Anna Karenina Part I Quotes

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won't you go and try again sir? by God's grace you might make it up! she suffers dreadfully, it's pitiful to see her, and everything in the house is topsy-turvy. you should consider the children! own up sir!

Matrena (nurse) to oblonsky

and i am here, myself? am i myself or another?


come anna arkadyevna, I have such a good idea for a cotillion--un bijou

korsunksy to anna

my opinion is that this table-turning proves that our so-called educated class is on the same level as the peasants. they believe in the evil eye and spells and witchcraft

levin to countess nortston

and i am confident of myself when you lean on me

levin to kitty

i did not know that you skated, and so well

levin to kitty

i used to be passionately fond at skating

levin to kitty

i want to say ... i came on purpose ... that ... to be my wife!

levin to kitty

nothing else was possible

levin to kitty

i can't do it! i'm incapable.

levin to koznyshev

I do not want anything of you specifically. I have simply come to see you

levin to nicholas

i have not the chance

levin to nicholas

i've only just arrived and am very anxious to see you

levin to oblonsky

i? yes. i am preocupied-- and besides, all this makes me feel constrained. you can't imagine how strange it seems to me who lives in the country

levin to oblonsky

my one consolation is that prayer that i like so much. not according to my deserts but according to Thy mercy! and she too can only forgive me that way!

levin to oblonsky

oh yes, i am awfully fond of turbot!

levin to oblonsky

Ah, Kostya! I wrote both to you and to Sergius Ivanich that I do not know you and do not wish to know you. What is it? What do you want?

nicholas to levin

And so we are starting a Locksmith's association, in which all the products and profits and above all, the instruments of production will be common property.

nicholas to levin

my sister in law is in general too repulsive

anna to countess lydia

Do not say that dolly, I have done and could do nothing. I often wonder why people conspire to spoil me. What have i done and what could I do? There was enough love in your heart to forgive

anna to dolly

Do you know why kitty did not come to dinner? She is jealous of me. I have spoiled.... I mean I was the cause of the ball being a torture instead of a pleasure to her, But really I was not to blame or only a very little

anna to dolly

Dolly, my darling, he has spoken to me, but I want to hear it from you. tell me everything

anna to dolly

Everyone has a skeleton in their cupboard as the english would say

anna to dolly

I do not know, I cannot judge...yes, i can. yes, i can, i can. yes, i should forgive. i should not remain the same woman--no, but i should forgive, and forgive it as utterly as if it had never happened at all.

anna to dolly

I? Do you think so? I am not strange but wicked. It sometimes happens to me. I feel ready to cry. It is very silly but it will pass. I did not want to leave Petersburg and now I do not want to leave here

anna to dolly

No, it is a dismal one. Do you know why I am going today and not tomorrow? This is a confession of something that oppresses me and I want to make it to you

anna to dolly

The reason I have told you is that I do not even for a moment allow myself to distrust myself

anna to dolly

Oh don't I see? I ought to understand gentlefolk by this time. I have grown up among them from a child. Never mind my dear, as long as you have good health and a clean conscience!

agatha to levin

She all but speaks. She is only a dog but she understands that her master has come back feeling depressed

agatha to levin

Thank heaven, tomorrow I shall see Serezha and Alexix Alexandrovich again, and my good accustomed life will go on as of old


just as if there existed, or could exist, between me and this officer-land any relationships different from those with other acquantances


no, SHE doesn't love him and can't love him


what am i ashamed of? what of it? what does it signify? am i afraid to look at it?


her aim is to do good, she is a Christian, and yet she is always angry and always had enemies-- all on account of Christianity and philanthropy

anna about countess lydia

after all, he is a good man: truthful, kind, and remarkable in his own sphere

anna about karenin

great heavens! what happened to his ears?

anna about karenin

but what does he matter to me?

anna about vronsky

there is no need to tell of him. besides, thank Heaven there is nothing to tell!

anna considers telling karenin about vronsky

yes, i want a breath of air. it is so hot in here

anna to annuscha

so my solitude has come to an end. you wouldn't believe how uncomfortable it is to dine alone!


without haste and without rest


and i will go and write to them in moscow

karenin to anna

i am now reading the duc du lille's poesi des enfers, a very remarkable book

karenin to anna

in general, i see your journey has been a success

karenin to anna

oh, splendidly! mariette says he was very sweet. but-- i'm sorry to grieve you! he did not fret after you like your husband! .. go and see her my dear, kondraty is here

karenin to anna

what a good thing is was that i had just half an hour to spare to meet you and was able to show my devotion!

karenin to anna

i don't think that one can excuse such a man, even though he is your brother

karenin to anna about oblinsky

well, were many tears shed in moscow over the parting?

karenin to vronsky

they say its coqueting ... i know it's not him i love, but still i feel happy with him, he is so charming

kitty (about levin?)

yes there is something strange, satanic, and enchanting about her

kitty about anna

because you must always be the belle of the ball

kitty to anna

how can you be dull at a ball

kitty to anna

i imagine you at that ball in lilac

kitty to anna

next week, and it will be a delightful ball. one of those balls which are always jolly

kitty to anna

i should learn quicker with you. for some reason i feel confidence with you

kitty to levin

it cannot be ... forgive me

kitty to levin

mlle linon is so fond of you!

kitty to levin

together, let us skate together!

kitty to levin

you seem to do everything passionately. i should so like to see you skate. put on a pair and let us skate together

kitty to levin

your praise is valuable. there is a tradition here that you are the best skater

kitty to levin

the princess helps to make a ball gay and beautiful anna arkadyevenna, shall we have a turn?

korsunsky to anna

who do we not know? my wife and i are like white wolves, everyone knows us.

korsunsky to anna

it is a rest to waltz with you. what lightness and precision! it's delightful!

korsunsky to kitty

do you know that our brother nicolas is here again?

koznyshev to levin

we russians are always like that. it may be a good trait in us-- this capacity to see our own faults-- but we overdo it, and comfort ourselves with sarcasm, which is always ready on our tongues. i can only tell you that with such rights as we have, any other european nation would have secured their freeom while we only jeer at the zemstvos

koznyshev to levin

well, and how is your zemstvo getting on?

koznyshev to levin

what i do understand is a lesson in humility. i have begun to look differently at what is called rascality since my brother nicolas has done what he has

koznyshev to levin

Is he not right that everything on earth is evil and horrid? And have we judged brother Nicholas fairly? Of course, from the Prokofy's point of view, who saw him in a ragged coat and tipsy, he is a despicable fellow; but I know him from another side. I know his soul and know that we resemble one another, And yet I, instead of looking him up, dined out and came here.


hullo you russian champion skater! when did you come? the ice is splendid--put on your skates!

nicolas shcerbatsky (kitty's cousin) to levin

I seemed to notice something of the kind yesterday. Oh yes, if he left early and was in a bad temper it must be that. He has been in love with her so long, and I am very sorry for him

oblonsky to vronsky

Oh yes, he is a very remarkable man, a bit conservative, but a splendid fellow

oblonsky to vronsky

Yes there was a reason why he had to be either specially happy or specially unhappy

oblonsky to vronsky

no you have not judged my Levin rightly. He is a very nervous man, and does make himself unpleasant sometimes, that's true enough; but on the other hand he is sometimes very charming. His is such an honest straightforward nature, and he has a heart of gold. But yesterday there were special reasons.

oblonsky to vronsky

all i can say is, i am his sister and i know his character, his capacity for forgetting everything that capacity for letting himself be completely carried away, but on the other hand for completely repenting. he can hardly believe now --can hardly understand--how he could to it

anna to dolly

but what is to be done, dolly, what is to be done? what is he best way of acting in this dreadful position> that is what one has to consider

anna to dolly

dolly dear! I do not wish to take his part or console you; that would be impossible, but, dearest I am simply sorry for you, sorry from the bottom of my heart!

anna to dolly

dolly dearest! i understand, but don't torture yourself. you are so deeply hurt, so upset that you see many things in the wrong light

anna to dolly

dolly, wait a bit. i have seen stiva when he was in love with you. i remember his coming to me and weeping, and i know the longer he lived with you the higher you rose in his esteem. you know we used to laugh at him because his every third word was "dolly is a wonder woman!" you have been and still are his divinity, and this infatuation never reached his soul

anna to dolly

i know the world better than you do. i know men like stiva and how they see these things. you think he spoke to here about you. that never happens. these men may be unfaithful, but their homes, their wives are their holy places. they manage in some way to hold these women in contempt and don't let them interfere with the family. they seem to draw some kind of line between the family and those others. i do not understand it, but it is so.

anna to dolly

oh no. he is pitiable, he is overwhelmed with remorse

anna to dolly

oh yes, i do, i do understand, dolly dear, i do understand

anna to dolly

oh yes, i know him. i could not look at him without pity. we both know him. he is kind-hearted, but he is proud too, and now he is so humiliated.

anna to dolly

wait a bit. when he was speaking to me, i confess i did not quite realize the misery of your position. i only saw his side, and that the family was upset, and i was sorry for him, but now having spoken with you I as a woman see something else. i see your suffering and i cannot tell you how sorry i am for you. but dolly dearest, i fully understand your sufferings --yet there is one thing i do not know. i do not know..i do not knowhow much love there still in your soul--you alone know that. is there enough forgiveness? if there is--then forgive him

anna to dolly

what moved me most is that two things tormented him. he is ashamed of the children, and that loving you more than anything else in world. he has hurt you, hit you so hard. he kept saying "no, no she will not forgive me"

anna to dolly

this is grisha? dear me, how he has grown!

anna to dolly about grisha

why dear me, here is tanya! you're just the same age as my little serezha

anna to dolly about tanya

well, God bless you!

anna to karenin

you insist too much on your devotion, for me to value it greatly

anna to karenin

no, my dear there are no more jolly balls for me. there are some that are not as difficult and dull as the rest

anna to kitty

oh very much, and i know he is her favourite, but anyone can see he is full of chivalry. for instance she told me that he wished to give all his property to his brother, that already as a boy he had done something extraordinary, saved a woman from drowning. in a word, he is a hero

anna to kitty

oh yes, it is good to be your age. i remember and know that blue mist, like the mist on the swiss mountains...that mist which envelops everything at that blissful time when childhood is just, just coming to an end, and its immense, blissful circle turns into an ever-narrowing path, and you enter the defile gladly yet with dread, though it seems bright and beautiful..who has not passed through it?

anna to kitty

why cannot i be dull at a ball

anna to kitty

No i won't stay. no, as it is i have danced more in moscow at your one ball than i have danced the whole winter in petersburg. i must rest before my journey

anna to korsunsky

i don't dance if it is possible not to

anna to korsunsky

stiva let it all out to me, and i shall be very pleased.... i traveled yesterday with vronksy's mother and she talked about him all the time. he is her favorite son. i know how partial mothers are

anna to ktty

Stiva, God and may god help you

anna to oblonsky

it is a bad omen

anna to oblonsky

let us talk of your affairs. i've received your letter and have come

anna to oblonsky

Come, God is merciful

anna to oblonsky about dolly

to me, you are the best in the world

anna to serezha

There, countess, you have met your son and I my brother and I have exhausted my stock of stories and should have had nothing more to tell you

anna to vronksy's mother

Oh yes, I should have recognized you, especially as i believe your mother and I have talked of nothing but you all the way.

anna to vronsky

i did not know that you were going too/ why are you going?

anna to vronsky

what you are saying is wrong, and if you are a good man, i beg you to forget it, as i will forget it

anna to vronsky

are you going out?

annushcha to anna

and do you think he realizes the horror of my situation. not at all! he is happy and contented

dolly to anna

He won't agree to a divorce! Whatever am I to do? I want to begin an action. What would you advise? Kamerovsky, mind the coffee its boiling over! Dont you see im occupied?

baroness to vronsky

well my dear, did you take the olive branch?

countess lydia

ah, yes! there is much sorrow and evil in the world, and to-day i am terribly worried

countess lydia to anna

i am getting tired of breaking lances uselessly in the cause of truth, and sometimes i feel quite unstrung. that little affair ... to work with those gentlemen is impossible. they took the idea and preverted it and are now discussing it in such a trivial, petty way! two or three, your husband among them, understand the significance of the affair, but the others just drop it

countess lydia to anna

he asked for the mazurka in my presence.

countess nordston to kitty

kitty are you not dancing the mazurka?

countess nordston to kitty

mr. levin disputes this town and hates us townspeople

countess nortston

i think you would make a splendid medium. there is something ecstatic about you

countess nortston to levin

gone! but how did he finish with her? is it possible that he still sees her? why didn't i ask him? no, no! it's impossible to be reunited ... we are strangers forever


but why should i not receive her? if only she does not try to console me!

dolly about anna

But for you, God only knows what would have happened! How lucky you are!

dolly to anna

It is impossible to console me. everything is lost after what has happened, everything destroyed

dolly to anna

You came here and did a good action

dolly to anna

and after that he will tell me. am i to believe him? never. no it's all ended, all that served as a consolation, as a reward for my labours, my sufferings...will you believe me, i have just been teaching grisha: it used to be a pleasure, and now it is a torment. what is the good of my taking pains, of working so hard? what use are the children? it is terrible, my soul has so revolted that instead of love and tenderness for him i have nothing but anger left, ues, anger. i could kill him

dolly to anna

everything is at an end, and that's all. And the worst of it is, you understand, that I can't leave him: there are the children and I am bound. Yet I can't live with him; it is torture for me to see him

dolly to anna

i could perhaps understand a momentary slip but deliberately, cunningly to deceive me and with whom? to go on living with me as my husband, and with her at the same's awful; you cannot realize

dolly to anna

if you like, but ill begin from the beginning. you know how i was married. with the education mama gave me, i was not merely naive, but silly! I knew nothing. i know that they say husbands tell their wives how they have lived, but stiva...but stephen arkadyevich never told me anything. you will hardly believe it, but up to now i thought i was the only woman he had ever known. in this way i have lived for nine years. only thing, that i not only did not suspect of him of unfaithfulness, but thought it impossible. i then... just imagine, with such ideas suddenly to find out all the horrors, all the abomination. try to understand me. to be fully convinced of one's happiness and suddenly to read a letter, his letter to his mistress, my children's governess. no it is too horrible.

dolly to anna

im afraid you will be cold upstairs. i want to move you down, and then we shall be nearer to one another

dolly to anna

is he capable of remorse?

dolly to anna

my dear how glad i am you came! i feel better now, much better

dolly to anna

well at least your skeleton is a funny one and not a dismal one

dolly to anna

what am i to do? think it over, anna, help me! i have turned over in my mind everything i could think of, and can find nothing

dolly to anna

yes i understand that his position is dreadful; it is worse for the guilty than for the innocent one if he feels that misfortune all comes from his fault. but how can i forgive him, how can i be a wife to him after her? life with him now will be a torture for me, just because I love my old love for him

dolly to anna

yes, but he kissed her

dolly to anna

you know she is young, she is pretty. you see, anna, my youth and my good looks have been sacrificed, and to whom? for him and his children. i have served his purpose and lost all i had in the service, and of course a fresh, good for nothing creature now pleases him better. they probably talked about me, or, worse still avoided the subject. you understand?

dolly to anna

keep your hands quiet, grisha

dolly to grisha

go away go away go away!

dolly to oblonsky

i know how you'll do it all. you will tell matthew to do something that cannot be done and will go away yourself, and he will muddle everything

dolly to oblonsky

you are horrid and disgudting to me

dolly to oblonsky

you think of our children when you want to play with them, but i am always thinking of them, and know they are ruined now

dolly to oblonsky

we grow up! three bears of english tale! do you remember?


how fine that you have come in a good time. it's wrong of people to come so late

george korsunsky to kitty

Yes, she was bound to choose him. It had to be so, and I have no cause to complain of anyone of anything. It was my own fault. What right had I to imagine that she would wish to unite her life with mine? Who and what am I? A man of no account, wanted by no one, and of no use to anyone.


Yes, there is certainly something objectionable and repellent about me. I do not get on with other people. They say it is pride! No, I am not proud. If I had any pride, I should not have put myself into such a position


ah, it's dreadful! dreadful!


any quote about being indifferent about what food oblonsky picks


i am no longer in the zemstvo


i feel that i cannot be at peace


i must... i must away with this weakness!


it may be impossible to help him, but i feel-- especially at this moment-- i feel i cannot be at peace


they play at being a parlaiment, and i am neither young enough nor old enough to amuse myself with toys ... coterie ... unearned salaries


this is life. this is joy!


I will tell him everything. I will get him to tell me everything. I will show him that I love and therefore understand him

levin (about his brother)

But now everything will be on new lines. it is nonsense to say that life will prevent it, that the past prevents it. I must struggle to live a better, far better, life.

levin to agatha

I was home sick Agatha Mikhaylovna, Visiting is all very well but there is no place like home

levin to agatha

Well, let us grant that electricity and heat are one and the same, but can we substitute the one quantity for another in solving the equation? No. Then what come of it? The connection between all forces of nature can be felt instinctively without all that.

levin to agatha

my words must make a deep impression on you for you to remember them so long

levin to countess norsten

If you want my full confession about it, I will tell you that I take no side in your quarrels with Ivanich. You are both to blame. you in more external matters and he in more internal ones

levin to nicholas

Why in a village? It seems to me there is plenty of work to do in the country as it is. Why start a Locksmith's association there?

levin to nicholas

i haven't any skates

levin to nicolas shcerbatsky

don't steal rolls

levin to oblonsky

i admire your dignity and am proud that my friend is such a great man! but at the same time you've not answered my question

levin to oblonsky

i don't believe in the tragedy. and the reason is this: i think love both kinds of love which you remember plato defines in his "symposium." some men understand one, some only the other. those who understand the non-platonic love need not speak of tragedy. for their love can be no tragedy.

levin to oblonsky

i have always thought of her as a jewel, your wife!

levin to oblonsky

i have come to propose to your sister in law

levin to oblonsky

pardon me, but i understand nothing

levin to oblonsky

put yourself in my place-- look at it from a country fellow's point of view! we try to get out hands into a state convenient to work with, and for that purpose we cut our nails and roll our sleeves, and have little saucers for studs to make it impossible for them to use their hands!

levin to oblonsky

understand for me that it is a question of life and death. i have never spoken to any one about it, and i can speak to no one else about it. now you and i are quite different in everything-- in taste and views and everything-- but i know you like me and understand me, and so awfully i am fond of you. but for God's sake be quite frank with me!

levin to oblonsky

well if that is it's aim, i'd rather be a savage

levin to oblonsky

try and realize that this is not love, i have been in love but this is not the same thing, it is not my feeling but some external power that has seized me. i went away because i came to the conclusion that it was impossoble-- you understand?? because such happiness does not exist on earth. but i have struggled with myself, and found that without that there's no life for me

levin to oblonsky about kitty

au revoir!

levin to oblonsky or kitty to levin

Show a light here, Theodore, here, Like its mother, although the color is its fathers; very fine, big-boned, and deep-flanked. Vasily Fedorich, isnt she fine?

levin to steward

when electricity was first discovered, only the phenomena was discovered . and only then afterwards the spiritualists began to say that it was an unknown force

levin to vronsky

he drinks vodka and it is bad for him

mary to levin

yes, it is the second year now. his health is very bad, he drinks too much

mary to levin

do your part-- God is merciful, pray to him sir, pray to him!

matrena (nurse) to oblonsky

the carraige is here, and there is a woman waiting for you

matvei to oblonsky

the lord be thanked!

matvei to oblonsky

Oh, let the priveleged classes go to the devil


What do you mean? May I ask how you knew it would waste your time? That article is incomprehensible to many; I mean it is above them

nicholas to kritsky

Ah! You have come just for that? Well come in, sit down. Will you have some supper? Masha, get supper for three. No wait a little. Do you know who this is? It is Mr. Kritsky, my friend ever since my Kiev days, a very remarkable fellow. Of course, the police are after him because he is not a scoundrel.

nicholas to levin

And this woman, is my life's companion, Mark Nikolavna; I took her out of a house... But I love and respect her and beg all those who wish to know me to love and respect her. She is just the same to me as a wife, just the same. So now you whom you have to deal with and if you fear you will be degraded-there is the door.

nicholas to levin

Because the peasants are still just as much as slaves as they used to be. and that is why you and Sergius Ivanich don't like it when anyone wishes to deliver them from slavery.

nicholas to levin

Do you see that? It is the beginning of a new business we are undertaking. The business is to be a Productive Association...

nicholas to levin

I am not well and have grown irritable. And you talk to me about Sergius Ivanich? It is such rubbish, such humbug, such self-deception. What can a man write about justice, who does not understand it?

nicholas to levin

I know your aristocratic outlook and Sergius Ivanich's. I know that he uses all the powers of his mind to justify the existing evils.

nicholas to levin

If you do not wish to tell me, do as you please. Only you have no business to talk to her. She's a street girl and you are a gentleman. you I see, have examined and weighed everything here, and regard my errors with compassion.

nicholas to levin

In the next world? Ah, i do dislike the next world. One who would think that to leave all these abominations, these muddles, would be good- yet I fear death- i fear it terrible

nicholas to levin

Sergius Ivanich? This is why! This is why.... But what is the good of talking? One thing only... Why have you come here? You despise it, well that is all right- then go away. Go, go in God's name! Go, go!

nicholas to levin

Well all right, all right! ..... how about supper? Ah, here it is. Here, Here put it down here. Have a drink will you? Well, we've had enough of Sergius Ivanich. I am glad to see you anyhow. Whatever one may say after all, we are not strangers. Come have a drink and tell me how you are doing

nicholas to levin

Yes, tell me what is happening in Pokrovsk. Is the house still standing and the birch trees and our school room? And is Philip the gardener still living? How well I remember the garden house and sofa!

nicholas to levin

You know that capitalism oppresses the workers. Our workmen the peasants bear the whole burden of labor, but are so placed that, work as they may, cannot escape from their degrading condition. All the profits on their labor, by which they might better their condition, give themselves some leisure, and consequently some gain some eduction, all this surplus value is taken away by the capitalists. And our society has shaped itself that the more people work the richer the merchants and landowners will become, while the people will remain beasts of burden forever. And this system must be changed

nicholas to levin

why don't you get married

nicholas to levin

why not? for me all that is over. I have spoilt my life. i have said, and still say that if I had been given my share of the property when I wanted it, everything would've been different

nicholas to levin

let go! leave me alone! ill thrash you!

nicholas to mary

i humbly beg you to leave me alone


don't hurt yourself, it needs practice!

nicolas shcerbatsky

a momentary infatuation


ah-- oysters!


everything is disorganized


it's all the fault of that stupid smile


of course it's not quite nice that she had been a governess in our house. that's bad! there's something banal, a art of taste, in carrying on with one's governnss


oh dear, oh dear!


oh, things are wretched, miserable!


she will never forgive me; she can't forgive me! it's all my own fault-- i'm not guilty! that's the tragedy of it!


the german has been wound up for life to wind up clocks


how happily we lived! she was contented, happy in her children, and i never interfered with hr but left her to fuss over them and the household as she pleased

oblonsky about dolly

he's a lucky man! three thousand desyatins in the Karazin district, his life before him, and such freshness! not like some of us!

oblonsky about levin

ah how terrible! oh anna, if you had seen it! ah how terrible! and his wife was there. it was dreadful to see her. she threw herself on the body. they say he was the sole support of a very large family. it is terrible!

oblonsky to anna

you're here and that is the chief thing. you can't think how my hopes rest on you

oblonsky to anna

come now dolly! always making difficulties. if you like i will do it all

oblonsky to dolly

for heaven's sake think of the children! they haven't done anything! punish me-- make me suffer for my sin!

oblonsky to dolly

not at all. why do you so despise matthew and me?

oblonsky to dolly

ah old chap, women are the pivot on which everything turns!

oblonsky to levin

awfully rich, handsome, with influential connections, and aide-de-camp to the emperor, and at the same time very natured and a first-rate fellow; very educated and will go fare

oblonsky to levin

didn't you tell me you would never again put on western clothes?

oblonsky to levin

fiery steeds by something brands i can always recognize; youths in love at once i know, by the look that lights in their eyes!

oblonsky to levin

himmlisch its wenn ich bezwuggen meine irdiche beiger aber foch wenn's nicht genulen hatt'ich recht hubch plassir! It is heavenly whenI have mastered my earthly desires; but even when i have not succeeded. I have also had right good pleasure!

oblonsky to levin

how are you to do? what am i do do? how am i to act? when my wife is loved but then a sudden love crosses your path and you're lost?

oblonsky to levin

how is it you deign to look me up in the den? been here long?

oblonsky to levin

it is both a virtue and a fault with you. you have a consistent character and wish all of these facts of life to be consistent, but they never are

oblonsky to levin

my wife is a wonderful woman. she has the gift of clarivoyance and sees people through and through. buy more than that, she knows what is going to happen especially in regard to marraiges ... she says that kitty is sure to be your wife

oblonsky to levin

oh, don't! Christ would never have spoken these words, had he known how they would be misused! there are only words in the Gospels that seem to be remember. however, i am not saying what i think, but rather what i feel. i have the horror of a faller woman. spiders

oblonsky to levin

say what you like, it is one of the pleasures of life!

oblonsky to levin

tell me, what am i to do? my wife is getting old, and i am full of vitality.

oblonsky to levin

that's it! you're in a new phase

oblonsky to levin

the aim of civilization is to enable us to get enjoyment out of everything

oblonsky to levin

the reason you ought to know who vronsky is: he is one of your rivals

oblonsky to levin

there are two kinds of women.. or rather, no! there are women and there are... i have never seen any charming fallen creatures, and never shall see any; and people like that frenchwoman with her curls out there are an abomination to me

oblonsky to levin

you don't care much for oysters, or perhaps you're thinking of something else. Eh?

oblonsky to levin

you mean i'm deficent in something?

oblonsky to levin

But you are sure to know Alexis Alexandrovich Karenin, my famous brother in law. All the world knows him

oblonsky to vronksy

I say, did you make the acquaintance of my friend Levin last night

oblonsky to vronksy

Fiery steeds by something brands I can always recognize Youths in love

oblonsky to vronsky

a young leutenent, not of very aristocratic birth, and not only wealthy but heavily in debt, tipsy every evening, and often under arrest


if it is one of the villians, don't let him in!


The Grand Duchess passed by with one of the ambassadors and as his ill-luck would have it they were discussing the new helmets. The grand duchess wishes to show him one of them. She sees our dear Buzulukov standing there- the grand duchess asks him for the helmet but she wont let him have it! What can this mean? No! he stands there more dead than alive. Just imagine it!

petrisky to room

Vronsky! Bravo! The master himself! Baroness, some coffee for him out of the new coffee pot. Well this is unexpected! I hope you are pleased with this ornament to your study.

petrisky to vronsky

it's a good thing he is so unattractive, and that kitty has not fallen in love with him


i wish to say that having given hopes to one...

princess to kitty

you promised not to have secrets from me and you won't, will you?

princess to kitty

mama! mama!

serezha to anna

Whom could she take after, not to be good? Simon, the contractor, came the day after you left. We shall not have to employ him, Constantine Dmitrich. I told you about the machine

steward to levin

your brother is here. excuse my not recognizing you before. our acquaintance was so slight that I am sure that you do not remember me

vronksy to anna

To tell you the truth i felt in such a pleasant mood when I left the Shcherbatskys' that I did not care to go anywhere else.

vronksy to oblonsky

She is very charming isn't she? Her husband put her into the compartment with me and I was very pleased We talked all the way

vronksy's mother to vronsky

i shall see her again, i shall see her walk, her face ... she will say something, perhaps even smile

vronsky about anna

dear me! the husband!

vronsky about karenin

And how sweetly, simply, and above all trustfully! I feel myself better and purer, I feel I have a heart and that there is much that is good in me. Those dear loving eyes! when she said "and very much"

vronsky about kitty

that is what is so delightful, that nothing was said either by me or by her, yet we so well understand one another in that subtle language of looks and tones that today more plainly than ever she has told me that she loves me.

vronsky about kitty

i hope to have the honour of calling on you

vronsky to anna

not a word, not a moment of yours will i ever forget, nor can i...

vronsky to anna

so you are really going tomorrow

vronsky to anna

you know that i am going in order to be where you are. i cannot do otherwise. forgive me if my words displease you

vronsky to anna

ah countess, you really must take me there. for goodness' sake take me to them! i have never seen anything supernatural

vronsky to countess nortston

You had my telegram? You're well? That's a good thing.

vronsky to his mother

i am fond of the country

vronsky to levin

we admit the existence of electricity, which we don't understand, why can't there be other forces?

vronsky to levin

But I should think shy may make a better match. However, I don't know him. Yes, it is a painful position! That's why so many prefer women of the demi-mode. If you don't succeed in that case it only shows that you have not enough money, but in this case one's pride is the in the balance. But here's the train.

vronsky to oblonsky

I don't know it is that all Muscovites, present company of course excepted are so abrupt They are always standing on their hind legs getting angry, and seem to want to act on your feelings

vronsky to oblonsky

Yes I know him by repute and by sight. I know he is clever, learned, and by the way of being religious, but you now it is not in my line

vronsky to oblonsky

I could travel round the world with you and not be dull. You are one of those charming women with whom it is nice to talk, and nice to be silent. But please don't fret about your son, you can't expect never to parted

vronsky's mother to anna

Let me kiss your pretty face. I'm an old woman and I say what i mean, and tell you frankly that i've lost my heart to you

vronsky's mother to anna

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