Anatomy Cell Physiology

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DNA replication takes place during:


If the sequence of nitrogenous bases in one strand of DNA is GTA-GCA, the sequence of bases on its complementary DNA strand would be:


In which cell stage does DNA replicate?


In which phase of mitosis does the number of chromosomes in a cell double?

active transport

Iodide ion moves from the blood into cells of the thyroid gland, even though the blood concentration of iodide is lower than the concentration in the cells. What process is used by these cells to take in iodide?


Mitotic spindles guide the separation of chromosomes.


Sequences of three bases found in messenger RNA (mRNA) are called:

prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

The correct order of phases of the mitosis is:


A cancer drug interferes with the development of mitotic spindle fibers during cell division. Which phase is directly affected?

A. hypotonic

A cell would plump with water and possibly lyse in which of the following solutions: A. hypotonic B. isotonic C. hypertonic D. Ringer's E. intravenous


A patient arrives in the hospital extremely dehydrated. In order to fill his cells with fluid, what type of intravenous drip should he receive:


A solution that contains fewer solutes than the cell is?


Anaphase is the stage of cell division when the cleavage furrow first appears.


By what process is RNA formed from DNA?


Chromatin and chromosomes are both composed of DNA.


Cytokinesis is the division of the cytoplasm whereas mitosis is the division of the nucleus.


The greater the osmotic pressure, the greater the tendency of water to move into that area.

transfer RNA (tRNA)

The molecule that carries an amino acid to the ribosome for incorporation into a protein is:

transfer RNA (tRNA)

The molecule that contains an anticodon is:

A. filtration

The movement of fluid through the cell membrane from a high pressure area to a lower pressure area is called:


The portion of the cell's life cycle that does NOT involve cell division is known as:


The process of facilitated diffusion requires energy.

transfers information from DNA into mRNA

The process of transcription:


This molecule is necessary for protein synthesis. What is it called?


Translation is the stage in protein synthesis during which a complementary mRNA molecule is synthesized from a DNA template.

phagocytosis and pinocytosis

Two types of endocytosis are:

adenine bonds to thymine and guanine bonds to cytosine

What are the correct base-pairing rules for DNA?

protein carrier or channel

What assists the movement of substances by facilitated diffusion?

phospholipids "tails"

What part of the plasma membrane is hydrophobic?

C. filtration

Which of the following do NOT involve the movement of molecules from an area of greater concentration to an area of lower concentration: A. diffusion B. facilitated diffusion C. filtration D. simple diffusion E. osmosis

transfer RNA

Which of the following molecules binds to amino acids in protein synthesis?

A. facilitated diffusion and solute pumping

Which of the following processes require the use of protein carrier molecules: A. facilitated diffusion and solute pumping B. facilitated diffusion and bulk transport C. osmosis and filtration D. bulk transport and osmosis E. filtration and cellular secretion


Which of the following represents a segment of RNA: A. CTGTGG B. AUGUCA C. GTCATA D. ATGCTA E. TGCGTT

A. amino acids

Which of the following would NOT be transported across a membrane using passive processes: A. amino acids B. oxygen C. carbon dioxide D. fat-soluble vitamins E. glucose

D. some protein channels

Which of these components of the plasma membrane is hydrophilic? A. phospholipid B. glycolipid C. cholesterol D. some protein channels

B. it allows water soluble molecules to pass through easily

Which one of the following is NOT true about the plasma membrane: A. it consists of two lipid layers B. it allows water soluble molecules to pass through easily C. it contains proteins for specialized functions D. its lipid components are primarily phospholipids and cholesterol E. it regulates the entry and exit of cell materials


centrioles separate and move toward opposite sides of the cell


chromosomes align at the metaphase plate


chromosomes cluster and align at the center of the spindle


chromosomes separate and move to opposite ends of the cell


cleavage furrow squeezes the cell into two parts


cytokinesis is completed


nuclear envelope and nucleoid break down and disappear


nucleoli appear in each daughter cell


spindle breaks down and disappears


Osmosis transports water across membranes using:

require no ATP

Passive processes that move substances across membranes:


Pinocytosis and phagocytosis are types of both endocytosis and exocytosis.


Protein synthesis occurs on lysosomes in the cell.


two separate daughter cells are produces


type of active process in which the cell secretes vesicles

facilitated diffusion

type of passive process in which a protein membrane channel is used


type of passive process in which molecules move through the plasma membrane


type of passive process in which water is moved through aquaporins

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