Anatomy and Physiology

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When a doctor gives a patient epidural anesthesia, they are inserting a needle between which two structures?

Pia mater and arachnoid mater Body of the vertebrae and dura mater Spinal cord and arachnoid mater Periosteum and dura mater Dorsal root ganglion and the transverse process

A dermatome is the area of skin supplied with sensory innervation by

a pair of spinal nerves. all the nerves of the thoracic area of the spinal cord. a pair of ventral rami. four dorsal rami.

The peripheral nervous system includes the _____

blood-brain barrier spinal cord cranial nerves cerebellum brain

The embryonic structure that gives rise to the structures of the central nervous system is called the ______

brainstem notochord forebrain neural tube

A basal nucleus in the midbrain is the _________, and a basal nucleus in the diencephalon is the ______

caudate; lentiform globus pallidus; corpus striatum substantia nigra; subthalamic corpus striatum; lentiform nucleus

The highlighted structure is the ____

cerebral aqueduct fourth ventricle lateral ventricle third ventricle

In the ventricles, CSF is produced at _________, which are composed of specialized ependymal cells surrounded by supportive connective tissue.

cerebral aqueducts choroid plexuses subarachnoid spaces venous sinuses

Triangular muscles like the pectoralis major are also called _________ muscles.

circular convergent parallel bipennate

White Matter

myelinated axons

For each ATP molecule used, the sodium-potassium pump transports

two Na+ into the cell and three K+ out of the cell. two K+ out of the cell and three Na+ into the cell. two K+ into the cell and three Na+ out of the cell. two Na+ out of the cell and three K+ into the cell.

gray matter

unmyelinated axons, cell bodies, dendrites, neuroglia. Integrative functions

Complete each sentence using the drop down menus. 1. CSF is secreted by the choroid plexus and flows into each _______ ventricle. 2. CSF then flows out of the fourth ventricle through the lateral and _______ apertures. 3. CSF fills ______ space and bathes external surfaces of brain and spinal cord. 4. At arachnoid villi, CSF is reabsorbed into venous blood of ______ venous sinuses. 5. CSF then flows from the third ventricle through the cerebral ______ to the fourth ventricle.

1. lateral 2. median 3. subarachnoid 4. dural 5. aqueduct

There are _________enlargements of the spinal cord where nerves supplying the extremities enter and leave.

4 5 6 2

A student observes gray tissue in a preserved section of a human brain. Which of the following might he be looking at?

Association fibers Basal nuclei Corpus callosum Projection fibers

Axoaxonic Synapses

Axon of one neuron synapses with the presynaptic terminal (axon) of another, common in CNS

Nervous system is a communication system that consists of the _____ and ________

Central Nervous system and Peripheral nervous system

f a blockage forms in the cerebral aqueduct, where will CSF back up first?

Central canal Third ventricle Subarachnoid space Dural venous sinuses

A receptor detects light touch on the face. Which of the following correctly lists the pathway the signal will pass to its final destination in the brain?

Cerebral cortex, facial nerve, reticular formation, thalamus Trigeminal nerve, reticular formation, thalamus, cerebral cortex Facial nerve, thalamus, cerebral cortex, reticular formation Thalamus, trigeminal nerve, reticular formation, cerebral cortex


Clusters of cell bodies are Ganglia


Clusters of neuron cell bodies are nuclei

Which of the following would be a likely result of severing the tibial and common fibular nerves?

Difficulty with dorsiflexion and plantar flexion Loss of sensation from the posterior arm Loss of sensation from the thumb, index finger, and middle finger on each hand Difficulty with hip flexion

Which muscle shape has muscle fibers that run the length of the muscle and taper at each end?

Fusiform Multipennate Pennate Circular

Identify the statement that best differentiates gray matter and white matter.

Gray matter consists of cell bodies and dendrites, whereas white matter consists mostly of myelinated axons. Gray matter consists of neuron cell bodies, dendrites, and axons, whereas white matter is mostly composed of glial cells. Gray matter consists axon bundles, whereas white matter consists of clusters of cell bodies and dendrites

While moving a large box in his garage, Carl hurt his back. Within hours, the pain in his back was radiating down the medial side of his left thigh and knee. It was especially difficult for Carl to flex his left hip and extend his left knee. He could not stand the pain, so he went to the emergency room. Radiographs and an MRI revealed a bulging intervertebral disk. Using a dermatome map, indicate which spinal nerve was most likely affected?

L3 S1 T9 L4 L2 C2 C1 S5

Which of the following would be a likely result of damaging the musculocutaneous nerve?

Loss of sensation from the medial third of the hand Loss of sensation from the lateral shoulder Difficulty flexing the elbow Difficulty flexing the shoulder

A woman comes on crutches complaining she cannot seem to extend either of her arms, her elbows, wrists, and fingers remaining in a flexed position. She also states a loss of sensation to her forearms and hands. During the conversation, she tells you she fractured her ankle but the healing process has taken much longer than originally anticipated. The result is that she has been using her crutches for quite a while. You suspect nerve damage. Based upon the woman's symptoms and your observations, which of the following nerves is most likely affected resulting in a condition commonly referred to as crutch paralysis? Click on the box to indicate your answer.

Musculocutaneous nerve Axillary nerve Ulnar nerve Radial nerve

The muscles responsible for extending the wrist and fingers are mostly found on the ______ of the forearm, whereas the muscles responsible for flexing the wrist and fingers are mostly found on the _____ of the forearm

Posterior , Anterior Anterior , Posterior

Levers in the body: give an example of a *third* class lever

Pull located between fulcrum and weight Person using a shovel Most common : biceps brachia with elbow as fulcrum

In an adult, the spinal cord extends down the vertebral column to the level of which vertebrae?

S4-S5 S1-S2 L4-L5 L1-L2

A blood vessel ruptures and bleeds between the meningeal dura mater and arachnoid mater. Which of the following describes the location of this bleed?

Subdural space Epidural space Subarachnoid space Dural venous sinus

Identify the only spinal nerve that does not have a specific cutaneous sensory distribution.

T1 L5 C8 T8 C1

Which of the following statements best describes the movement of ions across the plasma membrane?

The membrane potential is contributed to only by ions with a positive charge. Movement of K+ ions depends on the concentration of Na+ ions to either side of the membrane. Each ion species follows its own diffusion gradient, regardless of differences in the concentration of other ion species. The ion channels contributing to the membrane potential are unidirectional.

For a typical neuron, what limits the maximal frequency attainable of action potentials moving down an axon?

The strength of each action potential The strengths of the graded potentials on the neuron cell body and/or dendrites The types of ions contributing to the action potential The refractory period

Which of the following muscles is named for its shape?

Trapezius Pectoralis major Vastus lateralis Pectoralis minor Adductor pollicis

A patient with nerve damage is having trouble maintaining posture and moving his vertebral column. Which component of the nearby spinal nerves has been damaged?

Ventral rami Dorsal rami Intercostal nerves Nerve plexuses

Levers in the body: give an example of a *second* class lever

Weight is between the fulcrum and pull Wheelbarrow Standing on toes, metatarsophalangeal joint

The _______ is a period of time when a membrane cannot respond to another stimulus (no matter how strong).

afterpotential period all-or-none period relative refractory period absolute refractory period

presynaptic facilitation

amount of neurotransmitter released from presynaptic terminal increases. Glutamate facilitating nitric oxide production

The pectoralis major and deltoid muscles both perform shoulder flexion. Therefore, these muscles could be referred to as _________ in shoulder flexion.

antagonists fixators aponeuroses synergists

The three columns of the white matter are the _________ columns.

anterior, posterior, medial ventral, dorsal, and lateral superior, inferior, and medial cervical, thoracic, and lumbar

Ventral rami of some spinal nerves join with each other to form a __

cord ganglion nerve plexus

The membrane potential becoming more positive in value is called _________ whereas, _________refers to the membrane potential becoming more negative than the resting membrane potential.

depolarization; repolarization repolarization; depolarization depolarization; hyperpolarization repolarization; hyperpolarization

A _________ neuronal circuit is associated with complex neuronal processes, such as solving mathematical equations.

diverging converging parallel after-discharge reverberating

Synapses in which gap junctions allow ions to diffuse quickly from cell to cell are called ______ synapses.

electrical chemical

The _________ nervous system communicates with the skeletal muscles and the _________nervous system communicates with the smooth and cardiac muscle as well as glands.

enteric; somatic enteric; autonomic somatic; autonomic autonomic; enteric

Compounds classified as ______ alter synaptic transmission by changing neurotransmitter receptor numbers or affecting the breakdown and/or removal of neurotransmitter.

excitatory neurotransmitters neuromodulators inhibitory neurotransmitters neurohormones

The adductor longus is named for its ______

function and size origin and insertion location and size function and oreientation

Structures called _________connect the cerebellum to the brainstem and allow communication between the cerebellum and other parts of the CNS.

funiculi commissures peduncles


influence likelihood of an action potential being produced in postsynaptic cell

Levers in the body: give an example of a *first* class lever

head movement at the atlantooccipital joint seesaw fulcrum between force and weight

When a neuron releases a neuromodulator that _____ the release of neurotransmitters from another neuron, this is called presynaptic facilitation.

increases decreases

Dermatome maps are important clinically because they

indicate what muscles are innervated by each spinal nerve. can be used to check for motor function. can be used to detect cranial nerve damage. locate the position of cranial nerves. can be used to help locate nerve damage.

Facial muscles are unusual in that they

insert and sometimes originate on skin and connective tissue. are not involved in movement. represent a combination of first-class and second-class lever systems. are not involved in facial expression.

Reverberating circuit

outputs cause reciprocal activation. For example, rhythmic activities such as breathing.

Presynaptic inhibitation

reduction in amount of neurotransmitter released from presynaptic terminal. Endrophins can inhibit pain sensations

The blood-brain barrier functions to

regulate the movement of materials from the blood to the brain. serve as an open passage between the blood and CSF surrounding the brain. regulate the synapses between the brain and the blood.

The major movement produced during quiet breathing is accomplished by the _______

scalenes external intercostals transverses thoracis internal intercostals diaphragm

A high school pitcher is told he strained his "rotator cuff." Therefore, he could have damaged any of the muscles listed below, except _____

subscapularis teres major teres minor supraspinatus infraspinatus

The portion of the midbrain involved in dealing with auditory pathways and reflexes is the _____

superior colliculus inferior colliculus cerebral aqueduct tegmentum

When you "pull your tummy in" and compress your abdomen, you use the rectus abdominis, external abdominal oblique, internal abdominal oblique, and transversus abdominis muscles. This is an example of muscles working as _____

synergists antagonists cooperatives prime movers fixators

Groups of related nerve cell bodies located outside of the central nervous system are called ______

tracts ganglia nerves plexus

There are _________pairs of spinal nerves that exit the vertebral column.

42 24 16 31

Place the following parts of a reflex arc in the correct order beginning with the sensory receptor. (1) motor neuron (2) interneuron 3) effector (4) sensory neuron (5) sensory receptor

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 5, 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 3, 2, 4, 1 5, 2, 3, 4, 1 5, 4, 2, 1, 3

The nervous system

transmits information in the form of action potentials. maintains homeostasis. monitors internal and external stimuli. All of these choices are correct

Ralph is someone who tends to make counterproductive decisions in dealing with his life. He was secretly taking cocaine, a "recreational" drug that inhibits dopamine neurotransmitter reuptake. While this increase of dopamine stimulated his pleasure center, he soon found that the same dose of cocaine failed to have the intensity of effect that it gave him when he first took it. Ralph increased the dosage, and soon the same problem caused him to increase his cocaine dose again. If he stopped taking the drug, he experienced horrible withdrawal symptoms. Ralph was addicted.Homeostatic regulation of receptor levels often forms the basis of addiction. In Ralph's case the increased release of dopamine caused a progressive

decrease in dopamine receptor numbers in dopaminergic postsynaptic membranes. increase in dopamine receptors in dopaminergic postsynaptic membranes. increase in the levels of dopamine neurotransmitter release.

Functions of the nervous system

maintaining homeostasis, receiving sensory input, integrating information, controlling muscles and glands, establishing and maintaining mental activity

Convergent pathways

many converge and synapse with smaller number of neurons. for example ; synthesis of data in brain

The _________ is a muscle involved in chewing gum.

masseter splenius capitus orbicularis oculi orbicularis oris

Parallel after-discharge circuit

neurons stimulate several neurons in parallel organization, which converge upon a common output cell. for example, complex data processing in brain.

Each half of the gray matter is organized into the _________horns.

posterior, anterior, lateral ventral, dorsal, superior superior, inferior, and lateral medial, superior, inferior

Cranial reflexes serve to

prevent injury to the tongue and teeth during mastication. control rapid and precise eye movements in response to a stimulus. maintain homeostasis. All of these choices are correct.

The orbicularis oris muscle

puckers the mouth for kissing contributes to laughing and smiling. contributes to pouting. causes crow's feet wrinkles. raises the eyelid.

Spinal nerves C5-T1 make up the _________ plexus.

radial sacral brachial cervical

Cerebrospinal fluid fills in the space between the

arachnoid mater and pia mater dural sheath and dura mater. dural sheath and vertebral bones. dura mater and arachnoid mater. dura mater and pia mater.

Complete the sentences describing the insulation of an axon : 1. Axons of the peripheral nervous system are associated with neuroglia cells called ____ 2. These cells, wrapped repeatedly around the axon, form a coating called a ___ it consists of multiple layers of the ___ of the neuroglia cells 3. Myelin consists of protein and large amounts of ___ giving heavily myelinated tissue a white appearance 4. As the cells wrap around and around the axon, cytoplasm ends up in the outermost wrapping of the cell. Because myelin is nonpolar, it prevents ions from accessing the axon surface, serving as an electrical _____ to the axon 5. Gaps between neighboring segments of the myelin sheath are called ____ At these points, the axon is not insulated

1. Schwann cells 2. myelin sheath , cell membrane 3. lipid 4. insulator 5. nodes of Ranvier

Use these terms to correctly complete this paragraph regarding the supply of blood to the brain. 1. The larger arteries that supply the brain with blood are located within the ____ space 2. These arteries include the ___ arteries that enter the cranium via the ____ and the _____ arteries, which enter the cranium by way of the _____ 3. Additionally, the ___ artery lies on the ventral side of the pons 4. The basilar artery and internal carotid arteries contribute to the ring-shaped ______ 5. The cerebral cortex receives blood from the anterior, middle, and posterior ____ arteries

1. subarachnoid 2. internal carotid , carotid canals, vertebral, foramen magnum 3. basilar 4. cerebral arterial circle 5. cerebral

Complete each sentence by dragging the proper term into the appropriate blank : 1. Olfaction and hearing are processed in the ____ 2. The ____ provides critical function in motivation, logical reasoning, expression of emotion, and social attitudes. 3. Housing the visual centers, the ____ receive inputs from the optic radiation 4. The ____ separates the temporal lobe from the cerebrum 5. The ___ receives sensory information other than that from smell, hearing, taste, and vision 6. The deepest of the cerebral lobes, the ___ receives taste sensory input

1. temporal lobes 2. frontal lobe 3. occipital lobes 4. lateral fissure 5. parietal lobes 6. insula

Emotions can influence the concentrations of specific hormones in the body. Which brain region is most directly responsible for the connection between the nervous system (emotions) and endocrine system (hormones)?

Cerebrum Thalamus Midbrain Hypothalamus

Exercise: For the following three sentences, determine if the condition would best be treated with a drug that is a cholinergic agonist or an antagonist : 1. In Alzheimer's disease, there is a loss of cholinergic signal transmission in the brain, and patients are given a cholinergic _________. 2. In myasthenia gravis, antibodies may reduce the ability of acetylcholine to bind its receptors in skeletal muscle. These patients may benefit from therapy with drugs that are cholinergic_________ 3. A farm worker severely poisoned by an insecticide that prevents acetylcholine function will benefit from receiving a cholinergic _________

agonist; agonist; antagonist antagonist; antagonist; agonist antagonist; agonist; antagonist agonist; agonist; agonist antagonist; agonist; agonist

Fibers connecting areas of the cerebral cortex within the same hemisphere are _________ fibers

commissural projection association

Rami that carry axons associated with the sympathetic division of the ANS formed from the rami of thoracic and upper lumbar spinal nerves are called _________ rami.

communicating dorsal ventral

Structures called _________ are involved in electrical synapses.

microvilli desmosomes tight junctions gap junctions

The telencephalon develops into the _________, which is the site of _______

midbrain; visual reflex center hindbrain; reflex centers cerebrum; conscious thought medulla oblongata; control of heart rate

The telencephalon develops into the _________, which is the site of ________

midbrain; visual reflex center hindbrain; reflex centers cerebrum; conscious thought medulla oblongata; control of heart rate

In humans,

most of the muscle mass in the lower back is from the spinalis muscle. back muscles are strong to maintain erect posture back muscles are not very strong. back muscles are similar in strength to the back muscles of cattle. deep back muscles extend from the vertebrae to the ribs.

Muscles that have their fasciculi arranged like barbs of a feather along a common tendon are called ______

pennate orbicular divergent straight

Between the dura mater and the arachnoid mater lies the _________, and between the arachnoid mater and the pia mater lies the _________

periosteal dura; meningeal dura subdural space; subarachnoid space dural venous sinus; subarachnoid space subdural space; dural venous sinus

Select the correct word from the list to complete each sentence : - In the PNS, the sensory division transmits action potentials from _____ receptors to the CNS - The ___ division of the PNS is divided into the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system - The cell bodies of ___ motor neurons are located in the CNS and their axons connect with skeletal muscle cells - The somatic nervous system directs ___ activities - _____ pathways typically consist of two neurons, with their cell bodies (somas) located in the CNS and PNS, respectively - The ____ has two functional subdivisions, the sensory division and the motor division

sensory motor somatic conscious subconscious ANS PNS

Damage to the T11 and T12 spinal nerves could result in loss of movement in the _________ and _________ but would not affect the movement of the _________

shoulders; neck; lower limbs upper limbs; intercostals muscles; diaphragm diaphragm; lower limbs; hips lower limbs; hips; upper limbs

Divergent pathways

small number of presynaptic neurons synapse with large number of postsynaptic neurons

The central nervous system includes the __

spinal cord cranial nerves ganglia spinal nerves sensory receptors

The _________ muscle is the prime mover for flexion of the head at the neck.

splenius capitis anterior scalene pectoralis major sternocleidomastoid trapezius

Two types of summation

temporal and spatial

Serial pathway

the input travels along only one pathway

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