ANT 160

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What are lineages?

A consanguineal kin group practicing unilineal descent, which includes persons who can actually trace their relationship to a common ancestor.

What is the difference between genocide and a civil war?

A genocide results in the extermination of everyone of a defined group, including unarmed men, women and children while a civil war is usually fought between armed men with the goal not to kill women and children.

What are proto-languages?

A reconstructed language.

The discipline of Anthropology is made up of which four subfields:

Cultural anthropology, archaeology, physical anthropology, and linguistics.


Destruction of a particular groups way of life

ethnicity is not an example of an imagined community


exogamy= rules that require a person to marry inside of the group



Horticultural/ pastoral groups where there is competition for power between kin groups. small demographic scale, and power limited to the settlement. For example: The Yanomamo (Venezuela) the indigenous groups of highland papua new guinea

The origins of food production led to what changes in human societies?

Human societies were able to settle down in villages/towns and populations began to grow.

Should the "state" protect the rights of the ethnic group or the individual?

In a democratic state, the state must protect the rights of the individual.

Where does the film take place?

In central Africa.

For band societies, would you expect to find evidence of temples, altars, or other large scale remains of mortuary practices? Why or why not?

No. The relationship to ancestral spirits does not appear to be well developed and used to claim/justify power.

In the film "Dadi's Family", what type of kinship descent pattern is illustrated?


According to Max Weber (1992/1968), what are the three dimensions to social stratification?

Status (prestige), wealth, and power.

achieved status

Status is something that you've worked and earned

What is ascribed status?

Status or position one is born into.

For whom in general are the educational systems in democracies developed?

The general public.

Where do women move when they get married and what is the term for this?

To their husband's home, Patrilocal.

In what environments are people particularly affected by thalassemia and sickle cell anemia? Why does heterozygote superiority in relation to these diseases and in these environments help people to survive better?

Tropical environments along the Equator; helps them survive better if they get malaria.


a compromise kin group based on a rule of residence in descent

Territoriality is....

behaviors that occur in relation to the territory occupied by a group

in dadis family why might the families be happier when a boy baby is born than when a girl baby is born

boys will stay with the family

What are some of the problems that the Nukak Maku have had to confront since the encroachment of colonizers on their traditional territory?

lack of a concept and access to money loss if terrtory loss of cultural identity and language exposure to infectious diseases

The United States has sometimes been called a ________________ because of the different cultural and ethnic backgrounds of the people living within it's territorial borders.

melting pot

Is it always easy to differentiate between different ethnic groups?


Current evidence on the earliest migrations of humans to the Americas indicate approximately how many waves of human groups were involved?

3 to 4 waves

What is the approximate time period for when humans first entered the Americas?

50,000 to 13,000 years ago.

What is animism?

A belief in spirit entities


A system of differentiation not based on kinship but on access to wealth

What does nationalism mean?

All of the answers provided. -People's desires to have the political territory of the state be the same as where they feel these ties of unity -A proud or strong feeling of attachment to one's nation-state -feelings of unity


An imagined community, a category currently utilized to describe groups of people within a state or occupying territories of different states, like a kinship category where members share a common history and territory

Why might democracies be relatively stable forms of government? (Pick only the one best answer)

Both all voters have a stake in the elections and voters come from diverse backgrounds.

What is an ethnic group?

Both choices: an imagined community and peoples who feel connected somewhat like kin who have a common history and ancestral territory.

What is religion?

Both choices: the quest for meaning; a supernatural reality; to understand and be in balance and the sacred and the profane.

What changes are discussed in terms of husband and wife relations?

Both women can speak up now to their husband's and they are no longer very obedient to their mother in laws.


Can be seen as the economic structures whereby individuals of similar background, ethnicity, etc. group together to contend with larger scale economic forces beyond their control


Cult to the ancestors (symbol) a belief in which each human is thought to have a spiritual connection or a kinship with another physical being, such as an animal or plant, often called a "spirit-being" or "totem.

According to the map shown in lecture on world political systems, what type of political systems appears to be occurring more in the world today?


According to the article by Colin Woodard, there seem to be how many different "nations" or major sub-cultures in North America and what does he attribute this to?

Eleven; migration.


Founder of religions, person with power based on personal revelations and charisma. A person who has followers who through routinization may be able to spread the doctrine of the prophet to large populations

What type of mobility do they exhibit: highly mobile, semi-sedentary or sedentary?

Highly mobile.

What type of society are the Nukak Maku defined as? (Capitalize first letter in first word and add a period at end)


When and where did the Industrial Revolution begin?

Late 1700's; England.

What are three factors that cause changes to the genetic code or heritable traits?

Mutations, natural selection, and genetic drift.

One explanation for the creation of new technologies in relation to the Industrial Revolution is linked to the following saying: "_________________ is the mother of invention."


Would you expect to find abundant remains of domesticated plants and animals (not wild ones) if you were excavating a site they had inhabited?



Non- centralized marginal population with similar cultural/ ethnic affinities


Non- governmental organizations who work with local groups on issues of justice, equity, legal issues, access to information, etc..

Examples of genetic drift and the founder's effect include:

O blood type of Native Americans. and the genetic and phenotypic composition of occupants of Pitcairn island in the Pacific Ocean.

What does heterozygote superiority of selection or balanced polymorphism mean?

People with a trait that has recessive and dominant alleles will survive better in certain environments than will people who do not have this allelic composition for the trait.

When the term "First Nations" is used in the article or lecture, what does that mean?

Political entities of indigenous peoples who were the first occupants of North America.

What are the ways that humans contact the supernatural?

Praying, fasting, mortification of flesh, preaching, sacrifices, and use of drugs are all used to contact supernatural.

2 major sects or denominations of islam

Shias (Are partisans of AliBelieve Mohammed's divine knowledge was passed to his cousin & son in law Ali, and thus Ali should become Mohammed's Succesor) or Shiites and Sufis (Followers of islamic mysticism, seek to establish direct communication with Allah through emotional experiences)

How are ranked societies defined?

Societies comprised of kinship groups that vary in prestige or social esteem.


Societies to which membership and types of labor are ascribed at birth and in which social mobility between groups or set is not allowed

Great apes have communication systems but apparently do not have the abilities to use what? (pick the linguistic term).


What are two examples of diseases caused by mutations that are known to favor heterozygote superiority?

Thalassemia and sickle cell anemia

Who is Dadi and she refers to whom as the inferior cast? Does she think that education helps women?

The Grandmother, women, yes


The creation of separate social strata based on three dimensions which are economic status or wealth, power, and prestige

How is a family defined and who controls the land and money (salaries)? How do these things appear to be changing with modernization/ education/ industrialization?

The extended family, the eldest husband and wife of the extended family, nuclear families and not extended families are increasing.

The development of what type of system at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution seems to have promoted the growth of capitalism, a system where the means of production and distribution are privately owned.

The factory system.

In the lecture on a Brief History of the Industrial Revolution, the last two phases appear to have an increase in new technologies focused on ______________________.

The individual.


The nation in the state coincide in terms of countries and beliefs

Did the origins of food production occur in different locations independently around the world or was there one great civilization that accounted for this?

The origins of food production occurred independently in different areas of the world.

What promoted population growth in certain areas of the world which led to migrations and the spread of proto-languages?

The origins of food production.

What is genocide?

The physical extermination of a defined category of people.

Why might the families in the village be happier when a boy baby is born than when a girl baby is born?

The society is patrilineal.

What is magic?

The use of chants, charms etc. to pretend to or to try to influence future events, taking the supernatural into one's own hands.

What does the term "Industrial Revolution " refer to?

The use of machines that are more efficient than human labor. The invention of machines that run on fuels that are generally non-renewable. The invention of new technologies.

Franz Boas, founder of the first university department of anthropology in the US, promoted the concept of cultural relativism which refers to the fact that:

There are no inferior or superior cultures

Naitonalism= the desire of individuals with common historic roots to control a particular territory


examples of places and ethnic groups to which genocide has occurred are northern sudan and the holocaust in WWll


indigenous= to be the first peoples in the area


state= defined territory with a centralized power base and monopoly over the control of the use of force


the 5 major pillars of islam= shahadah, salat, zakat, sawn, hajj


Should the United Nations step into countries where genocide or ethnic cleansing is occurring?

Yes, because all humans have basic rights.

What type of evidence can be used to trace population migrations and determine the linguistic foundations of different language families?

archeological evidence historic or comparative linguistic evidence biological and genetic evidence

What types of evidence are utilized to determine when and how humans entered the Americas?

archeological evidence linguistic evidence genetic evidence

chiefdoms are

ascribed positions based on lineage that has control via marriage or war

What are the general types of human subsistence strategies based on plants?

foraging and collecting managing horticulture/cultivation extensive agriculture intensive agriculture

What are the general types of human subsistence strategies based on animals?

hunting herding ranching pastoralism transhumance


individual who through dreams acts as an intermediary to the spirit world

Trends in religious ideologies and politics seem to indicate that who are becoming more important in different societies?


egalitarianism is...

little status differentiation

example of a band

maku (all of the above)

what type of subsistence strategy do the nuer practice


in the film "Dadis family" what type of descent pattern is practiced



pre-liminal: The stage which marks the break and end of the old order and status before the individual or group come to terms with the new phase.Ex: buying a wedding dress, writing down vows, before a wedding liminal: the period in which a person or community is between two distinct phases of life.Ex: walking down the aisle, exchanging vows, placing wedding bands on each others fingers post-liminal: This marks the end of the liminal phase and the reintegration of the people involved to their new social roles and identity.Ex: Husband and wife, buying a house as newly weds, starting a family

the 3 stages of ritual are

preliminary, liminal, postliminal

the 3 dimensions of stratification are....

prestige, wealth, and power

industrial revolution and characteristics of industrial societies

refers to the dramatic technological and economic innovations that occurred in england from about 1760 to 1830. Based on the use go machines for labor, focused on the individual and labor specialization instead of kinship groups for access to resources, neolocal marriage residence patterns, negative reciprocity where the goal of exchange if for a profit

bands are...

the oldest form of political organization

genocide is...

the physical extermination of a defined category of people

What is religion's purposes and functions?

to try and influence future events explain the unknown belief systems that give meaning to life

When a clan's apical ancestor is non-human, it is called a _________________________.


what are the 2 dimensions of reciprocity in the masked dance

vertical and horizontal

According to the article by Colin Woodard, does the background of people from different parts of the United States (i.e where their ancestors came from, what they believed and other aspects of lifestyle) affect how these people might think about current issues, like gun control?


According to the article, is the language spoken by people in these different "nations" also related to where the early European and other immigrants came from?


Are nation-states made up of different ethnic groups?


Do industrial societies generally have lower fertility rates than non-industrial or industrializing societies?


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