American Revolution part 2

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Taught American soldiers battle tactics and drills in the spring at Valley Forge

Frederick van Steuben

Who was commander of the British Troops that surrendered at Yorktown?

General Cornwallis


People not in the military

This was the third wave of soldiers who were to rush out of the forest at the Battle of Cowpens and flank the British on both sides and surround them forcing them to surrender.


George Washington

Commander of the American Continental Army, retired from the army after the war to live on his plantation.

Why was winter at Valley Forge so difficult?

Soldiers were sick and had little clothing. boots and food. Morale was very low and people were starting to wonder if America should just surrender.

Francis Marion

South Carolina militia leader nicknamed the "Swamp Fox" for his hit-and-run attacks on the British during the American Revolution.

An American strategy to defeat and attack the British in the South was to do what?

String them out and attack smaller groups using guerilla tactics by striking fast and getting out

Why couldn't the British navy resupply Cornwallis in Yorktown?

The French navy forced them to retreat after a battle at sea

After the Treaty of Paris, American lands doubled in size from the Atlantic to what river?

The Mississippi

These men were the second wave or line of soldiers who were the main line of defense at the Battle of Cowpens. They lined behind the hill to surprise the British as they chased after the retreating militia sharpshooters from the first wave.

The trained Continental Army


signed up for duty

guerilla warfare

type of fighting in which soldiers use swift hit-and-run attacks against the enemy

Colonel Tarleton's nickname

"Bloody Banastre"

How many sovereign states were there in the Treaty of Paris, 1783?


What year was the Treaty of Paris made which ended the American Revolution?


How many Americans and French troops combined were there for the Battle of Yorktown?


How many Brits. were in the Battle of Yorktown?



A person who betrays his or her country or cause and helps the other side.

Who finally got a chance to lead soldiers during an attack at Yorktown?

Alexander Hamilton

John Paul Jones

American naval commander in the American Revolution (1747-1792) said " I have not yet begun to fight."

What happened on October 1780 of the Battle Of Kings Mountain?

American victory of 600 British captured

What side won at the Battle of Kings Mountain?


Battle of Cowpens

An overwhelming victory by American Revolutionary forces under Brigadier General Daniel Morgan, in the Southern campaign of the American Revolutionary War. Considered by many the finest example of the use of linear tactics by American Forces. They attacked in three waves using a hill to hide the main troops behind as the British attacked the first wave of retreating militia sharpshooters.

Who was a representative of the U.S. during the Treaty of Paris

Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, John Adams

Battle of Yorktown

Last major battle of the Revolutionary War. Cornwallis and his troops were trapped in the Chesapeake Bay by the French fleet. He was sandwiched between the French navy and the American army. He surrendered October 19, 1781.

Benedict Arnold

Leads men to victory at the battle of Saratoga but he doesn't get any real credit. American General who was labeled a traitor when he assisted the British in a failed attempt to take the American fort at West Point.

What was the first line or wave of soldiers at the Battle of Cowpens?These men were told to aim and shoot at the British officers to create chaos for their soldiers.

The local militia who were sharpshooters.

The song supposedly played after the Victory of Yorktown

The World Turned Upside Down

How many shots were the sharpshooting mililtia men supposed to shoot in the First Wave before retreating and reforming behind the Second Wave of Continental soldiers at Cowpens.

They were to fire 2 shots, retreat, reload and reform

Treaty of Paris 1783

This treaty ended the Revolutionary War, recognized the independence of the American colonies, and granted the colonies the territory from the southern border of Canada to the northern border of Florida, and from the Atlantic coast to the Mississippi River

Who wrote Common Sense and the Crisis

Thomas Paine

How many lines of defense was there at the Battle of Cowpens?


Where is Yorktown located?


Where did the British troops in the inland Southern Colonies go to meet and resupply with their Navy?


Charles Cornwallis

commander of British forces in South (1780) surrenders at Yorktown

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