AMSCO Chapter 17 - Measures of Development

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What are three issues of measuring development by wealth?

- countries have different currencies - the value of a currency changes over time - prices vary from country to country

What are the main characteristics of the fourth stage of Rostow's model (drive to maturity)?

- diffusion of technology - industrial specialization - international trade - modernization at the core - population growth is reduced

What are some major criticisms of the World Systems Theory?

- downplays culture - limited practical use - fails to recongnize NGO's - somewhat outdated

What are the main characteristics of stage 5 of Rostow's model (high mass consumption)?

- mass consumption-widespread production of goods and services - high incomes - majority of workforce in service sector

What are the main characteristics of the second stage of Rostow's model (pre-condition take off)?

- progressive leadership-commercial exploitation of agriculture and extractive industries - greater flexibility-installation of infrastructure-roads, railways, etc. - greater openness to new technology - greater diversity of products produced

What are the main characteristics of the first stage of Rostow's model (traditional society)?

- subsistence farms-limited technology - rigid social structure - resistance to change-transition triggered by external influence

What are some major criticisms of Rostow's Ladder of Development?

- the model encouraged exploitation of LDC's - model suggests linear change (always in the direction of progress) but there are many differences among countries - failed to consider sustainable development and carrying capacity - failed to consider that most countries that reached the stage of high mass consumption did so by exploiting the resources of LDC's - model was based on american and european examples

Which question would most likely be studied using the GINI index? A) whether the income distribution influences economic growth B) whether a country moving closer to gender equality C) whether religious traditions influence educational achivements


What is a transnational corporation?

A corporation that invests and operates in countries other than the one in which its headquarters is located

What is the Brandt Line?

An imaginary line depicting division North and South economies based on GDP per capita

Based upon Wallerstein's World Systems Theory, which of the following countries best fits the description of a peripheral country? A) Brazil B) Mali C) Japan D) Germany E) China


Which of the following is NOT a primary example? A) farming B) banking C) Mining D) Fishing E) Forestry


Which statement best demonstrates why purchasing power parity is useful in comparing income and wealth in various countries? A) the euro is worth about 1.05$ B) A pair of blue jeans that cost 27$ Pakistan cost 40$ in Laos C) Inflation is 2 percent higher in Indonesia than it is in Peru


What country is currently in stage 3 of Rostow's model?


What country is currently in stage 4 of Rostow's model?


What 5 countries are apart of BRICS?

Brazil, China, Russia, India, South Africa

How is the GII measured?

By the different opportunities open to males and females in a society measured through gender disparity

Which of the following are ALL tertiary examples? A) marketing, building, design B) teaching, banking, design C) marketing, banking, design


Which of the following is NOT an example of stage 1 of Rostow's model? A) medieval europe B) english colonies in North America in the 17th century C) Japan late 19th century


All are stages of Rostow's Stages of Economic Growth model except A) pre-condition for take-off B) drive to maturity C) high mass consumption D) late expanding E) traditional society


Modernization models of economic development suggest that A) there will always be a combination of more developed countries and less developed countries B) owners of industries will always try to locate plants o take advantage of agglomeration economies C) geographic factors, such as the availability of natural resources determine a country's level of development D) it is possible for all countries to reach a high level of economic development


Which of the following would NOT be in the quinary sector? A) Media B) Healthcare C) Universities D) Manufacturing


______________ countries tend to have lower income inequality


What resource depletion and how can it impact development?

Development that is not sustainable when people overuse resources, this can lead to a decrease in food supplies

What is the gender gap?

Differences in the privileges afforded to males and females in a culture

What is the task of primary economic sector?

Extracting natural resources

What does GII stand for?

Gender Inequality Index

What does HDI stand for?

Human Development Index

What are the two measures of social development?

Life expectancy; literacy rate

If the U.S was to be broken down into Wallerstein's theory categories, what would the core be?

Major cities such as New York City and Chicago

If the U.S was to be broken down into Wallerstein's theory categories, what would the semi-periphery be?

Manufactoring belt in the Midwest and parts of the south

What is the relationship between core dominance and neolocalism?

Neolocalism - Despite winning political independence post colonial were still controlled economically and culturally by core countries throughout control over production of goods. Core dominance - control of periphery/semi periphery through exploitation of weak labor and environmental laws

What country is gender equality the least advanced?


What are NGOs?

Non-governmental organizations

What is the task of the secondary economic sector?

Processing natural resources

What is the quinary sector?

Sector of jobs that involve high-ranking decisions in a society

Experience industrial growth, urbanization, industrialization, technology and mass production are all characteristics in what stage of Rostow's model?

Stage 3 (Take-off)

What country is gender equality most advanced?


What is the dependency theory?

The dependency theory is a structuralist model, based on how MDCs often exploit LDCs to gain in wealth in MDCs at the expense of LDCs

What is value added?

The gross value of the product minus the costs of raw materials and energy.

What 3 things does the GII (Gender Inequality Index) score indicate?

The reproductive health, empowerment, and labor market participation of women

What is ecotourism?

Tourism that attempts to protect local ecosystems and educate visitors about them. Tourists may be charged a fee to fund maintenance and create sustainable jobs. (ex: Australia's coral reef)

True or False? The gender gap is seen throughout the world in educational opportunities, employment, wages, voting rights, healthcare, political empowerment, property rights, ability to drive, inheriting rights, and the right to make contraception decisions


Give 5 examples of Core countries

United States, U.K, Japan. Australia, Germany

What are microloans?

Very small, short-term loans with a low interest rate, extended to low capital requirements, or small businesses with only a few employees

What is the difference between Wallersteins and Rostow's models?

Wallersteins model does not suggest that all countries can reach the high level of development and how it can improve their position In contrast, it indicates that as a result of nature of dependency, the world systems will alway include a combination of types of countries

Who developed the Modernization Model?

Walt W. Rostow

What is sustainable development?

economic development that serves current needs of people without making it harder for people in the future to live

What does a 0 GINI Coefficient mean?

everyone's income is the same

What are the most common measures of development?

gross national product (GNP), gross domestic product (GPD), gross national income (GNI)

lIteracy rates above 99% are common in _______________countries

highly developed

What are three examples of the quaternary sector?

libraries, researching, information technology

Low life expectancy of a country suggests that they are ______________ due to inadequate nutrition and healthcare

low level development

Globally what challenges do women face in the work place?

lower wages, employment discrimination

give two secondary examples

manufacturing, building

What is the Modernization Model?

modernization effect from urban industry and western influence to develop a country as a whole. Rostow assumes that all countries have an equal chance to develop, without regard to population size, natural resources, or location.

What is the task of the economic tertiary sector?

providing services rather than working with natural resources

If the U.S was to be broken down into Wallerstein's theory categories, what would the periphery be?

rural areas of the great plains and the west

What is the quaternary sector?

sector of jobs that are intellectual or knowledge based

What is the purpose of the UN Millennium Goals

set timebound targets, by which progress in reducing income poverty, hunger, disease, lack of adequate shelter and exclusion — while promoting gender equality, health, education and environmental sustainability

What does the GINI coefficient measure?

the distribution of income within a population, the values range from 0 and 1

What is Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?

the total value of all goods and services within a country per year

What is Gross National Product (GNP)?

the value of goods and services produced by only a countries citizens but both domestically and abroad

What is the importance of per capita measurements?

to make the numbers from different countries comparable

What is Gross National Income (GNI)?

total income received by the country from its residents and businesses

True of false? According to the GINI Coefficient, the higher the number, the higher the degree of inequality


True or False? Developing countries tend to have the highest income inequality


True or False? NGOs help developing nations by promoting economic development, providing healthcare, responding to emergencies, overcoming global poverty, protecting human rights, promote rural development and helping people with disabilities


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