Animal Farm Vocab 3

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(Adj). Having a meaning that is mysterious or obscure. Two days later, a cryptic message was posted on his regular secure web site.


(Adj). Persisting tirelessly. Snowball also busied himself with organizing the other animals into what he called Animal Committees. He was indefatigable at this.


(Adj). Stubborn. Sandra was obstinate and would never lose an argument.


(Adj). having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance. "And every animal down to the humblest worked at turning the hay and gathering it.


(Adj). strange or odd; unusual. And the behavior of the cat was somewhat peculiar. It was soon noticed that when there was work to be done the cat could never be found.


(adj). describing anything that is relating to, or has characteristics of parasites. "With the worthless parasitical human beings gone, there was more for everyone to eat".


(adj). an object that is sturdy is strong, well-made, and not easily broken. "It happened that Jessie and Bluebell had both whelped soon after the hay harvest, giving birth between them to nine sturdy puppies."


(noun). A tool, utensil or piece equipment used for a particular task. The animals used agriculture implements to farm the land.


(noun). The state of being secluded; shut out and away from society. He took them up into a loft which could only be reached by a ladder from the harness-room, and there kept them in such seclusion the rest of the farm soon forgot their existence.


(noun). a principle/ a rule to conduct . After much thought Snowball declared that the Seven Commandments could in effect reduced to a single maxim, namely: "Four legs good, two legs bad.


(noun). playful misbehavior or trouble-making. She was bent on making mischief.

to shirk

(verb). to avoid a duty or responsibility. "Nobody shirked- or almost nobody. Mollie, it was true, was not good at getting up in the mornings, and had a way of leaving work early on the ground that there was a stone in her hoof.

to articulate

(verb). To express idea or feeling coherently. They were unable to articulate their emotions.


(verb). be resentfully unwilling to give, grant, or allow (something). "Every mouthful of food was an acute positive pleasure, now that it was truly their own food, produced by themselves and for themselves, not doled out to them by a grudging master"

to quarrel

(verb). have an angry argument or disagreement. My brother and I quarreled over a really stupid reason.

to plead

(verb). to afford an argument or appeal. "Surely, comrades," cried Squealer almost pleadingly, skipping from side to side and whisking his tail, "surely there is no one among you who wants to see Jones come back?"

to dole

(verb). to give out or share. The charity doled out clothing to the needy.

to hoist

(verb). to raise, lift. First came the hoisting of the flag.

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