Anatomy and Physiology I Ch 5

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Match the correct answer below with regards to the fontanels. LO4

- Anterior fontanel: lies at the intersection of the frontal, sagittal, and coronal sutures - Sphenoidal fontanel: lies at the junctions between the squamous and coronal sutures - Posterior fontanel: lies at the junction between the lambdoid and sagittal sutures - Mastoid fontanel: lies at the junctions between the squamous and lambdoid sutures

The distinguishing characteristics of a thoracic vertebrae are: Quiz

superior, inferior and transverse costal facets

Match bone on RIGHT column with bone description on LEFT column. LO2

- Bone(s) connected by the coronal suture: Frontal and parietal - Butterfly shaped bone(s): Sphenoid - Bone(s) that contain(s) the foramen magnum: Occipital - Bone(s) that contain(s) the mandibular fossa: Temporal - Forehead bone: Frontal - much of the lateral superior part of the skull: Parietal - superior and middle nasal conchae formed from its projections: ethmoid - bones containing paranasal sinuses: Ethmoid, frontal, sphenoid, maxillae

Match the type of vertebrae on the left with the correct number of vertebrae on the right. LO6

- Cervical: 7 - Thoracic: 12 - Lumbar: 5 -Sacral: 5 fused (make up the sacrum) - Coccyx: 3-5 fused (make up the coccyx)

Which of the bone features below is found in the sacrum? (choose ALL that apply) LO9

- Foramen - Ala - Spinous process - Articular facet

Match the correct term for each abnormal spinal curvature definition. LO11

-Hyperkyphosis: exaggeration of thoracic curvature - Hyperlordosis: exaggeration of lumbar curvature - Scoliosis: abnormal lateral curvature of the spine

Choose if the bone belongs to the appendicular or axial subdivision. Then select if these bones are paired or unpaired. LO1

Appendicular - Ulna bone (paired) - Femur bone (paired) - Scapula bone (paired) - Coxal bone (paired) - Tibia (paired) Axial - Frontal bone (unpaired) - Sphenoid bone (unpaired) - Occipital (unpaired) - Auditory ossicles (paired) - Lacrimal bones (paired) - Vomer (unpaired) - Vertebrae (paired) - Ribs (paired)

Match the bones listed on the RIGHT that are part of the orbit. Make sure to separate them into cranial and facial bones on LEFT.

Cranial bones - Frontal -Sphenoid - Ethmoid Facial bones - Lacrimal - Maxilla - Zygomatic - Palatine

Which of the bone feature below is ONLY found in the cervical vertebrae? (choose ALL that apply) LO7

- Dens - Transverse foramen - Smallest vertebral foramen when compared to other vertebrae

Check all answers that describe the ossicles. (select all that apply) LO5

- Helps with hearing - Part of the axial skeleton - Smallest bones in the body

Match the type of curvature on LEFT column to the type of vertebrae on RIGHT column. LO11

- Kyphosis: Thoracic and sacral - Lordosis: Cervical and lumbar

Match the bone feature on LEFT column with the bone that it belongs to on the RIGHT column. LO3

- Mandibular condyle: Mandible - infraorbital foramen: Maxilla - Lower portion of the nasal septum: Perpendicular plate - Hard palate: Maxillae and palatines - Temporal process: Zygomatic

Match the suture to its correct definition on LEFT. LO4

- Sagittal suture: separates right and left parietal bones - Lambdoid suture: separates the occipital bone from the parietal bones - Squamous suture: separates the parietal bone from the temporal bone on each side of the skull - Coronal suture: separates the frontal bone from the parietal bones

Of the vetebrae bone features below, choose the ones that are standard features, which means that it belongs to ALL vertebrae (cervical, thoracic and lumbar). (choose ALL that apply) LO6

- Vertebral foramen - Articular facets - Transverse foramen

Check all that apply with regards to the ribs. LO10

- Vertebrosternal: ribs 1-7 - Verebrochondral: ribs 8-10 - Vertebral: ribs 11-12 - Head: bone feature that articulates with the vertebrae - Tubercle: bone feature that articulates with the sternum - Thoracic: type of vertebrae that the ribs articulate with

Match the bone feature on LEFT column with the bone that it belongs to on the RIGHT column. LO2

- crista galli: ethmoid - sella turcica: sphenoid - supraorbital foramen: frontal - zygomatic process: temporal - hypoglossal canal: occipital

Check all that apply with regards to the sternum. LO 10

- it will articulate with all ribs anteriorly - it is made of the fusion of the manubrium, the body and xiphoid process - it is part of the axial skeleton

Which of the bone feature below is ONLY found in the thoracic vertebrae? (choose ALL that apply) LO8

- largest vertebral foramen when compared to other vertebrae - Costal facets - Transverse foramen

Match bone on RIGHT column with bone description on LEFT column. LO3

- posterior bone of the hard palate: Palatine - Bone(s) that form(s) the chin: Mandible - Bone(s) that form(s) the nasal septum: Vomer and ethmoid - Tiny bones that contain tear ducts: Lacrimal - Bridge of nose: Nasal - Anterior bone of the hard palate: Maxillae - Cheek bone: Zygomatic

Which of the bone features below is only found in the lumbar vertebrae? (choose ALL that apply) LO9

- smallest vertebral foramen when compared to other vertebrae - Ala -largest centrum when compared to other vertebrae

Check all answers that describe the hyoid bone. (select all that apply) LO5

- this bone does not articulate with any other bone - It is an U-shaped bone - It is part of the appendicular skeleton

Choose the best answers with regards to the paranasal sinuses. LO4

1. The frontal sinus is located in which bone? - Frontal and it is a cranial bone 2. The sphenoid sinus is located in which bone? - Sphenoid and it is a cranial bone 3. The ethmoid sinus is located in which bone? - Ethmoid and it is a cranial bone 4. The maxillary sinus is located in which bone? - Maxillae and it is a facial bone 5. What purpose do they serve in the skull? - Allows for skull to increase in size without changing its weight 6. Why are paranasal sinuses so susceptible to infections? - They are prone to accumulate mucous 7. Paranasal sinuses are lined with mucous membranes that are continuous with the lining of which structure? - Nasal cavity 8. Where will the secretions from the paranasal sinuses drain? - Lateral wall of nasal cavity 9. Paranasal sinuses are fully formed by birth. (true/false) - False 10. Paranasal sinuses increase in size during two critical periods of facial enlargement, which are: - Onset of puberty and teeth eruption

Which four bones will articulate with the left parietal bone? Make sure to choose also the suture that unite these bones accordingly. LO2

Bone 1 - Right parietal bone - Sagittal suture Bone 2 - Frontal bone - Coronal suture Bone 3 - Left temporal bone - Squamous suture Bone 4 - Occipital bone - Lambdoidal suture

Match the bone feature on the left column that articulates with the vertebral bone feature on the right column. LO8

Head of rib - Superior and inferior costal facets of the thoracic cavity Rib tubercle - Transverse costal facets of thoracic vertebrae

There are two joints between the thoracic vertebrae and ribs. Which of the following pairs of bone features articulate with one another to form one of these joints? Quiz

costal facet of the centrum; rib head

The bone feature that is part of the ethmoid bone and serves as a passageway to the olfactory nerves is referred to as: Quiz

cribriform plate

Scoliosis occurs from: Quiz

over-curvature laterally

The sphenoid and ethmoid bones are part of the: Quiz

Cranial bones

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