Custer

Admiral who led attack on Spanish ships in the Philippines

George Dewey

The triple alliance consisted of

Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary

According to the information in the graph, in which year was legislation most likely passed to limit Chinese immigration to the United States?


In the year 1890, approximately what percentage of the total US population lived in the West?

25 percent

method developed in the mid-nineteenth century for making steel more efficiently

Bessemer Process

What trend does the graph show?

Between 1870 and 1910, more children went to school and fewer children worked

A main goal of the United States during the Spanish-American War was to

free Cuba from Spanish rule

The first immigration restrictions passed by the United States government excluded the


The first immigration restrictions passed by the Unites States government excluded the


migrated to western lands to escape racial violence faced in the South


What was the main reason for the drop in cotton prices between 1865 and 1890?

Mills in Europe found cheaper sources for cotton

During the late 1800s, the port of entry for the majority of immigrants was

NEw York City

The battle for women's suffrage ended with the ratification of the

Nineteenth Amendment

policy giving the United States equal access to trading rights in China

Open Door Policy

created the Civil Service Commission to classify government jobs

Pendleton Civil Service Act

According to the map, which new state was a part of the Russian Empire beofre World War I?


Why did many immigrants support city political machines?

Political machines provided them with the jobs

According to the information on this map, if a train station in Cheyenne's clock reads 10:00, it would be 12:00 at a train station in


policy that established the United States as "an international policy power"

Roosevelt Corollary

Direct election of the United States Senators was provided for in the

Seventeenth Amendment

Which of the following were popular forms of entertainment in the late 1800s?

all of the above

President Grant is remembered as a corrupt president because he

allowed members of his administration to engage in corruption

Why does Ford advocate the assembly line in this text?

because it will create an efficient production process

Which of the following best describes the first few years of World War I?

both sides were locked in a stalemate

In the 1880s, American Presidents most often protected the interests of

business and industry

The Square Deal that President Roosevelt describes insured that small business owners would

be given fair opportunities to compete

The building of the Panama Canal was important because it

facilitated movement between Atlantic and Pacific ports

In a(n) _______, voters cast ballots to select nominees for upcoming elections.

direct primary

The sedition Act made it illegal to

discuss anything negative about the government, the Constitution, the army, or the navy

The Selective Service Act was a means of

drafting young men for the military forces

The purpose of the Boxer Rebellion was to

drive all foreigners out of China

"Nickelodeon's" were

early motion picture theaters

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