Anatomy of the Digestive System Chapter Exam

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Which movement within the small intestine is described as the contraction of circular smooth muscles that constrict the intestines into segments?


Which term describes movement within the small intestine caused by contraction and relaxation of the longitudinal muscles?

Pendular movement

What forms must carbohydrates and proteins take to be absorbed by the small intestine?

monosaccharides and amino acids

Peristalsis, an important process that propels food through the esophagus and small intestine, is best described by which of the following choices?

A wavelike series of muscular contractions

When does maximum secretion of hydrochloric acid and pepsinogen in the stomach occur?

After food has entered the stomach.

In the digestive process, what form(s) of digestion take place in the mouth and stomach?

Both physical and chemical digestion

How is digesting food moved along the small intestine?

By peristalsis, which is the contraction of the smooth muscle to push food forward

Which of the following structures create a turbulent flow through the small intestine?

Circular Folds

Which of the following statements is correct? 1. Diarrhea occurs when too much water is absorbed in the large intestines. 2. Constipation occurs when not enough water is absorbed in the large intestines. 3. Constipation occurs when too much water is absorbed in the large intestines. 4. Diarrhea may be due to a lack of fiber in the diet.

Constipation occurs when too much water is absorbed in the large intestines.

What is the job of the anal sphincters?

Control the passage of feces out of the anus.

Which of the following is not a function of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice?

Digest the mucus layer covering the epithelium.

What is the name of the mechanism that inhibits gastric motility and the secretion of gastric acid?

Enterogastric reflex

Which structures secrete mucus?

Goblet Cells

Which of the following structures are lymphatic capillaries that absorb dietary fats?


Water reabsorption is the main function of which part of the digestive tract?

Large intestine

What is the main form of food propulsion through the large intestine?

Mass movements

What is the name given to the small hair-like projections on the simple columnar epithelial cells lining the small intestine?


What propels food through the small intestine?


Which of the following DOES NOT help improve absorption within the small intestine?


Which of the following describes the relationship between the villi and the microvilli?

The microvilli are like hairs on the villi.

What can occur when the bacteria within the large intestine metabolize some of the remaining nutrients?

The release of odorous gases.

What do amylase and pepsin have in common?

They are both digestive enzymes.

An inactive precursor of an enzyme that must go through a change to be activated is known as a(n) _____.


The epiglottis prevents food from entering the _____.


Peristalsis, sphincter opening, and churning are digestive processes aided by what?


Microvilli, villi, and circular folds are unique modifications that enhance _____ in the _____.

nutrient absorption; small intestine

Secretions from the _____, called _____, neutralize acid from the stomach in the small intestine.

pancreas, bicarbonate

In progressive order, choose the most accurate path food takes through the body as it is being digested: Mouth, esophagus, stomach, _____, _____.

pyloric sphincter; duodenum

When digesting food leaves the _____, it passes through the duodenum, the first section of the _____.

stomach; small intestine

What is one reason that enzymes are present in the small intestine?

to break down protein to amino acids

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