AMH Chapter 2-3 Dr. Ford

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the middle and New England colonies

1. Livestock was a central aspect of the economy. 2. Primary agricultural products were wheat, barley, and oats.

Place the following events in the order in which they occurred.

1. Queen Elizabeth dies without an heir. 2. King James IV of Scotland becomes King James of England and asserts "divine right," thus suppressing religious dissent. 3. Puritans begin to face persecution in England. 4. Pilgrims flee to America. 5. Charles I ascends the English throne, causing many Puritans to move to Europe, the West Indies, and America. 6. Militant Puritans rule England, outlaw Anglican and Catholic faith. 7. Civil War erupts in England, in the beheading of Charles I. 8. The monarchy is restored, embraces Catholicism, thus suppressing dissent 9. The "Glorious Revolution" establishes political power as derived from the people.

The slavery practiced in Africa was very different from the race-based slavery of the New World. African slavery was less brutal, as slaves lived with their captors, and children were not automatically enslaved. European slave traders purchased captives at slave forts, branded them with a company mark, and forced them onto gruesome slave ships.

Africa, New World, African, less, captors, children,slave forts, company,

The vast majority of enslaved Africans were destined to perform what type of work within the expanding North American colonies?


Identify the impact disease, starvation, and warfare, which routinely plagued the colonies, had on their population growth.

Although disease, war, and starvation

Describe Deists' beliefs regarding the universe, God, and the Christian tradition.

Correct Answers: 1. Deists included individuals such as Thomas Jefferson who believed cultivating reason was the highest Virtue. 2. Deists were enlightened and often elite individuals who believed natural laws, rather than God, governed the operation of the universe. 3. Deists believed evil stemmed from ignorance, rather than sinfulness.Incorrect Answers: 1. Their philosophy was a response to the Great Awakening and the spiritual revival that had taken place.

Identify the situations in Europe during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries that contributed to European settlement in the English colonies.

Correct Answers: 1. Farm workers, squeezed by the rise of commercial agriculture, immigrated to the colonies. 2. Poverty in Europe led many to accept the risks and costs associated with immigrating to the colonies. 3. Poor workers in the countryside moved to major European cities in search of new opportunities. Incorrect Answers: 1. Opportunities for young men in England were plentiful; thus, the overwhelming majority of young men refused to immigrate to the English colonies. 2. The increase in the number of laborers in the work force dramatically increased the standard of living for the majority of Europeans, leading them to move to the country.

Describe how the English employed the colony of Georgia for strategic purposes.

Correct Answers: 1. Georgia rested between the border of Carolina and Florida and served as a refuge for debtors, the "worthy poor," and refugees. 2. Georgia rested between the borders of Carolina and Florida and was employed as a military buffer against the Spanish, who had colonized Florida to the south. Incorrect Answers: 1. Georgia rested between the borders of Carolina and Florida and was settled for the purposes of creating a homogenous territory made up solely of elite English Protestants. 2. Georgia rested between the borders of Carolina and Florida and served as military buffer from the French who had settled in Florida. 3. Georgia rested between the borders of Virginia and Carolina and served as a buffer between the two rival colonies who were constantly competing with each other over the export of tobacco.

What were the lasting effects of King Philip's War on the New England colonies and the neighboring Native American communities?

Correct Answers: 1. King Philip/Metacomet was executed and his severed head was displayed on a pole to remind Native Americans of the cost of engaging the English colonies militarily. 2. The conflict claimed proportionately more lives in the New England colonial population than any subsequent American war to date. 3. A mandatory military draft was instituted for the first time in the American colonies. Incorrect Answers: 1. The destruction wrought on New England caused English colonists to stop expanding westward settlement further into Native American lands.

Identify the defining characteristics of slavery in the mainland English colonies by the 1750s.

Correct Answers: 1. Most slaves were born in the colonies. 2. Slave owners used violence and torture to control their slaves. 3. Most slaves worked on plantations growing cash crops like tobacco, rice, or sugar. Incorrect Answers: 1. The children of slaves were not also slaves. 2. Slavery in the mainland English colonies was the most brutal form of slavery.

Which features of early New England settlements does the following map illustrate?

Correct Answers: 1. Religious conflict in England and religious disputes in the New World motivated many English colonists to found their own district colonies. Incorrect Answers: 1. Peaceful relations between English colonists in New England and Native Americans encouraged more dispersed settlements. 2. The harmful effect of tobacco on the soil encouraged the establishment of many new colonies in New England. 3. Because the New England colonies were established solely as profit-making enterprises, rival companies formed a number of competing colonies.

Analyze the image of the slave ship below. What does it reveal about the conditions of Africans on such vessels traveling across the Middle Passage?

Correct Answers: 1. Slaves were packed extremely tightly in constant darkness below deck, often for months. Incorrect Answers: 1. Slaves were all packed on the floor of the main deck under the captain's supervision where they faced constant rain and exposure. 2. There were absolutely no opportunities for slaves to revolt on the ship due to the brutal conditions. 3. Slaves were given comfortable living quarters and generous food rations to ensure they arrived safely to the New World.

What does John Smith's map illustrate about Virginia?

Correct Answers: 1. The Jamestown settlers established their colony in a region populated by many Native American communities. 2. The members of the Powhatan Confederacy lived in established villages. Incorrect Answers: 1. Tobacco was an important crop in the Jamestown colony. 2. The Susquehannock were among the largest people in world history.

What factors contributed to the success of the English colonies compared to their European rivals?

Correct Answers: 1. The concentration of English colonies in densely populated centers along the East Coast of North America from Florida to Maine allowed them to develop and maintain relations with Europe without over expanding in the Americas. 2. English colonies enjoyed a greater degree of self-government, and thus greater governing flexibility than Spanish and French colonies, which resulted in more dynamic and creative colonies. 3. English colonies were structured as profit-making businesses that encouraged expansion, whereas royal colonies established by other colonial powers stifled innovation and limited population growth. Incorrect Answers: 1. The English were the only Europeans to bring horses in large numbers to the Americas.

What did Roger Williams mean when he warned that the lust for land would become "as great a God with us English as Gold was a God with the Spanish"?

Correct Answers: 1. The way the English dissolved the Pequot Nation and took its land after the Treaty of Hartford was a display of such profound hunger for land that it rivaled religious zeal. Incorrect Answers: 1. English colonists would begin viewing God as part of their land like the Spaniards had begun to do with gold in Central and South America. 2. Williams was praising the English colonists for achieving greater wealth than had the Spanish colonists. 3. The English should forcefully convert Native Americans, while taking more Native American land.

How did Europeans justify race-based slavery during the colonial period?

Correct Answers: 1. They believed that African behaviors and customs were uncivilized and inferior to their own. 2. They considered slavery a form of personal bad luck sanctioned by the heavens. Incorrect Answers: 1. They believed that Africans were naturally hardworking and should be used for labor. 2. They believed that Africans were intrinsically good-hearted and would be easy to control.

Identify what slave codes were and the impact they had on blacks living in the colonies.

Correct Answers: 1. They made it legal for whites to abuse blacks verbally and physically. 2. They were laws that regulated and restricted the lives of slaves. Incorrect Answers: 1. They allowed whites to abuse blacks verbally but not physically. 2. They provided minimal protections for enslaved workers.

Once indentured servants entered into their contract, their rights became severely limited. What were the conditions these servants faced during their indenture?

Correct Answers: 1. They were not allowed to engage in trade. 2. They could not get married without permission from their masters. 3. Their length of service could be extended due to bad behavior. Incorrect Answers: 1. They had to provide for their own food and lodging out of their wages. 2. They could not own land.

Identify all of the consequences of the enclosure movement in Europe.

Correct Answers: 1. Unemployment in England increased. 2. More English citizens pursued a better life in the colonies. 3. Starvation was rampant in England. 4. Homelessness increased in England. 5. Landless farmers were displaced throughout England.

Identify all of the rights that women didn't have in English colonial America.

Correct Answers: 1. Voting rights 2. access to education 3. ability to bring lawsuits. Incorrect Answers: ability to work outside the home

Identify the ways that the Iroquois League differed from the majority of Native American societies that English settlers encountered.

Correct Answers: 1. While most Native American societies did not unite against European encroachment, the Iroquois League built an extremely strong alliance that was initially able to resist European expansion. 2. The Iroquois League was governed by a written constitution known as the Great Law of Peace, which had three main principles: peace, equity, and justice. 3. The Iroquois League governing structure was highly democratic for its time, and it gave both men and women a voice in government. Incorrect Answers: 1. The severity of the climate in New York negated many of the symptoms of diseases like smallpox that killed off large Indian populations throughout the Americas. Thus, these diseases did not adversely affect the Iroquois League. 2. The strength of the Iroquois League was so formidable that it was able to completely expel Dutch colonizers from the Atlantic coast.

Describe how relations between Quakers and Native Americans differed from relations between Native Americans and the majority of English colonists.

Correct Answers: 1. William Penn and other Quaker leaders worked to learn the languages and understand the cultures of their Native American neighbors. 2. Quakers bought land titles from consenting Native Americans instead of seizing their land by force and coercion. 3. The first fifty years following the establishment of Quaker settlements in Pennsylvania were peaceful between the Quakers and the surrounding Native American societies. Incorrect Answers: 1. Even by English colonial standards, the Quakers were particularly violent in their subjugation of the indigenous peoples of the Americas. 2. Quakers were unique among European colonists in that they assimilated into Native American society and abandoned their European culture.

Elizabeth Pinckney's decision to manage her family's plantation demonstrates what characteristics about women in eighteenth-century colonial America?

Correct Answers: 1. Women were able to succeed at "men's work." 2. Women took initiative and exercised leadership outside the home. Incorrect Answers: 1. Women were confined to household work because of abundant male labor. 2. Women didn't have opportunities to enter into the "man's world."

Although the English government did not actively establish colonies by using royal expeditions, it still had major policy objectives relating to colonial governance.

Correct Answers: 1. exploit the abundance of raw materials in the colonies: particularly timber, tobacco, and fur pelts. 2. establish consumer markets in the colonies for English export goods 3. use the colonies as a means to remove social rebels, religious dissenters, convicts, and vagrants from England Incorrect Answers: 1. view the Native Americans as a source of manpower that it could use in wars against its European rivals 2. manufacture finished goods in the colonies to provide the homeland with products that could not be produced there due to a lack of natural resources

Identify all of the factors that contributed to Bacon's Rebellion.

Correct Answers: 1. falling tobacco prices. 2. lack of land for free white men. 3. Governor Berkeley's refusal to attack Indians. Incorrect Answers: 1. the abolition of slavery. 2. religious differences among Virginians

Women took on a variety of roles within English colonial life. Identify the roles that were usually classified as "women's work."

Correct Answers: 1. garden work. 2. housework. 3. field work. Incorrect Answers: 1. religious leaders. 2. government employees.

How did the transition of leadership during the Glorious Revolution impact the power of the English monarchy?

Correct Answers: 1. he monarch no longer had the power to suspend Parliament. 2. The English people, not God, empowered the monarchy. 3. Kings and queens could no longer levy taxes without Parliament's permission. 4. Parliament was able to reassert its legislative prerogatives and reign in the power of the monarchy. Incorrect Answers. 1. Divine right was reinstated as a justification for monarchical leadership. 2. The monarchy became a figurehead, while all governing power rested with the Parliament.

Identify the various long-term impacts of the Great Awakening on American life.

Correct Answers: 1. religious tolerance 2. Ministers lost control over the direction of religious life. Incorrect Answers: 1. Ministers gained authority over religious life. 2. rejection of evangelical impulses

Identify some of the ways by which enslaved Africans resisted their bondage.

Correct Answers: 1. running away 2. emphasizing God freeing slaves from bondage in their religious faith 3. sabotaging crops Incorrect Answers: 1. Refusing to entertain any positive conception of the afterlife.

In his 1735 description of Northampton's religious progress, Jonathan Edwards's declared that "it was no longer the tavern, but the Minister's house" that drew local crowds. Identify what this quotation signified for the English colony.

Correct Answers: 1. the success of religious revival in Puritan New England 2. colonists turning away from sinful pleasures toward the full presence of God Incorrect Answers: 1. widespread conversion of taverns into ministries as a response to the new wave of spiritualism 2. a newfound devotion to the family over interests such as travel and politics

Identify the various elements of the triangular trade.

Correct Answers: All of them

Describe how the English colonists differed from the Dutch and the French in their interactions with Native Americans.

English settlers were more interested in acquiring Native American lands, while French and Dutch colonists developed amicable relations with neighboring Native Americans in order to maintain a prosperous fur trade.

Identify the following as descriptions of either English or Spanish colonies.

English: 1. The availability of cheap land resulted in huge waves of immigration and colonial settlement with a total population that exceeded 1 million by 1750. 2. Although supported by royal charter, these colonies were the product of privately funded ventures known as joint-stock companies as opposed to enterprises funded by the monarch. 3. These colonial settlers viewed Native Americans as obstacles to their permanent colonial settlement. Spanish: 1. These Europeans were widely dispersed and commonly lived among and intermarried with Native Americans in colonized regions. 2. Their colonial ventures were royal expeditions funded by the monarch.

Because of their continuous persecution in England, Puritans of the Massachusetts Bay Colony refused to antagonize those who harbored differing views and sought to cultivate a climate of religious tolerance.


New Amsterdam, the capital city of the Dutch colony of New Netherland, was more economically, socially, and religiously conservative and restrictive than the English Puritan colonies in New England.


Slavery was much more prevalent in New England than in the Chesapeake and Carolina colonies. This was due to an abundance of wealthy families in the region that required farmhands and household laborers.


Slaves were forced to embrace common cultural characteristics because of the difficulties in communicating with each other. This practice led them to abandon the cultural customs and religious practices of their homeland and adopt a strictly English-inspired lifestyle.


The Great Awakening strengthened the authority of established churches by emphasizing the importance of service and collaboration.


There were more women in English America than in New Spain and New France, which led to greater equality for women in the English colonies.


The Great Awakening was a series of emotional revivals that began in the southern colonies. The movement appealed to the masses, which drastically contrasted with the Enlightenment's elite character. Due to its widespread popularity among all thirteen colonies, the movement helped create ties across the colonies that would later help with coordination of revolutionary efforts.

Great Awakening, revivals, southern, masses, elite, thirteen, ties, coordination

Indentured servants were persons brought over from Europe who entered into a contract that paid for their passage to the Americas in exchange for the individual's labor for a fixed number of years. Once they were finished with their service, servants could claim "freedom dues". As a result, some former indentured servants did very well for themselves and even ended up in the colonial legislatures.

Indentured, Europe, Americas, year, "freedom dues," legislatures

What was the Mayflower Compact and how did it impact the political organization of the Plymouth colony?

It was a covenant among the first settlers on board the Mayflower to form a government.

What was the Jamestown "headright" policy, and why was it significant to English settlers?

It was a policy that provided fifty acres upon arrival to any Englishman who bought a share in the company, and fifty more for every servant he brought as well. Promises of the "rights of Englishmen" were crucial for assuring English settlers that they would enjoy the same broad civil liberties as they did in the motherland.

Describe the enclosure movement in Europe and how it contributed to demographic changes in English colonies.

It was an aristocratic movement

New Hampshire

Massachusetts's authority over this colony was overturned in a lawsuit and the settlement became a royal colony

Recreate the geographic borders of the Iroquois League at the height of its power by clicking on the proper locations on the map.

Michigan, New France, Tennessee, Maine

In 1621, the Pilgrims at Plymouth were struggling in the face of starvation and disease. Without the help of neighboring Native Americans, the colony likely would not have survived. Yet, the Pilgrims exhibited extreme intolerance of the culture and religion of their saviors. They subsequently adopted an aggressive stance on converting Native Americans. The Pilgrims forced Indian converts to live in praying towns separate from their unconverted family members.

Pilgrims, Native Americans, intolerance, converting, praying towns

Although Puritan tradition upheld conceptions of the inferior status of women, their devotion to an orderly family life prompted the creation of protective laws for women. These included protections for wives from physical abuse, permission to divorce, and greater control over property after their husband's death.

Puritan, inferior, family, protective, wives, divorce, property

The Puritans were dissenters who believed that the Church of England needed to be purified from within, while the Pilgrims were considered more radical Separatists who had given up on the Church of England. Facing persuasion by King James I, they fled to the New World. Both groups sought to purify their own churches of all Catholic and Anglican rituals.

Puritans, Church of England, purified, Pilgrims, Separatists, James 1 , Churches

Identify how the labor trends shifted in the southern colonies beginning in the late seventeenth century.

Rich southern plantation owners shifted from indentured servants to African slaves as their primary sources of labor.

What does it reveal about the personal experience of Anne Hutchinson, and, more broadly, about the situation of women in the Massachusetts Bay Colony?

She was charged with religious crimes and debated her accusers as an equal before her critics complained that she overstepped her boundaries. Her situation exemplified the accepted understanding that women were to be subservient in a "man's world".

The Stono Rebellion took place in South Carolina. Twenty slaves attacked a store, killed the owner, and seized weapons before heading toward the Spanish-controlled territory of Florida. They gathered more recruits along the way. In a short time, the slaves had killed twenty-five whites, but soon after were caught by the militia. About sixty were later captured and had their heads cut off and displayed by enraged planters.

South Carolina, killed, weapons, Florida, whites, planters

Match the European power to the features of its colonies.

Spanish: Correct label: This European power's colonies were controlled by a wealthy few who intended to return to Europe. English: This European power's colonies had the greatest degree of self-government. Spanish and French: These European powers' colonies were tightly controlled by the Monarch. Dutch and English: These European powers' colonies encouraged diverse groups of immigrants.

What created the need for more laborers within the Chesapeake Bay region?

The soaring production of tobacco

Carolina colonies

These colonies were heavily dependent on African slave labor and recruited English planters to implement sugar plantation-systems.

During the British colonization of the Americas, what was the primary purpose of joint-stock companies?

They allowed interested individuals to fund a colonial venture with minimal risk through a collective fund. If the colony failed, no individual would suffer the entire loss.


This colony served as a haven for Quakers and encouraged religious diversity along with a more personal approach to faith.


This colony was comprised of middle-class families who made their living by farming, fishing, and shipbuilding, and were primarily motivated by religious ideals.


This joint-stock colony became heavily reliant on tobacco and was dominated by wealthy plantation owners.

Among European settlers, the middle colonies were the most diverse in British North America in the eighteenth century.


Between 1670 and 1715, as many as 50,000 Indians were sold as slaves in Charles Town for export to the Caribbean and South America. The number of Native American slaves exported from Charles Town exceeded the number of Africans imported.


English colonists in North America enjoyed a higher standard of living than their counterparts in England. On average, they were better clothed, housed, and fed.


One of the major motivating factors that resulted in Puritans immigrating to the Americas was religious persecution in England. Puritans wanted to simplify Christianity to its roots, and remove the vestiges of Catholic ritual and idolatry from the religion. English monarchs refused to incorporate these changes into the Anglican Church, and at times outlawed and violently persecuted advocates of such ideas.


Slavery was a standard practice within the British colonies in North America by the eighteenth century, particularly in the southern territories. Colonial legislatures began to formally legalize the institution in the second half of the seventeenth century.


The Great Awakening and the Enlightenment actually achieved similar ends, despite the drastically different roads taken by the two movements.


The Great Awakening was the first popular movement to affect all thirteen colonies before the American Revolution.


The majority of Europeans lived in extreme poverty over the course of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. As a result, many citizens were willing to risk their lives to immigrate to the English colonies in North America in search of new opportunities.


The majority of the population of South Carolina throughout the eighteenth century was African.


While the role of race became much more prominent as slavery evolved, color-prejudice had historically been a crucial rationalization to justify the institution from its inception.


Identify the group of people that provided the primary source of labor in the English colonies up until the mid-seventeenth century.

White European indentured servants

African lowlands



colony of scattered settlements taken over by Massachusetts

The continent of Africa was an ethnically diverse land that experienced constant civil wars between competing groups. Those who were defeated in battle were often captured and sold into slavery. Eventually 10 million Africans from places as distant from each other as Senegal to Angola were forced to cross the Atlantic as slaves.

ethnically, civil wars, sold, slavery, million, Atlantic

Rhode Island

first settlement to allow complete freedom of religion and insist upon the separation of church and state

The population in England's American colonies grew more quickly than the population in England itself for a number of reasons. Women in the colonies married earlier than their European counterparts, and as a result had larger families. Additionally, mortality rates were lower in the colonies than in England. This was because the colonies had healthier living conditions, and the population was younger and less susceptible to disease.

more quickly, earlier, larger, lower, less

The English colonies were more prosperous and populous than their European competitors for two main reasons: they were private business ventures and were more autonomous than Spanish and French colonies, which were strictly regulated by their ruling monarchs. Additionally, the English encouraged immigration and settlement, whereas the others prioritized short-term economic gains.

prosperous, private, Spanish, ruling monarchs, immigration, short-term

African Coast

rice cultivation


sought to establish a "Christian Commonwealth" but allowed individuals other than church members to vote

West Africa

yam cultivation

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