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C. anterior *The fibromuscular stroma of the prostate is called the anterior zone.

The fibromuscular stroma of the prostate is called the ____________ zone. A. peripheral B. transitional C. anterior D. central

D. splenic artery *1. Splenic artery 2. Celiac trunk 3. Aorta 4. Hepatic artery

What vessel is indicated by #1? A. hepatic artery B. aorta C. celiac trunk D. splenic artery E. SMA

D. celiac trunk *1. Splenic artery 2. Celiac trunk 3. Aorta 4. Hepatic artery

What vessel is indicated by #2? A. splenic artery B. aorta C. SMA D. celiac trunk E. hepatic artery

D. aorta *1. Splenic artery 2. Celiac trunk 3. Aorta 4. Hepatic artery

What vessel is indicated by #3? A. SMA B. hepatic artery C. splenic artery D. aorta E. celiac trunk

D. hepatic artery *1. Splenic artery 2. Celiac trunk 3. Aorta 4. Hepatic artery

What vessel is indicated by #4? A. SMA B. celiac trunk C. aorta D. hepatic artery E. splenic artery

E. right renal artery *The right renal artery courses posterior to the IVC to reach the right kidney.

What vessel is indicated by the red arrow? A. IMV B. left renal vein C. right renal vein D. left renal artery E. right renal artery

C. in the scrotal sac *The dartos fascia is a layer of connective tissue found in the penile shaft and scrotum.

Where is the Dartos muscle layer? A. in the abdominal wall B. in the urinary bladder C. in the scrotal sac D. in the cystic duct

C. fibromuscular region *The prostate gland contains four glandular zones and a fibromuscular region. The peripheral zone is the largest glandular segment. Most prostate cancer occurs in the peripheral zone and is also the most common site of chronic prostatitis. The transitional zone, the site of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), surrounds the urethra. The central zone holds most of the remaining glandular tissue. The glandular tissue that surrounds the proximal prostatic urethra is called the periurethral glandular zone. The anterior fibromuscular region is mostly smooth muscle and occupies about one-third of the prostate.

The ____________ is a part of the prostate gland that is mostly composed of smooth muscle cells and makes up approximately 1/3 of the gland. A. central zone B. peripheral zone C. fibromuscular region D. transitional zone

C. peripheral *The peripheral zone is the largest zone in the prostate.

The ____________ zone is the largest zone in the prostate. A. central B. paraprostatic C. peripheral D. transitional

A. Arcuate *The segmental arteries are the immediate branches of the renal artery after it enters the renal hilum. The interlobar arteries course along the minor calyces toward the parenchyma. The interlobar arteries course between the pyramids to form the arcuate arterial loop across the top of each pyramid. The arcuate arteries separate the renal medulla from the cortex.

The _________________ arteries are the vessels that course parallel to the renal capsule within the parenchyma. A. Arcuate B. Interlobular C. Lobular D. Segmental

C. column of Bertin *A column of Bertin is a prominent area of normal renal parenchyma between two pyramids.

A thickened area of normal renal parenchyma between 2 pyramids is called: A. fetal lobulation B. duplicated collecting system C. column of Bertin D. dromedary hump

C. oncocytoma *Epinephrine and norepinephrine are produced in chromaffin cells of the adrenal glands and certain neurons in the CNS. Pheochromocytomas produce abnormal levels of epinephrine.

All of the following structures release epinephrine, EXCEPT? A. neurons in the CNS B. chromaffin cells C. oncocytoma D. pheochromocytoma

D. anterior right lobe *The middle hepatic vein separates the right and left lobes. The right portal vein enters the center of the right lobe. A mass between the two structures would be located in the anterior right lobe.

If a liver mass is located between the middle hepatic vein and the right portal vein, in what lobe of the liver is the mass located? A. posterior right lobe B. caudate lobe C. medial left lobe D. anterior right lobe

A. Right renal artery *The aorta is more posterior in the body and to the left of the IVC. The right renal artery must course behind the IVC to reach the right kidney,

On a longitudinal scan, this vessel is seen in cross section, posterior to the IVC: A. Right renal artery B. Left renal artery C. Right renal vein D. Left renal vein

A. as a hypoechoic ring around the echogenic medulla *On an ultrasound exam, the normal adrenal cortex appears as a hypoechoic ring around the echogenic medulla

On an ultrasound exam, the normal adrenal cortex appears: A. as a hypoechoic ring around the echogenic medulla B. as an anechoic ring around the echogenic medulla C. isoechoic to the medulla D. as a hyperechoic ring around the hypoechoic medulla

C. stomach *The stomach can be identified anterior to the pancreas tail.

The ______________ can be identified anterior to the pancreas tail. A. superior mesenteric artery B. left kidney C. stomach D. hepatic flexure of the colon

A. ejaculatory duct *The ejaculatory duct is formed at the junction of the vas deferens and seminal vesicles.

The _________________ is formed at the junction of the vas deferens and seminal vesicles. A. ejaculatory duct B. rete testes C. afferent ducts D. efferent ducts

D. liver *The liver and bones produce the majority of ALP. It is also produced by the placenta during pregnancy.

The abdominal organ that produces the majority of alkaline phosphatase is? A. spleen B. gallbladder C. pancreas D. liver

C. aorta, superior *The celiac axis originates from the aorta, superior to the body of the pancreas.

The celiac axis originates from the _____________, _____________ to the body of the pancreas. A. portal vein, inferior B. aorta, inferior C. aorta, superior D. superior mesenteric artery, superior

A. Minor calyces *The pyramids collect the urine from the parenchyma and funnel it to the papilla into the minor calyces. The minor calyces send the urine into the three larger collection areas called major calyces that connect to the renal pelvis.

The cup-like or funnel shaped extensions of the renal sinus that originate at the papilla and collect urine that is coursing toward the renal pelvis are: A. Minor calyces B. Cortex C. Pyramids D. Major calyces

D. Celiac *The aorta tapers in size as it courses inferiorly through the abdomen. The celiac axis is the most superior branch of the aorta, therefore the aorta diameter is greatest at the level of its origin.

The diameter of the normal aorta is greatest at the level of the: A. Renal arteries B. Superior mesenteric artery C. Iliac bifurcation D. Celiac

D. Gastroduodenal artery *The common hepatic artery (CHA) forms a branch called the gastroduodenal artery (GDA) prior to entering into the liver. The GDA supplies the pancreas and duodenum with blood. After the GDA branches off, the CHA becomes the proper hepatic artery.

The first branch of the common hepatic artery is the: A. Cystic artery B. Duodenal artery C. Pancreatic artery D. Gastroduodenal artery

B. drains blood from the distal colon. *The IMV drains the blood from the distal colon. The SMV drains the blood from the proximal color and some small bowel portions. The IMV meets the splenic vein near the portal confluence.

The inferior mesenteric vein (IMV) __________________________. A. courses from the mesentery to the join the SMV near the portal confluence. B. drains blood from the distal colon. C. drains blood from the proximal colon. D. drains blood from the small bowel. E. All of the above

D. A and B *The inferior mesenteric vein courses cephalad from the colon tributaries to join the mid to distal splenic vein. It lies to the LEFT of the IMA and SMV in the abdomen.

The inferior mesenteric vein (IMV) __________________________. A. courses to the left of the IMA. B. drains blood from the distal colon. C. courses to the right of the IMA. D. A and B E. B and C

B. Hepatic veins *There are three large hepatic veins that feed a significant amount of blood into the IVC. The largest tributaries to the vena cava are the common iliac veins.

The largest abdominal tributaries of the IVC are the: A. Renal veins B. Hepatic veins C. Gonadal veins D. Main portal vein

B. the aorta and superior mesenteric artery. *The left renal vein exits the kidney anterior to the renal artery and courses medially to reach the IVC. The SMA is an anterior branch of the Aorta that originates a few centimeters above the level of the renal veins. The LRV passes anterior to the aorta but posterior to the SMA.

The left renal vein courses laterally between: A. the IVC and hepatic veins. B. the aorta and superior mesenteric artery. C. the aorta and celiac. D. the IVC and portal vein.

B. anterior *The left renal vein passes anterior to the aorta to enter the medial aspect of the IVC.

The left renal vein passes _____________ to the aorta to enter the medial aspect of the IVC. A. posterior B. anterior C. superior D. none of the above

C. Left gastric, Splenic, Common Hepatic Artery *The major branches of the Celiac Axis are the Left gastric, Splenic, Common Hepatic Arteries.

The major branches of the Celiac Axis are: A. Hepatic, Gastroduodenal Artery, Splenic B. Left gastric, Common Hepatic Artery, Gastroduodenal Artery C. Left gastric, Splenic, Common Hepatic Artery D. Left gastric, SMA, Gastroduodenal Artery

A. 3mm, 5mm *The normal bladder wall thickness varies with the degree of bladder filling. Measurements of the wall thickness should normally be no more than 3mm when fully distended and no more than 5mm when nearly empty.

The normal bladder wall thickness varies with the degree of bladder filling. Measurements of the wall thickness should normally be no more than ___________ when fully distended and no more than _____________ when nearly empty. A. 3mm, 5mm B. 5mm, 3mm C. 5mm, 8mm D. 0.5cm, 1.0cm

A. to the right of *The proximal superior mesenteric vein is normally located to the right of the proximal superior mesenteric artery in the abdomen.

The proximal superior mesenteric vein is normally located ___________ the proximal superior mesenteric artery in the abdomen. A. to the right of B. to the left of C. posterior to D. superior to

C. 2-3cm below the superior mesenteric artery origin *The renal arteries arise from the lateral walls of the aorta 2-3cm below the SMA origin.

The renal arteries arise from the lateral walls of the aorta _______________. A. 1-2cm above the superior mesenteric artery origin B. 2-3cm below the inferior mesenteric artery origin C. 2-3cm below the superior mesenteric artery origin D. At the level of the superior mesenteric artery origin

B. Anterior superior *The head of the pancreas is usually anterior to the IVC, while the neck is anterior to the aorta. The celiac axis is a branch of the aorta that originates superior to the neck of the pancreas. The splenic artery is a branch of the celiac axis that courses along the superior anterior aspect of the body and tail.

The splenic artery courses across the ______________ surface of the pancreas. A. Anterior inferior B. Anterior superior C. Posterior inferior D. None of the above

D. all of the above *The splenic artery distributes blood to the stomach, pancreas and spleen.

The splenic artery distributes blood to the ____________________________. A. stomach B. pancreas C. spleen D. all of the above

D. none of the above *Veins drain blood from an organ, arteries deliver blood to organs. The splenic vein drains the blood from the spleen and sends it into the portal vein/liver for filtration.

The splenic vein distributes blood to the ____________________________. A. stomach B. pancreas C. spleen D. none of the above

B. Anterior to superior mesenteric artery *The splenic vein is a part of the portal system which is the most anterior vascular system in the abdomen. The IVC is posterior to the portal confluence and anterior as related to the aorta. The aorta is the most posterior in the abdomen and the SMA is a branch of the aorta.

The splenic vein is located: A. Posterior to the portal vein B. Anterior to superior mesenteric artery C. Anterior to the pancreas D. Posterior to the superior mesenteric artery

A. 1-2cm, neck of the pancreas *The head of the pancreas is usually anterior to the IVC, while the aorta is posterior to the neck. The celiac axis is a branch of the aorta that originates superior and posterior to the neck of the pancreas.

The superior mesenteric artery originates from the aorta approximately __________ below the celiac axis and posterior to the ___________________. A. 1-2cm, neck of the pancreas B. 2-3cm, neck of the pancreas C. 1-2cm, stomach and duodenum D. 2-3cm, stomach and duodenum

A. Joins the splenic vein posterior to the neck of the pancreas *The SMV and the splenic vein join to form the portal confluence posterior to the neck of the pancreas. The main portal vein courses anteriorly into the liver at the porta hepatis,

The superior mesenteric vein A. Joins the splenic vein posterior to the neck of the pancreas B. Joins the splenic vein anterior to the neck of the pancreas C. Joins the portal vein to form the splenic vein D. Lies to the left of the superior mesenteric artery

A. celiac, SMA and IMA *The splanchnic arteries include the celiac and mesenteric arteries with their branches that feed the organs of the digestive tract.

The term "splanchnic arteries" describes which of the following vessels? A. celiac, SMA and IMA B. hepatic, renal, splenic and celiac arteries C. renal, suprarenal, splenic and gastric arteries D. All arterial branches of the abdominal aorta from the diaphragm to the umbilicus

D. right and left hepatic artery *#4 is the proper hepatic artery that branches into the left and right hepatic artery.

The two branches originate from the vessel #4 on the diagram are: A. medial and lateral hepatic artery B. medial and lateral portal vein branches C. anterior and posterior hepatic artery D. right and left hepatic artery

C. left portal vein *1. aorta 2. celiac axis 3. splenic artery 4. proper hepatic artery 5. left gastric artery 6. gastroduodenal artery 7. superior mesenteric artery 8. inferior mesenteric artery 9. left renal artery 10. right renal artery 11. left renal vein 12. right renal vein 13. common duct 14. superior mesenteric vein 15. inferior mesenteric vein 16. splenic vein 17. portal confluence 18. main portal vein 19. right portal vein 20. left portal vein

The vessel indicated by #20 on the diagram refers to: A. right hepatic artery B. right portal vein C. left portal vein D. left hepatic artery

A. Superior mesenteric artery *1. aorta 2. celiac axis 3. splenic artery 4. proper hepatic artery 5. left gastric artery 6. gastroduodenal artery 7. superior mesenteric artery 8. inferior mesenteric artery 9. left renal artery 10. right renal artery 11. left renal vein 12. right renal vein 13. common duct 14. superior mesenteric vein 15. inferior mesenteric vein 16. splenic vein 17. portal confluence 18. main portal vein 19. right portal vein 20. left portal vein

The vessel indicated by #7 on the diagram refers to: A. Superior mesenteric artery B. Inferior mesenteric artery C. Hepatic artery D. Celiac Axis

A. inferior mesenteric vein *1. aorta 2. celiac axis 3. splenic artery 4. proper hepatic artery 5. left gastric artery 6. gastroduodenal artery 7. superior mesenteric artery 8. inferior mesenteric artery 9. left renal artery 10. right renal artery 11. left renal vein 12. right renal vein 13. common duct 14. superior mesenteric vein 15. inferior mesenteric vein 16. splenic vein 17. portal confluence 18. main portal vein 19. right portal vein 20. left portal vein

The vessel indicated by the #15 on the diagram is: A. inferior mesenteric vein B. superior mesenteric vein C. splenic vein D. inferior mesenteric artery

A. Superior mesenteric artery *The superior mesenteric artery or SMA is an anterior branch of the aorta. It courses inferiorly into the mesenteric branches and usually runs parallel to the aorta on most of its course.

This vessel arises from the anterior aorta and courses inferiorly and parallel to it: A. Superior mesenteric artery B. Superior mesenteric vein C. Common hepatic artery D. Splenic artery

A. left gastric artery *The three major branches of the celiac axis are: common hepatic artery, splenic artery and left gastric artery.

What major branch of the celiac axis is not visible on the image? A. left gastric artery B. right gastric artery C. hepatic artery D. SMA E. splenic artery

B. Common hepatic duct *The cross section of the portal triad is seen within the liver therefore the common hepatic duct, PROPER hepatic artery and main portal vein. The proper hepatic artery is formed when the GDA branches from the common hepatic artery.

What structure is indicated by the blue arrow? A. Common hepatic artery B. Common hepatic duct C. Main portal vein D. Common bile duct

B. Proximal Aorta *1. Proximal Aorta 2. SMA 3. Celiac axis 4. Mid Aorta 5. Lt Lobe of Liver 6. EG junction 7. SMV 8. Pancreas

What structure/vessel is indicated by #1? A. IVC B. Proximal Aorta C. SMA D. Mid Aorta E. Celiac Axis

E. SMA *1. Proximal Aorta 2. SMA 3. Celiac axis 4. Mid Aorta 5. Lt Lobe of Liver 6. EG junction 7. SMV 8. Pancreas

What structure/vessel is indicated by #2? A. IVC B. Mid Aorta C. Celiac Axis D. Proximal Aorta E. SMA

A. Celiac Axis *1. Proximal Aorta 2. SMA 3. Celiac axis 4. Mid Aorta 5. Lt Lobe of Liver 6. EG junction 7. SMV 8. Pancreas

What structure/vessel is indicated by #3? A. Celiac Axis B. SMA C. IVC D. Proximal Aorta E. Mid Aorta

D. Mid Aorta *1. Proximal Aorta 2. SMA 3. Celiac axis 4. Mid Aorta 5. Lt Lobe of Liver 6. EG junction 7. SMV 8. Pancreas

What structure/vessel is indicated by #4? A. Celiac Axis B. SMA C. Proximal Aorta D. Mid Aorta E. IVC

C. Left Lobe of Liver *1. Proximal Aorta 2. SMA 3. Celiac axis 4. Mid Aorta 5. Lt Lobe of Liver 6. EG junction 7. SMV 8. Pancreas

What structure/vessel is indicated by #5? A. Caudate Lobe B. Spleen C. Left Lobe of Liver D. Pancreas E. Right Lobe of Liver

D. EG junction *1. Proximal Aorta 2. SMA 3. Celiac axis 4. Mid Aorta 5. Lt Lobe of Liver 6. EG junction 7. SMV 8. Pancreas

What structure/vessel is indicated by #6? A. Left Lobe of Liver B. Right Lobe of Liver C. Pancreas D. EG junction E. Spleen

C. SMV *1. Proximal Aorta 2. SMA 3. Celiac axis 4. Mid Aorta 5. Lt Lobe of Liver 6. EG junction 7. SMV 8. Pancreas

What structure/vessel is indicated by #7? A. SMA B. Left Lobe of Liver C. SMV D. Splenic vein E. EG junction

B. Pancreas *1. Proximal Aorta 2. SMA 3. Celiac axis 4. Mid Aorta 5. Lt Lobe of Liver 6. EG junction 7. SMV 8. Pancreas

What structure/vessel is indicated by #8? A. Left Lobe of Liver B. Pancreas C. EG junction D. Spleen E. Right Lobe of Liver

A. caudate lobe *The caudate lobe of the liver receives blood from the left and right portal veins and right and left hepatic arteries.

Which lobe of the liver receives blood from the left and right portal veins? A. caudate lobe B. posterior right lobe C. anterior right lobe D. medial left lobe

C. 3

Which numbered vessel is referred to as the most tortuous artery in the body? A. 1 B. 4 C. 3 D. 9, 10 E. 7

D. The renal artery flow is monophasic and the external iliac artery demonstrates triphasic flow. *Organs need continuous flow throughout the cardiac cycle = monophasic flow Extremities need much less flow than organs and offer increased resistance, so the majority of flow into the extremity occurs during cardiac systole. At the onset of diastole there is a brief period of flow reversal followed by a similar period of antegrade flow = triphasic flow

Which of the following correctly describes the difference between the normal waveform in the renal artery and the external iliac artery? A. The renal artery flow is high resistance and the external iliac artery demonstrates low resistance flow. B. The renal artery flow is laminar and the external iliac artery demonstrates non-laminar flow. C. The renal artery flow is triphasic and the external iliac artery demonstrates monophasic flow. D. The renal artery flow is monophasic and the external iliac artery demonstrates triphasic flow.

A. liver *1. liver 2. gastroduodenal artery 3. common bile duct 4. portal confluence 5. superior mesenteric artery 6. aorta

Which of the following structures is labeled #1? A. liver B. rectus abdominis muscle C. pancreas D. peritoneal fat

B. gastroduodenal artery *1. liver 2. gastroduodenal artery 3. common bile duct 4. portal confluence 5. superior mesenteric artery 6. aorta

Which of the following structures is labeled #2? A. superior mesenteric artery B. gastroduodenal artery C. hepatic artery D. common bile duct

D. common bile duct *1. liver 2. gastroduodenal artery 3. common bile duct 4. portal confluence 5. superior mesenteric artery 6. aorta

Which of the following structures is labeled #3? A. gastroduodenal artery B. superior mesenteric artery C. hepatic artery D. common bile duct

C. Right hepatic vein

Which of the following structures is labeled #4? A. Middle hepatic vein B. IVC C. Right hepatic vein D. Right portal vein

C. portal confluence *1. liver 2. gastroduodenal artery 3. common bile duct 4. portal confluence 5. superior mesenteric artery 6. aorta

Which of the following structures is labeled #4? A. superior mesenteric vein B. splenic vein C. portal confluence D. IVC

D. superior mesenteric artery *1. liver 2. gastroduodenal artery 3. common bile duct 4. portal confluence 5. superior mesenteric artery 6. aorta

Which of the following structures is labeled #5? A. superior mesenteric vein B. splenic vein C. portal confluence D. superior mesenteric artery

A. aorta *1. liver 2. gastroduodenal artery 3. common bile duct 4. portal confluence 5. superior mesenteric artery 6. aorta

Which of the following structures is labeled #6? A. aorta B. IVC C. superior mesenteric vein D. superior mesenteric vein

A. Centripetal artery *Centripetal arteries are small branches of the capsular artery surrounding the testicle. These branches penetrate the testicular tissue.

Which of the following structures is not included in the spermatic cord? A. Centripetal artery B. Cremasteric artery C. Vas deferens D. Gonadal artery

D. splenic vein *The splenic vein is a part of the portal venous system. It joins with superior mesenteric vein at the portal confluence.

Which of the following vessels does not drain into the IVC? A. right gonadal vein B. right renal vein C. left hepatic vein D. splenic vein E. right iliac vein

C. left gonadal vein *The left gonadal vein empties into the left renal vein and the right gonadal vein empties directly into the IVC.

Which of the following vessels is not directly connected to the IVC? A. right suprarenal vein B. right gonadal vein C. left gonadal vein D. right renal vein E. left hepatic vein

C. 19 *The left portal vein is bifurcates into the medial and lateral branches. The right portal vein bifurcates into the anterior and posterior branches. The main portal vein is bifurcates into the right and left portal veins.

Which of the numbered vessels on the diagram bifurcates into the anterior and posterior branches? A. 20 B. 17 C. 19 D. 18

B. Aorta *1. aorta 2. celiac axis 3. splenic artery 4. proper hepatic artery 5. left gastric artery 6. gastroduodenal artery 7. superior mesenteric artery 8. inferior mesenteric artery 9. left renal artery 10. right renal artery 11. left renal vein 12. right renal vein 13. common duct 14. superior mesenteric vein 15. inferior mesenteric vein 16. splenic vein 17. portal confluence 18. main portal vein 19. right portal vein 20. left portal vein

Which vessel is indicated by #1 on the diagram? A. SMA B. Aorta C. IVC D. Hepatic Vein

D. None of the above *1. aorta 2. celiac axis 3. splenic artery 4. proper hepatic artery 5. left gastric artery 6. gastroduodenal artery 7. superior mesenteric artery 8. inferior mesenteric artery 9. left renal artery 10. right renal artery 11. left renal vein 12. right renal vein 13. common duct 14. superior mesenteric vein 15. inferior mesenteric vein 16. splenic vein 17. portal confluence 18. main portal vein 19. right portal vein 20. left portal vein

Which vessel is indicated by #10 on the diagram? A. Hepatic artery B. Left renal artery C. Superior mesenteric artery D. None of the above

D. Left renal vein *1. aorta 2. celiac axis 3. splenic artery 4. proper hepatic artery 5. left gastric artery 6. gastroduodenal artery 7. superior mesenteric artery 8. inferior mesenteric artery 9. left renal artery 10. right renal artery 11. left renal vein 12. right renal vein 13. common duct 14. superior mesenteric vein 15. inferior mesenteric vein 16. splenic vein 17. portal confluence 18. main portal vein 19. right portal vein 20. left portal vein

Which vessel is indicated by #11 on the diagram? A. Right renal vein B. Right renal artery C. Left renal artery D. Left renal vein

B. Right renal vein *1. aorta 2. celiac axis 3. splenic artery 4. proper hepatic artery 5. left gastric artery 6. gastroduodenal artery 7. superior mesenteric artery 8. inferior mesenteric artery 9. left renal artery 10. right renal artery 11. left renal vein 12. right renal vein 13. common duct 14. superior mesenteric vein 15. inferior mesenteric vein 16. splenic vein 17. portal confluence 18. main portal vein 19. right portal vein 20. left portal vein

Which vessel is indicated by #12 on the diagram? A. Superior mesenteric artery B. Right renal vein C. Left renal vein D. Superior mesenteric vein

B. Common duct *1. aorta 2. celiac axis 3. splenic artery 4. proper hepatic artery 5. left gastric artery 6. gastroduodenal artery 7. superior mesenteric artery 8. inferior mesenteric artery 9. left renal artery 10. right renal artery 11. left renal vein 12. right renal vein 13. common duct 14. superior mesenteric vein 15. inferior mesenteric vein 16. splenic vein 17. portal confluence 18. main portal vein 19. right portal vein 20. left portal vein

Which vessel is indicated by #13 on the diagram? A. Duct of Wirsung B. Common duct C. Duct of Luschka D. Duct of Santorini

A. superior mesenteric vein *1. aorta 2. celiac axis 3. splenic artery 4. proper hepatic artery 5. left gastric artery 6. gastroduodenal artery 7. superior mesenteric artery 8. inferior mesenteric artery 9. left renal artery 10. right renal artery 11. left renal vein 12. right renal vein 13. common duct 14. superior mesenteric vein 15. inferior mesenteric vein 16. splenic vein 17. portal confluence 18. main portal vein 19. right portal vein 20. left portal vein

Which vessel is indicated by #14 on the diagram? A. superior mesenteric vein B. splenic Vein C. inferior mesenteric vein D. left portal vein

A. Splenic vein *1. aorta 2. celiac axis 3. splenic artery 4. proper hepatic artery 5. left gastric artery 6. gastroduodenal artery 7. superior mesenteric artery 8. inferior mesenteric artery 9. left renal artery 10. right renal artery 11. left renal vein 12. right renal vein 13. common duct 14. superior mesenteric vein 15. inferior mesenteric vein 16. splenic vein 17. portal confluence 18. main portal vein 19. right portal vein 20. left portal vein

Which vessel is indicated by #16 on the diagram? A. Splenic vein B. Main portal vein C. IMV D. SMV

C. portal confluence *1. aorta 2. celiac axis 3. splenic artery 4. proper hepatic artery 5. left gastric artery 6. gastroduodenal artery 7. superior mesenteric artery 8. inferior mesenteric artery 9. left renal artery 10. right renal artery 11. left renal vein 12. right renal vein 13. common duct 14. superior mesenteric vein 15. inferior mesenteric vein 16. splenic vein 17. portal confluence 18. main portal vein 19. right portal vein 20. left portal vein

Which vessel is indicated by #17 on the diagram? A. superior mesenteric vein B. porta hepatis C. portal confluence D. portal bifurcation

D. Main portal vein *1. aorta 2. celiac axis 3. splenic artery 4. proper hepatic artery 5. left gastric artery 6. gastroduodenal artery 7. superior mesenteric artery 8. inferior mesenteric artery 9. left renal artery 10. right renal artery 11. left renal vein 12. right renal vein 13. common duct 14. superior mesenteric vein 15. inferior mesenteric vein 16. splenic vein 17. portal confluence 18. main portal vein 19. right portal vein 20. left portal vein

Which vessel is indicated by #18 on the diagram? A. Right portal vein B. Left portal vein C. CBD D. Main portal vein

D. Right portal vein *1. aorta 2. celiac axis 3. splenic artery 4. proper hepatic artery 5. left gastric artery 6. gastroduodenal artery 7. superior mesenteric artery 8. inferior mesenteric artery 9. left renal artery 10. right renal artery 11. left renal vein 12. right renal vein 13. common duct 14. superior mesenteric vein 15. inferior mesenteric vein 16. splenic vein 17. portal confluence 18. main portal vein 19. right portal vein 20. left portal vein

Which vessel is indicated by #19 on the diagram? A. Right hepatic artery B. Right hepatic vein C. Left portal vein D. Right portal vein

A. Celiac axis *Answered: A FeedBack: 1. aorta 2. celiac axis 3. splenic artery 4. proper hepatic artery 5. left gastric artery 6. gastroduodenal artery 7. superior mesenteric artery 8. inferior mesenteric artery 9. left renal artery 10. right renal artery 11. left renal vein 12. right renal vein 13. common duct 14. superior mesenteric vein 15. inferior mesenteric vein 16. splenic vein 17. portal confluence 18. main portal vein 19. right portal vein 20. left portal vein

Which vessel is indicated by #2 on the diagram? A. Celiac axis B. Hepatic artery C. Splenic artery D. SMA

D. Splenic artery *1. aorta 2. celiac axis 3. splenic artery 4. proper hepatic artery 5. left gastric artery 6. gastroduodenal artery 7. superior mesenteric artery 8. inferior mesenteric artery 9. left renal artery 10. right renal artery 11. left renal vein 12. right renal vein 13. common duct 14. superior mesenteric vein 15. inferior mesenteric vein 16. splenic vein 17. portal confluence 18. main portal vein 19. right portal vein 20. left portal vein

Which vessel is indicated by #3 on the diagram? A. Left gastric artery B. Common hepatic artery C. Splenic vein D. Splenic artery

D. Left gastric artery *1. aorta 2. celiac axis 3. splenic artery 4. proper hepatic artery 5. left gastric artery 6. gastroduodenal artery 7. superior mesenteric artery 8. inferior mesenteric artery 9. left renal artery 10. right renal artery 11. left renal vein 12. right renal vein 13. common duct 14. superior mesenteric vein 15. inferior mesenteric vein 16. splenic vein 17. portal confluence 18. main portal vein 19. right portal vein 20. left portal vein

Which vessel is indicated by #5 on the diagram? A. Right gastric artery B. Celiac axis C. Splenic artery D. Left gastric artery

B. Gastroduodenal artery *1. aorta 2. celiac axis 3. splenic artery 4. proper hepatic artery 5. left gastric artery 6. gastroduodenal artery 7. superior mesenteric artery 8. inferior mesenteric artery 9. left renal artery 10. right renal artery 11. left renal vein 12. right renal vein 13. common duct 14. superior mesenteric vein 15. inferior mesenteric vein 16. splenic vein 17. portal confluence 18. main portal vein 19. right portal vein 20. left portal vein

Which vessel is indicated by #6 on the diagram? A. Splenic artery B. Gastroduodenal artery C. Left gastric artery D. Right gastric artery

D. Inferior mesenteric artery *1. aorta 2. celiac axis 3. splenic artery 4. proper hepatic artery 5. left gastric artery 6. gastroduodenal artery 7. superior mesenteric artery 8. inferior mesenteric artery 9. left renal artery 10. right renal artery 11. left renal vein 12. right renal vein 13. common duct 14. superior mesenteric vein 15. inferior mesenteric vein 16. splenic vein 17. portal confluence 18. main portal vein 19. right portal vein 20. left portal vein

Which vessel is indicated by #8 on the diagram? A. Superior mesenteric artery B. Splenic artery C. Celiac axis D. Inferior mesenteric artery

C. Left renal artery *1. aorta 2. celiac axis 3. splenic artery 4. proper hepatic artery 5. left gastric artery 6. gastroduodenal artery 7. superior mesenteric artery 8. inferior mesenteric artery 9. left renal artery 10. right renal artery 11. left renal vein 12. right renal vein 13. common duct 14. superior mesenteric vein 15. inferior mesenteric vein 16. splenic vein 17. portal confluence 18. main portal vein 19. right portal vein 20. left portal vein

Which vessel is indicated by #9 on the diagram? A. Splenic artery B. Right renal artery C. Left renal artery D. None of the above

C. 11 *The left renal vein courses posterior to the SMA but anterior to the aorta. In cases of mass formation, congenital malformation or other causes of extrinsic compression of the SMA, the LRV can be compressed causing compromised venous drainage of the left kidney.

Which vessel on the diagram is abnormally compressed in Nutcracker syndrome? A. 4 B. 2 C. 11 D. 10

C. gallbladder *Accessory Glands of the GI Tract - salivary glands, pancreas and liver; GB is not a gland so it is not an accessory gland of the digestive tract

All of the following are accessory glands of the GI tract, EXCEPT: A. submandibular gland B. pancreas C. gallbladder D. liver

B. Three distinct wall layers are noted in the transverse plane *There are normally 5 layers of the gut wall identified on the US exam.

All of the following are sonographic signs of a normal bowel segment, except? A. Color Doppler demonstrated with peristalsis B. Three distinct wall layers are noted in the transverse plane C. Compressibility noted with mild probe pressure D. Bull's eye appearance identified in a cross sectional view

D. thyroglossal duct cyst *Thyroglossal duct connects the thyroid to the pharynx and regresses after thyroid gland reaches its normal position in the neck. The duct can fail to regress completely leaving a cystic structure behind. The cyst usually forms high in neck, near midline. It is the most common congenital neck cyst. Sonographically, the cyst appears as an anechoic structure anterior to the pharynx and superior to thyroid gland that has all qualities of simple cyst.

A patient presents with a palpable round lump on the midline anterior neck about 2cm below the jaw. The structure appears anechoic with thin, smooth walls on ultrasound. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for the findings? A. ectopic thyroid cyst B. pharyngeal pouch cyst C. nasopharyngeal duct cyst D. thyroglossal duct cyst

A. 6mm *A top normal thyroid isthmus measurement would be 6mm.

A top normal thyroid isthmus measurement would be: A. 6mm B. 4mm C. 4cm D. 6cm

A. Epinephrine *The adrenal cortex synthesizes cortisol, androgens, estrogen, progesterone and aldosterone. The adrenal medulla synthesizes catecholamines (epinephrine, norepinephrine).

All of the following are synthesized by the adrenal cortex, except? A. Epinephrine B. Androgens C. Cortisol D. Aldosterone

D. Inguinal artery *The cremasteric artery branches from the external iliac artery. The deferential artery branches from the internal iliac artery. The gonadal arteries originate from the anterior aorta at or below the level of the renal artery origin. All of these arteries supply the testicles with blood.

All of the following are vessels that supply blood to the testicles, except? A. Deferential artery B. Cremasteric artery C. Gonadal artery D. Inguinal artery

B. adrenal glands *The kidneys filter and excrete amylase into the urine. The pancreas and saliva glands also produce and excrete amylase. Increased amylase levels with a normal pancreas can be indicative of decreased renal function.

All of the following excrete amylase, except? A. kidneys B. adrenal glands C. salivary glands D. pancreas

D. parathyroid stimulating hormone *Parathyroid hormone will counteract the production of calcitonin. If PTH levels increase, calcitonin levels decrease. If PTH levels decrease, calcitonin levels increase Calcitonin is responsible for calcium metabolism, which is required for calcium excretion in the intestines and proper filtration of calcium from the blood by the kidneys. Increases in PTH levels = increased calcium RESORPTION in the intestines and decreased renal FILTRATION AND EXCRETION of calcium from the blood == hypercalcemia. Reduced PTH levels = increased calcium EXCRETION in the intestines and increased renal FILTRATION AND EXCRETION of calcium from the blood == reduced calcium serum level. Changes in calcitonin levels effect calcium resorption versus excretion. Increased calcitonin = increased excretion of calcium; Decreased calcitonin = increased resorption of calcium

An increase in which of the following hormones causes increased calcium resorption in the small intestines? A. T4 B. calcitonin C. thyroid stimulating hormone D. parathyroid stimulating hormone

A. salivary glands *Amylase is a component of saliva.

Aside from the pancreas, what other organ produces amylase? A. salivary glands B. pituitary gland C. adrenal glands D. liver

D. the renin-angiotensin system that controls the glomerular filtration rate of the kidneys and systemic BP level *When the blood pressure drops, the GFR drops. The kidneys release renin to prompt the release of angiotensin which constricts flow in the arterioles. This increases BP and GFR.

Autoregulation of the systemic blood pressure refers to: A. the release of epinephrine to cause constriction of the convoluted tubules B. the release of aldosterone to cause vasoconstriction of the efferent arterioles C. the renin-angiotensin system that controls the level of constriction of the convoluted tubules D. the renin-angiotensin system that controls the glomerular filtration rate of the kidneys and systemic BP level

C. Thyroid parafollicular *Calcitonin is produced in the thyroid in the parafollicular cells. These cells are located in the tissues between the thyroid follicles.

Calcitonin is produced by which of the following types of cells? A. Thyroid follicular B. Parathyroid parafollicular C. Thyroid parafollicular D. Parathyroid follicular

D. anti-diuretic hormone *Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is secreted by the pituitary gland and helps to regulate fluid levels through changes in water permeability. Increased ADH levels will increase the resorption of water in the distal convoluted tubule. Higher serum levels seen with dehydration.

Dehydration will lead to increased levels of _____________________ in the blood. A. bilirubin B. epinephrine C. cortisol D. anti-diuretic hormone

C. normal liver should not extend more than 1 cm below the costal margin *Pediatric patients - normal liver should not extend more than 1 cm below the costal margin

Hepatomegaly in a 5yr old is diagnosed using which of the following criteria? A. divide the patient's height in inches by the number 10 to obtain the maximum normal liver length for the patient's age B. divide the patient's age in years by the number 2 to obtain the maximum normal liver length for the patient's age C. normal liver should not extend more than 1 cm below the costal margin D. multiply the patient's age in years by the number 2 to obtain the maximum normal liver length for the patient's age

E. 5 *Serosa, Muscularis, Submucosa, Deep Mucosa, Superficial Mucosa/Lumen!

How many layers are identified in the normal sonographic "gut signature"? A. 6 B. 8 C. 2 D. 3 E. 5

C. superior to the neck of the gall bladder *The cystic duct is located superior to the GB neck. The GB hangs posterior to the liver with the fundus being the most inferior portion. The cystic duct travels cephalad to reach the hepatic duct.

If you are trying to evaluate the cystic duct for a possible obstruction, where will you look? A. inferior to the neck of the gallbladder B. anterior to the main portal vein, adjacent to the CBD C. superior to the neck of the gall bladder D. At the junction of the right and left hepatic ducts, just inside the liver

D. aldosterone *Aldosterone secreted by the adrenal cortex increases the rate of sodium resorption and potassium excretion in the kidneys; adjusts urine output to increase or decrease blood volume.

Increased serum levels of ____________________ will reduce urine output and increase blood volume in the body. A. thyroxine B. bilirubin C. alkaline phosphatase D. aldosterone

A. 4 *There are usually 2 glands on each side of the trachea. One set is more superior than the other set in the neck.

Normally there are _________ parathyroid glands in the adult neck. A. 4 B. 8 C. 2 D. 6

B. Interlobular *The segmental arteries are the immediate branches of the renal artery after it enters the renal hilum. The interlobar arteries course along the minor calyces toward the parenchyma. The interlobar arteries course between the pyramids to form the arcuate arterial loop across the top of each pyramid. Interlobular arteries course perpendicular to renal capsule and are small penetrating branches that enter the parenchyma.

The _________________ arteries are the vessels that course perpendicular to the renal capsule within the outer parenchyma. A. Segmental B. Interlobular C. Interlobar D. Arcuate

D. ligamentum teres *The ligamentum teres is located within the inferior margin of the falciform ligament.

The ___________________ is located within the inferior margin of the falciform ligament. A. ligamentum venosum B. middle hepatic vein C. left hepatic vein D. ligamentum teres

B. anterior right *The anterior right lobe of the liver is located between the right and middle hepatic vein.

The _______________________ lobe of the liver is located between the right and middle hepatic vein. A. lateral left B. anterior right C. medial left D. caudate

C. mesocolon *The mesocolon is a connective sheath that is connected to the large intestine that provides structure and support, along with encasing/protecting blood vessels.

The ________________________ is a connective sheath that is connected to the large intestine that provides structure and support, along with encasing/protecting blood vessels. A. lesser omentum B. greater omentum C. mesocolon D. mesentery

A. mesentery *The mesentery is a connective sheath that is connected to the small intestine that provides structure and support, along with encasing/protecting blood vessels.

The ________________________ is a connective sheath that is connected to the small intestine that provides structure and support, along with encasing/protecting blood vessels. A. mesentery B. lesser omentum C. mesocolon D. greater omentum

D. greater omentum *The greater omentum is a fibrous sheath that is connected to the greater curvature of the stomach that provides structure and support, along with encasing/protecting blood vessels.

The ________________________ is a fibrous sheath that is connected to the greater curvature of the stomach that provides structure and support, along with encasing/protecting blood vessels. A. lesser mesentery B. lesser omentum C. greater mesentery D. greater omentum

B. lesser omentum *The lesser omentum is a fibrous sheath that is connected to the superior aspect lesser curvature of the stomach that provides structure and support, along with encasing/protecting blood vessels.

The ________________________ is a fibrous sheath that is connected to the superior aspect lesser curvature of the stomach that provides structure and support, along with encasing/protecting blood vessels. A. greater mesentery B. lesser omentum C. lesser mesentery D. greater omentum

B. at the level of the L4 vertebral body *The aorta bifurcates into the right and left common iliac arteries at the level of L3-L4 vertebrae.

The aorta bifurcates: A. at the level of the sacrum B. at the level of the L4 vertebral body C. 3-5cm below the SMA origin D. 3-5cm below the umbilicus

B. Perirenal space *1. Liver 2. Head of the pancreas 3. Stomach 4. Spleen 5. Descending colon 6. Right kidney 7. Left kidney 8. Aorta 9. IVC 10. Perirenal space 11. Rib 12. Psoas 13. Ascending colon 14. Duodenum 15. Anterior pararenal space 16. Posterior pararenal space 17. Supraspinatus muscle 18. Quadratus Lumborum muscle

The area labeled #10 on the image demonstrates the _________________. A. Omentum B. Perirenal space C. Glisson's capsule D. Ligamentum teres

D. descending colon *1. Liver 2. Head of the pancreas 3. Stomach 4. Spleen 5. Descending colon 6. Right kidney 7. Left kidney 8. Aorta 9. IVC 10. Perirenal space 11. Rib 12. Psoas 13. Ascending colon 14. Duodenum 15. Anterior pararenal space 16. Posterior pararenal space 17. Supraspinatus muscle 18. Quadratus Lumborum muscle

The area labeled #5 indicates what portion of the digestive tract? A. ascending colon B. duodenum C. stomach D. descending colon

D. 5 x 3 x 1mm *The average normal size of the parathyroid gland is 5 x 3 x 1mm

The average normal size of the parathyroid gland is __________ A. 5 x 8 x 3mm B. 3 x 2 x 1cm C. 1mm in all dimensions D. 5 x 3 x 1mm

C. diaphragm *The bare area of the liver is in direct contact with the diaphragm.

The bare area of the liver is in direct contact with: A. IVC B. right kidney C. diaphragm D. right portal vein

D. IVC and medial left lobe *The caudate lobe lies between the IVC and medial left lobe of the liver.

The caudate lobe lies between what two structures? A. main lobar fissure and GB B. right and left portal veins C. IVC and lateral left lobe D. IVC and medial left lobe

D. Follicle *The follicles are tiny, cyst-like units of the thyroid gland that are lined with cuboidal epithelium and are filled with a colloid substance, about 30 to each lobule. There are numerous lobules in each lobe that are separated by webs of connective fascia.

The functional unit of the thyroid gland is called ________________. A. Lobule B. Lobe C. Nodule D. Follicle

A. peritoneal sac *1. Liver 2. Head of the pancreas 3. Stomach 4. Spleen 5. Descending colon 6. Right kidney 7. Left kidney 8. Aorta 9. IVC 10. Perirenal space 11. Rib 12. Psoas 13. Ascending colon 14. Duodenum 15. Anterior pararenal space 16. Posterior pararenal space 17. Supraspinatus muscle 18. Quadratus Lumborum muscle

The green line on the image represents what intra-abdominal structure? A. peritoneal sac B. retroperitoneal sac C. greater omentum D. lesser omentu

D. angiotensin to counteract low blood pressure *The release of renin activates the renin-angiotensin aldosterone system. This raises the blood pressure to try to increase the flow to the kidneys, which can lead to systemic hypertension.

The kidneys release renin to stimulate the release of: A. anti-diuretic hormone to counteract low blood pressure B. angiotensin to counteract high blood pressure C. anti-diuretic hormone to counteract high blood pressure D. angiotensin to counteract low blood pressure

C. aortic arch *The aortic arch has three branches, the innominate artery, left common carotid artery and the left subclavian artery.

The left common carotid artery is a branch of which artery? A. left subclavian artery B. left innominate artery C. aortic arch D. left vertebral artery

B. separates anterior right lobe and medial left lobe *The main lobar fissure separates anterior right lobe and medial left lobe

The main lobar fissure: A. separates the medial and lateral left lobes B. separates anterior right lobe and medial left lobe C. separates the anterior and posterior right lobes D. separates the IVC and medial left lobe

A. quadrate lobe *The medial segment of the left lobe is also called the quadrate lobe.

The medial segment of the left lobe is also called: A. quadrate lobe B. caudate lobe C. functional lobe D. emissary lobe

A. the middle hepatic vein and the ligamentum teres *The medial segment of the left lobe lies between the middle hepatic vein and the ligamentum teres.

The medial segment of the left lobe lies between: A. the middle hepatic vein and the ligamentum teres B. the ligamentum venosum and IVC C. the right hepatic vein and middle hepatic vein D. the ligamentum teres and the spleen

B. posteromedial *Psoas muscle located posteromedial to the kidney. Quadratus lumborum muscle lies directly posterior to the kidney

The psoas muscle is __________________ to the kidney. A. anterolateral B. posteromedial C. posterolateral D. anteromedial

B. posterior *Psoas muscle located posteromedial to the kidney. Quadratus lumborum muscle lies directly posterior to the kidney

The quadratus lumborum muscle is __________________ to the kidney. A. anterior B. posterior C. medial D. lateral

D. innominate artery *There is only one innominate artery. It is the first branch of the aortic arch and quickly divides into the right common carotid artery and right subclavian artery. The left common carotid artery is the second branch of the aortic arch, followed by the left subclavian artery.

The right common carotid artery is a branch of which artery? A. right vertebral artery B. aortic arch C. right subclavian artery D. innominate artery

A. anterior and posterior, medial and lateral *The right lobe of the liver is divided into the anterior and posterior segments while the left lobe is divided into the medial and lateral segments.

The right lobe of the liver is divided into ____________________ segments, while the left lobe is divided into ________________ segments. A. anterior and posterior, medial and lateral B. medial and lateral, anterior and posterior C. caudate and anterior, quadrate and posterior D. caudate and posterior, quadrate and anterior

A. external carotid artery *The superior thyroidal artery is the first branch of the external carotid artery.

The superior thyroidal artery is a branch of the ___________________. A. external carotid artery B. internal carotid artery C. innominate D. vertebral

A. T4 *The thyroid normally produces more T4 than T3

The thyroid normally produces the most of which of the following hormones? A. T4 B. Thyrotropin C. T3 D. TSH

D. 4 *The spleen is located within the peritoneal sac and produces lymphocytes.

What # represents the intra-peritoneal structure that is responsible for lymphocyte production? A. 2 B. 6,7 C. 1 D. 4

D. right atrial contraction and relaxation *The flow in the hepatic veins is normally triphasic due to right atrial contraction and relaxation.

What causes the hepatic vein flow to have a triphasic waveform? A. hepatic congestion B. portal HTN C. congestive heart failure D. right atrial contraction and relaxation

B. Thyroxine *Triiodthyronine is also called T3. Thyroid stimulating hormone is also known as TSH. Trypsin is a digestive enzyme produced by the pancreas.

What is the name of the T4 hormone? A. Thyroid stimulating hormone B. Thyroxine C. Trypsin D. Triiodthyronine

B. sternocleidomastoid *Strap muscles are anteromedial to the gland. Sternocleidomastoid muscles are anterolateral to the gland. Longus Colli muscles are posterior to the thyroid lobes.

Which muscle group is located anterolateral to the lobes of the thyroid gland? A. tracheal muscles B. sternocleidomastoid C. longus colli muscle D. strap muscles

D. None of the above *Calcitonin is produced by the thyroid and the parathyroid produces parathyroid hormone. Hyperparathyroidism usually leads to increased PTH production which decreases the calcitonin production. This decrease in calcitonin and related calcium metabolism increases the calcium resorption in the intestines and decreases renal filtration of calcium from the blood.

What is the name of the calcium based hormone produced by the parathyroid? A. PTH B. Calcitonin C. TSH D. None of the above

B. Pyramidal lobe *A pyramidal lobe is a cone-like mass of normal thyroid tissue protruding superiorly from isthmus.

What is the term for a cone-like mass of normal thyroid tissue protruding superiorly from isthmus? A. Hyperthyroidism B. Pyramidal lobe C. Thyroglossal lobe D. Early Grave's disease

C. epididymis *1. Mediastinum 2. Epididymis 3. Teste 4. Scrotal sac

What scrotal structure/region is indicated by #2? A. rete testis B. scrotal sac C. epididymis D. testicle

B. scrotal sac *1. Mediastinum 2. Epididymis 3. Teste 4. Scrotal sac

What scrotal structure/region is indicated by #4? A. rete testis B. scrotal sac C. epididymis D. pampiniform plexus

D. Normal sized prostate with a corpora amylacea. *The normal prostate usually demonstrates a somewhat homogeneous, hypoechoic appearance. The image demonstrates a hyperechoic focus in the center of the gland (calcification). Corpora amylacea refers to benign calcification formation in the prostate gland.

What structure is being measured by the calipers on the male pelvis ultrasound image? A. Enlarged seminal vesicle B. Normal seminal vesicle C. Normal sized prostate with echogenic appearance of the central sinus related to the hypoechoic outer cortex D. Normal sized prostate with a corpora amylacea.

B. Sternocleidomastoid muscle *1. Right sternocleidomastoid muscle 2. Right strap muscles 3. Right internal jugular vein 4. Right carotid artery 5. Isthmus 6. Left thyroid gland 7. Left carotid artery 8. Left internal jugular vein 9. Longus colli muscle 10. Esophagus 11. Trachea 12. Spine 13. Right thyroid lobe

What structure is indicated by #1 on the diagram provided? A. Omohyoid muscle B. Sternocleidomastoid muscle C. Longus colli muscle D. Strap muscles

D. right thyroid lobe *d: D FeedBack: 1. Right sternocleidomastoid muscle 2. Right strap muscles 3. Right internal jugular vein 4. Right carotid artery 5. Isthmus 6. Left thyroid gland 7. Left carotid artery 8. Left internal jugular vein 9. Longus colli muscle 10. Esophagus 11. Trachea 12. Spine 13. Right thyroid lobe

What structure is indicated by #13 on the diagram provided? A. left thyroid lobe B. thyroid isthmus C. strap muscle D. right thyroid lobe

D. Strap muscles *1. Right sternocleidomastoid muscle 2. Right strap muscles 3. Right internal jugular vein 4. Right carotid artery 5. Isthmus 6. Left thyroid gland 7. Left carotid artery 8. Left internal jugular vein 9. Longus colli muscle 10. Esophagus 11. Trachea 12. Spine 13. Right thyroid lobe

What structure is indicated by #2 on the diagram provided? A. carotid artery B. Sternocleidomastoid muscles C. Longus colli muscles D. Strap muscles

D. right internal jugular vein *1. Right sternocleidomastoid muscle 2. Right strap muscles 3. Right internal jugular vein 4. Right carotid artery 5. Isthmus 6. Left thyroid gland 7. Left carotid artery 8. Left internal jugular vein 9. Longus colli muscle 10. Esophagus 11. Trachea 12. Spine 13. Right thyroid lobe

What structure is indicated by #3 on the diagram provided? A. left internal jugular vein B. longus colli muscle C. esophagus D. right internal jugular vein

B. Right common carotid artery *1. Right sternocleidomastoid muscle 2. Right strap muscles 3. Right internal jugular vein 4. Right carotid artery 5. Isthmus 6. Left thyroid gland 7. Left carotid artery 8. Left internal jugular vein 9. Longus colli muscle 10. Esophagus 11. Trachea 12. Spine 13. Right thyroid lobe

What structure is indicated by #4 on the diagram provided? A. Left common carotid artery B. Right common carotid artery C. Right internal jugular vein D. Esophagus

D. isthmus *1. Right sternocleidomastoid muscle 2. Right strap muscles 3. Right internal jugular vein 4. Right carotid artery 5. Isthmus 6. Left thyroid gland 7. Left carotid artery 8. Left internal jugular vein 9. Longus colli muscle 10. Esophagus 11. Trachea 12. Spine 13. Right thyroid lobe

What structure is indicated by #5 on the diagram provided? A. left thyroid lobe B. trachea C. esophagus D. isthmus

B. Longus Colli muscles *1. Right sternocleidomastoid muscle 2. Right strap muscles 3. Right internal jugular vein 4. Right carotid artery 5. Isthmus 6. Left thyroid gland 7. Left carotid artery 8. Left internal jugular vein 9. Longus colli muscle 10. Esophagus 11. Trachea 12. Spine 13. Right thyroid lobe

What structure is indicated by #9 on the diagram provided? A. Strap muscles B. Longus Colli muscles C. Sternocleidomohyoid muscle D. Sternocleidomastoid muscle

D. mediastinum testis *Folds of the tunica albuginea form sections within the testes that converge at a single location called the mediastinum testis (similar to a hilum). The rete testes is a series of channels within the mediastinum. Blood vessels and ductules enter/exit the testicle at the mediastinum.

What structure is indicated by the arrow? A. appendix teste B. cremasteric ligament C. centripetal ligament D. mediastinum testis

C. emissary veins *The emissary veins drain the blood from the caudate lobe into the IVC, NOT the hepatic veins.

What vessels drain the blood from the caudate lobe? A. coronary vein B. umbilical vein C. emissary veins D. left portal vein

C. left internal jugular vein *The internal jugular vein is located lateral to the left lobe of the thyroid and demonstrates an anechoic ovoid shape in a transverse view of the mid thyroid. The carotid artery is also lateral to the thyroid lobes but it should be a circular structure.

Which blood vessel is located lateral to the left lobe of the thyroid and demonstrates an anechoic ovoid shape in a transverse view of the mid thyroid? A. superior vena cava B. left common carotid artery C. left internal jugular vein D. left external carotid artery

B. right common carotid artery *The right common carotid artery is located lateral to the right lobe of the thyroid and demonstrates an anechoic circular shape in a transverse view of the mid thyroid.

Which blood vessel is located lateral to the right lobe of the thyroid and demonstrates an anechoic circular shape in a transverse view of the mid thyroid? A. superior vena cava B. right common carotid artery C. left common carotid artery D. right internal jugular vein

C. lateral left lobe *The lateral left lobe is located lateral to the ligamentum teres.

Which liver segment is located immediately lateral to the ligamentum teres? A. medial left lobe B. caudate lobe C. lateral left lobe D. anterior right lobe

D. strap muscles *Strap muscles are anteromedial to the gland. Sternocleidomastoid muscles are anterolateral to the gland. Longus Colli muscles are posterior to the thyroid lobes.

Which muscle group is located anteromedial to the lobes of the thyroid gland? A. tracheal muscles B. longus colli muscle C. sternocleidomastoid D. strap muscles

D. longus colli muscle *Strap muscles are anteromedial to the gland. Sternocleidomastoid muscles are anterolateral to the gland. Longus Colli muscles are posterior to the thyroid lobes

Which muscle group is located posterior to the thyroid gland? A. sternocleidomastoid B. strap muscles C. tracheal muscles D. longus colli muscle

C. Main portal vein *The portal vein carries 80% of ALL blood into the liver, but it is low in oxygen content (85%). The hepatic artery supplies 20% of all blood to the liver and has a 95% oxygen saturation level. The portal system supplies just slightly more oxygen to the liver than the hepatic artery because of the large volume of blood in the portal vessels. The hepatic artery carries lower blood volume, but has a higher oxygen content in order to deliver just less than 50% of the oxygen to the liver tissue

Which of the following blood vessels delivers the majority of oxygenated blood that enters the liver? A. Proper hepatic artery B. Common hepatic artery C. Main portal vein D. Hepatic veins

B. right paracolic gutter *The right paracolic gutter connects the right subphrenic space with Morrison's pouch

Which of the following connects the subphrenic space with Morrison's pouch? A. posterior pararenal space B. right paracolic gutter C. anterior pararenal space D. left paracolic gutter

C. bile thickening occurs within them *Ducts of Luschka: Located within the GB wall Bile thickening occurs here Can result in the stasis of bile/debris which leads to inflammatory disease

Which of the following correctly describes the ducts of Luschka? A. only visible in obese patients B. associated with porcelain GB and GB carcinoma C. bile thickening occurs within them D. located within the 3rd segment of the duodenum

C. There is an appendix teste present *The appendix teste is a small ovoid structure usually located between the superior pole of the testicle and epididymal head. It is normally the same echogenicity of the epididymis.

Which of the following correctly describes the findings on the image? A. There is loculated hydrocele present. B. There is an extratesticular mass present. C. There is an appendix teste present D. There is a scrotal pearl present.

B. courses superiorly through the right intersegmental fissure *The hepatic veins course cephalad toward the dome of the liver within the intersegmental fissures.

Which of the following correctly describes the location of the right hepatic vein? A. courses inferiorly through the falciform ligament B. courses superiorly through the right intersegmental fissure C. courses superiorly through the main lobar fissure D. courses inferiorly through the right intersegmental fissure

B. retrofascial space *Retrofascial space holds psoas and quadratus lumborum muscles.

Which of the following holds the psoas muscle? A. perirenal space B. retrofascial space C. anterior pararenal space D. posterior pararenal space E. none of the above

A. pancreas *The retroperitoneal cavity is located between the transversalis fascia and the posterior parietal peritoneum. The pancreas is a retroperitoneal organ.

Which of the following is located between the transversalis fascia and the posterior parietal peritoneum? A. pancreas B. spleen C. stomach D. linea alba

D. Detrusor muscle *The detrusor muscle is located in the urinary bladder.

Which of the following is not a layer of the scrotal sac? A. Tunica Vaginalis B. Epithelial/Skin C. Dartos muscle D. Detrusor muscle

B. normal portal venous pressure is 5-10mmHg *Normal portal venous pressure is 5-10mmHg

Which of the following is true regarding the portal vein? A. walls are thinner and more permeable than the hepatic veins B. normal portal venous pressure is 5-10mmHg C. portal veins course superior to inferior within the liver D. pressure in the portal system is usually lower than in the IVC

D. ligamentum teres *The left intersegmental fissure divides the left lobe into medial and lateral lobes. The falciform ligament, ligamentum teres and left hepatic vein course within this fissure.

Which of the following ligaments separates the medial and lateral left lobes of the liver? A. coronary ligament B. ligamentum venosum C. broad ligament D. ligamentum teres

A. parietal tunica vaginalis *The parietal tunica vaginalis lines the inside of the scrotal sac. The visceral layer is the inner layer covering the testes, epididymis and lower part of the spermatic cord

Which of the following lines the inside of the scrotal sac? A. parietal tunica vaginalis B. tunica albuginea C. rete testis D. visceral tunica vaginalis

D. Islets of Langerhans *he Islets of Langerhans of the pancreas produce insulin.

Which of the following produces insulin? A. Pituitary gland B. Acini glands of the pancreas C. Kupffer cells in the liver D. Islets of Langerhans

C. perirenal space *Perirenal space holds kidney, perirenal fat, proximal ureter, adrenal gland. Renal infection can lead to fluid, abscess or gas within the space which will distort renal fascia.

Which of the following retroperitoneal spaces contains the adrenal gland? A. posterior pararenal space B. retrofascial space C. perirenal space D. anterior pararenal space E. Glisson's capsule

A. efferent ducts *The seminiferous tubules empty into the efferent ductules that connect to the epididymis.

Which of the following scrotal structures carries the seminal fluid from the rete testis to the epididymis? A. efferent ducts B. mediastinum testis C. vas deferens D. seminiferous tubules

D. Right lobe of thyroid gland *1. Right lobe of the thyroid 2. Right carotid artery 3. Right internal jugular vein 4. Sternocleidomastoid muscle 5. Strap muscles 6. Longus colli muscle

Which of the following structures is labeled #1? A. Left lobe of thyroid gland B. Sternocleidomastoid muscle C. Strap muscle D. Right lobe of thyroid gland

A. Right common carotid artery *1. Right lobe of the thyroid 2. Right carotid artery 3. Right internal jugular vein 4. Sternocleidomastoid muscle 5. Strap muscles 6. Longus colli muscle

Which of the following structures is labeled #2? A. Right common carotid artery B. Strap muscle C. Left internal jugular vein D. Left common carotid artery

C. Internal jugular vein *1. Right lobe of the thyroid 2. Right carotid artery 3. Right internal jugular vein 4. Sternocleidomastoid muscle 5. Strap muscles 6. Longus colli muscle

Which of the following structures is labeled #3? A. Strap muscle B. Sternocleidomastoid muscle C. Internal jugular vein D. Common carotid artery

C. Sternocleidomastoid muscle *1. Right lobe of the thyroid 2. Right carotid artery 3. Right internal jugular vein 4. Sternocleidomastoid muscle 5. Strap muscles 6. Longus colli muscle

Which of the following structures is labeled #4? A. Strap muscle B. Internal jugular vein C. Sternocleidomastoid muscle D. Common carotid artery

C. Strap muscle *1. Right lobe of the thyroid 2. Right carotid artery 3. Right internal jugular vein 4. Sternocleidomastoid muscle 5. Strap muscles 6. Longus colli muscle

Which of the following structures is labeled #5? A. Longus Colli muscle B. Sternocleidomastoid muscle C. Strap muscle D. Esophagus

C. Longus Colli muscle *1. Right lobe of the thyroid 2. Right carotid artery 3. Right internal jugular vein 4. Sternocleidomastoid muscle 5. Strap muscles 6. Longus colli muscle

Which of the following structures is labeled #6? A. Sternocleidomastoid muscle B. Strap muscle C. Longus Colli muscle D. Esophagus

B. Aorta *The aorta is the only major structure that is posterior to the diaphragmatic crura.

Which of the following structures lies posterior to the diaphragm crura? A. IVC B. Aorta C. Celiac axis D. Aorta and IVC

A. splenic vein *The splenic artery and vein course between the tail of the pancreas and the left adrenal gland. Identifying these vessels can aid in identifying the left adrenal gland.

Which of the following vessels can be used to help locate the left adrenal gland? A. splenic vein B. celiac axis C. right renal vein D. distal SMA

B. centripetal *Capsular artery courses along the testicle periphery and produces branches called centripetal arteries which course through the parenchyma. The deferential artery supplies vas deferens and epididymis with blood. The cremasteric artery supplies scrotal sac with blood.

Which scrotal arteries penetrate the testicular parenchyma to supply oxygenated blood? A. capsular B. centripetal C. deferential D. cremasteric

C. capsular *Capsular artery courses along the testicle periphery and produces branches called centripetal arteries which course through the parenchyma. The deferential artery supplies vas deferens and epididymis with blood. The cremasteric artery supplies scrotal sac with blood.

Which scrotal artery encircles the testicular periphery? A. cremasteric B. deferential C. capsular D. centripetal

D. deferential *Capsular artery courses along the testicle periphery and produces branches called centripetal arteries which course through the parenchyma. The deferential artery supplies vas deferens and epididymis with blood. The cremasteric artery supplies scrotal sac with blood.

Which scrotal artery supplies the epididymis? A. cremasteric B. centripetal C. capsular D. deferential

C. vein *The vein is most anterior, the artery is in the middle and the ureter is the most posterior.

Which structure is most anterior at the renal hilum? A. artery B. ureter C. vein

A. ureter *The vein is most anterior, the artery is in the middle and the ureter is the most posterior.

Which structure is most posterior at the renal hilum? A. ureter B. vein C. artery

A. Esophagus *The strap muscles and the omohyoid muscle, one of the strap muscles, are anterior to the gland. The sternocleidomastoid muscles are anterior and lateral. The longus colli muscles are on either side of the spine, posterior to the thyroid lobes. The esophagus is posterior and medial to the left thyroid lobe,

Which structure is visualized posterior and medial to the left lobe of the thyroid gland? A. Esophagus B. Left sternocleidomastoid muscle C. Left longus coli muscle D. Left omohyoid muscle

D. Deep mucosa, muscularis propia *The Gut Signature (Sonographically): Superficial Mucosa - epithelial lining (and lumen); echogenic Deep Mucosa-- Consists of loose connective tissue and muscularis mucosa; hypoechoic Submucosa - echogenic Muscularis propia-- inner circular fibers and outer longitudinal fibers; hypoechoic Serosa or Adventitia - echogenic

Which two gut layers are normally hypoechoic on the ultrasound image? A. Serosa, muscularis propia B. Submucosa, muscularis propia C. Serosa, superficial mucosa D. Deep mucosa, muscularis propia

A. normal lymph node *Normal lymph nodes are ovoid in shape. They do not demonstrate posterior enhancement. As lymph nodes enlarge with abnormal fluid accumulation, they appear more rounded and hypoechoic/anechoic. The "plump" cortex causes decreased visualization of the central hilum. Color Doppler can be used to locate the hilum and main vascular supply. Posterior enhancement is present in structures posterior to abnormal nodes with significant fluid accumulation.

While scanning the thyroid, you identify a 0.6cm ovoid structure outside the thyroid, lateral to the left carotid artery. The structure has a thin hypoechoic rim surrounding a hyperechoic center. Which of the following most likely describes the findings? A. normal lymph node B. parathyroid carcinoma C. thyroglossal duct cyst D. normal esophagus

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