American Government (Truett McConnell)

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The right of the Supreme Court to declare federal and/or state laws unconstitutional is set out in Article 3 of the Constitution.


The rotation schedule for Senate elections establishes that at least half of our elected federal government will have a minimum of six years' experience.


Southern states wanted slaves to be counted for population, and increase their representation in the lower house of Congress; but they did not want slaves counted for taxation. The northern states argued for the opposite, saying that slaves should be counted for taxation, but not representation. The result was the:

3/5ths compromise.

Examples of bad behavior and impeachable offenses by federal judges includes:

ALL OF THESE a. knowingly and intentionally making material false statements and representations under penalty of perjury. b. being unable or unwilling to discharge efficiently the duties of office. c. hearing lawsuits while having personal interest or bias and prejudice in the case.

The ________________ failed to implement a single head of government or any way to enforce the laws created by Congress.

Articles of Confederation

________________ is not a grant to the citizens of that which they did not possess before, but it is their own statement of the rights which they already enjoy and which they mean to secure and to hand down to their posterity.

Bill Of Rights

What plan satisfied both the larger and smaller states, and served as the basis for what would become the Congress of today?

Connecticut Compromise

The ________________ permits the weighting of voting so the election actually represents the entirety of the nation rather than only small geographical locations.

Electoral College

The local government, rather than the local church, was responsible for calling ministers.


"Residency" as defined in Section 2 of Article 4 of the Constitution gives citizens protections, only in the state where the citizen resides.


Article Four of the Constitution created the method to ratify the Constitution, with an excess of two-thirds of the states ratifying for the Constitution to become the official founding document of the United States of America.


Charters in the American colonies ultimately originated from the Queen of Spain.


Congress has repeatedly defined ''other high Crimes and misdemeanors'' to only be indictable offenses under criminal laws.


Federal judges are appointed for 25 years and may remain on the bench as long as their conduct does not abuse or violate the public trust.


If the states attempt to forego elections, martial law will be imposed by the Supreme Court of the United States, ensuring the survival of government.


James Madison considered the greatest strength of the Articles of Confederation was its lack of a strong central government.


None of the enumerated rights in the Bill of Rights correlated directly to offenses committed by the British.


Northern states of post-Revolutionary War America desired all persons count, giving them higher numbers of representatives and more members in the Electoral College; however, southern states and those opposed to slavery sought counting only free people, excluding slaves.


Once a House of Congress accepts a bill, it again goes to the appropriate committee for review, is reported to the congressional floor for debate and vote, and if it passes with a 25% majority, it is then sent to the President for his signature.


Our Federal government uses a bicameral approach to maintain checks and balances to ensure no branch of government holds greater power than the other.


Resentment over domestic and foreign policy, economic issues, and tax issues led to Shay's Rebellion in 1786.


Section 10 of Article Four of the Constitution gives all citizens equal protections, regardless of where they reside.


Section 3 of Article IV of the Constitution prescribes the methodology for the secession of a states from the Union.


Section 4 of Article Four of the Constitution dictates how each state will treat other states in respect to their various laws.


Someone charged with the offense of treason is not entitled to a trial.


Taxes, such as the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act, were levied upon the colonists to rebuild the British Navy and fund exploration of the North Pole.


The 20th Amendment provides for the reversal of presidential power when transferred to the Vice President temporarily, and allows the new President to name a Vice President.


The Declaration of Independence asserts that individual rights are granted by government.


The Executive Branch executes the laws created by the Judicial Branch and protection of the nation, with the President as the head of state.


The Great Compromise permits the weighting of voting so the election actually represents the entirety of the nation rather than only small geographical locations.


The Judicial Branch of the federal government does not control the Executive Branch because federal judges are appointed for life.


The President can adjourn Congress and declare a pro forma session an adjournment.


The President shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided a majority of the Senators present concur.


The benefit of a representative democracy over a pure democracy is the idea that government can protect the majority from the minority.


The election of President of the United States relies on the popular vote.


The growth of Baptists in Connecticut in the 1770's worried the Anglican establishment. As a result, the government began to enforce its ban on preaching without a license more vigorously.


The legislative branch can recognize necessary autonomy for the judicial branch to effectively enforce legislation enacted by Congress.


Which President served more than two terms?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Which of the following is not a territory of the United States?


The President does not have the authority to appoint:

State Court judges.

Which of the following was a precedent for the Bill of Rights?

The English Bill of Rights.

African slaves constituted a significant percentage of the population of southern states, but lacked any political rights.


After the Revolutionary War, each state in the union had its own currency, which led to inflation and uncertainty when it came to domestic and international commerce.


All levels of state government are subject to federal laws and the Constitution, as no government entity nor organization can subvert or contradict the Constitution.


Amendments are added to the Constitution to create a continuity and assure that each state has a say in the additions to the primary governing document.


Antifederalists feared the Constitution would create a new tyranny to replace the one the colonies had just overthrown.


Believers must make a conscious effort to separate themselves from sinful associations and behaviors by not being unequally yoked with unbelievers or participating in government.


Each house of Congress must keep record of its votes; the formal recording of votes allows accountability of government to the constituency, a notable and primary function in a democratic republic.


If the federal government is assigned a task, such as entering treaties and trade agreements with foreign governments or maintaining an army (not including local militias or the National Guard), then the state cannot take that duty.


In 1628, the Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded by Puritan Christians seeking religious liberty in the New World.


In 1767, Parliament passed the Townshend Acts, unlike the previous acts, these new taxes were on imported goods.


In Virginia in the 1770s, John Waller, a Baptist minister, was dragged off of a platform by the local jailer in the middle of a sermon, and was subsequently beaten before returning to preaching.


In Worcester v. Georgia, the Supreme Court of the United States court struck down Georgia's extension laws and ruled that the Indian nations were distinct, independent political communities retaining their original natural rights.


National government is the power or authority by which a nation is ruled.


President Jackson did not enforce the decision in Worcester v. Georgia against the State of Georgia and instead called on the Cherokees to relocate or fall under Georgia's jurisdiction.


Section 3 of Article IV of the Constitution prescribes the methodology for the admission of new states into the Union.


Spanish colonies in the New World were directly funded by the government, England contracted with private companies to establish colonies as for-profit ventures by granting charters.


The Founding Fathers feared a conglomerate head of the Executive Branch would cause a catastrophic diffusion of ideas and power, making for a weak branch incapable of executing laws.


The Missouri Territory wanted entrance into the Union as a slave state, and Maine wanted entrance as an abolitionist state with freedom from Massachusetts, so both were admitted to maintain the balance of pro-slavery versus abolitionists in the Senate.


The President holds authority to command both the entire United States military, as well as the National Guard (state-level militia) as required.


The Senate represents the States, and the House of Representatives represents the people.


The ability of the President to appoint ambassadors aligns with the idea of treaty establishment.


The earliest Anabaptist doctrinal confession was the Schleitheim Confession, first published in 1527 under the direction of early Anabaptist leader Michael Sattler.


The first steps towards amending the Articles of Confederation or adopting a new constitution occurred at the Annapolis Conference.


The impeachment process requires the House of Representatives to draw up the charges (Articles of impeachment). The House should determine the exact violations that align with the offenses listed in Section 4 of Article II of the Constitution. The House approves the Articles of Impeachment in December and send the Articles to the Senate.


The people of the United States place trust in the hands of the legislature to enact laws for the will of the people, elevating the importance of legislature maintaining their given authority.


The three branches of the federal government cannot impede the actions of one another, even if it appears to exceed the limits of their expected duties, as long as it does not actually violate the constitutional limitations assigned.


Thomas Jefferson agreed with the Baptists that religious liberty could only be achieved through the disestablishment of the Anglican Church in Virginia.


The President may grant pardons and reprieves for those who:

committed violations of federal law.

A form of government in which the separate states retain the right to make their own laws and to govern themselves in all matters which are not placed in the exclusive power of the Union or national government is called a:

federal government

Civil rights comprise the protection of civil liberties from discrimination, meaning government cannot infringe the civil liberties of an individual such as:

gender, race, ethnicity and national origin or disability.

The Supreme Court of the United States is not the original trial court on cases involving:


Each state holds a duty to acknowledge the rights and laws of the other states is:

horizontal federalism.

The commander in chief of the Army and Navy of the United States is:

the President

The English Bill of Rights did not include:

the right for all Catholics to bear arms.

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