Ancient Rome

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Roman goes from a ____________ to an ___________.

Republic to an Empire

Law and Justice

*Most important and wide spread contribution* - Early laws= strengthen the rights of Roman Citizens - as Empire grows= belief that laws should be fair and equal Rich or poor (12 tablets of Rome)

The Rise of Augustus Octavian:

- After Caesar died, he takes over (fights w Mark Anton and Cleopatra) - Given the title Augustus, " the exalted one" - * Augustus builds a stable government: begins the Pax Romana*

Italian Peninsula

- Allowed for trade and travel - Travel and Trade = cultural difusion

Roman Roads

- Army built roads made out of sand, stones, and concrete - Many used up the Middle Ages, some still in use today Impact: military, merchants (trade and travel)

Expansion of the empire

- Conquests brought vast riches to Rome- new wealthy Romans emerge... - They built latifundia's - Estates use large population of slaves. slaves were people captured during the war - widespread slaves use hurt smaller farmers. Many small farmers fell in today and had to sell their farms. These newly landless farmers went to Rome looking for jobs

Reforms of Julius Caesar

- Governs as an absolute ruler - Grant citizenship too many people in the provinces - Created jobs for the poor - increased pay for soldiers - created colonies: people without land could own property

Most important cause for the fall of Rome

- Invasion by Germanic tribes (barbarians) and by Huns (fierce Nomadic group from Central Asia - because the Huns began to invade regions occupied by Germanic people, "the barbarians' were forced to invade the Roman empire

The language of Latin

- Language of the Romans - provided stability and ability to communicate throughout the Empire - official language of the Roman Catholic Church until the 20th Century - developed in the romance languages: French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian

Death of Caesar

- Novels and senators were concerned over his growing powers, success, and popularity: some considered him a tyrant - March 15, 44 BC: stop a death in Senate chamber, the assassination was led by Marcus Brutus and Gaius Cassius (his so called friends)

Economic causes for the fall of rome

- Poor harvest - disruption of trade - no more war plunder - Gold and silver drain - inflation - crushing tax burden - widening gap between rich and poor and increasingly impoverished Western Empire

The rise and fall of Rome

- Rises: 509 BC until 27 BC (482 years) - Pax Romana: 27 BC until 180 CE (207 years) - Fall: 1800 CE until 476 CE (296 years)


Their religions and cultural achievements in architecture and government greatly impacted Romans


This was a time when Rome was expanding it borders. By doing so, they controlled more land and people. Eventually controlling all the lands around the Med. sea

Pax Romana

This was the time of relevance, peace, and prosperity of Rome. (Pax means peace) it is also when achievements were made in math, science, technology, art, engineering and architecture.

Roman Empire

This was when one person, an emperor ruled Rome, it is also when Rome controlled lands around the Mediterranean Sea.


brought fresh water to the cities


chose spot for Rome and built the city


huge farming estates

The Roman Empire Splits

- Rome lasts another 200 years bc of reform, and because the empire splits under emperor Diocletian in 284 BC - restores order to the empire, strengthens the empire - Believe that the entire was far too large for one ruler: split the empire into 2 1. Greek speaking east: Greece, Anatolia, Syria, Egypt 2. Latin speaking West: Italy, Gaul, Britain, and Spain - Diocletian keeps control of the east (wealthier) and names a co ruler of the West (poorer)


90% of population. Farmers, merchants, laborers, artisans, forced many restrictors. Over time, they were able to form their own assembly called Tribunes. Tribunes protected plebeians from unfair or acts of political officials.

Which continents was the Roman Empire located on?

Europe, Asia, and Africa


From the north - brought with them still in metalworking, engineering, alphabet- Partly why Rome exists in architecture and engineering

What geographic factor made it possible for the Romans to unite the Italian peninsula?

It was surrounded by water on 3 sides, it was large, flat and fertile, easy to travel/ trade.

While the Roman Republic is in a state of instability... who takes power?

Julius Caesar

27 BC - important year

Marks the end of the Roman Republic in the first year of the Roman empire. It is also the beginning of the extended Golden age called the Pax Romana.

Which sea is at the center of the Roman Empire ?

Mediterranean sea

Which ocean is to the west of the Roman Empire?

Atlantic Ocean

The Punic Wars: 256-146 BC

- Rome's merchants traded by land and sea (med. sea) - Carthage: City-state and north Africa which inverted rounds access to Mediterranean. As Rome's empire grew, war with Carthage was inevitable - Three wars fought between Rome and Carthage . All 3 won by Rome. **Each victory brought Rome more land, money, and dominance over the region.** - By 146 BC Rome controlled Northern Africa, Spain, Italy, and Greece

12 tables of Rome

- Victory for the Plebeians, Creation of the written law code - Laws were carved into 12 tablets, And hung inRoman forum - Became the basis for Roman laws - Established the idea that all free citizens have the right to the protection of the law

Women in Rome

- considered citizens, but not allowed to vote - took the social statues of their father or husbands - more rights for women of higher classes than lower classes

Social causes for the fall of rome

- declining in interest in public affairs - low confidence in empire - disloyalty, lack of patriotism, corruption - contrast between rich and poor - decline in population due to disease and food shortage

Small mountains and broad fertile plains

- easy to travel: Rome will take over the entire peninsula of Italy - Romans will build an empire; groups of people ruling over a vast are land and different groups at people

Political causes for the fall of rome

- political office seen as burden, not reward - military inference in politics - civil war and unrest - division of Empire - moving of capital to Byzantium

Military causes for the fall of rome

- threat from Northern European tribes - low funds for defense - problems recruiting Roman citizens; recruiting of non-Romans - decline of patriotism and loyalty among soldiers

Julius Caesar

-Strong leader, brilliant leader of military - 44BC: Caesar is named dictator for life

Why was Rome chosen to be built where it was?

1. Located on the Tiber River- had good soil 2. Well protected- hills, in land 3. Access to the Mediterranean Sea *good for trade and travel*

Important Roman Principles

1. People had rights to equal treatment under the law 2. people are innocent until proven guilty 3. the burden of proof rests with the accuser

Problems in the Roman Republic due to expansion

A. As entire extended, needed to pay the soldiers with land. Soldiers become loyal to their general not their country B. gap between rich and poor growth because of slavery. Rich had latifundias. Smaller farms cannot compete- Went out of business-went to city is to look for jobs C. Tiberius and Gaius- tribunes tried to propose reform, but they are killed

Roman Republic

Was the government of Rome; citizens elected representatives to the government to serve for them


Wealthy, upper class, landowners, (10% of population) inherited their wealth and social class. Claimed their ancestery gave them rights to make laws. (cancel, government officials, Senators, most assembly members or part of this group)

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