Anima1s Part 2

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FICTIONAL BATTLES & WARS $1,500 (Daily Double): The Battle of the Cowshed & the Battle of the Windmill are waged in this 1945 work

Animal Farm

MOVIES BY CHARACTERS $800: 1978: Bluto, Otter, Flounder, D-Day

Animal House

GOING DUTCH $4,200 (Daily Double): In 1677 this Dutchman described microscopic bodies as "little animals"

Anton Van Leeuwenhoek

THE "CAPTAIN" $1600: Hooray for this Groucho Marx character from "Animal Crackers"

Captain Spaulding

CLASSICAL MUSIC $600 (Daily Double): A swan and tortoises are among the creatures depicted in this Saint-Saens suite

Carnival of the Animals

OSCAR-WINNING SONGS $400: "Talk To The Animals"

Dr. Dolittle

1980s BESTSELLERS $600: Stephen King fans found it hard to rest in peace after reading this bestseller about an animal graveyard

Pet Sematary

WE'RE GONNA MAKE YOU WINE $1000: This California wine-growing area is named for a spot where an animal once made a splendid jump to escape pursuers

Stag's Leap

MEL GIBSON: TORTURED THESPIAN $1200: Mad Mel's lashed to a pack animal & sent into the desert after a battle in this 1985 title structure


HALLMARK HOLIDAYS $400: On Friendship Day, buy your bud a stuffed animal of this honey lover, the U.N.'s Friendship Ambassador

Winnie the Pooh

ANIMAL SIMILES $200: "Blind as", this mammal of the order Chiroptera

a bat

THE NATURE OF THE BEAST $600: In a prophecy, Isaiah says a cow's calf will lie down with this animal's cub

a bear cub

ANIMAL TRACKS $1600: () The overlapping track of this animal, also known as the bay lynx, is similar to that of the siamese but bigger & deeper

a bobcat

ROADSIDE AMERICA $200: In Jamestown, North Dakota, you can see what is claimed to be the world's largest statue of this animal

a buffalo

LIQUIDS $1600: The name of Hungary's Egri Bikaver wine is translated as this male animal's "blood from Eger"

a bull

OCCUPATIONS $400: It can mean to slaughter animals, or the person at the market who sells meat

a butcher

ANIMAL YOUTH $200: A newborn gnu is called one of these, like an elephant or a whale

a calf

ANIMAL QUOTATIONS $200: "It is easier for" this animal "to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God"

a camel

THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $200: Deuteronomy 14:7 commands us that we can do everything to this desert animal but eat it

a camel

ANIMAL WORDS & PHRASES $800: It's a regular & reliable source of income, just as dependable as a certain source of milk

a cash cow

REPTILES $800 (Daily Double): () The name of animal, found in Africa, is from the Greek for "ground lion"

a chameleon

PREHISTORIC CRITTERS $1600: Fossils in Niger indicate the "super" type of this animal was the size of a bus; it often drowned its prey

a crocodile

ANIMAL YOUTH $400: Term for a newborn cheetah, fox or panda

a cub

ANIMAL QUOTATIONS $800: Benjamin Disraeli wrote that this "which had never been thought of... rushed past the grandstand in sweeping triumph"

a dark horse

TITLE FILM ANIMALS $200: 1974: "Benji"

a dog

PAST IRREGULAR $1600: A herd of animals being moved in a group

a drove

LITERARY LINGO $200: Often employing animals, this type of short tale, like "The Fox and the Grapes", teaches moral lessons

a fable

ANIMALS $400: Type of squirrel that has a thin, extending membrane called a patagium

a flying squirrel

ANIMAL SIMILES $800: "Sly as" this carnivore of the dog family, especially those of the genus Vulpes

a fox

ANIMAL AKA $200: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck on February 2nd when it's known by this name

a groundhog

LESSER-KNOWN CONGLOMERATES $2000: Andean native people line up for goods, like meat & skin

a guanaco

VIDEOPOURRI $600: () We saw various animal abodes after learning about type of crab & its search for a new house

a hermit crab

TITLE FILM ANIMALS $600: 1943: "My Friend Flicka"

a horse

STATE OBJECTS & SYMBOLS $1600: This arthropod, seen , Delaware's state marine animal, shares its name with quadruped footware

a horseshoe crab

TITLE FILM ANIMALS $1000: 1978: "Matilda"

a kangaroo

ANIMAL YOUTH $600: Young people should know this 3-letter name for a young ruminant

a kid

HELLO KITTY $800: AKA Vulpes velox, this small gray animal is valuable for its fur

a kit fox

ANIMAL SIMILES $1000: "Happy as" this Old World oscine bird of the family Alaudidae

a lark

3-M $400: About 10 feet high at the shoulder, this Pleistocene animal had complex molar teeth

a mammoth

ANIMALS $800: A type of cricket that mainly lives underground is named for this tiny-eyed mammal

a mole

ANIMAL AKA $400: 2-word name for the critter also known as a puma, a cougar & a catamount

a mountain lion

ANIMAL SIMILES $600: "Quiet as" this animal of the family Muridae

a mouse (a church mouse accepted)

TITLE FILM ANIMALS $400: 1949: "Francis"

a mule

THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $800: It's the 2-word name of the Arctic bovine seen

a musk ox

THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $1000: Encyclopedia Britannica says this amphibian was originally an eft, then its name evolved into neft, & finally to this

a newt

ANNUAL EVENTS $600: People who gather each New Year's Day for a swim in frigid water are called this animal's club

a polar bear

GIVE IT A "PUSH" $1200: Weird animal in the "Dr. Dolittle" books

a pushmi-pullyu

ISAAC $600: Abraham was ready to sacrifice Isaac as commanded, but God provided this adult animal caught in a thicket

a ram

ANIMAL SHELTERS $600: The barn in "Charlotte's Web" has a pigpen for Wilbur, tie-ups for the cows & this "down below for the sheep"

a sheepfold

NATURE STUDY $400: () To track the striped type of this animal, look for the meandering print pattern, or just follow your nose

a skunk

ANIMALS $1200: The male redback type of this creature, 1/3 the size of the female, dies happy if you know what I mean

a spider

ANIMAL SHELTERS $400: The "livery" type of this hires out horses & carriages

a stable

WORD ORIGINS $800: From the Latin for "earth", it's any of several types of small dogs bred to hunt animals underground in burrows

a terrier

ANIMAL SIMILES $400: "Slow as" this reptile of the order Testudines

a turtle

BIBLICAL ZOO $200: Symbolic animals in the KJV include the dragon & this single-horned animal mentioned in Numbers 23:22

a unicorn

THE SMALL STUFF $200: The smallest exhibited animal in NYC's Central Park Zoo is the leaf-cutter type of this

an ant

ANIMAL SHELTERS $800: If you own 1 or more cichlids, we hope you keep them in one of these

an aquarium

YOU GO URUGUAY $800: The mulita is a small Uruguayan type of this armored animal that's susceptible to becoming roadkill

an armadillo

ANIMAL QUOTATIONS $600: "Honesty dwells like a miser... in a poor house, as your pearl in your foul" this

an oyster

GUNS $600: Shotgun pellets are generally divided into 2 animal terms: buckshot for big ones & this for small ones


HAVE YOU HERD? $400: One of the largest herds of these animals in the U.S. is found at South Dakota's Custer State Park


CAVES $400: Africa's Blombos Cave, occupied 90,000 years ago, has some of the earliest known tools of this animal substance


ANIMAL SHELTERS $200: Pun alert! To make its home, the pocket gopher doesn't beg or steal, it does this


MY FANTASY WRITER TEAM $400: Paul Gallico owned 23 of these animals at a time & wrote a fantasy about a boy who's changed into a white one


ANIMAL WORDS & PHRASES $400: If someone isn't really as sorry as he seems, he may shed these

crocodile tears

ANIMAL SHELTERS $1000: () The Greek Island of Tinos is noted for these elaborate to house a certain bird


35 YEARS OF SMITHSONIAN MAGAZINE $600: The inaugural issue from April 1970 featured a cover story on a breeding program for these animals in Sri Lanka


ANIMAL AKA $1000: Wapiti is a Native American term for this second-largest deer of the Americas


SCIENC"E" & NATUR"E" $400: "Endangered" & "threatened" are the 2 classifications for animal species facing this


ANIMAL YOUTH $800: It can mean a young equine, or be a verb meaning to give birth to one


UNTIL WE MEAT AGAIN $1000: From the Old English for "heel", it's an animal's lower leg served as a cut of cured meat


TITLE FILM ANIMALS $800: 1977: Bernard & Bianca, "The Rescuers"


PARDON MY ADJECTIVE $1000: It's the 10-letter adjective for a creature that eats both animals & plants


THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $600: This order of mammals is often divided into prosimians & larger, smarter anthropoids


THE NATURE OF THE BEAST $1000: The largest animal ever to fly, the quetzalcoatlus was one of these whose 9-letter name means "wing lizard"


ANIMAL WORDS & PHRASES $600: Slang term for an indoor television antenna with 2 adjustable aerials

rabbit ears

POTPOURRI $800: Python & Scorpion aren't merely animals, they're 2 of these rides at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay

roller coasters

ANIMAL WORDS & PHRASES $200: Beware of the wolf wearing this

sheep's clothing

PREDATORS $600: Like its prey the chameleon, the boomslang, this type of animal, is noted for camouflage


ANIMAL TRACKS $800: () Though its tail sometimes drags over its trail, this animal, Castor canadensis, can be identified by its

the beaver

ANIMAL TRACKS $2000: () Deer usually leave a simple, 2-toed track, but if they run in snow, you can see the imprint of these vestigial claws

the dewclaws

ANIMAL QUOTATIONS $400: John Donne called it "Nature's great masterpiece... the only harmless great thing; the giant of beasts"

the elephant

STARDUST $1,000 (Daily Double): A faint constellation in the northern sky, Camelopardalis represents this animal

the giraffe

ANIMAL AKA $800: Due to its apetite, the wolverine is also known as this, as if it committed one of the 7 Deadly Sins

the glutton

THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $400: Of the hippo, hawk or hammerhead shark, the one that can be described as insessorial

the hawk

A BEASTLY CATEGORY $800: Kumis, a national specialty of Kazakhstan, is the fermented milk of this animal

the horse

ANIMAL YOUTH $1000: In "Songs of Innocence", William Blake asked it, "Who made thee?"

the lamb

A BEASTLY CATEGORY $600: Starting in the 1950s, one of these animals emerged from the NYC subway in TV ads for Dreyfus mutual funds

the lion

BIBLICAL ZOO $400: The Old Testament talks about the jungle on the Jordan's banks & this animal roaring within

the lion

DO YOU HAVE THE MUNCHIES? $200: The Incas munched on charque (what we call jerky) from the dried meat of this 5-letter pack animal

the llama

ANIMAL WORDS & PHRASES $1000: The name of this mischievous black bird may be used for a chatterbox or a hoarder

the magpie

A BEASTLY CATEGORY $400: The Semites called an early version of the letter Q "qoph", their word for this tailed animal

the monkey

ANIMAL AKA $600: Felis pardalis, this small wildcat of South America, is also known as a "painted leopard"

the ocelot

UNGULATES $100 (Daily Double): Unlike the giraffe, which lives in the savannah, this smaller relative lives in the dense jungle

the okapi

ANIMAL QUOTATIONS $1000: In "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell", William Blake wrote, "The pride of" this bird "is the glory of God"

the peacock

"S"CIENCE $1600: This 2-word barrier keeps many prion diseases from passing from 4-legged animals to humans

the species barrier

UNUSUAL PETS $200: There may be more of these animals, including the Bengal type, kept as pets in the U.S. than living in the wild in Asia


GREEN "T" $600: It's the art of trimming your green bushes & hedges into geometric shapes & animals


WHAT HAVE "V" HERE $400: A 1947 essayist said this, the dissection of living creatures, puts humans "on the animal level"


ART TECHNIQUE $1200: Encaustic painting, used since ancient times, applies this animal product to a rigid surface & fixes it with heat


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