AMSA 490 FInal

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At what blood alcohol concentration is a covered employee prohibited from performing any safety-sensitive function?


If there is a Class A, B, or E cargo compartment on the airplane, what must be installed for the use of appropriate crewmembers?

Protective breathing equipment (PBE)

If a pilot fails two drug tests,

the pilot is forever barred from acting as a commercial pilot for any company

Pre-employment drug testing is required by the FAA of

All newly hired pilots

Which of the following require drug testing at a Part 121 carrier?

All of the above

The air carrier certificate holder may delegate the responsibility for airworthiness of its aircraft to

Neither (a) or (b) is permitted

Records to show that all requirements for issuing a maintenance release have been met must be kept available for inspection for how long?

1 year

Depending on the seating configurations, Part 135 operators may or may not be required to have a company-specific maintenance manual. Part 135 operators using aircraft type certificated for a passenger seating configuration, excluding any pilot seat, of ________ seats of more, shall maintain those aircraft in accordance with a FAA-approved maintenance manual written by the air carrier.

10 seats

After an accident, the employer must administer an alcohol test to any relevant employees within

2 hours after the accident

To be used in Part 121 operations, aircraft must have flight crew emergency exits located in the flight area if they have a passenger seating capacity greater than

20 seats

An aircraft with 254 passenger seats would require

4 fire extinguishers

Under normal operating conditions, the pressurized cabin of a Part 121 aircraft must maintain a maximum cabin pressure altitude of

8,000 feet

To be used in Part 121 operations, aircraft with more than 44 seats must be shown to be able to conduct an evacuation in

90 seconds or less

Landing gear aural warning devices must sound a warning if

A landing is attempted with the gear not locked down

If repair work is "farmed out" to an outside maintenance repair organization under an approved contract, who is responsible for the airworthiness of the repair?

Both (a) and (b) are jointly responsible

The air carrier certificate holder may delegate the responsibility for the repair of its aircraft to

Both (a) and (b) are permitted

Which cargo compartment on a passenger airplane has fire extinguishing equipment built into the compartment that is controllable from the cockpit

Class C

An FAA Airworthiness Directive (AD) is an advisory message only and is not a legally enforceable rule that must be complied with by a certain date or flight period, otherwise the aircraft becomes unairworthy.


Class D cargo compartments are not accessible during flight and are designed with a protective liner allowing the compartment to be used to ship cargo containing lithium or NiCad batteries.


The inflight use of cigarettes or cigars is allowed only on flights with a scheduled time en route of greater than six hours.


While a continuing analysis and surveillance system (CASS) is required for a Part 121 air carrier maintenance program, Part 135 operators are not required to have CASS for their maintenance program.


Records to show that the aircraft was overhauled must be kept for how long?

Forever, and transferred with the aircraft if it is sold

If a Part 121 carrier contracts its maintenance work out to a foreign Part 145 maintenance facility, then that facility must provide its workers

It is not required to provide its workers any time off

Organizationally, the maintenance function and inspection function of a carrier

Must be placed in separate organizations at the operational level of the company

In order to carry cargo on the passenger level in a passenger aircraft, the cargo

Must be secured in bins that can withstand 1.15 times the emergency landing g loads or, alternatively, the cargo may be properly restrained behind a bulkhead

What Part provides a legal framework for the FAA's system of airworthiness directives?

Part 39

Reasonable cause drug testing

Requires at least two of the employee's supervisors to concur in the testing decision

If the aircraft is certified with cargo or baggage compartment smoke or fire detection equipment, the following must be met for each cargo or baggage compartment

The detection system must provide a visual warning indication to the flight crew within one minute after the start of a fire

The mechanic for an airline (that has set up its maintenance under Section 121.379) that changes a DC generator on an engine must hold which of the following?

The mechanic needn't hold any airman's certificate

If the inflight shutdown (IFSD) rate (computed on a 12-month rolling average) for an engine installed as part of an airplane-engine combination exceeds the values listed in Paragraph 121.374(i), the certificate holder must do a comprehensive review of its operations to identify any common cause effects and systemic errors. The IFSD rate must be computed using all engines of that type in the certificate holder's entire fleet of airplanes approved for ETOPS.


If you are a flight instructor for a small flight school and it conducts sightseeing flights for hire, must you have a drug testing program?


Transport category aircraft elevators typically

are interconnected but may be operated separately in an emergency

Maintenance and inspection training

is required at all Part 121 carriers

Cockpit voice recorders are required to continuously record the

last 30 minutes of each flight

The maintenance program for each aircraft is described in the carrier's

maintenance manual

A blue cockpit annunciator light would indicate


The takeoff warning system of a transport category aircraft must operate from the initial portion of the takeoff (application of takeoff power) until

the aircraft is rotated for takeoff

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