anatomy final

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spinal nerves and cranial nerves are considered part of the ________________ nervous system


Movement of a limb away from the midline


Primary action of the deltoid


While doing "jumping jacks" during an exercise class, your arms and legs move laterally away from the midline of your body. This motion is called:


the gap between the axon terminal of a motor neuron and the sarcolemma of skeletal muscle cell is called:

synaptic cleft

the gap between two communicating neurons is termed

synaptic cleft

a muscle group that work with and assists the action of a prime mover is


the _____________ membrane lines the fibrous capsule surrounding joints


the portion of the diencephalon that acts as a relay station for sensory impulses traveling to the sensory cortex is the ____________


cerebrospinal fluid circulates through all of the following except: a. subarachnoid space b. corpus callosum c. cerebral aqueduct d. fourth ventricle e. lateral ventricle

b. corpus callosum

which of the following is not a structural component of the nucleus? a. chromatin b. golgi apparatus c. nucleolus d. nuclear pores e. nuclear envelope

b. golgi apparatus

which of the following is not a subatomic particle associated with an atom: a. proton b. ion c. neutron d. electron

b. ion

which of the following is not a hallmark feature of epithelial tissues? a. epithelial tissues cover body surfaces both inside and outside b. epithelial tissues have a basement membrane c. epithelial tissues have an apical surface d. epithelial tissues are well vascularized

d. epithelial tissues are well vascularized

which of the following can actually shorten during muscle contraction: a. myosin filaments b. A bands c. actin filaments d. sarcomeres e. myofilaments

d. sarcomeres

which of these muscles is not located in the head? a. frontalis b. buccinator c. zygomaticus d. sartorius

d. sartorius

The neuron processes that normally receive incoming stimuli are called:


tendons and ligaments are classified as ____________

dense connective (regular fibrous) tissue

put the meninges in order from outermost to innermost arachnoid, dura, pia

dura, arachnoid, pia

type of movement that increases the angle of the joint


T/F: The endocrine system is the fast-acting body control system


Primary action of the rectus abdominis


Type of movement that decreases the angle of the joint


Bipolar neurons are commonly ________.

found in the eye and nose

the primary motor area, located in the _____________ lobe of the cerebral cortex, allows us to consciously control our skeletal muscles


A stroke in the primary motor area has caused Don to lose control over his skeletal muscles on the right side of his body. What lobe of his brain was damaged?

frontal lobe

Collections of nerve cell bodies inside the CNS are called:


the elevated ridges of tissue on the surface of the cerebral hemispheres are known as ______________; the shallow grooves are termed _______

gyri; sulci

One of the last areas of the CNS to mature is the ________, which regulates body temperature.


the pituitary gland is most closely associated with the:


the two major functional properties of neurons are:

irritability and conductivity

Edna tore a ligament in the patellar region and anticipates having difficulty with her


what is the main function of the quadriceps femoris group?

knee extension

the fissure in the brain that separates the two cerebral hemispheres is called the ______________

longitudinal fissure

what muscle closes the jaw

masseter and temporalis

the brain and spinal cord are protected and cushioned by three connective tissue membranes that are collectively called __________


Neurons with several processes branching off the cell body, such as motor neurons and interneurons, are structurally classified as:


what congenital muscle disease results from the degeneration and atrophy of muscles

muscular dystrophy

Impulse conduction is fastest in neurons that are


the gaps between schwann cells found at regular intervals in peripheral system neurons are called _____________

nodes of ranvier

which of the neuroglial cells forms the myelin sheaths in the CNS


the passive process that involves the movement of water through aquaporins is


anaerobic glycolysis occurs without:


the ____________ division of the autonomic nervous system is often called the "rest and digest" division


a muscle located in the anterior (ventral) side of the body is the

pectoralis major

The study of the function of the body and body parts is called:


During the resting state, a neuron is:

polarized with sodium ions outside the cell and potassium ions inside the cell

type of movement that results when the forearm rotates medially so the palm faces posteriorly


sensory receptors located in muscles and tendons are _____________


The area of the brain stem that plays a role in consciousness and the awake/sleep cycles is the

reticular activating system

the movement of a bone around its longitudinal axis


An elaborate and specialized network of membranes in skeletal muscle cells that function in calcium storage is the:

sarcoplasmic reticulum

_______________ cells form the myelin sheaths around nerve fibers in the PNS


the pleura and pericardium are example of ___________ membranes that cover organs in a body cavity closed to the exterior.


the muscular system consists of the:

skeletal muscles

An action potential is caused by an influx of these ions into the cell:


what type of reflex involves skeletal muscles


creatine phosphate (CP) function within the muscle cell by:

storing energy that will be transferred to ADP resynthesize ATP as needed

type of movement that results when the forearm rotates laterally so that the palm faces anteriorly


the building blocks of all matter are known as:


due to the cast placed on her broken leg, kinsley's muscles have decreased in size. what term best describes how her muscles have been affected?


which of the following contains sodium: a. H2O b. NaCl c. N2 d. CH4 e. H2SO4

b. NaCl

Why are calcium ions necessary for skeletal muscle contraction?

calcium triggers the binding of myosin to actin

the outermost layer of the epidermis is keratinized and known as stratum ___________


in cell division, the term that refers to division of the cytoplasm is


if someone is sitting at the other end of a bar is smoking, you may still breathe in some of the smoke. what process involves the movement of the smoke away from its source?


what orientation and directional terms have opposite meanings:

distal and proximal

passive processes that move substances across membranes:

do not require ATP

unsaturated fatty acid chains contain one or more _______________ bonds between carbon atoms


enzymes are : a. required in large amounts in order to be effective b. carbohydrates c. stable at high temperatures d. not reusable e. biological catalysts

e. biological catalysts

what is the major function of the urinary system:

eliminate nitrogen-containing metabolic wastes from the body

the sebaceous and sweat glands associated with the skin are classified as ___________ glands because they release secretion's on to the skins surface via ducts


the ph scale is based on _________________

hydrogen ion concentration in solution

which system covers the external surface of the body and protects deeper tissues:

integumentary system

the period of the cell cycle when the cell grows and performs is metabolic activities is


what characteristic is shared by both cardiac and smooth muscle tissue?

involuntary contractions

what system cleanses the body of lymph nodes?

lymphatic system

what are the pigments that contribute to skin color?

melanin; carotene; hemoglobin

muscle cells need abundant atp for muscle contractions. what organelle must commonly be found in muscle to accommodate atp production?


positive feedback systems:

operate in such a way that the initial stimulus is enhanced and increases

what are two types of endocytosis?

phagocytosis and pinocytosis

what separates the intracellular fluid from the extracellular fluid?

plasma membrane

glycogen and starch are examples of a specific category of carbohydrates called ___________________


the atomic number of an atom is equal to the number of _________________ an atom contains.


what type of muscle tissue responds the fastest to stimulations to contract?


voluntary muscle tissue is:

skeletal muscle

hematopoiesis, or blood cell formation, is a function of the:

skeletal system

what system is the site of hematopoiesis?

skeletal system

the main function of the respiratory system is:

supply the body with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide

what structural level comes immediately after the creation of a beta-pleated sheet in proteins?

tertiary structure

a sarcomere is:

the contractile unit between two Z discs

which of the following DNA base pairs is complementary: a. cytosine and adenine b. adenine and thymine c. adenine and guanine d. thymine and guanine e. guanine and uracil

b. adenine and guanine

people with asthma produce too much mucus, which can block the airways. What type of cell associated with the epithelium of the respiratory tract is responsible for making mucus?

goblet cell

when James shaves his face, which portion of the hair is removed?

hair shaft

which of the following is not a necessary life function: a. maintaining homeostasis b. movement c. responsiveness d. nutrients e. metabolism


the major role of the interneuron is to

connect motor and sensory neurons in their pathways

a ___________ is a type of traumatic brain injury that results in marked tissue destruction


The large fiber tract that allows communication between the two cerebral hemispheres is called the __________.

corpus callosum

A single, brief, jerky muscle contraction is termed:


which nucleic acid carries out the orders for protein synthesis?


what accounts for 60% to 80% of the body's weight, depending on the age of the individual.


White matters refers to myelinated fibers in the


the brain dysfunction where blood supply to a region (or regions) of the brain is blocked and vital brain tissue dies, as by a blood clot or ruptured blood vessel, is called ____________


Schwann cells form a myelin sheath around the


Neurotransmitters are released upon stimulation from a nerve impulse by the:

axon terminals of the motor neuron

the substance that is released at axonal endings to propagate a nervous impulse is called:

a neurotransmitter

Acetylcholine is:

a neurotransmitter that stimulates skeletal muscle

which of these pathways is the fastest way to regenerate ATP during muscle activity: a. direct phosphorylation of ADP by creatine phosphate b. aerobic respiration c. anaerobic glycolysis and lactic acid formation

a. direct phosphorylation of ADP by creatine phosphate

which of the following is the correct sequence in a typical reflex arc: a. receptor, afferent neuron, integration center, efferent neuron, effector b. receptor, efferent neuron, integration center, afferent neuron, effector

a. receptor, afferent neuron, integration center, efferent neuron, effector

During skeletal muscle contraction, myosin heads attach to active sites of

actin filaments

primary action of the adductor muscles


the movement of a limb toward the body midline


the movement opposite to abduction is


Cells found in the CNS that cling to neurons and anchor them to blood vessels are called __________.


Neurons with two processes, an axon and a dendrite, are structurally classified as __________ neurons.


the term central nervous system refers to the

brain and spinal cord

One of the major functions of the pons is to control ________.

breathing and heartrate

Sally has a brain injury; she knows what she wants to say but can't vocalize the words. The part of her brain that deals with the ability to speak is the:

broca's area

which one of the following does not compress the abdomen: a. internal oblique b. external oblique c. latissimus dorsi

c. latissimus dorsi

what ion causes neurotransmitter vesicles to fuse with the axon's membrane during the conduction of a nerve impulse from one neuron to the next


cerebrospinal fluid is formed from blood by the __________

choroid plexus

what is the action of the orbicularis oris

closes, purses, and protrudes the lips

a skeletal muscle twitch differs from a tetanic contraction in that:

the muscle twitch is a brief and jerky movement; the tetanic contraction is prolonged and continuous

an atom with 13 electrons will have _______ electrons in the valence shell.


how many codons are present in this strand of mRNA: A U G G C A C A U U A A


rank these elements found in the human body from most common to least common: 1. carbon 2. hydrogen 3. nitrogen 4. oxygen

4, 1, 2, 3

place the following steps of protein synthesis and export from the cell in the proper order: 1. the protein folds into its functional shape 2. the transport vesicle travels to the Golgi apparatus for further processing 3. the protein is packaged in a transport vesicle 4. the protein is synthesized on the ribosome as it migrates through the rough ER

4, 1, 3, 2

the mechanical force of contraction is generated by:

a sliding of thin filaments past thick ones

blood is considered a weak ph. which ph best represents blood. a. ph 7.4 b. ph 13.4 c. ph 4.6 d. ph 2.4 e. 10.3

a. ph 7.4

_______________ connective tissue is commonly called fat


the light and dark banding pattern send in striated muscle, like skeletal muscle, originate from:

alternating light and dark bands

an organic molecule that catalyzes sucrose into the monosaccharides glucose and fructose would be called:

an enzyme

Endomysium covers what?

an individual muscle cell

Ventral is a directional term synonymous with __________ in humans.


what orientation and directional terms have the same meaning:

anterior and ventral

the membrane connections that prevent the leaking of fluid between cells are called

tight junctions

the process of transcription does what?

transfers information from DNA into mRNA

Which type of tissue is situated in the lining of the urinary bladder and urethra where stretching occurs?

transitional epithelium

T/F - the lymphatic system collects fluids leaked by the cardiovascular system and returns them to the bloodstream


T/F: Most homeostatic control mechanisms are negative feedback reactions


trans fat increase the risk of heart disease because they have been solidified by the addition of hydrogen atoms. originally, trans fats were oils and classified as _________________

unsaturated fats

during transcription, which base pairs with adenine of DNA in the newly found molecule of RNA?


what system regulates water and electrolytes?

urinary system

the white, cheesy-looking substance that is produce by the sebaceous glans an protects the baby's skin while it is floating in its water-filled sac inside the mother is called:

vernix caseosa

An atom has 6 protons, 8 neutrons, and 6 electrons. Its atomic mass is:


if the sequence of nitrogenous bases in one strand of DNA is GTA-GCA, the sequence of bases on its complementary DNA strand would be:


a molecule with the sequence of AUCGUCA should be categorized as _________


which statement best describes why ATP is an important nucleic acid in the body? a. atp provides a form of chemical energy all body cells can use b. atp is the storage form of glucose in the body c. atp is a modified RNA molecule used to store genetic information d. atp carries out the orders for protein synthesis issued by DNA e. atp functions as a catalyst to increase reaction rates

a. atp provides a form of chemical energy all body cells can use

which of the following is the least malignant and most common skin cancer that affects the cells of the stratum basale? a. basal cell carcinoma b. squamous cell carcinoma c. psoriasis d. malignant melanoma

a. basal cell carcinoma

which of the following leads to an increase in the rate of a chemical reaction: a. increased temperature b. large particle size c. lack of catalysts d. decreased temperature e. few particles

a. increased temperature

which of the following is not classified as a connective tissue? a. skeletal muscle b. blood c. hyaline cartilage d. bone e. loose adipose

a. skeletal

which one of the following is composed of myosin protein: a. thick filaments b. thin filaments c. all myofilaments d. Z discs e. light bands

a. thick filaments

you have tested a chemical in the laboratory and determined it to be a proton donor. how would you classify this chemical?


A nurse tends to a patient with a sunburn. Upon examination, she sees blisters and red, swollen skin. the patient complains of pain. what feature of this burn distinguishes it from a first-degree burn?


which of the following is classified as an inorganic compound: a. glucose b. triglyceride c. water d. protein e. steroid

c. water

what is the smallest unit of all living things?


which of the following is the correct sequence, going from simplest to most complex, in the levels of structural organization of the human body:

chemical level, cellular level, tissue level, organ level, organ system level, organismal level

which of the following letters in the ABCDE rule for recognizing melanomas is incorrect? a. A - asymmetry b. B - border irregularity c. C - color d. D - diagnosis

d. D - diagnosis

which of the following is matched most accurately to the life function it provides: a. integumentary system - movement b. nervous system - excretion c. muscular system - maintaining boundaries d. nervous system - responsiveness e. respiratory system - digestion

d. nervous system - responsiveness

which of these is not a survival need: a. nutrients b. oxygen c. water d. reproduction e. body temperature

d. reproduction

which of the following is a lubricant that keeps skin soft and moist and also contains chemicals that kill bacteria? a. sweat b. melanin c. carotene d. sebum

d. sebum

The movement of ions across cell membranes is an example of

electrical energy

Glands, such as the thyroid, that secrete their products directly into the blood rather than through ducts are classified as ________.


the system that controls and coordinates the body through hormones is the:

endocrine system

what system produces hormones?

endocrine system

the orbital cavities house the


what type of burn only involves injury to the superficial epidermis?


a solution that contains fewer solutes than the cell is ______________ to the cell


the staphylococcus infection of the skin that causes pink, water-filled, raised lesions is known as:


the small intestine has tiny, finger-like projections of the plasma membrane that help increase the surface area and aid in absorption of nutrients known as:


what system allows skeletal muscles to move the bones?

muscular system

irritability and conductivity are the two major functional characteristics of ___________

nervous tissue

the plasma membrane of a skeletal muscle cell is called the:


____________ muscle tissue has no visible striations and is found in the walls of hollow organs


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