Anatomy Ch 8

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What are the 4 bones in the proximal row of the wrist? (lateral -> medial)

"Some Lovers Try Positions" Scaphoid lunate, triquetrum, pisiform

What are the 4 bones in the distal row of the wrist? (lateral -> medial)

"That They Can't Handle" Trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate

What are the 3 locations for the free upper limb bones?

1. Arm (humerus) 2. Forearm (ulna and radius) 3. Hand (8 carpal; 5 metacarpal; 14 phalanges)

What are 3 features of the ischium?

1. Ischial spine 2. Lesser sciatic notch 3. Ischial tuberosity

What are the 2 types of arches in the foot?

1. Longitudinal 2. Transverse

What are the 5 anterior tarsal bones?

1. Navicular 2. Third (lateral) cuneiform 3. Second (intermediate) cuneiform 4. First (medial) cuneiform 5. Cuboid

The bones of the upper limb form two distinct regions:

1. Pectoral girdle 2. Free upper limb

The bones of the lower limb form two distinct regions:

1. Pelvic girdle 2. Free lower limb

3 arched lines on the lateral surface of the ilium

1. Posterior gluteal line 2. Anterior gluteal line 3. Inferior gluteal line

What 5 things make up the pelvic brim?

1. Sacral promontory 2. Arcuate lines 3. Pectineal lines 4. Pubic crest 5. Pubic symphysis

What 2 things comprise the ilium?

1. Superior ala (wing) 2. Inferior body

What are the 3 bones of the hips?

1. Superior ilium 2. Inferior and anterior pubis 3. Inferior and posterior ischium

What 3 things comprise the pubis?

1. Superior ramus 2. Inferior ramus 3. Body between the rami

What are the 2 fossae found superior and inferior to the spine of the scapula?

1. Supraspinous 2. Infraspinous

What are the 2 proximal bones of the tarsus?

1. Talus 2. Calcaneus

The bones in the free lower limb are broken up into 4 locations:

1. The femur in the thigh 2. The patella 3. The tibia and fibula in the leg 4. The 7 tarsal bones in the tarsus, the 5 metatarsal bones, and the 14 phalanges in the foot

The articulation of the ulna and radius with the humerus occurs in two places:

1. Where the head of the radius articulates with the capitulum of the humerus 2. Where the trochela notch of the ulna receives the trochela of the humerus

How many phalanges are there?


The hallux has ___ phalanges called ___ and ___ phalanges

2; proximal; distal

The thumb (pollex) has ___ phalanges, called ___ and ___ phalanges

2; proximal; distal

Each free upper limb (extremity) has ___ bones


Each lower limb skeleton consists of ___ bones


Each upper limb consists of how many bones?


The other 4 digits have ___ phalanges called ___, ___, and ___ phalanges

3; proximal; middle; distal

Toes besides the hallux have ___ phalanges called ___, ___, and ___

3; proximal; middle; distal

A boxer's fracture is a fracture of the ___ usually nearer the head of the bone

5th metacarpal

Serves as a point of attachment point for a ligament of the femur called the ligament of the head of the femur

Acetabular notch

A deep fossa formed by the ilium, ischium, and pubis


The proximal end of the femur articulates with the ___ of the hip bone


The socket for the head of the femur


The broad, flat, lateral end of the clavicle

Acromial end

End of the clavicle that articulates with the acromion of the scapula at the ___ joint

Acromial end; acromioclavicular

The lateral end of the spine projects as a flattened, expanded process called the ___, easily felt as the high point, or peak, of the shoulder


A roughened projection that is a site of attachment for the adductor magnus muscle

Adductor tubercle

Just superior to the medial epicondyle of the femur is the ___

Adductor tubercle

Distal to the head of the humerus is the ___, which is visible as an oblique groove

Anatomical neck

The former site of the epiphyseal plate in an adult humerus

Anatomical neck

Name for the angle of the femoral shaft

Angle of convergence

Inferior to and continuous with the tibial tuberosity is a sharp ridge that can be felt below the skin is known as the ___

Anterior border (crest) or shin

Below the ASIS is the ___

Anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS)

The iliac crest ends anteriorly in a blunt ___

Anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS)

The cavicle is the ___ bone and the scapula is the ___ bone

Anterior; posterior

The pointed distal end of the patella is called the ___


The bones of the foot are arranged in 2 ___ that enable the foot to support the weight of the body, provide an ideal distribution of body weight over the soft and hard tissues of the foot, and provide leverage when walking


Projecting anteriorly and inferiorly from the auricular surface is a ridge called the ___

Arcuate line

The posterior surface contains two ___, one for the medial condyle of the femur and the other for the lateral condyle of the femur

Articular facet

The broad proximal end of the patella is called the ___


Each metacarpal bone consists of a proximal ___, an intermediate ___, and a distal ___

Base; shaft; head

Each metatarsal consists of a proximal ___, an intermediate ___, and a distal ___

Base; shaft; head

Each phalanx consists of a proximal ___, an intermediate ___, and a distal ___

Base; shaft; head

Each phalanx consists of a proximal ___, intermediate ___, and a distal ___

Base; shaft; head

The ___ of the ilium is one of the components for the acetabulum


Part of the humerus that is roughly cylindrical at its proximal end, but it gradually becomes triangular until it is flattened and broad at its distal end

Body (shaft)

The ___ of the femur angles medially and, as a result, the knee joints are close to the midline of the hip joints

Body (shaft)

The ischium is compromised by a superior ___ and an inferior ___

Body; ramus

The complete ring composed of the hip bones, pubic symphysis, sacrum, and coccyx that forms a deep, basin-like structure called the ___

Bony pelvis

What does the humerus articulate with distally?

Both the ulna and radius to form the elbow joint

How are the pectoral girdles held in position?

By a large group of muscles that extend from the vertebral column and rib cage of the scapula

What is the largest and strongest tarsal bone?


Where do the medial and lateral parts of the longitudinal arch begin?


The largest carpal bone


A rounded knob on the lateral aspect of the humerus that articulates with the head of the radius


The anterior concave space formed by the pisiform and hamate (ulnar side), and the scaphoid and trapezium (on the radial side), with the roof-like covering of the flexor retinaculum

Carpal tunnel

Narrowing of the carpal tunnel

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Name for the 8 small bones in the wrist


The proximal region of the hand that consists of 8 small bones


A slender S-shaped bone that lies horizontally across the anterior part of the thorax superior to the first rib

Clavicle (collarbone)

Each of the two pectoral girdles consists of a ___ and a ___

Clavicle; scaupla

The medial half of the clavicle is ___ anteriorly, and the lateral half is ___ anteriorly

Convex; concave

At the lateral end of the superior border of the scapula, the tendons of muscles attach to a projection of the anterior surface called the ___

Coracoid process

An anterior depression that receives the coronoid process of the ulna when the forearm is flexed

Coronoid fossa

An anterior projection distal to a large notch, the trochelar notch

Coronoid process

Laterally, at the middle portion of the shaft of the humerus, there is a roughened, V-shaped area called the ___

Deltoid tuberosity

Distally, the head of the ulna articulates with a narrow concavity, the ___ of the radius, which forms the ___ joint

Distal radioulnar

The bases of the metacarpals articulate with the ___ row of the carpal bones to form the ___ joints

Distal; carpometcarpal

The proximal row of carpal bones articulates with the ___ end of the ulna and radius to form the ___ joint

Distal; wrist

The ulna and radius articulate with the humerus at the ___ joint


Superior to the condyles of the femur are the medial and lateral ___


T/F: The arches of the foot are rigid


T/F: The pectoral girdles articulate with the vertebral column


T/F: The points of the pelvic brim form an oblique plane that is higher in the front than the back


The portion of the bony pelvis superior to to the pelvic brim is the ___ pelvis

False (greater)

The thin edge of the scapula closer to the vertebral column

Medial (vertebral) border

The expanded distal end of the femur includes the ___ and ___

Medial and distal condyles

The longest, heaviest, and strongest bone in the body

Femur (thigh bone)

The tibia articulates at its proximal end with the ___ and ___ and at its distal end with the ___ and ___

Femur and fibula; fibula and talus of ankle bone

A slender, split-like bone that is slightly expanded at both ends


Notch found on the posterior view of the tibia that articulates with the fibula to form the ___ joint

Fibular notch; distal tibiofibular

The ___ metatarsal is thicker than the others because it bears more weight


The metatarsals articulate proximally with the ___ bones and with the ___ to form the ___ joints

First, second, and third cuneiform; cuboid; tarsometatarsal

The head of the femur contains a small depression called the ___

Fovea capitis

What type of fracture is the most common in adults older than 50 years, typically occurring during a fall?

Fracture of the distal end of the radius

Inferior to the acromion is a shallow depression, the ___, that accepts the head of the humerus to form the ___ joint

Glenoid cavity; glenohumeral (shoulder joint)

Inferior to the intertrochanteric crest on the posterior surface of the body of the femur is a vertical ridge called the ___

Gluteal tuberosity

The ___ trochanter is the prominence felt and seen anterior to the hollow side of the hip


The ___ and ___ are projections that serve as points of attachment for tendons of some of the thigh and buttock muscles

Greater and lesser trochanter

Below the PIIS is the ___, through which the sciatic nerve passes

Greater sciatic notch

A lateral projection distal to the anatomical neck of the humerus

Greater tubercle

The toes are numbered I-V beginning with the ___ from ___ to ___

Hallux; medial to lateral

Named for a large hook-shaped projection on its anterior surface


The distal end of the ulna consists of a ___ that is separated from the wrist by a disc of fibrocartilage


The proximal end of the humerus features a rounded ___ that articulates with the glenoid cavity of the scapula


The proximal of the radius has a disc-shaped ___ that articulates with the capitulum of the humerus and the radial notch of the ulna


The inferior surface of the lateral condyle of the tibia articulates with the ___

Head of the fibula

The proximal end of the femur consists of a rounded ___ that articulates with the acetabulum of the hip bone to form the ___ joint

Head; coxal

Together, the acetabulum and the femoral head form the ___ joint

Hip (coxal)

Bruising of the ASIS and associated soft tissues

Hip pointer

Bone that has a ball-like proximal end with 2 prominent projections of bone at the base of the ball, a cylindrical, tubular shaft that makes up the majority of its length, and an expanded flattened distal end


The longest and largest bone of the free upper limb

Humerus (arm bone)

The metacarpal bones are numbered ___, starting with the ___

I-V; thumb

The superior border of the ilium

Iliac crest

The medial surface of the ilium contains the ___, a concavity where the tendon of the iliacus muscle attaches

Iliac fossa

Posterior to the iliac fossa are the ___, a point of attachment for the sacroiliac ligament, and the ___, which articulates with the sacrum to form the sacroiliac joint

Iliac tuberosity; auricular surface

The largest of the 3 components of the hip bone


The ___ part of the longitudinal arch rises to the talus and descends through the navicular, the tree cuneiforms, and the heads of the three medial metatarsals


The medial and lateral border of the scapula join at the ___

Inferior angle

The head of the fibula articulates with the ___ to form the ___ joint

Inferior surface of the lateral condyle of the tibia; proximal tibiofibular

Articulations between carpal bones

Intercarpal joints

The slightly concave condyles of the tibia are separate by an upward projection called the ___

Intercondylar eminence

A depressed area between the condyles on the posterior surface

Intercondylar fossa

A broad, flat, fibrous connective tissue that joins the shafts of the ulna and radius

Interosseous membrane

The tibia and fibula are connected by ___

Interosseous membrane

Joints between the phalanges of the foot


Joints between phalanges are called ___ joints

Interphalangeal (IP)

Joints between the tarsal bones

Intertarsal joints

Between the anterior surfaces of the trochanters is a narrow ___

Intertrochanter line

A ridge called ___ appears between the posterior surfaces of the greater trochanter and lesser trochanter

Intertrochanteric crest

Between both tubercles of the humerus runs ___

Intertubercular sulcus

A sideways-arched or U-shaped structure, with its concave, notched margin contributing to the posterior 2/3 of the obturator foramen


The inferior and posterior portion of the hip bone situated between the body of the ilium and the inferior ramus of the pubis


The heads of the metacarpals are commonly called ___ and are readily visible in a clenched fist


The ___ part of the longitudinal arch rises at the cuboid and descends to the heads of the two lateral metatarsals


The thick edge of the scapula closer to the arm

Lateral (axillary) border

The proximal end of the tibia is expanded into a ___ and ___

Lateral and medial condyle

The distal end of the fibula has a projection called the ___ that articulates with the ___ to form the prominence on the lateral surface of the ankle

Lateral malleolus; talus of the ankle

An anterior projection distal to the anatomical neck of the humerus

Lesser tubercle

Arch that has 2 parts, both of which consists of tarsal and metatarsal bones arranged to form an arch from the anterior to the posterior part of the foot

Longitudinal arch

The false pelvis is bordered by the ___ posteriorly, the ___ laterally, and the ___ anteriorly

Lumbar vertebrae; upper portions of the hip bones; abdominal wall

The head of the capitate articulates with the ___


The distal end of the radius articulates with 2 bones of the wrist, the ___ and ___, to form the ___ joint

Lunate; scaphoid; radiocarpal

Rough projections on either side of the distal end of the humerus to which the tendons of most muscles of the forearm attach

Medial and lateral epicondyle

Where do ligaments of the knee joint attach?

Medial and lateral epicondyle

The medial surface of the distal end of the tibia forms the ___

Medial malleolus

The talus articulates with the ___ of the tibia and the ___ of the fibula forming the ___ joint

Medial malleolus; lateral malleolus; talocrural (ankle)

The proximal phalanges of all digits articulate with the ___ bones


Name of the bones in the palm


The intermediate region of the hand consisting of 5 bones

Metacarpus (palm)

What is the name for the 5 intermediate bones of the foot?

Metatarsals (I-V from medial to lateral)

The intermediate region of the foot and consists of 5 bones


Inferior to the head of the radius is the constricted ___


The ___ of the femur is a constricted region distal to the head


The largest foramen in the skeleton

Obturator foramen

At the proximal end of the ulna, which forms the prominence of the elbow


The large posterior depression that receives the olecranon of the ulna when the forearm is extended (straightened)

Olecranon fossa

Functions of this bone is to increase leverage of the tendon of the quadriceps femoris muscle, to maintain the position of the tendon when the knee is flexed, and to protect the knee joint


Sesamoid bone that develops in the tendon of the quadriceps femoris muscle


A small, triangular bone located anterior to the knee joint

Patella (kneecap)

The ___ attaches the patella to the tibial tuberosity

Patellar ligament

Surface located between the condyles of the femur on the anterior surface

Patellar surface

Joint between the posterior surface of the patella and the patellar surface of the femur


The intermediate component of the tibiofemoral (knee) joint

Patellofemoral joint

Increased pressure on the knee joint causing aching or tenderness around or under the patella

Patellofemoral stress syndrome ("runner's knee)

Important landmark for distinguishing the superior (false) and inferior (true) portions of the bony pelvis

Pectineal line

Line that extends superiorly and laterally along the superior ramus to merge with the arcuate line of the ilium

Pectineal line **Seen in medial view

Attaches the bones of the free upper limbs to the axial skeleton

Pectoral or shoulder girdles

Consists of the coxal bone/os coxae

Pelvic (hip) girdle

An imaginary line that curves through the true pelvis from the central point of the plane of the pelvic inlet to the central point of the plane of the pelvic outlet

Pelvic axis

The bony pelvis is divided into superior and inferior portions by a boundry called the ___ that forms the inlet to the pelvic cavity from the abdomen

Pelvic brim

The superior opening of the true pelvis, bordered by the pelvic brim

Pelvic inlet

The inferior opening of the true pelvis

Pelvic outlet

The measurement of the size of the inlet and outlet of the birth canal, which may be done by ultrasonography or physical examination


Bones of the digits that make up the distal region of the hand


Comprise the distal component of the foot


Distally, the metatarsals articulate with the proximal row of ___ to form the ___ joints

Phalanges; metatarsophalangeal

A single bone of a digit is referred to as a ___


Below the PSIS is the ___

Posterior inferior iliac spine (PIIS)

Where is the calcaneus and talus located?

Posterior part of the foot

Posteriorly, the iliac crest ends in a sharp ___

Posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS)

The head of the fibula is found on the ___ end


The heads of the metacarpals articulate with the ___ phalanges to form the ___ joints

Proximal; metacarpophalangeal (MP)

Inferior to the pubis symphysis, the inferior rami of the two pubic bones converge to form the ___

Pubic arch

The anterior, superior border of the body of the pubis

Pubic crest

The hip bones unite anteriorly at a joint called the ___

Pubic symphysis

The joint between the pubes of the 2 hip bones that consists of a disc of fibrocartilage

Pubic symphysis

Lateral end projection of the pubis

Pubic tubercle

The inferior, anterior portion of the hip bone and has the form of a sideways arch or a U-shape


An anterior depression above the capitulum that articulates with the head of the radius when the forearm is flexed (bent)

Radial fossa

Rungs along the posterior margin of the deltoid tuberosity on the posterior surface of the humerus

Radial groove

A depression that is lateral and inferior to the trochelar notch and articulates with the head of the radius

Radial notch

Proximally, the head of the radius articulates with the ulna's ___, which forms the ___ joint

Radial notch; proximal radioulnar

A point of attachment for the tendons of the bicep brachii muscle

Radial tuberosity

A roughened area inferior to the neck of the radius on the anteromedial side

Radial tuberosity

Bone of the upper free limb that is narrow at its proximal end and widens at its distal end


The shorter of the two forearm bones that is located on the lateral aspect (thumb side) of the forearm


The ___ joins the pubis


Together the ___ and the ___ surround the obturator foramen

Ramus; pubis

The true pelvis is bordered by the ___ and ___ posteriorly, ____ and ___ laterally, and the ___ anteriorly

Sacrum and coccyx; inferior portion of the ilium and the ischium; pubic bones

The hip bones unite posteriorly with the ___ at the ___ joints

Sacrum; sacroiliac

In about 70% of carpal fractures, the ___ is broken


Bone that occupies the superior part of the posterior thorax between the levels of the second and seventh ribs a few finger breadths lateral to the vertebral column


What does the humerus articulate with proximally?


A large, triangular, flat bone with a ridge on its posterior surface

Scapula (shoulder blade)

A prominent indentation along the superior border of the scapula through which the subscapular nerve passes

Scapular notch

The largest nerve in the body

Sciatic nerve

A prominent ridge called the ___ runs diagonally across the posterior surface of the scapula


What is the main function of the fibula?

Stablize the ankle joint

The medial end of the clavicle

Sternal end

End of the clavicle that is rounded and articulates with the manubrium of the sternum to form the ____ joint

Sternal end; sternoclavicular

The clavicle forms the anterior ___ of the pectoral girdle that props the shoulder joint away from the rib cage

Strut (a rod or bar that resists compression)

The shaft of the radius widens distally to form the ___ process on the lateral side


Process located on the posterior side of the ulna's distal end

Styloid process

What is the name of the fossa on the anterior surface of the scapula?

Subscapular fossa

The superior end of the scapula, called the ___, joins the vertebral border at the ___

Superior border; superior angle

A constriction in the humerus just distal to the tubercles, where the head tapers to the shaft; often fractured

Surgical neck

Mnemonic for tarsals:

Tall centers never take shots from corners (Talus, calcaneus, navicular, third cuneiform, second cuneiform, first cuneiform, cuboid)

Which bone of the foot articulates with the fibula and tibia?


The medial malleolus articulates with the ___ and forms the prominence that can be felt on the medial surface of the ankle

Talus of the ankle

What is the name for the 7 bones of the foot?

Tarsal bones

The proximal region of the foot that consists of 7 bones

Tarsus (ankle)

What is the weakest point of the clavicle?

The junction of the two curves

Of all the long bones, the ___ is the most frequently fractured and is also the most frequent site of an open fracture


The medial and lateral condyles of the femur articulate with the medial and lateral condyles of the ___


The larger, medial, weight-bearing bone of the leg

Tibia (shin bone)

The distal end of the femur articulates with the ___ and ___

Tibia; patella

The ___ on the anterior surface of the tibia is a point of attachment for the patellar ligament

Tibial tuberosity

The lateral and medial condyle of the tibia articulate with the lateral and medial condyle of the femur to form the ___ joints

Tibiofemoral (knee)

Arch found between the medial and lateral aspects of the foot and is formed by the navicular, three cuneiforms, and the bases of the five metatarsals

Transverse arch

Located medial to the capitulum, a spool-shaped surface that articulates with the ulna


Notch on the anterior side of the olecranon of the ulna that receives the trochela of the humerus to form part of the elbow joint

Trochelar notch

T/F: The fibula does not articulate with the femur and is non-weight-bearing


The portion of the bony pelvis that is inferior to the pelvic brim is the ___ pelvis

True (lesser)

Which pelvis surrounds the pelvic cavity?

True pelvis

Bone of the upper free limb that is thick and notched at the proximal end, and its wide triangular shaft tapers to become more narrow and cylindrical distally


Located on the medial aspect (little-finger side) of the forearm and is longer than the radius


Nerve that makes you feel very severe pain whenever you hit your elbow

Ulnar nerve

Just inferior to the coronoid processes of the ulna

Ulnar tuberosity

Functionally, the bony pelvis provides a strong and stable support for the ___ and the ___ and ___ organs

Vertebral column; pelvic; lower abdominal

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