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CM. The portions of the occipital bone are the: A. Basilar part B. Temporal part C. Lateral part D. Sphenoid part E. Squama of the occipital bone


CM. The pneumatic bones are the: A. Coxal bone B. Frontal bone C. Humerus D. Sphenoid bone E. Maxilla


CM. The orifices of the posterior cranial fossa are the: A. Jugular orifice B. Oval foramen C. Internal acoustic porus D. Hypoglossal foramen E. Sphenopalatine foramen


CM. The processes of the maxilla are the: A. Processus palatinus B. Processus рyramidalis C. Processus frontalis D. Processus orbitalis E. Processus sphenoidalis


CM. The structures associated to the temporal bone are: A. Related to the auditory apparatus B. Trochlear fossa C. Perpendicular plate D. Nuchal lines E. Carotid canal


CM. The surfaces of the zygomatic bone are the: A. Facies medialis B. Facies orbitalis C. Facies temporalis D. Facies lateralis E. Facies nasalis


CM. The bones forming the inferior orbital wall are the: A. Maxilla B. Os palatinum C. Os sphenoidale D. Os lacrimale E. Os incisivum


CM. The statements that pertain to the mandible are: A. The anterior border of the ramus of the mandible is thinner than the posterior one. B. The submandibular fossa is located under the mylohyoid line, the sublingual one-above it. C. It is the most massive and strongest bone of the facial skull. D. The oblique line is located on the internal surface of the ramus of the mandible. E. It is the second bone of the human body, in which ossification starts.


CM. The structures associated to the ethmoid bone are the: A. Cribriform plate B. Supreme nasal concha C. Groove of the superior sagittal sinus D. Posterior clinoid process E. Inferior nuchal line


CM. The anatomical structures related to the zygomatic bone are the: A. Frontal process B. Marginal tubercle C. Temporal process D. Perpendicular plate E. Orbital surface


CM. Which of the following processes are related to the palatine bone: A. Processus pyramidalis B. Processus orbitalis C. Processus sphenoidalis D. Processus palatinus E. Processus jugularis


CM. The structures associated to the temporal bone are the: A. Articular tubercle B. Pyramid C. Jugular fossa D. Arcuate eminence E. Optic canal


CM. The bones of the facial skull are the: A. Mandible B. Ethmoid bone C. Zygomatic bone D. Frontal bone E. Nasal bone


CM. The structural elements of the frontal bone are the: A. Zygomatic process B. Supraorbital notch C. Temporal line D. Crista galli E. Superciliary arches


CM. The main parts of the sphenoid bone are the: A. Ala major B. Processus pterygoideus C. Sinus sphenoidalis D. Ala minor E. All mentioned above are right


CM. The structures associated to the sphenoid bone are the: A. Lesser wings B. Superior orbital fissure C. Perpendicular plate D. Chiasmatic groove E. Carotid canal


CM. The structures associated to the sphenoid bone are the: A. Lesser wings B. Superior orbital fissure C. Perpendicular plate D. Chiasmatic groove (sulcus prechiasmaticus) E. Carotid canal


CM. The structures associated to the ethmoid bone are the: A. Orbital plate B. Ethmoid labirynth C. Medial plate D. Cribriform plate E. Perpendicular plate


CM. The surfaces of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone are the: A. Cerebral surface B. Temporal surface C. Zygomatic surface D. Orbital surface E. Infratemporal surface


CM. The anatomical structures related to the mandible are the: A. Body, 2 rami B. Pterygoid tuberosity C. Three processes: lacrimal, maxillary, ethmoid D. Two wings E. Sublingual fovea


CM. The anatomical structures situated on the anterior surface of the temporal pyramid are the: A. Eminentia arcuata B. Impressio trigeminalis C. Fossula petrosa D. Sulcus sinus petrosi inferioris E. Sulcus nervi petrosi majoris


CM. The bones of the cerebral skull are the: A. Sphenoid bone B. Occipital bone C. Vomer D. Palatine bone E. Ethmoid bone


CM. The main divisions of the ethmoid bone are the: A. Lamina cribrosa B. Labyrinthus ethmoidalis C. Lamina perpendicularis D. Cellulae ethmoidales E. Concha nasalis inferior


CM. The structures associated to the occipital bone are the: A. Pharyngeal tubercle B. Jugular notch C. Sphenoid angle D. Orbital plate E. Groove of the sigmoid sinus


CM. The structures associated to the sphenoid bone are the: A. Infratemporal crest B. Spinous foramen C. Sphenoid angle D. Orbital plate E. Optic canal


CM. The structures pertaining to the body of the sphenoid bone: A. Hypophyseal fossa B. Sphenoid sinus C. Pterygopalatine groove D. Anterior clinoid processes E. Carotid groove


CM. The structures that belong to the spenoid bone are: A. Infratemporal crest B. Spinous orifice C. Sphenoid angle D. Orbital plate E. Optic canal


CM. The anatomical structures situated on the inferior surface of the temporal pyramid are the: A. Fossa subarcuata B. Canaliculus tympanicus C. Fosa jugulare D. Apertura externa canalis carotici E. Fossulla petrosa


CM. The inferior orbital fissure is limited by the: A. Orbital process of the palatine bone B. Frontal bone C. Orbital surface of the maxilla D. Orbital plate of the ethmoid bone E. Orbital surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone


CM. The main parts of the occipital bone are the: A. Pars basilaris B. Clivus C. Squama occipitalis D. Foramen magnum E. All mentioned above are right


CM. The anatomical structures located on the external surface of the squama frontalis are the: A. Arcus superciliaris B. Incisura ethmoidalis C. Glabella D. Linea temporalis E. Foramen infraorbitale


CM. The canals and canalicles of the temporal bone are the: A. Canalis caroticus B. Canalis opticus C. Canalis nervi facialis D. Canaliculus mastoideus E. Canalis condylaris


CM. The main divisions of the temporal bone are the: A. Pars petrosa B. Processus mastoideus C. Pars tympanica D. Pars squamosa E. All above mentioned are right


CM. The main parts of the frontal bone are the: A. Squama B. Sinus frontalis C. Pars orbitalis D. Pars nasalis E. Ala major


CM. The skull-cap (calvaria) is formed by the: A. Frontal bone B. Basilar part of occipital bone C. Squama of temporal bone D. Parietal bones E. Body of sphenoid bone


CM. The statements concerning to the facial skull cavities are: A. Medial walls of the orbits are parallel, those lateral form the right angle relative to each other. B. Optic canal is located at the level of the union of the upper wall of the orbit to the medial one. C. Frontal sinus in some cases extends to the anteromedial part of the superior wall of the orbit. D. Inferior wall of the orbit separates the orbit from the maxillary sinus. E. Medial wall of the orbit is thicker and more durable of all orbital walls.


CM. The statements concerning to the structural features of the male skull are: A. The mental protuberance is well pronounced B. The mandibular angle is inverted C. The ratio of the facial skull to cerebral skull is 1:4,04 D. The superciliary arches and glabella are well pronounced E. The mastoid process is poorly pronounced


CM. The three walls of the pterygopalatine fossa are: A. Anteriorly - the tuberosity of the maxilla B. Laterally - the pterygoid process C. Posteriorly - the base of the pterygoid process D. Medially - the perpendicular plate of the palatine bone E. Superiorly - the zygomatic arch


CM. Which of the following nasal conchae belong to the ethmoid bone? A. Concha nasalis superior B. Concha nasalis inferior C. Concha nasalis media D. Concha nasalis suprema E. All above mentioned are right


CM. Statements concerning to the anterior cranial fossa: A. Cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone separates the anterior cranial fossa from the nasal cavity. B. Cribriform plate houses the foramen cecum and the anterior and posterior ethmoidal canals (orifices). C. Medial margins of the orbital parts of the frontal bone overlap the ethmoidal labyrinths. D. 3 bones take part in formation of the anterior cranial fossa. E. Ethmoidal canals are formed at the junction of the lateral margin of the cribriform plate with the frontal bone.


CM. The infratemporal fossa is delimited by: A. Pterygoid process of sphenoid bone B. Palatine bone C. Temporal bone D. Zygomatic bone E. Rami of mandible


CM. The structures associated to the palatine bone are the: A. Ethmoidal crest B. Marginal tubercle C. Orbital process D. Perpendicular plate E. Conchal crest


CM. Which statements and structures are related to the maxilla: A. It has a body and 4 processes B. Marginal tubercle C. Infraorbital foramen D. Infratemporal surface E. Lacrimal groove


CM. The anatomical structures located on the anterior surface of the body of maxilla are the: A. Fossa canina B. Sulcus infraorbitalis C. Foramen infraorbitale D. Tuber maxillae E. Juga alveolaria


CM. The inferior wall of the orbit is formed by the: A. Orbital surface of the zygomatic bone B. Frontal process of the zygomatic bone C. Orbital surface of the maxilla D. Zygomatic process of the frontal bone E. Orbital process of the palatine bone


CM. The nasal bony septum consists of the: A. Nasal spine of the frontal bone B. Frontal process of the maxilla C. Perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone D. Perpendicular plate of the palatine bone E. Vomer


CM. The statements concerning to the posterior cranial fossa are: A. It is the largest and deepest of the three cranial fossae. B. Laterally it is limited by the mastoid part of the temporal bone and the mastoid angle of the parietal bone. C. The clivus is separated from the temporal pyramid by the petrooccipital fissure. D. The mastoid foramen opens into the upper part of the groove of the transverse sinus. E. The anterior part of the greater occipital foramen is narrower than the posterior one.


CM. The statements pertaining to the age changes of the mandible are: A. Both halves of the mandible fuse by the 2nd year of life. B. In the newborn the mental orifice is located near the lower edge of the mandible. C. In the newborn the angle between the body and the ramus is obtuse - about 140˚and more. D. The height of the mandibular body increases in old people. E. Mental orifice is located in midpoint of distance between the superior and inferior margins of the mandible in adults.


CM. Which statements about the vomer are true: A. It has the wings B. It has the marginal tubercle C. It is a bone of the visceral skull D. It has the perpendicular plate E. It takes part in the formation of the nasal septum


CM. The statements that pertain to the body of the maxilla are: A. It has 4 surfaces. B. The infratemporal surface takes part in the formation of the infratemporal and pterygopalatine fossae. C. The great palatine groove is located on its nasal surface. D. The lacrimal groove lies in front of the maxillary hiatus. E. It takes part in the formation of the orbit, nasal and oral cavities.


CM. The statement concerning to the external acoustic meatus are: A. It is limited by the tympanic part of the temporal bone B. It opens on the posterior surface of the temporal pyramid C. It contains blood vessels and nerves D. It serves for transmition of the sound waves E. It is placed laterally to the tympanic cavity


CM. The statements concerning to the facial skull are: A. The hyoid bone can be palpated above the thyroid cartilage. B. On the apex of the greater horns of hyoid bone there are tubercles. C. Anterior portion of the superior nasal wall is formed by the ethmoid cribriform plate. D. Bones that contribute to the nasal septum formation are: the nasal spine of the frontal bone, sphenoid rostrum, nasal crests of the maxilla, nasal and palatine bones. E. Posteroinferior part of the nasal septum is formed by the vomer.


CM. The statements applied to the superior sagittal sinus are: A. It passes on the squama of the frontal bone, sagittal margin of the parietal bone and squama of the occipital bone. B. It finishes at the level of the jugular orifice. C. It passes horizontally on the internal surface of the occipital squama. D. It is straight. E. It finishes at the confluence of the sinuses.


CM. The structures located on the cerebral surface of the frontal bone are the: A. Sulcus sinus sagittalis superioris B. Sulcus sinus sigmoidei C. Crista galli D. Foramen ovale E. Crista frontalis


CM. The structures related to the temporal bone are: A. Referred to the auditory apparatus B. Trochlear fossa C. Perpendicular plate D. Nuchal lines E. Carotid canal


CM. The statement pertaining to the internal acoustic meatus are: A. It is placed in the tympanic part of the temporal bone B. It opens on the posterior surface of the temporal pyramid C. It contains blood vessels and nerves D. It serves for transmition of the sound waves E. It is placed laterally to the tympanic cavity


CM. The skull bones containing air cavities are the: A. Mandibula B. Os sphenoidale C. Os frontale D. Maxilla E. Concha nasalis inferior


CM. The statements referring to the groove of the transverse sinus are: A. It finishes at the level of jugular foramen B. It passes horizontally on the internal surface of the occipital squama C. It is straight D. It finishes at the level of the upper part of the sigmoid groove E. It is located on 3 bones: parietal, temporal and occipital


CM. The structures associated to the parietal bone are the: A. Pharyngeal tubercle B. Pits for pacchionian granulations C. Sphenoid angle D. Groove of the sigmoid sinus E. Optic canal


CM. The unpaired bones of the skull are the: A. Maxilla B. Mandible C. Sphenoid bone D. Vomer E. Palatine bone


CM. The anatomical structures located on the body of mandible are the: A. Foramen mandibulae B. Spina mentalis C. Fossa digastrica D. Linea mylohyoidea E. Foramen mentale


CM. The divisions of the sphenoid bone are the: A. Base B. Body C. Greater wings D. Lesser wings E. Pterygoid processes


CM. The anatomical structures related to the mandible are the: A. Wings B. Masseteric tuberosity C. Lingula D. Perpendicular plate E. Digastric fossa


CM. The orbit communicates with endobase of the skull through the: A. Optic canal B. Round foramen C. Superior orbital fissure D. Inferior orbital fissure E. Ethmoid orifices


CM. The structures associated to the parietal bone are the: A. Cribriform plate B. Mastoid angle C. Groove of the superior sagittal sinus D. Posterior clinoid process E. Sagittal margin


CM. The structures associated to the squama of the occipital bone are the: A. Cribriform plate B. Inion C. Groove of the superior sagittal sinus D. Posterior clinoid process E. Inferior nuchal line


CM. The structures associated to the temporal bone are the: A. Cribriform plate B. Carotid canal C. Groove of the sigmoid sinus D. Posterior clinoid process E. External aperture of the vestibular aqueduct


CM. Ethmoid cells open into the: A. Orbitae B. Meatus nasi superior C. Fossa cranii anterior D. Meatus nasi medius E. Meatus nasi inferius


CM. The anatomical structures located on the inner surface of the squama of occipital bone are the: A. Sulcus sinus petrosi inferioris B. Sulcus sinus transversi C. Linea nuchae superior D. Sulcus sinus sagittalis superioris E. Sulcus sinus sigmoidei


CM. The anatomical structures that pertain to the palatine bone are the: A. Orbital plate B. Horizontal plate C. Ethmoid plate D. Perpendicular plate E. Sphenoid plate


CM. The bones that develop by chondral ossification are the: A. Lacrimal bone B. Sphenoid bone C. Maxilla D. Mandible E. Parietal bone


CM. The canals of the sphenoid bone are the: A. Musculotubal canal B. Optic canal C. Carotid canal D. Pterygoid canal E. Infraorbital canal


CM. The statements that refer to the superior petrosal sinus are: A. It is located on 3 bones: parietal, temporal and occipital B. It is located on the superior margin of the temporal pyramid C. It passes on the squama of the frontal bone, sagittal margin of the parietal bone and occipital squama D. It finishes at the level of the sigmoid sinus E. It passes horizontally on the internal surface of the occipital squama


CM. The structures associated to the body of the sphenoid bone are the: A. Cribriform plate B. Carotid groove C. Groove of the superior sagittal sinus D. Posterior clinoid process E. Spinous foramen


CM. The structures associated to the ethmoid bone are the: A. Pharyngeal tubercle B. Cribriform plate C. Sphenoid angle D. Orbital plate E. Optic canal


CM. The medial wall of the orbit is formed by the: A. Orbital surface of the greater wing B. Lacrimal bone C. Lesser wings D. Orbital plate of the ethmoid bone E. Frontal process of the maxilla


CM. The processes of the temporal bone are the: A. Processus frontalis B. Processus zygomaticus C. Processus pterygoideus D. Processus mastoideus E. Processus intrajugularis


CM. The pterygoid process contains the: A. Pterygopalatine groove B. Pterygoid fossa C. Sphenoid rostrum D. Pterygoid notch E. Pterygoid hook


CM. Structures related to the frontal bone: A. Lesser wings B. Trochlear fossa C. Perpendicular plate D. Nuchal lines E. Consists of 4 parts


CM. The bones that develop by desmal (membranous) ossification are the: A. Frontal bone B. Parietal bone C. Ethmoid bone D. Inferior nasal concha E. Squama of the occipital bone


CM. The orifices of the exobase of the skull, formed by fusion of two or more bones are the: A. Styloid foramen B. Lacerate foramen C. Round foramen D. External orifice of the carotid canal E. Jugular foramen


CМ. The groove of the inferior petrosal sinus is associated to the: A. Parietal bone B. Temporal bone C. Frontal bone D. Sphenoid bone E. Occipital bone


CM. The mandibular fossa is associated with the: A. Tympanic part of the temporal bone B. Temporal pyramid C. Base of the zygomatic process D. Squama of the temporal bone E. Zygomatic arch


CM. The orbit communicates with the nasal cavity through the: A. Anterior ethmoid orifice B. Greater palatine canal C. Nasolacrimal canal D. Posterior ethmoid orifice E. Optic canal


CM. The statements that refer to the groove of the sigmoid sinus are: A. It passes horizontally on the internal surface of the occipital squama B. It is straight C. It finishes at the level of the jugular orifice D. It is located on 3 bones: parietal, temporal and occipital E. It is located on the superior margin of the temporal pyramid


CM. The structure opening in the tympanic cavity are the: A. Mastoid canalicle B. Incisive canal C. Musculotubal canal D. Tympanic canalicle E. Carotid canal


CM. The structures associated to the ethmoid bone are the: A. Lesser wings B. Trochlear fossa C. Perpendicular plate D. Crista galli E. Carotid canal


CM. The anatomical structures located on the inner surface of the parietal bone are the: A. Linea temporalis B. Tuber parietale C. Sulci arteriosi D. Sulcus sinus sagittalis superioris E. Foveolae granulares


CM. The anatomical structures situated on the posterior surface of the temporal pyramid are the: A. Tegmen tympani B. Porus acusticus externus C. Apertura externa canaliculi vestibuli D. Porus acusticus internus E. Fosa subarcuata


CM. The statements concerning the skull as a whole are: A. The base of the skull is more fragile than calvaria B. The internal lamina of the bones of calvaria is stronger than the external one C. The middle cranial fossa contains the temporal lobes of the cerebral hemispheres D. The jugular foramen is placed behind the petrooccipital fissure E. The spinous orifice connects the middle cranial fossa with the infratemporal fossa


CM. The statements concerning to the structural features of the female skull are: A. The mental protuberance is well pronounced B. The mandibular angle is inverted C. The orbits are bigger, the distance between them is shorter D. The superciliary arches are weakly pronounced E. The mastoid processes are less pronounced


CM. The anatomical structures located on the ramus of the mandible are the: A. Tuberositas pterygoidea B. Foramen mentale C. Processus coronoideus D. Linia mylohyoidea E. Foramen mandibulae


CM. The terms that pertain to the base of the skull are: A. Anterior base B. Posterior base C. Exobase D. Lateral base E. Endobase


CM. The parts of the temporal bone: A. Pyramid B. Body C. Mastoid part D. Squamous part E. Tympanic part


CM. The structures associated to the occipital bone are the: A. Clivus B. Trochlear fossa C. Perpendicular plate D. Nuchal lines E. Consists of 4 parts


CМ. The impressions of Pacchionian granulations are related to the: A. Temporal bone B. Occipital bone C. Sphenoid bone D. Frontal bone E. Parietal bone


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