Anatomy and Physiology Ch. 8

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Nasal complex

The bones and cartilage that enclose the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses are called the:


A ____ is a rounded passageway through a bone.


A ____ is an immovable joint forming the boundary between cranial bones.


The bony ridge on the posterior side of the scapula is called the ____.


A large, smooth, rounded articulating oval structure on a bone is properly identified as a ____.

Vertebra prominens

Choose the correct name for the large spinous process of C7,which is easily seen and palpated through the skin inferior to the neck. -Vertebra prominens -Dens of axis -Atlas


The bridge of the nose is formed by the ____ bones.

Proximal phalanx

Distally the metatarsals attach to the:


Each foot has ___ phalanges . Each hand has 14 phalanges.


Each os coxae articulates with the femur and the:

Greater trochanter

The bump indicated by the blue is the ____ _____.


How many bones are contained in each lower limb?


How many carpal bones are in each wrist?


How many metacarpal bones are found in each hand?


How many tarsal bones are found in each foot?

Malleus, stapes, and incus

Identify the auditory ossicles housed within the petrous part of the temporal bone: -Ethmoid -Malleus -Stapes -Hyoid -Incus

Medial longitudinal arch, lateral longitudinal arch, and transverse arch

Identify the three arches of the foot: -Distal longitudinal arch -Medial longitudinal arch -Inferior arch -Lateral longitudinal arch -Transverse arch


In anatomical position the radius and ulna are:


In anatomical position the radius is ____to the ulna.


In anatomical position the ulna is ____ to the radius.


List the bone of the ankle/foot in order from proximal to distal: 1. Phalanges 2. Metatarsals 3. Tarsals

Foramen magnum

The largest foramen in the skull, visible on an inferior (basal) view, is:

Cuneiform bones

Metatarsals I through II attach to the:


The largest tarsal bone is the ____.


Polydactyly means ____ fingers.

Floating ribs

The last two pairs of false ribs lack connections with the sternum, so they are classified as:


Rank the following bony landmarks of the distal humerus in order, from lateral to medial: 1. Medial epicondyle 2. Lateral epicondyle 3. Trochlea 4. Capitulum


Rank these bones in order from distal to proximal: 1. Metacarpals 2. Carpals 3. Phalanges

Provide attachment sites for the facial muscles, form the face, and protect the entrances to the digestive and respiratory systems

Select the functions of the facial bones from the list below: -Provide attachment sites for the facial muscles -Surround and protect the brain -Provide attachment sites for several jaw, head and neck muscles -Form the face -Protect the entrances to the digestive and respiratory systems


The bone of the lower jaw is the _____.


T/F: Humans have more tarsal bones than carpal bones.


T/F: The axial skeleton forms a framework to support and protect the internal organs.

Cranial fossae

The ____ ____ along the floor of the cranial cavity contain depressions for parts of the brain, grooves for blood vessels, and numerous foramina.

Superior and inferior

The ____ angle of the scapula is found between the superior and medial borders. The ____ angle of the scapula is found between the medial and lateral borders.


The ____ suture connects the frontal and parietal bones of the skull.


The _____ allow the cranial bones of the fetal skull to overlap as a baby passes through the birth canal


The acetabulum and the head of the femur are connected by a small ligament. The indentation in the acetabulum, where this ligament is attached, is named the fovea


The apical groove of the humerus is also called the ____ groove.

Upper, lower, pectoral, and pelvic

The appendicular Skelton consist of the bones of the ____ limbs and ____ limbs, as wells as the ____ and ____ girdles.

Pelvic and pectoral

The appendicular skeleton includes the bones of the ____ girdle and the ____ girdle.


The arrow represents the greater ____ notch.

Sagittal suture

The articulation between the right and left parietal bones is formed by the:


The blue represents the ____ line.


The blue represents the ____ process.


The blue represents the _____ malleolus.


The blue represents the intercondylar ____.


The blue represents the medial ____.


The blue represents the:

Neck of the radius

The blue represents the:

Sternum and scapula

The clavicle is located between these two bones, the ____ and the ____.


The condyles are on the ____ end of the femur.


The condyles of the tibia articulate with the condyles of the:

Inferior and clavicle

The conoid tubercle and costal tuberosity are found on the ____ surface of the ____.

Frontal bone and parietal bones

The coronal suture forms the boundary between the following bones: -Frontal bone -Parietal bones -Occipital bone -Temporal bones


The costal facets or costal demifacts present on the thoracic vertebrae represent sites of articulate with bones called _____.

Surround and protect the brain and provide attachment sites for several jaw, head and neck muscles

The cranial bones perform the following functions: -Surround and protect the brain -Provide attachment sites for the facial muscles -Protect the entrances to the digestive tract -Provide attachment sites for several jaw, head and neck muscles


The cuneiform bone are ____ bone.


The deep depression (socket) of the os coxae is called the:

Intertubercular sulcus

The depression between the greater and lesser tubercle is called the:

Lateral malleolus

The distal process of the fibula is called the:

Medial malleolus

The distal process of the tibia is called the: -Media malleolus -Lateral malleolus -Tibial tuberosity -Intercondylar eminence


The entrance to the external acoustic meats is located in the ____ part of the temporal bone.


The epicondyles are ____ to the condyles.

Give shape and individuality to the face, form part of the orbit and nasal cavities, and provide attachment sites for the facial muscles

The facial bones of the skill perform the following function: -Give shape and individuality to the face -Form part of the orbit and nasal cavities -Surround and protect the brain -Provide attachment sites for the facial muscles


The fibula is ____ to the tibia.

Pectineal line

The gluteal tuberosity and ____ merge to make the linea aspera.


The greater trochanter is ____ to the lesser trochanter.

Maxillae and palatine

The hard palate is composed of the ____ and the ____ bones. -Sphenoid -Ethmoid -Vomer -Maxillae -Palatine


The head of the femur articulates with the:

Nucleus pulposus and anulus fibrosus

The intervertebral discs are composed of the following two structures: -Nucleus pulposus -Laminae and pedicles -Anulus fibrosus


The kneecap is the:

Occipital and parietal

The lambdoid suture forms the boundary between the ____ and ____ bones.

Greater wing of sphenoid bone, orbital surface of the zygomatic bone, and zygomatic process of frontal bone

The lateral wall of the orbit is formed by the following: -Orbital part of frontal bone -Lacrimal bone -Greater wing of sphenoid bone -Orbital surface of the zygomatic bone -Zygomatic process of frontal bone -Orbital surface of maxilla


The longest bone of the body is the _____.


The medial malleolus is found on the ____ end of the tibia.

Frontal process of the maxilla, lacrimal bone, and orbital plate of the ethmoid bone

The medial wall of the orbit is formed by the: -Frontal process of the maxilla -Lacrimal bone -Orbital plate of the ethmoid bone -Zygomatic process of the frontal bone -Lesser wing of sphenoid


The most inferior portion of the patella is the:


The navicular bone is on the ____ side of the ankle.


The number of bones in each upper limb is ____ bones.

Hip bone

The os coxae is often referred to as the:

Anterior and iliac

The palpable bump on the front of your hip is the ____ superior ____ spine.

clavicle and scapula

The pectoral girdle consists of two bones, the____ and the _____.

Ischial tuberosities, pubis symphysis, and coccyx

The pelvic outlet is bordered by the: -Ischial tuberosities -Pubis symphysis -False pelvis -Coccyx


The ridge between the medial and lateral condyles of the tibia is the intercondylar ____.


The right and left maxillae unite to form the ____ jaw.

Lesser wing of the sphenoid bone and orbital plate of the frontal bone

The root of an orbit is formed by the following: -Orbital surface of the maxilla -Lesser wing of the sphenoid bone -Lacrimal bone -Orbital plate of the frontal bone -Greater wing of the sphenoid bone


The rough anterior surface of the tibia that can be palpated just inferior to the patella is the ___ tuberosity.


The sacral canal terminates in an inferior opening called the sacral ____, which represents an area when the laminae of the last sacral vertebra failed to fuse.


The sacrum is part of the:


The second largest tarsal bone is the:


The small, paired, ____ bones help to form part of the medial wall of the orbit.


The sole of the foot is made of ____ bones.


The spiral groove of the humerus us also called the ____ groove.


The supracondylar lines are ____ to the lines aspera.


The tarsal bones of the foot are analogous with the ____ bones of the wrist.

Mandibular fossa

The temporal bone and mandible articulate to form the tempormandibular joint at the:


The thin, pointed process located on the posteroinferior surface of the temporal bone is called the ____ process.

Sternum, thoracic vertebrae, and ribs

The thoracic cage consists of the: -Sternum -Thoracic vertebrae -Cervical vertebrae -Sacrum and coccyx -Ribs


The tibia has a notch at its distal end called the _____ notch.


The trochanters are on the ____ end of the femur.

Axial and appendicular

The two main divisions of the skeletal systems are the ____ skeleton and ____ skeleton.


The two subdivisions of the skeleton are the axial and ____ skeletons.

Cord and nerves

The vertebral canal contains the spinal ____, while the intervertebral foramina allow for passage of the spinal ____.

Provide attachment sites for muscles and promotes upper limb mobility

What are the functions of the pectoral girdle? -Protect internal organs -Provide attachment sites for muscles -Promotes upper limb mobility -Promotes lower limb mobility

Adductor tubercle

What does the blue represent?


What does the blue represent?

Head of the fibula

What does the blue represent?

Lateral malleolus

What does the blue represent?

Lesser trochanter

What does the blue represent?

Medial epicondyle

What structure does the arrow represent?


When sitting, the bulk of your body weight is resting on the ischial ____.

Lateral angle, inferior angle, and superior angle

Which are names of scapular angles? -Lateral angle -Inferior angle -Superior angle -Medial angle

Nasal septum, roof of the nasal cavity, floor of the cranium, and medial wall of orbit

Which areas of the skull are formed in part by the ethmoid bone? -Hard palate -Nasal septum -Roof of the nasal cavity -Floor of the cranium -Medial wall of orbit -Lateral wall of orbit

Frontal bone

Which bone helps to form the cranium of the skull?

Right ossa coxae and left ossa coxae

Which bones are part of the pelvic girdle? -Right ossa coxae -Coccyx -Sacroiliac joint -Left ossa coxae

Parietal and frontal

Which bones are visible while looking at a superior view of a skull? -Maxilla -Parietal -Frontal -Mandible

Mandible and temporal bone

Which bones articulate at the mandibular fossa to form the temporomandibular joint? -Mandible -Zygomatic bone -Temporal bone -Occipital bone -Maxilla

Transverse ridges

Which characteristics feature of sacral vertebrae represent the remnants of the horizontal lines of fusion between the five vertebrae? -Transverse ridges -Sacral promontory -Auricular surface -Median sacral crest

Zygomatic bone

Which facial bone helps to form the cheek and lateral part of the orbit?

Occipital condyles

Which feature of the occipital bone articulates with the first cervical vertebra?

Foremen rotundum, foramen spinosum, and foramen ovale

Which foremen penetrate he greater wings of the sphenoid bone? -Supraorbital foramen -Foramen rotundum -Infraorbital foramen -Foramen spinosum -Foramen magnum -Foramen ovale

Coronoid fossa and radial fossa

Which fossa are found on the anterior side of the humerus? -Coronoid fossa -Radial fossa -Olecranon fossa

Lateral border, superior border, and medial border

Which of the following are borders of the scapula? -Inferior border -Lateral border -Superior border -Medial border

Acromioclavicular and stenoclavicular

Which of the following are clavicular joints? -Acromioclavicular -Sternoclavicular -Costoclavicular -Glenoclavicular

To provide resonance to the voice, to humidify and warm inhaled air, and to lighten the weight of skull bones

Which of the following are functions of the paranasal sinuses? -To provided resonance to the voice -To allow for passage of the olfactory nerve (CN I) into the skull -To humidify and warm inhaled air -To lighten the weight of skull bones

Supports the weight of the head, houses and protects the spinal cord, and provides vertical support for the body

Which of the following are functions of the vertebral column? -Acts as a protective framework around organs of the thorax -Supports the weight of the head -Houses and protects the spinal cord -Provides vertical support for the body -Encloses, protects, and supports the brain

Cristae galli, middle nasal conchae, and superior nasal conchae

Which of the following are parts of the ethmoid bone? -Vomer -Inferior nasal conchae -Cristae galli -Middle nasal conchae -Superior nasal conchae

Thoracic curvature and sacral curvature

Which of the following are the primary curves present in the vertebral column of a newborn? -Cervical curvature -Thoracic curvature -Lumbar curvature -Sacral curvature

Axial skeleton and appendicular

Which of the following are the two main divisions of the skeletal system? -Axial skeleton -Ossified skeleton -Apendicular skeleton -Mammalian skeleton -Fetal skeleton

Coccyx, ossa coxae, and sacrum

Which of the following bones are part of the pelvis? -Coccyx -Ossa coxae -Lumbar vertebrae -Sacrum

Mandible and maxillae

Which of the following bones contain alveolar processes? -Palatine bones -Temporal bones -Mandible -Zygomatic bones -Maxillae

Ethmoid, frontal, sphenoid, and maxillae

Which of the following bones contain the paranasal sinuses? -Ethmoid -Mandible -Frontal -Sphenoid -Maxillae -Temporal

Lower limb, pectoral girdle, pelvic girdle, and upper limb

Which of the following components are part of the appendicular skeleton? -Lower limb -Vertebral column -Skull -Thoracic cage -Pectoral girdle -Pelvic girdle -Upper limb

To surround and protect the brain

Which of the following is a function of the cranial bones? -To protect the entrances to the digestive and respiratory tracts -To surround and protect the brain -To provide attachment sites for the facial muscles

Horizontal plates of the palatine bones and palatine processes of the maxillae

Which of the following parts of the skull help to form the floor (inferior border) of the nasal complex? -Lacrimal bones -Cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone -Horizontal plates of the palatine bone -Frontal bone -Inferior nasal conchae -Palatine processes of the maxillae

Frontal bone, sphenoid bone, and cribriform plate of ethmoid bone

Which of the following parts of the skull help to form thereof (superior border) of the nasal complex? -Frontal bone -Sphenoid bone -Palatine process of maxillae -Lacrimal bones -Inferior nasal conchae -Cririform plate of ethmoid bone

Nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses

Which of the following structures are enclosed by the bones and cartilage of the nasal complex? -Tongue -Eyeball -Nasal cavity -Paranasal orbit -Paranasal sinuses

Ulnar notch and radial tuberosity

Which of the following structures is found in the radius? -Ulnar notch -Trochlear notch -Radial tuberosity

Styloid process and head

Which of the following structures is found on both the radius and the ulna? -Olecranon -Styloid process -Trochlea -Head

Lateral wall of orbit and cheek

Which parts of the skull are formed by the zygomatic bones? -Medial wall of orbit -Bridge of nose -Lateral wall of orbit -Cheek -Nasal septum

Inferior nasal conchae, maxillae, ethmoid bone, and lacrimal bones

Which parts of the skull help to form the lateral walls of the nasal complex? -Inferior nasal conchae -Maxillae -Frontal bone -Ethmoid bone -Sphenoid bone -Lacrimal bones

Lateral border

Which scapulae border is closest to the axilla?

Thoracic cage, skull, and vertebral column

Which skeletal regions are part of the axial skeleton? -Pelvic girdle -Thoracic cage -Lower limb -Pectoral girdle -Upper limb -Skull -Vertebral column

Lambdoid suture

Which suture forms the boundary between the occipital bone and the parietal bones?

Sagittal suture

Which suture lies along the midline of the cranium between the parietal bones?

Flat and broad

Which terms correctly describe the scapula? -Flat -Rectangular -Broad

Acromial end and acromion

Which two structures connect the clavicle and scapula? -Coracoid process -Glenoid cavity -Sternal end -Acromial end -Acromion

Lateral view

Which view of the skull clearly shows the squamous suture between the parietal and temporal bones?


flat foot is also called ____ planus.

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