American History Chapter 12 The Jacksonian Era

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How many Cherokees Were drove Westward in 1838?


Nullification act

Act passed by South Carolina that declared the 1832 tariff illegal.

How did suffrage expand in the 1820s and what groups were denied suffrage?

As new states joined the union, many citizens were eager to participate in elections; women, natives, and African-Americans.

What hardships did citizens face during the panic of 1837?

Businesses and factories closed. Thousands of people lost their homes and jobs.

Seminole war

Conflict that begin in Florida in 1817 between the Seminole Indians and the United States Army when the Seminoles resisted removal.

Trail of tears

Forced journey of the Cherokee Indians from Georgia to a region west of the Mississippi during which thousands of Cherokees died.

Alexis de Tocqueville became especially well-known for his observations on American democracy. Where was this visitor from?


Kitchen cabinet

Group of unofficial advisers to Andrew Jackson who met with him in the White House kitchen.

How did Pres. Jackson plan to reform the government?

He fired many government employees who were wealthy. He use the spoils system to elect average Americans.

Why did Jackson oppose the existence of the national bank?

He thought it was unconstitutional and it only help the man of special privilege.

What was Andrew Jackson's early professional experience?

He was a war hero of 1812. He also had experience in law. He even had a farm using slaves.

Describe some of the qualities for which Jackson was known.

He was an adventurous, hard-working self-made man

Why was Andrew Jackson considered a man of the people?

He was for the common people because he grew up a poor common boy and knew what they wanted.

What was the corrupt bargain in the election of 1824?

Henry Clay urged members of the house to vote for Adams. After Adams became president, he made Clay his Secretary of State. Jackson and his supporters were furious accusing them of making a corrupt bargain.


Idea that a state has the right to nullify, or cancel, a federal law that the state leaders considered to be unconstitutional.

How did the Indian removal act affect Native Americans?

It force them to move west of the Mississippi River.

Indian removal act

Law passed in 1830 that forced many Native Americans to move west of the Mississippi River.

Nominating convention

Meeting at which a political party choose a candidate.


Members of John Quincy Adam's former National Republican Party.


More than half.

How did most Americans feel about John Quincy Adam's plans for promoting economic growth?

Most Americans objected him spending money on programs like science and education. They also feared that the federal government would become too powerful.


Period when business activity slows, prices and wages fall, and unemployment rises.

Spoils system

Practice of rewarding supporters with government jobs.


Private meeting.


Supporters of Andrew Jackson.

Tariff of abominations

Tariff passed by Congress in 1828 that favored manufacturing in the north but hurt the farmers in the south


The right to vote.

States' rights

The rights of states to limit the power of the federal government.


The use of insults to attack an opponent's reputation

Why did Jackson's opponents criticize the spoils system?

They accused him of rewarding Democrats who had helped him be elected, instead of choosing qualified men.

What powers of the national bank have?

They had control of taxes and loans made by state banks.

Why did South Carolina past the nullification act?

To declare a congresses tariff act illegal

Which political group backed up John Quincy Adam's economic views?


Was king Andrew the sarcastic name Andrew Jackson's opponents called him?


Did Martin Van Buren become the next president after Andrew Jackson? Was he liked by the American people as much as Jackson was?

Yes; no

Did the bank of the United States have great power? Did they control the ones made by state banks?

Yes; yes

Where was Andrew Jackson born into? What kind of family who farmed was he born into?

log cabin; poor

List three differences between the two former presidents, John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson.

•Adams grew up wealthy, Jackson grew up poor. •Adams was from Massachusetts, Jackson was from Tennessee. •Adams was a Republican, Jackson was a Democrat.

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