American History B - Skill Challenges

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Kennedy raised the minimum wage from $1.00 to ____ and hour.


When the federal budget was signed into law in 2009, the final size of the Department of Defense's budget was

$680 billion

It is estimated that ______ people were killed after the bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


______ people were murdered by American troops during the My Lai Massacre.


The Berlin Airlift lasted _____ months, during which time 2 million tons of cargo were dropped.


In all, the Tuskegee Airmen completed

15,500 missions

The Social Security Act passed in


According to the graph in the textbook reading, defense spending was at its peak in


President Nixon withdrew American troops from Vietnam in


The Federal Highway Act provided for ______ dollars to build 41,000 miles of interstate highways over a _____-year period.

20 billion, 20

In 1978, the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 increased the world total of immigrants to


How many women wore a uniform in World War II?


Which is the line of latitude that divides North and South Korea?

38th Parallel

The Dust Bowl was made up of nearly ______ acres of land.

50 million

In 1960, the percentage of defense spending rose to


The War Powers Act set a ______ -day limit on the presidential commitment of U.S. troops to foreign conflicts.


The Ford Auto Company laid off ____ of its workers after the stock market crash.


Willow Run was a giant assembly line that stretched _______ long.

A mile

Whose protests during World War II led the banning of discrimination in government and defense jobs?

A. Phillip Randolph

Whose protests during World War II led to the banning of discrimination in government and defense jobs?

A. Phillip Randolph

Which of the following represented one of the first efforts of the United Nations to fulfill its mission?

Adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Rock and roll music was based on ____________ musical forms.

African American

What controversy surrounded the 1968 Mexico City Olympic Games?

African American and other athletes threatened to boycott the games if whites from South Africa competed.

In the 1950s, the invention of _________ helped make the Sunbelt migration possible.

Air conditioning

Why was Joseph McCarthy able to wage a successful anti-Communist campaign?

Americans were looking for someone to blame for recent Communist victories.

The character of Archie Bunker best expressed the feelings of

Americans who feared that society was unraveling.

Who used the pop art style?

Andy Warhol

In the fall of 1930 more than 6,000 unemployed workers sold ____ on the streets of New York City alone.


American ships on Battleship Row

Arizona, Nevada, Oklahoma, Tennessee

How did many of the unemployed feel about receiving handouts during the Great Depression?

Ashamed and angry

By 2020, experts predict that _______ Americans in California will make up 14% of the population.


Which was a statement of Allied goals to defeat the Nazis?

Atlantic Charter

What strategy did the NAACP adopt in its fight for civil rights?

Attacking racism in the courts

The 1960's counterculture had the most lasting impact on

Attitudes toward lifestyles and social behavior, art, and music

Substance banned in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and most of Europe but legal in the U.S.


The two decades following World War II marked the beginning of the _______.

Baby boom

Which encouraged people of African descent to return to their ancestral homelands?

Back to Africa Movement

Hitler's last effort to keep the Allies out of Germany

Battle of the Bulge

Richard Nixon believed the federal government should

Be smaller

Why were Americans outraged by the Saturday night massacre?

Because President Nixon's actions seemed to challenge the Constitution

Which were among the original five nations in 1948 that would later become NATO?

Belgium, France, United Kingdom

Robert Kennedy urged civil rights workers to focus on voter registration because he

Believed voter registration was the key to achieving change.

The Free Speech Movement began at _______ and swept college campuses nationwide.


American feminist and writer who wrote the book, The Feminine Mystique.

Betty Friedan

Who championed the cause of equal pay for women in sports?

Billy Jean King

The baby boom was a dramatic rise in ________ after World War II.


Members of the Nation of Islam are called

Black Muslims

Malcolm X supported

Black pride

Which are associated with the flappers?

Bobbed hair and makeup

What was the first labor union led by African Americans to receive an AFL charter?

Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters

Ngo Dinh Diem persecuted __________in Vietnam.


A surprise German offensive against Allied troops in 1944


Methods of hazardous waste disposal include

Burial in landfills

Before Theodore Roosevelt's presidency, ___________ needs always took priority over the environment.


During the 1992 campaign, Bill Clinton proposed cutting taxes to the middle class

But after he won the election, he increased taxes.

How did President Johnson respond to the protests by the SDS?

By insisting that the U.S. was protecting an ally from an aggressor

Which of the following organizations was dedicated to the practice of nonviolent protest?


As the United States mobilized for war, ____ became home to more military bases than any other state.


Which state leads the nation in industrial production?


__________ was and is a major Sunbelt destination.


After the U.S. invasion of ________, more than 1.5 million students shut down about 1,200 college campuses.


The reporters who broke the Watergate scandal were

Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward.

One highly visible critic of the Federal Highway Act was

Charles Kuralt

Who was a British comedian and star of silent movies in the 1920s?

Charlie Chaplin

U.S. ally and leader of the Chinese nationalist government

Chiang Kai-shek

Klaus Fuchs later emigrated to the German Democratic Republic where he helped the _______ make bombs.


An integrated circuit is a computer ______ that includes a number of transistors and other electronic components.


Men who could not enlist as soldiers during World War II often became __________ workers to help safeguard citizens in their homes.

Civil defense

Making a genetically identical copy of an animal's cell is called


Making a genetically identical copy of an animal's cell is called _________.


An example of a fossil fuel is


The purpose of the GI Bill was to help veterans by providing money for _________ or for advanced job training.


Which state was part of the Dust Bowl region?


The foreign policy that aimed to stop communism from spreading was called


____ means to protect the country's natural environment.


Who were Ethel and Julius Rosenberg?

Convicted spies

Term used to describe a rebellion of teens and young adults against mainstream American society in the 1960's.


Term used to describe a rebellion of teens and young adults against mainstream American society in the 1960s.


Who led the National Farm Workers Association grape strike?

César Chávez

Choose the correct sequence of events.

D-Day, Battle of Iwo Jima, V-E Day, V-J Day

A toxic pesticide illegal in the United States


GMOs have had changes introduced into their _______by genetic engineering.


Which of the following represented an important step for Americans in the process of healing from the Vietnam War?

Dedication of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial

What did Ronald Reagan want to do to communism?

Destroy it

The French lost control of Vietnam at the battle of

Dien Bien Phu

In Letter from a Birmingham Jail, Martin Luther King, Jr. stated that people had a moral responsibility to

Disobey unjust laws

What did HUAC investigate in the 1950's?

Domestic Communist threats

His ideas helped lead to the formation of Social Security.

Dr. Francis Townsend

The Dust Bowl was caused in part by a three to four year ______ and unwise agricultural practices.


Very dry weather with below-average rainfall


A friendly turtle named Bert taught schoolchildren techniques for protecting themselves from the deadly effects of a nuclear blast in the movie

Duck and Cover

According to the graph in the textbook reading, government spending on defense as a part of the GDP was highest

During World War II

Johnson's "unconditional war on poverty" in America began with the passage of the

Economic Opportunity Act.

As a part of the Truman Doctrine, Truman pledged to provide ______ and ______ aid to countries under communist threat.

Economic and military

Who led the Allied invasion of Normandy?


Which believed the use of atomic weapons against Japan was not necessary?

Eisenhower and MacArthur

The single greatest expansion of Social Security occurred during _______ presidency.


____ served as the first U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Eleanor Roosevelt

Light rail trains are powered by


Leader of the Nation of Islam from 1934 to 1975

Elijah Muhammad

________ was known as "The King of Rock 'n' Roll."

Elvis Presley

Artificial modification of genes is called genetic __________.


During World War II, Fuchs fled Germany to study in


The most controversial of Darwin's ideas is known as


________ privilege is the policy that a president must be free to keep his or her official conversations and meetings private.


What did the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party hope to accomplish at the 1964 Democratic National Convention?

Expose racism in the Democratic Party , and replace the existing all-white Mississippi delegates with its own delegates

11 million gallons of oil spilled when the _____ struck a reef.

Exxon Valdez

Writing about flappers and tycoons, which author dubbed the 1920s "The Jazz Age" and depicted the new American dream in his novel, The Great Gatsby?

F. Scott Fitzgerald

A cooperative is an organization that is owned by a federal or local government but largely controlled by its members.


A production system in which the item being built moves along a conveyor belt to various workstations is called a one-stop process.


A. Phillip Randolph marched on Washington, DC in 1942 to protest unfair treatment of African Americans.


According to supply-side economic theory, raising taxes and increasing business incentives will stimulate the economy.


Acid rain is caused by emissions like carbon and sulfur but is not harmful to plants or animals.


All of Joseph McCarthy's accusations against U.S. Army officials were proven true eventually.


Americans accurately perceived the level of threat posed by domestic communism after World War II.


Artists such as Lange, Parks, and Evans told the story of the Great Depression mainly through art and photography depicting failed businessmen.


At the start of World War II, racism was no longer a problem.


At the time the bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, critics agreed that this action was totally necessary.


Before the war ended, Willow Run was forced to close due to lack of workers.


By 1943, women made up one-half of the American work force.


By the late 1920's, the U.S. economy was in crisis and one in every five people was unemployed.


Containment was a U.S. policy designed to stop the spread of communism within suspected subversive organizations.


Despite massive protests from the African American and student communities, the Vietnam War continued until the summer of 1979.


During World War II, most African American soldiers served in combat positions.


During World War II, women were allowed to take part in combat for the first time.


During the 1920s, immigration laws were easy and most immigrants came from Asia.


During the 1950s, rock and roll music helped create lasting bonds betweens parents and their children.


Economically, things pretty much remained the same from the 1950's through the 1980's in the United States.


Even after Italy's 1935 invasion of Ethiopia, Roosevelt believed Italy was a harmless aggressor and would never take part in a large-scale war.


Every African American soldier serving in World War II eventually received the Medal of Honor.


Everyone in the U.S. was in favor of the New Deal programs.


Few Americans accepted Charles Lindbergh's opinions on the war.


General Westmoreland's war of attrition in Vietnam led to more victories than any other military tactic.


Great Britain was able to provide most of the economic aid called for in the Truman Doctrine.


ICBMs developed in the 1950's could travel thousands of miles but were not very accurate.


Immigration is a right guaranteed by the United States Constitution to anyone who wants to enter the country.


Jacqueline Kennedy took steps to ensure that John Kennedy's funeral would be small and kept secret from the public.


James Perkins was the first African American to enroll in the University of Mississippi.


Japanese planes limited their attack to Pearl Harbor on Oahu Island.


Let Us Now Praise Famous Men was a novel about rural poverty that centered on a group of fictional men who rode the rails in search of work during the Great Depression.


Marcus Garvey worked closely with W.E.B. Du Bois and the NAACP towards the goal of breaking down barriers between blacks and whites.


Martin Luther King as well as many white Americans agreed completely with the message of Malcolm X.


One of the ways Henry Ford's innovative thinking impacted the auto industry was in his support of labor unions.


Phyllis Schlafly published a book concluding that many women felt trapped as full-time homemakers.


President Kennedy was the only person shot in the motorcade in Dallas.


Robert Kennedy won the crucial primary in Iowa and it made him the favorite to win the Democratic presidential nomination.


Ronald Reagan admitted that he authorized sales of weapons to Iran as well as the diversion of the proceeds from that sale to help the Contras in Nicaragua.


Since the Blankenship family thought California life would be just as difficult as life in Oklahoma, they planned to go back to Oklahoma and restart their farm.


The 1920's were good times for farmers and organized labor.


The Art Deco style can be considered a response to the hardships Americans went through during the Civil War.


The Bay of Pigs invasion was well planned and had the full support and acknowledgment of the U.S. government.


The Bracero Program was meant to be a long-term solution to America's agricultural labor shortage.


The Bracero program allowed poor Japanese workers to become American citizens and secure long-term work permits with full medical benefits.


The Department of Defense never shared their findings after the Eniwetok atomic testing with the public.


The Kent State incident was the only one that occurred anywhere on U.S. college campuses in history.


The Levittown community housed a large mix of different ethnic groups at a time when parts of society remained segregated.


The Pentagon Papers confirmed that the North Vietnamese government had exaggerated body counts to the media during the entire course of the Vietnam War.


The Weathermen were an antiwar group that used only peaceful protest methods to ask Congress to end the war.


The amount of the National Debt always stays constant.


The best way to manage hazardous wastes is to produce weaker ones and to provide consumers with less toxic substitutes for common household cleaning products.


The gross domestic product is the total value of all goods and services produced in a nation.


The group the Nation of Islam dates back to the death of the prophet Mohammad.


The intent of No Child Left Behind is to help college-bound students gain acceptance into Ivy League Colleges and Universities.


The nationwide grape boycott had no effect on grape growers.


The pop art style began in Germany and spread to the United States in 1971.


U.S. census data shows that the population makeup has stayed relatively the same in the twenty years since 1980.


When Let Us Now Praise Famous Men was published, it became an instant best seller.


When farmers from the Dust Bowl states migrated to California in the 1930's, they found that life there was not as difficult and good jobs were very easy to find.


World War II ended in the Pacific earlier than the fighting in Europe did.


Which organization was created as part of the New Deal in order to improve the lives of tenant farmers and sharecroppers?

Farm Security Administration

During his first 100 days in office, Franklin Roosevelt proposed _______ piece of new legislation.


________ nations met in 1945 to create the UN Charter.


Which state saw sharp increases in the price of land in the 1920's due to an increasing number of people traveling for pleasure?


Which describes hippy fashion?

Flowers and tie-dyed T-shirts

The term for a situation in which a lender takes ownership of a property from an owner who had failed to pay on the loan is


In order to build their suburban communities, the Levitts bought their own _______, _______, and railroad line.

Forest, sawmill

The West Region has seen conflicts over timber resources and the protection of old ______.


Greenhouse gasses are produced by burning ___________.

Fossil fuels

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected president ________ times.


After World War II, _______ reclaimed Vietnam as a colony.


Lyndon Johnson would have described his political views as most similar to which of the following politicians?

Franklin Roosevelt

President _________ signed the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944.

Franklin Roosevelt

Which organization works to reduce tariffs and trade barriers?


Which tried to promote trade?

GATT, International Monetary Fund

Proposition 209 outlawed the use of racial, ethnic, or _____ preferences in decisions such as university admissions.


Who led U.S. mobilization for World War II and helped plan strategy?

George C. Marshall

____ pardoned Richard Nixon for his role in Watergate.

Gerald Ford

What did Charles Lindbergh think would be the outcome of WWII?

Germany would succeed in conquering Great Britain and Europe.

He was chief of the Forest Service and added millions of acres to the national forests.

Gifford Pinchot

Who first came up with the word "conservation"?

Gifford Pinchot

Spin-off industries that resulted from the production of millions of cars included an increased demand for

Glass and steel.

_____ was the first African American photographer to work at Life magazine.

Gordon Parks

Our largest source of fresh water is


Service sector businesses include

Hair salons, restaurants, hotels

President Nixon endorsed Vietnamization because

He hoped it would give South Vietnamese leaders enough time to create a stable anti-Communist government.

After Japan invaded China, how did President Roosevelt respond to isolationist pressures in the face of Fascist aggression?

He urged countries to quarantine aggressive nations.

Why did President Johnson withdraw from the 1968 presidential race?

He was shaken by divisions within the Democratic party.

During Bill Clinton's presidency, Hillary Clinton took control over

Health Care

The Immigration Act of 1965 set immigration quotas by ______ instead of national origin.


Who used assembly lines for war production?

Henry Kaiser and Henry Ford

This president oversaw American's food production during World War I and later directed relief efforts in Europe. He also served as the secretary of commerce.

Herbert Hoover

The Beat generation went on to become the _____ of the 1960s.


What event caused Germany to surrender?

Hitler's suicide

The associative state was President _________ vision of a partnership between business and the government.


Loose-knit communities of rustic shacks and tents were called


Soon after its formation, the United Nations formed the Commission on

Human Rights

Which legislation increased the total number of yearly immigrants allowed to 675,000?

Immigration Act of 1990

Which Act imposed penalties on employers for hiring undocumented immigrant workers?

Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986

President Nixon ordered his staff to investigate the Watergate scandal

In response to growing interest in the matter on the part of Congress and the American public.

The Illegal Immigrant Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act established an _______ test.


The purpose of the Geneva Conference was to restore peace to __________.


When a consumer purchases an item and pays for it over time with small payments, it is called

Installment buying

In order to afford the new items American industry was producing in the 1920's, it became more respectable than previously to depend on

Installment buying.

The purpose of the F.D.I.C. was to provide _______ for depositors.


President Truman called the ______ "the greatest danger to freedom of speech, the press, and assembly since the Alien and Sedition Bill."

Internal Security Bill

Term for the forced relocation and confinement of Japanese Americans to concentration camps


After the Pearl Harbor attack, Americans living in Hawaii feared a/an __________ by Japanese troops.


The term used to describe an imaginary line dividing Communist countries from Western European countries during the Cold War.

Iron Curtain

Some scientists believe that global warming

Is caused by air pollution from human activity.

Which was an anti-communist film made after World War II?

Is this Tomorrow

Which policy was espoused by both liberals and conservatives in the United States before World War II?


One factor that motivated Robert Kennedy's assassin was the senator's support for the nation of


What was the significance of the Battle of Midway?

It changed the entire balance of power in the Pacific.

"The Great Society rests on abundance and liberty for all. It demands an end to poverty and racial injustice, to which we are totally committed in our time. But that is just the beginning. The Great Society is a place where every child can find knowledge to enrich his mind and to enlarge his talents." Lyndon Johnson, 1964 This quote illustrates that President Johnson believed that

It was necessary to end racial injustice in America.

If not for the code talkers, the Marines would never have taken

Iwo Jima

Which was called the "toughest, dirtiest battle in the Pacific"?

Iwo Jima

During this battle, American forces captured Mt. Suribachi.

Iwo Jimi

Who led the Manhattan Project?

J. Robert Oppenheimer

Which were part of the Beat generation?

Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg

_____ was the first African American player in major league baseball.

Jackie Robinson

Who assassinated Martin Luther King?

James Earl Ray

Who murdered Martin Luther King, Jr.?

James Earl Ray

"Go for Broke" was the motto of ________ in WWII.

Japanese American All Nisei Regimental Combat Team

The most decorated unit in U.S. military history was

Japanese American All Nisei Regimental Combat Team

The Grapes of Wrath tells the story of the ________, a family who lost everything in the Great Depression.


Which Economic Opportunity Act program offered work training for unemployed youth?

Job Corps

Whose assassination occurred first in history?

John Kennedy

The British economist whose revolutionary theories helped create some of Franklin Roosevelt's policies was ________.

John Maynard Keynes

The British economist whose revolutionary theories helped create some of Franklin Roosevelt's policies was

John Maynard Keynes.

Who believed that the wilderness should be preserved and was largely responsible for creating Yosemite National Park?

John Muir

Who decided against running for a second presidential term after the Tet Offensive?


In 1936, severe floods hit the United States and 900 died in the __________, Pennsylvania floods.


Who developed the polio vaccine?

Jonas Salk

__________ spread the Harlem Renaissance to Europe.

Josephine Baker

The communists who took over Cambodia in 1975

Khmer Rouge

His attack on South Korea started the Korean War.

Kim II Sung

Which of the following leaders wanted to reunify Korea under Communist control?

Kim II Sung

Kennedy had difficulty convincing Congress to support his proposals because he

Lacked a clear mandate.

Harlem Renaissance poet ____ dealt with issues of African American cultural heritage.

Langston Hughes

Which gave the government power to make weapons available to Great Britain regardless of its ability to pay?

Lend-Lease Act

One of the first suburban communities in New York made up of mass-produced homes was


The War Powers Act was passed to

Limit the president's ability to commit troops to foreign conflicts.

One feature of the GI Bill was that it helped arrange for ________ for veterans wishing to buy a home, farm, or business.


The USSR boycotted the 1984 Summer Olympic Games in _______ because the US installed nuclear weapons in Europe that pointed at Soviet cities.

Los Angeles

The Twenty-sixth Amendment

Lowered the voting age from 21 to 18.

Two major stars of the 1950s were

Lucille Ball and James Dean

Who introduced the War on Poverty?

Lyndon Johnson

Who succeeded President Kennedy in office?

Lyndon Johnson

Congress approved the Tonkin Gulf Resolution in 1964 because

Lyndon Johnson misled them.

Why did President Truman fire General Douglas MacArthur?

MacArthur made public statements challenging the authority of the president.

Authorization to act


The top-secret program to build an atomic bomb was called the

Manhattan Project

Which area of the country was the first to be wired for electricity?

Manhattan, New York

White collar jobs are jobs that do not use ________ labor.


A ___________ is a foreign-owned factory in Mexico in which imported goods are assembled for export.


Who began the Universal Negro Improvement Society?

Marcus Garvey

McCarthy accused George ______ and President ______ of having communist sympathies.

Marshall, Truman

Genetically modified plants

May reduce pesticide use.

Members of the Ku Klux Klan murdered him in front of his home in Mississippi.

Medgar Evers

The assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. took place in

Memphis, TN

Willow Run was located in


The last president of the Soviet Union before the country's collapse was

Mikhail Gorbachev

In which city did the Parks incident and a bus boycott occur?


César Chavez and Dolores Huerta cofounded the ____.


Auschwitz, Dachau, and Bergen-Belsen were locations of

Nazi Death camps.

Which tried to prevent the United States from being drawn into a war?

Neutrality Act

The Los Alamos National Laboratory where Klaus Fuchs worked, is located in

New Mexico

Richard Nixon's huge victory in the 1972 presidential election showed that

Newspaper stories of White House links to the Watergate break-in had no apparent effect on Americans' voting.

Who commanded the Allies during the Battle of Midway?


Klaus Fuchs served _____ years and four months of his fourteen year sentence.


In 1953, George Marshall won the ________ for creating the Marshall Plan.

Nobel Peace Prize

Scientists who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970 for his work with genetically engineered crops

Norman Borlaug

Which relate to George S. Patton?

North Africa and Battle of the Bulge

Which two regions are known as the Rustbelt?

North Central and Northeast

New York is a state in the


Maine is a state in the

Northeast Region

What domestic programs or legislation did Nixon promote during his time in office?

OSHA and food stamps

Japanese planes attacked not only Pearl Harbor but all over _________ Island on December 7th.


The farmers who left the Dust Bowl in search of work were nicknamed __________.


During his presidency, Clinton helped America cope with the __________.

Oklahoma City bombing

Where did U.S. troops face 100-foot cliffs and German mines and gunfire?

Omaha Beach

The zoot suit riots lasted _____ .

One week

Which contributed to the Dust Bowl?

Over plowing and drought

Who directed the WACs during WWII?

Oveta Culp Hobby

Chemical mixture that was banned under the Toxic Substances Control Act.


The Battle of Midway set the pattern for other sea battles fought in the _________.


Where were details of the armistice agreement that ended the Korean War negotiated?


The purpose of Social Security is to provide ______ for Americans 65 and older.


Deforestation is a problem because

Plants and animals may become extinct.

Feminism is the principle that women and men should have equal social, _________, and economic rights.


The Joe Lewis war poster is a

Primary source

Which of the following is one reason that many people were in favor of restricting alcohol use in 1917?

Prohibitionists argued that banning alcohol would help maintain discipline among U.S. troops fighting in Word War I.

The purpose of the NAACP was to draw attention to

Racial inequality

What is one way in which radio helped to create a large common culture in America?

Radio broke down barriers that had once separated country people from city dwellers.

In the 1860s, workers to build the __________ were needed so Chinese laborers were brought to the U.S.


President Eisenhower set up programs designed to

Raise the minimum wage

The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty was unique in that it was the first agreement to actually ________ nuclear weapons, rather than just halt production.


In inflation, the value of money is ______, while prices are _______.

Reduced, increased

Regents of the University of California v. Bakke was the first Supreme Court case to consider the constitutionality of _______ discrimination.


Who said, "On to Chicago, and let's win there." after making a speech in California?

Robert Kennedy

What legislation struck down laws that banned abortion?

Roe v. Wade

The quote, "Mr.Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" is part of a speech made by _______ when he visited West Berlin in 1987.

Ronald Reagan

Herbert Hoover felt that a key part of the American spirit was ___________ ___________, people's belief in their own responsibility and power.

Rugged individualism

Examine the image and answer the question. Which New Deal agency shown on the stamp became a government watchdog over the stock market?


The success of sit-ins throughout the South led to the formation of which of the following organizations?


Something saved from the trash and used for another purpose


An object put in orbit around the earth is a


______ was part of the Watergate scandal in which Nixon ordered his attorney general to fire Archibald Cox.

Saturday night massacre

When Oveta Culp Hobby was appointed to head the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, she became the _____ woman to serve on a presidential cabinet.


Which apply to the Atlantic Charter?

Secret, Winston Churchill, Roosevelt, Canada coast

Which goal of the women's movement sparked a debate that continues to this day?

Securing abortion rights

The purpose of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was to

Set standards for human rights

How did the foreclosures of the 1930's change American life?

Shanty neighborhoods sprang up in many areas.

Under New Federalism, President Nixon proposed to

Shift federal money to states and cities.

Nixon pursued Vietnamization believing he had the backing of the

Silent Majority

_______ murdered Robert Kennedy.

Sirhan Sirhan

John L. Lewis founded the CIO and helped win labor victories using strategies such as the ___________.

Sit-down strike

The ______ Act made it a crime to belong to any group that aimed to overthrow the U.S. government.


Another name for the air pollution caused by a heavy concentration of autos is


The fair distribution of advantages and disadvantages in society is called

Social Justice

In the South Region, fertilizer and pesticide use in agriculture resulted in ______ pollution.


The purpose of the Soil Conservation Service was to teach farmers to protect their ____ and limit ______.

Soil, erosion

North Carolina is a state in the

South Region

Under Vietnamization, the fighting would be turned over to the _________ while U.S. troops pulled out of Vietnam.

South Vietnamese

A ___________ was a place where alcohol was served illegally during Prohibition.


Why did Sputnik concern Americans?

Sputnik showed that the Soviets had surpassed the United States in technical skill.

Joseph McCarthy claimed he had a list of 205 communists working in the

State Department

The term for smaller towns located outside larger urban areas is the ___________.


The ______ is made up of the southern and western parts of the United States.


Photochemical smog is a thick brownish haze formed when certain gases in the air react with _____.


Who led South Korea during the Korean War?

Syngman Rhee

NAFTA created one large free-trade zone so that most products could be sold across the borders of the U.S., Mexico, and Canada without _________ or trade barriers.


What were key components of George W. Bush's domestic policy?

Tax cuts, NCLB

The Hollywood______ were a group of writers and directors who were called before HUAC.


The case of the Hollywood _____ frightened many people into testifying before HUAC.


The ____ sought to transform an entire region of the country by building dams and other projects along a major river in the southeastern United States.

Tennessee Valley Authority

______is sometimes included in the West Region.


After their investigation, the Warren Commission concluded

That Oswald and Ruby had acted alone.

What happened just hours after Ronald Reagan was sworn in as president?

The American hostages in Iran were released.

Which of the following government agencies encouraged Americans to build bomb shelters in their yards?

The Federal Civil Defense Administration

Which of the following best describes the reason that the Navajo code talkers were so effective?

The Japanese could not break code sent in the complex, unwritten Navajo language.

Who first integrated Central High School in 1957?

The Little Rock Nine

During the Kent State antiwar rally, four students were killed by

The National Guard

How did the New Deal change the relationship between business and labor?

The National Industrial Recovery Act guaranteed workers the right to form unions.

What was one effect of the New Deal?

The New Deal offered a more active and constructive role for government.

The nickname for President Kennedy's plans for changing the nation was

The New Frontier

Under the mutually assured destruction doctrine, both the United States and _______ would use atomic weapons against each other.

The Soviet Union

Sputnik was launched by _______ in 1957.

The Soviets

One reason behind the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 was that

The U.S. wanted a labor force to fill certain jobs.

Under NAFTA, Mexican products are shipped mostly to __________ but also to Canada and elsewhere.

The United States

Why was the conflict in Korea called a police action?

The United States never officially declared war.

____ was the newspaper that continued to investigate the Watergate story.

The Washington Post

Which of the following was considered among the most important events of the counterculture movement?

The Woodstock Music and Art Fair

The Reagan administration's actions in Latin America illustrated that

The administration was willing to support repressive regimes in order to stop the spread of communism in Central America.

Why was the United States able to implement the Marshall Plan after World War II?

The country did not suffer the economic devastation that European countries faced.

Which of the following was the most immediate cause of the Cuban missile crisis?

The detection of Soviet offensive nuclear missiles in Cuba

How did the nature of the government's emergency relief change during the Second New Deal?

The focus shifted from aid to government-funded employment opportunities.

What led to the decline of SNCC membership and collapse of the group in the early 1970s?

The group's leadership took on increasingly radical and shocking positions.

Some Muslims took the surname "X" to represent

The loss of their African identities

Why did migrant farm workers on strike in California in the late 1960s ask people to boycott grapes?

The workers wanted to put pressure on growers to meet their demands for better pay and better working conditions.

Which of the statements below best describes the relief programs of the New Deal?

They offered some relief, but the pay was too low for recipients to live on comfortably.

Why were many Americans committed to isolationism in the 1930's?

They questioned the Allies' costly victory in World War I.

Why were many Americans committed to isolationism in the 1930s?

They questioned the Allies' costly victory in World War I.

How did the Supreme Court react to Truman's seizure of the steel mills in 1952?

They ruled his actions unconstitutional.

How did dust storms make it difficult to farm in the Great Plains?

They stripped off the topsoil and blew it away.

During the 1946 labor strike, Truman

Threatened to draft striking workers and to take control of the mines and railroads.

Which lawyer worked with the NAACP on the Brown v. Board of Education case?

Thurgood Marshall

Who encouraged people to "tune in, turn on, and drop out"?

Timothy Leary

A reason why Coe believes research proves illegal aliens come to the U.S. is

To deal drugs

One goal of the Immigration Act of 1990 was

To increase diversity of origin of immigrants

Which of the following is true about the role American women played during World War II?

To keep up with the demand for war supplies, millions of American women took industrial jobs that had never been open to them before.

In 1985, why did Ronald Reagan violate his principle of not negotiating with terrorists?

To obtain the release of American hostages in Lebanon

The ultimate aim of the Alliance for Progress was

To prevent communism from taking root in Latin America

One way Carter planned to achieve his goal for the U.S.'s energy policy was

To set import quotas restricting foreign oil.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights called for an end to slavery, _______, and inhumane punishment.


Which is a category of hazardous waste?


Alger Hiss was convicted of perjury, not ________.


"HUAC" stands for the House Un-American Activities Committee.


650 of the nation's banks closed in 1929 and 25% failed by 1930.


A measure of output per unit of input such as labor is called productivity.


A subsidy is money from the government given for public benefit.


After the stock market crashed, consumers spent money only on essentials.


CORE's first actions were sit-ins, in which mixed-race groups tried to get service in Chicago restaurants.


Careless agricultural practices contributed to the creation of the Dust Bowl.


Carter's goal for the U.S. energy policy was to cut the nation's dependence on foreign oil by one half by the end of the decade.


Charles Lindbergh believed that Germany was in a good position to win the war.


Crops can be grown year round in Hawaii due to tropical temperatures.


Deforestation can be accomplished by cutting or burning trees.


During the Great Depression, members of the Nation of Islam would not accept government assistance.


George F. Kennan created a foreign policy known as containment.


George Marshall built the greatest fighting force in history, over 8 million men strong.


If it were not for the use of assembly line techniques, the allies might have lost World War II.


In 1964, most people in the United States supported the Vietnam War but by 1967, many felt that the war was no longer worth winning.


In the 1936 presidential election, the Republican candidate, Alf Landon, carried only two states, while Franklin Delano Roosevelt carried the rest.


Japan's air force attacked and destroyed civilian homes during the bombing in Hawaii.


John Muir and Theodore Roosevelt held different views about conservation.


John Scopes was found guilty of violating Tennessee state law.


Most Americans in the 1960's were not reform minded; as a result, many of Kennedy's New Frontier programs were blocked.


President Eisenhower did not support social welfare programs during his administration and made cuts to ineffective programs.


Some scientists believe that global warming is due to natural changes in the earth's climate rather than to human actions.


Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath showed that the suffering during the Depression was shared by American society.


The Federal Reserve System functions as the nation's bank.


The GI Bill remains in effect today.


The Me-262 was faster than any American plane in use during World War II.


The Newlands Reclamation Act allowed the federal government to build irrigation projects to make marginal lands productive.


The air inside buildings can be polluted as well as the air outdoors.


The incandescent light bulb was a safe, long lasting lighting method which helped Americans gain control of light and consequently, their working hours.


The need for agricultural workers increased after the Civil War as well as after World War II.


The price paid for many stocks was unduly out of proportion to the actual profitability of the companies who owned them which created the illusion of increased value.


The purpose of welfare capitalism was to promote worker satisfaction and loyalty.


The term for smaller towns located outside larger urban areas is the suburbs.


To this day, no one has come up with a definite reason for John Kennedy's assassination,


Urban sprawl occurs on undeveloped land near a city.


When the Federal Highway Act was passed, not everyone in the United States welcomed the new interstate that was to be built.


A speakeasy was a place where alcohol was served illegally during Prohibition.


The Truman Doctrine was originally intended to provide aid to Greece and


The Rosenbergs denied the charges that they were involved in a plot to pass ______bomb secrets to the Soviets.


Daniel Ellsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers, which showed that

U.S. government officials had been misleading the public about the Vietnam War for years.

The nations making up SEATO included

United States, Australia, Pakistan

Where were the principle strikes of the Tet Offensive?

Urban areas

A domestic version of the Peace Corps


Complete the quote from Ronald Reagan, "There is no substitute for _______."


The ______ resisted the Japanese occupation in Vietnam.


The domino theory stated that if _______ fell to communists, other countries of Southeast Asia would follow.


Whose job involved transporting aircraft from factories to airfields?


Which was a navy program for women during WWII?


Which one of the following people coined the term normalcy?

Warren G. Harding

Nixon's "southern strategy" illustrated that he

Was willing to delay further civil rights advances in order to achieve electoral success in the South.

The Freedom Rides began in ______ and ended in _______.

Washington, D.C., Jackson, MS

The largest antiwar demonstration in U.S. history took place in

Washington, DC

The success of business in the 1920's led to the growth of

Welfare capitalism

In the 1940 Presidential election, Franklin Roosevelt ran against ___________.

Wendell Willkie

California is a state in the

West Region

The prosecuting attorney in the Scopes trial was

Williams Jennings Bryan

The women's movement reemerged in the 1960s because

Women began to question why they were still considered unequal to men.

________ was an American singer who performed songs about the common people during the Depression.

Woody Guthrie

was an American singer who performed songs about the common people during the Depression.

Woody Guthrie

Which organization was designed to help poor countries build their economies though grants and loans?

World Bank

Ronald Reagan believed that nuclear disarmament

Would not halt Soviet expansion around the globe.

Malcolm X stated that he foresaw his own death and

Wrote about it in his autobiography

President Harding's secretary of the interior accepted bribes in return for allowing oil companies to drill for oil in ____________.


_______ became the world's first national park.


Was the Voter Education Project a success?

Yes, more than a half-million African Americans became registered voters.

The term plight means someone is in

a bad situation

The removal of people to internment camps during World War II was based solely on

a person's racial background.

Prohibition led to

a rise in organized crime

The Teapot Dome scandal concerned Secretary of the Interior Albert Fall's willingness to

accept bribes to allow oil companies to drill on federally owned land.

During World War II, women

adopted shorter hairstyles and slacks.

A wholly original form of American music, jazz

blended several different musical forms from the Deep South.

A cause of the Great Depression

businesses borrowed more money than they could repay

If stock prices dropped, brokers could force investors to repay their loans if the investors were

buying on margin

How did Ho Chi Minh win support in North Vietnam despite his repressive regime?

by redistributing land from large estates to peasants

How did Henry Ford manage to popularize an affordable automobile?

by using an assembly line process to increase productivity and reduce costs

Among the gains that labor made in the 1930's was the right to

collective bargaining.

A slang term for hippies

flower children

By the end of Thursday, October 24, the New York Stock Exchange had plunged by

four billion dollars

The Four Freedoms are

freedom of speech and religion, freedom from want and fear

President Hoover downplayed the effects of the crash because

he believed the economy would soon recover.

Truman decided to use the atomic bomb against Japan because

he hoped to avoid an invasion that would result in massive Allied casualties and firebombing had not yet forced Japan to surrender.

In 1937, what misstep caused President Roosevelt to lose the support of some within his own party and that of many in the general public?

his attempt to pack the Supreme Court with judges friendly to his policies

An unintended consequence of the Fordney-McCumber Tariff was

increased difficulty for European allies in repaying their war debts.

Why was Navajo used to code messages during World War II?

it was an undocumented language and very complex

Speaking about World War II, Charles Lindbergh argued that

it would be a disaster should the U.S. become involved.

Although the fighting on the Korean Peninsula has come to be known as the Korean War, the United States

never officially declared war.

People who do not believe in using military force for any reason are known as


In the aftermath of the crash, industrialized nations around the world took measures to

protect themselves by passing high tariffs.

What led to the formation of the Tuskegee Airmen?

racial discrimination in American society and the military

In the months before the stock market crash, people who kept up with news in the financial world

realized that sales were lagging and investors were pulling out of the stock market.

In the 1920's, companies used welfare capitalism to encourage workers to

reject unions and accept lower wages.

On October 24, 1929, serious investors responded to concerns about the economy by

selling off their stocks.

During World War II African Americans

served in large numbers in the U.S. armed forces and found employment in industrial jobs that had earlier been denied to them.

The Second Agricultural Adjustment Act passed by Congress was meant to reward farmers for _______ conservation and to pay farmers who cut production of ________ and cotton.

soil, wheat

A __________ buys or sells expecting to profit from stock market changes.


The most famous example of true Art Deco architecture is the

spire of the Chrysler Building in New York

"Black Tuesday" referred to the collapse of the _____.

stock market

The Volstead act was passed to enforce

the Eighteenth Amendment

The Battle of the Bulge was given its name because

the German attack created a bulge in the Allied battle lines.

Which of the following U.S. responses to German aggression provided the most aid to Great Britain in the early stages of World War II?

the Lend-Lease Act

President Calvin Coolidge's popularity was mostly due to

the economic good times that prevailed during his presidency.

Photographer Dorothea Lange's most famous subjects in the 1930s were

the rural poor

The Japanese impressed Americans at Iwo Jima and Okinawa primarily with

their resolve to fight to the last man even when defeat was certain.

The Tuskegee Airmen are remembered because

they were the first African Americans to be trained as pilots and to overcome discrimination.

What was the primary purpose of Operation Overlord?

to end the war as quickly as possible

What was the ultimate goal of the Nazi's Final Solution?

to murder all Jews in Europe and the Soviet Union

By the late 1920's, over-production caused

wages to fall and prices to fall

During the zoot suit riots,

white sailors fought Mexican American youths in Los Angeles

During the zoot suit riots, ___________.

white sailors fought Mexican American youths in Los Angeles

Which refer to the zoot suit?

wide shoulders and tapered pants

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