American Poly ch 8

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What usually happens after a third party is relatively successful in attracting votes during a U.S. national election?

One or both major parties will try to co-opt the issue or issues that made the third party successful.

What makes the United States different from many other democratic countries?

Other countries often have more than two competitive parties.

True or false: Voters who do not formally select a party affiliation are considered independents.

True Reason: This statement is true. Party affiliation is usually a legal process. Voters who do not affiliate themselves are considered independents.

government is one in which one chamber of Congress is controlled by the same party that controls the White House.


Which of the following is true of the formation of successful third parties in the United States?

U.S. election laws place seemingly insurmountable structural hurdles in the way of third parties.

The foot soldiers of the political parties are the ______ committees.


Which of the following electoral reforms were enacted by Woodrow Wilson's Democratic administration?

direct primary recorded voter registration secret ballot laws

Third parties have trouble garnering much support from dissatisfied voters because the ideologies of the dissatisfied voters are so


The situation in which one party controls both chambers of Congress while the presidency is controlled by the other party is known as ______ government.


In a winner-take-all electoral system, the winning candidate

does not necessarily need to win a majority of the popular vote.

Political parties began to emerge in the United States

in spite of many of the founding fathers' mistrust of them.

Which level of party organization nominates the party's candidate for president?

national level

Thomas Jefferson differed from Alexander Hamilton in that Jefferson ______ a strong central government.


All individuals who identify with or tend to support a particular political party make up the

party in the electorate.

A philosophy supporting the rights and empowerment of the masses is known as


Political parties partake in activities that are primarily intended to

promote democracy.

A permanent shift in party allegiances or electoral support is known as a party


Wilson's enactment of many Progressive Party reforms resulted in

the decline of the power of urban political machines.

By Jackson's election in 1828, political parties were

the medium through which many Americans were politicized.

Which party typically runs Congress?

the party holding the majority of seats in both houses of the legislature

In most towns, what determines who will serve as the head of the legislature?

the party identification of the majority of members

What are the three different spheres or "faces" of the political parties?

the party in government the party organization the party in the electorate

True or false: Despite their calls for smaller government, the Republican platform calls for a stronger governmental role in the regulation of traditional moral values.

True Reason: Traditionally, Republicans have embraced the idea of a smaller government that performs fewer social welfare functions, but they also advocate for a stronger governmental role in regulating traditional moral values.

Factors that influence which party an individual will identify with include

key issues. race. religion.

With increased polarization, politicians have little incentive to

moderate their views, behave civilly, work with the other party, or compromise.

The New Deal coalition was a

new alignment of American voters.

Third parties have existed since the

nineteenth century.

Historically, state political parties were important because

of their role in choosing U.S. senators prior to the Seventeenth Amendment.

George Washington generally ______ the idea of political parties in government.


During the third party system, party leaders used a device that rewarded political supporters with jobs or government contracts, a device best referred to as


In 2016, Donald Trump succeeded in winning over which traditionally Democratic constituency?

people with no college education

Delegates at the convention develop a party ______________ that describes the party's policy priorities and positions on issues.


Which of the following do county committees consist of?

precinct committees ward committees municipal committees

Which of the following describe a party's platform?

the party's political objectives the party's stance on a wide variety of issues

True or false: Parties were created because our Constitution said they must be.

False Reason: Remember the Federalist and Anti-Federalist political parties arose during the fight over the ratification of the Constitution.

Which president was elected under his promise that he would do something about the Great Depression?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Some of today's party differences in ideology and in core constituencies can be traced back to which of the following events?

Great Depression

Which event or phenomenon led to the start of the fifth party system?

Great Depression

Franklin D. Roosevelt's push for a broad program in which the government would bear the responsibility of providing a safety net to help the weakest members of society was known as the

New Deal.

In general, how did party machines affect the level of political participation among new immigrants?

New immigrants' participation increased.

What did Speaker Tip O'Neill mean when he said, "All politics is local"?

Political parties are organized just as much, if not more, at the county and local level than at the national level.

In a proportional representation system, which of the following is true?

Political parties win a number of seats in the legislature in rough proportion to the percentage of the vote each party receives.

Which of the following, at one time, have been considered third parties in the United States?

Progressive Party Green Party

Between 1968 and 2008, which political party was more likely to win the presidency?

Republican Party

What political party called for the abolition of slavery during the third party system?

Republican Party

Which of the following are evidence that a new party system emerged with the election of Richard Nixon in 1968?

Republican dominance of the presidency increased activism by conservative Christians in the Republican Party support of Donald Trump by rural white voters increased Republican support by southern whites

Which of the following are considered ways in which third parties can impact the American political process?

They give voters who are dissatisfied with the candidates from the two major parties a third option to vote for. They draw attention to issues that are not getting much attention from the two major parties. They can influence electoral outcomes in a closely contested election between the two dominant party candidates.

How did party machines, such as Tammany Hall, impact American politics?

They integrated immigrants into the social, economic, and political fabric of the United States. They awarded jobs to citizens as a reward for their loyalty to the party.

Which party formed in the 1830s to compete against the Jacksonian Democrats?

Whig Party

Which president was elected as a candidate of the Whig Party?

William Henry Harrison

Based on polling of party identifiers, Democrats generally believe in

a large and active federal government.

What does a third party provide for disgruntled voters?

a release valve

What are roles of the political party at the national level?

conducting national party conventions selecting a head of the national party committee adopting a party platform determining the party's nominee for president

Since the 1980s, which group has voted most strongly for the Republican Party?

conservative Christians

The increased partisan extremes of members of Congress are most directly the result of the

creation of congressional districts dominated by one party.

Compared to interest groups, political parties

desire to hold elected office. are focused on many issues.

Which of the following describe what political parties do?

give voters a civic opportunity to "check" elected officials encourage civic engagement and citizen participation foster effective government foster cooperation and coalitions among divided interests and factions

Factional or splinter parties are third parties that

have broken off from one of the two dominant parties.

Despite his distaste for the idea of political parties, George Washington began to utilize such organizations because

he recognized that he needed legislators to help push his initiatives through Congress.

Which of the following are included within the party organization?

headquarters staff party leaders committees

Which type of third party is structured around a highly organized framework concerning the nature and role of government in society?

ideologically oriented parties

Which of the following has been a factor in the trending dissatisfaction with the Republican Party since 2001?

increased factionalization within the party ranks

Which of the following is a reason for the decline in favorabilities of both political parties?

increased polarization

The Jacksonian Democrats did which of the following?

increased the importance of the party convention changed the mechanism for selecting presidential electors extended voting rights to all white males

Which of the following groups is most likely to support the creation of third party?


To whom did Republican candidate William McKinley appeal in his campaign for the presidency?

industrialists factory workers bankers

Which of the following is not considered a category or type of third party?

interest group parties

Identifiers of both parties generally agree that the government should play a major role in which of the following?

keeping the country safe from terrorism responding to natural disasters managing the immigration system

Which of the following groups are generally not considered likely to identify as Republican?


America's winner-take-all system of electing candidates works to the advantage of

major parties.

Parties that hold the _______of seats in the state's legislature are more likely to have success with their proposed legislation.


Which of the following is not likely to be considered part of the Republican Party base today?


Parties that are in the ______ in a state's legislature are less likely to have success with their proposed legislation.


The Democratic Party's agenda in the past several decades has centered on which of the following items?

more civil rights protections expansion of social welfare programs

The Tea Party movement has contributed to the Republican Party becoming

more conservative.

Countries with proportional representation systems tend to have what kind of party system?


Compared with political parties, interest groups usually have ______ issue concerns.


Political party activists determine their party's nominee for the presidency at a(n) ______ convention.


The party in the electorate is comprised of

party identifiers.

The partisan identification of elected leaders in local, county, state, and federal government refers to the

party in government.

Organizations that nominate and seek to elect candidates to office are known as

political parties.

Which of the following is not likely to be considered part of the Democratic Party base today?

religious Americans

The national committee of a political party exists ______ its counterparts at the state and local levels.

separate from

What issue eventually split up the Whig Party, paving the way for its eventual demise?


In the case of Buckley v. Valeo, the Supreme Court enabled political parties to raise unlimited funds for party-building activities, creating what is known as the

soft money loophole.

Third parties that break off from one of the two dominant parties are known as

splinter parties.

Which of the following refers to the practice of rewarding political supporters with jobs in government?

spoils system

The number and competitiveness of political parties in a given polity is known as a party


Under which of the following presidential administrations was there divided government at least part of the time?

the George W. Bush administration the Bill Clinton administration

Which of the following is an example of an issue advocacy party?

the Green Party

Which of the following are examples of ideologically oriented parties?

the Libertarian Party the Socialist Party

Which of the following contributed to the rise of the Jeffersonians?

the decline of the Federalist Party after losing the 1800 elections the creation of newly established political papers that were used to communicate with voters a strong base of support that continued to grow even after Jefferson lost the 1796 presidential election to John Adams

The most important components of a party organization can be found in the broad base of support at

the local or county level.

Who highlights all objections to policies and priorities of the government in power?

the losing party's national chair

In local government, who usually has the privilege of supporting more favorable appointees of their choice?

the majority party

Increased conservatism among congressional Republicans and anti-Trump sentiment in some congressional districts led to what in the lead-up to the 2018 mid-term elections?

the resignation and retirements of several moderate congressional Republicans

Which of these are explanations for the two-party domination in U.S. politics?

the winner-take-all electoral system continued socialization into a two-party system the dualist nature of most conflicts

Third parties will most likely influence electoral outcomes when

there is a closely contested race between the two major-party candidates.

Which of the following people tend to be most discouraged from political participation due to the dominance of just two political parties?

those with extreme ideological positions

U.S. politics has historically been dominated by ______ parties.


What has the dualist nature of politics in the United States led to?

two-party system

Most political conflicts in the United States are considered


According to some observers, the failure to gain the support of what key constituency in the 2016 presidential campaign signaled dissatisfaction with Clinton and the Democratic Party in general?

white voters without a college degree

Interest groups focus on advancing policies, while political parties focus on

winning elections.

What key Democratic constituency strongly backed the candidacy of Bernie Sanders in the 2016 Democratic presidential primaries?

young Americans

The second party system lasted from ______ until 1860.


The first party system in the United States lasted from 1789 until


The period from 1815 to 1828 is known to U.S. political party historians as the Era of

Blank 1: Good Blank 2: Feelings

Which are the major political parties in the United States?

Democratic Party Republican Party

True or false: All third parties are formed to promote a stance on a particular issue.

False Reason: Issue advocacy third parties are formed to promote a stance on a particular issue. There are two other types of third parties as well: ideologically oriented parties and splinter parties.

Why did Thomas Jefferson remain with George Washington's cabinet during Washington's first term of office despite his opposition to Hamilton's Federalists?

Jefferson wanted the new U.S. government to succeed.

If an interest group such as the NRA nominated its own candidate, what might happen?

The candidate would likely not have broad enough support for victory.

How does the role of the national chair change if the party wins the presidential election?

The national chair is less prominent, since the president becomes the most prominent member of the party.

How does the role of political parties at the state level relate to the role of parties at the federal level?

Their roles are similar at both levels.

Which best describes how the majority of Americans feel about the existence of viable third parties?

They favor viable third parties because they are dissatisfied with the current major parties.

Which answer characterizes third parties in U.S. politics?

Third-party candidates can draw attention to issues that might not otherwise be addressed.

True or false: The situation of truncated government helped the Republican Party shut down the federal government in the fall of 2013.


True or false: Governments with proportional representation systems tend to be more inclusive of differing points of view.

True Reason: In a proportional representation system, even those winning a small proportion of the vote achieve representation, and that representation can be pivotal in coalition formation.

True or false: Splinter parties often form because of intraparty disagreement on a particular issue.

True Reason: Often a group splinters off from the main party because of a disagreement within the party over a particular issue.

True or false: People's party identification sometimes does not match their actual voting preferences.

True Reason: Some people's party identification does not match their actual voting preferences.

Which of the following best describes the voting electorate after the expansion of voting rights during the Jacksonian era?

all white males

Most if not all elected officials in the United States

are elected to office under a party identification.

Most issue advocacy parties that form

are short-lived because their issues often fade from popular concern.

Compared to their historical predecessors, political parties today have

become less popular.

President Trump's disparaging remarks about various groups was viewed as a rejection of the

big tent principle.

The influence of the two-party system on civic engagement in the United States has been

both positive and negative.

The nature of most political or policy conflicts in the United States are most likely considered to be


Who are the players in the three faces of party operation?

elected officials party identifiers party workers

As president, Woodrow Wilson

enacted many of the Republican Party's progressive proposals.

In countries with proportional representation, forming coalitions among many political parties is


Some of the founding fathers distrusted political parties because they believed that political parties

exacerbated conflict instead of building consensus. discouraged independence in thought and action. encouraged the pursuit of self-serving interests.

The Jacksonian Democrats' efforts during the second party system

expanded the electorate.

Republicans are more likely to see which of the following issues as a central problem in the United States?

federal budget deficit

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