anatomy test 3 quizlet

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more difficult

The larger the receptive field, the __________ it is to localize the stimulus -more difficult -easier -depends on location -all receptive fields are uniform

sensory adaptation

___ occurs when a receptor becomes so accustomed to the stimulation that it stops gathering impulses -sensory exhaustion -sensory accommodation -sensory amplification -sensory adaptation

cauda equina

below L1-L2 the vertebral canal is occupied by a bundle of spinal nerve roots called the -filum terminale -conus medullaris -sacral plexus -cauda equina -descending tracts

dura mater

the ___ is the outermost meninx, and forms supportive and protective partitions between some portions of the brain -arachnoid mater -denticulate mater -pia mater -dura mater

optic disc

the scientific term for "blind spot" is -fovea -optic chaism -virteous humor -optic disc

subarachnoid space

where in the spinal cord is the CSF located -subarachnoid space -arachnoid -subdural space -dura mater -pia mater

facial- cn VII

which of the following is not a cranial nerve that innervates the eye? -trochlear-cn IV -abducens-cn VI -oculomotor- cn III -facial- vn VII

central sulcus

which of the following separates the motor information from sensory information -temporoparietal sulcus -lateral sulcus -central sulcus -occipitoparietals sulcus

aqueduct of the midbrain

which of the following structures connects the third and the fourth ventricles -Interventricular foramen -aqueduct of the midbrain -lateral ventricles -septum pellucidum


which of these is not a region of the spinal cord -sacral -lumbar -thoracic -cervical -pelvic


the middle trunk arises from which cervical nerves -c6 -c7 -c7 and c8 -c5 and c6 -c6 and c7

granular cell layer

the axon of the purkinje cells are located in the -axonic layer -purkinje cell layer -granular cell layer -molecular layer

purkinje cell layer

the cell body of the purkinje cells are located in the -medulla oblongata -granular cell layer -molecular layer -purkinje cell layer

molecular layer

the dendrites of the purkinje cells of the cerebellum are located in the -dendritic layer -purkinje cell layer -molecular layer -granule cell layer

denticulate ligament

the following helps prevent lateral and inferior movement of the spinal cord -denticulate ligaments -posterior rootlets -fasciculi -anterior rootlets


the longest nerve that innervates the digestive system is the -glossopharyngeal -hypoglossal -trigeminal -vagus

ventral root

the motor command leaves through the -posterior root -dorsal root ganglion -dorsal root -ventral root

cervical; brachial

the nerve branching off of c5 can belong to both the ____ and ___ plexuses -cervical; phrenic -lumbar; sacral -cervical; thoracic -cervical; brachial -brachial; lumbar

radial and axillary

the posterior cord gives rise to which nerves -musculocutaneous and median -median and ulnar -radial and ulnar -radial and axillary -axillary and median


which of these types of receptors responds to pain stimuli -chemoreceptors -mechanoreceptors -nocireceptors -photoreceptors

interventricular foramen

which structure communicates the lateral ventricles to the third ventricle -aqueduct of the midbrain -Interventricular foramen -Interthalamic adhesion -central canal


which structure contains the utricle and saccule -vestibule -external acoustic meatus -cochlea -middle ear

tympanic membrane

which structure separates the external auditory canal from the middle ear -round window -tympanic membrane -oval window -cochlea


potentially damaging stimuli that result in pain are selectively detected by -nocireceptors -Interoceptors -photoreceptors -proprioceptors

anterior horns

in the spinal cord, the somas of the lower motor neurons are found in the -dorsal root ganglia -posterior horns -cauda equina -central canal -anterior horns


receptors for hearing are located in the ____ -vestibule -cochlea -semicircular canals -tympanic membrane

supplies innervation to the lateral rectus muscle of the eye

the abducens nerve ____ -supplies innervation to the lateral rectus muscle of the eye -is a branch of the trigeminal nerve -exits from the medulla -relays sensory information from taste buds on the tongue

common fibular and tibial nerves

the sciatic nerves eventually branches into which nerves -tibial and fibular nerves -obturator and femoral nerves -deep and superficial fibular nerves -common fibular and tibial nerves

conus medullaris

the spinal cord tapers at a conical tip called the -conus medullaris -filum terminale -meninge -cauda equina

c5 and c6

the superior trunk originates from the branches of which cervical nerve -c3-c5 -c5-c8 -c1-c5 -c5 and c6 -c5-t1


the vascular coat of the eyeball is called -sclera -cornea -pupil -choroid

trochlear nerve -cn IV

this nerve innervates the superior oblique muscle. which nerve is it? -vagus nerve- cn X -optic nerve- cn II -oculomotor nerve- cn III -trochlear nerve -cn IV

accessory nerve -cn XI

which cranial nerve has a cranial root and a spinal root -glossopharyngeal nerve- cn IX -hypoglossal nerve- cn XII -abducens nerve- cn VI -accessory nerve- cn XI


which cranial nerve innervates the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid? -accessory -vagus -trigeminal -vestibulocochlear

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