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what is rancidity?

oxidation of fat long fatty acids broken down to short fatty acids

activity of bacteria

oxymyoglobin> oxidation +bacteria > metmyoglobin metmyoglobin> bacteria > choleglobin metmyoglobin> bacteria > sulfmyoglobin

what is porcine 1-2 yrs or greater called?

packer sow, stag (castrated), boar

inedible meat products of lungs in US?

pet foods

cause the sarcomeres to be longer can?

prevent cold shortening stretch sarcomeres

quality grade effects?

prime has more marbling than choice and choice has more than select

what do the ovaries do?

produce estrogen and progesterone

what does the pancreas do?

produce insulin and trypsin

what is reclaimed meat?

products obtained from bone, fat or blood

what are by-products responsible for?

profitability of operating packing plants ball park figure for contribution fo by-products to value of livestock: 10% depending on species

what is the function of bone in living animal?

protects organs locomotion support and rigidity

what does putrid mean?

protein, carbohydrates broken down making it sour

saran barrier

provides oxygen barrier

tender cut in tenderloin steak?

psoas major

Metmyoglobin Reducing Activity (MRA)

reduced myoglobin (deoxymyoglobin)->oxymyoglobin->metmyoglobin->reduced myoglobin (deoxymyoglobin)> (etc.) -difference in muscle high in longissimus dorsi low in in biceps femoris ability of muscle to keep reducing

What does calcitonin do?

reduces blood calcium levels

what does the H-zone do?

region of A-band with only thick filaments

what is an A-band?

region of sacromere containing thick and thin filaments

what does calpastatin do?

regulate release of calpains higher levels and activity=less breakdown of myofibrils

What does thyroxine do?

regulates metabolism

what are aorta valves used for?

replacement of defective human heart valves

actomyosin effect?

sarcomere length, muscle fiber diameter, sarcomere/fragment

what is cold shortening?

sarcomeres shorten due to cold-induced nervous responses making tougher meat

fats in cattle for edible meat by-products?


what are the minor parts of a carcass?

skin arteries nerves veins

what is porcine less than 3 mo called?

slaughter pig

what is the name for the skin of an unborn calf?

slunk skin

what are the uses of leather in relation to hides, pets, and skins?

sofas baseballs gloves football/basketball

what are gall stones used for?

sold as aphrodisiac in far east

what is a titer?

solidification point of fatty acids in fat

what does the spinal cord provide?

source fo cholestrol use to make vitamin D

What does the pituitary gland do?

source of ACTH

what does the thyroid gland do?

source of thyroxine and calcitonin

roast is more tender than what counterparts?


what is the most valuable?

steer hide

what does fat do in living animals?

store energy insulation protects vital organs

what does myoglobin do?

store oxygen in cells

what does intestines make?

surgical sutures and condoms

What is the epimysium?

surrounds entire muscle

What is the perimysium?

surrounds muscle bundle

What is the endomysium?

surrounds muscle fiber

Stretch the sarcomeres

tamu tenderstretch - suspended by obturator foramen stouffer's stretching devices - tenderstrech + clamps and stretching rods TenderCut - bones and connective tissues cut

pelt value depends on?

the length of wool (inches)


tipper tie: too much operator error cryovac 8200: too slow cryovac 8300(16, 18, 24): needs faster speed and better efficiency from minor improvements cryovac 8600 mutlichamber heat-sealing: 30 pieces per min, 90% meat products

what is ground substance?

tissue dispersed in a watery matrix

why do we add salt?

to extract SSHCP, by extracting actin, myosin, actomyosin

Old method of manufacturing

took 2 weeks

unaged meat

tough 24hrs postmortem

what does hemoglobin do?

transport oxygen from lungs to cells

other packaging systems for meat?

tray-ready: precut, wrapped when arriving to store case-ready: no rewrap needed modified atmosphere packaging: 80% O2 + 20% CO2 or 80% N2 + 20% CO2 - preserve meat

chilled pork is

trimmings or whole carcasses

addition of exogenous enzymes?

tropical plant enzymes - heat activated: a. swift's pro-ten inject into live animal in jugular vein adolph's meat tenderizer -sprinkle on meat, can expose microorganisms b. papain - papaya , bromelin-pineapple, ficin-fig, actinidin- kiwi fruit

who are the pioneers in boxed beef?

tyson-IBP, JBS-swift, cargill

disrupt connective tissue by:

use of exogenous enzymes severance of stromal proteins conversion of collagen to gelatin

what is a bovine less than 3 months called?


6 binding sites for heme pigment in myoglobin

what attaches to the free binding site will determine the meat color

which pelt is the most valuable?

wool pelts because it has the longest wool length

what is caprine 1-2 yrs called?



CN red color


CO red color

Leaders in vacuum packaging technology

Cryovac - leader in packaging industry Viskase American National Can


SH green color


Starter culture - to speed up process of conversion from NO3 to NO2 -Micrococcus aurantiacus -Lactobacillus plantarum -Pediococcus cerevisiae

what are fetal pigs used for?

biology teaching

severance of stromal proteins

blade or needle tenderization mechanical severance

tissues and organs in by-products?

blood bone intestines liver lungs spinal cord stomach

what are the major parts of a carcass?

bone connective tissue muscle fat

what breed fo cattle have greater levels of calpastatin?

bos indicus -more tough

what are additoinal factors affecting meat tenderness?

breed type locomotive vs support muscles quality grade effects degree of doneness


brown color OH

binding index

bull= 100 reference index amount of SSHCP in meat no more than 35% fat no more than 40% combination of water and fat

what is porcine 3-9 mo called?

butcher hog

effects of brands

butt brand: branded on rump area $5/hide colorado brand: branded on side $10/hide

what is caprine less than 3 mo called?


what does bone provide?

calcium and phosphorous

what is a bovine 3-9 mo called?


what is the inhibitor of calpains?


what is fetal calf blood used for?

cancer and AIDS research

Non-meat ingredients in frankfurters

cereals soy proteins milk proteins

Smoking, cooking, thermal processing

coagulates protein matrix fixes NO to myoglobin to nitrosyl hemochromogen (cured pink color) adds smoke components pasteurizes product kills trichinella spiralis (in pork)

what are gelatin and glue high in?


what are fibrils of stromal proteins?

collagen elastin reticulum

what is smoking?

combustion of of moist sawdust or use of liquid smoke

what is carcass meat?

comprised of bone, connective tissue, muscle and fat

background effect?

concentration of stromal proteins size of elastin fibrils solubility of collagen

what is the function of connective tissue in living animal?

connects muscle to bones collects activity of muscle fibers

what is the I-band?

contains thin filaments only where Z-lines are in the middle of them

what is muscle?

contractile organ made of connective tissue, muscle fiber and intramuscular fat

what does Lactobacillus plantarum and pediococcus cerevisae do?

converts sugar to lactic acid

what is steamed bone meal?

cooking bones with steam, under high pressure, to remove any fat and meat left

what do liver and bile extracts make?

cortisone (anti-inflammatory)

what does micrococcus auranticus do?

coverts NO3 >NO2

increase in age indicates a?

decrease in collagen

What is intramuscular fat?

deposits of fat in perimysium and endomysium

what are some animal feeds and fertilizers?

dried blood or blood meal - high in nitrogen fertilizer meat meal - feed steamed bone meal -feed

fermented sausage

dry-less than 35% moisture semi-dry-less than 50% moisture fermented > lactic acid conversion of sugar> lactic acid for tangy flavor

what is variety meat?

edible organs and glands such as kidney, liver, heart , brain, stomach , sweetbread

what is meat?

edible portions of domestic mammals used for foos

what does muscle do in living animals?

energy converts energy to work

what does marbling do?

ensure acceptable tenderness at higher levels of doneness

what does trypsin do?

enzyme that breaks down proteins

what do calpains do?

enzymes that cause aging require Ca to activate, done after rigor

what does the adrenal gland do?

epinephrine extracted from adrenal medulla adrinocortical extract from adrenal cortex

Laminated bag layers

ethyl vinyl acetate - protects saran layer saran - provides O2 barrier, inner layer irradiated ethyl vinyl acetate - protects saran cryovac TBG bag -bone guard material, used for subprimals

what is a carcass?

eviscerated body of domestic mammals

What is greening?

excess nitrite, excess bacteria frankfurter defect

what are tallows and greases?

fat having a titer above 40 degrees celsius tallow is more solid

what is the dry rendering process?

fatty tissues placed into steam-jacketed cylinders with rotating blades fat cells are ruptured and melted fat is released from supporting tissues

what are other by-products?

fetal calf blood aorta valves fetal pigs gall stones

what are the components of connective tissue?

fibrils of stromal proteins and ground substance

processed meat?

frankfurters and hams

plasma protein isolate

from blood

mechanically separated from beef and pork

from bone

Lean Finely Textured Beef

from fat

calf skin trimmings for edible meat by-products


pork skins for edible meat by-products?

gelatin, french fried pork skins

where are stromal proteins dispersed in?

ground substance

animals with a hide indicate a?

heavier animal

what do lungs provide?

heparin a blood thinner -prevents blood clots

what does the M-line do?

holds thick filaments

what does Z-line do?

holds thin filaments and separate sarcomeres

what does the parathyroid do?

hormone prevents large scale muscular rigidity

what are equine called from birth- >2yrs?

horse meat

what is ovine less than 3 mo called?

hothouse lamb

concerns for veal?

how veal are raised greater quality and paleness

what does the testes produce?


Disrupt the myofibrils by:

increased activity of endogenous enzymes addition of exogenous enzymes severance of myofibrils

vitamin E feeding of cattle

increases alpha-tocopherol concentration in muscle which is an anti-oxidant that retards the conversion of reduced myoglobin or oxymyoglobin to metmyoglobin

tender cut in top blade steak?


what is caprine 3-9 mo called?


fats in pork for edible meat by-products?

lard/shortening = rear end

shearlings pelts is the?

least valuable

locomotive vs suppor muscles?

less connective tissue in support muscles

what is important about 16 degrees celsius?

lowest point for cold-shortening to occur

what is dried blood or blood meal?

made by coagulating fresh blood with steam, draining off the liquid, drying the coagulum

what is meat meal?

made of proteinaceous materials from inedible rendering process

what is gelatin?

made of skin, hides, connective tissue from cattle and calves cooking in water converts collagen to gelatin

what is glue?

made of skin, hides, connective tissue from cattle and calves extracted from the materials by successive heatings in water under certain temperature conditions

why is the tender loin so tender?

marbling locomotive hanging

what is crackling?

melted fat being released from supporting tissues

Conversion of collagen to gelatin

moist-heat cookery

a long sarcomere indicates?

more tender meat

greater sarcomere length, collagen solubility, and amount of marbling indicates?

more tender meat

lower muscle fiber diameter, sarcomere/fragment, amount of stromal proteins and size of elastin fibrils indicate?

more tender meat

what is a muscle fiber?

muscle cell smallest functional unit in muscle -multinucleated

Curing reaction

myoglobin and oxymyoglobin> plus NO> nitric oxide myoglobin > plus heat> nitrosyl hemochromegen

What are thick filaments made of?



non-heat shrink vs heat-shrink laminated vs coextruded cryovac B620 bag-MOST COMMON

How to make meat more tender

1. cause the sarcomeres to be longer 2. disrupt the integrity of the myofibrils 3. disrupt the integrity of the connective tissue

most bags are heat shrunk to: (4)

-helps bag conform to meat to reduce flex cracks -helps eliminate pockets -thickens bag for puncture resistance -improves oxygen barrier properties

New method of manufacturing

-larger profit due to good research -now takes 2 days -use of starter culture to speed up process of conversion from NO3 to NO2

wrapping film

-vacuum packages barrier to O2 -retail film permeable to O2

what is ham made of?

1 plus curing ingredients

what are frankfurters made of?

1,2, and 3 plus seasoning and curing ingredients

disrupt the myofibrils

1. cooler aging - store 1-6wks in 0-3 degreed 2. high temp, post-rigor chilling- storage at 20 degrees for 24hrs 3. high temp, pre-rigor chilling - 16 degrees for 16hrs 4. electrical stimulation - rapid pH decline ruptures lysosome and releases cathepesins 5. CaCl infusion/injection - increased activity of calpains

Two meat color problems

1. premature browning caused by highly oxidized meat or exposed to high oxygen atmosphere -not a good indicator of cooked meat 2. premature pinkness caused by high pH meat stay pink -uncooked color

Meat color is impacted by the following factors

1. quantity of myoglobin - trends* 2. chemical state of myoglobin 3. metmyoglobin reducing activity 4. two meat color problems 5. vitamin E feeding to cattle 6. activity of bacteria 7. curing 8. wrapping film

what can prevent cold-shortening?

1. speed drop in pH in muscle 2. slowdown drop in muscle temperature -must have BOTH to make cold shortening happen -one or the other must be done to prevent cold shortening

bacon curing

120ppm -highest to inject in-going NaNO2 148 ppm in-going KNO2 550ppm ascorbates/erythorbates

ham curing

200ppm in-going NO2 550ppm of ascorbates, erythorbates

dry sugar cure

5-3-3, 7 days/inch

5inch ham how many days would it take to cure?

5in x 7day/in =35 days

what are some pharmaceuticals?

Glands: adrenal ovaries pancreas parathyroid pituitary testes thyroid

Chemical state of myoglobin



H2O purple color


H2O2 green color

nitric oxide myoglobin

NO cured pink

dry cure



O2 red color

relative rank tenderness

PIGLT BRASS DLTS - biceps femoris from sirloin PIGLET RASSB DLTS - biceps femoris from round

quantity of myoglobin

a. age in species - myoglobin loses its affinity for O2 as age increases, younger animals = more myoglobin b. species differences - age related, diff. between red vs. white muscle fibers pork- pink lamb - light red beef -cherry red c. type of muscle locomotive - extensor carpi radialis support - longissimus dorsi

Severance of myofibrils

a. electrical stimulation - violent contractions cause myofibril tearing b. blade/needle tenderizer - penetrate as it passes thru conveyor c. mechanical severance - grinding (ultimate chopper), chopping, dicing d. hydrodyne - destroys Z- lines to improve tenderness

Use of exogenous enzymes

a. marination with salt and vinegar -H2O solution with 2% NaCl plus acetic acid b. rhozyme - sue of fungal enzyme : aspergillus oryzae c. tropical plant enzymes

Prevent cold shortening:

a. subcutaneous fat thickness - .10in lam, .25in beef b. high temp., pre-rigor chilling-16 degrees for 16hrs right after slaughter c. electrical stimulation - very fats drop in muscle pH , quicker onset of rigor mortis

what are thin filaments made of?

actin, troponin, tropomyosin

difference among muscles?

actomyosin effect background effect bulk density or lubrication effect

what is caprine >2 yrs called?


what affects flavor of meat?


what does blood provide?

albumin and amino acids

boxed beef

allows controlled fabrication of beef into major primals and subprimals followed by vacuum packaging and boxing into 7-9 boxes per carcass

present boxed beef plants

amarillo, friona, cactus

lubrication effect?

amount and distribution of marbling

color index

amount of myoglobin in meat

degree fo doneness?

as meat is cooked to more advanced degree of doneness the tougher it'll get -marbling

what is a bovine 1-2yrs or greater called?


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