Anatomy and Physiology Ch. 1

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Early medical providers developed the language of anatomy and physiology from what?

Greek and Latin

Examples of molecules are

H 0 , C H O

Primitive people certainly suffered from what?

aches, pains, injuries, diseases, and broken bones

Anatomy and Physiology are difficult to seperate because

anatomical structures make possible their functions

Chemicals consist of tiny particles called


the heart valve ensures that

blood moves in the proper direction

A type of hydrostatic pressure in the human is

blood pressure

Digestion is

breakdown of food substances into simpler forms to be absorbed and used

Examples of macromolecules are

carbohydrates, Lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids

Within humans, the basic unit of a structure is


Movement is

change in body position or position of body part, motion of an internal organ

Assimilation is

changing of absorbed substances into different chemical froms

All materials are made of


Tooth decay was highest among who?

city residents

In a negative feedback mechanism, a deciation from the set point is ________ and the correction _________

corrected, reduces the actions of the effectors

Control centers funtion to

decide what a particle valve should be

Examples of atoms are

elements -H, N

Nutrients supply what

energy and raw materials for new living matter

What do anatomist rely on?

examination of the body

With agriculture, humans became susceptible to worm diseases because

excretement was used in fertilizer for plants

Physiologis rely on?


Substances that provide organisms with nutrients are called


atmospheric pressure is

force acting on outside of a land organism due to weight in air above it

A form of energy used by the body is


the organism studied in this class is the


Reseachers have recently sequenced_________ which will help explain anatomy and physiology at the _________ and __________ levels

human genome, cellular, molecular

Tooth decay was lowest among who?

hunter gatherers

a recent physiological discovery is

identification of a hormone called "ghrelin" controlls fat

The body uses oxygen when

in the process of releasing nutrients from nutrients

Growth is

increase of body size without change in shape

With urbanization, humans became more susceptible to what? (2)

infectious diseases and malnutrition

receptors provide

information about specific conditions in the internal environment- can be molecule or cell

What did the interests of our earliest ancestors most likely concern?

injures and illness

Examples of organ systems include

integumentary, skeletal, digestive

Before agriculture, infectous diseases did not spread easily because

isolated bands of people had little contact with each other

The anatomy of the hand, which is ________, allows it to grasp objects

long jointed bones, with attached muscles

Organelles are made of


When small molecules chemically combine they form


Four major uses of water by the body are

metavolic processes chemical reactions to transport substance and regulate body temperature

Examples of Organelles are

mitochondria, ribosomes, etc.

When atoms chemically bond together they form


Circulation is

movement of substances in body fluids

The forerunners of modern drugs were what?

notions and potions

Respiration is

obtaining oxygen, removing carbon dioxide, and releasing energy from food

teeth can function to break solid foods because

of digestion

Organ systems are formed from

organ systems

Organisims are formed from

organ systems

Cells are made of small structures called


one-fifth of air is


Absorption is

passage of substances through membranes and into body fluids

The structure of the heart includes ____________ which allows it to propel blood into blood vessels

power muscular walls

the application of force on an object is


a recent anatomical discovery is

previously unknown muscle in hand

Reproduction is

production of new organisms and new cells

heat helps to regulate

rates of metabolic reactions

Responsiveness is

reaction to a change inside or outside of body

the shape of the mouth allows it to

receive food

The three components of a homeostatic mechanism are

receptors, a control center, and effectors

Excretion is

removal of waste products by metabolic reactions

Effectors are

responses within the body that alter conditions in internal environment

Homeostatic mechanisms are

self regulating mechanisms that maintain homeostasis

Tissues are formed from

similar cells to form tissue

Examples of tissues are

simple squamous epithelium, loose connective tissue

Examples of cells are

skin, blood, muscle, brain

Examples of organs are

skin, femur, heart, kidney

What is physiology?

study of functions of body parts

What is Anatomy?

study of structure of body parts (forms and organization)

Metabolism is

sum of all physical and chemical events that obtain, release, and utilize energy

At first healers had to rely on what?

superstitions and notions and potions

Homeostasis is

the bodies maintenance of a stable internal environment

The internal environment of the body consists of

the fluids that surrounds the cell, extra cellular fluids and the cell themselves

Hydrostatic pressure is

the pressure exerted by liquids

Organs are formed from


The most abundant substance in the body is


the five requirements of life are:

water, food, oxygen, heat, and pressure

Preserved bones from children can reflect malnutritioin because

when a child starves, the ends of the bones stop growing which leaves behind areas of dense bone

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