ANEQ 322 Final Exam

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What is a "rule-of'thumb" temperature describing the optimum temperature for digestive enzyme activation in reptiles and amphibians?

85 degrees Fahrenheit

Why do birds need B vitamin supplementation?

have a short large intestine that does not allow for sufficient fermentation, and thus the production of B vitamins


have longer, narrower and generally less-hard bills eat more fruits, vegetables and catching insect, seldom eat seeds eat more animal protein (hornbills, toucans, mynas)

Iron storage disease

hemochromatosis: softbill birds caused by excess iron in diet Softbills cant have any citrus fuit because Vitamin C increases iron absorption

Why supply more than one shell to a hermit crab?

hermit crab can "pick" the one that is most suitable.

What does the fact that reptiles are cold-blooded, affect how we keep and feed them?

Must have heat source to increase body temp to at least 85 degrees F to activate digestive enzymes They will eat more and grow faster with warmer temp May hibernate at colder temperatures

Comparing flaked and pelleted fish food, which would be best and why?

Pelleted food would be the best as flaked food deteriorates very quickly as soon as it hits the water.

Semi-moist diets are becoming a thing of the past and few are seen any more other than as treats. One of the concerns when feeding cats is the preservative propylene glycol that is found in semi-moist diets - why is it of concern to cats?

Propylene glycol can cause hemolytic anemia in cats

What zoonose is of concern to people when handling birds?

Psittacosis (Parrot Fever) Caused by a chlamydeous organism and seems to be aerosolized from bird feces

What two colors are most reptiles attracted to?

Red and yellow Entices them to eat

Why do rodents need a block of wood to chew on - and what determines what kind of wood is best?

Rodents have continually growing teeth. If they are not given a surface in which to chew and erode the tooth surface away, their teeth may grow into the jaw of the animal. This prevents them from eating properly and causes death.

What type of wood is not appropriate to give to rodents?

Walnut and Cedar as well as wood shavings from these woods are not good Must be free of herbicides, insecticides, and other chemicals

Why do cats eat grass?

We do not know Perhaps they are meeting a nutrient need we have yet to discover, or perhaps they just need a little more fiber in their diet.

What is the best way to water a tarantula?

With water supply in a dish covered with a cotton ball, so the spider can use its long tongue to insert in the cotton and drink.


chicks that are hatched naked and helpless


chicks that are hatched with down feathers, ready to go, as in baby ducks

What is a nematocyst?

a specialized cell in the tentacles of a jellyfish or other coelenterate, containing a barbed or venomous coiled thread that can be projected in self-defense or to capture prey.

Why MUST fruits and vegetables be washed before they are fed to your bird?

Chemicals (herbicides, insecticides etc) and bacterial contamination

When fish are overfed and become obese, what is one symptom commonly seen that is also seen in the cat?

Fatty liver disease (hepatic lipidosis)

What is Irlbeck's recommendation for the perfect bird diet?

Feed 90% of complete diet with 10% fruits and veggies Difficult to get bird to accept complete diet

What is the potential concern with feeding feeder fish to carnivorous fish?

Feeder fish have the potential to transmit parasites to your tank fish - that is why it is so important to buy feeder fish from a reputable deale

Why is it a good policy to monitor that all fish in your tank are eating?

Fish have personalities, some are shy, some are aggressive etc. They many be able to eat with more aggressive fish around

Why do you need to feed guinea pigs, guinea pig diet and not rabbit diet that would be much cheaper?

Guinea pigs have a requirement for vitamin C. If guinea pigs are fed rabbit pellets they will develop scury, the deficiency of vitamin C.

What four major items are of importance when setting up an environment for reptiles and amphibians?

Heating Lighting Humidity Sanitation

Examples of zoonoses that exotic pets can give to humans

rabies transmitted to people from pet skunks in Iowa in 2002; and monkey pox transmitted from pet prairie dogs to their owners in 2003.

Define the perfect perch for a companion bird.

varying diameter, of a non-toxic safe wood that cannot harm them if they eat it a very hard wood they cannot eat (like manzanita wood Do not use sand paper

Why is it much more prudent NOT to add decoration is a tank that have come from a pond, river or lake?

you could accidentally introduce parasites into your tank. Or some of the stones that are found from the "wild" may be soluble in the water, releasing potentially toxic minerals into the water.

What are two symbiotic relationships that are found in the ocean? Give me the species and what they do for each other.

1. clown fish, cleaning and nurturing the tentacles of the anemone and the anemone bringing in food 2. Moray eels and cleaner shrimp

Compare the "source" of fresh water fish and salt water fish sold in stores as tank or aquarium fish for personal homes - that is, where do they come from?

90% of freshwater fish are raised in captivity while 90% of salt water fish are caught from the wild at a cost to the environment

What is cuttlebone and what is its major use? What do most people think cuttlebone is used for, but are incorrect

A bone removed from a cuttlefish (squid) used as a source of calcium, not used to wear down or sharpen a bird's beak A pumice stone should be used for beak maintenance instead

What is a biological filter

A colony of anaerobic bacteria that break down the nitrogenous waste (ammonia) released by fish and decaying left- over food Never wash rocks in fish tank with soap

What is a common food source for small fish or fry (baby fish)?

Artemia- brine shrimp

Define autotrophic and heterotrophic.

Autotroph- an organism that is able to form nutritional organic substances from simple inorganic substances such as carbon dioxide Heterotroph-an organism deriving its nutritional requirements from complex organic substances

There is an old wive's tale that says, "Scarce as hen's teeth" - what does that mean?

Birds have no teeth They use their gizzard to grind foods or they eat diets that are very digestible

Why when you observe that a bird is sick, it is usually too late?

Birds hide when they are sick: would become prey in the wild Birds more susceptible to rapid decline- higher metabolism and body temperature

If your fish are gasping at the surface of the tank, what is a potential problem discussed in the text?

Brown Blood Disease also called methemoglobinemia resulting from high nitrite levels in the tank or bowl

I told you in the lecture that the hedgehog is an insectivore - what does that mean?

Bug eater- they don't like slugs

What two nutrients are of most concern (the two that I emphasized) when birds are being used for breeding and are laying eggs?

Calcium and protein

What is the issue about birds and vitamin D2?

Can't utilize Must be supplemented with D3 if they don't have access to sunlight

Compare the length of the digestive tract in a carnivorous fish and an herbivorous fish - why the difference?

Carnivorous fish: shorter Herbivorous need more gut volume for anaerobic bacteria to break down cellulose

Why is it easier to put a dog on a diet than a cat?

Cats cannot be severely energy restricted. If they are, they may develop fatty liver disease called hepatic lipidosis which is seldom seen in dogs.

What factors need to be considered when creating the perfect environment for a companion bird?

Consistent temperature Lack of strong smells Lack of drafts Adequate cage size Safety if bird has access to house (ceiling fans)

What is wrong with a seed-only diet?

Deficient in dietary essential amino acids, including calcium and vitamins High in fat and can cause an addiction- response

What or who did come first, the chicken or the egg?

Doesn't matter, just bullshit an answer

Why is dog food Not a good dietary component for birds?

Dog food tends to be too fat and too high in iron

Why have I emphasized that dry diets are better than soft diets when caring for the animal's oral (mouth) health? And why do I emphasize that the mouth of older animals in particular need to be monitored?

Dry diets will tend to provide an abrasive effect on the teeth of animal wearing off the plaque, while soft diets do not Taking care of the mouth ensures that the animal will be able to eat comfortably.

Why is metabolizable energy (ME) used for birds rather than digestible energy (DE)?

Energy lost from feces and urine- makes it easier with an animal that urinates and defecates collectively Digestible energy only considers energy lost from feces

Why the big uproar about having a new and unique pet that no one else has?

Exotic pets, are often illegal. We do not know a lot about them and the diseases they have or the disease they can transmit to people (zoonoses) -much less their nutritional requirements

Why is the exercise wheel VERY beneficial to the hedgehog?

Hedgehogs are prone to obesity because of how they are housed and fed (cat food) when it is used to bugs, worms, insects, and ripe fruits. Exercise wheel increases activity level

Why are sunflower seeds an issue with any kind of companion animal diet?

High in fat which is addicting due to endorphine production. Animals will eat only sunflower seeds and will become deficient in amino acids, vitamins, and minerals

What is the rule of thumb to use on when dietary supplements should be added to the diet?

If an animal is fed a complete diet (formulated for its species) at a rate of 75% of its dry matter intake, then no supplements are needed for a healthy animal. However, if an animal is fed a variety of foods, supplements may indeed be warranted. For example, calcium is added to invertebrates (like crickets), calcium and vitamin A are added to meat-only diets, thiamine is added to frozen, raw fish, and vitamin E is added to high fat diets.

Why use the rule of thumb. "An inch of fish to one gallon of water" for fresh water tanks - the carrying capacity for salt water tanks is less.

If more fish are added to the tank, the biological filter cannot keep the water clean of nitrogenous waste and the fish will die of nitrate poisoning.

Cats are classified as obligate carnivores, that is they must eat meat. If that is true, why is a meat-only diet of concern to cats or any animal?

In the wild they don't eat just muscle tissue Eat internal organs first= source of vitamin A and D which are necessary for survival They eat most of the carcass: cartilage and bones keep teeth clean and provide calcium; organs supply vitamins and trace nutrients

What is copraphagy and why is it important to some animal species like the rabbit and guinea pig?

Intentional practice of an animal consuming its own feces increases fermentation, in particular the higher quality fibrous portions. It also allows for the production of B vitamins, vitamin K and the amino acids gained from microbial bodies

What is the most common nutritional concern with captive reptiles and amphibians?


Why do I keep emphasizing that an individual need to research an animal's potential before it brings it into their home?

Many reptiles die within first few weeks Alternatively they may grow too large: green iguana can become over 6 ft in length

What are the primary inhabitants of the biological filter?

Nitrosomonas and nitrobacter

What is the difference between nitrosomonas and nitrobacter bacteria?

Nitrosomonas- cnvert ammonia released by fish to nitrites Nitrobacter- convert the nitrites to nitrates Nitrites are toxic to fish

When we discuss feeding the ferret, what other domestic companion animal can we compare them to as far as feeding strategy?

Obligate carnivore like the cat

What is a sea monkey

Originally it is the cyst of the brine shrimp (artemia) that hatch into brine shrimp.

What is the most common nutritional concern with aquarium fish?

Overfeeding (and the potential for fatty liver disease also called hepatic lipidosis)

What potential health problems do we see in ferrets primarily to inbreeding and how we feed them in the US?

Poor feeding (grain based diets) and early neutering causes adrenal tumors, insulinomas, urolithiasis (stones in urinary tract), cardiomyopathy and obesity

Why can't we feed cats certain foods?

Similar to dogs, we cannot feed cats milk, onions, raw liver or fish on a daily basis.

Something that is not in the notes for cats is the advent of diets on today's market to alleviate hairballs - what is found in this type of diet that would enable a cat to alleviate (pass) hairballs?

Since cat's tongues have papillae (tiny finger-like projections) that curve back into the mouth, they cannot "spit out" or eliminate hair after they groom themselves. Thus commercial diets include petroleum jelly-like products that coat hair enabling them to be passed more quickly from the track; or the diets contain higher levels of fiber to increase fecal rate of passage (and hair).

What is "Feed for the feathers?"

Some birds need specific nutrients or coloring agents to create feather color (flamingos)

What is grit and do birds need it?

Stone or sand particles collected in the gizzard to grind the food consumed to small particles Dependent on size of bird Complete diets are ground down so grit isn't needed

What do live coral eat?

The algae live within the coral polyps, using sunlight to make sugar for energy. This energy is transferred to the polyp, providing much needed nourishment. In turn, coral polyps provide the algae with carbon dioxide and a protective home. Corals also eat by catching tiny floating animals called zooplankton.

Why do I say that cats are nibblers while dogs are meal-eaters?

The cat has a tendency to eat a little here and there (nibbler), while a dog tends to gobble everything in site all at once (meal-eater)

Who or what is Archaeopteryx?

The first bird ancestor that lived 150 millions years ago More related to reptiles than birds

How does a fish that has the potential to grow very large compensate when put into a tank that is too small for its adult potential?

The fish releases a growth-inhibiting hormone. Eventually it will outgrow the tank, but the hormone will slow the growth for a substantial amount of time

What is unique about the rabbit's metabolism (and the tradition of feeding them) that may result in stones developing in their bladder and/or kidneys?

The rabbit is able to absorb calcium without the facilitation of vitamin D, unlike the majority of other animals. Bred for high levels of reproduction If fed alfalfa they will have too much calcium in diet

What is the problem with acidifiers in the diet?

The use of acidifiers has increased the incidence of dental caries (cavities), and they can be an issue if fed to kittens under 8 or 9 months of age.

Fish are cold-blooded animals - thus, their metabolism is dependent on environmental temperature. What are a few issues that will occur if you raise the temperature too high or too low?

There are cold (52- 64 F) cool (64 to 76 F) and warm water (76 to 88 F) fish tropical fish are warm goldfish are cool/ cold If optimum temp is deviated from, discomfort and stress is caused. As temp increases so does metabolism. Increased metabolism increases waste which can kill them due to nitrogen imbalance As temp increases ability of water to carry O2 decreases which can kill fish in high altitude

What potential health problems have we seen in sugar gliders due to how we feed them in captivity?

They are gumnivores (Acacia and eucalyptus gums) but we feed them like frugivores (fruit) Develope calcium and Vitamin D deficiencies (metabolic bone disease) Vitamin E (rear leg paralysis and cataracts from high fat diets

Why is exercise so important to companion animals at maintenance?

To prevent obesity that is seen with sedentary lives

What is the concern about feeding insects (like crickets) - a concern such that a reputable dealer (in birds) is warranted?

Transmission of pathogenic bacteria or nematodes from bugs to bird. Don't catch your own bugs for this reason and buy from a good source

Why is a tuna-only diet of concern when feeding cats?

Tuna tends to be high in fat and if not supplemented correctly with increased levels of vitamin E, steatites can occur. Also, tuna is not balanced to meet all the unique nutrient requirements that the feline metabolism requires.

Why are carotenoids important in a goldfish diet?

Turn the fish gold

What are some of the unique "nutritional" requirements of cats due to their unique metabolism - or why can you not feed dog food to a cat?

Unique nutrient requirements include preformed vitamin A, vitamin D, niacin, pyridoxine and pantothenic acid, taurine and arachidonic acid.

When fish are stressed and their blood cortisol levels increase, which nutrient requirement seems to increase the most?

Vitamin C

Which nutrients when deficient in a reptile's diet will result in metabolic bone disease?

Vitamin D3 and calcium Can't utilize D2

Why is there a concern when feeding a diet made up of separate ingredients - a variety - compared to a complete diet?

When individual foods are fed to an animal, inevitably there will be a nutrient deficiency or toxicity if great care is not taken. It is not easy to feed a balanced diet with separate ingredient. A complete diet has all the nutrients in the right amount and the right proportion for the animal and its physiological stage.

Why is it NOT acceptable to buy wild caught birds or chicks for companion animals?

Wild birds are caught at the cost of their habitat Many die in the harvest and transport to pet trade Hand-raised babies make better pets

What is meant by a pocket pet?

a pocket pet would be any animal small enough to live easily in small spaces.

What happens to the urine pH of a cat if fed animal protein? If fed plant protein?

acidic = animal protein alkaline = plant proteins Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disorder in cats= plant Now fed acidifiers with plant protein food

Psittacine (Hookbill)

birds with parrot like beak (hard curved) Powerful mandible muscles allowing them to open nuts Tropics and subtropical areas (large parrots and parakeets)

Why is it SO VERY important to feed organic fruits and vegetables to invertebrates and even then wash the inorganic sources thoroughly, especially for insect companion animals?

contain trace amounts of chemicals and particular in reference to a bug - insecticides, which WILL kill the companion bug. Other chemicals are of concern as well as bacterial contamination even in organic fruit and vegetable sources.

What does arboreal mean?

lives in trees or high places (sugar gliders)

What is the result in fish that are deficient in vitamin C?

scoliosis or curved spine

A fish is deficient in the amino acid tryptophan, what might be the symptoms that would indicate there is a problem?

scoliosis or curved spine.

Why should pregnant woman NOT be responsible for cleaning out a litter box?

toxoplasmosis, a small intracellular protozoan that can be transmitted to humans via cat feces, and in the case of a pregnant woman cause a miscarriage or still birth

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