Anatomay II- Chapter 6 Urinary System
Following the direction of urine flow, which structure does urine pass through right before reaching the ureter?
renal pelvis
The medulla of the kidney consists of ______.
renal pyramids
Which blood vessel is indicated in the figure?
renal vein
Following the path of blood through the kidneys, blood flows into the kidney via the ______ artery which then divides into several ______ arteries.
renal; interlobar
The kidneys help to regulate blood pressure by secreting an enzyme called
The kidneys are located behind the peritoneum. The term that describes that location is
A medial depression on the concave side of the kidney leads into a hollow chamber that contains blood vessels, nerves, lymphatic vessels, and urine-collecting structures. This chamber is called the renal ______.
The prefix "af-" means ______, while the prefix "prox-" means ______.
to; nearest
A kidney is approximately ______ centimeters long, 6 centimeters wide, and 3 centimeters thick.
What is hemodialysis?
A process using an artificial membrane that cleans the blood outside the body.
Match the term for each kidney structure with the appropriate letter.
A- major calyx B- minor calyx C-renal pelvis
Match the letter with the parts of the nephron and urine pathway. Instructions
A- renal corpuscle B-renal tubule C- collecting duct
Match each letter with the appropriate kidney structure. Instructions
A-collecting duct B-minor calyx C-nephron D-renal papilla
Match the letter with the correct kidney structure. Instructions
A-renal papilla B-renal pyramid C-renal column
The renal artery is indicated by letter ______, while the renal vein is indicated by letter ______.
A: B
The renal cortex is indicated by the letter ______, while the renal medulla is indicated by letter ______.
A; B
The kidneys, and other organs, are retroperitoneal. What does that mean?
They are located behind the peritoneal cavity.
What is the renal capsule?
a fibrous membrane around the kidney
Match the root words with the correct meaning. Instructions
af- to calyc- small cup cort- covering cyst- bladder detrus- to force away
The vessel that supplies blood to the nephron is a(n) arteriole
Which arteriole brings blood from the cortical radiate arteries into the nephron?
afferent arteriole
Following the path of blood through the kidneys, blood passes from the interlobar arteries into the ______ arteries.
Name the arterial branch that travels along the base of a renal pyramid, marking the boundary between the cortex and medulla.
arcuate artery
The kidney is shaped like a(n) ______.
The hilum of the kidney is the location where ______ pass into and out of the kidney.
blood vessels, nerves, lymphatic vessels, and the ureter
The extensions of the renal cortex tissue into the renal medulla (between renal pyramids) are called renal ______.
What is the renal fascia composed of?
connective tissue
The layer of the kidney tissue found just deep to the renal capsule, distinct from the innermost layer of the kidney, is the renal ______.
Name the type of arteries that branch off from the arcuate arteries to extend into the cortex.
cortical radiate arteries
Blood passes from an arcuate artery into which artery before entering afferent arterioles?
cortical radiate artery
The kidneys produce a hormone that stimulates red blood cell production called
Which functions does the urinary system regulate?
excretion of drugs volume of body fluids pH balance removal of metabolic wastes
Pair each root word with its meaning. Instructions
glom- little ball juxta- near to mict- to pass urine papill- nipple trigon- triangular
Each afferent arteriole delivers blood to a mass of fenestrated blood capillaries within the renal corpuscle, called the
If a person is in renal failure, or if the kidneys are not functioning optimally, a person can be placed on , a process in which an artificial kidney cleanses the blood.
The medial surface of the kidney is the site of the renal ______, a depression and slit where blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatic vessels enter and leave the kidney.
Name the arterial branch that passes through the renal medulla between the renal pyramids.
interlobar artery
The root word that means "near to" is ______ and the root word that means "to pass urine" is ______.
juxta-; mict-
The renal artery brings blood to which structure?
What does the root word "ren-" mean?
The organs that function to regulate the removal of excess water, electrolytes, and metabolic wastes from body fluids are called the
Urine flows from the ______ into the renal pelvis, and from there into the ureter.
major calyces
The renal is the region of the kidney that consists of renal pyramids.
The renal pyramids are part of the renal
The major regions of the kidney are the renal and the renal
medulla cortex
Urine passes from the collecting ducts into the calyces, then into the calyces before reaching the renal pelvis.
minor major
Contributing to homeostasis, the kidney functions to maintain which of the following within normal ranges?
pH of body fluids volume of body fluids composition of body fluids
The blunt tip of a renal pyramid through which urine drains into a minor calyx is the renal ______.
The superior end of the ureter expands to form a funnel-shaped renal , located mostly within the renal sinus.
Name the capillaries that surround the renal tubules within the renal cortex.
peritubular capillaries
The word element "nephr-," as in the term nephron, means ______.
pertaining to the kidney
What does the word root "nephr-" mean?
pertaining to the kidney
The kidneys are on the ______ wall.
posterior abdominal
Renal columns are made of cortical tissue and are located between the renal
The kidneys release a hormone called erythropoietin which regulates ______.
red blood cell production
What is the primary function of the kidneys?
regulate the composition and volume of body fluids
The enzyme renin is secreted by the kidneys. What is its function?
regulation of blood pressure
The word element that specifically indicates the kidney is ______.
The blood vessel that supplies blood to the kidney is called the artery.
This hollow chamber through which blood vessels, nerves, and ureters enter the kidney is called the
renal sinus
What is the thin fibrous sac that encloses the kidney called?
renal capsule
Which region of the kidney lies just below the renal capsule?
renal cortex
Which tissues help hold the kidneys in position?
renal fascia renal capsule renal fat
The arrow in the figure is pointing to what region of the kidney?
renal medulla
Which region of the kidney is composed of renal pyramids?
renal medulla
Name the tips of the renal pyramids that point toward the renal sinus.
renal papillae
Which statements correctly identify the numbers of organs in the urinary system?
two kidneys one urinary bladder
What are the tubular structures indicated in the figure?
The kidneys, urinary bladder, , and are organs of the urinary system.
ureters urethra
The tubular structure indicated by the arrow is the
The system that removes certain salts and nitrogenous wastes is the system.
List the four organs making up the urinary system.
urinary bladder urethra ureters kidneys
The kidneys lie on either side of the column in a depression high on the wall of the abdominal cavity.
vertebral posterior