ANS331 Exam 1

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During female sexual differentiation, which structures regresses? Mullerian duct Epithelial cords Mesonephric tubules Mesonephric duct

Epithelial cords Mesonephric tubules Mesonephric duct

What is the function of the blood-testis barrier? Prevents immune system from attacking spermatozoa Allows certain molecules (i.e. antibodies) to cross into the testes Increases blood flow to the testes Assist with meiosis

Prevents immune system from attacking spermatozoa

rathkes develops to

anterior pituitary (from diverticulum of stomodeal roof)

what gland has control of testosterone

bulourethral gland

what is the fate of most egg cells


Name a domestic animal specie that does not have a pendulous scrotum:

dog, feline, pig

in the male, mesonephric tubules turn to

efferent ducts


infundibulum/brain floor



when does the zone pellucida form

secondary stage

mucus during pregnancy


tunica dartos

sustained contractions

Which of the following is NOT a male reproductive accessory gland?


how does mucus change during partrition

tacky=mucus plug slimy=true labor calf coming within 12 hr

Which structure is carrying the "hot" blood to the testes?

testicular artery

neural endocrine reflex

-Thermal, tactile, or visual stimulation -Sensory nerve endings -Afferent neurons -Spinal column -More neurons into the hypothalamus (our control center for reproduction) -Hypothalamus will act on pituitary -Anterior pituitary releases FSH and LH, which has an effect on follicular ovulation -Oxytocin is released into the bloodstream -Tail of epididymis and mammary gland

simple neural reflex

-Thermal, tactile, or visual stimulation -Sensory nerve endings -Afferent neurons -Spinal cord -Efferent neurons -Target tissue

Ovary consists of....

1.primordial (squamous cells) 2.primary (cuboidal cells) 3. secondary (zone pellucida (what sperm penetrate)) 4. antral/tertiary (has three layers) 5. corpus hemorrhagium (CH) 6. corpus lute (CL) 7. corpus albicans (CA)

three systems that develop at the same time as the reproductive tract

1.pronephros (primitive kidney) 2.mesonephros (forms urine and empties into urogenita sinus) 3. metanephros (final kidney)

Which of the following is within the range of DAILY sperm production in mammals? 50 million 50 billion 15 billion 250,000

15 billion

when is testicular descent in most animals

2/3rd trimester (besides colt-up to a year after birth)

A pre-ovulatory follicle has ___ distinct cell layers.


In the species discussed in this course, the temperature gradient between core body temperature and the testes must be __________ for successful spermatogenesis. 4-6 degrees F 1-2 degrees F 2-3 degrees C 4-6 degrees C

4-6 deg C

What is the typical storage capacity (in days of production) of the tail of the epididymis? 1 day 21 days 4-8 days 14 days

4-8 days

how long is sperm stored in the tail of the epididymis

4-8 days

testicular artery

Abdominal aorta to inguinal canal-straight, After inguinal canal-highly convoluted, 'Wrapped' in testicular veins, Almost pulseless

Where is the specific site of fertilization?

Ampullary-isthmic junction

Neurotransmitter (simple neural reflex)

Causes other nerves to fire OR Causes contractions of smooth muscle that surround reproductive tract Ex. tunica dartos/testes thermoregulation GnRH = driving hormone, FSH and LH are released by GnRH -prevents dilution of GnRH

Which is true regarding ampulla of the oviduct? Cilliated columnar cells Funnel shaped to catch ova Over ½ of entire oviduct Striated squamous cells Large diameter

Ciliated columnar cells, over 1/2 of entire oviduct, large diameter

pampiniform plexus

Convoluted testicular artery Testes temperature is about 4-6C from body

Neuroendocrine reflexes

Efferent neuron travel to hypothalamus- releases neurohormones (GnRH) Neurohormones enter bloodstream and activate target tissues Oxytocin is a neural hormone GnRH → anterior pituitary → ovary Requires that a neurohormone (released by a neuron) enters the bloodstream and act on remote target tissue

Simple Neural Reflexes

Efferent neurons travel directly to target tissue- elicit response Nerves release neurotransmitters directly to target tissue Target tissue- direct innervation by neurotransmitter


Failure of one or both testes to descend through inguinal canal

what causes freemartins

Female is exposed to testosterone and anti-mullerian hormone from male (Extraembryonic membranes of each conceptus fuse Common chorion, same cotyledons Common blood supply between male and female)

Which is NOT true of a freemartin? -Common cotyledons between fetuses -Female reproductive tract is exposed to Mullerian hormone -Testes develop first, so bull calf is not affected -Hefier calf is sterile due to andronization of reproductive tract

Female reproductive tract is exposed to Mullerian hormone

another name for the antral follicle if it grows into pre-ovulatory follicle (if the egg ovulates)

Graafian follicle

Align the event of testicular descent earliest to latest

Growth and elongation of testicular body, rapid growth of gubernaculum, shrinkage of the gubernaculum, fully regressed gubernaculum

Which of the following is NOT true regarding the testicular artery? Is wrapped by testicular veins (pampiniform plexus) Is convoluted from abdominal aorta to inguinal canal Is essential for thermoregulation of testis Is convoluted within the spermatic cord Returns venule blood to body at essentially the same temperature it left

Is convoluted from abdominal aorta to inguinal canal

Pair the hormone with its site and action LH and FSH

LH-ledig cells-testosterone production FSH- Sertoli cells- spermatogenesis

thermoregulation of testes

Location of testes Sweat glands Low insulation of scrotum Cremaster Tunica dartos Pampiniform plexus

The three main functions of the epididymis are: (check all that apply) Thermoregulation of testes Maturation of spermatozoa Storage of spermatozoa Trickle Spermatogenesis Hormone secretion

Maturation of spermatozoa Storage of spermatozoa Trickle


Muscle, skeleton, cardiovascular, REPRO SYSTEM

is reproduction an efficient process


Which of the following is NOT true regarding development of adenohypophysis? Originates from the diverticulum of the stomodeal roof Origninates from the rathkes pouch Becomes a body of cells Originates from the diverticulum of the brain floor

Originates from the diverticulum of the brain floor

In the mare where does ovulation occur? Antral torsion Follicular bursa Ovulation fossa Corpus luteum

Ovulation fossa

posterior pituitary

PPP and PVN oxytocin through axons

what secrets oxytocin and where is it housed and where secreted

PVN secretes oxytocin, in the posterior pituitary, but housed in anterior pituitary

The main purposes of seminal plasma are:

Provide nutrients and buffers for spermatozoa

Sexual differentiation is regulated by ____ on the ___ chromosome Female sex determining;X SRY gene;Y Antimullerian hormone; Y SRY protein;Y

SRY gene; Y

Epithelial cords eventually become Seminiferous Tubules Mullerian ducts Rete testis Mesonephric ducts

Seminiferous tubules

Spermatogenesis occurs here: Rete testes Tail of the epididymis Seminiferous tubules Pampiniform plexus

Seminiferous tubules

In general how do the sperm cells move through the male reproductive tract? Smooth muscle contractions of various ducts Whip-like action of the sperm tail Capillary action Uterine contractions

Smooth muscle contractions of various ducts

Neurohormone (neuroendocrine reflex)

Tends to travel farther Released into bloodstream (capillaries) Enter the bloodstream to target tissues elsewhere in the body Ex. suckling reflex/milk let-down

NOT a fxn of the muscularis of the uterus? Transport of early embryos Expulsion of fetus and fetal membrane during parturition Transports sperm cells through cervix Transport of secretory products

Transports sperm cells through cervix

How are old spermatozoa removed from the body? Trickle of out of the epididymis and vas deferens and flushed out with urine Male ejaculates on own periodically to get rid of 'old' cells Reabsorbed by wall of the epididymis Dead 'old' spermatozoa are ejaculated with the next group of live sperm cells

Trickle of out of the epididymis and vas deferens and flushed out with urine

The spermatic cord contains which of the following? (check all that apply) Sweat glands Vaginal cavity Convoluted testicular artery Cremaster muscle Tunica dartos Vas defrens/ductus deferens Pampiniform plexus Viseral Vaginal tunic parietal vaginal tunic

Vaginal cavity Convoluted testicular artery Cremaster muscle Vas defrens/ductus deferens Pampiniform plexus Viseral Vaginal tunic parietal vaginal tunic

seminal vesicle function

add a large amount of seminal plasma for the bull and boar

anterior pituitary gland

adenhypophysis (originates from roof of embryos mouth, stomodeal ectoderm, rathkes pouch)

protein hormones

attach to outside of cell (slow)

Steps of cytoplasmic droplet from development to shedding

base of head, middle of tail, distal tail, shed

What prevents antibodies from attacking the developing spermatozoa in the seminiferous tubules?

blood-testis barrier

What suspends the non-pregnant mammalian reproductive tract is suspended in the body?

broad ligament

male repro accessory glands

bulbourethral gland prostate gland seminal vesicles

The gel portion of the boar or stallion ejaculate is produced by which gland?

bulbourethral glands

where does gel fraction of ejaculate come from

bulbourethral glands

privilege pathway

the crypts of the cervix, (filtration) but is a shortcut to the oviduct and allows the sperm to last longer in the female

antral follicles consist of three layers. ..

theca exerna (supports follicle), theca interna (produces androgens), granulosa (produces estrogen, inhibit, and follicular fluid)

How is the blood testis barrier accomplished? (multiple) Tight junctions of Sertoli cells Mediastinum Seminiferous tubules Peritubular cells

tight junctions of Sertoli cells and peritubular cells

tonic vs surge center

tonic is slow and steady GnRH for male surge center is big slugs into the female basically of GnRH

T/F The fate of most oocytes is death.


T/F The fate of most spermatozoa is death


T/F The percentage of sperm cells produced that actually fertilize an ova is extremely small.


The cytoplasmic droplet must be shed from the sperm tail in order to be able to fertilize the ovum True False


Vagina very active secretory organ True False


most follicles are quiescent t or f


cremaster muscle

unsustained contractions

list what is in the spermatic cord

vaginal cavity, visceral vaginal tunic, parietal vaginal tunic, cremaster muscle, ductus deferens, testicular artery, pampiniform plexus

In the female the mullerian ducts eventually become Epididymis Testes Efferent ducts Cervix Oviducts Uterus vagina

cervix, oviducts, uterus, vagina

prostate gland fxn

cleanses the urethra

ledig cells

control LH and testosterone production

If an ovary has a functioning, growing follicle present, it will not have a functioning ___ present.

corpus luteum

Which portion of the ovary houses the oocytes (except the mare)? Cortex Germinal epithelium Medulla Ampulla


function of cortex versus medulla

cortex- houses the follicles medulla- highly vascularized, lots of blood flow

cortex versus medulla

cortex-contains follicles (outer region) medulla- contains larger blood supply and vessel in repro tract; (innermost region)

What is the mechanism of heat transfer in the pampiniform plexus? Radiative exchange All of these are true Counter-current heat exchange Evaporative cooling

counter-current heat exchange

pampiniform plexus

countercurrent heat exchange

What is the term for the lack of descent of either one or both testes?



digestive system, lungs, endocrine system

in male, paramesonephric duct


in female, mesonephric duct and tubules


Spermatozoa are ejaculated from which part of the epididymis?

distal region

what was the first animal AI'ed


efferent versus afferent

efferent back down and afferent up and away

Reproduction is NOT an ___ process. Many resources are used to ensure survival of the species.


what stimulates prostiglandin

empty uterus

mucosa and submucosa=


in the male, mesonephric ducts turn to

epydidymis and vas deferns

what causing contractions and ease of them

estrogen causes them, and progesterone makes them stop

location of spermatic cord

extends from inguinal ring to top of testis

Spermatozoa are ejaculated from the head of the epididymis. True False


T/F Since the ovary contains all of the oocytes at an animal's birth, it is quiescent/stagnant throughout its life and does not change much.


The velvety, finger-like projections on the infundibulum of the oviduct are called:


cervix fxn

flushing (with mucus), lubrication (thinner mucus), protection/barrier (thick mucus)

blood testis barrier info

formed by the tight junctions made by the sertoli cells

Bulburethral/ Cowper's Gland fxn

gel portion of the ejaculate last one

steroid hormones

go into cell nucleus (fast)

ductus deferens function

goes up into body and sperm transport tube

Which layer of the antral follicle produces estrogen and inhibin? Theca extrana Granulosa Theca interna Tertiary


what cells produce estrogen, inhibit, and follicular fluid

granulosa (third innermost/center of antral follicles)

What is the name of the ligament that assists with testicular descent?


When estrogen levels are high which of the following is true? High degree of tone in mare Increased tone assists with embryo migration and attachment High degree of tone in most species Flaccid in most species

high degree of tone in most species

anterior pituritary

hormones released from here FSH and LH

3 sections of oviduct

infundibulum, ampulla, isthmus


kills the CL (Lutylase)

what is the ultimate goal of reproduction

live birth

2 phases of ovarian cycle Thecal Luteal Estrual Follicular

luteal and follicular

seminal vesicles fxn

majority of the sperm wave comes from this

Why would the developing spermatozoa be identified as foreign by the immune system?


Which embryonic layer gives rise to most of the reproductive system in mammals?


what layer of inner cell mass gives rise to repro system


Another name for the paramesonephric ducts Clitoral Differentiated Muscularis Mullarian


What is the specifc term for the muscular layers of the uterus?



nervous system, skin, hair

posterior pituitary gland

neurohypophysis (originates from infundibulum 3rd ventricle)

what animals do and dont have pendulous scrota

non pendulous- horse, pig, dog, cat pendulous- bull, ram

seminal plasma

not required for fertility- added to the sperm cells during the ejaculation process- adds nutrient and buffers

what in female is developed from mullerian (paramesonephric) ducts(mesoderm)

oviducts, uterus, cervix, cranial vagina

where does ovulation occur in the mare

ovulation fossa

Where do the oviduct, uterus, cervix and caudal vagina develop from?

paramesonephric ducts



Gubernaculum is derived from what


Which of the following is not a male accessory gland? Prostate gland Bulbourethral glands Pituitary gland Vesicular gland

pituitary gland

blastocoel and inner cell mass

placenta and ICM rest of body

What forms the infundibulum?

posterior pituitary

infundibulum/3rd ventricle develops to

posterior pituitary (from diverticulum of brain floor)

blood testes barrier

prevents destruction of developing spermatozoa by immune system (meiosis) → went through meiosis twice 1. peritubular cells 2. tight junctions between sertoli cells

Hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal system

prevents the pituitary from diluting GnRH

corpus cavernosum

primarily engorges with blood during erection

Which stage of follicular development would you find squamous cells surrounding the follicle? Graafian Antral Primordial Secondary Primary


What is the most immature stage of folliculogenesis? (hint: microscopic, surrounded by single layer of squamous cells)

primordial follicular

SORT the following into chronological order of development: secondary, primary, antral/graafian, ovulation, primordial

primordial, primary, secondary, antral/graafian, ovulation


pro pregnancy, is produced by the CL

One of the functions of a CL is to produce ____, which is turn maintains pregnancy.


3 accessory glands

prostate, seminal vesicles, bulburalrethra

sella turcica

protects both anterior and posterior pituitary glands

functions of vaginal mucus

protects vagina during copulation, thickens with estrogen, prevents micro bacteria with thicken mucosa

2 functions of the cremaster

raise and lower testis--pump blood back up into body

adenohypophysis from

rathkes pouch

The reproductive system and the ______ system develop in close proximity and at the same time as each other Muscular Cardiac Renal Respiratory



secretes oxytocin (produces), transports via axons

The bony structure that develops around the pituitary gland protecting it? Rathkes's pouch Diverticulum Sella turcica Inner cell mass

sella turcica

Which of the following is NOT a method of thermoregulation in the testes? Sweat glands Seminiferous tubules Tunica dartos Testicular artery Pampiniform plexus

seminiferous tubules

Steps of a spermatozoa from the structure of origin to its structure of storage

seminiferous tubules, rete testes, efferent ducts, head, body, tail of epididymis

spermatogenesis pathway

seminiferous tubules→ rete testis→ efferent ducts→ head of epididymis→ body of epididymis→ tail of epididymis → deferent duct/vas deferens

Which cells secrete the anti-mullerian hormone? Sertoli cells Paranephric cells Governor cells Leydig cells

sertoli cells

SRY gene

sex determining region of Y chromosome (determines male or female)

4 parts of scrotal tissue

skin, tunica dartos, scrotal fascia, parietal vaginal tunic

mucus during estrus

slimy (stringy, think of the show heifers slimy when in heat)

Which species is the semen deposited into the cervix deeper than others? Queen Mare Ewe Cow Sow


Epididymis function

storage, maturation, trickle

what happens if timing is off in reproduction

a successful reproduction does not happen

seminiferous tubules

(SSSS) sperm production, Sertoli cells 'govern spermatogenesis' , under control of FSH

The SRY gene is found on which chromosome?

Y chromosome

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