Which testicle is more commonly affected by VARICOCELES, the left or right?
LEFT TESTICLE, bc of the left renal vein passing between aorta and SMA. why? bc enlargement of SMA can cause compression of left renal vein, and therefore blood to pool in the L testicle.
Pt presents c R-sided testicular enlargement that feels like a "bag of worms". What does "bag of worms" immediately prompt you to think?
The Left Renal Vein passes between which 2 structures?
aorta and SMA
What causes varicoceles in the testicles?
1. failure of venous blood, which leads to pooling of blood in the testicles -OR- 2. abdominal/pelvic masses, which can cause upstream compression of the veins that drain the testes
Is venous drainage of the veins symmetric or asymmetric?
What is the fx of the azygous, hemiazygous, and accessory hemiazygous veins?
provide an ALTERNATE PATH for blood to return to heart, by BYPASSING the IVC
The RIGHT testicular vein drains into what?
the IVC
The LEFT testicular vein drains into what?
the LEFT RENAL VEIN, which only then drains into the IVC
What is the cause of the "bag of worms" texture of the scrotum in a pt c varicocele?
the network of veins that drain the testicles, aka the PAMPINIFORM PLEXUS